Euroscience: New Perspectives For The Modulation of Mind-Wandering Using Transcranial Electric Brain Stimulation

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Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80

New perspectives for the modulation of mind-wandering using transcranial

electric brain stimulation
Leila Chaieb, a* Andrea Antal, b Marlene Derner, a Marcin Leszczyński cd and Juergen Fell a
Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Sigmund-Freud Str. 25, 53105 Bonn, Germany
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University Medical Center, Robert-Koch-Str. 40, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Department of Neurological Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA
Translational Cognitive Neuroscience Program, Nathan Kline Institute, Orangeburg, New York, USA

Abstract—When our attention is decoupled from an ongoing task and becomes coupled to thoughts and feelings not
being subject to task engagement, we are mind-wandering. This transient and pervasive mental process can occupy a
considerable amount of our waking hours. Mind-wandering is understood to exert both positive and negative effects
on well-being, and has been shown to play a role in mood disorders and depression. Here we summarize recent
research aiming to investigate whether states of mind-wandering can be modulated using transcranial direct current
stimulation (tDCS), a non-invasive, reversible means of altering neuronal excitability and in turn, cortical activity. We
examine and compare the methodologies underlying the existing studies on this topic, and evaluate the commonal-
ities and contrasts of their outcomes. So far, existing studies tentatively suggest an influence of tDCS on the contents
and propensity to mind-wander. However, these studies exhibit considerable methodological differences and changes
in the propensity to mind-wander are inconsistent with task performance. Moreover, replication of the results of two
studies from the same group by another group has recently failed. We discuss the implications of these findings, in
particular, regarding therapeutic targets in mood disorders, and propose perspectives for future investigations. For
instance, tDCS effects on deliberate versus undeliberate mind-wandering should be disentangled. The hippocampus
as an important hub for mind-wandering-related processes may be targeted. Most importantly, research efforts related
to mind-wandering and rumination should be integrated. © 2019 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: transcranial electrical stimulation, mind-wandering, task-unrelated thought, meta-awareness, dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex, hippocampus.

INTRODUCTION when a task is monotonous or not cognitively engaging,

mind-wandering episodes become more prevalent
Mind-wandering is a pervasive and ubiquitous mental phe-
(Smallwood et al., 2004). In addition, individuals who show
nomenon. It is often understood as a process during which
deficits in working memory have a higher propensity to
our attention shifts from an ongoing task (often referred to
mind-wander during demanding tasks and display behaviors
as the ‘task at hand’) to thoughts and feelings not being sub-
associated with goal-neglect (McVay and Kane, 2009). It
ject to task performance (for a review see (Smallwood and
has been reported that this shifting of attention to focus on
Schooler, 2015). In general, when task demands are low, or
spontaneously-generated thoughts is commonly associated
with more negative mood states (Killingsworth and Gilbert,
*Corresponding author. Tel.: + 49 228 287 19344; fax: + 49 228 287 2010), in particular, when mind-wandering is related to the
E-mail address: (Leila Chaieb). past (Ruby et al., 2013a). This in turn, can lead to rumination
and feelings of persistent worry (Killingsworth and Gilbert,
Abbreviations: tES, transcranial electric stimulation; MW, mind-wander- 2010; Stawarczyk et al., 2013). Studies have shown that per-
ing; TUT(s), task-unrelated thought(s); MA, meta-awareness; DLPFC,
sistent rumination typically increases depressive symptoms
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; tDCS, transcranial direct current stimula-
tion; tACS, transcranial alternating current stimulation; tRNS, transcra- and contributes to dysphoric mood states, leading to a reduc-
nial random noise stimulation; DMN, default mode network; NIBS, non- tion in wellbeing (Hertel, 1998; Smallwood and O'Connor,
invasive brain stimulation; SART, sustained attention to response task; 2011). However, mind-wandering also has positive functions
LPFC, left prefrontal cortex; rIPL, right inferior parietal lobule; PCC,
posterior cingulate cortex; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; MDD, major
such as promoting creative thinking (Baird et al., 2012;
depressive disorder. Leszczynski et al., 2017), enabling better social problem
0306-4522/© 2019 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

70 Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80

solving (Ruby et al., 2013b), fostering future planning to over- WHICH BRAIN REGIONS ARE INVOLVED IN
come potential obstacles (Oettingen and Schwörer, 2013) MIND-WANDERING?
and providing mental breaks by allowing us to dissociate from
monotonous activities (Mooneyham and Schooler, 2013; Studies examining the effects of mind-wandering have often
Ruby et al., 2013b). focused on cortical regions comprising the default mode net-
Nevertheless, despite evidence of the beneficial effects of work (DMN; for a review see (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2014).
mind-wandering, many studies indicate that an increased Since activity within DMN regions is registered when fixation
propensity to mind-wander generally impacts negatively on is contrasted with task performance or when self-related
mood states and even on cognitive processes. This effect tasks are contrasted with non-self-related tasks, and since
appears to be larger when the thoughts are repetitive and mind-wandering is often self-related and more prominent in
pervasive (Ottaviani et al., 2014). A recent study reported the absence of a task (Chou et al., 2017), this suggests a
that patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) are contribution of DMN regions to mind-wandering. Indeed,
more likely to show a higher propensity to mind-wander, in the DMN is – through activation of different subsystems –
addition to exhibiting a specific pattern of self-related, rumi- understood to play a vital role in the generation of self-
native and anxious thoughts (Hoffmann et al., 2016). Such generated thoughts (Smallwood and Schooler, 2015; Axelrod
thoughts were persistently reported during the performance et al., 2017), as well as in mental time travel, which is an
of a continuous response task, when compared to healthy, important component of retrospective and future-oriented
age-matched controls. These findings suggest that both mind-wandering (Karapanagiotidis et al., 2017). In line with
an increased propensity to mind-wander, combined with these ideas, a decreased frequency of mind-wandering among
highly specific thought patterns, may serve as markers of patients with ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions, a DMN
depressive states. Such markers may act as targets for clin- region, compared to both healthy and brain-damaged controls
ical interventions and may allow for the development of new has been reported (Bertossi and Ciaramelli, 2016). However, a
therapeutic strategies. meta-analysis of 24 neuroimaging studies investigating spon-
taneous thoughts and mind-wandering (Fox et al., 2015) iden-
tified neural correlates of these activities not only within DMN
areas, such as medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate
WHAT EXACTLY IS MIND-WANDERING? cortex, medial temporal lobe, including the hippocampus,
The term “mind-wandering” is used to describe conceptually and inferior parietal lobule, but also within several non-DMN
different thought processes, however, with overlapping char- regions, such as dorso-, rostro- and ventrolateral prefrontal
acteristics. According to the family-resemblances view, as cortex, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, insula, temporopolar
discussed by Seli et al. (2018), it is sufficient to provide sev- cortex, secondary somatosensory cortex, and lingual gyrus.
eral related definitions or descriptions of mind-wandering The authors concluded that regions beyond the DMN and in
instead of precisely demarcating the term “mind-wandering”. particular, regions comprising the frontoparietal executive con-
Such descriptions encompass, for instance, task-unrelated trol network are in addition involved in mind-wandering.
thought (TUTs), unintentional thought, stimulus-independent Furthermore, fMRI studies using connectivity analyses have
thought and even daydreaming (Schooler et al., 2011; shown that fluctuations in functional connectivity between a
Shrimpton et al., 2017; Seli et al., 2018). However, what com- ventral DMN subsystem and posterior cingulate cortex reflect
plicates the case is that mind-wandering can be also entered spontaneous mind-wandering (Kucyi and Davis, 2014), and
into with intent (Seli et al., 2016). For instance, subjects may that mind-wandering is characterized by lapses in executive
intentionally mind-wander during experimental settings used control which can be predicted by co-activation of the DMN
to assess mind-wandering, since the implemented tasks are and subregions of the task-positive network (Mittner et al.,
typically boring by design and subjects try to cope with their 2014).
boredom. In view of these overlapping, but also distinct mean- As research into mind-wandering continues to develop,
ings the need to understand which processes are targeted there is emerging evidence from a few studies to suggest
when investigating the neural correlates of mind-wandering a role of the hippocampus in the initiation of spontaneous
is of utmost importance. Hence, it is currently being discussed thoughts (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2010; Ellamil et al.,
how to approach designing experimental paradigms targeting 2016). A recent fMRI study examining which cortical regions
particular components of mind-wandering and their effects support the early generation of spontaneous thoughts in
(Christoff et al., 2018; Seli et al., 2018). Up to now, most highly trained meditators, revealed a sequential recruitment
experimental studies addressing mind-wandering have of brain regions prior to, during and subsequent to the onset
investigated this phenomenon in terms of task-unrelated of spontaneous thoughts (Ellamil et al., 2016). The primary
thought. To examine this aspect, researchers typically region that showed activation prior to the arising of sponta-
presented experience sampling probes inquiring about neous thoughts was the hippocampus. Subsequently, other
mind-wandering during perceptual/attentional tasks requiring regions comprising the DMN and executive control regions
continuous monitoring. This approach has also been applied were activated (for instance, (prior to) the posterior cingulate
in the tDCS studies described in this review. As a conse- cortex, right inferior parietal lobule, and right posterior insula
quence, the findings of these studies should be primarily and (during) medial prefrontal cortex, left and right temporo-
interpreted with regard to the modulation of task-unrelated polar cortex and left and right mid-insula). In a recent review
thought. by the same group, the hippocampus has been suggested
Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80 71

to act as a kind of relay, reactivating hippocampal–neocorti- of cortical oscillations, due to the nature of their applied
cal and, in turn, neocortical–neocortical ensembles, both sinusoidal currents (for a review see Antal and Herrmann,
prior to and during the generation of spontaneous thoughts 2016). Early animal studies have demonstrated that tDCS
(Christoff et al., 2016). New findings from a study examining induces cortical excitability changes via the modulation of
mind-wandering in six patients with selective bilateral hippo- neuronal resting membrane potentials (Bindman et al.,
campal damage also emphasize the role of the hippocam- 1962). Generally it is stated that current flow in an anodal
pus in mind-wandering, but question its relevance for the direction causes depolarization, whereas cathodal stimula-
propensity to mind-wander (McCormick et al., 2018). tion induces a hyperpolarization of the resting membrane.
McCormick and colleagues compared the incidence and However, there is evidence that at the cellular level, anodal
contents of mind-wandering episodes of the patients versus vs. cathodal tDCS affects different cellular components due
an age-matched, healthy control group. Patients and partici- to the different current polarities (Bikson et al., 2012, 2013;
pants reported whether they engaged in mind-wandering at Rahman et al., 2013, 2014). In studies examining the appli-
probed time-points, in addition to recording the contents of cation of direct currents using cell-cultures, it was observed
their mind-wandering episodes using an adapted version that anodal tDCS hyperpolarizes the membrane potential in
of the descriptive experience sampling method (Hurlburt the apical dendritic regions and depolarizes it in the somatic
and Heavey, 2001; Hurlburt and Akhter, 2006). The authors region, whereas the cathodal electrode had the reverse
observed that while patients engaged in mind-wandering effect (Rahman et al., 2013, 2014). Besides cell type and
just as frequently as the control group (two-tailed Mann– morphology, the extent to which neurons are affected by
Whitney U test, p = 0.12), the contents of their mind- tDCS also depends on the orientation of the cells with
wandering were almost exclusively related to the present regard to the induced electric field (Rahman et al., 2014).
and comprised of verbally mediated semantic thoughts. In While tDCS is in itself insufficient to elicit action potentials,
contrast, the instances of mind-wandering reported by the its application impacts the spontaneous firing rate of the
control group were dispersed across the three temporal neurons underneath the stimulating electrode (Bindman et
categories (past, present and future) and were described al., 1962; Purpura and Mcmurtry, 1965) and associated
using vivid imagery (McCormick et al., 2018). neuronal networks (Vöröslakos et al., 2018). Stimulation of
In summary, there is evidence to support that both DMN increased duration has been shown to induce
regions, most prominently the hippocampus, as well as non- neuroplastic-like effects, for instance, in the motor system
DMN regions, such as parts of lateral prefrontal cortex, are and visual cortex (Nitsche and Paulus, 2001; Lang et al.,
involved in mind-wandering. Up to now, this evidence is 2005; Antal et al., 2014).
mainly based on correlational neuroimaging findings and very An increasing number of studies have examined the role
few lesions studies. Non-invasive brain stimulation may offer of tDCS in cognitive processes such as working memory
an alternative approach to investigate in greater depth, the (Zaehle et al., 2011); (for a review see (Albouy et al.,
causal role of these candidate regions in mind-wandering. 2018), attention (Jacoby and Lavidor, 2018; Miler et al.,
2018), associative verbal memory (Flöel et al., 2008) and
episodic memory (Penolazzi et al., 2010). However, tDCS
USING NON-INVASIVE BRAIN STIMULATION in a low-definition montage lacks some spatial focality, and
(NIBS) TO MODULATE COGNITIVE PROCESSES so it is difficult to determine exactly which superficial cortical
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is one mem- structures are affected by the stimulation (Bortoletto et al.,
ber of a group of non-invasive transcranial electrical stimu- 2016).
lation techniques, used to safely and reversibly alter levels
of cortical excitability. Other techniques include transcranial
alternating current stimulation (tACS) and random noise STUDIES INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF TDCS
stimulation (tRNS; in which stimulation frequencies are ran-
domly shuffled during application (Terney et al., 2008). Up to now, seven studies have investigated the modulation
These techniques use currents that are applied through at of mind-wandering in healthy subjects by tDCS (see Table 1
least two electrodes attached to the scalp, at low intensities and Fig. 1). In a first study, 1-mA anodal tDCS over the left
(most frequently using 1–2 mA) in order to target the under- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC; vs. right supraorbital
lying cortical area and related neuronal networks. Their ridge cathode) was applied for 20 min (Axelrod et al., 2015).
efficacy is dependent upon the duration of stimulation, Control conditions comprised of anodal tDCS over the occi-
intensity, and in the case of tDCS, polarity of stimulation pital lobe and sham stimulation (using the DLPFC montage,
(for an overview of NIBS guidelines see Bikson et al., but administered only for 2 min). During stimulation partici-
2016; Woods et al., 2016; Antal et al., 2017). pants performed a sustained attention to response task
Of the three most frequently used TES methods, tDCS is (SART), which has been shown to facilitate mind-
the only stimulation technique that induces cortical excitabil- wandering (Robertson et al., 1997). Digits were presented
ity increases or decreases depending upon the direction of successively on a screen and participants were asked to
current flow (for a review see Filmer et al., 2014). TRNS respond to each digit displayed with a button press except
and tACS are in relation to tDCS relatively novel methods, when a target digit was presented. Mind-wandering was
and are more suited to generating plasticity-like after- accessed via experience sampling probes, i.e. participants
effects and alterations in cortical excitability via entrainment were asked approximately every 1.5 min to report to what
Table 1. Summary of methodological approaches and outcomes of studies examining the effects of tDCS on mind-wandering.

Study Site of Site of Stimulation Control Timing of task Task Additional methods Effects of Effects of tDCS Additional findings
(year) stimulation: stimulation: conditions condition(s) (relative to tDCS) tDCS on on task
anode cathode mind-wandering performance
Axelrod left DLPFC (F3) right supra- 1 mA, 20 min, 1) sham during stimulation SART – increased vs. none –
et al., orbital 7 × 5 cm 2 cathode, (2 min stimulation) (online) both control
2015 4 × 4 cm2 anode, 2) occipital (Oz, conditions
saline soaked sponges anode vs. Cz)
Kajimura left LPFC (AF7)/ right IPL/ 1.5 mA, 20 min, sham, 30 s post-stimulation target – increased/inverse load- –
and right IPL (P4) left LPFC 7 × 5 cm 2, saline stimulation detection/ decreased dependent flanker
Nomura, soaked sponges flanker task vs. sham effect for tDCS vs.
2015 sham
Kajimura left LPFC/ right right IPL/ 1.5 mA, 20 min, sham, 30-s post-stimulation target resting state increased/ not analyzed rIPL-PCC/
et al., IPL left LPFC 7 × 5 cm 2, saline stimulation detection/ fMRI before decreased mPFC-PCC
2016 soaked sponges flanker task and after tDCS; vs. sham connection
DCM inhibited/

Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80

Bertossi right deltoid mPFC 2 mA, 15 min, 1) sham, 30-s before and after CRT temporal direction opposite none opposite changes
et al., (left of Fpz) 5 × 5 cm 2 cathode, stimulation stimulation and self-relatedness changes of self-relatedness
2017 5 × 7 cm 2 anode, 2) occipital probes (after–before) of MW for tDCS
saline soaked sponges (Oz, cathode) vs. both vs. sham, only
control conditions in males
only in men
Kajimura right IPL/ left IPL contra- 1.5 mA, 20 min, sham, 30-s post- stimulation SART meta-awareness decreased for reaction time No effect of
et al., (P3) lateral cheek 7 × 5 cm 2, saline stimulation probe; resting state right IPL vs. decreased for left stimulation
2018 soaked sponges fMRI; DCM; sham IPL vs. sham condition on
machine learning meta-awareness;
and amplitude
for right IPL
vs. sham
Axelrod left DLPFC (F3) right 1 mA, 30 min, 1) sham during stimulation SART meta-awareness increased vs. none No effect of
et al., supra-orbital 7 × 5 cm 2 cathode, (2-min stimulation) (online) probe both control stimulation
2018 7 × 5cm2 anode, 2) occipital (Oz, conditions condition on
saline soaked sponges anode vs. Cz) meta-awareness;
decreased MW
during high levels
of meta-awareness
Boayue left DLPFC (F3) right 1 mA, 20 min, sham during stimulation SART Bayesian statistics absence of any none No online effect of
et al., supra-orbital 7 × 5 cm 2 cathode, (15-s fade-in (online) and effect of tDCS stimulation on
2019 4 × 4 cm 2 anode, fade-out) post-stimulation on MW task performance;
saline soaked sponges (offline) no offline effects on
MW or task
Abbreviations: tDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; LPFC, lateral prefrontal cortex (ventrolateral/orbitofrontal); IPL, inferior parietal lobule; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; PCC, posterior
cingulate cortex; SART, sustained attention to response task; CRT, choice reaction task; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; DCM, dynamic causal modeling; DMN, default mode network.
Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80 73

DLPFC stimulation compared to both control conditions.

No influence of tDCS on task performance was observed.
In a commentary on the findings published by Axelrod and
colleagues, Fox and Christoff (2015) raised an important
question concerning the participants' self- reporting of their
mind-wandering episodes, since a prerequisite of reporting
mind-wandering is that subjects are so-called meta-aware
of this process. Stimulation of the DLPFC may have influ-
enced not only the propensity to mind-wander, but also the
meta-awareness of mind-wandering, i.e. subjects may have
been more often aware that their mind was not focused on
the task due to DLPFC stimulation. Indeed, there is evi-
dence to suggest that not only mind-wandering, but also
meta-awareness is mediated by the DLPFC (Christoff et
al., 2009; Fleming and Dolan, 2012). Thus, DLPFC
stimulation-related enhancement of meta-awareness may
putatively have contributed to the increase of self-reported
mind-wandering episodes. An experimental option to con-
trol for this influence is to implement a second experience
sampling probe related to meta-awareness (e.g. (Christoff
et al., 2009).
Axelrod and colleagues recently addressed this critique
by conducting a replication study employing a large cohort
of 91 subjects (in the earlier study the participant population
consisted of 47 subjects (Axelrod et al., 2015)). The design
was similar to their previous study, however, with the addi-
tion of a meta-awareness probe (“To what extent have you
been aware of where your attention was focused?; Possible
responses: 1 (minimal)–4 (maximal)”) and a longer stimula-
tion duration of 30 min instead of 20 min. Confirming their
previous findings, Axelrod and colleagues reported an
increased propensity to mind-wander during anodal
DLPFC stimulation versus both control conditions and no
effect of tDCS on task performance. Importantly, they found
that meta-awareness was not modulated by stimulation
condition. They further observed that high levels of meta-
awareness were associated with decreased levels of
mind-wandering. This finding is in line with results by
Christoff and colleagues (2009) showing that meta-
awareness during mind-wandering is related to decreased
activity in DMN and executive control regions, and suggests
a mitigating effect of meta-awareness on mind-wandering.
Using a different approach, Kajimura and Nomura (2015)
implemented a 2 × 2 design, where they applied anodal vs.
cathodal tDCS in a left prefrontal cortex (LPFC) vs. right
Fig. 1. Example of a tDC stimulation montage and a summary of elec- inferior parietal lobule (rIPL) montage, as well as in the
trode positions used by the studies examining tDCS effects on mind- reverse montage (anode: rIPL vs. cathode: LPFC), at an
wandering. Stimulation was applied to the left DLPFC (F3) vs. right intensity of 1.5 mA for 20 min (Kajimura and Nomura,
supraorbital region (Axelrod et al., 2015). Active stimulation was com-
2015). The authors chose to stimulate the rIPL (a DMN
pared to a sham condition where stimulation was applied over the occi-
pital cortex (Oz) and over the vertex (Cz). Color-coded electrodes
region) using the return electrode, as this region is under-
positions depict sites of stimulation: Red- Axelrod et al., 2015 and Axel- stood to be involved in the regulation of task-unrelated
rod et al., 2018; green- Kajimura and Nomura, 2015 and Kajimura et al., thoughts (Mason et al., 2007; Christoff et al., 2009). The
2016; blue- Bertossi et al., 2017; orange- Kajimura et al., 2018; violet- control condition consisted of sham stimulation, during
Boayue et al., 2019. which current was passed through the stimulating electro-
des only for 30 s before being switched off. The LPFC sti-
mulation electrode (position AF7; extended 10/20 system)
extent they had just experienced task-unrelated thoughts chosen by Kajimura and Nomura (2015) was located slightly
(on a scale of 1–4). Axelrod and colleagues reported an more lateral/anterior than the DLPFC electrode (position F3)
increased propensity to mind-wander during anodal selected by Axelrod et al. (2015). In the case of Kajimura
74 Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80

and Nomura (2015), the stimulation site was rather ventro- anode positions were specified as right/left angular gyrus
lateral/ orbitofrontal. Importantly, the cognitive paradigm (i.e. subregions of r/lIPL), however, the right stimulating
was conducted after the stimulation period and not during electrode was placed at the same position (P4), as reported
stimulation (i.e. online), as in the study by Axelrod et al. in their previous studies (left electrode at P3) (Kajimura et
(2015). The paradigm consisted of a visual target detection al., 2018). The study design was similar to that in Kajimura
task with letter stimuli and additional congruent or incongru- et al. (2016) with two resting state fMRI scans, one prior to
ent flanker letters, which the subjects were instructed to and one post stimulation, however, using a different cogni-
ignore. The task was performed in a low vs. high perceptual tive paradigm, this time a standard SART task (Robertson
load condition (one vs. five competing letters). Thought et al., 1997), being conducted after the second scan.
probes examined the contents of the participants' thoughts Experience sampling probes were in accordance with those
immediately prior to the appearance of the probe (partici- used by Christoff et al. (2009), with an initial probe addressing
pants were asked to choose from the following categories instances of mind-wandering (“where was your attention
to describe their experiences: task contents, task perfor- focused just before the probe?: on-task/off-task), and a sec-
mance, a memory from the past, something in the future, ond probe addressing meta-awareness (“how aware were
current state of being, fantasy, other; only the latter five you of where your attention was focused?: aware/unaware).
choices were classed as mind-wandering; please note that For analysis of the fMRI data the authors applied dynamic
thinking about task contents and task performance may causal modeling and a machine learning approach. With
not necessarily equate to “being on-task”). Kajimura and regard to the behavioral results, the authors reported a
Nomura (2015) reported that compared to sham stimulation, decrease in the propensity to mind-wander for rIPL stimula-
the propensity to mind-wander was significantly increased/ tion vs. sham, but not for lIPL stimulation vs. sham. However,
decreased by LPFC (anode) vs. rIPL (cathode)/rIPL (anode) lIPL stimulation vs. sham stimulation decreased reaction
vs. LPFC (cathode) stimulation respectively. Furthermore, times in the SART task. No stimulation effects were
they described that the dependence of the flanker effect observed regarding meta-awareness. Based on the ana-
(i.e. the accuracy of target detection for (congruent-incon- lyses of blood-oxygen-level dependent signals during rest-
gruent)/congruent flankers) on perceptual load was inverted ing state, the authors reported that only rIPL (and not lIPL)
for both stimulation conditions (larger flanker effect for the stimulation vs. sham modulated within-DMN connectivity
high load) compared to sham stimulation (larger flanker and amplitudes. They concluded that there is indeed beha-
effect for the low load). vioral and functional evidence for an IPL asymmetry with
In a subsequent fMRI study, Kajimura et al. (2016), regard to mind-wandering.
sought to examine the neural underpinnings of the tDCS- Finally, Bertossi et al. (2017) investigated the role of the
induced increase/decline in the propensity to mind- medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in mind-wandering. To this
wander, which they reported in their earlier study aim, they applied cathodal tDCS (2 mA for 15 min) over the
(Kajimura and Nomura, 2015). This study used the same mPFC (left of position Fpz), while the anodal return elec-
stimulation protocols and cognitive paradigm, but different trode was attached to the right deltoid (i.e. to the right
experience sampling probes (probe 1: were you thinking of shoulder). Control conditions consisted of stimulation with
something?: yes/no; probe 2: where was your attention a cathodal electrode over the occipital cortex (position Oz)
focused just before the probe?: on-task/off-task; instances and sham stimulation (30-s stimulation). Before and after sti-
of mind-wandering were categorized based on participants' mulation a choice reaction time task (CRT) was performed.
responses to probe 2). Prior to and after the stimulation per- The CRT task consisted of monitoring a stream of digits pre-
iod, the authors conducted two resting-state fMRI scans, sented in two colors (one frequently, one rarely), where parti-
which were subjected to functional and effective connectiv- cipants were asked to report whether the digits of the
ity analyses. Participants performed the cognitive paradigm infrequently presented color were even or odd. Experience
after the second fMRI scan. Replicating their earlier beha- sampling was performed based on three subsequent probes.
vioral findings, the authors again observed that LPFC vs. The first probe addressed the degree of mind-wandering (on/
IPL/IPL vs. LPFC stimulation increased/decreased the like- task vs. off task: visual analog scale from 0 to 100), the sec-
lihood of mind-wandering compared to sham stimulation. ond probe addressed the content of mind-wandering in terms
Based on dynamical causal modeling of the fMRI data, the of temporal direction (past/present/future/external distraction/
authors reported that anodal stimulation of the rIPL time not clear/unaware), and the third probe addressed the
decreased the afferent connections of the posterior cingu- content of mind-wandering in terms of self- vs. other-
late cortex (PCC) from the rIPL and the medial prefrontal relatedness (self-related/other-related/unrelated to people).
cortex (mPFC). Furthermore, based on mediation analysis, The authors evaluated the changes in incidences of mind-
they found that the connection from the rIPL to the PCC wandering during post-tDCS vs. pre-tDCS task performance.
inhibited, while the connection from the mPFC to the PCC They observed that stimulation-related changes in the pro-
facilitated, mind-wandering (Kajimura et al., 2016). pensity to mind-wander occurred in different directions for
In a recent fMRI study, Kajimura et al. (2018) moreover cathodal mPFC stimulation compared to both control condi-
aimed to investigate the idea of a functional asymmetry tions. Mind-wandering decreased after cathodal mPFC stimu-
between the IPLs with regard to mind-wandering. For this lation, but increased after occipital and sham stimulation.
purpose, they alternatively applied anodal tDCS to the rIPL Importantly, this effect was only observed in the male partici-
and lIPL (cathode: contralateral cheek). In their article, the pants, but not in the females. The authors furthermore
Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80 75

reported opposite changes in self-relatedness of mind- of these positive effects before accepting them as facts.”
wandering after both stimulation conditions compared to Keeping this limitation in mind, the observed tDCS-related
sham (decreases vs. increase), again, only for the male sub- effects support the hypotheses that activity within left
jects, but not for the female participants (Bertossi et al., 2017). dorso/ventrolateral PFC (i.e. executive control regions)
While it remains unclear what these gender differences may and within medial PFC (i.e. a DMN region) is positively cor-
be attributed to, other studies using tDCS have also demon- related with mind-wandering (in the latter case only in men),
strated gender-specific effects of direct current stimulation, and that activity in the right IPL (i.e. a DMN region) is nega-
for instance, with regard excitability changes within motor cor- tively correlated with mind-wandering. To be more precise,
tex (Kuo et al., 2006) and visual cortex (Chaieb et al., 2008). these findings indicate that mind-wandering in the sense
Very recently, Boayue et al. (2019) published the results of task-unrelated thought, can be modulated using these
of a registered multicenter study, re-examining the findings tDCS interventions. It remains an open question, whether
of Axelrod et al. (2015, 2018). The analysis and data collec- these findings are specifically related to undeliberate mind-
tion plan had been preregistered at the European Journal of wandering, or whether they also apply to intentional mind-
Neuroscience. In total, Boayue et al. (2019) recruited 192 wandering or indeed, other definitions of mind-wandering
subjects in three study centers (Amsterdam, Göttingen (Seli et al., 2016). For instance, it has been suggested that
and Tromsø). They implemented the exact same stimula- activity in executive control regions may be associated with
tion parameters as those used by Axelrod et al. (2015) in deliberate, rather than with undeliberate mind-wandering
their initial study. Mind-wandering during anodal left (Seli et al., 2017). Hence, future studies may aim at disen-
DLPFC (F3) stimulation (cathode: right supraorbital ridge) tangling the influence of tDCS applied to dorso/ventrolateral
was compared to sham stimulation. Additionally, mind- PFC on deliberate vs. undeliberate mind-wandering. Such
wandering for anodal stimulation vs. sham condition was studies may also investigate whether any findings can be
compared offline during a 20-min phase immediately follow- transferred to other forms of mind-wandering, such as, for
ing stimulation. Boayue et al. (2019) found neither an online, instance, daydreaming or deliberate meandering. Further-
nor an offline effect of anodal DLPFC stimulation on mind- more, cognitive modeling of subprocesses contributing to
wandering or on task performance. Using Bayesian statis- mind-wandering may help to elucidate differences and
tics they showed that based on their data, a null effect is commonalities between various forms of mind-wandering
about 10 times more probable (Bayes factor = 10.65) than (Mittner et al., 2014; Axelrod and Teodorescu, 2015). More-
an increase of mind-wandering due to anodal DLPFC stimu- over, it has to be noted, that in five of the seven studies no
lation, as reported by Axelrod et al. (2015). They further meta-awareness probe has been implemented and it thus
reported that there is extreme evidence that the findings of remains unclear, whether and to which extent changes in
the initial study (Axelrod et al., 2015) were not replicated the meta-awareness of mind-wandering may have contribu-
(Bayes factor = 1:500). Boayue et al. (2019) concluded that ted to the observed changes in the propensity to mind-
they were unable to detect an effect of anodal stimulation wander (Fox and Christoff, 2015). However, the recent stu-
over the DLPFC on mind-wandering, but on the contrary dies by Kajimura et al. (2018) and Axelrod et al. (2018) mon-
found evidence for the absence of such an effect (Boayue itored this variable, and could largely exclude a possible
et al., 2019). bias.
A much more puzzling aspect of the reported findings is
that the effects on task performance did not mirror those
changes in the likelihood to mind-wander. An increase/
DISCUSSION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES decrease in mind-wandering is expected to have a
The studies investigating the modulation of mind-wandering detrimental/positive effect on task performance, for
via tDCS, described in this review, exhibit considerable instance, in terms of increased/reduced error rates or
methodological differences, in particular regarding stimula- increased/reduced reaction times. Task performance was
tion montages, the choice of cognitive task used, timing of analyzed in six of the seven described studies. In four stu-
the tasks and which experience sampling probes were dies no effects of tDCS on task performance were found
implemented (see Table 1 and Fig. 1). For instance, with (Axelrod et al., 2015; Bertossi et al., 2017; Axelrod et al.,
regard to task timing, it has been shown that tDCS effects 2018). In the other two studies, task effects were reported,
on motor sequence-learning qualitatively differ for stimula- which are incoherent with the reported mind-wandering
tion prior to, compared to during execution of the task effects. In the study by Kajimura and Nomura (2015) both
(Stagg et al., 2011). So far, at least the studies by stimulation conditions (applying reverse montages) exhib-
Kajimura and Nomura (2015); Kajimura et al. (2016, 2018) ited inverse load-dependent flanker effects when compared
and Bertossi et al. (2017) tentatively suggest that it is indeed to sham. In the following study by Kajimura et al. (2018), a
possible to modulate the propensity to mind-wander via reaction time decrease, compared to sham, was found for
tDCS, and point to a causal role of the DMN and executive the tDCS condition (left IPL anode), that showed no effect
control regions in mind-wandering. Nevertheless, we com- on mind-wandering. Thus, the effects on task performance
pletely agree with the assessment of Boayue et al. (2019), do not fit into the overall picture of the reported modulation
in view of their recent failure to replicate the findings of of mind-wandering by tDCS. Speculatively, direct effects of
Axelrod et al. (2015, 2018): “Given the negative results of tDCS on task performance may have neutralized the indir-
the current study, however, it is important to replicate any ect effects due to mind-wandering. For instance, anodal
76 Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80

stimulation of executive control regions like dorso-/ventro- suitable techniques have recently been proposed. Pulsed
lateral PFC may not only increase mind-wandering, but transcranial ultrasound stimulation has been shown to be
may also facilitate task performance. However, evidence able to modulate hippocampal activity in mice (Tufail et al.,
for such counterbalancing effects is still lacking. Possibly, 2010), and has been successfully applied to humans for
more refined measures examining task performance, such the modulation of activity in primary somatosensory
as the variation of reaction times across trials (e.g. Bastian (Legon et al., 2014) and visual cortex (Lee et al., 2016).
and Sackur, 2013; Leszczynski et al., 2017), may reveal Transcranial electric stimulation with temporally interfering
tDCS-induced effects, which can be related to the observed electric fields (Grossman et al., 2017) uses the superposi-
modulations of mind-wandering. Moreover, machine learn- tion of high-frequency electric fields comprised of slightly
ing techniques using functional measures, such as EEG, different frequencies. The interfering electric field patterns
fMRI or pupillometry, have been shown to be capable of exhibit a low-frequency amplitude modulation and produce
estimating mind-wandering on short time scales (Mittner et a spatially focused form of deep brain stimulation. This tech-
al., 2014; Jin et al., 2019). nique has been demonstrated to selectively stimulate the
So far only tDCS has been used to modulate mind- hippocampus in mice (Grossman et al., 2017), and will likely
wandering. An alternative approach would be to apply be transferred to humans, in the near future. A similar audi-
tACS. This technique uses sinusoidal waveforms, impacts tory technique is so-called beat stimulation, consisting
upon the amplitude and frequency of ongoing brain oscilla- either of the application of the physical superposition of
tions, and provides the unique opportunity to interfere with two nearby frequencies (resulting in an amplitude modu-
cortical oscillations within a specific frequency range (for a lated signal) to one or both ears simultaneously (monaural
review see Antal and Herrmann, 2016). Although its effects beats), or the application of each individual frequency sepa-
have been first characterized in the motor cortex (Antal et rately to each ear (binaural beats) (for a review see Chaieb
al., 2008; Chaieb et al., 2011), recent studies have demon- et al., 2015). Research in epilepsy patients undergoing inva-
strated that tACS can modulate a range of perceptual and sive presurgical evaluation with intracranial electrodes has
cognitive processes (Herrmann et al., 2013; Fröhlich et al., shown that hippocampal activity can be modulated by audi-
2015) like visual, somatosensory and auditory perception tory beat stimulation (Becher et al., 2015). Of course in
(Riecke et al., 2015; Alekseichuk et al., 2016; Gundlach et these cases, deep brain stimulation could also be used to
al., 2016), working memory (Polanía et al., 2012; Vosskuhl unravel the brain regions contributing to mind-wandering
et al., 2015; Alekseichuk et al., 2017), speech (Rufener et and to substantiate or disprove non-invasive stimulation
al., 2016; Zoefel et al., 2018), attention (Hopfinger et al., findings (e.g. Foster and Parvizi, 2017).
2017; Wöstmann et al., 2018) and cognitive control Another important issue is the actual localization and
(Santarnecchi et al., 2013; Hsu et al., 2017). Unlike tDCS, direction of the stimulation currents induced by tDCS. For
tACS is understood to modulate brain activity via entrain- instance, Boayue et al. (2019) have argued that the effects
ment of endogenous oscillations (Fröhlich and McCormick, observed by Axelrod et al. (2015, 2018) could be in part
2010) and/ or by influencing the phase coherence of due to indirect stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex in
ongoing oscillations (Neuling et al., 2012). For instance, spite of targeting the DLPFC. Recent research has focused
Braboszcz and Delorme (2011) recorded EEG from healthy on the use of realistic head models to address the issue of
participants while they were asked to perform a breath- focality of stimulation. One such study demonstrated that
counting task. The authors sought to investigate oscillatory tDCS-induced electric fields tend to spread beyond the
activity during episodes of mind-wandering, where partici- stimulating electrodes and are largely dependent upon indi-
pants' attention had drifted away from the breath-counting vidual anatomical differences, in addition to being subject to
task (as indicated by button presses). They reported an the positioning, size and type of electrodes used (Opitz et
increase in occipital and parieto-central theta EEG activity al., 2015). Also, combined fMRI-tDCS studies showed that
during episodes of mind-wandering compared to the surrounding cortical structures are inadvertently exposed
breath-focus state (Braboszcz and Delorme, 2011). Specu- to stimulation (Keeser et al., 2011). Further research inves-
latively, this occipital/parieto-central activity could be related tigating the effects of tES in epilepsy patients with implanted
to processes within posterior cingulate cortex and/or precu- depth electrodes has demonstrated that electric fields tend
neus, DMN regions likely to be involved in mind-wandering to be higher around the edges of stimulating electrodes,
(Fox et al., 2015). Accordingly, tACS could, for instance, resulting in inhomogeneous field distributions in the stimu-
be applied to test the link between occipital/parieto-central lated tissue (Opitz et al., 2018). To improve upon these
theta activity and mind-wandering. In this sense, tACS issues electrodes of different shapes and sizes or multiple
may be more suitable to specifically target oscillatory pro- electrodes may be applied in combination with computa-
cesses underlying mind-wandering. tional modeling of current densities based on realistic head
The studies described in this review applied tDCS to models (Seo et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2018). On the other
different neocortical regions in order to modulate mind- hand, the precision of electrode placement can be
wandering. However, deeper structures such as the hippo- increased, for instance, by training technical personnel in
campus have also been reported to be involved in the electrode placement using 3D head models in conjunction
generation of spontaneous thoughts. Is it possible to target with landmarks based on the 10/20 system (Indahlastari et
deep brain structures such as the hippocampus, using al., 2019), or by using MRI-guided neuronavigation systems
non-invasive brain stimulation? Indeed several potentially (De Witte et al., 2018).
Leila Chaieb et al. / Neuroscience 409 (2019) 69–80 77

Apart from shedding light upon the causal role of different integrative approach may provide more robust data with
brain regions, investigating the modulation of mind- regard to tDCS parameters suitable for clinical interventions.
wandering using non-invasive brain stimulation may have
eminent clinical relevance: methods lessening incidences
of mind-wandering may also be effective in reducing DECLARATION OF INTEREST
depressive rumination, i.e. a subtype of mind-wandering
LC, MD and JF were supported by the German Research
being characteristic for patients suffering from major
Foundation via the SFB1089.
depressive disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder.
These repetitive thoughts with similar content, often con-
cerning negative issues originating from past experiences ROLE OF THE FUNDING SOURCE
(Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000), have been linked to the onset
(Robinson and Alloy, 2003) and maintenance of depression The funding sources provided financial support only and
(Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 1997), as well as to its severity had no involvement in the writing of this publication. The
(e.g. (Morrison and O'Connor, 2008). Patients suffering authors declare no conflicts of interest.
from major depression were described to have more
mind-wandering episodes with less positive, more past- REFERENCES
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