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ENEE 222 Discrete Time Signal Processing

Spring 2021

Problem Set 4 – due 2021-02-23 11:59PM

Problem 1: There is a signal on the course web site called “signal1.txt”. It is made up of several
sinusoids. Load the signal into MATLAB and plot it. See if you can determine how many
sinusoids are in the signal and what their frequencies are. Hint: Use the MATLAB function
pwelch to compute the power spectral density.

Problem 2: Now construct the (row vector) signal x=[sin(2*pi*f(1)*t) , sin(2*pi*f(2)*t) ,

sin(2*pi*f(3)*t)] using the same range of time t as in Problem 1 and the same frequencies that
you found in Problem 1 (assuming there are 3). Plot this signal and its power spectral density and
compare it to the power spectral density of the signal in Problem 1. Comment on the results. (For
convenience the signal is on the course web site as “signal2.txt.”) Note that the first signal is
“stationary” and the second is not, even though they have the same underlying components.
Problem 3:

Problem 4: Find the Fourier Series for each of the following signals.

Problem 5:

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