Pol - Isabel I'm Your Best Simp - Politically Incorrect - 4changg

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22/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel I'm your best simp - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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File: vsin.t16_funny_photo_Scre(...).png (515 KB, 720x1280)

Isabel I'm your best simp Anonymous (ID: suwlo3Ml ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:59
No.309151082 ▶ >>309151923 >>309152046 >>309153643 >>309155065 >>309158311 >>309158958
>>309159111 >>309159454 >>309160098 >>309160241 >>309163860 >>309164151 >>309165086 >>309167858

Thanks for using my photoshoped pic for your profiles


>> Anonymous (ID: suwlo3Ml ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:42:59 No.309151208 ▶

>>309151923 >>309152046 >>309160098
File: vsin.t16_funny_photo_Scre(...).png (457 KB, 720x720)

I'm a cashpig and I live for tribute my mistress

>> Anonymous (ID: F/xDGttC ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:04 No.309151923 ▶ >>309153045 >>309165136

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22/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel I'm your best simp - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309151082 (OP)

wich one of you donated 1,000€?

>> Anonymous (ID: iEGdTjgL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:59 No.309152046 ▶

File: 124105650_115556885484522(...).jpg (155 KB, 828x1472)

>>309151082 (OP)
Latina pussy has /pol/ going crazy

>> Anonymous (ID: DlmgONp5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:57:38 No.309153045 ▶

wow, women do play on easy mode

>> Anonymous (ID: suwlo3Ml ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:00:44 No.309153430 ▶ >>309155375 >>309160171

File: 1613941059827.png (10 KB, 508x230)

I added 500€ more

>> Anonymous (ID: 24KtrJ0b ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:26 No.309153643 ▶

>>309151082 (OP)
You are going to get her arrested. Stop.

>> Anonymous (ID: suwlo3Ml ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:31 No.309153654 ▶

File: 1613939397583.png (334 KB, 530x299)

Somebody has to pay this 1 million euro


>> Anonymous (ID: suwlo3Ml ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:07 No.309153842 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: M0l7odAI ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:14:37 No.309155065 ▶

>>309151082 (OP)
Enhorabuena anon.

>> Anonymous (ID: MWk0B5oV ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:17:24 No.309155375 ▶ >>309155722 >>309161456 >>309163825


She deserves it, i hope she starts an onlyfans

>> Anonymous (ID: tuEyY3za ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:20:23 No.309155722 ▶

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lmao kys

>> Anonymous (ID: Qghe1ymH ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:37:02 No.309157780 ▶

The start of the simpocalypse

>> Anonymous (ID: +e/FADAf ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:41:22 No.309158311 ▶ >>309164405 >>309164809

File: sneed.jpg (6 KB, 225x225)

>>309151082 (OP)
I don't know if this is true or not, but some anons have been saying that this twitter is
fake and the fundraiser it links to is a scam
Has anyone found out if it's fake or not?

>> Anonymous (ID: xGMZhVcx ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:23 No.309158958 ▶

File: COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(...).gif (2.43 MB, 498x413)

>>309151082 (OP)
Here we go again

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:47:31 No.309159111 ▶ >>309159766 >>309164257

File: 1613943363606.jpg (268 KB, 1209x1266)

>>309151082 (OP)
To anyone calling those supporting Isabel simps I have 3 simple questions;

Do you avoid watching porn?

Are you a virgin waiting until marriage?

Do you love Jesus?

Unless you can answer yes to all 3 then you're a simp yourself on top of being a kike. And if you love
Jesus then why are you crying over a thot who calls out the Jews?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone applies to hypocritical kikes like you. You're the exact faggots
Jesus was lecturing.

>> Anonymous (ID: kykiBf1Z ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:50:23 No.309159454 ▶ >>309161464

File: Queen of Pol.jpg (363 KB, 1063x1920)

>>309151082 (OP)


>> Anonymous (ID: +e/FADAf ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:52:56 No.309159766 ▶ >>309160025

>Do you avoid watching porn?

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>Are you a virgin waiting until marriage?
Not a virgin, but I don't currently engage in sexual relationships until I meet my future wife.
>Do you love Jesus?

>> Anonymous (ID: 27Oeqbf9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:54:27 No.309159942 ▶

80% of this board are incel men between the ages of 18 and 24.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:55:11 No.309160025 ▶ >>309160378 >>309163649

File: 1607896473938.jpg (28 KB, 369x496)

>He's not a virgin
Then you already fucked up and are a simp. You were so enthralled by pussy that you
gave up your precious gift that God wanted you to save for your wife of marriage before
Him. Be silent, hypocrite. You can't claim to love Jesus while shaming a thot that names
the Jews in service to His Kingdom.

You're the exact same as the kikes Jesus was rebuking. Repent to Jesus.

>> Anonymous (ID: TEzgXEL2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:55:44 No.309160098 ▶

>>309151082 (OP)
Look at this jewish shill posts
>if I say simp enough maybe they will stop hating jewish

>> Anonymous (ID: TEzgXEL2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:56:16 No.309160171 ▶

Inspect element fake screen shots fuck you kikes are pathetic

>> Anonymous (ID: D69jWN26 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:56:53 No.309160241 ▶ >>309163583

>>309151082 (OP)
No te la vas a coger hermano

>> Anonymous (ID: +e/FADAf ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:58:12 No.309160378 ▶ >>309160658

Don't use God's name in vane while being a fucking retard thinking you know shit. Shame on you.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:00:26 No.309160658 ▶ >>309161182

File: 1604154342011.jpg (24 KB, 420x500)

I know the will of God because I've read His word and know Him for myself. People like
you bring shame to the faith and will be rejected by Christ on the day of Judgement as
the pretenders that you are. Repent, or be cast into the lake of fire.

>> Anonymous (ID: +e/FADAf ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:04:26 No.309161182 ▶ >>309161420

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>Repent, or be cast into the lake of fire.
I'm a Christian, unlike you fucking LARPer. GTFO

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:06:21 No.309161420 ▶ >>309163606

File: 1609768084173.jpg (76 KB, 374x513)

You're a pretender who will be rejected by Jesus. You're also a complete hypocrite that
cries over some thot that is serving God by naming Jews while not even being a virgin
while claiming to love Jesus. Faith without works is dead, meaning that if you're going to
talk shit in Christ name then you need to back it up. You cannot shame other people for
degeneracy when you're a degenerate yourself, kike.


>> Anonymous (ID: cwmhNHpj ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:06:35 No.309161456 ▶

This. She would reach so many more men like that. She would turn the world to Fascism in no time.

>> Anonymous (ID: ifOhjZFj ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:06:40 No.309161464 ▶ >>309162989

post the original. Something is wrong with her eyes. just fucking draw the reality and not this fake face

>> Anonymous (ID: epWn1Ut1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:10:28 No.309161943 ▶ >>309163438


This is Isabel. While all of this is flattering (to some extent of degree or other) it is also becoming
increasingly so that you are all very creepy. Please stop what you are doing

>> Anonymous (ID: suwlo3Ml ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:12:15 No.309162139 ▶

File: paco2.jpg (166 KB, 1280x720)

>> Anonymous (ID: Uhjsy+b9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:13:46 No.309162321 ▶

She looks so hot in her leather outfit

>> Anonymous (ID: O92OZFbC ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:16:54 No.309162716 ▶ >>309164412

hold the fuck up

she got canceled and her social media got deplatformed right?
so where did these ones come from?

>> Anonymous (ID: rGXaxLGm ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:19:11 No.309162989 ▶ >>309163744

File: C6531F6A-F1E1-4099-B42A-6(...).jpg (218 KB, 819x1024)


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>> Anonymous (ID: avbFhWzi ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:22:55 No.309163420 ▶ >>309163893

wait, she doesnt have a penis?

>> Anonymous (ID: 9cBRGoBe ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:23:04 No.309163438 ▶

hi isabel, how did you get to burger land?

>> Anonymous (ID: IVQ+kVFn ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:24:23 No.309163583 ▶

Basado Santi, siempre lo veo comentando esto

>> Anonymous (ID: yWTrQiNB ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:24:33 No.309163606 ▶ >>309164152

"Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on
another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the
judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge
those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?"

Romans 2:1-3

"But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth."

Colossians 3:8

Stop LARPing and read the Bible. You seem to be consumed by hatred of that which you do not control.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5bQ/Kqcv ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:24:56 No.309163649 ▶ >>309163770

What if i had sex with my gf out of marrige and then marry her years later is that still sin ?

>> Anonymous (ID: m9JWbSjX ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:25:39 No.309163744 ▶ >>309163936

Is she spanish? Like native? I'm a Moroccan and not even we couldn't made them this dark.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9cBRGoBe ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:25:54 No.309163770 ▶ >>309163892

jesus would call you a nigger for that

>> Anonymous (ID: IVQ+kVFn ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:26:29 No.309163825 ▶

Not bad, considering 85% of /pol/ are masturbating furiously for her every 5 hours.

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>> Anonymous (ID: noKikM4m ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:26:48 No.309163860 ▶ >>309164320

File: 1604097967166.jpg (9 KB, 250x250)

>>309151082 (OP)
Didn't give a shit about her before but i am sick of seeing this peruvian skank posted
over and over. Gonna sign up for twitter just to report her. Fight me simps

>> Anonymous (ID: 4ajCf9FE ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:27:11 No.309163892 ▶

Jesus sounds fucking retarded.

>> Anonymous (ID: VQ1Qbn5M ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:27:13 No.309163893 ▶ >>309164880

If only

>> Anonymous (ID: noKikM4m ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:27:29 No.309163936 ▶

Her parents are peruvian immigrants so no she isn't native spanish

>> Anonymous (ID: 1kRb66QR ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:29:14 No.309164151 ▶

File: sketchin2.png (347 KB, 837x1500)

>>309151082 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:29:15 No.309164152 ▶ >>309165981

File: 1613374634352.jpg (64 KB, 500x500)

>Psalm 97:10 "Hate evil, you who love the Lord"

>Amos 5:15 "Hate evil, love good"

>Romans 12:9 "Abhor what is evil"

>Proverbs 13:5 "A righteous man hates falsehood"

>Ephesians 5:11-12 "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove
them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

You absolutely fail to understand the word of God because you don't actually know God for yourself. We
are called to hate evil and oppose it and those who promote it. Those who'd shame ANYONE that works
towards the glory of God's Kingdom, even a thot, is who that verse and "let he who is without sin" is
talking about.

Like Jesus, I judge the self-righteous and the wicked in His name, like His disciples did. Unlike the rest of
you kikes I actually love Jesus, and that's why I'm standing with this nazi thot and against you Godless

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Repent to Jesus or you'll be cast into the lake of fire.

>> Anonymous (ID: YaYzfZ5J ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:30:13 No.309164257 ▶ >>309164689

so...how much did you donate?

>> sagemaster (ID: zirPFfrT ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:30:47 No.309164320 ▶

File: 1576018598617.jpg (145 KB, 660x798)

> Gonna sign up for twitter
no. don't let them win. you're stronger than

>> Anonymous (ID: /MHfUERO ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:31:28 No.309164405 ▶

Always assume it's fake until you personally are certain otherwise.

>> Anonymous (ID: O92OZFbC ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:31:33 No.309164412 ▶ >>309165035 >>309165509 >>309165677

anyone gonna answer this >>309162716 ?

how do we know that these accounts are actually her and not some lefty faggot trying to scam you?
there's zero new pictures of her on them, just retweets and the same profile picture straight out of this

Did she confirm these accounts anywhere or were they confirmed by someone close to her?

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:33:51 No.309164689 ▶

I ask the same question again;

Do you avoid watching porn?

Are you a virgin waiting until marriage?

Do you love Jesus?

Where does your sense of righteousness that compels you to shit on a thot naming Jews come from?
Help me understand this energy and passion of yours.

>> Anonymous (ID: N+GTlLT3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:34:54 No.309164809 ▶ >>309165677

Until she appears on her YT channel or twitter, I'd be cautious

>> Anonymous (ID: l+mwa4Uj ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:35:06 No.309164836 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: avbFhWzi ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:35:29 No.309164880 ▶

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i assumed thats why she was so popular here

>> Anonymous (ID: noKikM4m ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:35:43 No.309164913 ▶

She seems like the type of girl that would. She looks like a total slut. One whiff of brown pussy and pol
stops caring about girls being traditional

>> Anonymous (ID: noKikM4m ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:36:41 No.309165035 ▶ >>309165509 >>309165677

I hope it's a scam. Simp pay pigs deserve to get fucked

>> Anonymous (ID: JFTb2tCN ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:37:06 No.309165086 ▶

>>309151082 (OP)
1. Name the jew
2. blame the jew
3. when you are online, then blame the jew

>> YHVH loves you (ID: Mh+Sc2Qu ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:37:35 No.309165136 ▶ >>309165502

File: 1596169744099.png (50 KB, 282x424)

haha the grift is revving up already!! give up all of your monies little

>> Anonymous (ID: noKikM4m ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:40:24 No.309165502 ▶

Women are only motivated by money. Women are the jews of gender

>> Anonymous (ID: O92OZFbC ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:40:28 No.309165509 ▶

the gofundme also says that it is setup by "her friends" even if there's actually her name on it
also she never mentioned a gofundme on the stream

I smell kikes

>> Anonymous (ID: fe60KjoH ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:41:51 No.309165677 ▶

File: 1583020861366.jpg (244 KB, 1080x1080)

Bastion Frontal (the organisation she's in) has retweeted her account. In fact I think
they're the ones who set up the gofundme.

>> Anonymous (ID: yWTrQiNB ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:44:20 No.309165981 ▶ >>309166555

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Do you just cherry-pick what you like and dislike from scripture?

Jesus did not come to this earth 2000 years ago to judge - he came to show us the way to salvation.

Your interpretation of that verse is entirely incorrect and it is why you are being hypocritical. For whenever
you judge another, you are also condemning yourself - this means that since you know the justice of God,
as evidenced by the fact you are judging others, you are without excuse, because in the very act of
judging you have condemned yourself. You point to a standard that no man can attain - which condemns
everyone, not only obvious sinners (or "degenerates" and "kikes" as you refer to them as).

A moralist such as yourself is just as guilty as the degenerate, which is why your hatred for THEM over
the hatred of their sins is hypocritical. Reading the teachings of the Lord shows you He has been better to
all of us than we deserve, he has shown kindness when we have ignored him, mocked him, and is willing
to forgive all. In the end you are no different from anyone else, and your moral high horse has no
scriptural legs to stand on.

Just some thoughts for you.

>> Anonymous (ID: 1MmH5iDR ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:44:35 No.309166012 ▶

Does anyone have a feet pic?

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:49:19 No.309166555 ▶ >>309166928

File: 1592595518090.jpg (135 KB, 563x796)

I'm only judging the kikes shaming this girl because she's a thot and people find her
attractive, even though she's naming the Jew. All this energy is hypocritical, because the
kikes crying about her are silent on the utter degeneracy of this entire board and all the
porn and lewd images. I don't see the same outrage and energy being used to clean this
board up vs shitting on a thot who names Jews. That verse applies to THEM, not me. Like
Jesus, I'm calling out these hypocritical kikes and am supporting a girl who "hates evil" by
naming Jews. Her appearance and her being a woman does not matter, and here's a verse
supporting that;

>26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been
baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. - Galatians 3

She's naming the Jew and thus is being obedient to God's will. Nobody who claims to be a Christian
should be shaming her at all, less they themselves be exposed as hypocrites by Jesus. What's more, how
many of these kikes shaming this thot are virgins and avoid porn? And even if they can claim that, it's a
very small amount of the hypocrites complaining because otherwise this board would NOT be so fucking
degenerate and full of simping and lewd images and porn.

So again, kike, you and everyone else jumping on this thot are hypocrites and are full of shit. Repent to
Jesus or you'll be cast into the lake of fire.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: Mh+Sc2Qu ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:52:13 No.309166928 ▶ >>309167048

File: 1592438248782.jpg (13 KB, 371x353)

Its really moronic to call yourself a Christian then go around calling every other
person a "kike". You really think Hashem would appreciate that?

>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:53:19 No.309167048 ▶ >>309167307

File: 1604188027492.jpg (121 KB, 726x564)
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>You really think Hashem would appreciate that?

>> Anonymous (ID: +rIB70dd ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:55:15 No.309167266 ▶

File: Isabel.jpg (16 KB, 250x238)

>> YHVH loves you (ID: Mh+Sc2Qu ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:55:30 No.309167307 ▶ >>309167635

Revelations was added nearly 200 years after the other books. I wouldn't put much stock into it, and
besides it adds nothing of merit.

>> Anonymous (ID: c8Q0DezQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:56:49 No.309167458 ▶

I stepped out pre-election and I come back and this board has been reduced to an absolute shitfest of
shitposts and slide threads.


>> Anonymous (ID: 8LaoV8R7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)23:58:22 No.309167635 ▶

File: 1613920861925.png (178 KB, 297x350)

Kikes disregard the word of God because it so thoroughly exposes and rebukes them.
Repent, kike, or you'll be cast into the lake of fire.

>> Anonymous (ID: Heb9Q1WK ) 02/22/21(Mon)00:00:07 No.309167858 ▶

>>309151082 (OP)
why do you have to be such a fucking faggot simp? grow a pair. shes a good symbol, not a leader. quit it.

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