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Searching for scale-ready start-ups focusing on AI, Robotics or
Augmented/Virtual Reality from the French Tech Ecosystem
with an African market fit and a development strategy.
UpTale | | 0033 (0)1 80 90 94
Sector: Training | 15 employees
Founded by D. Ristagno, D. Iserief, A. Truchet & S. Leang in 2017
Location: France | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date €600 000

Uptale is an Enterprise Immersive Learning Solution which enables companies to digitize and
share skills and behaviors at scale. Alongside with premium services, Uptale provides a cloud
platform to create, deliver and track training experiences in 360° - Virtual Reality.

From 360° pictures or videos, you have the possibility to add a layer of training tags such as quiz,
3D objects handling or Voice Analysis ; and to create condition of interactions between them. At
the end, your employees’; path within his / her training program is tracked and you can follow his
/ her progress thanks to detail reportings data (heatmaps, score, wordcloud, ...).

We believe that nothing worth on the field trainings to upskill or reskill, moreover in our
fast-changing environment. However it is not always possible to organize them because of
security issues or heavy logistic costs. We also believe that companies are experts in their field,
not us. All in all, we created an intuitive tool, available through annual licences, for companies to
be autonomous in the creation and deployment of their own Immersive Learning programs.


Searching for scale-ready start-ups focusing on AI, Robotics or Augmented/Virtual Reality from the French Tech
Ecosystem with an African market fit and a development strategy.

KypSafe | +33 3 622 630 60
Sectors: Energy, Construction and Industry | 12 employees
Founded by B. Bellavoine (CEO) & S. Delvart (President) in 2014
Location: France | Stage: Series A
Revenue to date €300 000 | Seeking €1 400 000

Every year, thousand of people have accidents and die at work. With KYPSAFE, we augment
reality on worksites and improve workers safety, in a few minutes only ! KYPSAFE is THE solution
to improve safety at work. Our idea: a Plug & Play solution to locate workers against hazardous
areas, in real time and at all time in order to warn them when danger is close so that accident is
avoided and their life is preserved.

This patented solution is 100 % plug & play and relies on iOT. With connected objects (beacons)
we can build virtual safety barriers or virtual safety bubble around dangerous areas (vehicles,
work in height, explosion, electrical, chemical risks, etc…). With smart tags, workers are located
with a very high accuracy (<0,5 m) and with a very high rate (<0.5s). When a worker approaches
or enters a dangerous area, a ringing and vibrating alarm is triggered. If necessary, all the other
workers on site are warned, and the position of the worker in danger is given.

It takes only a few minutes to configure and it is suited for all kind of worksites (indoor, outdoor,
underground, offshore) since it runs on long lasting batteries and does not rely on GPS or cellular
connectivity. It’s key advantage it that it is Plug & Play: it takes only a few minutes to install and
can be done by our clients and end users without complex configuration. Moreover, KYPSAFE is
smart enough to be integrated into protection equipments (helmets, jackets) for seamless
integration. KYPSAFE: Augmented worksites to save lives at work in a few minutes only !


Searching for scale-ready start-ups focusing on AI, Robotics or Augmented/Virtual Reality from the French Tech
Ecosystem with an African market fit and a development strategy.

Case Law Analytics | +332 85 52 83 63
Sectors: Software Publishing and LegalTech | 15 employees
Founded by Jacques Lévy Véhel in 2017
Location: France | Stage: Series A

Case Law Analytics is a startup from INRIA (Public research institute specialized in AI and applied
mathematics). The purpose is to provide legal professional advises with tools based on a detailed
legal analysis and AI engines to quantify this risk. This word is based on a probabilistic theorem
demonstrated by Jacques Lévy Véhel (Research Supervisor at INRIA), and a rigorous procedure
developed by Jérôme Dupré (PhD in Law, magistrate). Case Law Analytics has developed
products to anticipate the possible outcomes of legal proceedings in various areas of law.

Our solution, marketed since September 2017, is an online software (Saas) that makes it possible
to quantify legal risks via artificial intelligence by offering the possibility of calculating the
distribution of amounts, in euros or months, likely to be pronounced by a court.

Case Law Analytics is the only startup that uses mathematical models to carry out a scientific
analysis in order to quantify the risk. We use AI to extract legal data and to model the court
decision-making process. The legal community is aware that it must evolve under the pressure of
the digital revolution.


Searching for scale-ready start-ups focusing on AI, Robotics or Augmented/Virtual Reality from the French Tech
Ecosystem with an African market fit and a development strategy.

Seeking a market ready solution aimed at the lower-end
income group by finding a viable formula that assists with the
distribution of financial products and payment collection.
Khoyn | 0844885150
Sectors: Social Commerce and E-commerce | 3 employees
Founded by Victory Matibiri and Tami Chipika in 2017
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $700 MRR | Seeking $50 000

Khoyn is a social selling platform that enables businesses to leverage a distributed network of
sales agents to deliver products and services more effectively at scale.

Businesses list products on the Khoyn platform, and anyone who downloads the app can
promote and sell these products to their communities for a commission. They act as “Virtual
Sales” people representing the business within their communities. Agents promote the products
to their ecosystems primarily via social media -Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. They use the app to
perform digital transactions on behalf of their community members. The business can choose to
allow anyone to sell, or on our Enterprise product, only a select few people can be official virtual
sellers for the business.

It is a unique marriage of technology and the power of relationships to scale any type of
business. We are leveraging current sales channels that depend on kinships and relationships.
Social selling has the scaleability of ecommerce and the personalization of a physical presence.
Anyone with a smartphone can get started - meaning the potential reach is limitless.


Seeking a market ready solution aimed at the lower-end income group by finding a viable formula that assists
with the distribution of financial products and payment collection.

Loc Coin
Website under construction | (0)790505473
Sector: undefined | 3 employees
Founded by Tshibangu Kalambaie in 2017
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking R3 183 000

An easy to use alternative savings channel that empowers South African households by
repurposing their neglected funds (coins) into digital assets. The funds passively saved become
the base from which users begin their financial wellness journey as they explore a portfolio of
savings/investment instruments.

Shop - LOC Coins – Save

Our blockchain enabled solution brings a fresh approach to the wealth industry, where
developing a pipeline of cash savers is a strategic imperative but has not been well-addressed
from an accessibility perspective.


Seeking a market ready solution aimed at the lower-end income group by finding a viable formula that assists
with the distribution of financial products and payment collection.

Zande | 011 326 6108
Sector: FinTech | 89 employees
Founded by Siyabulela Ntutela and Mduduzi Thabethe in 2015
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A
Revenue to date $33 000 000 | Seeking $2 000 000

Zande provides last mile distribution and inventory finance to informal micro traders (Spaza’s) in
remote locations. Through credit and innovative solutions such as online ordering systems,
Zande grows spaza shops and enables informal trade.

Zande has created a platform where spaza shops order stock online through our sales app, then
the drivers deliver inventory to the spazas on credit or on cash. Through solving last mile delivery
and providing credit, Zande can save spazas money on delivery costs as well as increase
profitability due to increased sales.

Zande provides last-mile distribution for producers of basic goods. Other value adds include
Informal market inventory financing, business intelligence and payments technology.


Seeking a market ready solution aimed at the lower-end income group by finding a viable formula that assists
with the distribution of financial products and payment collection.

Hello Tomorrow (sponsored by BNP Paribas) is looking for
early stage start-ups that solve complex engineering problems
with new technology or scientific discoveries.
Erada Technology Alliance Ltd | | +27 0 82 332 4695
Sectors: Healthcare, Diagnostics and BioTech | 3 employees
Founded by Dr. B. Pretorius and Dr. R. Schmidt in 2018
Operational in South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking as much as possible

Novel biomarker discovery in Saliva for the diagnosis of Malaria

To be applied in a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) model
10ul of Saliva to be used in a lateral flow immune essay test strip
The biochemical reaction of the novel biomarker in the saliva with the specific required antibody
within the test strip, shows whether there is disease present or not.

Non-blood based, Rapid diagnostic – Gives a result in 2-20 min
Addresses Point of Care and Point of Need function
Used in clinical as well as non-clinical environments e.g. schools. Therefore mass screening ability
3 Scenarios of Malaria detection:
1. Asymptomatic Carrier Disease – Gametocyte detection which can lead to earlier eradication
of Malaria
2. Early stage asymptomatic acute Disease – Early detection, Early treatment, reduction of
mortality and morbidity
3. Acute Symptomatic Malaria – Typical acutely ill patients
Detection of parasites close to PCR level: 0.69 parasites/ul blood and detection of parasites at
Sub-microscopic level
Game changer to the early diagnosis of children 5 years and younger which contributes to >61%
of all malaria deaths.


Hello Tomorrow (sponsored by BNP Paribas) is looking for early stage start-ups that solve complex engineering
problems with new technology or scientific discoveries.

Resolute Marine | +1 617 281 8253
Sector: Wave Driven Desalination | 8 employees
Founded by Bill Staby and Olivier Ceberio in 2007
Locations: USA, Ireland, Cape Verde | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking $9 000 000

Resolute Marine is developing a technology called Wave2O™ that harnesses ocean wave energy
to produce fresh water in off-grid areas of the world and thus provide relief from the harmful
economic and social effects of water scarcity. Starting in Cape Verde Our initial goal is to improve
access to water for coastal populations and agricultural operations in developing countries and
islands and to displace the diesel-powered systems that are in common use worldwide.

Wave2O™ harnesses the abundant and consistent energy of ocean waves to directly drive the
desalination process. Wave2OTM consists of several Wave Energy Converters (WECs) deployed at
the perimeter of the surf zone (i.e. close to shore) that pressurize seawater which is piped ashore
to drive a seawater reverse-osmosis (“SWRO”) desalination system.

Desalination systems require a connection to a strong and reliable electrical grid for their power
supply. Because our target customers typically lack sufficient grid capacity and cannot afford the
capital or time required to build and deploy grid-connected systems, Resolute Marine has
devised a unique solution to this problem - the world’s first wave-driven desalination system
(Wave 2 O™) that can be deployed quickly, operate completely “off-grid” and supply large
quantities of clean fresh water at competitive cost.


Hello Tomorrow (sponsored by BNP Paribas) is looking for early stage start-ups that solve complex engineering
problems with new technology or scientific discoveries.

Tambua Health Inc.
Sectors: Healthcare, Medical Diagnostics and Imaging | 12 employees
Founded by L. Wanyeki, D. Gathigai and E. Naomi in 2018
Locations: Kenya, USA | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0

We turn normal smartphones into lung imaging and diagnostic devices.

The Tambua Platform uses acoustic lung imaging technology to measure, identify and classify
lung sound vibrations.

It is non-invasive, scalable, affordable and radiation free.


Hello Tomorrow (sponsored by BNP Paribas) is looking for early stage start-ups that solve complex engineering
problems with new technology or scientific discoveries.

AirFrance is challenging African start-ups to develop an online
game running on limited in-flight bandwidth that passengers
can enjoy on their personal mobiles and tablets.
Kuhlturs | +33 6 41325760
Sector: Gaming | 2 employees
Founded by Gael Bokongo and Herve Vong in 2019
Location: France | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking 0

Our Game POW is an immersive trivia game, that gamified travel trought video content taken
across +80 countries for the past 8 years.

The more game has pillard and region that the player has to unlocked by responding corretly to
question asked. This will also unlocked video content.

Mixing video and trivia question havent been done before.

AirFrance is challenging African start-ups to develop an online game running on limited in-flight bandwidth
that passengers can enjoy on their personal mobiles and tablets.

Work’D | 00225 48709307
Sectors: Gaming and Animation | 4 employees
K. Amadou, O. Wilfried-Désiré, K. Christian, D. Abraham (2017)
Location: Ivory Coast | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date €30 000 | Seeking €500 000

World Tour by Air-France is a game of skill and management in which the player tries to make a
route between different airports served by Air France while managing its fuel consumption and
avoiding obstacles (turbulence, storms, ..) that can delay his flight.

The game is played online by up to 4 players simultaneously. Each player tries to reach his
destination before the other participants. The player moves the aircraft by touching the screen,
up, down, right and left. It also has a button “land” to land in an airport and refuel. In case of a
breakdown, the player is brought back to the previous airport with a time penalty.

World Tour by Air-France aim to promote the cities that are served by Air-France and to make the
players want to go there for a trip. The company could promote its offers in the different cities or
give some to the best players. The game also promote the Brand of Air-France in a
user-friendly way.

AirFrance is challenging African start-ups to develop an online game running on limited in-flight bandwidth
that passengers can enjoy on their personal mobiles and tablets.

Alkottab | (+2)01004639695
Sectors: Gaming and Architechture Visualisation | 6 employees
Founded by Eslam Almohandes in 2017
Location: Egypt | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $50 000 | Seeking $500 000

Alkottab is a studio for games, interactive experiences, simulations, and virtual worlds. We use
game technology & design to develop user experiences that engage, educate and entertain.

We do game development: We develop game, AR, and VR.
We do Marketing through Games: Computer games cut through the noise of traditional
marketing, presenting your marketing efforts in new ways that actually make the consumer want
to spend time on it.
We do Education through Games: Game-based-learning forces the user to take an active
approach to learning with rapid feedback and clear consequences leading to higher engagement
and improved learning.
We do Training through Simulations: Game mechanics and technology allows for high-fidelity
interactive training at a competitive price in a flexible framework that lead to higher engagement
and improved learning.

Games Technologies such as AR and VR break through our traditional ways of visualizations and
engagement. This empowers us to widen our limits and builds a new solutions in different
industries such as Real-Estate, Education, Entertainment, and Industrial design. We allow people
in different industries to be more creative and empower them to interact with their ideas.

AirFrance is challenging African start-ups to develop an online game running on limited in-flight bandwidth
that passengers can enjoy on their personal mobiles and tablets.

Fantom is looking to see start-ups that use Smart Contracts
and Stable Coins to create practical solutions that contribute
towards a better and smarter future.
HouseAfrica | +2348068960835
Sector: Real Estate Technology | 6 employees
Founded by Uba Nnamdi and Ikokpu Ndifreke in 2018
Operational in Nigeria | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $10 000 | Seeking $350 000

HouseAfrica is a US based Proptech company that aggregates unique land titles and reduces the
time it takes the State Governments, Lawyers and other real estate stakeholders to query and
register land titles and increasing the accuracy of land ownership using blockchain based land
registry. By providing an immutable ledger with visual map reference, we ensure the integrity of
land titles and to increase access to credit. We are currently on POC with a government agency
Nigerian Mortgage Refinancing Company (NMRC) onboarding the first 100,000 properties
in 6 states.

Our system allows Lawyers and Estate surveyors and State Governments to perform their roles
faster in registering and querying land titles.

This is because 80% of land ownerships are informal which makes so difficult for and owners to
access credits and loans. Again It usually takes unto 1 year to register land titles in Nigeria and 1
week to query Land titles. This because 774 local Government last their different land registry
which is on Paper.

Fantom is looking to see start-ups that use Smart Contracts and Stable Coins to create practical solutions that
contribute towards a better and smarter future.

Lightency | 00216 20 86 00 87
Sectors:GreenTech, Blockchain and Energy | 11 employees
Founded by Mohamed Mnif and Jaafar Saied in 2019
Location: Tunisia | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeks €1 000 000

We allow prosumers to produce their own green energy and make benefits selling the electricity
excess they might have, directly to their neighbors, on a decentralised, transparent and
secure platform.

Powerchain is our state-of-the-art energy-trading platform which allows prosumers to streamline
the entire workflow. Built on Blockchain technology, this novel application uses smart contracts
and tokenization to ensure transactions are secure, transparent and immutable. It also offers
best-in-class, data-management tools and analytics which help extract valuable insights
concerning energy supply and demand.

Our Platform was designed uniquely with the specificities of the African continent in mind. Our
platform and unique business model enables access to affordable energy hardware by working
with microfinance organizations and trusted hardware suppliers. Our blockchain based platform
allows for transparent, secure and instant transactions that are also cost-saving due to our
low-cost system on energy trades. Our solution is easily scalable and bankable. Our specific
go-to-market, focused on prosumers and micro-grids operators enables a much more efficient
and cost-effective go to market.

Fantom is looking to see start-ups that use Smart Contracts and Stable Coins to create practical solutions that
contribute towards a better and smarter future.

Chekkit | +2348087419056, | +2347056049656
Data Analytics, Anti-Counterfeiting and Supply Chain | 6 employees
Founded by D. Odumade, O. Adelowo, J. Asare, A. Oyenuga in 2018
Location: Nigeria | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $3 500 | Seeking $35 000

An anti-counterfeiting solution that tracks products from the warehouse, through every stop
along the distribution chain up to the final consumer, providing a way for consumers to
authenticate products by USSD or Scanning QR codes on products. Insights on consumers and
purchase patterns are then relayed to the producers.

Unique identities are created for products and batches as QR or numeric codes which are put on
the products and/or batches using our anti-counterfeiting labels (which can be scratch labels).
The products are then authenticated at every pick up and drop off point (from wholesalers to
retailers) and the final consumer authenticates with our app or ussd to view the history of the
product as well as other product information and then get purchase rewards. Producers have a
dashboard where they see data/insights on consumers authenticating their products and they
can also manage their drivers, logistics companies, wholesalers and retailers.

We have layered a short survey on our authentications which gathers more data points for more
powerful insights to producers and offers ways to track in-store sales, marketing/promotion
spends while also allowing consumers get rewarded every time they make a purchase. Our
supply tracking product is also achieved without installation of hardware. USSD authentications
mean products can be verified without an internet connection. The rewards tied to the unique
codes can be changed at any time and used for a wide range or marketing campaigns. Finally,
our insights provide demand forecasting as well as other business intelligence insights.

Fantom is looking to see start-ups that use Smart Contracts and Stable Coins to create practical solutions that
contribute towards a better and smarter future.

Seeking start-ups that provide affordable, fast-deployed and
energy efficient access to eco-friendly and safe cooking
solutions for households functioning on or off grid.
Power Stove Energy | +2348181987979
Sector: Clean Cooking Solutions | 23 employees
Founded by Okey Esse and Glory Esse in 2018
Location: Nigeria | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $73 000 | Seeking $500 000

IoT enabled efficient clean cookstove that self-generates up to 50 watts of electricity to charge
mobile phones and light up homes. The company also produces the most affordable cooking
fuels called Goodlife biomass pellets, which saves users US$300 annually.

The product is based on Top-Lit Updraft with fan-assisted technology that self-generates
electricity from thermoelectric generator based on seedbeck effect. The electricity generated
powers the IoT System which controls the cooling fan responsible for supplying Oxygen to the
combustion chamber of the stove through self-regulated switching system while at the same
time sends data to the base station server using HTTP/FTP protocol over the GSM/GPRS network
for analytic purposes on biomass consumption, GHG emissions and rate of stove usage.
Depending on user type the IoT is responsible for metering the usage of the stove i.e.
(Pay-As-You-Cook service) by receiving encrypted control messages from the base server over
the 2G/3G cellular network and ensure security measures against theft and system hack by
fraudsters. Besides, the IoT controls the charging of the built-in Lithium-ion battery using Pulse
Width Modulation principle, utilizing the power/current generated from the output terminals of
the stove.

Powerstove is the world&#39;s first and only clean cookstove with built-in self-powered IoT
System for remote monitoring and Pay-As-You-Cook services.

Seeking start-ups that provide affordable, fast-deployed and energy efficient access to eco-friendly and safe
cooking solutions for households functioning on or off grid.

KopaGas | +255 752 66 66 66
Sector: FinTech | 60 employees
Founded by Dr. F. Rodriguez-Sanchez and A. Mendes in 2013
Location: Tanzania | Stage: Series A
Revenue to date $2 000 000 | Seeking 0

KopaGas addresses the need for access to clean cooking fuels in the developing world where
nearly 3 billion people rely on biomass fuels for cooking. Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) in
canisters allows a safe and scalable energy solution in urban and peri-urban areas. However,
high initial cost on gas, canisters and appliances to switching mean that less than 5% of
Tanzanian households are using this option. KopaGas provides a Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solution,
addressing affordability and availability issues.

In our business model, we lease end-users a kit consisting of a 15kg cylinder, gas load, cooking
appliance and our proprietary smart meter. Customers in proximity of our distribution kiosk
receive marketing information and basic training. Interested customers are screened for
payment capacity and join when they pay a small subscription fee. System set-up and training is
carried out at the customer premises. To use the gas, the customers do small payments using
mobile money. When our platform receives the payment confirmation, the meter releases the
corresponding gas amount. When credit is finished, the meter automatically stops the flow.
Customers then buy the amounts of credit they can afford to pay. Payment includes the cost of
gas and services required to pay back for the meter and cylinder, as well as profit.

This business model is completely new for the LPG industry and allows an unprecedented
control over all parts of the value chain. The meter is internet connected, providing a control
switch to stop gas flow when credit is consumed or the canister depleted. This also provides data
that allows detailed analysis of use, device diagnostics and real-time customer support. At the
center of our innovation is LPG as a service model that reduces the burden of customers paying
for upfront investment in LPG connection - more than twice a poor family’s annual income.

Seeking start-ups that provide affordable, fast-deployed and energy efficient access to eco-friendly and safe
cooking solutions for households functioning on or off grid.

PayGas | +273987973
Sector: EnergyTech | 4 employees
Founded by P. Hoeblich, A. Diallo and A. Arnon in 2018
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $13 000 | Seeking $1 500 000

PayGas Pty Ltd pledges to make affordable clean cooking to millions of low incomes worldwide,
starting first in South Africa. We disrupt traditional household cooking gas access, by adjusting
the quantity of gas delivered at a patterned PayGas refilling station, to the amount that
customers can afford: PAY AS YOU GAS™

With PayGas, customers can easily walk to the closest Pay as you Gas™ station in their
neighbourhood and use their cell phones to buy as much as they can afford with cashless
payment. Pay as you Gas™ system is equipped with an embedded USSD technology cashless
payment solution that can be used by clients who have no access to expensive internet data or
only use cheaper 3G phones.

By adjusting the quantity of gas that people can afford, be are disrupting deeply the industry: at
PayGas we are cutting -44% of the supply chain cost of Gas companies and reducing their Capex
on cylinders by 75%.The traditional LPG industry imposes the purchase of a minimum quantity
of gas by customers due to the logistical model based on “swapping cylinders”. By using the Pay
as you go way of consuming gas, the consumer does not need to pay a minimum consumption
every time (full cylinder). They don’t need to wait until the gas is finished to refill it. They just top
up the amount of gas they can afford and at any time. It’s convenient.

Seeking start-ups that provide affordable, fast-deployed and energy efficient access to eco-friendly and safe
cooking solutions for households functioning on or off grid.

Searching for start-ups with an innovative solution
empowering and educating communities by creating
awareness that leads to early diagnosis and pro-active
mental healthcare.
Syked | 074 859 1383
Sector: Mental Health | 3 employees
Founded by W. Khumalo, N. Mthembu and L. Cebekhule in 2019
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking R5 000 000

Syked is an online virtual private practice that provides counselling sessions to students in the
comfort of their own home over secure video consultation and text support. Patients have
access so a wide database of social workers, counselling psychologists and registered
counsellors to choose from. We also provide free weekly topical group discussions that students
face on a day to day basis.

The users go onto the platform and select a category they fall under between Individual, couples
or teenagers. Then they go through a 2 minute assessment that will be used by the therapist. On
completion they can select from a group of shortlisted professionals that are qualified to assist
them. There after the video session will commence between the patient and the therapist at the
scheduled time. Users also have access to a text support feature as well as free weekly
group sessions.

Its innovative because patients no longer have to physically travel to a psychologist private
practice but they can chat in the comfort of their own home without having the fear of being
seen by the general public and therapist can now run their own virtual private practice where all
the bookings and assessments are managed and processed by the system cutting out all the
hard cost of manage or starting up their own practice.


Searching for start-ups with an innovative solution empowering and educating communities by creating
awareness that leads to early diagnosis and pro-active mental healthcare.

Kaya Health | +1 (202) 766 9362
Sector: Digital Health | 2 employees
Founded by Zanele Hlatshwayo in 2019
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking $500 000

A new data-driven approach to employer-based mental health care that uses technology to
connect companies and employees with readily available, convenient and clinically effective
mental health treatment via private video, voice and messaging. We work with corporates,
businesses, non-profits, associations, and other organisations to address behavioural health
issues in the workplace resulting in lowered costs related to absenteeism, productivity loss and
medical aid claims.

Employees access our platform, complete a behavioural health assessment and are intelligently
matched, via our algorithms, with mental health providers. All sessions then take place on our
HIPAA-compliant platform via video, audio and messaging communication. The payer is then
provided with aggregated and anonymised clinical data outlining the behavioural health of the
workforce and the ROI of our intervention.

We are the first tech-driven online counselling partner for Employee Assistance Programmes
(EAPs), insurance companies and employee benefits providers in South Africa.


Searching for start-ups with an innovative solution empowering and educating communities by creating
awareness that leads to early diagnosis and pro-active mental healthcare.

Pocket Couch | +27 83 626 3667
Sector: HealthTech | 1 employee
Founded by Onkgopotse Khumalo in 2019
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking R900 000

The Pocket Couch is an e-counselling platform that seeking connect patients with their therapists
through their mobile devices. It creates an affordable, efficient and accessible mechanism for
people seeking help with mental health.

Potential patients highlight their preferences for therapists across various paradigms on the
app/website. The patient is then connected with therapists that match best. Once done, therapy
sessions can be conducted via messaging or live video sessions depending on the chosen
subscription plan. Patients can switch therapists at no additional cost to them.

The Pocket Couch seeks to solve 3 major issues.
1. Affordability: It costs on average R950 per hour of therapy - for the average South African, this
is unaffordable at best.
2. Accessibility: For most, travelling to a therapist is inconvenient considering the transport
implications and having to find time in their hectic schedules.
3. Convenience: For both therapists and patients, thepocketcouch enables connection
irrespective of geographic positioning.
Given the magnitude of the problem, this innovative solution would be able to give more people
struggling with mental health issues access to the help they need. The mental health system in
its current form isn’t suitably equipped to solve the problem, with only 1 therapist to 60 000
people in South Africa. (1:1000 000 in Ghana, compared to 1:9000 in the USA)


Searching for start-ups with an innovative solution empowering and educating communities by creating
awareness that leads to early diagnosis and pro-active mental healthcare.

Seeking tech-based solutions that help diabetic patients live
healthier lifestyles by providing education and support on
diet, exercise and emotional wellbeing.
Ilara Health | +27796830615
Sector: Digital Diagnostics | 7 employees
Founded by Emilan Popa and Amaan Banwait in 2018
Location: Kenya | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date $20 000 pm | Seeking $5 000 000

Ilara Health brings accurate and affordable diagnostics to rural Africans through miniature,
AI-powered diagnostic devices that are integrated via a proprietary technology platform and
distributed directly to primary care doctors.

More specifically, we (1) partner with companies using robotics and AI to develop new, more
affordable diagnostics (2) integrate their devices into our tech platform, (3) sell this bundle of
integrated devices to doctors on a pay per use basis. We see diagnostics as just the beginning.
We’ve started with diagnostics, which is a high margin service and solves a pain point for the
doctor, but our tech platform will allow us to ‘plug in’ other services such as medication, access to
specialists and training. This will allow us to continue to help the doctor grow their revenue by
filtering the best innovations and bringing them to the doctor.

We have created a unique model by bringing together three important stakeholders: high-tech
device manufacturers, financiers, tech & distribution to underserved customers. Our
pay-as-you-go financing model enables semi-skilled medical professionals to provide high tech
diagnostic services at an affordable rate. With our financing partners providing 80-90% of the
cost of equipment, doctors only pay 10-20% upfront and immediately start providing the
services. This approach allows doctors to conduct, process and interpret diagnostic tests right in
their office. Additionally, AI technology in the equipment complements human doctors which
makes it easier and cost effective to run the equipment. Eventually, we will become a data-rich
company and use this data to deliver better health outcomes through building new products and
services, such as clinical support decision systems, or improving the understanding of the
African genome.

Seeking tech-based solutions that help diabetic patients live healthier lifestyles by providing education and
support on diet, exercise and emotional wellbeing.

Baobab Circle
Sector: HealthTech | 16 employees
Founded by George Franklin and Precious Lunga in 2016
Operational in 7 African countries | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date $100 000

Leveraging mobile phones, artificial intelligence and behavioural science to provide personalised
chronic disease management tools to sufferers in emerging and frontier markets.

Our initial service, “Afya Pap” is at its core a chatbot, designed to track health outcomes and
communicate with users via SMS and our Android App. Every day, our users receive a
notification/SMS inviting them into a conversation, the more conversations, the more
personalized the advice/information becomes. Content is currently catered towards Diabetes,
Hypertension, Pregnancy, Postnatal Care and Sexual Health. For each condition we provide tools
for prevention, management and caregiving. The latter helps Drs and family members
communicate with and care for our users, while making that user accountable, reinforcing the
desired behavioural change. Key to our effectiveness is contextualisation in terms of languages
and knowledge that different areas of the same country in Africa often have very different
nutritional and treatment preferences/availability.

In summary, we are using behavioural science to induce habit formation in sufferers of chronic
conditions via daily interactions in an effort to improve health outcomes in the individual. As a
by-product, we are also collecting significant amounts of data on drug usage, adherence, efficacy,
pricing etc. Our aim is to provide transparency to the consumer and vendors, allowing for price
stabilisation and providing knowledge on exactly how various health interventions impact their
targeted populations.

Seeking tech-based solutions that help diabetic patients live healthier lifestyles by providing education and
support on diet, exercise and emotional wellbeing.

Akili Labs | +27 76 759 3176
Sector: Digital Health | 5 employees
Founded by C. Faul, L. Lotter and Dr. F. Perviaz in 2019
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking $500 000

Point of care molecular diagnostics allowing for improved single test diagnostics for precision
medicine and infectious disease. The platform helps for rapid development of the patient
centric testing.

Akili Labs MobiMed makes use of a cascade of enzymes to allow for the rapid detection of genes
of interest in a point of care setting without requiring specialised laboratory equipment
and skills.

This system allows for a stable platform for the development of medical PCR-DNA tests which
conventionally require a specialised skill set and specialised equipment. This will improve access
to PCR medical diagnostics and precision medicine.

Seeking tech-based solutions that help diabetic patients live healthier lifestyles by providing education and
support on diet, exercise and emotional wellbeing.

Seeking start-ups with technology that can make a
contribution towards smarter, cleaner and safer buildings,
industries and/or cities.
Park Smart | Whatsapp +14073763781 | +221 76 590 8392
Sectors: Real Estate and Parking Solutions | 8 employees
Founded by Maria Marin and Lamine Ba in 2018
Location: Senegal | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date unknown | Seeking $300 000

Automatic parking barriers will be installed by Park Smart for our clients. Our clients will be able
to access/remove barriers of their private parking spots by using their phone or entering a code.
Our clients will have the ability to rent parking space when they are not there by using Park
Smart web service. Commuters will be able to reserve parking spots thru Park Smart before they
arrive in the city reducing their commuting time and having a place guarantee before they arrive.


Our solution is innovative, because It will allows commuters to quickly access reserved parking
spots before arriving to congested areas, this technology does not exist in Senegal. We believe
that this will be a big asset to the city because it will reduce traffic by allowing commuters to
know exactly where to go, instead of creating additional traffic by looking for parking spots.
Currently the city of Dakar is chaotic due to the lack of organization in the streets, we want to
change this and we believe that Park Smart can make the difference.


Seeking start-ups with technology that can make a contribution towards smarter, cleaner and safer buildings,
industries and/or cities.

Weego | +212 617 98 30 05
Sector: Training | 15 employees
S. Jittou, P. Niane, S. Ndiaye, S. Ndiaye and D. Sakho in 2018
Location: Senegal | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date $30 000 MRR | Seeking $1 000 000

Weego is a MaaS platform that connects fleet, drivers, cities and users in order to share real time
information and to make commuting easier each day.

We only use crowdsourcing and machine learning to predict real time arrivals of buses, trains
and minibus taxis.

While all MaaS platforms relies on Open Data, we do not. In Africa, Open Data is rare or
nonexistent. Our solution fits the reality of all emerging markets.


Seeking start-ups with technology that can make a contribution towards smarter, cleaner and safer buildings,
industries and/or cities.

MVXchange | +234 818 705 9980
Sector: undefined | 8 employees
Founded by T. Membere-Otaji, I. Koledowo and T. Amusan in 2018
Location: France | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date $30 000 + | Seeking $1 000 000

MVXchange is African-focused B2B cloud-based platform to organize and optimize the process of
finding ships/vessels for global trade in maritime transportation and offshore operations for oil,
gas and renewable energy activities in Africa.

The platform does this by matching supply of vessels/ships directly with available demand for
logistics and transportation services in the maritime and oil and gas industry to within 6 hours
from an industry average of 36 - 72 hours.

It is the first digital platform on the African continent doing real-time connection of demand and
supply of maritime vessels. Currently, people rely on emails, phone calls and outdated vessel
databases because simpler and more efficient ways to find and charter vessels have not been
previously available. The industry is also used to intermediaries & traditional ship-brokers; they
are often inefficient and add additional costs of 25 - 40% on rate of hiring a vessel.


Seeking start-ups with technology that can make a contribution towards smarter, cleaner and safer buildings,
industries and/or cities.

Seeking EdTech start-ups based and operating in Africa with
developed solutions to empower communities through
Zaio | +27711010004
EdTech, Software Development and Recruitment | 5 employees
M. Hlophe, A. Boddu, N. Mpaku, A. Hassam and H. Singh in 2017
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date R700 000 | Seeking R2 500 000

Zaio is a platform where businesses can access the largest pool of elite junior developers to build
their prototypes, hire as a team or recruit for full-time employment. We equip our developers
with industry-relevant coding skills through a gamified learning journey with a strong emphasis
on getting them practical experience.

People looking to build a prototype, hire a team of developers or recruit developers sign on the
platform and choose any of the options. They are then connected to the largest pool of elite
junior developers to fulfill their request.

The learning journey is set up to simulate a gaming experience. We have 4 levels that each user
goes through. The journey is theoretical progressively becomes practical. Each level is unlocked
by the user based on the milestones they achieve in each level. Throughout the journey, users
are awarded points for each milestone reached. We call these points Zaions which are
accumulated and displayed one their skills-profile. Think of this as player XP. Recruiters use these
profiles with the Zaion rating to make smart decisions around recruiting the talent. They also
have access to developers’ soft skills on the profiles.


Seeking EdTech start-ups based and operating in Africa with developed solutions to empower communities
through education.

Snapplify | 021 975 7192
Sector: EdTech | 26 employees
Founded by Wesley Lynch in 2012
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A

Snapplify is at the forefront of edtech solutions in Africa, and specialises in enabling digital
learning for individuals and institutions by establishing a marketplace for digital education
content, related educational services, and devices. As a pan-African edtech company, Snapplify
strives for radical inclusion to level the playing field and equip individuals across emerging
markets with the world-class tools they need to collaborate, innovate and thrive.

The Snapplify marketplace includes digital education content, related educational services, and
devices. Snapplify’s catalogue (the largest catalogue of local and international e-textbooks in
Africa) is diverse, widely applicable for schools across multiple regions, and constantly growing.
Snapplify Engage combines Snapplify’s collaborative e-learning products into one platform,
allowing educators to share teacher-created, multimedia resource materials with students, and
giving schools access to their own robust 24-hour access digital content library. As part of our
commitment to help schools to build digital learning. ecosystems that suit educators and
students, we also supply devices.

Our platforms have been developed in an emerging market context, for the emerging market
classroom. We’ve ensured that our offering is world-class, but relevant for use in classrooms
across Africa, regardless of the infrastructural challenges they face. Our solutions tackles
common issues of content delivery and accessibility, such as allowing for offline content delivery,
offline reading, broad device integration and zero-rated downloads through exclusive
relationships with telecommunications companies. We’ve also developed a proven sales and
rollout model that can be replicated in any region.


Seeking EdTech start-ups based and operating in Africa with developed solutions to empower communities
through education.

Mtabe | +255 67 547 9704
Sector: EdTech| 8 employees
Founded by Given Edward and Rukudzo Nyoka in 2018
Location: Tanzania | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $55 000 | Seeking $79 000

Offline e-learning via SMS.

Students text the service they need between
1) Answer to a question
2) Self-assessment quiz
3) Study Guide
After that they receive SMS response in a few seconds with what they request.

Works offline without internet or smartphone. It’s also cost-effective as it costs as little as $0.67 a
month. Uses AI to respond to 65% of the questions instantly.


Seeking EdTech start-ups based and operating in Africa with developed solutions to empower communities
through education.

The SA SME Fund is looking for tech-based, high-potential,
pre-Series A start-ups presenting a product or service that
leverages technology in a unique way.
Excel At Uni | +27 79 013 5203
Sector: EdTech | 8 employees
Founded by L. Gumede, L. Marishane and L. Makena in 2018
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking R3 600 000

Globally, only 30% of university students graduate on time. Excel@Uni is on a mission is to
expand student success in universities by providing a range of digital solutions. We empower
students by increasing their odds of graduating on time. Our flagship product is our progress
tracking and early warning system called Mila. Mila is the ultimate student information system
that provides a 360-degree view of students’ progress. All red flags are systematically reported to
student advisors, serving as an early warning system for students at risk, while expanding the
capacity of student advisors to manage more students.

The Excel@Uni team is building an organisation that is a one-stop shop for the major elements of
student success. Currently student success solutions are fragmented. For example, a competitor
may provide analytics related to academic success. However once students are identified as
at-risk, this competitor is unable to provide a tangible solution for the at-risk student.

Excel@Uni offers all major student success interventions within one company while using digital
technology to ensure that solutions are scalable. Excel@Uni offers a turnkey solution to all major
issues related to student success. Most of the competition specialise in one area of student
success. However, the Excel@Uni team is building an organisation that is a one-stop shop for the
major elements of student success. Currently student success solutions are fragmented. For
example, a competitor may provide analytics related to academic success. However once
students are identified as at-risk, this competitor is unable to provide a tangible solution for the
at-risk student.


The SA SME Fund is looking for tech-based, high-potential, pre-Series A start-ups presenting a product or
service that leverages technology in a unique way.

iMpilo | (+27) 71 884 5154
Sector: undefined | 4 employees
Founded by Kopano Mere, Leroy Dunn and Carolyn Bouter in 2018
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking R2 000 000

An e-learning marketplace that partners with leading institutions and specialists to reduce the
barriers to medical education and skills transfer in the area of medical
professional development.

Through our digital platform, medical professionals can access unlimited accredited courses,
connect to industry specialists/thought leadership, and easily manage all their learning admin to
stay compliant.

We’re enabling medical professionals from developing markets to rapidly learn and acquire skills
from leading institutions &amp; specialists to address the healthcare challenges they face in
their environments.


The SA SME Fund is looking for tech-based, high-potential, pre-Series A start-ups presenting a product or
service that leverages technology in a unique way.

jobox | +27 71 672 5192
Sector: EdTech | 3 employees
Founded by Sbusiso Buna and Darryn Rabec in 2016
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date unknown | Seeking R1 500 000

Jobox is a student freelancing platform that connects businesses with high-quality students. We
work with higher education institutions to find the best candidates, improve graduate
employability and provide data-driven insights.

We partner with higher education institutions and gain access to their students. Once we have
established a partnership we get students to sign up to the platform and create profiles. Clients
then sign up to the platform and post freelancing jobs. These freelancing jobs come in the form
of tasks or projects. Students then apply to the job and they do the job. Once they have
completed the job the client makes the payment on the platform and rates and reviews the
student based on their soft and hard skills.

The innovation of the company lies in 2 areas
1. Distribution model
1.1 We partner with higher education institutions which allows us to move from a 1-1 student
acquisition strategy to at 1-many, reducing our marketing costs
1.2 This also allows us to provide data driven insights to the higher education institutions creating
a new revenue stream
2. Focus on soft skills development through work experience


The SA SME Fund is looking for tech-based, high-potential, pre-Series A start-ups presenting a product or
service that leverages technology in a unique way.

Envisionit Deep AI | +27114860692
Sector: Medical Technology | 6 - 10 employees
Founded by J. Naidoo, T. Naidu and A. Mitgachev in 2019
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking $2 000 000

The solution is a platform that improves the speed and accuracy with which a radiologist can
diagnose chest x-rays. By utilizing advanced technology solutions we are able to address 3 major
challenges in Africa:
1. The shortage of expert paediatric radiologists in Africa
2. Large number of medical imaging not reported on
3. Life threatening diseases not prioritised or diagnosed early due to limited resources

When a radiologist or general practitioner uploads a batch of x-rays, an AI algorithm analyses
each one and identifies possible problems or pathologies. It automatically prioritizes the most
urgent scans for expert professionals to analyse and identify regions of interest. This is
accomplished by means of deep neural networks with transfer learning used to achieve high
accuracy, specifically on the x-rays of children.

Our Model uses a supervised deep learning algorithm to identify and locate possible pathologies
in x-rays. It can highlight images that are likely to contain problems and prioritise these cases in
the queue so that professional users can direct their attention more efficiently. The paediatric
radiology referral platform enables professionals to perform diagnosis and add to or change the
algorithm’s findings. This result is then passed back to the algorithm via a machine learning
feedback loop so that it can be continually re-trained and improve.


The SA SME Fund is looking for tech-based, high-potential, pre-Series A start-ups presenting a product or
service that leverages technology in a unique way.

ClockWork | +27 (72) 361-6071
Sectors: HR and Recruitment Technology | 3 employees
Founded by Jonathan Kingwill and Jamie Rood in 2016
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date R470 000 | Seeking R3 000 000

ClockWork is an app-based solution for hiring local, vetted and reliable blue collar workers. Our
app creates a streamlined process of finding, hiring and paying blue collar staff.

Using the ClockWork App, one is easily able to post job requirements out to the world!
ClockWork’s algorithm is able to leverage the latest geolocation technology to send employers
the best workers in their area. ClockWork handles all payments, which means employers don’t
need to worry about cash and the risk that comes with it. As soon as the ClockWorker completes
the job, a payment is triggered securely within the app.

Currently, there isn’t a system to differentiate between blue collar staff and no way for blue collar
staff to differentiate themselves. Our experience points (XP) algorithm takes into account critical
on-the-job data to calculate a score which differentiates jobseekers in their sub-industries. Also,
paying wages to blue collar staff is a pain - our in-app payments allows employers to pay
jobseekers directly into their bank accounts.


The SA SME Fund is looking for tech-based, high-potential, pre-Series A start-ups presenting a product or
service that leverages technology in a unique way.

Cloud9Xp | | +254710880290
Sector: TravelTech | 1 - 10 employees
Founded by Tesh Mbaabu and Mesongo Sibuti in 2016
Location: Kenya | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $120 000 + | Seeking $250 000

At Cloud9xp, we offer a simple way to discover and book leisure experiences to do across Africa.
We make travel more seamless for all travellers, using innovative tech to bridge the online and
offline gap in the tours and activities space. We are an online marketplace, booking service and
distributor for leisure experiences across three verticals; day activities, vacations and events.

Our two-sided web and mobile platform allows leisure seekers to discover and book tours and
travel experiences from wherever they are, across different locations, categories and styles. We
also allow them to create bucket-list experiences and save up for them, among other features.
Beyond helping make things easier for leisure seekers, Cloud9xp enables experience providers
and tour operators to tap into an audience of potential customers for bookings by creating
exposure for their experiences, and painstakingly re-inventing in-destination services supply
chain with technology in order to improve suppliers’ efficiency through booking
management tools.

In Africa we have a wealth of leisure destinations & experiences that are either not easily
discoverable, or not easily bookable. Cloud9xp was launched on the premise that travelers
typically book hotels and flights online prior to their departure, but usually leave the actual
holiday activities and attractions to be planned in the destination. Cloud9xp carefully curated
travel experiences for users to discover and book, allowing them to take hassle-free holidays,
save time at their destination, and come home with the best memories, while local experience
providers generate more revenues in the process.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Fresh Box | +1 412 721 2301
Sector: AgriTech Logistics | 3 employees
Founded by Abhinav Gautam and Justus Ganza in 2018
Location: Rwanda | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking $50 000

FreshBox Rwanda is building modular, off-grid cold chain solutions to reduce post-harvest food
loss in Rwanda and other African nations. Our first product is an affordable, cold room equipped
pack house with a capacity of up to 5 Metric Ton. Equipped with IoT sensors, we and our clients
can remotely monitor 24/7 the temperature and humidity.

With a pay-as-you-go rental model, our users can rent cold storage at a competitive rate and
scale up and down their usage based on their business needs. The pack house includes
Weighing/Washing/Sorting/Packing Stations. In addition, we are using a network of trucks for
delivery to/from our pack house such as from the farm and to airport.

Our cold rooms are assembled in Rwanda. They have 40% less energy consumption and up to 5X
cheaper than traditional cold rooms. Optionally, they can run on solar and provide off-grid
access in rural communities. Offering a range of services from cold storage and transportation,
we are the only private one-stop solution provider for growing export market and very limited
cold chain logistics for the agriculture supply chain.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

GeroCare Solutions Ltd | 234 701 444 8844
Sector: Healthcare | 10 employees
Founded by Dr. E. Ofrey, Dr. A. Meraiyebu and Bruce Lucas in 2017
Location: Nigeria | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $35 000 | Seeking $280 000

GeroCare is a cloud based hospital that provides primary health care to elderly in the comfort of
their home simply by interacting with the doctor via mobile application. Making it possible for
Africans within and outside Africa to subscribe for regular doctor visits for their parents and
elderly loved ones and follow this care real time from anywhere they are in the world.

1. Subscribers go to website or downloads app, creates an account, input details of elderly and
make a payment.
2. Then, they are matched to a doctor who lives close by who begins to provide regular updates
to the sponsor (family member responsible for care) via their GeroCare mobile application.
Medical Home Visit work flow
1. Doctor arrives at patient’s home & checks in on app. Sponsor is notified of arrival & departure.
2. A report is sent to the sponsor and depending on the recommendation sponsor makes
payment on his app and either drugs are delivered to the elderly patient at home or home
collection of samples for tests or both are done.

The future of health and wellness for Africans lies in proper preventive and primary health care
services. The future of primary health care lies in a cloud based service in which doctors and
patients do not need to be located in one building. A system that is easily scalable and replicable
across cities and across countries. Hospitals without buildings where just by interaction with your
doctor at home every other thing you need can be delivered to your home.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

App African Food | +22577257144 | +22523003305
Sector: FoodTech | 9 employees
M. Olivier, G. Franck-Valerie, T. Florent and A. Romaric in 2018
Location: Ivory Coast | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date $7 500 | Seeking $15 000

Mobile application to fight against food waste and famine.

We connect food stores and restaurants that have unsold items to individuals and associations
who have previously downloaded the mobile application.

The innovation is that we have solved the problem of logistics in Africa by the geolocation of
unsold food.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Afrikamart | +221 77 506 9393
Sector: Food AgriTech | 15 employees
Founded by M. Diouf, S. Bisson and A. Diouf in 2018
Location: Senegal | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date $300 000 | Seeking $550 000

AFRIKAMART is an “agri-foodtech” supply chain that relies on the power of digital to unlock the
potential of agribusiness in Africa. We design tools and services to bring farmers closer to
processors, wholesalers, restaurants, supermarkets and individuals as well. We create value in
addressing three of the biggest challenges in the agri-food sector: effective agriculture, market
access and logistics.

We coach farmers on agriculture best practices for better quality and guide their production
according to market demand. We put together all transportation means available to design the
most efficient circuit to move the product from the farm to its final destination. After harvest, we
gather farmers’ crops then finally we connect supply and demand cost efficiently
through technology.

Like Uber with transportation, Airbnb with lodging, we want to be the largest supplier of fresh
quality food in Africa without owning a single farm.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Echo Aero | +49 157 34284172
Sectors: Aerospace and Air Travel | 12 employees
Founded by A. Laroussi, B. Dandana, H. Fekih, N. Madoui in 2018
Location: Tunisia | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking €4 000 000

Echo offers an all in one Cabin LOPA (Layout of Passenger Accommodation) design, certification,
and analytics, community-based platform for the Aviation industry. It aims to digitalize the value
chain between all Aviation stakeholders at highest speed and to enable travel service providers
to create a dynamic offer and a new passenger experience.

Echo’s solution is an online collaborative Platform responding to the needs of the Cabin
Ecosystem from the A/C maker to the Travel Service provider. It gathers several tools like the
Online Cabin Design, which reduces the design (drawing) phase of a Cabin LOPA by 90% (hours
instead of weeks). Users can collaborate in real-time while being intuitively, technically and
strategically guided. Air Travel offer becomes dynamic, digital and opens new business horizons
and flexible pricing models.

Reduces design time by 90% and LOPA cost by 50%, Online instant collaboration, Real-time
synchronization, Dynamic and responsive cabin layouts, Certification Engine, Advanced Analytics
Engine, In the sweet spot between the Aerospace Industry and the Air Travel Industry.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Popaddress | 00212 6 61 95 47 49
Sector: undefined | 3 employees
Founded by Lina Alami in 2017
Location: Morocco | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date $30 000 | Seeking $100 000

Popaddress is the first Moroccan market square dedicated to the ephemeral commercial real
estate. This community platform allows individuals to find and rent commercial spaces for a day,
a week, a month or more. These spaces will be used to create pop up stores and all kind of
ephemeral demonstrations. The website works with the same principle as Airbnb but
incorporates a variant BtoB. It connects the spaces owners with users looking for spaces.

We offer an intermediary service to access these temporary spaces. We list the spaces available
for temporary rental that we offer on the site. An owner can also directly offer its space on the
platform, the announcement will be verified and validated (or not) by our concierge. The user
creates an account and thus offers access to spaces with a detailed description. To reserve a
space, it is sufficient to send a request specifying the dates. It will be immediately contacted by a
concierge for a personalized assistance. The research and the on-line publishing of spaces are
free. Popaddress charge a 20% commission on each transaction between an owner and
a tenant.

Today if you are looking for a space to sell your product, the only option you have is a potential
long term commitment. This model is restrictive because it is not adapted to the new way of
consumption. Our solution is innovative because we provide Flexibility . We bring a unique
solution to the emerging needs of the ephemeral economy.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

XIOT | +1 (347) 778-3397 | +2 0106 6466 855
Sector: Smart Home | 5 employees
Founded by Ahmed Sobhy and Ahmed El Zoughby in 2017
Location: Egypt | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 30 000 EGP | Seeking 500 000 EGP

XIOT is a smart home solutions technology company that develops user experience centric
designed products which fades the limits between a boring present and a smart future. Our
development approach to smart home products and services simplifies what’s possible with the
least infrastructure change possible under one unifying smart home platform.

xChip is our first product; a device that can be connected up to 8 devices, whether it is for lights,
plugs or even an air conditioner; basically anything that is wired or electrically connected. xChip
gives you access to control your home or company assets from anywhere in the world. Wall Unit
is the extension of our xChip family with intuitive industrial design, capacitive touch controls and
more to control the experience end to end with 3 modules X for dimming, IO for switching
ON/OFF and T for a wall plug outlet.

The smart home experience now is very segmented. We are pursuing a system integrated ready
platform to unify control of all the smart home devices, while designing the xChip to transform
the infrastructure and makes it cost efficient to control a lot of assets using one xChip. Everything
User Experience is carefully thought out to achieve high quality user experience.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Africa Business Integration (Pty) Ltd | +27833479404
Sector: Artificial Intelligence | 7 employees
Founded by Moloti Tebogo Nakampe and Thabo Koee in 2017
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date 0 | Seeking $2 000 000

CONCEPT is a Visual Insurance Platform powered by Computer Vision Analytics-driven claims
handling and automation. The platform is an End-to-End digitization of the motor vehicle
insurance customer experience. Vehicle operators are empowered to obtain real-time road and
traffic alerts through our intelligent vehicle to vehicle network.

Customer Onboarding/Underwriting using Natural Language Processing Chatbots
Insurance IOT edge device (Dash Camera) from mounted in customer’s vehicle
Vehicle Damage Recognition (via Mobile Phone) using Deep Neural Networks
Billing and Contracting using Multivariate Analysis
Claims Adjustment using Actuarial Models / Advanced Stochastic Process

INNOVATION transforms traditional insurance product design into Usage Based Insurance (UBI)
products. Traditional Insurance products are priced based on time series data such as age,
gender, location etc. integrates real-time video streaming to determine a user’s
premium, based on a driver’s behavior, road and traffic conditions. Furthermore, drivers
connected to the platform are part of an intelligent vehicle to vehicle network, thus
enabling vehicles to share road and traffic conditions in real-time.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Khula! App | 065 960 3907
Sector: AgriTech | 13 employees
Founded by Karidas Tshintsholo and Matthew Piper in 2017
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date R7 000 | Seeking R100 000 000

We offer a digital end-to-end supply chain solution for farmers (mainly emerging), allowing them
to trade directly with formal markets. We put the farmer in a position where they don’t have to
worry about where they will sell their produce (markets), how it’s going to get there (logistics),
and we auto-generate financial profile for them over time which de-risks them and allows to
have access to credit/ funding on our platform.

Each farmer creates their own individual profile on the farmer’s app, we track information on
their produce, financials etc. Clients order on a web platform that shows an aggregated view of
what our farmers have available (essentially one big commercial farm made up of multiple
emerging farmers). Here clients can place orders which will then ping the farmers that have
contributed to it, we geo-locate all farmers and clients in order to optimise each trip. Once the
farmer and client have agreed on a trade, it then pings our pre-approved logistics providers who
then complete the each trip on our behalf. Because of the huge amount of data we collect on
each farmer, we have created a funding dashboard, where funders can easily support our
farmers and track how their funds are being used.

Our main competitors are traditional marketplaces that are very expensive for both farmer and
client, they are also not transparent and are paper based. We give the farmer certainty on price
& quantity upfront, before they even harvest, this minimize their risk. We generate a financial
profile for the farmer over time &amp; automatically generate invoices/ financials for them, and
link them with funders at no cost to the farmer.


Our team toured Africa to find the most disruptive start-ups for the AfricArena Best of Ecosystem challenge.
These cross-sector start-ups have existing products/services/tech, market validation, and already show growth.

Startupbootcamp AfriTech is a leading, corporate-backed
accelerator focused on high-growth start-ups.
Curacel | +234869008601
Sector: EnsureTech | 5 employees
Founded by Henry Mascot and Dr John Dada in 2017
Location: Nigeria | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $3 000 MRR (avg.) | Seeking $400 000

Curacel Claims provides a claims automation engine for health insurers to streamline and
automate claims processes. The solution reduces claims cycle time from days to hours, reduces
claims processing cost up to 75%, and improves the provider claims experience with artificial
intelligence (AI assisted clinical vetting), which can integrate with legacy systems.

1. When an insurer joins Curacel, they onboard all of their hospitals,
2. Each hospital then submits all their claims digitally through a Curacel web application, And this
is where our magic comes into play:
3. Curacel processes the digital claims automatically and vets them on the fly using our Machine
Learning algorithms,
4. In a few minutes, the claims and their vetting status are accessible on our platform for
the insurer,
5. Finally, the insurance companies pay their hospitals automatically for the correct claims
through Curacel,
6. A small number of flagged claims are sent to the insurer for review.

Curacel use of cognitive intelligence in the area of claims processing

Startupbootcamp AfriTech is a leading, corporate-backed accelerator focused on high-growth start-ups.

Survey54 | +33635243017
Sector: Automated Market Research Data | 5 employees
Founded by S. Eyeson, C. Osigwe and S. Chineyeze in 2018
Location: Africa / London | Stage: Seed
Seeking £100 000

We help companies do market research within Africa and emerging markets in half the time and
also a quarter of the price.

We use the power of mobile and machine learning to automate the process and create
predictably in our data set.

We are innovative because we use advanced technology to reach respondents across Africa.

Startupbootcamp AfriTech is a leading, corporate-backed accelerator focused on high-growth start-ups.

Yobante Express | +221779323225
Sector: National and Cross-Border Last-Mile Delivery | 21 employees
Founded by Oumar Basse and Badra Badji in 2018
Location: Senegala | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $50 000 pm | Seeking $500 000

Yobante Express is a web and mobile platform that connects e-commerce, retailers, businesses,
and individuals with independent and casual carriers, that will handle point-to-point deliveries
over and over again until the last mile. Yobante Express entire process thrives through a resilient
mesh network of independent agents and casual carriers. Literally, anyone owning a vehicle,
anyone traveling in the general direction of the parcel and anyone with a shop or physical
location can now make money as part of the Yobante Express network.

Client requests delivery using our app or can go directly to a convenient nearby relay point. An
independent agent packs the item into a Yobante branded parcel and attaches a shipping label
that contains a unique online tracking barcode. Yobante’s machine learning algorithm
determines an optimized route for that parcel all the way to the end destination. A motorbike
rider, a passenger, a bus or truck driver will then bring the parcel to the next relay point. This
process iterates over and over until the very last-mile delivery. At the end point, the recipient
uses a unique 4 digit PIN code to confirm the receipt of the parcel and that completes
the journey.

For the first time ever in Africa we are formalising informal parcel delivery through track-ability.
We built mesh network of individuals and small business owners. Our proprietary ML-Algorithm
optimizes the allocation of casual carriers and the relay point utilization as well as plans the
routes taken within the mesh network.

Startupbootcamp AfriTech is a leading, corporate-backed accelerator focused on high-growth start-ups.

Rentoza | 011 883 0292
Sectors: E-Commerce and On-Demand Rentals | 5 employees
Founded by A. Ramdhani, A. Reddy, M. Ratan and C. Govender (2017)
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Seeking $150 000

Rentoza is South Africa’s first on-demand rental platform that allows retailers to list products and
make them available to the consumer via a low cost rental model. Rentoza on-boards all items
listed by the retailer, do a KYC on all borrowers who registers and insures all products that is
rented from the platform through our partners at Old Mutual Insure, making the process
seamless and safe for the retailer.

Rentoza onboards retailers as lenders. Products are vetted by our partners at Old Mutual to
measure risk. We upload a list of products, provided by the retailer, available for rent by the
consumer/borrower. The borrower can browse, find what they like, choose the period of rental,
then submit the request. The lender then receives this request. If they accept, this requires the
borrower to make a payment. The transaction amount is held in escrow by a third party service,
part of which is a refundable deposit that serves as the excess payment in the event of an
insurance claim. Now, the lender will dispatch the product, the borrower receives it, uses it until
end of booking. The lender then collects the item from the borrower, vets/tests the item and
then confirms that the item is in good order. The transaction amount held in escrow is now
released to the relevant party including the refundable deposit.

Rentoza is South Africa’s on-demand rental platform. The co-founders have been cognisant of
the wage disparity that exists in our country, Africa and throughout the world. This lead us to
create a solution which would allow the majority of people to experience what a few in the world
do. to live life on their own terms, due to our belief that the first step to equality is equal
opportunity. This said, we create access to just about anything that the consumer could imagine.
Get what you want, when you want, at an affordable rate, safely – through our insured solution.

Startupbootcamp AfriTech is a leading, corporate-backed accelerator focused on high-growth start-ups.

As a catalyst for long-term economic growth, Endeavor
selects, mentors, and accelerates the best high-impact
entrepreneurs South Africa has to offer.
Wyzetalk | 083 4426223 | 021 8806900
Sector: Mobile Employee Engagement | 60 employees
Founded by Gys Kappers and Gerhard Pretorius in 2012
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series C
Revenue to date $2 630 000 ARR

85% of companies globally have disengaged employees. Wyzetalk takes large employers through
the journey of engaging their employees leading to 22% higher productivity and 21% increase in
profitability. Wyzetalk is the leading mobile employee engagement solution in the emerging
markets. Our solution Integrates with leading backend HR systems to automatically segment
employees and authenticate to their mobile device. Through the segmentation we can engage
employees through company news, general content, social feeds, training, induction streams,
surveys, feedback requests, digital payroll delivery, leave application processing and schedule
management delivered via white labeled Apps, Mobi or USSD. We reverse bill the data usage.
Our team provides a fully managed service from scoping to implementation and
post implementation.

The solution integrates with existing HR, payroll, leave processing and schedule management
software. Employees are automatically segmented based on the HR attributes. Employees are
presented with customised menu structures to deliver relevant content, news, training, surveys
once they have been authenticated via their mobile number.

We have an africa wide patent in that we can connect employees on any device anywhere in the
world via their mobile device. We have an online/offline capability within the solution. The
employee engagement journey is mapped per segment, per role and our backend cms allows
management to get a birds eye view of the coal face.

As a catalyst for long-term economic growth, Endeavor selects, mentors, and accelerates the best high-impact
entrepreneurs South Africa has to offer.

2Engage | 0873102881
Sectors: Marketing, CRM and Loyalty Solutions | 286 employees
Founded by Andrew Weinberg and John Shaw in 2010
Location: Pan African | Stage: Series B
Revenue to date $10 000 000

Unique digital media platform utilising bespoke technology to aggregate the informal and
independent retail sector. Key channels who benefit include FMCG, Banking, Insurance, Mobile,
Data, Media. To date, more than 1.3 million customers are registered on the platform in South
Africa with more than 3000 new customers per day joining. Over 5 million customers of
multinational companies across 9 African countries are currently rewarded with coupons and
vouchers through the 2Engage African platform. Our digital platforms enable companies to now
operate promotional campaigns and rewards programs across multiple countries and benefit
partners, through one solution.

We integrate directly into point of sale systems in retailers and register consumers on our app.
Consumers can purchase items in store on promotion from brands, and receive instant reward
in the form of airtime across any network and country. Brands pay for promotions and media.
Key value for brands is the access to data. Across Africa we operate various solutions including
the issuing of vouchers and coupons to consumers for use in benefit partner stores and
companies. By connecting many retailers across various countries through one digital platform, a
single solution for rewarding customers and running campaigns is now available to brands.

The first company to aggregate the independent retail sector with a single media platform
solution enabling brands to run promotions across hundreds of stores simultaneously. The
technology deployed is unique in that it enables integration into multiple point of sale software
and systems. Along with the capturing of consumer demographic data, we can match
transactional data with consumer data and provide detailed insights into customer behaviour for
brands. Brand marketing spend is accurately measured in terms of ROI and sales uplift.

As a catalyst for long-term economic growth, Endeavor selects, mentors, and accelerates the best high-impact
entrepreneurs South Africa has to offer.

Sector: Logistics | 50 employees
Founded by Lars Veul and Derk Hoekert in 2015
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series B

Pargo is a smart logistics company that makes delivery more accessible, affordable and
convenient through a tech enabled network of Pargo pick-up points. We connect consumers,
companies and couriers both locally as globally by allowing them to send and receive parcels at
these Pargo points located at convenient retail stores across Africa.

We are solving head-on the challenges of last-mile distribution in Africa, where 75% of the
population live and work in areas that have limited access to goods. These areas include informal
settlements and rural areas, which often lack residential addresses and are inaccessible or very
expensive to service by couriers. High security housing estates, large office buildings and
universities are other examples of areas where a courier delivery is almost impossible.

Pargo has won various awards and honours, including best Seedstards start-up (2016), Alibaba
eFounders Initiative (2017), Finalist at FNB Innovation Awards (2018), became an Endeavor
company during the 82nd ISP in Argentina (2018) and won Founder of the Year at South Africa
Start Up Award (2019).

As a catalyst for long-term economic growth, Endeavor selects, mentors, and accelerates the best high-impact
entrepreneurs South Africa has to offer.

A training program, seed fund and incubator for Africa's next
leading software entrepreneurs.
Kweza Technologies | +27676790746 | +27676842056
Sector: Informal RetailTech | 0 employees
Founded by R. Musvaire, B. Ngulube, K. Ngunyi and G. Kaguo (2019)
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date <R50 000 | Seeking R200 000

Kweza is a retail-tech solution for informal retailers that helps them source their inventory at the
best available prices thereby improving their margins. Retailers (spazas) have visibility of the best
pricing that is aggregated at the wholesale level and through the app can order for products,
make payment and receive delivery directly to store.

Kweza is a service powered by a mobile app that enables informal retailers to source their
inventory at the best available prices by aggregating pricing at the wholesale level. Through the
app the retailer can order for products and make payment. Retailers then receive delivery
directly to store through 3rd party delivery partners.

Kweza offers the ability to optimise the wholesale channel, creating value for store owners
through price transparency and improved buying power. Furthermore, the channel has changed
over time as brands are looking to find an appropriate route to store where they can understand
buying patterns and purchase decisions of customers which store owners’ service. Kweza offers
an opportunity for brands to be able to influence purchase decisions and be more relevant to
stakeholders in the communities where their products are bought and sold.


A training program, seed fund and incubator for Africa's next leading software entrepreneurs.

The ITC is a multilateral agency which has a joint mandate
with the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.
Through its work, the ITC contributes directly to 10 of the
Sustainable Development Goals.
Chap Chap | +256312002221
Sector: Informal RetailTech | 0 employees
Founded by E. Emodek, K. Asiimwe and J. Alituhikya in 2016
Location: Uganda | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date $2 300 000 (2018) | Seeking $2 500 000

ChapChap is a digital platform that helps small businesses keep track of transactions from their
smartphone. Rather than having to recruit a book-keeper or try to learn complicated new skills, it
gives business owners access to affordable financial products in the palm of their hand.They can
use ChapChap to track their inventory and manage stock, to avoid waste. They can also evaluate
sales performance, optimising their profits. And by making everything digital, they don’t need to
store reams of paper. Having reliable, digital business records opens the door to financial
inclusion. That’s a lifeline for many businesses, giving them access to affordable credit.

A business owner downloads the ChapChap Merchant Application from the Google Playstore.
The owner inputs the business data and pays a one off registration fee of $5 and is activated on
the platform. The business owner is trained on how to upload their inventory onto the platform
and is now ready to track inventory, sales, expenses and incomes. The business is now ready to
resale all digital products and services as well as accept digital forms of payment. Based on the
usage of the platform, the background algorithm profiles the business and offers unsecured
loans for a period of 30 days based on the credibility of the small business.

ChapChap’s platform offers significant benefits to the poor; the minimum requirements set by
Telecom companies, banks and utility providers in Uganda in order to be accepted as an agent
for airtime, bill payments, agency banking and mobile money are very high and restrictive, which
the majority of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) do not meet. ChapChap acts
as a “ Super Agent” for small agents, by stripping down all the requirements; MSMEs need only to
hold a valid National ID, ChapChap offers entry to become agents and access to financial
services, the only requirement being a smart phone which can retail for as low as USD 55.


The ITC is a multilateral agency which has a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization and the United
Nations. Through its work, the ITC contributes directly to 10 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Gift Sas - Paps | +221 77 675 05 98
Sectors: Logistic Transport | 53 employees
Founded by Khadime Lo in 2016
Location: Senegal | Stage: Series-A
Revenue to date $284 023 | Seeking $17 000

Paps is a logistic company based in Senegal.

Paps offers a new perspective and dimension of last mile logistics to your business. Whether you
want to facilitate the transport of your mail, your parcels (big or small) or integrate our
technology on your e-commerce platform or simply order a book at the local library today, we
are at your side.

PAPS is an innovative company because we use a technology that allows us to trace our
shopping, and allows the customer to follow his product and win in time.


The ITC is a multilateral agency which has a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization and the United
Nations. Through its work, the ITC contributes directly to 10 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The goal of the FSAT Labs is to transform ideas and projects
into sustainable businesses, through incubation
and acceleration.
Cheese App
Website under construction | +27 82 255 2207
Sector: Social Good | 1 employee
Founded by Charl Reyneke in 2018
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date R90 000 | Seeking R900 000

Our services enable members of the public to pay a non-profit to help a person in need whom
they come across. One of the biggest reasons homeless people stay on the streets is because
well meaning people trying to help by giving money. Unfortunately, a lot of this money is used to
sustain alcohol and drug addictions. Non-profits are often constrained by financial resources.
and also need to work together and make use of available tech to make a greater impact.
Through a MVP of our product, we have seen much success in addressing the above issues.

When encountering someone in need (say Johnny), open your mobile app and a list of local
non-profit services will appear from which you select the biggest need Johnny has (e.g. food or
shelter). Capture Johnny’s details through the app (name or photo) and direct him to the
non-profit. At the non-profit, they will identify Johnny on their application interface through his
name or photo (facial recognition). Non-profits use the data generated through our app to see
who are con-artists (ask many people for food after they have already received what they need)
and who are really in need. Our app also connects non-profits and allows them to work together.

There are paper-based coupon systems which provide a similar service. How it works is:
(1) Members of the public buy coupons from shops
(2) When coupon holders encounter someone in need they can give them the coupon
(3) The receiver can hand it in at a NPO in exchange for a service (e.g. stay at the shelter).
We basically digitise this paper based system. Our solution is more accessible (do not have to
first buy a product at a shop before being able to help), faster growth potential (no coupon
distribution system is needed), and unlike paper coupons, can not be sold.


The goal of the FSAT Labs is to transform ideas and projects into sustainable businesses, through incubation
and acceleration.

AgriCool | 076 647 6228
Sectors: AgriTech and FinTech | 3 employees
Founded by Zamokuhle Thwala and Sandile Gazu in 2018
Location: South Africa | Stage: Pre-Seed
Revenue to date R45 000 | Seeking R1 100 000

A digital crowdfunding platform that empowers smallholder farmers, who are deprived of access
to finance or agricultural credit by traditional financial institutions, by linking them with investors
and provide market linkage.

A farmer sends an application to the AgriCool team comprising of agri-economists for vetting. If
approved, a site visit will take place and we start raising funds from investors of farm sponsors
(ordinary people). After a certain duration (depending with the nature of the commodity) and
when the commodity is sold to market, farm sponsors harvest up to 25% of their contribution as
a reward.

Our funding is fast and collateral free. We offer a lucrative and transparent investment
opportunities to our investors. Moreover, our products make revolutionize agriculture as it
makes cool and fashionable. You can farm without getting your hands dirty!


The goal of the FSAT Labs is to transform ideas and projects into sustainable businesses, through incubation
and acceleration.

Open Sesyme | 0719588344
Sector: EdTech | 4 employees
Founded by Silindile Ngwane and Simamkele Ndabeni in 2016
Location: South Africa | Stage: Seed
Revenue to date unknown | Seeking R600 000

We are creating Sesyme, an e-textbook subscription platform for University Students with
co-learning technology. For the purpose to make textbooks affordable and accessible to
university students.

We are going to source textbooks from publishers. Students will then pay us a subscription fee to
access those textbooks in the platform.

We are going to give students an access to unlimited number of textbooks at a fraction of the
price they would have otherwise paid to acquire their prescribed textbooks.


The goal of the FSAT Labs is to transform ideas and projects into sustainable businesses, through incubation
and acceleration.

As an incubator and accelerator, Founders Factory helps the
most talented individuals from every discipline find and build
their start-ups.
KudiGo | (+233) 307 074 352 | (+233) 560 511 408
Sector: Software as a Service | 17 employees
Founded by Kingsley Abrokwah and Gideon Agyekum in 2017
Location: Ghana / Nigeria | Stage: Pre-Series A
Revenue to date $50 000 | Seeking $2 000 000

Technology enabler for informal retail.

Automates informal retail business process.

It leverages on technology to create value for retail businesses in Africa. It also offers a solution
that focuses on the core retail businesses in Africa and directly offers education on Financial
literacy, and enables financial inclusion.

As an incubator and accelerator, Founders Factory helps the most talented individuals from every discipline
find and build their start-ups.

Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are
proud to have partnered with them.
Sea Monster | +27 (0)21 461 0365
Animation, Gaming, Augmented and Virtual Reality | 35 employees
Founded by Glenn Gillis and Wynand Groenewald in 2011
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A
Revenue to date R20 000 000 | Seeking R10 000 000

Interpersonal skills training for better customer service. Backed by neuroscience, delivered
through VR, presented as engaging and interactive bite sized lessons and games.

Staff learn from quick 15 minute concepts in the morning. Practice via real world challenges
throughout the day and reflect and share from the comfort of their phone at night. Learn to deal
with difficult customers through the gentle art of persuasion. See beneath customer wants and
focus on fulfilling their needs. Avoid escalations in emotion both from customers and yourself.

Soft skills training delivered through VR in a gamified and engaging format. Accompanying
mobile app allows users to review and reflect at home. Learning results and statistics are
summarised in dashboards and reports for management overview.


Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are proud to have partnered with them.

FinChatBot | +27 10 900 0963
Sectors: FinTech and InsurTech | 11 employees
Founded by Antoine Paillusseau and Romain Diaz in 2016
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A
Revenue last month R436 803

FinChatBot develops bespoke Artificial Intelligence-powered chatbots to help financial service
providers acquire and retain customers, while reducing operating costs. The smart chatbots
enable clients to customise and automate important customer interactions including quotes,
sales conversions, debt collection, customer service, claims, FICA/RICA and more.

- FinChatBot automates and guides customer interactions through its own IP-based AI-powered
ChatBot technology.
- We integrate seamlessly via API with all CRM and legacy systems.
- We are able to deploy our ChatBots on multiple platforms including client websites as well as
messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and We Chat.
- Once we gather sufficient data from ChatBot engagements, we utilise machine learning to
better understand ChatBot users and enhance our ChatBots accordingly.

Currently serving some of the largest financial service providers in South Africa, FinChatBot
ensures conversions through its AI-driven sales optimisation model, while helping customers
reduce operational costs, enhance customer service 24/7, 360 days a year, as well as improve
overall customer acquisition and retention rates. The chatbots are currently facilitating an
increase in conversion rate of 20% in a first-to-market, end-to-end sales chatbot with no
human intervention.


Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are proud to have partnered with them.

PayGenius | 021 201 6890
Sector: FinTech | 6 employees
Founded by Sebastien Lacour in 2014
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A
Revenue to date R10 000 000 | Seeking €1 000 000

We help African travel operators grow their business with our multi-currency online payment
platform. Their client can pay on the go in 1 click from their mobile using various payment
methods. Our flexible system offers off the shelf solutions to small operators as well as more
advanced solutions to bigger operators. Our integration into the main Management Systems
used in the travel industry make it easy for the revenue management team to implement.

On registered, the merchant can access our online portal and generate payment requests in
various currencies. These requests can be automated to collect payments from online booking
channels. Our APIs and credit card vault enables larger merchants to integrate the payment
engine within their process and offer a 1click seamless experience to their customers.

Our system empowers travel operators to cost effectively grow their revenues by converting
leads that were previously lost. The payment process presented to their customers is easy,
seamless and safe. In addition, we make it easy to implement by the revenue management team
through our booking channel automations.


Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are proud to have partnered with them.

Yoco | 087 231 0273
Sectors: FinTech and Mobile Payments | 101 - 250 employees
B. Wattrus, C. Wazen, K. Maphai, L. Matshoba (2013)
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series B
Revenue to date $1 000 000 - $10 000 000

Yoco builds tools and services to help small businesses accept card payments and manage their
day to day activities.

Yoco’s strategy is to partner with small businesses early in their life cycle and actively help them
grow. Its payments solution now includes point of sale software, business intelligence,
accounting integrations, and working capital financing.

Since launching its first product in late 2015, a card reader that connects with a merchant’s
smartphone or tablet, the company has grown its base to over 27,000 South African small
businesses, 75% of which had never accepted cards previously.


Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are proud to have partnered with them.

Quicket | 27214249308
Sector: Event Management - Ticketing | 11 - 50 employees
Founded by James Hedley, James Tagg and Mike Kennedy in 2011
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A
Revenue to date <$1 000 000

Quicket provides a fully self-managed ticketing platform with a focus on providing ticketing
services throughout Africa.

Quicket is a cloud-based and self-managed ticketing solution which allows anyone to instantly
start selling tickets, marketing and managing their own event within minutes.

Being user-friendly and self-managed allows Quicket to cater for the countless smaller event
organisers that, before Quicket, had no viable solution in South Africa and currently have no
solution in Africa.


Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are proud to have partnered with them.

RecoMed | +27 21 447 3662
Sector: Health Care | 11 - 50 employees
Founded by Sheraan Amod in 2013
Location: South Africa | Stage: Series A

RecoMed is South Africa’s largest and fastest growing online healthcare booking platform
and marketplace.

RecoMed’s mobile-friendly platform helps patients quickly find and make appointments with a
range of healthcare providers, 24/7, without any phone calls or paperwork.

RecoMed seamlessly connects doctors and patients in real-time and is a strong consumer and
B2B platform business that reaches stakeholders across the healthcare, life insurance and
corporate wellness ecosystem.


Look out for these start-ups at the AfricArena Summit. We are proud to have partnered with them.

Christophe Viarnaud | +27 83 254 8867 | +33 68 626 4267


François Delaunay | +33 78 822 001


Louis Orlianges | +27 76 188 3015 | +33 68 626 4267

Lesley Arenz | +27 81 420 9618


Katie Findlay | +27 74 172 8137


Leo Boisnier | +27 84 943 8156

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