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21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: Screenshot_20210221-18575(...).jpg (272 KB, 1438x758)

Our girl is doing it :) Anonymous (ID: FEQXcq+W )
02/21/21(Sun)18:58:15 No.309131045 ▶ >>309131159 >>309132213
>>309132252 >>309133207 >>309133609 >>309134280 >>309134471 >>309135463
>>309138992 >>309140732 >>309141615 >>309141964 >>309142020 >>309142049
>>309142061 >>309142356 >>309142392 >>309144314 >>309144352 >>309145938
>>309146151 >>309146212 >>309147315 >>309147516 >>309147667 >>309147849
>>309147959 >>309148092 >>309148165 >>309148837 >>309149031 >>309150458
>>309150558 >>309150632 >>309151752 >>309151869 >>309151935 >>309152014
>>309152043 >>309154323 >>309155569 >>309155651 >>309157712 >>309157801

She just announced a Youtube account on her twitter


>> Anonymous (ID: GQq449bU ) 02/21/21(Sun)18:59:17 No.309131159 ▶ >>309132331 >>309132770 >>309136909

>>309139601 >>309141753 >>309142159 >>309142172 >>309142211 >>309142248 >>309142715 >>309142725 >>309146734 >>309146946
>>309147191 >>309147982 >>309150368 >>309150558 >>309150937 >>309153615 >>309155618 >>309155651 >>309155792 >>309156842
>>309156993 >>309157721 1/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>>309131045 (OP)
stop shilling that bitch she’s not even white. Simp for her somewhere else.

>> Anonymous (ID: +4OfGwe4 ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:03:23 No.309131687 ▶ >>309139601 >>309147853 >>309148059

And another ethot with a simp base is born

>> Anonymous (ID: FMI6Jgxg ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:07:18 No.309132178 ▶ >>309147308 >>309157717

good job CIA

now do Iran lel

>> Anonymous (ID: S789u3KI ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:07:38 No.309132213 ▶ >>309142121

>>309131045 (OP)
fake account and fake channel

>> Anonymous (ID: 8wOdduHo ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:07:56 No.309132252 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
Best news I've had all week. Hope she sets up a patreon or something. I really need to simp for her.

>> Anonymous (ID: XjsleRRe ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:08:29 No.309132331 ▶ >>309134345

shutup queer

>> Anonymous (ID: Hxtvg46C ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:08:46 No.309132371 ▶ >>309132556 >>309139601 >>309142023


She's cute and seems based and all but the amount of you faggots worshipping the ground she walks on
is fucking pathetic.

>> Anonymous (ID: FMI6Jgxg ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:10:26 No.309132556 ▶ >>309133031 >>309133615 >>309135151

>>309147765 >>309158758

>what is CIA astroturf

>> Anonymous (ID: q6nexjqm ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:10:36 No.309132572 ▶


seems legit, discord fag

>> Anonymous (ID: bF5HklQb ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:12:11 No.309132770 ▶

this bitch is shilling for herself

>> Anonymous (ID: 8wOdduHo ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:14:05 No.309133031 ▶

Lol it's not the CIA. If there weren't spergs at the beginning calling her a kike, whore etc no one would
care about her anymore.

>> 2/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:15:34 No.309133207 ▶ >>309134848

>>309131045 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: bF5HklQb ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:18:46 No.309133609 ▶ >>309148059

>>309131045 (OP)
if you fags want to keep shilling this dry hole can you at least put her name in the title so my filter catches
it and hides this shit

>> Anonymous (ID: mzorA1zY ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:18:48 No.309133615 ▶

File: 47a015f4-4ecb-4430-9c80-3(...).jpg (259 KB, 1920x1080)

The boogeyman that Amerimutts use to cope
for being total cowards.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3TLnknWa ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:19:41 No.309133712 ▶

Thanks but some me have no place in politics

>> Anonymous (ID: Cb3/0J+X ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:24:14 No.309134280 ▶ >>309139601 >>309148059

>>309131045 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: Cb3/0J+X ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:24:47 No.309134345 ▶

Go back to mexico beaner

>> Anonymous (ID: krJbxfkp ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:25:57 No.309134471 ▶

File: 1613770162896.jpg (40 KB, 540x578)

>>309131045 (OP)
if her videos last more than a day, she's probably
controlled opposition lol

>> Anonymous (ID: UK71UMYP ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:29:06 No.309134848 ▶ >>309135217


>> Anonymous (ID: Cd8816Gn ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:31:32 No.309135151 ▶

File: 1606888821303.jpg (119 KB, 1024x749)

>>what is CIA astroturf

>> 3/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:32:01 No.309135217 ▶

There is absolutley nothing wrong with simping!

>> Anonymous (ID: GJgblfY3 ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:34:06 No.309135463 ▶

File: cleavage-thursday-99.jpg (76 KB, 862x1000)

>>309131045 (OP)
He will never be a woman

>> Anonymous (ID: Oi9xjRe0 ) 02/21/21(Sun)19:46:29 No.309136909 ▶

>she’s not even white
Who ever said that?

>> Anonymous (ID: +MPiSNNI ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:03:27 No.309138992 ▶ >>309139721

>>309131045 (OP)
Does she has an OnlyFans account?

>> Anonymous (ID: N4gz8DfF ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:08:32 No.309139601 ▶ >>309140566

Found the jews

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:09:27 No.309139721 ▶

Hopefully the onlyfans account is the next one she makes.

>> Anonymous (ID: Cb3/0J+X ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:15:41 No.309140501 ▶

File: Ihatewetbacks.jpg (717 KB, 1440x1233)

>> Anonymous (ID: Cb3/0J+X ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:16:12 No.309140566 ▶ >>309141564 >>309144453

File: 895042_630x354.jpg (30 KB, 630x354)

Found the fucking wetback

>> Anonymous (ID: LmfI0DP9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:17:33 No.309140732 ▶ >>309142074 >>309152036 4/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>>309131045 (OP)
And now we shall see. If YT doesn't ban her then she is comped.

>> Anonymous (ID: UK71UMYP ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:23:43 No.309141564 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: ePUDIzuc ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:24:10 No.309141615 ▶ >>309141789

File: griftersgtfo.jpg (51 KB, 480x268)

>>309131045 (OP)
i look forward to 30 threads about her every day on this
fucking god forsaken board

>> Anonymous (ID: AxevmyCI ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:25:25 No.309141753 ▶

whiter than you, Rodriguez

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:25:42 No.309141789 ▶

Unironically, same
Great minds really do think alike.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3VLvFqNQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:27:03 No.309141964 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
OnlyFans fucking when????

>> Anonymous (ID: nYUiGYzJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:27:27 No.309142020 ▶ >>309142331

>>309131045 (OP)
nice. youtube now. war soon. we will fight for Queen Isabel!

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:27:28 No.309142023 ▶

Yeah I'm making it happen just to piss guys like you off.

Glad to know it's working. Stay mad, I'ma simp some more.

>> Anonymous (ID: qfU45zrx ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:27:42 No.309142049 ▶ >>309148059

>>309131045 (OP)
there are 6 active threads about her
let's talk about astroturfing
and no I don't give a fuck about her, it's just the fact you are sliding everything else either willingly or not

>> Anonymous (ID: uTncvx7m ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:27:48 No.309142061 ▶ >>309142410

File: 935c77f8919dae65754a08f14(...).jpg (205 KB, 1080x1111)

>>309131045 (OP) 5/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: EtEfZwuV ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:27:53 No.309142074 ▶


The amount of people failing to understand that this i nothing more than a psyop is fucking astounding. If
this shit was for real, she would have been cancelled by now. People had their lives ruined for less.

>> Anonymous (ID: JPerbg31 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:28:14 No.309142121 ▶ >>309143834

That Twitter account has been retweeted by which is the the account
of the site she put on her column in El Correo de España:

Likely real

>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:28:34 No.309142159 ▶

So was not many of the Hitler allies. So what?

>> Anonymous (ID: oGwVDxWi ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:28:40 No.309142172 ▶

you shills are quick aren't you?

>> Anonymous (ID: YzD+FBeF ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:28:59 No.309142211 ▶

Shut it you stupid fucking cunt

>> Anonymous (ID: lDw1y03/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:29:18 No.309142248 ▶

shut the fuck up Sanchez

>> Anonymous (ID: 7DP5JNwF ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:30:04 No.309142331 ▶

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the
store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

>> Anonymous (ID: UAFPyreA ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:30:14 No.309142356 ▶ >>309142935 >>309143387

>>309131045 (OP)
peralta is a jewish name 6/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: wuw4BKw2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:30:35 No.309142392 ▶ >>309142622

>>309131045 (OP)
How could she be allowed on twitter after all this?

>> Anonymous (ID: 2imr4xV9 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:30:42 No.309142410 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:32:36 No.309142622 ▶ >>309146929

>the shills are trying very hard to lay the groundwork for the "she hasn't been banned from YouTube
within 3 seconds of her account going live, she's CIA!" narrative


>> Anonymous (ID: QuDW8DzC ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:33:26 No.309142715 ▶ >>309143127 >>309144042 >>309146081

>>309146818 >>309149878
File: C8CDDEB1-8B0D-48BA-836D-7(...).jpg (134 KB, 732x1024)


White nationalists are such a fucking cancer.

>she’s not even white hurrr durr let me suck Richard Spencer off

Mosley - Anglo (white)

Hitler - Austrian (white)
Mussolini - Northern Italy (white)
Rivera - Spain (Spanish/Med)
Codrenua - Romania (Slavic)
SSNP - Syria (Arab)

National socialists and fascist DONT hate non whites we want them to preserve their peoples just as we
do ours for separate harmony.

>> Anonymous (ID: l66LXuf7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:33:31 No.309142725 ▶

Shut the fuck up TAIWAN NUMBER ONE

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:35:19 No.309142935 ▶ >>309143369

File: Absoutely No Need.gif (1.27 MB, 325x203)

Yeah she's our Jewish Spic Queen Isabel, you got a
problem with that dejudio?

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:36:50 No.309143127 ▶ >>309143305

File: 1613874376305.png (321 KB, 650x360)

Purity-spiraling is the oldest glownigger tactic to
neutralize white nationalism.

>> Anonymous (ID: QuDW8DzC ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:38:17 No.309143305 ▶ >>309145497 >>309150228 7/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


Did I even mention purity?

>fascism has been universal

Tell me what white nationalism has accomplished and how it intends to solve other problems other than of
course a major issue of being replaced by cheap colored labor?

Richard Spencer is a capitalist and a degenerate.

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:38:43 No.309143369 ▶ >>309150387

When will these muthafuckers learn?

>> Anonymous (ID: JPerbg31 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:38:52 No.309143387 ▶

99% of Portuguese and Spanish names are also found in descendants of Sephardic Jews.

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:42:23 No.309143834 ▶ >>309144069 >>309148306

I have my doubts based on the fact that the picture used on her profile , is an upscale edit of one her
pictures done and originally posted here on pol by an anon among others upscale and edits ,
Either , (a) she lurks and saved that image , (b) someone helping her setting up her new accounts lurks
and saved it , or (c) is fake and a scam by someone lurking here

>> Anonymous (ID: WtOfW5gu ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:44:09 No.309144042 ▶

This. To really thing one nationalism can win is autistic, Just let everyone do their own thing against the

>> Anonymous (ID: JPerbg31 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:44:20 No.309144069 ▶ >>309145701

It was enough to fool the account of a website she apparently runs. Also, it seems clear to me that she's
not alone. She has been and is part of several youth falangist groups.

>> Anonymous (ID: CVtOEtCV ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:46:17 No.309144314 ▶ >>309145746 >>309148059 >>309151399

>>309131045 (OP)
I just can't believe how pathetic neo-nazis actually are. First you have that 16 year old in Britain who was
a leading member *at 16 years old* of a neo-nazi group who got arrested for sending PDFs, now you've
got all of these people simping for an average woman just because she said "muh joos". Our intelligence
agencies are wrong to take literally anything you idiots do seriously.

>> Anonymous (ID: kI+V6uEv ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:46:33 No.309144352 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
She needs to learn english, cant understand mexican shit

>> Anonymous (ID: DJzXTNmU ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:47:35 No.309144453 ▶

File: jidf.gif (17 KB, 255x190)

>spamming same pics and pastas and namecalling in every thread about
a girl naming the jews 8/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: l66LXuf7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:56:10 No.309145497 ▶

Based and redpilled

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:57:59 No.309145701 ▶ >>309146189

File: ifonlyyouknew.jpg (163 KB, 681x430)

In any case I hope it's real (if isabel or anyone close to her is reading this , please
confirm by means of her holding a sing with the urls of her actual accounts )
They weren't expecting her to be that articulate nor informed
The general response from the chat of her interview has been a massive whithepill
in support , which is why the shill are so desperate and in full damage control.
She is about to have to face charges and instead of bow her head down , doubled down . She is truly
setting an example to follow .

>> Anonymous (ID: nZpW7vjK ) 02/21/21(Sun)20:58:27 No.309145746 ▶

They're called storm niggers for a reason!

>> Anonymous (ID: 0howJQvZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:00:12 No.309145938 ▶ >>309146400

>>309131045 (OP)
>Owned by Google

Nazi's are a psyop to give people with power a boogyman to fight against.

>> Anonymous (ID: 8wOdduHo ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:01:16 No.309146081 ▶ >>309146412


>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:01:50 No.309146151 ▶ >>309148059 >>309151519
File: 1611882392122.jpg (431 KB, 1013x963)

>>309131045 (OP)
Why does the supposedly superior """master race""" keep falling for these eceleb
schemes over and over again?

>> Anonymous (ID: JPerbg31 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:02:08 No.309146189 ▶

It will likely be 100% confirmed once she posts something on that Youtube account.

>> 9/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:02:21 No.309146212 ▶ >>309146633 >>309146776 >>309147076

File: 1600028426515.jpg (1.36 MB, 1080x1350)

>>309131045 (OP)
so who the fuck is she and why are there so many threads about her on pol and fit?
in other words how did she became famous?

>> Anonymous (ID: Fp7BEWuu ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:03:49 No.309146400 ▶ >>309146579

She explicitly mentioned she isn't a nazi and doesn't want to be seen as one

>> Anonymous (ID: QuDW8DzC ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:03:54 No.309146412 ▶


Even you faggots had the blue shirts

>> Anonymous (ID: FEQXcq+W ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:05:15 No.309146579 ▶

Actually in her interview with David Santos she said multiple times that she defines herself as "national

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:05:41 No.309146633 ▶ >>309146975 >>309151758

She said "jew" in public and now beta males on /pol/ can't stop cumming and shitting and farting.

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:06:26 No.309146734 ▶

File: 1613895764007.png (307 KB, 665x312)


>> Anonymous (ID: nZFZ4NMa ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:06:50 No.309146776 ▶

>why are there so many threads about her on pol and fit?
She has a vagina

>> Anonymous (ID: pF4zLuXN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:07:12 No.309146818 ▶

It's not WN doing it. It's jews/blacks/military.

>> Anonymous (ID: wuw4BKw2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:08:08 No.309146929 ▶ >>309150076

Shutup fag I’m genuinely curious
Everyone else has been banned off twitter except Richard spencer 10/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: yJ4S0Ja2 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:08:20 No.309146946 ▶ >>309147357

This bitch will soon end up on onlyfans and you cuckold gonna pay for her rent

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:08:27 No.309146958 ▶

this is just Evalion 2.0

>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:08:37 No.309146975 ▶ >>309147123 >>309147320 >>309147391

>>309147714 >>309150371 >>309151927

ok she mentioned jews but she originally was what? a politician? journalist? streamer? instawhore?

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:09:27 No.309147076 ▶

File: 1613846357972.jpg (77 KB, 1094x616)

The spirits of Oswald Mosley, Primo de Rivera and Hitler , combined , had took host
on a qt 18yo girl who named the jew and their ills , and when went viral , doubled
down , and dropped lots of redpills

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:09:48 No.309147123 ▶ >>309148018

nothing, she is 18

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:10:18 No.309147191 ▶

As an Anglo, I decide who's white and who's not white. I have decided to accept Isabel into the white race
and kick you out of it.

>> Anonymous (ID: xaWx0N/b ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:10:45 No.309147262 ▶

the amount of kvetching this 18 year old broad is causing is incredible

i will simp for her purely for the butthurt

>> Anonymous (ID: DKUZWXrQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:11:04 No.309147308 ▶

This lol

>> Anonymous (ID: DDaQLCX6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:11:06 No.309147315 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
If you can have a YT-account without getting banned/censored then you're not telling the truth

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:11:09 No.309147320 ▶ >>309148018

File: 1613855781463.webm (2.87 MB, 1576x886)


>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:11:32 No.309147357 ▶ 11/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

she will likely do porn eventually just like Evalion

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:11:47 No.309147391 ▶ >>309147540 >>309147567 >>309148198
>>309150783 >>309152123
File: 1612671602518.png (437 KB, 600x619)

She's 18 years old. She'll probably drop these views by 21. Trust me when I say this
ordeal is gonna leave /pol/ looking even more stupid than ever before. You think Nick
and the Catboy were bad? Hah! The humiliation train is just getting started~

>> Anonymous (ID: 03pZVHsJ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:12:56 No.309147516 ▶ >>309152376

>>309131045 (OP)
NatSimps are the new Proud Boys. Gay.

>> Anonymous (ID: DODKqRsY ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:13:11 No.309147534 ▶

Can't wait to watch her videos

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:13:14 No.309147540 ▶ >>309147787

exactly like Evalion, again

w*men are not worth paying any attention to

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:13:25 No.309147567 ▶

Cry harder pedo kike

>> Anonymous (ID: bVQW+7kT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:14:15 No.309147667 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
It will get old soon. She’s a pretty face but doesn’t have any new ideas.

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:14:35 No.309147714 ▶ >>309148549 >>309150817

She was attending an memorial for the fallen soldiers of the division azul (blue division , spanish
volunteers sent to Russia to fight communist in ww2 ) , she went as organizer of the Seccion Femenina
(women's division) de la Falange ( which she reactivated ) , she is also part of a student
falangist/nationalist union

>> Anonymous (ID: qDm/sv7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:01 No.309147765 ▶ >>309148226

The CIA doesn't Astro-turf people who name them.
Your nose is showing, Shlomo.

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:10 No.309147787 ▶ >>309148090 >>309148278

>w*men 12/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Try getting some pussy you limp twisted faggot incel

>> Anonymous (ID: VNKHkY3Z ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:41 No.309147849 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
reborded :DD

>> Anonymous (ID: o11ADNrC ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:15:44 No.309147853 ▶

And nu/pol/ leads the charge.
2015 was the death of this place.

>> Anonymous (ID: RcYs1l+k ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:27 No.309147959 ▶ >>309152548

>>309131045 (OP)
Fucking simp go and donate her

>> Anonymous (ID: M2R0OiL/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:36 No.309147982 ▶

Relax and let her make her shekels

>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:16:56 No.309148018 ▶ >>309148265 >>309148549 >>309148837

>>309152674 >>309156888

so some random 18 grill was interviewd on youtube or tv for unknown reasons and she mentioned jews?

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:17:12 No.309148059 ▶ >>309148547

File: 1613929880441.jpg (268 KB, 1209x1266)

>26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you
as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither
bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's,
then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. - Galatians 3

Anyone who speaks against the wickedness of this world is obeying the will of Christ and to be respected.
She named the Jews and didn't back down. She's also not a feminist. It does not matter if she's not white
or a woman, it matters she's obeying the will of God.

And if you're unironically arguing "Muh smoking, drinking thot!"

>7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin
among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

>8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

>9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at
the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

>10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where
are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 13/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

You're literally behaving the same as the self-righteous, hypocritical kikes that were shaming the
adulteress despite being full of shit themselves. Imagine seething THIS hard over the one thot who names
Jews instead of the constant other thots being flooded on this site and the constant porn being dumped
here. You guys are completely silent on that, yet are out in full force here.

You kikes are way too obvious, and you'll all be cast into the lake of fire if you don't repent to Jesus.


>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:17:31 No.309148090 ▶

Why would autocorrect do this

>> Anonymous (ID: bzSN060K ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:17:32 No.309148092 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
>jewtube account
is she pretending to be dumb?

>> Anonymous (ID: QLXFHcNs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:05 No.309148165 ▶ >>309152770

>>309131045 (OP)
>Giving a social parasite attention
>Weakening the movement
>Whole movement seems fake

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:20 No.309148198 ▶ >>309149408 >>309156286

File: 1613186851238.webm (2.23 MB, 640x640)

Not every place is the US fren

>> Anonymous (ID: QLXFHcNs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:35 No.309148226 ▶ >>309148489 >>309152862

They do, memeflag. This is called consensuscracking.

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:18:54 No.309148265 ▶

She says based shit and she's cute, it's as simple as that, Mario.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:19:00 No.309148278 ▶ >>309148672

>a female worshipping simp faggot calling anybody limpwristed
w*men are the property of men, they should keep quiet and remain unseen and virginal until they become
mothers 14/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
scum like you are effeminized feminist epsilon "men" that suborinate and debase themselves for the sake
of pleasure

>> Anonymous (ID: SIAYcDGB ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:19:18 No.309148306 ▶ >>309149692

True. There is a possibility that this must be a CNI honeypot operation

>> Anonymous (ID: qDm/sv7D ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:20:47 No.309148489 ▶ >>309149451

No, they don't, jew.
The CIA Astro-turfs support for civnat cucks.
You fucking kike, new-fag.
Go back to spamming your "Hitler was da real jew" crap, you hook nosed monkey.

>> Anonymous (ID: l66LXuf7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:21:16 No.309148547 ▶ >>309149451

Based and Christpilled

This exorcises the demonic jew

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:21:18 No.309148549 ▶

File: 1613852280579m.jpg (95 KB, 1024x710)

This Spaniard bro has the basic gestalt

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:23 No.309148672 ▶ >>309149647

You definitely won't pass on your genes. Keep giving all your money to little homos like fuentes, wearing
your sister's panties, and calling yourself a 'catboy'.

>> Anonymous (ID: QZTnUx8h ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:22:41 No.309148704 ▶ >>309148868 >>309149315 >>309153140

File: 1601347054681.png (577 KB, 1000x1000)


>> Anonymous (ID: 1zhlKIaH ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:02 No.309148837 ▶ >>309149563

>>309131045 (OP)
Wonder how that's gonna work, so soon after her twitter getting taken down. Or whatever the fuck
platform it was.

She accused some and/or all jews in public, on live cameras, in front of a crowd. Her social media were
nuked shortly after, and a now rather cut interview followed, in which she proved to be rather articulate,
well read and measured. Whatever the case, she's brave, not dumb and has conviction. It arguably
remains to be seen who she stands for or with, but you can understand the fascination. 15/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:24:16 No.309148868 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: x27vJDzc ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:25:45 No.309149031 ▶ >>309149478

File: 1601411007453.jpg (219 KB, 1017x1280)

>>309131045 (OP)
in b4 banned by both Shitter and ADDTube for "wrongthink" / "hate speech"
or some faggotry

>> Anonymous (ID: RM/JVLIK ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:26:51 No.309149150 ▶ >>309150632

I would let her piss on me

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:11 No.309149315 ▶ >>309149545 >>309150161 >>309150632

File: 1613757490197.jpg (93 KB, 823x1024)

You will never be an incel, kike. I bet you watch porn and jerk off more than once a week,
don't you? You probably also think sex outside of marriage is fine, like all the other
hypocritcal kikes seething that a pretty thot is calling them out. This board is overrun with
thots and porn, but I don't see the same energy being spent into calling that shit out
compared to the kvetching over this one Peruvian qt naming Jews.

You kikes will fail and only amplify Saint Isabel.

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:28:48 No.309149408 ▶ >>309149478

one nipple is higher than the other.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:08 No.309149451 ▶

Turning an extremist movement into a civnat one is easier than you think. It bears more fruit than outright
shutting them down as well.
Not really. I just roll my eyes and keep scrolling.

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:20 No.309149478 ▶ >>309149868


>> Anonymous (ID: QZTnUx8h ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:29:54 No.309149545 ▶ >>309150078


>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:30:02 No.309149563 ▶ >>309149859 >>309149874 >>309149896

>>309150296 >>309150371 >>309153529
File: 1600251149076.jpg (158 KB, 1242x1132) 16/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>She accused some and/or all jews in public, on live cameras, in front of a crowd.
Her social media were nuked shortly after, and a now rather cut interview followed
Yeah what i'm trying to understand is for what reason was she famous in the first
Like if someone like me who has 100 followers on twatter says gas the jews i won't
get an interview to explain the situation.
So i imagine she already had several thousands of followers on social media, and
my question is how and why? Was she a thot posting sexy pics that randomly said gas the kikes or was
she a public figure already involved in some political party.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:30:47 No.309149647 ▶ >>309153543

many assumptions made, I have nothing to do with miga tourists like Nick and his catboys, who are
>won't pass on genes
maybe, since the new sexual marketplace is for people willing to uptake used up whores in their 30's, and
my incentive to sustain this dying hellworld is decreasing daily as huwite "people" regularly prove
themselves irredeemable - increasingly the reality that western civ is dead forever dawns upon me, and
that there will not be an awakening, revolution, or resistance in reality and that jews have already aligned
their pieces into a de facto checkmate
have never given money to ecelebs, except for once when I paid Sam Hyde 12 dollars for KSTV1 which I
had to wait 2 years to receive

you're just as much of a faggot as nick and his catboys though, worshipping women is sickeningly lowly
subhuman behavior, niggerish and kike-tier behavior

learn it: women are property and are not to be listened to

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:31:10 No.309149692 ▶

File: 99674.jpg (58 KB, 738x434)

I don't think so , she seems legit ,
is the new social media created at her name , which I will wait for more solid
confirmation .

Where she be a plant , astroturf or whatever , she would have told misleading talking points (
counterproducent / bad press ) to create controlled opposition .
Her interview was pure gold of dropping redpills , points well articulated , the kind controlled opposition
wouldn't ever say , and surprisingly the viewers response ( normies ) was outstanding support .

>> Anonymous (ID: FEQXcq+W ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:21 No.309149859 ▶ >>309150439

Because she's cute and young, nobody knew her 1 week ago.

>> Anonymous (ID: x27vJDzc ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:22 No.309149868 ▶ >>309150649

File: 1601664588427.jpg (46 KB, 552x518)

So? Do you want a tide pod as a reward?

>> Anonymous (ID: bNqn/Kf6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:24 No.309149874 ▶ 17/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
She’s more or less had four or five threads active on pol at any given time for the last three days, since
she made news.

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:25 No.309149878 ▶ >>309151165

Call me slavic one more time you fucking mutt I swear to God Ill bomb the nearest McDonalds you fucking

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:32:30 No.309149896 ▶

You are asking the difficult questions /pol/ would rather not think about.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZWjMvvWL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:33:51 No.309150076 ▶ >>309150695

File: 1613935066640.png (347 KB, 837x1500)

She had her original account shoahed the day after that first speech, probably by some middle
management type. Then the real bosses realized that her getting traction regardless has now
made them look really bad (and moreover like everything she’s saying is right) — so now
they’ll probably let this new account stay for a minute so they can push the glowie angle, at
least long enough to pin some ff nonsense on her “violent rhetoric” (they now know she’s
worthy of bringing out the big guns). But they really are fucked either way— they
underestimate how smooth the redpill goes down with the right poster girl, in no small part
because of how effective their campaigns have been to make women absolutely craven for attention, and
men absolutely sexually subjugated to them. It’s going to multiply now regardless, and in the most
satisfying way possible: that is, a delicious backfiring of all of their machinations against themselves.

It’s really not that hard to figure out.

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:33:51 No.309150078 ▶ >>309150809

File: 1613927763763.jpg (270 KB, 750x1187)

Like I said, you'll never be an incel kike. You're trying way too hard. The same kikes false-
flagging as incels are totally silent on the complete degeneracy of this entire board and the
constant porn being spammed. I don't see nearly the same organized effort to shit on that vs
the energy to call a thot naming Jews. And again, I bet you watch porn, don't you? Unless
you're a Christ fearing puritan like I am then you don't have the right to cry about this girl,
because you're a simp to the matriarchy if you're not a devout Volcel while while playing
defense for kikes by shitting on the one girl naming Jews.

The reason this girl scares kikes is because she'll inspire other girls who want attention to name Jews to
get it. Women using sex appeal to oppose kikes instead of supporting clown world insanity is their worst
nightmare. Your kvetching will not stop the worship, kike.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:34:37 No.309150161 ▶ >>309150569

>This board is overrun with thots and porn,
what are filters and browsing with thumbnails off

anyway this exact thing has happened before, a based and redpilled fashy goyette says some redpilled
things until she turns 20's and realizes her life is ruined - she then turns to hard drugs, making porn, etc
and recants her positions, because most women (especially nonvirgin women) have no principle

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:35:10 No.309150228 ▶ >>309154425

File: CEO.jpg (168 KB, 1024x958) 18/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
I was agreeing with you you fucking moron, read my
post again slowly.


>> Anonymous (ID: pF4zLuXN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:35:36 No.309150296 ▶ >>309150539

>i won't get an interview to explain the situation.
did she get an interview with major mainstream outlets or webcasters who have kind of sidestepped that

>> Anonymous (ID: ymcqr04W ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:14 No.309150368 ▶

Shilometer going into the red zone. Give her a sub goys.

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:14 No.309150371 ▶

File: Cutie2(1).png (906 KB, 678x589)

I already explained this to Italian anon

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:19 No.309150387 ▶

>the zoomer homosexual twink is buttmad that girls are prettier than men's hairy assholes to straight men

Deal with it.

>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:42 No.309150439 ▶

so a random thot posted on social media about kikes, tv host or youtuber decided "you know what i'm
gonna interview her to let her explain properly her views on the matter because reasons"?

>> Anonymous (ID: xfQujbvO ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:36:53 No.309150458 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
I bet she already has patreon

>> Anonymous (ID: FEQXcq+W ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:37:33 No.309150539 ▶ >>309150875

The youtuber is not that popular, he has less than 100k subscribers.

>> Anonymous (ID: xSTIRC/w ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:37:41 No.309150558 ▶

>not even white
hey rabbi 19/44
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>>309131045 (OP)
there is no way that stays

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:37:47 No.309150569 ▶ >>309150809 >>309151025

File: 1613761997943.jpg (135 KB, 1079x1081)

The point is, for all the hate towards a thot naming Jews I don't see that same effort
being put into cleaning this board of degeneracy. If you watch porn at all and aren't a
Virgin that's waiting until marriage before God then you don't have the right to call
anyone a simp or shit on this girl who names the Jew.

Lauren Southern and tradwife types like her never outright name the Jew the way
Isabel did though, that's the difference. This is what I love about Zoomers; they're
hardcore and go from 0-100. Either they're the most pozzed Leftist motherfuckers, or full on 1488. We
need more attractive zoomer girls jumping on the 1488 bandwagon to get attention. As long as Isabel
doesn't back down then I'll give her my full support.

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:20 No.309150632 ▶ >>309150898 >>309151025 >>309151238

>>309131045 (OP)
shes so ugly and repulsive looks like she has to shave her moustache daily

you cucks are pathetic

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:27 No.309150649 ▶ >>309152481

find better breasts you tard

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:38:47 No.309150695 ▶ >>309151960

File: 1593630212239.png (651 KB, 680x628)

I have to wonder where your arrogance comes from. Were you this giddy when
Trump rose to power? How'd that work out for your movement?

>> Anonymous (ID: xSTIRC/w ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:39:37 No.309150783 ▶

you like cartoons of little girls

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:39:49 No.309150809 ▶ >>309151025

>Women using sex appeal to oppose kikes
lol, if you think satanic kikes fear whores being whores and becoming entrapped into their satanic
dominion you are a delusional idiot

jews love, absolutely love more than anything, seeing gentile women fall into perversion, to be corrupted
by lusts
>cleaning this board
I already did. It is something you have to do for yourseld silly, tranny jannies will never clean it for you. 20/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:39:52 No.309150817 ▶ >>309151508 >>309152010

oh thanks anon, so "de la Falange" is some sort of spanish ultra right wing party?

>> Anonymous (ID: pF4zLuXN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:17 No.309150875 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:29 No.309150898 ▶ >>309151019

also like literally who the fuck even is this? why does this matter? how is this noteworthy even in the

because she is a girl? lmfao. one single girl "names the jew" and you incels think this is a happening.
such fucking simp cucks. so pathetic. most nothingburger shit in the universe.

>> Anonymous (ID: avSkFaOa ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:40:49 No.309150937 ▶

File: 0ED67108-7906-4B53-8461-D(...).jpg (175 KB, 1200x670)

>lemme tell you who’s white
Amerimutts, always

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:31 No.309151019 ▶

just because she is still a teenager.

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:41:32 No.309151025 ▶ >>309151318 >>309151380 >>309151817

File: 1613849105922.png (457 KB, 720x720)

Go back to your porn and degeneracy, kike. This board is full of simping and porn,
yet none of you kikes do or say shit about it. Like I said here, >>309150569 unless
you're a God fearing Volcel that doesn't watch porn then you can't even begin to call
anyone else a simp or shit on a thot who names Jews. You're simps yourselves.

Again, none of you hypocritical kikes spend anywhere NEAR this energy policing
this board of its sexual degeneracy compared to the seething and kvetching over the one thot who names
the Jew. Ignore the thread like you ignore all the other degeneracy you're silent on, kike. You're full of shit
and Jesus sees this and will show favor to this young girl.

God bless Saint Isabel.

>> Anonymous (ID: hkmG1673 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:42:39 No.309151165 ▶ >>309151604

You wont do shit boy

>> Anonymous (ID: bNqn/Kf6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:43:16 No.309151238 ▶ >>309151663

File: image.jpg (30 KB, 184x184)

Like anyone cares what pathetic Americans think
about anything. 21/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: BdevxVr+ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:43:54 No.309151318 ▶

>God bless Saint Isabel.
not qualify for a Saint..yet

>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:44:25 No.309151380 ▶ >>309152087

>This board is full of simping and porn
Yes. That's what I don't understand. So many stupid posts with some half-naked girls. I think it's done in

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:44:33 No.309151399 ▶ >>309151548 >>309151968

>Greta Thunberg is legit though


>> Anonymous (ID: bNqn/Kf6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:45:36 No.309151508 ▶ >>309151948

La Falange was the political party of Francisco Franco, fascist dictator of Spain from 1939-1975.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:45:39 No.309151519 ▶ >>309151955


>has zero e-presence until we encouraged her to do so


>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:45:51 No.309151548 ▶ >>309151767 >>309151821

You are the right wing version of an AOC/Greta simp

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:46:12 No.309151588 ▶

File: THE JEWS.jpg (31 KB, 489x469)


>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:46:22 No.309151604 ▶ >>309151706 22/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
Ma pis in ma-ta

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:46:48 No.309151663 ▶ >>309151997

File: IMG_3911.jpg (294 KB, 1000x666)

Basically this. Anything America touches just turns to

>> Anonymous (ID: hkmG1673 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:08 No.309151706 ▶ >>309152567

Cum am zis, taci acolo nu o sa faci nimic esti doar o curva

>> Anonymous (ID: tW8ya1wL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:30 No.309151752 ▶ >>309151897

>>309131045 (OP)
Yeah, and she'll get banned in less than a week.

What's all this fuss about this cunt? She gave a tiny speech, which was semi-cringe, in front of a few
hundred people in Spain, and now she's all of a sudden some sort of kween?

Where's the logic?

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:35 No.309151758 ▶


I love how mad Queen Isabel makes faggots and trannies.

>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:47:39 No.309151767 ▶

She is just stupid. She is missing the basic historical knowledge and fucked up with logic.
Don't know about the AOL(??)

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:08 No.309151817 ▶ >>309152087

huh? what does what im saying have anything at all whatsoever to do with "degeneracy". im not "policing"
degeneracy you fuckup. my point is that every other woman on the planet, regardless of their behavior,
you would call a thot or a roastie, ie: you hate women in general. then some moustachio ugly bitch from
italy comes along and "names jew" and you elevate her to the level of queen. its just so hypocritical and
shows what a simp bitch that you are deep down.

its not pathetic when people watch porn or enjoy women and femininity. its some FOR REAL simp bitch
faggot shit when you hate all women for your entire life and then one single cute girl does the heil hitler
thing and you make her the exception. like lmfao. you are such weak beta bitches

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:09 No.309151821 ▶

Saying that like its a bad thing...

>> 23/44
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Anonymous (ID: Ebj2HXA0 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:35 No.309151869 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
If she doesnt get banned it means that she has CIANIGGER ASSET all written over her body

>> Anonymous (ID: IMYoPu5k ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:46 No.309151891 ▶

All the simps itt. How pathetic lmao.

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:48:49 No.309151897 ▶ >>309152128

What do you suggest people make threads about, anon?

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:05 No.309151927 ▶ >>309152073 >>309152139

File: HEIL.jpg (462 KB, 1200x1200)

She's 18. She's an 18 -year old human. She doesn't need to be
anything else.

>> Anonymous (ID: PFYYgYZS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:12 No.309151935 ▶ >>309152214

>>309131045 (OP)
Mods should delete these threads.
They are clearly all paid advertising. She is a literal who puppet with some Jew or something telling her
what to say.

Never trust women.

>> Anonymous (ID: FEQXcq+W ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:15 No.309151948 ▶ >>309152863

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera*
Franco changed the methods to a softer regime but still great.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:18 No.309151955 ▶

>has zero e-presence until we encouraged her to do so
You give yourself too much credit, which is why its so easy to lead you around on a leash.

>> Anonymous (ID: ZWjMvvWL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:20 No.309151960 ▶

File: 1607499208535.jpg (248 KB, 598x594)

>I have to wonder where your arrogance comes from.
Be honest with yourself for one time in your life: you don’t truly wonder anything.

>hurr durr Trump didn’t werk so good guise

Ignoring historical context is the classic leftist mistake. If you’re dumb enough to
think history is over and all things will be judged from this exact moment, then sure,
easy to victory stomp over an imperfect outcome. In reality, once you and I are dead
and gone (yes time will go on without you), historians will look at Trump as the harbinger of a massive
shift in political sentiment. 24/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: dyIq62BN ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:26 No.309151968 ▶

File: 1613898465198.png (99 KB, 1433x640)


>> Anonymous (ID: tW8ya1wL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:39 No.309151997 ▶

It's called Mierdas touch.

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:44 No.309152010 ▶ >>309152549 >>309152636

File: judio(1).webm (2.2 MB, 1280x692)

Third position , national sindicalist
link is for the original one ,
nowadays theres 3 major parties (theres even more minor ones ) claiming be the one true Falange

>> Anonymous (ID: cNDf0FT/ ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:45 No.309152014 ▶ >>309152457

>>309131045 (OP)
Where can I See her getting blacked?

>> Anonymous (ID: BY6pFpAS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:56 No.309152036 ▶

Or shes the real deal and they let her have an account so you think shes controlled opposition.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2Ygwdzqn ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:49:58 No.309152043 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)
Wow very cool where is her patreon and only fans? I want feet pics

>> Anonymous (ID: PFYYgYZS ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:11 No.309152073 ▶

Female human.

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:17 No.309152087 ▶ >>309152381 >>309152840 >>309153286

File: 1613924488999.png (934 KB, 719x717)

Anyone who watches porn or isn't a virgin waiting for marriage is by definition a
fucking simp themselves. These kikes are such goddamned hypocrites it's insane.

I don't hate women, kike. I hate women who don't know their place. A woman that
names kikes and isn't a feminist is a woman who knows her place and is enacting
God's will. You hypocrites crying over a girl who names Jews while at the same time
NOT being virgins waiting until marriage and simping for Godless roastie whores by jerking off to them.

You're hypocrites that need to be silent. Show respect to Saint Isabel.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:34 No.309152123 ▶ 25/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>the tranny is mad because we love her but are disgusted by it

KEK buddy I'd rather stick my dick in a blender than your gaping feces-stinking surgical wound.

>> Anonymous (ID: tW8ya1wL ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:36 No.309152128 ▶ >>309152337

But a dozen of threads constantly the last 1-2 weeks? It's a bit too much. We get it, you like her, but come

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:50:41 No.309152139 ▶

Shes a qt 18 year old gang leader

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:51:17 No.309152214 ▶

File: DUXgTh9VoAAjLF1.jpg (277 KB, 802x1200)


>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:12 No.309152329 ▶ >>309152695

>Again, none of you hypocritical kikes spend anywhere NEAR this energy policing this board of its sexual
degeneracy compared to the seething and kvetching over the one thot who names the Jew.
I already addressed this, are you a moron? This, being a nonblue board, place will always have JIDF
posting their daily set of BBC threads. There will always be coomers posting porn. Mods and jannies are
literal demon possessed trannies and pedos, so YOU have to censor it for yourself.

>Ignore the thread like you ignore all the other degeneracy you're silent on, kike.
i come here to shitpost and be autistic, this thread is funny to me because I already watched this episode
before, it's a rerun and I know how this one ends

>You're full of and Jesus sees this and will show favor to this young girl.
This girl is likely an atheist/neopagan Hitlerite, and has little moral fabric (tries to publically teach as a
woman, does not wear modest clothing, wears makeup, has whore pictures of herself on her instagram,
smokes ciggies, etc)

>God bless Saint Isabel.

extremely cringeworthy

>> Anonymous (ID: oZxqLbSk ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:15 No.309152337 ▶

It's a breath of fresh air after all the booba threads

>> Anonymous (ID: +/sdealF ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:16 No.309152340 ▶ >>309152780

File: giggles in jewish.png (218 KB, 304x403)

time to collect those beta bucks lmao 26/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:34 No.309152376 ▶

File: 1613523553598.jpg (60 KB, 748x1024)

Proud Boys Boogaloo Bois are Feds, nice try

>> Anonymous (ID: AlaBmD9v ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:52:38 No.309152381 ▶ >>309152656

her boobies are kinda weird

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:53:14 No.309152457 ▶

Leafs law

>> Anonymous (ID: x27vJDzc ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:53:26 No.309152481 ▶ >>309152824

File: 1603247666870.jpg (389 KB, 1536x2048)

Go take your Ritalin, zoomer faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:53:55 No.309152548 ▶

>the amount of asshurt Queen Isabel inflicts upon troons and homofaggots

Glorious. Long may she reign.

>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:53:56 No.309152549 ▶ >>309153159

ok now the situation is clear, she joined this party went to an event and gave a speach (they probably
chose her to give a speach because she is young and kinda cute) in which she mentioned kikes and then
she got interviewed to expalin her views

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:04 No.309152567 ▶ >>309152702 >>309153251

N-are rost sa ne sfadim, hai tati, noroc si sanatate! Dar nu suntem slavi, poate aia din moldova da atat... 27/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:39 No.309152636 ▶

Couldn't find any summary of ideas from wiki articles. Just history, nothing more.

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:47 No.309152656 ▶

cause its some simp who photoshopped her face onto another mexican chick actor. really cringe

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:54:54 No.309152674 ▶ >>309152886 >>309152957

>the Concern Shill is hard at work


>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:55:05 No.309152695 ▶ >>309153220 >>309153286 >>309153511

File: 1613918944418.png (244 KB, 530x291)

Are you a virgin? Yes or no.

Do you watch porn? Yes or no.

Do you love Jesus? Yes or no.

If you can't answer yes to all three then you have no right to call anyone a simp, nor to shit on a thot who
names Jew. Like Jesus and the adulteress, I rebuke you, kike.

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:55:08 No.309152702 ▶ >>309152843

go speak orcish elswhere bro, this isnt lord of the rings and you are not an urak hai.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:55:40 No.309152770 ▶

Yeah let's all give up instead, I agree.


>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:55:43 No.309152780 ▶

Why do you faggots use memeflags? What's the point exactly, so people don't know where you're from?

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:55:59 No.309152824 ▶ >>309153595

early 90's millennial but nice try faggot. your taste in women is nigger tier

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:56:06 No.309152840 ▶ >>309153220 >>309153286

again what the fuck are you actually, in all honesty, going on about? "crying over a girl" lmfao whut? not
crying over a girl. dont give a fuck about her, shes a nothing, not even attractive. my point is that this is a
nothingburger. lol ONE not even attractive young girl names jew and you literally start calling her SAINT
ISABEL. you are a simp faggot cuck bitch. like lmfao its so pathetic. you arent a volcel btw you are 28/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

obviously incel. i can smell it from over here. "hypocrites" lol WHUT im not crying. my point isn't "oh no
she named the jew" its who the flying fuck cares? if anything you should be embarassed that you only
have ONE SINGLE young girl thats on your side. that alone should show you how truly pathetic you and
your movement are.

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:56:07 No.309152843 ▶ >>309153116

I piss better beer than Fosters you fucking bugman

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:56:16 No.309152862 ▶

>This is called consensuscracking.

Yeah we know, you're trying to do it right now ITT along with like another 4 guys.

>> Anonymous (ID: VJJC9J/1 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:56:16 No.309152863 ▶ >>309156104

File: 1579624104665m.jpg (111 KB, 529x1024)

True dat ,
Franco , in a way betrayed the spirit of the falangist movement but keep them in power , he let
Primo de Rivera die at hands of the red while captive , he could have rescued , but u know the
saying , there can't be 2 captains
Also I would add Francoist regime (inspired by Rivera ) was the only one system to get the seal
of approval of Julious Evola

>> Anonymous (ID: PKHijDdG ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:56:27 No.309152886 ▶

i was just trying to understand the situation faggot

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:57:01 No.309152957 ▶

That's right, don't question movements that have been set up for you. Just follow along silently.

>> Anonymous (ID: uQUjacFq ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:58:08 No.309153116 ▶ >>309153893

Just you fuckin wait romainian gypsy shill when we come rolling through your streets like modern day

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:58:20 No.309153140 ▶


Fucking lmao, FAGS MAD.

>FAGS MAD 29/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan



>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:58:30 No.309153159 ▶

More or less that's the story. And the interview was done by some not very famous youtuber.
The party said "we have nothing to do with her"

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:59:00 No.309153220 ▶ >>309153436 >>309153703

File: 1613883206832.png (2.42 MB, 1000x1250)

Read>>309152695 you hypocritical kike. If you're not pure then shut the fuck up calling
anyone else a simp, because watching porn and not being a virgin automatically makes
you a simp too. I'm far more pure than any single one of you kikes crying over a thot who
names Jews while ignoring the sheer degeneracy of this entire board.

>> Anonymous (ID: hkmG1673 ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:59:18 No.309153251 ▶ >>309154548

Suntem slavi, la cat de multi au venit ca hoarde si cat timp am fost sub ocupatia lor, suntem si slavi

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)21:59:38 No.309153286 ▶ >>309154075

being attractive and having sex with women before marriage is not equivalent to simping, you simp
faggot. calling a girl "saint" when you dont know her, will never know her, and in all other instances hate
women, except when they "name the jew" makes you a SIMP FAGGOT KEK BITCH

just admit it to yourself. you are a loser. you are simping for this unattractive cunt. having a sex life and
enjoying women isn't being a simp. its just all so so pathetic. theres no way to get through to your young,
fragile, sexless, immature, puny, pathetic mind

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:00:46 No.309153436 ▶ >>309154075

LOL you are such a lost lonely bitch that will literally never get it. enjoy being a virgin your entire life and
alienating yourself from society and all potential opportunity to get pussy and love and be happy because
muh jews, muh nazis and muh impure thots

disgustingly hilarious 30/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:01:27 No.309153511 ▶ >>309153707 >>309154244

lol, m8, chill out lil nigger, it's fun that she named the jew, but there are plenty of fashy goyettes that have
done similarly and ended up doing heroin or porn, because whores have no principles and are just doing
shit like this for male attention

I am just shitposting and dunking on pathetic w*man worshippers that lose their shit every time some
moderately attractive ewhore says something based. It is pathetic, always.

>> Anonymous (ID: 1zhlKIaH ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:01:32 No.309153529 ▶

Well, yes. As our fellow spain anon said previously, she was just done leading a march when she
delivered the speech. In a similar context, I don't think you'd need more twitter followers to get a

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:01:38 No.309153543 ▶ >>309153870

>Wall of text
Didn't read, cry harder faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: x27vJDzc ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:04 No.309153595 ▶ >>309153889 >>309154008

File: 1584648244559.png (862 KB, 720x960)

>nigger tier
Do you prefer landwhales or 2D? Or flat chested chinese-boy looking

>> Anonymous (ID: p67p/Jwa ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:11 No.309153615 ▶ >>309153875

File: 1613579196198.png (281 KB, 505x600)

>A not-White is doing more for The Cause than any White
person has.

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:53 No.309153703 ▶ >>309154075

shes ugly. you are literally simping for an ugly woman. if she hit on me at a bar i would cringe and go to
the opposite end of the room

>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:02:58 No.309153707 ▶ >>309154002

>but there are plenty of fashy goyettes that have done similarly and ended up doing heroin or porn,
Can you have the links to examples? Never heard about

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:20 No.309153870 ▶ 31/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

3 sentences isn't a wall of text on a 16:9 monitor anon

>> Anonymous (ID: et/xTCbR ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:22 No.309153875 ▶ >>309154148

i gotta stop coming to this pathetic fucking shit hole

it all just makes me feel gross these days

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:32 No.309153889 ▶ >>309154138

Anyone who doesn't like ass is a faggot.

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:04:33 No.309153893 ▶

File: vagemite.png (7 KB, 333x123)

Vagemite faggot, dont forget to fight your fucking ostriches you fucking faggot. I
reckon you should just let your women mate with kangaroos since they are the only
based males that came out of your cuntry, pick my dick at hanging rock, bung

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:05:28 No.309154002 ▶ >>309154239 >>309154246

Evalion is the most prominent one

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:05:31 No.309154008 ▶ >>309154361 >>309155301

you deliberately choose oversized qualities which only indicates to me that you like women that have the
physical profile that strictly dates niggers.
Either you are an actual nigger or a cuck that dates coalburners.

>> Anonymous (ID: mRsZJnb6 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:06:08 No.309154075 ▶ >>309154731

File: 1613886366827.jpg (85 KB, 351x487)

Having sex with women outside of marriage is degenerate and means you have absolutely
no control over you sexual energy. You're so obsessed with pussy that you refuse to settle
with one woman. You're a slave to pussy, thus a simp. What's more, jerking off to porn is
literally you simping for the woman behind the screen as you spill your seed to her. You
have zero right to call anyone else a loser. You're a simp yourself and are impure.

Only a man of God that avoids degeneracy has the right to shame anyone, and I don't
because I'm not a self-righteous kike. Like Jesus, I instead call out the kvetching hypocritical kikes like
you. Jesus is with Isabel and will shield her from kikes like you.

That you use virginity as an insult proves how much of a Godless, pussy worshipping simp you are. Yet
you have the nerve to shame a thot who names the Jew and people who support her. Fuck off, kike.

Like I said, if you watch porn at all and aren't a virgin then you're a simp yourself. You have no room to
talk, kike.

>> Anonymous (ID: es99H1sq ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:06:24 No.309154109 ▶ 32/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan


>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:06:43 No.309154138 ▶ >>309154631

nigger lover

>> Anonymous (ID: p67p/Jwa ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:06:46 No.309154148 ▶

I'm not white and I sympathize with you guys. I also get mistaken for White and take it as a compliment.
How much sicker do you feel now?

>> Anonymous (ID: Fm1K8YTy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:07:33 No.309154239 ▶

Can't find the info about her past
, but OK. I think I can trust you on this.

>> Anonymous (ID: 1zhlKIaH ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:07:34 No.309154244 ▶ >>309155617

>there are plenty of fashy goyettes that have done similarly
I keep reading this, but then no examples come to mind. Do tell me if I'm memory holing someone, anon.
Also, why it would matter that others have failed, and why she'd be on the same slippery slope?
I don't know. You attack whores for their lack of principles but you seem to be going off on wild drunk
emotion here anon.

>> Anonymous (ID: 3YS7IXhZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:07:36 No.309154246 ▶ >>309155392

evalion never did porn. that one video is from an amatuer couple.

>> Anonymous (ID: sFccizY5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:08:21 No.309154323 ▶

File: 66.gif (2.01 MB, 260x260)

>>309131045 (OP)
imagine if she made an only fans and it was just of her reading
fash literature in spanish.

>> Anonymous (ID: x27vJDzc ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:08:43 No.309154361 ▶

File: 1601427723063.webm (1.25 MB, 640x640)

I like big tits, tongue my anus.

>> Anonymous (ID: QuDW8DzC ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:09:09 No.309154425 ▶ >>309155525

>>309150228 33/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Ooof my bad

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:10:08 No.309154548 ▶ >>309154796

Ba, lasa-ma sa LARP cum vreau...daca e sa fim sinceri nimeni nu e nimic concret, pula mea, crezi ca
toate migratiile alea nu si-au spus cuvantul? Uita-te in dobrogea, greci si turci...oltenia, bulgari si turci, iar
in ardeal unguri si germani, ce pula mea de daci crezi ca mai suntem sau latini? Ideea e sa ramanem o
natie sau o rasa macar in suflet...Nu mai am ce bea...

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:10:51 No.309154631 ▶ >>309155161

Oversized cellulite covered asses are nigger tier. Nice fit round butts are not.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:11:47 No.309154731 ▶ >>309155176 >>309155659 >>309155852

You are really the most pathetic and delusional poster I've seen on 4chan. Which is saying a lot. I feel like
you should get an award or something.

>> Anonymous (ID: hkmG1673 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:12:17 No.309154796 ▶ >>309155054

Esti un bou, noi nu suntem nimic decat mai multe natii si popoare care au o limba asemanatoare, nu
exista asa ceva precum un roman din punct de vedere genetic sau cultural.

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:14:31 No.309155054 ▶ >>309155229

You need to go back, USR shill

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:15:30 No.309155161 ▶ >>309155413

File: 48775.jpg (75 KB, 853x1280)


>> Anonymous (ID: q3kRLrGZ ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:15:37 No.309155176 ▶

He's definitely a retard

>> Anonymous (ID: hkmG1673 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:16:10 No.309155229 ▶ >>309156048

How am I an USR shill for pointing out the truth, even you said we are a bit of everything

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:16:44 No.309155301 ▶ >>309155990

>strictly date niggers
Lol when your understanding of the world comes from rap and hip hop music. I've fucked several women
with big butts. Please stop associating big butts with niggers 34/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:17:35 No.309155392 ▶

pretty sure she was an alcoholic webcam whore for a while

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:17:45 No.309155413 ▶ >>309155540 >>309155663

Her nipples are repulsive

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:18:46 No.309155525 ▶

File: HERNANDEZ.jpg (95 KB, 394x528)


>> Anonymous (ID: NEikCUL5 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:18:52 No.309155540 ▶ >>309155836


>> Anonymous (ID: PahTJf8a ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:19:09 No.309155569 ▶ >>309155793 >>309155905

>>309131045 (OP)
im sorry when did this bitch become /ourgirl?

>> Anonymous (ID: 3e0YbXzs ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:19:29 No.309155617 ▶ >>309155949

>wild drunk emotion
what is emotional about telling you to stop giving attention to w*men? just stop

>> Anonymous (ID: u5r+hDkQ ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:19:29 No.309155618 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: tMDd+sCj ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:19:51 No.309155651 ▶

>>309131045 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:19:54 No.309155659 ▶

File: Huwhite Supreme Doubt.jpg (30 KB, 250x250)

>this guy

You are fat and smelly and nobody IRL

likes you. 35/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Also, Queen Isabel makes you mad. Stay


>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:19:56 No.309155663 ▶

Other than that she's sexy. Giant nipples aren't my thing

>> Anonymous (ID: iv3fRH7P ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:20:54 No.309155792 ▶

I'll sub to her now thanks

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:20:54 No.309155793 ▶

File: THE JEWS.png (326 KB, 504x439)

picrel, keep up.

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:21:12 No.309155836 ▶

Not a fan of giant nipples, how is that faggy?

>> Anonymous (ID: ZWjMvvWL ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:21:19 No.309155852 ▶

File: 1613701283156.png (84 KB, 233x261)

>n-no stop invalidating my entire life’s choices! if you’re like this
then I have no power!
post your under-inflated tits roastie

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:21:48 No.309155905 ▶ >>309156043 >>309156108
File: 1589540487315.gif (2.34 MB, 1336x1358)

When simps and """voluntary""" incels took over this board

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:22:13 No.309155949 ▶

>give your attention to men and men who undergo voluntary penectomies, goy! 36/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Nah. They smell like feces from their dilated surgical wound. It's why nobody hangs out with or has sex
with them.

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:22:31 No.309155990 ▶ >>309156210

they were coalburners

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:23:07 No.309156043 ▶ >>309156263

Go away already kike

>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:23:10 No.309156048 ▶ >>309156516

Pentru ca ai zis ca nu suntem romani din punct de vedere cultural, genetic, deacord, cultural totusi nu e
aceasi chestie. Intelege ca desi suntem diferiti din punct de vedere genetic avem aceasi limba, sunt 2
tipuri de nationalism, intereseazate mai departe si alege din care faci parte. Cati ani ai?

>> Anonymous (ID: JPerbg31 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:23:40 No.309156104 ▶

I still don't know wtf is going on with the rexist logo (lower left)

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:23:43 No.309156108 ▶ >>309156263

>says the kikeshill spamming animegirl pics

GG no RE, you're defeated.

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:24:33 No.309156210 ▶ >>309156452

No, you just think about blacked too much.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:25:02 No.309156263 ▶ >>309156443 >>309156570 >>309156670

How long has it been since you """volunteered""" to be an incel? One year? Five? Oh? Has it really been
TEN years already? Such a good volunteer!! You go anon~

>> Anonymous (ID: cdDfGELf ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:25:10 No.309156286 ▶ >>309156640

>File: 1613855781463.webm (2.87 MB, 1576x886)
The real red pill is when you realise the yellow lab wasn't saving the black lab, it was saving the stick.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:26:28 No.309156443 ▶

Since Queen Isabel named your (((people))).

I am loving your anger, by the way. It's pleasurable for me. 37/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: Lv8c0b8j ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:26:34 No.309156452 ▶ >>309156885

the delusion lol

>> Anonymous (ID: hkmG1673 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:27:03 No.309156516 ▶ >>309157629

I dont accept patriotism, love for your country, is the reason why we are always cucks and faith in God is
something I dont share. So I wont be part of your nationalist meme afraid

>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:27:30 No.309156570 ▶

I'm not an incel or 'volcel' you fucking idiot. Why is a kike of all people on /pol/? No one here will ever like

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:28:08 No.309156640 ▶

File: Brain Cells.jpg (357 KB, 1200x897)

>the yellow lab wasn't saving the black lab,
it was saving the stick

>> Anonymous (ID: 9LpoR6tE ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:28:26 No.309156670 ▶

File: 1613786750876.jpg (38 KB, 474x654)

Seriously if you’re going to keep announcing that you’re a girl, you need to post breasts
(and timestamp)

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:29:34 No.309156803 ▶

File: MOSES.jpg (414 KB, 1435x1435)

>One year? Five? Oh? Has it really been
TEN years already?

Just caught this, KEK.

>I owe you 10 shekels?

>since when have I owed you 5 shekels?
>I repaid you the 2 shekels I owed you last week already!

>> Anonymous (ID: /oE7yLqk ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:29:52 No.309156842 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: CNDGWWhy ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:30:09 No.309156885 ▶

Close that blacked tab, stop watching porn so much, and stop listening to nog music for a while to get
clearpilled. 38/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: fAN33GnW ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:30:11 No.309156888 ▶ >>309157216 >>309157398

I’m pretty sure she said something about writing a book if she was in prison.

>> Anonymous (ID: uGxXCeQ7 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:31:02 No.309156993 ▶

File: 1613737090101.webm (1.66 MB, 638x662)

10/10 bait. Well done.

>> Anonymous (ID: FEQXcq+W ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:32:43 No.309157216 ▶

Yes she did.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:33:53 No.309157398 ▶

File: Minister of Higher Educat(...).jpg (38 KB, 967x749)

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf while in prison for
the Beer Hall Putsch.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5anxNF1q ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:34:32 No.309157473 ▶ >>309157605 >>309157703 >>309158101

File: sojadão.png (186 KB, 600x458)



>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:34:49 No.309157514 ▶

>the kikeshills stfu ITT

Suck my fucking dick you sub-cockroaches. I'm enjoying your pain and will make much more.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:35:30 No.309157605 ▶ >>309157851

Oh look, a new guy/VPN. Brazil, nice.


>> Anonymous (ID: v3o79t88 ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:35:42 No.309157629 ▶

As I said, USR shill, take back your faggy ways, gay boy, go back to le eddit

>> Anonymous (ID: pNv91DCK ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:36:25 No.309157703 ▶ >>309157851 39/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

Dark brown hands wrote this

>> Anonymous (ID: H9YHTLeP ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:36:31 No.309157712 ▶ >>309158489

>>309131045 (OP)
>our girl
Will you shut the fuck up? You go go simp your heart out but don't drag me into it. This is all nothing but a
massive blackpill for me.

>> Anonymous (ID: gURthLOj ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:36:33 No.309157717 ▶

This. I want to see a Persian girl go le fasciste.

>> Anonymous (ID: naEMC+ra ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:36:36 No.309157721 ▶ >>309158018 >>309158288

/pol/s reaction to her and your rational comment made me realize a lot about this site. We've apparently
learned nothing after cycling through e-thots for years and observing the rise of the onlyfans SIMP. Not
only do low test cucks here kneel down before any thot who extends a roman salute, but apparently the
meaning of being white is as flexible and malleable as any libshit would define the word.

Fucking thirsty betas. She got mating pressed likely 20 minutes after that speech by some random at the

>> Anonymous (ID: agDKPGzv ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:37:12 No.309157801 ▶

File: 1608620017797.png (329 KB, 1887x3356)

>>309131045 (OP)
based and red pilled, kikes seething

>> Anonymous (ID: 5anxNF1q ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:37:36 No.309157851 ▶ >>309158108 >>309158116 >>309158216

File: butthurt.gif (423 KB, 498x403)

>29 posts by this ID
You really should get some friends and spend less time on /pol/, leaf. /pol/ is melting
your retarded and gay brain.

In real life i'm a light skin mixed brazilian chad. And I bet that you are a mixed mutt
that loves to suck Israel cock, lmao.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:38:58 No.309158018 ▶ >>309159198


Except she had zero e-presence until now after we signal-boosted her. Nice try. Get fucked. Get off the
sinking ship while you still can bud, sending you my energy.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:39:38 No.309158101 ▶ >>309158395 >>309158660 >>309158677
File: 1592471812862.jpg (149 KB, 1029x1000) 40/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>WOOOO she NAMED DA j0000o00 in PUBLIX TO a crowd of 300 peoples!! AN

>> Anonymous (ID: 9LpoR6tE ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:39:42 No.309158108 ▶

>as he sucks Israel’s cock

>> Anonymous (ID: pNv91DCK ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:39:49 No.309158116 ▶ >>309158660

No, you're a brown manlet who looks like a mix of 30 ethnicities

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:40:40 No.309158216 ▶

File: Horseshoe.jpg (73 KB, 1124x710)

>you are a loser

Yes, I know. You can safely ignore me, don't fret. Please continue earning your
poverty wage, slave-kun.

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:41:12 No.309158288 ▶ >>309158494 >>309158609

>but apparently the meaning of being white is as flexible and malleable as any libshit would define the
You observations are correct. There is no future for the "white race"

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:42:02 No.309158395 ▶

File: 1612878157781.jpg (45 KB, 443x401)

I hope they pay you per reply so I am helping you to afford some
extra groceries here.

>> Anonymous (ID: naEMC+ra ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:42:48 No.309158489 ▶ >>309159024 >>309159281

File: 1612430539912.png (13 KB, 478x583)

This. It has been a nuclear blackpill for me about this site. Even /pol/ has a kink in its
armour and will worship the stretched out meat flaps of a tatted whore who pounds back
beers and cigs on livestream like every other bar crawling thot.

>> Anonymous (ID: pNv91DCK ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:42:50 No.309158494 ▶ >>309158695

There is, but ashkenazis will be extinct in a few generations. 41/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:43:44 No.309158609 ▶ >>309158991

The Northeast Asians are going to vivisect you and your entire race alive without anesthetic in a world
without white people, alice.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5anxNF1q ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:44:10 No.309158660 ▶ >>309158953

File: amerimutt negro.png (61 KB, 313x406)

Top kek.

It's sad to see /pol/ simping a woman that drinks, smokes and would rather have sex with
her dog instead of a polfag.

Kek, why are you upset? I said that I'm a LIGHT skin brazilian, and I bet 100 bucks that
I'm more white than you, lmao.

>> Anonymous (ID: 9LpoR6tE ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:44:16 No.309158677 ▶

Remember, today you’re another day closer to 30 and another day closer to the wall and permanent
irrelevance (at least in terms of your own standards).
Find someone who truly cares about you and do it quick. You won’t be 26 forever.

>> Anonymous (ID: pNv91DCK ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:44:26 No.309158695 ▶

Jews outmarry at a crazy high rate. They can't resist goy cock

>> Anonymous (ID: aiH9DPOH ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:44:53 No.309158758 ▶

>CIA finally naming the jew

>> Anonymous (ID: pNv91DCK ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:22 No.309158953 ▶ >>309159141 >>309159428

Just admit you're brown lol I'm anglo, you're definitely not whiter than me

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:38 No.309158991 ▶ >>309159163

Lol what that name isn't Hebrew at all guess again leaf brain

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:46:53 No.309159024 ▶

>this literal faggot is flustered and upset because we don't find hairy man asshole sexy

Buddy get a fucking grip are you 11 or something? Grow up.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5anxNF1q ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:47:47 No.309159141 ▶

File: 2b2.gif (263 KB, 480x228) 42/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

>Just admit you're brown lol I'm anglo, you're
definitely not whiter than me
Bitch, please. Don't make me laugh.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:47:55 No.309159163 ▶ >>309159284

I know it's not Hebrew. You apparently don't get the reference. This makes it even funnier. Enjoy.

>> Anonymous (ID: m35NvutA ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:48:02 No.309159175 ▶

File: file.png (120 KB, 592x679)

>los de la nariz
That will pass the filter

>> Anonymous (ID: naEMC+ra ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:48:13 No.309159198 ▶ >>309159622

Shes going to betray you. Women have grifting hardcode embedded into their DNA. These movements
must be led by men. If young men demand tits and ass to be persuaded into a movement, then that
movement needs to evolve its rhetoric and aesthetics

>> Anonymous (ID: pNv91DCK ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:49:00 No.309159281 ▶ >>309159746

>Crying about cigs and beer
Guarantee you this guy can't grow any facial hair

>> YHVH loves you (ID: e+1s5CiT ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:49:02 No.309159284 ▶ >>309159749

Its only a reference in your schizo mind. Normal people have no clue what you mean.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:50:12 No.309159428 ▶ >>309159643

>falling for the baiting shill with it's de-railing antics

Literally NGMI.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:51:45 No.309159622 ▶

>If young men demand tits and ass to be persuaded into a movement,

See everyone, where he inserts the strawman at this pivotal point to be able to make any attacking point
whatsoever? Good.

>> Anonymous (ID: 5anxNF1q ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:51:54 No.309159643 ▶ >>309159941

File: you seem upset.png (104 KB, 501x292)

>everyone that disagrees with me is a shill 43/44
21/2/2021 /pol/ - Our girl is doing it :) - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

You are a nigger. A nigger leaf.

>> Anonymous (ID: naEMC+ra ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:52:46 No.309159746 ▶

I didn't complain about cigs and beer. I judged someone drinking and smoking live on an interview. I have
some Carlsbergs in my fridge that I enjoy, but I don't crack them open when in zoom conferences with my
colleagues. Get some class.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:52:49 No.309159749 ▶

Yeah I wasn't hoping anyone would. Otherwise I wouldn't have had the luxury of saying it.

You can hurt me buddy I already burned everything down in there.

>> Anonymous (ID: rBGQZy2l ) 02/21/21(Sun)22:54:27 No.309159941 ▶


Isabel is going to have the chance to do something very special if she chooses to do so. You can't stop
that, and I'm not going to allow you to be doing much of anything anymore.

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