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AQA Biology Topic 8.

Structures of ribonucleic acid

Produced by: Mr. Babla

Total Marks: 10
1. Which of the following statements about transferring the coded information in eukaryotic cells
are true?

a) The term codon can be used to refer to the sequence of three bases on mRNA that codes for two
amino acids

b) The genome includes the complete set of genes in a cell, excluding those present in mitochondria
and/or chloroplasts

c) The proteome is most, but not all, of the proteins produced by the genome

d) The complete proteome is the full range of proteins produced by the genome, in which case the
term proteome refers to the proteins produced by a given type of cell under a certain set of

e) DNA is composed of three nucleotide chains wound around each other to form a double helix


2. Which of the following statements about the ribonucleic acid (RNA) structure are true?

a) RNA is a monomer made up of repeating mononucleotide sub-units that form a single strand

b) Each mononucleotide in RNA is made up of the pentose sugar deoxyribose

c) Each mononucleotide in RNA is made up of one of the organic bases adenine (A), guanine (G),
cytosine (C) and thymine (T)

d) Each mononucleotide in RNA is made up of a phosphodiester group

e) Each mononucleotide in RNA is made up of a phosphate group

3. Which of the following statements about messenger RNA (mRNA) are true?

a) mRNA is a long strand of mononucleotides that is arranged in a single helix

b) The base sequence of mRNA is determined by the sequence of bases on a length of DNA in a
process called translation

c) Once formed, mRNA leaves the nucleus via pores in the nucleolus and enters the cytoplasm,
where it associates with ribosomes

d) mRNA possesses information in the form of codons (three bases that are complementary to a
triplet in DNA)

e) The sequence of codons in mRNA determines the amino acid sequence of a specific
polynucleotide that will be made


4. Which of the following statements about transfer RNA (tRNA) are true?

a) tRNA is a relatively small molecule made up of around 80 nucleotides

b) tRNA is a single-stranded chain folded into a clover-leaf shape, with one end of the chain
extending beyond the other

c) An amino acid can attach to a tRNA molecule at the centre of it

d) At one end of the tRNA molecule is a sequence of three inorganic bases called an anticodon

e) Each tRNA is specific to one amino acid and has an anticodon that is specific to that amino acid

5. Which of the following statements about complementary base pairing are true?

a) Guanine in RNA base pairs with Cytosine in DNA

b) Thymine in RNA base pairs with Adenine in DNA

c) Adenine in RNA base pairs with Uracil in DNA

d) Adenine in RNA base pairs with Thymine in RNA

e) Cytosine in RNA base pairs with Guanine in RNA


6. Which of the following events happen in protein synthesis?

a) An anticodon in tRNA pairs with the three complementary organic bases that make up the codon
on mRNA

b) An anticodon in tRNA pairs with the three complementary organic bases that make up the codon
on DNA

c) An anticodon in tRNA pairs with the three complementary organic bases that make up the codon
in another region of the same tRNA molecule

d) An anticodon in tRNA pairs with the three complementary organic bases that make up the codon
in another region of a different tRNA molecule

e) An anticodon in tRNA attaches to an amino acid


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