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21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen.

You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: dj3.png (1.11 MB, 610x851)

Anonymous (ID: IjIH5Ihg ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:20:22 No.309071643 ▶ >>309071895
>>309072015 >>309072256 >>309072749 >>309074431 >>309074504 >>309074881 >>309074968
>>309075235 >>309075280 >>309075407 >>309075568 >>309075663 >>309075719 >>309075731
>>309076638 >>309077274 >>309078080 >>309078647 >>309078843 >>309079180 >>309079223
>>309079695 >>309079773 >>309079887 >>309079917 >>309080094 >>309080298 >>309080399
>>309080471 >>309081064 >>309081252 >>309081492 >>309081830 >>309083018 >>309083091
>>309083269 >>309083960 >>309084246 >>309084512 >>309084546 >>309085656 >>309085663
>>309086075 >>309086573 >>309088324 >>309088614

She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my queen" all you want. It doesn't
change facts.

>> Anonymous (ID: pm1tvzBD ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:22:16 No.309071818 ▶

>>309075342 >>309077550 >>309080786 >>309081126 >>309081492 >>309084612 >>309085299

Who's the jewess?

>> Anonymous (ID: uxABN2Z9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:23:14 No.309071895 ▶ >>309072389 >>309075417 >>309077115

>>309082975 >>309086206
File: BB847B95-342C-413A-A4DA-F(...).jpg (48 KB, 600x800)

>>309071643 (OP)
No /pol/ queen lasts forever anon 1/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:24:42 No.309072015 ▶ >>309073364 >>309074106 >>309075771

>>309071643 (OP)
The only queen a man has is his wife. The only god a man has is his mom (Creator). The only obligation a
man has is to his history.

A woman without a husband is nothing. A woman without kids even less.

>> Anonymous (ID: mG/ZBSw/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:25:37 No.309072084 ▶ >>309072188 >>309072322 >>309072365

>>309075401 >>309084202 >>309085034
File: 1611611999610.jpg (76 KB, 552x552)

Ella is the true queen.

>> Anonymous (ID: LBGZKIxt ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:26:48 No.309072188 ▶ >>309074518 >>309075178 >>309077722


I wanna taste this woman's clit

>> Anonymous (ID: 8U0mNxsg ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:27:42 No.309072256 ▶ >>309081181

>>309071643 (OP)
Not exactly Caucasian tho.

>> Anonymous (ID: voTBlNuM ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:28:28 No.309072322 ▶ >>309087937

This is a man anon...

>> Anonymous (ID: b52L//Sj ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:28:57 No.309072365 ▶ >>309081798

she looks like that guy who plays twisted fate

>> Anonymous (ID: hI9klt89 ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:29:20 No.309072389 ▶

This. You will all dump the spic in no less than 3 months

These simps have gone full retard

>> Anonymous (ID: CwHsXoZU ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:33:18 No.309072749 ▶ >>309086773

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21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309071643 (OP)
If you told me she was an arab, I'd believe you.

>> Anonymous (ID: f38C4f+s ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:37:52 No.309073128 ▶ >>309078792

She was raped by a tunisian nigger.

Most truly racist women were raped by niggers.

>> Anonymous (ID: xeV93I9i ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:40:51 No.309073364 ▶ >>309073768 >>309074942 >>309077707

>>309078756 >>309079180
File: 1612877870661.jpg (99 KB, 1024x1002)

Kek. You think any if these chink incels have wives? Literally the majority of people
who respond to this thread are bots or shills. This is what you call a "shill thread." This
thread is what is used to contain such retards. Do not respond. I'm only responding to
make newfags aware. Fucking gooks do not even know what love is

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:45:45 No.309073768 ▶

I say it because I will accept no excuse nor justification for "I dindu know" shit. ALL race traitors are
subhumans. ALL White men have obligations or they have a death wish. ALL White women have obligations
or they have no value.

>> Anonymous (ID: VNppaI8D ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:50:20 No.309074106 ▶ >>309074160 >>309074284 >>309076850

True and based
"There are but three classes of women: wives, virgins, and whores"

>> Anonymous (ID: VNppaI8D ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:51:03 No.309074160 ▶ >>309083787

Also applies to men btw

>> Anonymous (ID: ox6Rc9IW ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:52:58 No.309074284 ▶

You're moms a whore?

>> Anonymous (ID: CPwY67ca ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:54:47 No.309074431 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
Who? Nevermind, I don’t fucking care. At all.

All of you can fuck off and die.

>> Anonymous (ID: zMOi7HbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:55:47 No.309074504 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
>simping for a queen
You are the cancer that is killing /pol/ 3/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: BJmvnTxL ) 02/21/21(Sun)07:55:58 No.309074518 ▶ >>309075457

I have bad news for you

>> Anonymous (ID: xscHOj57 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:00:12 No.309074881 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
i'd still hit-and-run her if given the opportunity

>> Anonymous (ID: xscHOj57 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:01:07 No.309074942 ▶

asians are a disease

>> Anonymous (ID: 5IOlLO6O ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:01:28 No.309074962 ▶

File: 1612660527671.jpg (56 KB, 688x560)

I want to sexualate her vajinus.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:01:31 No.309074968 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
nobody knows who this is

>> Anonymous (ID: iwgjeDgj ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:02:38 No.309075042 ▶ >>309075300 >>309075419 >>309079211

>>309079328 >>309084728
File: mommy12.jpg (253 KB, 1076x1344)

>not white
>dog inside
>women arent leaders

Did I miss any? The kikes script is getting pretty pathetic at this point

>> Anonymous (ID: prt3s52v ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:04:14 No.309075178 ▶ >>309075457

You mean clitty, that’s a man

>> Anonymous (ID: iW0JC34H ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:04:46 No.309075235 ▶ >>309077829 >>309083366 >>309084902

>>309085567 >>309085646 >>309086887 >>309088849
File: Italian.jpg (196 KB, 1080x1350)

>>309071643 (OP)

I like this young thot but I find it hard to let go of our current queen 4/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: Yanro/RR ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:05:18 No.309075280 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
She’s your queen retard. There is no we, just you. Now go shill somewhere else.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:05:34 No.309075300 ▶

look at those thicc jewish thighs. I bet she has a tanlineed ass

>> Anonymous (ID: QcPFwnWJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:05:59 No.309075342 ▶

fpbp /thread

>> Anonymous (ID: QcPFwnWJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:06:40 No.309075401 ▶

What the hell is that thing?

>> Anonymous (ID: c2iKIivg ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:06:45 No.309075407 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
I love girls with a small frame and a spicy attitude.

>> Anonymous (ID: WRV9obVY ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:06:55 No.309075417 ▶ >>309075740 >>309082399 >>309082454

File: 1.jpg (199 KB, 1477x985)


>> Anonymous (ID: prt3s52v ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:06:56 No.309075419 ▶ >>309076856

She no shit looks like an arab, there’s a high concentration of lebanese people where I’m from in
Pennsylvania and this bitch looks like the women

>> Anonymous (ID: LBGZKIxt ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:07:29 No.309075457 ▶ >>309075556

I wanna playfully nibble on her labia majora

>> Anonymous (ID: prt3s52v ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:08:39 No.309075556 ▶

Good luck finding it, it’s not there! You’ll have to go through the anus 5/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: hf/VPaVl ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:08:53 No.309075568 ▶ >>309075727

>>309071643 (OP)
who the fuck is she ? anyway keep simping cuck slave

>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:10:11 No.309075663 ▶ >>309085071

File: 1612714737537.jpg (41 KB, 498x441)

>>309071643 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: yVfds+25 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:10:33 No.309075688 ▶

It must be tiring for kikes to make 30 threads a day about this girl, just because she named them

"I've been found out!"

>> Anonymous (ID: DiNjXZTQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:10:58 No.309075719 ▶ >>309076682 >>309077069 >>309079180

>>309086319 >>309088908
File: isabelmperalta-Jews.webm (2.2 MB, 1280x692)

>>309071643 (OP)
damn str8

>> Anonymous (ID: iwgjeDgj ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:11:04 No.309075727 ▶ >>309075957 >>309077334


>who is she

Every thread. You are genuinely the worst shills on the internet.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9YgPLtK8 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:11:07 No.309075731 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)

You can scream "our queen" all you want it doesn't change facts.

>> Anonymous (ID: hduKn9Qi ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:11:13 No.309075740 ▶ >>309075982

File: 1564128253973.png (129 KB, 420x315)

She's the only one for me!

>> Anonymous (ID: dSg+znc4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:11:36 No.309075771 ▶ >>309077156

Americans can't compreend the superior feminility that's why they stay stuck in incest relationship and they
never had a monarchy.

>> Anonymous (ID: XJGemi7N ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:12:09 No.309075811 ▶ >>309075925 >>309076308 6/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Post more pics of queen please

>> Anonymous (ID: LBGZKIxt ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:13:32 No.309075925 ▶ >>309083705

File: DwlbxI2VAAAbGvm.jpg (287 KB, 1152x2048)

I gotchu senpai

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:13:54 No.309075957 ▶ >>309077334

Hi there, I don't know who the cunt is, and nobody is paying me to not know. If this qualifies me for a job, I
am interested. Please mail me a check. Thanks

>> Anonymous (ID: prt3s52v ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:14:16 No.309075982 ▶ >>309077123

Wow, I can’t believe she really wore that hat!

>> Anonymous (ID: yVfds+25 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:19:08 No.309076308 ▶ >>309079557

File: isabel.jpg (228 KB, 922x1089)


>> Anonymous (ID: P9mAcelQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:24:06 No.309076638 ▶ >>309076948

>>309071643 (OP)
Built for BWC

>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:24:44 No.309076682 ▶

File: 1607496769992.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720)

based, I've said for awhile the way the world has turned upside down by the kike
propaganda that the next Hitler is already born and a zoomer now. History will repeat

>> Anonymous (ID: h/8h94XR ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:26:38 No.309076825 ▶

She looks like a gypsy

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:26:59 No.309076850 ▶

>3 classes of women
I never heard that before but it is very accurate and straight to the point. Based

>> Anonymous (ID: cowf+nFG ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:27:06 No.309076856 ▶ 7/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
lebAnons are based

>> Anonymous (ID: tZyEOWK1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:28:07 No.309076948 ▶

Sie ist gemacht für die großen deutschen Schwanz

>> Anonymous (ID: QsTujVK+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:29:39 No.309077069 ▶

She's so cutely disgusted when she says "el judío"

>> Anonymous (ID: ehUAUs2z ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:30:18 No.309077115 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: hduKn9Qi ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:30:24 No.309077123 ▶

File: 1564128324202.jpg (28 KB, 682x504)

Ofc she did. She loves us.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:30:52 No.309077156 ▶ >>309077792 >>309077972

I'm European born (and blood). Fuck (((monarchy))). Revolutionary National Socialism is the ONLY path for

>> Anonymous (ID: yVfds+25 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:31:56 No.309077223 ▶ >>309079557 >>309079653 >>309083381

File: choose.jpg (195 KB, 1741x985)

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:32:25 No.309077274 ▶ >>309080046

>>309071643 (OP)
Fuck off with your Colombian whore....

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:33:18 No.309077334 ▶ >>309077443

I don't understand, am I going to get paid for not knowing the cunt or not. God damn the internet has

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:34:52 No.309077443 ▶ >>309077809

Local simps do not forgive not knowing the Colombian whore.Ignore those kikes and ignore that Colombian
whore as well

>> Anonymous (ID: RUiODpDZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:35:58 No.309077550 ▶ 8/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: 1611148730789.jpg (25 KB, 600x600)

>New civic nationalist kween of /pol/

>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:37:14 No.309077646 ▶ >>309077798 >>309077900 >>309083005

File: 1608404499464.jpg (185 KB, 1049x1049)

whole lot of cope and seething in here and it's glorious. The kikes ADL have sent out
big money to try to shut her down. It's not happening until you get the gas or the rope.

>> Anonymous (ID: bf0QXVjE ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:37:56 No.309077707 ▶

Yeah this is a silly thread. It does not mention her recent interview and is just doing the le queen thing. To
bad I really have enjoyed the recent ones

>> Anonymous (ID: zXyLKvav ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:38:07 No.309077722 ▶

I wanna put my dick right up her clit

>> Anonymous (ID: 8MBv2Ohu ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:38:57 No.309077792 ▶ >>309078164

File: US_Army_Germany_occupatio(...).jpg (1.69 MB, 1436x1188)

>let's do the same thing that got our ancestors fucked over
>it'll work this time bro I swear
Why can't brainlets like you just die already? It's clear you are
incapable of thinking.

>> Anonymous (ID: bf0QXVjE ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:39:01 No.309077798 ▶

It really is the best thing about her. But this is the weakest thread of her so far. Look for the ones by the
paella bros, they are her country men after all

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:39:10 No.309077809 ▶ >>309078005

so basically go back to life before this thread existed--will do

>> Anonymous (ID: gJjlLg0f ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:39:25 No.309077828 ▶

>> Anonymous (ID: 5TUfgbtH ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:39:27 No.309077829 ▶ >>309082291

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>>309075235 9/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:40:15 No.309077900 ▶ >>309078039

retard lol
ADL kikes are more focused about January 6th storming of the capitol and omegle streamers than some
possible glowie(jewess) who names the jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9YgPLtK8 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:41:07 No.309077972 ▶ >>309078437



>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:41:29 No.309078005 ▶

Yes sir and whenever some kikoid simp makes thread like this again just know that Colombian whore who
sucked cocks in Bogota is not worthy of even being talked about

>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:41:51 No.309078039 ▶ >>309078100

File: 1606974890189.png (171 KB, 1076x1056)

sure thing moshe, thanks for the bump

>> Anonymous (ID: jyFcoIln ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:42:18 No.309078080 ▶ >>309078144 >>309083350

>>309071643 (OP)
literally who

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:42:32 No.309078100 ▶ >>309078170

look at their website you utter moron.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:43:07 No.309078144 ▶

yeah lol, we already did that and everyone got triggered, but also they didn't explain who the cunt is so still
nobody knows

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:43:18 No.309078164 ▶ >>309080245 >>309080479

We're not like the 1940s NS and the amerikikes, russhits and britshits are not exactly like their 1940s
counterparts. :) Round 2 bitch. Hitler in fact did nothing wrong. We however will never make that mistake 10/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
again. We'll commit many.. MANY "wrongs". As Hitler (PBUH) said "if you win, no one will ask how, if you
lose, no one will care why".

>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:43:22 No.309078170 ▶ >>309078347 >>309078705

File: 1607050579890.jpg (147 KB, 768x1024)


>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:45:21 No.309078347 ▶ >>309078479 >>309078685 >>309079999


your heroine is a jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:46:32 No.309078437 ▶

Considering your prince is married to a halfbreed whore from another nation which could become a queen
one day.. you're the retard bitch. Under the Natural Laws of Revolutionary National Socialism, ONLY the
purest blooded and willed may lead and the race traitors MUST DIE!

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:47:12 No.309078479 ▶ >>309078562


>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:48:05 No.309078562 ▶ >>309078743

i'm not even jewish but if you wouldn't smash this jewish bitch atleast once you're a big gay

>> Anonymous (ID: rWO4DBUe ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:48:56 No.309078647 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
anyone counter signaling this is an absolute faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: EiiuUrTu ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:49:24 No.309078685 ▶ >>309079269

She's a fascist though. Kikes aren't fascists, kikes are communists. Fascism good, communists bad.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:49:39 No.309078705 ▶

Hey isn't that the senile old pedophile, who calls himself a catholic (but loves abortion)? Why is he wearing a
jew hat

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:49:59 No.309078743 ▶ >>309079034

You are big gay with no taste if you would smash Colombian whore.....go rethink your life you fucking roach

>> Anonymous (ID: oq8aJ89E ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:50:05 No.309078756 ▶ >>309079094 11/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>Let me be clear !

When politicians say this you just know they are lying bastards about to commit to an act of bullshitting the
general public.

We need out own political partys away from these creepy lying bastards,
We need to be able to get rid of the fuckers the instant they are caught being wanked off by corporations
and think tanks.

Funny thing about this cunt is his statement "we will not be stopped" when thats exactly what happened,
little fucking faggot was shidding and farding his pants, And so they all fucking should be scared to be
fucking people over, End of rant.

>> Anonymous (ID: ze4835ck ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:50:29 No.309078792 ▶ >>309080218


>> Anonymous (ID: ze4835ck ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:51:10 No.309078843 ▶

File: GoT_S6_E5_Yara-queen.gif (932 KB, 500x277)

>>309071643 (OP)
is that the jew speech girl? If so I'm on

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:53:26 No.309079034 ▶ >>309079191

File: 1613893127170.jpg (93 KB, 1706x1386)

>Colombian whore
she is Sephardic my guy check out her surname. She has that jewess
vibe you can just tell
>has instagram and a dog

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:54:13 No.309079094 ▶

yeah, it is so transparent.
>Let me be clear:
means, <I am going to disregard and distract from the question you just asked me, and then insert the
talking point that I wrote down before I cam on your show>.
Also, it is extremely effective, because almost everyone is fucking retarded.

>> Anonymous (ID: n9/CcrgB ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:55:13 No.309079180 ▶

File: arribaespañavivaespaña1.png (1.22 MB, 1200x687)

>>309071643 (OP)
Haha aa.

>muh Blue Divison
Was called home back to Spain after pressure from the US.

>implying that old woman was in the forefront

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:55:22 No.309079191 ▶ >>309079337 12/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
So why exactly would you want to fuck that ?

>> Anonymous (ID: +BL1wORn ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:55:36 No.309079211 ▶

truly made for big roman cock
need to wash away these disgusting arab residues from her blood

>> Anonymous (ID: 3GdNPxrT ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:55:45 No.309079223 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
post nudes faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:56:19 No.309079269 ▶ >>309079467

>"bruh she's fascist because she did some major glowie planned event where she was designated as a
speaker for some odd reason
>nobody knows about her in spain
>makes major news
>does jewtube interview immediately
completely not jewish right? you people are naïve as shit

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:57:06 No.309079328 ▶

That's not even the same girl

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:57:13 No.309079337 ▶ >>309079556

because she looks like a filthy jewish slut that needs a slapping

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)08:59:00 No.309079467 ▶ >>309079610 >>309079641


>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:00:31 No.309079556 ▶

The cunt of vaginoid like that is rotten and filled with disseases, white man should not even go near that
creature so that his purity remains undamaged

>> Anonymous (ID: n9/CcrgB ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:00:32 No.309079557 ▶

File: Screenshot_2021-02-20 dog(...).png (166 KB, 598x472)

One is just getting by with her young age and is really propped up by people who are
too shady to show their own faces and their sordid personal and political histories. The
other one is Greta Thunberg

>Savitri Devi
Man, it's really getting feminine penises here.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9lO+Zw7h ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:00:48 No.309079573 ▶

can somebody explain who the fucking bitch is and why there is a thread about her 13/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:01:22 No.309079610 ▶ >>309079659
File: KIKERY.jpg (42 KB, 600x600)

atleast put up a merchant meme picture you newfag if you're going to
accuse me of being jewish

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:01:52 No.309079641 ▶ >>309079705 >>309080001

She is jewish dude and if you think otherwise you have not been long here enough, she sucks rabi cocks in

>> Anonymous (ID: okZJB14S ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:02:03 No.309079653 ▶ >>309080280 >>309080468 >>309089542

It's crazy that they're both 18

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:02:07 No.309079659 ▶

:) lol

>> Anonymous (ID: NSDZvGLy ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:02:31 No.309079695 ▶ >>309080163

File: 1613632870177.jpg (383 KB, 2896x2896)

>>309071643 (OP)
She have my respect.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:02:39 No.309079705 ▶ >>309079839


>> Anonymous (ID: q+Ty9cN+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:03:22 No.309079773 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
>You will worship ze e-celeb

>> Anonymous (ID: UUuYSQCE ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:03:37 No.309079793 ▶

the expression she made after saying "... The Jews" in that speech make my pp hard

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:04:16 No.309079839 ▶ >>309079932

File: 1590311772499.jpg (68 KB, 545x397)

(((>>309079705))) 14/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: glCNUI+P ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:04:54 No.309079887 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
She is a women medshit

>> Anonymous (ID: rW4AV/AW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:05:19 No.309079914 ▶

>bottle blond arab girl smoker is "our queen"

Yeah, right.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7dF89f8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:05:20 No.309079917 ▶ >>309080040 >>309080340

File: 78A41BE6-356C-4C3A-B908-9(...).jpg (67 KB, 600x551)

>>309071643 (OP)
Fuck off
I’m a Nationalist, I may be White but in not for White Nationalism.
White Nationalism
That Bitch is a Socialist
Fuck Socialism

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:05:32 No.309079932 ▶ >>309080066 >>309080243

( ( ( ( (>>309079839)) ) ) ) )

>> Anonymous (ID: UUuYSQCE ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:06:17 No.309079998 ▶

File: mrs ashley jones.jpg (73 KB, 480x640)

anyone remember me?

>> Anonymous (ID: NSDZvGLy ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:06:19 No.309079999 ▶ >>309080106 >>309080161 >>309080520


you shall never be a real woman, Moshe.

>> Anonymous (ID: ze4835ck ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:06:21 No.309080001 ▶ >>309080243

doesn't look like a jew

>> Anonymous (ID: rW4AV/AW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:06:58 No.309080040 ▶

>I’m a Nationalist,
You must have a nation in the first place to be nationalist.

>> Anonymous (ID: vw0Y5Qrf ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:07:01 No.309080046 ▶ >>309080243

Sshut up bohar. You will never be white 15/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:07:22 No.309080066 ▶ >>309080160

i wouldn't suspect if she was jewish until she had a DNA test results showing no Sephardic traces but i
highly doubt that since her name is heavily jewish

>> Anonymous (ID: G669dYj5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:07:38 No.309080094 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
She is unironically 1000x better than Trump

>> Anonymous (ID: Vt9tHNdT ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:07:48 No.309080106 ▶

File: 5466B48B-C26A-4BDB-B684-7(...).gif (2.29 MB, 380x680)

Numbers don’t lie

>> Anonymous (ID: rW4AV/AW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:08:32 No.309080160 ▶ >>309080426

Sephardic litterally means "spanish".

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:08:32 No.309080161 ▶ >>309080655

checked why would anybody want to be a woman, they are inferior in every aspect.

>> Anonymous (ID: 61T2jQ88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:08:33 No.309080163 ▶

impressive. i hope the they don't come after her for that.

>> Anonymous (ID: glCNUI+P ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:09:17 No.309080218 ▶

Ether that or parents

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:09:38 No.309080243 ▶ >>309080334 >>309081706

Because she is Colombian cock sucker
Ironic coming from Ustaša
(((>>309079932)))-KYS faggot

>> Anonymous (ID: 8MBv2Ohu ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:09:39 No.309080245 ▶

You are exactly like the AOC fans who swear up and down that this time they'll do communi - I mean,
socialism right and all that nasty gulag shit was Stalin's fault. This is why the United States is doomed. No
one can come up with an original idea dealing with today's problems to save their lives, all they can do is dig
up failed bullshit from 100 years ago. At least Yang tried.

>> 16/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

YHVH loves you (ID: TVelBvIs ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:10:07 No.309080280 ▶

the power of nutrition

>> Anonymous (ID: xxXSuWQn ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:10:15 No.309080298 ▶ >>309080578

>>309071643 (OP)
Seems totally organic and not controlled opposition. I can tell by the amount of shilling on this glownigress



>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:10:43 No.309080334 ▶ >>309080474

what makes her Columbian she clearly looks Sephardic jewish?

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:10:47 No.309080340 ▶ >>309082292

If you're White and a "Nationalist" then YOU'RE A WHITE NATIONALIST SOCIALIST because a Nation is

>Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference (self-determination),
that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity[2] and that the nation is the only rightful source of
political power (popular sovereignty).[1][3] It further aims to build and maintain a SINGLE NATIONAL
IDENTITY, based on shared social characteristics of CULTURE, ETHNICITY, geographic location,
LANGUAGE, politics (or the government), religion, traditions and belief in a SHARED SINGULAR history,[4]
[5] and to promote national unity or solidarity.

Additionally if you're a Nationalist then by the very implications of "preserving" a singular culture etc.. means
you're a SOCIALIST!

>> Anonymous (ID: dSxCusIA ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:11:26 No.309080399 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
who the fuck is that
>been here since 2011

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:11:43 No.309080426 ▶ >>309080502

her ancestors were Jewish diaspora throughout Spain. Sephardic

>> Anonymous (ID: +tqev/Ls ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:08 No.309080468 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:11 No.309080471 ▶ >>309081592

File: 1607568391598.jpg (210 KB, 1156x1180) 17/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309071643 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:13 No.309080474 ▶ >>309080700

Her face says Colombian cock sucker

>> Anonymous (ID: iMJYDgaa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:18 No.309080479 ▶ >>309080650

you still have a very long way to go before you're out of your dungeon.
either that or you're a jew

>> Anonymous (ID: rW4AV/AW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:39 No.309080502 ▶ >>309080644

Yeah, sephardic litterally means "spanish".

>> Anonymous (ID: +tqev/Ls ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:48 No.309080520 ▶

you will never be a Macedonian

>> Anonymous (ID: 4sS4CKzT ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:12:52 No.309080526 ▶

Man, If something we should have learned about them is that subverting is the way to go.
This girl will probably be ostrazised from regular society for what ? (in the interview the guy said that the
fucking guys making the march were against her message).
Sadly we are too demoralized to even understand where to start.
Doing the nietzsche "slave morality" on them is a good cultural bet, but that will take years.
And sadly a lot of leftists were right that corporations are just corrupt AF and will kill you in your sleep if they
Too bad their recipe to deal with it is even worse.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:13:32 No.309080578 ▶ >>309080705

>No don't go to that publicly advertised planned event, it's muh gay op
>No don't give credit to a chick and people who pulled off a good PR move that took the fed fucks and kikes
by surprise.. it's uhhh.. too suspicious.

Ahhhh shut your fuck ass up bitch.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:14:22 No.309080644 ▶ >>309080700 >>309080817

far out dude.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:14:27 No.309080650 ▶ >>309080750

We'll see.. we'll certainly see.

>> 18/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

MORB (ID: Q6L2R/8h ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:14:33 No.309080655 ▶ >>309080750


>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:15:17 No.309080700 ▶


Your momma bitch

>> Anonymous (ID: 4sS4CKzT ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:15:19 No.309080705 ▶ >>309080957 >>309082216 >>309083070

Man, it reminds me of the glowie spencer marchs. It was used as ammunition against the right ever since.
They also used a guy smiling as a tool to attack the right, but still. It didn't accomplish anything.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:15:45 No.309080750 ▶ >>309081893

back to discord you 12 year olds. The adults are speaking here

>> Anonymous (ID: Ky5Rplic ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:16:13 No.309080786 ▶



>> Anonymous (ID: rW4AV/AW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:16:37 No.309080817 ▶ >>309081093

To be more precise, Spain is where the jews infected Europe from.

Spain (arabic invasions) => Netherlands (spanish back then) => England => America => worldwide jewish

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:18:20 No.309080957 ▶

The right has been infiltrated and subverted for a long time now. We're still wondering whether or not trump
was controlled opposition. How can he hate the media but not realize the correlation that kikes control it.
Very low IQ

>> Anonymous (ID: Y7ZGPMEa ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:18:25 No.309080964 ▶ >>309081893

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((>>309080700))))))))))))))))))))))) Fuck off cunt

>> Anonymous (ID: AaLJKSL8 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:19:49 No.309081064 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
Who's the beaner?

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:20:08 No.309081093 ▶ >>309081216

They are not truly Spaniards they are just Jewish diaspora that inhabited the region throughout periods of
time. 19/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: TaXnFjxI ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:20:26 No.309081126 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: V5FkVXoD ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:21:09 No.309081181 ▶

She is not pale, but she is Caucasian. And she is part of the people, culture, and history that make up the
European diaspora.

>> Anonymous (ID: rW4AV/AW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:21:33 No.309081216 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: qmIlgidp ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:21:55 No.309081252 ▶

File: 1608712072919.jpg (92 KB, 980x738)

>>309071643 (OP)
yes and kikes can only cope

>> Anonymous (ID: PnVGjzyF ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:24:19 No.309081428 ▶

What, in this case, is a fact? Maybe it's just a strong opinion or a marketing scheme? I'm pretty sure it's one
of these.

>> Anonymous (ID: eG5LxNH0 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:25:01 No.309081492 ▶ >>309081787

>>309071643 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: iwgjeDgj ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:26:09 No.309081592 ▶ >>309089195

File: mommyafraid.png (1.78 MB, 1176x1200)


Ive never seen them in panic mode like this before. You can see the desperation in their
posts, throwing everything they can think of at her but none of it is sticking. Theyre not
going anywhere either, they consider her a real threat and will shill 24 hours a day for
the next year if necessary.

Its a good thing theyre so unimaginably obvious about it

>> Anonymous (ID: vw0Y5Qrf ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:27:18 No.309081706 ▶

You will never be white, koubek

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:28:27 No.309081787 ▶

apparently she is the Queen of pol now after she made a glowie speech, what do you think about her?
I heard spain really despises right wing rhetoric 20/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: QcPFwnWJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:28:35 No.309081798 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: jhYLSWDm ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:29:00 No.309081830 ▶

File: F42F20A7-AC95-41CA-BFEF-C(...).jpg (121 KB, 1012x588)

>>309071643 (OP)
Based OP

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:29:47 No.309081893 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:33:59 No.309082216 ▶

>It was used as ammunition against the right ever since.
Good accelerate. "Oh gosh the people who own all the access points to media and narratives will say mean
things about us to retarded normie animals" ?! Good accelerate.

Give a fuck what some normie faggots think about the National Socialist Revolution.. they can face the wall
and bullet too

>> Anonymous (ID: bOs0+7Av ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:34:58 No.309082291 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 7dF89f8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:34:59 No.309082292 ▶ >>309083102

File: 5DA6627C-60FD-4F00-878B-5(...).jpg (293 KB, 2160x1422)

Go fuck your self
Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental
ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by
unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

>> Anonymous (ID: IHQl4vyz ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:36:32 No.309082399 ▶ >>309086341

She has 3/10 feet, would not fuck.

>> Anonymous (ID: AAhOAhW9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:36:36 No.309082406 ▶ >>309082578

File: 27E88FA9-B399-4678-A393-5(...).jpg (46 KB, 450x405)

Quads of truth. 21/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: UGz+cZln ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:37:12 No.309082454 ▶

She has tattoos.

>> Anonymous (ID: T0tEvZxF ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:37:58 No.309082524 ▶ >>309082843 >>309082891

Stop simping, please.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:38:41 No.309082578 ▶

im not jewish though nor a tranny you fuckers are gay. Damn this place really has become a cesspool of
degeneracy defining memefaggotry

>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:40:42 No.309082756 ▶ >>309083116 >>309083735

I hate the acceleration theory.

to me is a fool and a damage to the falangists

those marches happened for years, they always worked as a places to meet and talk with people that think
now they'll be forever banned because of this spoiled dumb girl

or maybe she is doing for purpose

>> Anonymous (ID: vnRE4ZqV ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:41:46 No.309082843 ▶ >>309087576

File: 1613821354096.jpg (356 KB, 1280x1708)

It cannot be stopped fren.
She is too awesome.

>> Anonymous (ID: jhYLSWDm ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:42:23 No.309082891 ▶ >>309083086

File: 94A8733D-1D75-4609-992C-6(...).jpg (155 KB, 1464x824)

Hourly Isabel threads until morale improves

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:42:29 No.309082902 ▶ >>309083082 >>309083185 >>309088775

bitch is obviously a glowie

>Spanish: habitational name from any of the several places, as for example Medina-Sidonia in Cádiz
province and Medina del Campo in Valladolid, so called from Arabic medina ‘city
>. The surname is also borne by Sephardic Jews.
>has tattoos and a dog, isntagram 22/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>goes on jewtube does this long interview where the interviewer doesn't even ask if she is a jew based on

critical thinking skills defines this bitch as a simple jewish cunt


>> Anonymous (ID: Hnw95BcI ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:43:24 No.309082975 ▶

She never called out the jews though

>> Anonymous (ID: cX/OqNfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:43:49 No.309083005 ▶ >>309083129 >>309083187 >>309083303

The amount of jidf seething in these threads is enough to make me love her

>> Anonymous (ID: huVFS7iI ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:44:00 No.309083018 ▶ >>309088748

>>309071643 (OP)
She literally doesn’t qualify as a white in this part of the world. Gypsy, yes. MENA, yes, BAME, definitely.
Fuck this larping twat

>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:44:45 No.309083070 ▶

yes, to me spencer was either a fool or a fed

>> Anonymous (ID: jhYLSWDm ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:44:56 No.309083082 ▶ >>309083167

File: 6B4E6090-0992-440B-BD39-5(...).jpg (167 KB, 1267x785)

>20 posts by id

>> Anonymous (ID: c3mLfdzW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:44:58 No.309083086 ▶

top kek

>> Anonymous (ID: QFG9rxOx ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:45:02 No.309083091 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
I have no idea who this is, I assume the daily threads are from her marketing team.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:45:09 No.309083102 ▶ >>309083671

>any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and
administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
Yes! That means it can and will also BAN and punish by death what is destructive to the People State ie
porn, drugs etc. Fuck your (((freedoms))). You either fulfill obligations or fill mass graves ... lol

>> Anonymous (ID: vnRE4ZqV ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:45:20 No.309083116 ▶ >>309083288

File: 1607533687803.jpg (1.08 MB, 1440x1920) 23/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
They will continue brasuca anon.
Who said the contrary.
Here the people have the memory of an ameba. In fact the speech is almost
forgotten here.
All that we have here is coronafake and a wigger in prison for advocating

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:45:30 No.309083129 ▶

yeah because everybody who has a logical brain is jidf.
kill yourself retard.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:46:05 No.309083167 ▶

i will shill because i know this bitch is jewish as fuck and you faggots worship a jewish whore. fuck your

>> Anonymous (ID: cX/OqNfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:46:23 No.309083185 ▶ >>309083368

JeW nAmInG tEh J00z ObViOuSlY a JeW, LiSTeN tO mE mY fElLoW wHiTeS!!!!!11

>> Anonymous (ID: 4Qj/H0Ww ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:46:25 No.309083187 ▶

File: 1613676710970.png (148 KB, 222x293)

its like shabbat everyday

>> Anonymous (ID: DtPqdSmu ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:47:53 No.309083269 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
Imagine how bad she smells of meth and cigarettes. She gave an interview earlier and over the course of 20
minutes she smoked 4 cigarettes and drank 2 beers. This girl has got some major issues.

>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:48:03 No.309083288 ▶ >>309083672

do you think they'll continue in the future? here in brazil it's like america, but worse, since they can throw you
in the jail for anything

what's your opinion of police in spain? compared to police in other parts of europe

>> Anonymous (ID: cX/OqNfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:48:18 No.309083303 ▶

Gas yourself shlomo. Everyone that aint a new fag knows you inbred Israeli pedophiles swarm when anyone
names you.

>> Anonymous (ID: W5XvWNJy ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:48:46 No.309083350 ▶ >>309083570

>literally who 24/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
this is the 517th thread about her in the last 48 hours. so you can chill with the transparent shill response
playbook now.

>> Anonymous (ID: Nmi+RP2Q ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:48:58 No.309083366 ▶

Queen Venti is the best

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:48:59 No.309083368 ▶ >>309083459 >>309083460

the point where this place went to shit over worshipping another jew is what really grinds the gears.
fuck all you faggots for thinking she is not jewish when everything else indicates otherwise
rather judge my own senses than some faggot retard

>> Anonymous (ID: i/lWX3N5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:49:09 No.309083381 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: cX/OqNfr ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:50:13 No.309083459 ▶

I remember Mary Phagan you fucking pedophile sympathizer. 6 million wasn't good enough.

>> Anonymous (ID: 4Qj/H0Ww ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:50:13 No.309083460 ▶ >>309083603

shouldnt you be sucking baby dicks rn

>> Anonymous (ID: iwgjeDgj ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:51:38 No.309083570 ▶ >>309083742


I dont understand this tactic. Calling her a kike or a glownigger is one thing, they always do that when they
feel threatened, but the who line is a new one. Theyre absolutely desperate for something to work and none
of it is. Its beautiful.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:52:00 No.309083603 ▶

not jewish though. Shouldn't you be killing some serbs?

>> Anonymous (ID: 7dF89f8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:52:50 No.309083671 ▶ >>309083887

File: B12D0491-7932-4249-B9E9-1(...).jpg (350 KB, 1066x1570)

Yep Socialism is Shit
That’s why I am a Nationalist
Definition of nationalism
1 : loyalty and devotion to a nation
especially : a sense of national consciousness (see CONSCIOUSNESS sense 1c) exalting
one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and
interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

>> Anonymous (ID: vnRE4ZqV ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:52:51 No.309083672 ▶ >>309084043

File: 1597145328264.gif (19 KB, 100x100) 25/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Well police was plainly normal here, st least guardia civil and polivia nacional, dont know
abot the retarded ertxantxa or the mossos de quadra.
But now with conafake they maked the police to force masks on pipol so its preeth mesded
I know theres a group of policemen that rebelled against this, its called "policias por la
I really hope we get back to normal.

>> Anonymous (ID: 1rQo59dA ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:53:22 No.309083705 ▶

she became a man, again.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:53:42 No.309083735 ▶

>I hate the acceleration theory.
You don't have any control over anything anymore. EVERY politician is a puppet and traitor. EVERY
(((vote))) only serves to give your enemy and the state more legitimacy and power. EVERY day that you do
a job and pay taxes keeps their system functional.

SYSTEM. The masses will never "wake up" in time to "vote" anyone different or new. Acceleration is the
acceptance that you MUST BE A DESTRUCTIVE ELEMENT in society and to the system. You gain by
making them lose. "Legitimacy" is the critical element to power. It's power without the use of power.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:53:47 No.309083742 ▶

Isabel considers herself a "Falangist. Jonsista, to be exact . But I'm not in the Falange youth", she declared
in 'El Mundo', and later added that she is a "fascist" and believes "in a national and socialist regime . "

The young woman denies being a Nazi. "It seems like a ridiculous word to me. It became popular to discredit
and distort these movements that only wanted a regime of greatness and spirituality. Nazi seems an insult to
me. It reminds me of the shaving of the movies, the hooligan. National Socialism is something deeper than
shaving his head and put a tattoo on his neck. He is a person who believes in values that have governed
civilization, who plays sports, listens to classical music, and has an austere, stoic life. I am not a Nazi

Technically your worship a jewish fascist whore. Way to go

>> Anonymous (ID: DtPqdSmu ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:54:01 No.309083764 ▶ >>309083883

File: lel.jpg (543 KB, 3716x2477)

this will be her in 40 years

>> Anonymous (ID: z0m9iqAl ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:54:21 No.309083787 ▶

Not really. Men can have a harem or be a monk, they can still be virtuous.

>> Anonymous (ID: 0l32eOyh ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:55:33 No.309083883 ▶

Thats 40 years of bleaching

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:55:38 No.309083887 ▶ >>309084152 26/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
This is the definition of Nationalism. Lie at your own risk.

>Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference (self-determination),
that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity[2] and that the nation is the only rightful source of
political power (popular sovereignty).[1][3] It further aims to build and maintain a SINGLE NATIONAL
IDENTITY, based on shared social characteristics of CULTURE, ETHNICITY, geographic location,
LANGUAGE, politics (or the government), religion, traditions and belief in a SHARED SINGULAR history,[4]
[5] and to promote national unity or solidarity.

>> Anonymous (ID: ox6Rc9IW ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:56:27 No.309083960 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
>She is our queen.
>You can cry and scream
>"Not my queen"
> It doesn't change a thing.
Mongolian pottery

>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:57:30 No.309084043 ▶ >>309084497

It appears that spanish police (except those two) and italian seems to be much more "reactionary" than in
other western european countries.

they have fascist themed restaurants in italy, can you imagine somewhere else one of those without antifa
breaking everything? of course the police can back the restaurants

>> Anonymous (ID: 7dF89f8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:59:06 No.309084152 ▶ >>309084973

File: 21F67FB6-97F0-4842-A6EA-8(...).jpg (77 KB, 498x487)

Wiki HaHaHa like I said before Go FUCK your self

>> Anonymous (ID: /9n6GuUN ) 02/21/21(Sun)09:59:43 No.309084202 ▶

File: austin.jpg (28 KB, 339x293)

That's a man baby!

>> Anonymous (ID: KoNd381r ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:00:22 No.309084246 ▶ >>309084382

>>309071643 (OP)
Wtf she looks like a beaner.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:02:11 No.309084382 ▶

she is a sexy jewish bitch. Don't talk negatively bout her

>> Anonymous (ID: vnRE4ZqV ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:03:49 No.309084497 ▶ >>309084932 27/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: 1604232968486.jpg (89 KB, 759x1024)

Yeah but dont get your hopes too high they are being cucked from above.
See pics of twitter saving from the sea "illegal aliens", oh god i really like that english
expresion, they are being cucked as we talk, year by year and day by day.
Still you can found "Todo por la patria" wrote in all the Guardia civil barracs.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2JB1O/fF ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:03:59 No.309084512 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
This sounds like a jealous AOC

>> Anonymous (ID: M+/wGY48 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:04:32 No.309084546 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)

I remember once upon a time someone called me a faggot because I was acting like a faggot. I bring this up
because there's no shame today. I call you a faggot for acting like a faggot and you get a fucking medal for
bravery and I get called a white supremacist. Back in the day though, someone called you a fag you didn't
have anywhere to run. You had to take the shame. And usually, the shame made you stop acting like a fag.
See it was a useful tool. We made fags less faggy this way back in the day.
"You're acting like a fucking faggot!" Was all it would take to make a man straighten the fuck out, no puns
intended. These days though, you can't even hint that a so-called "man" is acting like a bitch without being
labeled as some kind of -ism. When I acted like a fag, I got called a fag and it made me re-evaluate my
position and FAGGY behavior. Now though? There's nobody to tell you that you're a fucking FAGGOT and
so you keep acting like a total fag day after day until you die and your family uses your birth name of BRIAN
or STEVE on your tombstone.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9OZ+1/27 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:05:27 No.309084612 ▶ >>309084638

She certainly looks semitic as fuck. It smells of psyop to be honest.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:05:53 No.309084638 ▶ >>309084913 >>309085144

The smell of a girl's asshole is closely tied to her lifestyle choices. Just looking at how in-shape she is, you
know she's not the kind of trashy chick that eats like garbage and has a digestive system shot to shit. She
likely always produces healthy, large, solid, bowel-emptying poops that, while inarguably smelly, aren't the
kind to make you gag and want to vomit.
She definitely isn't a fan of daily showers or frequent laundry. Unless she uses a bidet, she will often have to
rely on solely TP to keep the space between her cheeks clean, which isn't a problem for one or two days.
But for any longer, adding on her active lifestyle and large bowel movements due to a high-protein diet, and
a slick, paste-like layer of sweat, pubic hair, dead skin cells, and trace amounts of the bits of fecal matter TP
can't cover will begin to develop on the surface of her anus.
In the end I think her ass will smell like what it smells like in the bathroom after you'd just flushed your poop
and forgot to open the window - moist, musky, sweaty, and with the unmistakable cloying but muted odor of
feces. But I think the smell of sweat alone would nearly overpower even that.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9OZ+1/27 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:07:08 No.309084728 ▶

She sprob crazy andlooking for DnA. Shes an embarrass.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7l6catA/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:09:33 No.309084902 ▶ 28/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
hi brittany, how are you doing?

>> Anonymous (ID: bwEeSezm ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:09:43 No.309084913 ▶ >>309085142



>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:10:02 No.309084932 ▶

I've understand what you say.

in the end of the day, they need the money and they're following orders

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:10:39 No.309084973 ▶ >>309085983

You'll never be White

>> Anonymous (ID: 1hMp12qn ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:11:27 No.309085034 ▶ >>309085449


>> Anonymous (ID: 7l6catA/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:11:56 No.309085071 ▶ >>309085265

This just triggered a very strange memory. I can't describe it. Wth?

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:12:51 No.309085142 ▶ >>309085314 >>309085538

He's a demented jewish antifa(g)

>> Anonymous (ID: 9OZ+1/27 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:12:52 No.309085144 ▶ >>309085389

Nice pasta dude. Sure youve been in her ass many times... in your fat burger dreams i guess.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:14:45 No.309085265 ▶ >>309085846 >>309087036 >>309088422

File: 756989563.jpg (569 KB, 1666x2000)


>> Anonymous (ID: AIYPS+Or ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:15:15 No.309085299 ▶

fpbp 29/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

the best response simps have is calling everyone ((())).

god the prepubescent horny faggots should kys. you are worse than altchan retards all caps SHIT FUCK

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:15:26 No.309085314 ▶ >>309085538 >>309085771

not jewish not antifa just too edgy 4 u

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:16:32 No.309085389 ▶ >>309085916

she has a big jewish ass and child bearing hips the type you want to spank for being naughty slut.

>> Anonymous (ID: ouqCnUrh ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:17:21 No.309085449 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: bwEeSezm ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:18:49 No.309085538 ▶ >>309085865 >>309086026



>> Anonymous (ID: ouqCnUrh ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:19:07 No.309085567 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: wxw4vzyx ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:19:45 No.309085611 ▶ >>309085764 >>309085972 >>309086556

File: isabelmedina.png (36 KB, 671x338)

shes been fired and kicked out of the house bros... how can we support her?

>> Anonymous (ID: ZWmay3mb ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:20:08 No.309085646 ▶

>current queen
Uhh, thats a hammerhead shark.

>> Anonymous (ID: wFvwMghT ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:20:18 No.309085656 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
Sage fuck every fag that replied to this thread never gonna watch her kys.

>> Anonymous (ID: lx1Iq7TY ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:20:30 No.309085663 ▶ >>309086704 >>309086961

>>309071643 (OP)
The shilling of this goblin chupacabra is Jewish astroturfing.

>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:21:46 No.309085764 ▶ 30/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
it's like the inverse thing in america

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:21:50 No.309085771 ▶

(((>>309085314)))<- explain this

>> Anonymous (ID: 7l6catA/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:23:00 No.309085846 ▶ >>309087036 >>309088422

what the fuck is going on. Where is this from??

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:23:13 No.309085865 ▶

outside is where the normies are. On the internet you can create a Jewish Fascista gf

>> Anonymous (ID: 9OZ+1/27 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:23:59 No.309085916 ▶ >>309085996 >>309086051 >>309086368


Maybe you, but now me. In the moment she said the enemy is tje jew tisting her tongue and bobbing her
head i couldnt but cringe at her behaviour.
Ill tell you something else, once i saw a post of a girl off the rails against globohomo, jews and trannies in
youtube and i replied ad told ger sister, though i understand what you say this is not the way to say it. I bet
you anything it was her. Shes a nutcase that does nothing but but undermine any European effort to get free
of Shlomo shackles and should be ignored.

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:24:43 No.309085972 ▶

That's where her husband would be the support. Women on the "right" have a 6 million to 1 ratio of guys
who are interested in them for marriage. The only reason a woman these days is unwed is because they
don't want to be

>> Anonymous (ID: q8HRUfnQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:24:48 No.309085982 ▶ >>309086673

File: 75e0c3bee9ca466cc902969de(...).jpg (74 KB, 375x682)

I haven't seen jews this rustled in a thread for a long time. It's Queen Isabela and the Spanish
inquisition all over again.

>> Anonymous (ID: 7dF89f8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:24:48 No.309085983 ▶ >>309086130

File: D028E364-C688-4CB1-ABF1-7(...).jpg (213 KB, 1000x1000)

What according to someone’s else’s opinion.. HaHaHa you are misguided if you think
your OPINION matters to ME or ANYONE.
Maybe your putting imaginary hurdles in front of your fellow man to make yourself feel
superior in some way..Are you are that Pathetic anon? Are you soo weak of an
individual you’ll scrape at anything to make yourself seem Better..

>> Anonymous (ID: 9OZ+1/27 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:24:56 No.309085996 ▶ 31/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:25:20 No.309086026 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 9OZ+1/27 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:25:43 No.309086051 ▶

wtf this kb is shit. I have to smash the keys to type properly.

>> Anonymous (ID: glCNUI+P ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:26:18 No.309086075 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
She is a female medshit

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:26:59 No.309086130 ▶ >>309087130

I'm sure that whores dad or future husband would be proud. Also.. fuck am*rica the whore of zion

>> Anonymous (ID: vReLzLLg ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:28:06 No.309086206 ▶

She's pretty, but she's never called them out.

>> Anonymous (ID: vReLzLLg ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:29:59 No.309086319 ▶

File: 1613694504461.jpg (31 KB, 489x469)

She's so perfect, bros.

>> Anonymous (ID: EYjGxB7V ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:30:16 No.309086341 ▶

Foot fags need to be exterminated

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:30:44 No.309086368 ▶

>Hitler was too loud when he gave speeches my ears hurt
>This girl's hips were too sexy when she swagged
>Her elbows are too pointy to talk about jews
Liquidate yourself

>> Anonymous (ID: Z0HZ0arV ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:32:06 No.309086464 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: 0l32eOyh ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:33:24 No.309086556 ▶

>19 32/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
I can be be her new papi

>> Anonymous (ID: yB+e6B5T ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:33:41 No.309086573 ▶ >>309086671 >>309086722 >>309086760

>>309086820 >>309087106 >>309088336
File: 1613889623286.jpg (14 KB, 250x250)

>>309071643 (OP)
She look like 5$ whore from cartagena. Some attention whore goes muh jews and /pol
goes ecstatic. pathetic incels.

>> Anonymous (ID: gBD2Dnhz ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:35:16 No.309086671 ▶ >>309087188

>attacking physical appearance, hating white beauty THIS much
oy vey

>> Anonymous (ID: 4Qj/H0Ww ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:35:17 No.309086673 ▶ >>309087070 >>309087882

File: 1579624104665m.jpg (111 KB, 529x1024)

stay strong bros. only together can we cut off all of the heads of the judaic

>> Anonymous (ID: gBD2Dnhz ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:35:48 No.309086704 ▶

>meme flag
alright moshe

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:36:06 No.309086722 ▶ >>309087188

>Some "nobody" say jews and it was LITERALLY jews who wrote 6 million articles about the "nobody" within
88 seconds
>Why do the goyim do this?!
Liquidate yourself jew

>> Anonymous (ID: DsOycFyU ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:36:32 No.309086760 ▶ >>309087188

File: One struggle2.jpg (469 KB, 1266x703)

hopefully she brings spain back the the days where they
didn't tolerate your kind.

>> Anonymous (ID: RkyUNXuE ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:36:45 No.309086773 ▶

t arab

>> Sage in all fields (ID: lbBLcmOT ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:37:26 No.309086820 ▶ >>309087188 33/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Jews are afraid huh? Tick tock juden

>> Anonymous (ID: aEm+e8Fn ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:38:26 No.309086887 ▶

yikes this mutts tits are hanging down to her knees
the fuck

>> Anonymous (ID: ouqCnUrh ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:39:34 No.309086961 ▶

Let’s see your flag

>> Anonymous (ID: hPLDL6u6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:40:26 No.309087036 ▶

I would also like to know where this is from, seems familiar.

>> Anonymous (ID: q8HRUfnQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:40:58 No.309087070 ▶ >>309087401

File: 5aa7208a1bd41.gif (1.56 MB, 430x430)

1488 brother.

>> Anonymous (ID: jhYLSWDm ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:41:29 No.309087106 ▶

Forgot the meme flag Moshe

>> Anonymous (ID: 7dF89f8K ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:41:53 No.309087130 ▶

File: 45FBFF34-89A0-46E0-9550-6(...).jpg (257 KB, 975x1024)

You were nothing more than a toy..

>> Anonymous (ID: uKQFxPBl ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:42:25 No.309087172 ▶


people dont understand that her attitude isnt not gonna be a problem just for her, but to plenty of other right-
wingers, specially us

>> Anonymous (ID: yB+e6B5T ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:42:40 No.309087188 ▶ >>309087305 >>309087403 >>309087568

>>309087616 >>309087943 >>309088345
File: 32UY785Y386376.png (195 KB, 453x382)

>>309086722 34/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
It's over for your country, mutts. In 20 years you'll become a minority in your own
fucking country. Your cunt daughters will probably end with a big negro dick in their
mouth. Jews own your faggot ass country.

We're only 2% of your population and we dominate your banks, media, entertainment
industry, academic institutions etc...You name it, We own it. You're truly incompetent
subhumans compare to us.

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:44:32 No.309087305 ▶

now this guy is a real jew.

>> Anonymous (ID: PcFPU6Cj ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:45:44 No.309087401 ▶

I see you Moshee

>> Anonymous (ID: r/5JCLh+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:45:46 No.309087403 ▶ >>309087880

File: 1385945462021.png (58 KB, 872x605)

>It's over for your country
If it was over your shilling would be unnecessary

>> Anonymous (ID: Mqjrr5Au ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:46:34 No.309087462 ▶ >>309089060

Isabel Medina Peralta. Shes a Nazi

>> Anonymous (ID: q8HRUfnQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:48:08 No.309087568 ▶

>my propaganda is so unnecessary i'm on /pol/ shilling it

>> Anonymous (ID: YdFhegfE ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:48:17 No.309087576 ▶

File: pepe (1).jpg (68 KB, 521x516)

Today is february 21st. I predict that before the month is over, she will be forgotten. Pol
won't even remember her first name. Screencap this.

>> Anonymous (ID: dSg+znc4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:48:53 No.309087616 ▶

You should treat your slaves better

>> Anonymous (ID: 9g9OSPnH ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:50:15 No.309087721 ▶ >>309087903

i can see your nose from here

>> Anonymous (ID: 4Qj/H0Ww ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:52:46 No.309087880 ▶ 35/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
File: 3f35f88648a1da14382f46e92(...).jpg (124 KB, 738x571)

its demoralization and just like shoving black men and white women in your face in
every advertisement. you are meant to feel hopeless and surrender your destiny
without putting up a fight. never fall for it and let the light of national socialism guide you
through the darkness

>> Anonymous (ID: YdFhegfE ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:52:48 No.309087882 ▶ >>309088127

Why is Franco missing from your pic? He is arguably the third most important fascist leader...

>> Anonymous (ID: AGwHbTL4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:53:03 No.309087903 ▶

hey all power to you if you want a sexy jewish slut representing the movement.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8gKHaaDS ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:53:41 No.309087937 ▶

and that's a good thing

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:53:43 No.309087943 ▶

You "survived" from 4 yentas bitch. We have 1 billion Whites while you have an out marriage rate of 50%
and the other half fucks their cousin because you're inbred freaks.

>Some 3.5 million or 40 percent of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from just four “founding mothers” who
lived in Europe 1,000 years ago. The mothers were part of a small group who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish
community, which was established in Europe as a result of migration from the Near East.

Remember your history ;)
>This setback, however, caused Emperor Hadrian to assemble a large-scale Roman force from across the
Empire, which invaded Judea in 134 under the command of General Sextus Julius Severus. The Roman
army was made up of six full legions with auxiliaries and elements from up to six additional legions, which
finally managed to crush the revolt.[12]

>The Bar Kokhba revolt resulted in the extensive depopulation of Judean communities, more so than during
the First Jewish–Roman War of 70 CE.[13] According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Jews perished in the war and
many more died of hunger and disease. In addition, many Judean war captives were sold into slavery.[14]
The Jewish communities of Judea were devastated to an extent which some scholars describe as a

>> Anonymous (ID: 4Qj/H0Ww ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:56:35 No.309088127 ▶

i didnt make the oc. feel free to edit it

>> Anonymous (ID: GFzlTi1t ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:59:33 No.309088324 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
she should stop smoking desu its bad for her.

>> Anonymous (ID: a3Zp3oiX ) 02/21/21(Sun)10:59:51 No.309088336 ▶

File: Bundesarchiv_Bild_101II-M(...).jpg (72 KB, 800x550) 36/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Fuck off Κike

>> Anonymous (ID: atbgOLH+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:00:01 No.309088345 ▶


>Jewish Population of Israel Drops Below 74 Percent For The First Time
So much for that jewish state

>> Anonymous (ID: IHQl4vyz ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:01:21 No.309088422 ▶

Big Comfy Couch. Awckward clown boner.

>> Anonymous (ID: /jfkCyg3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:04:29 No.309088614 ▶

>>309071643 (OP)
i like her but calling her ''Queen'' is cringe as fuck.

>> Anonymous (ID: /jfkCyg3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:06:23 No.309088748 ▶

she's european. fuck off

>> Anonymous (ID: TH4FYL8x ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:06:44 No.309088775 ▶

jew is a state of mind.

>> Anonymous (ID: jkeWvz9z ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:07:58 No.309088849 ▶

She is parroting what a strong man thinks, if she looked like boba fet, nobody would give a shit what she
says. If she was truly sincere about spreading knowledge and waking people up, she wouldn't use her tits as
leverage. You people disgust me, not because of the nigger lust. That I get, but don't let pussy dictate your
politics or be so easily charmed.

>> Anonymous (ID: jkeWvz9z ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:08:57 No.309088908 ▶

I would never follow a woman into battle or in any politics. Shame on you.

>> Anonymous (ID: Ky5Rplic ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:11:21 No.309089060 ▶

No she's not. The fucking kikes are trying to push this bitch so hard, only for their fucking MSM to go like :
"durrrr, new Nahtzee spic pops up and the /pol/ fasceestz love her".

I haven't seen such a forced shit on /pol/ in years. 37/38
21/2/2021 /pol/ - She is our queen. You can cry and scream "Not my q - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Daily reminder that the Isabel threaders will never be women

>> Anonymous (ID: qCjsH5fW ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:13:17 No.309089195 ▶ >>309089361

File: 16C7C9DC-ADC0-4DB5-9361-3(...).png (3.01 MB, 1800x1340)

It’s truly astonishing how much JIDF shilling there’s been on /pol/ about her for the last
Sometimes I think: if Hitler were a young man today, what would /pol/ say? And I think
the answer is that a bunch of memeflaggots would be complaining:
>he’s not aryan!
>he likes dogs? Absolutely haram
>probably a jew huehuehue
>drug addict! oy vey
>He didn’t start the race way yesterday so he must be le shill.bmp
>simp harder you fag
We have a great voice for the future (someone who’s not just correct, but pretty, and young, and female) and
people decide that now’s the time to believe memeflags and Israeli VPNers.
It’s all so tiresome.

>> Anonymous (ID: DWPJk13q ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:15:49 No.309089361 ▶

Good point.

>> Anonymous (ID: VEKwbRuW ) 02/21/21(Sun)11:18:37 No.309089542 ▶

Sweed feed and seed.
Formerly sub human genetics

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