Pol - Our Cutie - Post Your Translations Edition - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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21/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ - POST YOUR TRANSLATIONS EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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File: S.png (1.03 MB, 1198x672)

Anonymous (ID: VeU7b9NU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:19:02 No.309097881
▶ >>309098017 >>309098108 >>309098355 >>309098368 >>309098510 >>309098648
>>309098783 >>309098890 >>309099034 >>309099601 >>309099670 >>309099755
>>309099964 >>309099986

Yesterday’s live interview

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2BDDm9F3kI [Embed]

https://youtu.be/tU65u6ykGMA?t=5436 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1kf3jGEcNs [Embed]


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21/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ - POST YOUR TRANSLATIONS EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>Named the Jew on a Blue Division memorial act.
>Is 18. Started embracing fascism at 13, probably autistic. Very well read.
>Immediate kvetching and legal persecution by international jewry.
>Twitter went from 4k to 10k. Taken down in less than 24 hours.
>Facing possibility of jail. Accepts it proudly for her ideals. Would write a book while in jail.
>Shills and meme-flag posting on max, calling her non-white, jewish, spic, whore, etc.
>Has now done a bomb live interview dropping huge red-pills left and right.

Thread theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG8Kv_Mie30 [Embed]

Previous: >>309005448 →

>> Anonymous (ID: JsOlvEp/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:20:54 No.309098017 ▶

>>309097881 (OP)
what a fox!

>> Anonymous (ID: VeU7b9NU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:21:26 No.309098049 ▶ >>309098655 >>309098683 >>309099548

File: D.png (492 KB, 566x676)

>tfw you'll never be her dog

>> Anonymous (ID: DXKDxTMw ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:22:19 No.309098108 ▶ >>309098347

>>309097881 (OP)
Fuck off simp. Women can't be trusted

>> Anonymous (ID: BIyzv/NL ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:22:34 No.309098128 ▶ >>309100303

File: comfy apu.jpg (78 KB, 1024x683)

>mfw followed her new twitter account

>don't even speak spanish

>> Anonymous (ID: 65VLeYYN ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:22:51 No.309098152 ▶

File: 1613694121266.png (99 KB, 473x299)

>> Anonymous (ID: M9QPCOCR ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:23:46 No.309098226 ▶

Women, what's stopping you from looking like this?

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21/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ - POST YOUR TRANSLATIONS EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous (ID: dKRLjxTZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:25:28 No.309098347 ▶ >>309098781

You arent in charge of the JQ, Russia. Nobody asked you. You are on of the Js in Q.

>> Anonymous (ID: 4fFtJ08t ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:25:33 No.309098354 ▶

To be honest, we will probably start seeing a lot more of these speakers show up.

However in time it will come to a trial of whether or not they have the oratory skills to lead the next gentle

>> Anonymous (ID: R1Um5SHU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:25:34 No.309098355 ▶

>>309097881 (OP)
Imagine her feet

>> Anonymous (ID: ZPGssgPR ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:25:46 No.309098368 ▶

>>309097881 (OP)
I have a bad feeling about this, no one this young should hold this responsibility. She is going to be eaten
alive and thirsty dudes in the movement will find a way to take advantage of her and tarnish her image

>> Anonymous (ID: WEy5kqbU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:27:29 No.309098510 ▶ >>309098680

>>309097881 (OP)
>simping for a falagist girl
>post a carlist song

>> Anonymous (ID: vS1USA4q ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:29:27 No.309098648 ▶

File: GatewayBible.png (16 KB, 857x457)

>>309097881 (OP)

¿Dónde está el texto en inglés para que la

gente lo lea?

>> Anonymous (ID: O5haGMV1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:29:34 No.309098655 ▶

Look at that paw.

>> Anonymous (ID: VeU7b9NU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:29:52 No.309098680 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: /FE5wL7B ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:29:54 No.309098683 ▶ >>309098806


>> Anonymous (ID: DXKDxTMw ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:31:06 No.309098781 ▶

>JQ. JS in Q
The fuck is this schizo crap?
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21/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ - POST YOUR TRANSLATIONS EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: vS1USA4q ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:31:09 No.309098783 ▶

File: maskdumb.jpg (50 KB, 720x719)

>>309097881 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: VeU7b9NU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:31:28 No.309098806 ▶ >>309098888

File: h.png (162 KB, 400x408)


>> Anonymous (ID: T66bZA1v ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:32:28 No.309098888 ▶

>if only you knew how great things are going to be

>> Anonymous (ID: PU24LoS9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:32:30 No.309098890 ▶

File: smoking.jpg (66 KB, 580x514)

>>309097881 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: z2aGupFz ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:34:42 No.309099034 ▶ >>309099866

>>309097881 (OP)
Based, but as a women she should quit smoking

>> Anonymous (ID: V4cPJlM6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:41:50 No.309099548 ▶

File: nassim.jpg (19 KB, 457x278)


>> Anonymous (ID: q+SBwsD7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:42:46 No.309099601 ▶ >>309099686

File: cutie.png (161 KB, 185x474)

>>309097881 (OP)

https://youtu.be/x5zUaxRcNAU [Embed]

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21/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ - POST YOUR TRANSLATIONS EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: 0Ks6vFoB ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:44:03 No.309099670 ▶ >>309099866

>>309097881 (OP)
>she smokes

>> Anonymous (ID: q+SBwsD7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:44:16 No.309099686 ▶

File: Cutie2.png (906 KB, 678x589)


>> Anonymous (ID: X//UTXYZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:45:21 No.309099755 ▶ >>309099935

>>309097881 (OP)
Ok, some social media company is behind these posts, ignore this trash please.

>> Anonymous (ID: V4cPJlM6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:46:59 No.309099866 ▶

File: rauchen.jpg (7 KB, 236x236)

Fuck off puritans

>> Anonymous (ID: VeU7b9NU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:47:53 No.309099935 ▶

>some social media company is behind a girl directly threatening their existence

>> Anonymous (ID: +yQ48O7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:48:19 No.309099964 ▶

>>309097881 (OP)
Based Spaniard

>> Anonymous (ID: pjexoLj1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:48:37 No.309099986 ▶

>>309097881 (OP)
I will breed her

>> Anonymous (ID: VeU7b9NU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:51:23 No.309100160 ▶

Video already has 74K views btw

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>> Anonymous (ID: zt6nG00/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:53:30 No.309100303 ▶
File: 1613854978677.png (254 KB, 536x303)

>watched the whole stream yesterday
>didn't understand a thing

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