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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cataingan, Masbate



I. What I need to know?

It deals with understanding of qualitative research design. It describes the principle about
description of sample, data collection, and analysis, procedures in data collection such as survey,
interview and observation. It also involves the application of imaginative research related principles to
create an output

II. What you are expected to learn?

After going through this module, you are able and expected to:
1. Describes sampling procedure and sample

How to learn this module?

Before exploring this module, remember to do the following tips to achieve successfully the
objectives of this self-learning material.
1. Read and comprehend the lessons.
2. Read and follow instructions carefully.
3. Take note and record points for clarifications.
5. Perform any activities presented in the lesson diligently and honestly

LESSON 2 Description of Sampling and Data Collection

Data Collection is very important in the aspect of research. Researcher should choose the proper
sampling method to answer what was asked in the research problem. According to Alicia
Tuovila(2020), sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of

Teacher II
observations taken in larger population. The methodology used to sample from a larger population
depends on the type of analysis being performed.
What’s in?
In lesson 1, you enabled to understand the nature of qualitative design. Deeper understanding
of the different types of this design helped you led in gathering information for your research. In this
particular lesson, you will learn the methods of sampling for you to provide the possible answers of
your research problem.

What’s New?
Activity 5.2.1 Analyze the following:
George put some cards into a basket. Then he drew 3 cards out from the basket. Is this a random
sample of the cards in the basket? Why or why not?

What is it?
Types of Sampling: Sampling Methods

1. Probability Sampling
Is a sampling technique in which sample from a larger population are chosen using a
method based on the theory of probability. For instance, a population of 1000 members,
each of these members will have 1/1000 chances of being selected to be a part of a sample.
It gets rid of bias in the population and gives a fair chance to all members to be included in
the sample.
a. Simple Random Sampling – method of collecting data where every single
member of a population is chosen randomly, merely by chance and each individual
has the exact same probability of being chosen to be a part of a sample.
b. Cluster Sampling – a method where the researchers divide the entire population
into sections or clusters that represent a population. Clusters are identified and
included in a sample on the basis of defining demographic parameters such as age,
location, sex etc.
c. Systematic Sampling - a method where members of a sample are chosen at regular
intervals of a population. It requires selection of a starting point for the sample and
sample size that can be repeated at regular intervals. This type of sampling method

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has a predefined interval and hence this sampling technique is the least time-
d. Stratified Random Sampling - a method where the population can be divided into
smaller groups, that don’t overlap but represent the entire population together.
While sampling, these groups can be organized and then draw a sample from each
group separately.

2. Non-probability Sampling
Is reliant on a researcher’s ability to select members at random. This sampling
method is not a fixed or pre-defined selection process which makes it difficult for all
elements of a population to have equal opportunities to be included in a sample.
a. Purposeful/Purposive Sampling -is the most common sampling strategy. In this
type of sampling, participants are selected or sought based on pre-selected criteria
based on the research question. “For example, the study may be attempting to
collect data from lymphoma patients in a particular city or county. The sample size
may be predetermined or based on theoretical saturation, which is the point at
which the newly collected data no longer provides additional insights.”
b. Quota Sampling - is a sampling technique whereby participant quotas are preset
prior to sampling. Typically, the researcher is attempting to gather data from a
certain number of participants that meet certain characteristics that may include
things such as age, sex, class, marital status, HIV status, etc. “For example, a
cigarette company wants to find out what age group prefers what brand of
cigarettes in a particular city. He/she applies quotas on the age groups of 21-30,
31-40, 41-50, and 51+. From this information, the researcher gauges the smoking
trend among the population of the city.”
c. Snowball Sampling - is also known as chain referral sampling. In this method, the
participants refer the researcher to others who may be able to potentially contribute
or participate in the study. This method often helps researchers find and recruit
participants that may otherwise be hard to reach.
What’s more?
Activity 5.2.2 in each of the following examples, identify the Sampling
Methods being used:
1. A sample of 2,000 was sought to estimate the average achievement in science of fifth graders
in a city’s public schools. The average fifth grade enrolment in the city’s elementary schools is
100 students. Thus, 20 schools were randomly selected and within each of those schools all
fifth graders were tested.

2. A researcher is interested in maximum-security inmates. She group inmates by the type of crime
committed, determine the percentage of the total in each crime category, and uses that
percentage to determine the number of inmates randomly selected from each group.

3. A sociologist conducts an opinion survey in a major city. Part of the research plan calls for
describing and comparing the opinions of four different ethnic groups: African Americans,
Asian Americans, European Americans, and Native Americans. For a total sample of 300, the
researcher selects 75 participants from each of the four predetermined subgroups.

Teacher II
Prepared by:

Teacher II
Checked/ Validated:

Assistant Principal II



Principal IV

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade/Strand & Section: ____________________________ Score: _________________

1st Summative Test (Q4- Module 1 and 2)


I. Directions: Answer the following. Write your answers on your PAPER. (5points each)

1. Why data collection is important?


2. What is non- probability sampling?


3. What is probability sampling?


Teacher II

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