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21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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Isabel Peralta General /IPG Anonymous (ID: 8oKcv8jx )
02/21/21(Sun)12:36:18 No.309094934 ▶ >>309095212 >>309095248
>>309095256 >>309095729 >>309096208 >>309096352 >>309096362 >>309097719
>>309097958 >>309098544 >>309098565 >>309099080 >>309099366 >>309099863
>>309100068 >>309100381 >>309100423 >>309100479 >>309100661 >>309100682

I have bad news, she smokes:


Oficial twitter account:

>> Anonymous (ID: fKM2GM67 ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:39:49

No.309095203 ▶ >>309098357 >>309098578 >>309100266 >>309100396


>> Anonymous (ID: zM2KyBoO ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:39:53 No.309095212 ▶ >>309095257

>>309094934 (OP)
No seas maricon, todo el mundo fuma a esas edades 1/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: tQx+iKQP ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:40:29 No.309095248 ▶ >>309099197

>>309094934 (OP)
God I wanna go back to the 80s when everyone smoked, was racist and beat up faggots.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3qb5sHGa ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:40:33 No.309095256 ▶ >>309095364

>>309094934 (OP)
Doesn't basically everyone in Spain smoke? Who cares. Fucking retard.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8oKcv8jx ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:40:34 No.309095257 ▶ >>309095802

Crees que es virgin como nosotros?

>> Anonymous (ID: 8oKcv8jx ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:42:01 No.309095364 ▶ >>309098603

Women get their face older and uglier if they smoke

>> Anonymous (ID: 8oKcv8jx ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:46:47 No.309095729 ▶ >>309100003

File: EutHdwXXEAMv27p.jpg (136 KB, 1366x768)

>>309094934 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: zM2KyBoO ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:47:45 No.309095802 ▶

Yo no onions virgen
Tal vez debieras fumar jajajaja

>> Anonymous (ID: cBgjNg8i ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:53:34 No.309096208 ▶

>>309094934 (OP)
Look after her Spanish bro's..
Girls like her are the future for Europe.
I can see her setting off a new fashion trend.

>> Anonymous (ID: HpATpUEQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:54:38 No.309096283 ▶ >>309098357 >>309100159

File: 1613688653034.jpg (118 KB, 489x469)

>> Anonymous (ID: blxuDgJ+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:54:54 No.309096293 ▶ >>309096506 >>309098223 >>309098242

>>309099082 >>309099380 >>309100122
File: cute blonde asian.jpg (639 KB, 828x848)

HER?! 2/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: DkoIs7fb ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:54:58 No.309096297 ▶ >>309099530

i watch a lot of nationalist content. why are all the based e-celebs ignoring her?

>> Anonymous (ID: QCjh9Y7t ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:55:48 No.309096352 ▶ >>309096742

>>309094934 (OP)
>I have bad news, she smokes
like a chimney i might add

>> Anonymous (ID: g3TIU2+s ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:55:53 No.309096362 ▶

>>309094934 (OP)
NatSimps stop embarrassing yourselves.

>> Anonymous (ID: TOer4WBj ) 02/21/21(Sun)12:57:51 No.309096506 ▶ >>309096686 >>309098223

I was wondering the same thing, been away for a couple of days, come back and everyone is simping for
this chick.

>> Anonymous (ID: AHRLaX8c ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:00:46 No.309096686 ▶ >>309096873

She is an 18 year old Spanish fascist.
Literally fascist. As in a media reporter asked her if her ideology was fascism and she said "Yes."
She's actually censored in Germany because she named the jew and said that the jews were the eternal
enemy who is behind all the problems of the world and always have been under different masks.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8oKcv8jx ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:01:41 No.309096742 ▶ >>309096881

I am curious do you italian bros understand the video?
Or spanish is that diferent for you?

>> Anonymous (ID: TOer4WBj ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:03:45 No.309096873 ▶ >>309096945

And now she is collecting betabux and shilling her only fans?

>> Anonymous (ID: QCjh9Y7t ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:03:51 No.309096881 ▶

some of it, when you start speaking quickly it gets hard. I've heard from many that generally living in Spain
a few months is enough to get a decent grasp of the language due to how similar they are.

>> Anonymous (ID: AHRLaX8c ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:05:01 No.309096945 ▶ >>309097261

Probably. I heard she was kicked out of her home for refusing to renounce fascism. By naming the jew 3/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

she may actually deserve the simping more than all the other grifters you see being shilled.

>> Anonymous (ID: TOer4WBj ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:10:19 No.309097261 ▶ >>309098225 >>309098799 >>309099609

>By naming the jew she may actually deserve the simping more than all the other grifters you see being
I don't even know whether naming the Jew is beneficial since overcoming the life long programming of the
normies isn't done by just pointing the finger at them.

>> Anonymous (ID: Mh3o944d ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:16:54 No.309097719 ▶

>>309094934 (OP)
I love her

>> Anonymous (ID: IIlENk2n ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:20:15 No.309097958 ▶

File: 1613851937542.png (650 KB, 744x418)

>>309094934 (OP)
Jews mad

>> Anonymous (ID: IIlENk2n ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:23:44 No.309098223 ▶

File: 1613743578581.webm (2.2 MB, 1280x692)


>> Anonymous (ID: 9I+E1JRg ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:23:46 No.309098225 ▶ >>309098437

its always beneficial, even through the programming people still have eyes that see, and what their eyes
will see is a whole lot of "cohencidences" every time they are named

>> Anonymous (ID: HOWxaZ7V ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:23:47 No.309098227 ▶ >>309098357 >>309099722 >>309099996

File: 1612326230324.jpg (93 KB, 700x962)

>Stormfags think some brown mexican is le heckin' based and redpilled


>> Anonymous (ID: /m0an04r ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:24:04 No.309098242 ▶

File: 11e.png (500 KB, 705x541)

she is hot

>> Anonymous (ID: IIlENk2n ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:25:35 No.309098357 ▶

File: 1613857530596.png (149 KB, 396x294) 4/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


>> Anonymous (ID: RP81xvoF ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:26:24 No.309098412 ▶ >>309098723

Si fuma, chupa!

>> Anonymous (ID: TOer4WBj ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:26:40 No.309098437 ▶

My take is that you can't be redpilled, you can only redpill yourself. If you want to be ignorant you will stay
that way, since all the redpilling media is "far right propaganda" anyway.

>> Anonymous (ID: a5ye7mXZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:27:59 No.309098544 ▶

>>309094934 (OP)
is she really 18? she looks 25 or 30, maybe it is the makeup.

>> Anonymous (ID: g7UqJ495 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:28:16 No.309098565 ▶ >>309098625

>>309094934 (OP)

I smoke aswell; we all know it ain't healthy.

>> Anonymous (ID: FcpStgBk ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:28:31 No.309098578 ▶

Fat american who cant get pussy and even if he gets he cant fuck cuz he is so fat his dick is surrounded
by fat. Die jewish golem, die

>> Anonymous (ID: g7UqJ495 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:28:49 No.309098603 ▶

Same happens to men smartass

>> Anonymous (ID: a5ye7mXZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:29:06 No.309098625 ▶ >>309098883 >>309099125

it is degenerate, that is all.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8oKcv8jx ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:30:22 No.309098723 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: FcpStgBk ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:31:23 No.309098799 ▶

If naming the jew wasn't beneficial, it would be legal

>> Anonymous (ID: la1yByfk ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:32:24 No.309098883 ▶

Tobacco built this nation, calm down Pollyanna. 5/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: mDMHZceS ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:35:12 No.309099080 ▶ >>309099184 >>309099329

>>309094934 (OP)

Isabel MEDINA Peralta, the real name.

She smoke and snort anphetamines

>> Anonymous (ID: 9nfucXF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:35:13 No.309099082 ▶ >>309099427

Spaniards are niggers

>> Anonymous (ID: lQ0zPJvr ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:35:45 No.309099125 ▶

Why don't you start at the top of your list of degenarate things to worry about, instead of the bottom.
You're in the US so you're in luck, you have a lot around you, very close. You breathe it in, you touch it, it
touches you, to the point where you become part of it.
So work on that first, okay?

>> Anonymous (ID: lQ0zPJvr ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:36:24 No.309099184 ▶

File: jews.gif (2.97 MB, 290x280)


>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:36:37 No.309099197 ▶

File: f101b95959a0236fbf0f21bd3(...).jpg (124 KB, 741x1012)

Came here to post this. Have a (you), my brother.

>> Anonymous (ID: AHRLaX8c ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:38:36 No.309099329 ▶

Hitler also did meth.
Maybe she is his Spanish female zoomer incarnation.

>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:39:14 No.309099366 ▶

File: 1606705522381.jpg (52 KB, 569x579)

>>309094934 (OP)
Wanna know how I know she's legit? 6/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: fBVb5pao ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:39:27 No.309099380 ▶ >>309099546 >>309099657 >>309099859

Just another attentionwhore. This one blatantly named the Jew, a bit too blatantly.

>> Anonymous (ID: QCjh9Y7t ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:40:09 No.309099427 ▶ >>309099682

File: Guerre_du_Rif_massacre_im(...).jpg (141 KB, 734x513)

moroccan still seething

>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:41:36 No.309099530 ▶ >>309099900

File: 1612744625871m.jpg (97 KB, 1024x609)

>watch a lot of nationalist content
>doesn't listen to TDS

>> Anonymous (ID: AHRLaX8c ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:41:47 No.309099546 ▶

Naming the jew is the most courageous thing you can do in modern times.
How do you expect these ideals to survive or advance in any way if anyone who espouses them has to be
subject to endless purity tests and called a grifter no matter what they do?

>> Anonymous (ID: 9nfucXF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:42:55 No.309099609 ▶ >>309100277

Isn't weird how she named the jew, but he wasn't harassed by antifa and getting her house vandalized
and was not expelled from her university, even if she's living in a communist country, but instead she got
lot of attention from media and interviews?
Also, she said she's not racist because nigger friend, she loves faggots cause faggot friends, basically a
magatard larping natsoc

>> Anonymous (ID: pke8hB/Z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:43:53 No.309099657 ▶

You mad rabbi?

>> Anonymous (ID: 9nfucXF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:44:12 No.309099682 ▶

Pasta niggers aren't whites

>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:44:53 No.309099722 ▶

File: 1612882007749.jpg (35 KB, 720x492)

Lol a little girl has you faggots SHOOK!

>> Anonymous (ID: 9nfucXF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:46:54 No.309099859 ▶ 7/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
It's like: whatcha doin rabbi, but using a slut

>> Anonymous (ID: MS2FlRVq ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:46:58 No.309099863 ▶ >>309100090 >>309100376

>>309094934 (OP)
Trannies still seething.

>> Anonymous (ID: IIlENk2n ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:47:33 No.309099900 ▶ >>309100138

TDS mentioned her?

>> Anonymous (ID: 9nfucXF7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:48:45 No.309099996 ▶

They're like magatards: le based nigger

>> Anonymous (ID: MS2FlRVq ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:48:49 No.309100003 ▶

LMAO that nigger faggot actually has an Amancio Ortega poster in his room

>> Anonymous (ID: 4xe/gmKg ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:49:53 No.309100068 ▶

File: Cutie2.png (906 KB, 678x589)

>>309094934 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:50:12 No.309100090 ▶

File: 65174597-6043642_20131104(...).jpg (136 KB, 622x653)

They hate him more than Brentan
Tarrantino... incredible...

>> Anonymous (ID: MS2FlRVq ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:50:42 No.309100122 ▶

>calls her spic
>posts a gook
yellow fever faggots need to hang

>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:50:54 No.309100138 ▶

Wait... nah, it was Strike and Mike.

>> Anonymous (ID: GF0ZCGHY ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:51:23 No.309100159 ▶ >>309100918 8/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Lmao we gonna gas you Jews before 2030

>> Anonymous (ID: r5gFhj1b ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:52:39 No.309100234 ▶

File: 181019-irving-franco-hero-.jpg (438 KB, 1566x881)

>> Anonymous (ID: 9F0fjZlZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:53:07 No.309100266 ▶

File: Our women are on our side.png (2.07 MB, 3000x2368)

Yes. All women are. Also, we need
women to openly join us.

>> Anonymous (ID: r5gFhj1b ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:53:13 No.309100275 ▶

File: Hispania.jpg (153 KB, 637x900)

>> Anonymous (ID: zPvpDJWU ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:53:14 No.309100276 ▶

File: choose.jpg (195 KB, 1741x985)

She has EL JUDIO completely seething

since she's named him.

>> Anonymous (ID: MS2FlRVq ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:53:14 No.309100277 ▶ >>309100712

there have been like 4 days of protests in Spain burning shit and robbing stores like George Floyd riots
Don’t talk about that which you don’t know shit about

>> Anonymous (ID: MS2FlRVq ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:54:05 No.309100351 ▶

rly makes you think...

>> Anonymous (ID: LGS8Ne/z ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:54:22 No.309100376 ▶

File: 65174597-6043642_20131104(...).jpg (136 KB, 622x653)

Lol They hate her more than Brentan Tarrantino... this is all it takes to bring down
tyrants; one little girl with cojones. 9/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: Sq9M8r1V ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:54:29 No.309100381 ▶

>>309094934 (OP)
It's just a woman. Why all the orbiting?

>> Anonymous (ID: FRtqApZp ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:54:36 No.309100396 ▶

Calling all women whores is like calling all men autistic chimps

>> Anonymous (ID: ud+6ED5c ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:55:13 No.309100423 ▶ >>309100712

File: 1582911044766.jpg (25 KB, 564x564)

>>309094934 (OP)
>I have bad news, she smokes

>> Anonymous (ID: W05QypbE ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:55:59 No.309100479 ▶ >>309100539

>>309094934 (OP)
She’s a rebel. Someone impregnate her before she fry's her womb though.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7Oto4Ejb ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:56:43 No.309100539 ▶

In her Twitter or IG she had something like "A bad day is solved with a good man". She'll have children

>> Anonymous (ID: FRtqApZp ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:58:25 No.309100661 ▶

File: 1613762722186m.jpg (91 KB, 820x1024)

>>309094934 (OP)
She smoked like 5 packs and downed 3 sixpacks of beer during the
interview. Pretty gud

>> Anonymous (ID: j1qyHdjl ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:58:47 No.309100682 ▶ >>309100921

File: 999031AD-F453-4B1A-A61F-6(...).png (119 KB, 450x405)

>>309094934 (OP)
>I bad news she smokes
I noticed. You’re telling me. Hubba Hubba. Etc.
And I have good news though. So do I. Frequently, after sex. Do you think she’d
enjoy sharing a cigarette or two? I never seemed to get any to myself these days,
not until the lockdowns. Speaking of sex, do you think she has daddy issues? I could
really cause them in gud girl like her, tends to happen and though she is a little
young she’s obviously got a good mind or she wouldn’t be a modern faschist’o so I’d
consider letting her hang around.

>> Anonymous (ID: QCjh9Y7t ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:59:10 No.309100712 ▶ >>309100772

how much damage are we talking? 10/11
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Isabel Peralta General /IPG - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


>> Anonymous (ID: HpFpKx68 ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:59:34 No.309100743 ▶

>>309094934 (OP)
Based. Cancer isn't real.

>> Anonymous (ID: ud+6ED5c ) 02/21/21(Sun)13:59:56 No.309100772 ▶

a normal woman stops smoking when she wants to get pregnant

>> Anonymous (ID: HpATpUEQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)14:02:19 No.309100918 ▶

File: EAT SHIT LILITH.png (995 KB, 1452x822)

buttchunks first.

>> Anonymous (ID: AHRLaX8c ) 02/21/21(Sun)14:02:23 No.309100921 ▶

>Speaking of sex, do you think she has daddy issues?
Her parents disowned her for being fascist.

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