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Dungeons and Dragons Draconomicon Items and

Subclasses Updated
Blood Elixir

Wonderous Item, very rare

This vial is a concoction containing the blood of a true dragon. The blood however is so thick that the
attempt of consuming it could choke the user. A blood elixir grants the drinker +2 to their Strength (if
brewed from a chromatic dragon) or Charisma (if brewed from a metallic dragon). The effect is
permanent, but if the modifier would take the statistic above the maximum, then it lasts for 1 hour.
When the user consumes the elixir, they must make a DC18 Constitution saving throw or throw up the
elixir due to the thickness of the blood. Depending on the type of dragon the elixir was brewed from the
user will gain a temporary damage resistance and an effect for one hour. If the effect is a spell then it
can be cast without somatic, verbal, or material components, and does not use a spell slot.

Dragon Variety Effect Damage Resistance

Black Darkvision 120ft. Acid
Blue Blindsight 60ft. Lightning
Brass Speak with animals Fire
Bronze Water breathing Lightning
Copper Spider climb Acid
Gold Polymorph (any beast) Fire
Green Suggestion Poison
Red Dragon’s breath (fire) Fire
Silver Control weather (clouds) Cold
White Ice Storm Cold
To create one vial of blood elixir it will take 3 hours, and requires alchemist’s supplies, and one gallon of
dragon blood.

Dragonbone Bow

Weapon (any bow), rare

A bow crafted from a single bone of a dragon (a thigh bone or similarly large bone) displays superior
tensile strength and power. Having the bow equipped will add a +2 bonus to Intimidation checks against
dragons. To create a dragonbone bow it requires 4 hours, a large dragon bone, and tinker’s supplies.
Dragoncraft Armor or Shield

Armor (hide, scale mail, half plate, plate, shield), very rare

Dragoncraft armor and shields are made from the dragon hide that also grant damage resistance to the
damage type of breath weapon as appropriate to the dragon (acid for black and copper; fire for red,
brass and gold; poison for green; lightning for blue and bronze; or cold for white and silver). While
wearing the armor or shield it will grant a +2 bonus to Intimidation checks against dragons. If taken to an
expert smith the armor or shield can be made into masterwork, counting as +1 armor or shield. When
attempting to make the armor or shield it will require 1 day, an appropriate amount of dragon hide, and
either leatherworker’s supplies or smith’s supplies as appropriate to the armor made.

Dragonfang Weapon

Weapon (any sword, dagger), rare

Dragonfang weapons are created from the teeth of a true dragon. A dragonfang weapons deals an
additional 1d4 magic damage depending on the dragon that the fang came from (acid for black and
copper; fire for red, brass and gold; poison for green; lightning for blue and bronze; or cold for white and
silver). If taken to an expert smith the weapon can be made into masterwork, counting as a +1 weapon,
as well as increasing the additional damage to 1d4+1. Having a dragonfang weapon equipped will add a
+2 to Intimidation checks against dragons. A single dragon’s body can be used to create 12 dragonfang
weapons. When attempting to make the weapon it will require 8 hours, one dragon fang, and smith’s

Dragonhide Mantle

Wonderous item, very rare

A dragon’s hide can be rendered flexible enough to wear as a cloak. Once made the mantle will give
resistance to the damage type of breath weapon as appropriate for the dragon (acid for black and
copper; fire for red, brass and gold; poison for green; lightning for blue and bronze; or cold for white and
silver). Crafting a dragonhide mantle takes as much dragon hide as hide armor, and must be made to
suit the wearer’s size. In addition, wearing a dragonhide mantle will provide +2 bonus to Intimidation
checks against dragons. When attempting to make a dragonhide mantle it will require 4 hours, a suitable
amount of dragon hide, and leatherworker’s tools.
Magic Items

Armor of Dragonshape

Armor (hide), legendary (requires attunement)

This suit of +3 hide armor grants the wearer resistance to the damage type of the breath weapon as
appropriate for the dragon (acid for black and copper; fire for red, brass and gold; poison for green;
lightning for blue and bronze; or cold for white and silver). When attuned to the armor the wearer is
considered to have the wild shape ability, and can change into a medium or large dragon of the same
color as the armor once per day for 7 hours. This change does not count towards a character’s normal
limit of daily wild shape uses.

Armor of Mobility

Armor (leather), rare

This suit of +2 leather armor grants its wearer the mobile feat as long as it is worn, even if the wearer
already has the mobile feat.

Bulwark of Antimagic

Armor (shield), rare

Once per day, the wielder of this +1 tower shield can command it to radiate an antimagic field.

Dragondodger Armor

Armor (studded leather), legendary

This suit of +3 studded leather armor grants the wearer the evasion ability, but only against breath
weapons. If the wearer already has the evasion ability, they count as having advantage on the roll, but
only against breath weapons.

Dragonrider Armor

Armor (plate), legendary

This suit of +1 plate armor is created from cast-off scales of a true dragon. It grants resistance to the
damage type of the breath weapon as appropriate for the dragon (acid for black and copper; fire for red,
brass and gold; poison for green; lightning for blue and bronze; or cold for white and silver). It also
grants a +5 bonus to any checks required when riding a dragon, and activates a feather fall spell
whenever the rider falls more than 5 feet.
Blade of Dragondoom

Weapon (greatsword), unique (requires attunement)

The wielder of this +3 greatsword may, as a free action, choose to deliver a smite attack upon a dragon.
For every size category larger than Medium, the smite deals 1d6 damage (1d6 against large, 2d6 against
huge, 3d6 against gargantuan). The smite function may be used 3 times a day, but no more than once
per turn. The wielder must declare the use of the smite before the attack is made, and if the attack
misses, the smite is wasted.

Bow of the Mighty Dragon-hunter

Weapon (longbow), unique (requires attunement)

This +2 longbow is made from the bone of a gargantuan dragon. If an arrow is fired from this bow at a
dragon it deals additional damage equal to the dragon’s Strength modifier. Furthermore, if an arrow
fired from this bow at a dragon critically hits it deals triple the damage instead of double.

Longspear of Piercing

Weapon (spear), very rare

This +3 spear counts as having the Reach property. Three times a day the wielder may ignore the natural
armor of a target they attack with the weapon (making the AC 10 + Dexterity modifier).

Ring of Dragon Friendship

Wonderous item, legendary

This ring is carved to look like a dragon coiled around the wearer’s finger. The wearer adds +5 to
Persuasion checks made to influence the attitudes of dragons. No dragon will attack or otherwise
attempt to harm the wearer. Once per month, the wearer can use a suggestion effect on a dragon (Will
DC23). If the wearer of the ring attacks a dragon in any way (including using the suggestion effect on it),
the ring loses its power for 24 hours.

Ring of Dragonshape

Wonderous item, legendary

The ring is shaped to look like a metallic dragon’s claw. Once per day the wearer can activate the ring as
an action to polymorph into a young red dragon (if the wearer is evil) or a young gold dragon (if the
wearer is good). This effect functions as the polymorph spell. The effect of the ring can be deactivated as
an action.


Staff of Draconic Power

This staff is made from the thigh bone of a large dragon, and decorated with dragon teeth. It has 10
charges, which recharge every dawn. It allows the use of the following spells;

 Dragon’s breath (1 charge)

 Dragonskin (2 charges: as barkskin except it makes the target scaly, making their AC no less than
 Dragon sight (2 charge: grants the user 120 ft. darkvision and 60 ft. Blindsight)
 Polymorph (2 charges)
 Stoneskin (2 charge)
 True seeing (3 charges)
 Teleportation Circle (3 charges)

The staff also adds an additional damage dice to any cantrips that deal fire, cold, poison, lightning, or
acid damage.
Wonderous Items

Boots of Dragonstriding

Wonderous item, very rare

These scaled boots grant the wearer +5 to Athletic checks for jumping and climbing. Once per day, the
wearer can cast jump on themselves.

Dragonhide Bracers

Wonderous item, rare (+1 or +2), very rare (+3) or legendary (+4)

These bracers, crafted from the armored hide of a true dragon, grant their wearer a +1 to +4 to their AC.
They also granted damage resistance to the type of the breath weapon as appropriate for the dragon
(acid for black and copper; fire for red, brass and gold; poison for green; lightning for blue and bronze;
or cold for white and silver).

Dragon’s Eye Amulet

Wonderous item, very rare

This fist-sized orb resembles the eye of a dragon and dangles from a heavy chain. It grants the wearer
+10 to their Perception checks, as well as 30ft. Blindsight.

Dragonfang Gauntlets

Wonderous item, very rare

These leather gauntlets are studded with dragon teeth, which the wearer can use when making an
unarmed attack to instead deal slashing damage. Three times per day the wearer may add an additional
1d4 to their damage. In addition, if the wearer critically hits with an unarmed attack, roll a d6. On the
roll of a 6 the wearer may disarm the target of their attack of a weapon or shield.
Horn of Dragons

Wonderous item, legendary

This horn bears intricate carvings of dragons in flight. When blown (requires a full action) the horn
summons an adult dragon 1 round later, to a location up to 100 feet away. The dragon remains for 1
hour and serves the user to the best of its ability. At the end of the duration, or if the dragon is slain or
dispelled, the dragon disappears. The type of dragon depends on the user’s alignment (see the table
below). The horn may be blown once per month.

User’s Alignment Dragon Summoned

LG, NG, or LN Bronze
CG, N, or CN Copper
LE or NE Green
CE Black

Idol of the Dragon

Wonderous item, very rare

Much like an Idol of Wonderous Power, an idol of the dragon is a miniature statuette (about 2 inches
long) resembling a particular variety of dragon. The color and kind of the dragon is very apparent, even
at a glance, due to the craftsmen involved. The idol grants damage resistance of the appropriate type to
its owner while in idol form (but not while the idol is in dragon form). Once per week, when the idol is
tossed into the air and the command word spoken, it becomes a full-sized dragon of the appropriate age
(see the table below). The dragon is a living creature, not a construct, and has all the abilities and
powers of an average dragon of its age. The dragon obeys and serves its owner for up to 1 hour. At the
end of the duration, or if it is prematurely dismissed by its owner, the dragon returns to idol form. A
targeted dispel magic on the full-size dragon can return it to idol form. If the dragon is slain at full-size,
then the idol is destroyed.

Type Age Resistance

White Wyrmling Cold
Brass Wyrmling Fire
Black Wyrmling Acid
Copper Young Acid
Green Young Poison
Bronze Young Lightning
Blue Young Lightning
Silver Adult Cold
Gold Adult Fire
Red Adult Fire
Mantle of the Silver Wyrm

Wonderous item, very rare

This impressive cloak is fashioned from the hide of a silver dragon. It grants its wearer +2 to Charisma to
a maximum of 22, and resistance to cold damage. In addition, its wearer can use fly (as the spell) once
per day.

Wyrmfang Amulet

Wonderous item, very rare

This necklace of dragon teeth grants all the wearer’s physical attacks ignore resistance to damage
(piercing, slashing and bludgeoning).

Minor Artefact

Draco Mystere

Wonderous item, artefact (requires attunement)

This tome, known as the “Mysteries of the Dragon” in Common, is a legendary of lore regarding
dragonkind. Some claim it was written by the first high-priest of the Cult of Ashardalon, but others call
this assertion nothing but an idle boast, believing the book to be far older than that. Over the centuries
the book has been studied, copied, lost, and found again by dozens if not hundreds of readers. Many
lesser versions of the book are known to exist but none share its power.

Reading draco mystere takes thirty consecutive 8-hour days of study. If the reader misses even one day
they must start again from the beginning. Completion of the study grants +10 to Arcana checks
regarding dragons. The reader also is granted 60ft. Darkvision (if the reader already has darkvision then
their darkvision is increased by 30ft.) and immunity to sleep and paralysis effects.

In addition, a sorcerer who reads draco mystere gains +2 to their Charisma to a maximum of 22, and are
counted as having the Draconic Bloodline subclass up to 6 th level (if the reader already has the Draconic
Bloodline subclass then they count the bonus health as double, and deal double damage with Elemental
Affinity, as well as having immunity to the specified damage type). Other characters who peruse the
book do not receive these benefits.
Dragonkith – Barbarian Subclass

Dragonkith, or dragon kin translated to Common, are creatures that serve and aid dragons. They live
with or near a dragon or a group of dragons, acting as servants or peers (depending on the individual
dragon and the dragonkith). In return for service, over time, the dragon bestows upon a dragonkith
special abilities—and even physical changes—using complex rituals known only to their kind.

Draconic Language

You learn how to read and write Draconic, if you do not already.

Draconic Scales

A dragonkith overtime develops crusty the same color as their dragon lord. They make their natural AC
13 + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier.

Telepathic Plea

Wherever a dragonkith is, its dragon companion can send an instantaneous, telepathic plea for help at
any time. No details are provided in the message, other than that the dragon is in danger. This
communication does not work both ways (the dragonkith cannot alert the dragon).

Mighty Attack

Starting at 3rd level, once per long rest, a dragonkith can call upon their dragon’s might to deal an extra
1d6 damage on a single attack. The dragonkith must call this before the attack is rolled, and if the attack
misses the extra damage is wasted. This damage is increased to 2d6 at 6 th level, 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at
14th level, and 5d6 at 19th level.

Draconic Resistance

At 6th level, the dragonkith gains resistance to their dragon’s damage from their breath weapon. This
resistance becomes immunity at 14th level.
Detect Treasure

At 6th level, the dragonkith can use a detect treasure ability. This works like the detect magic spell,
except that it senses Medium or smaller objects worth 100gp or more. They can tell exactly how much
the item is worth and how much it weighs. This ability can only be used once before needing to take a
long rest before using it again.

Telepathic link

At 10th level, a dragonkith develops a telepathic link with its dragon lord out to a range of 1 mile. The
dragonkith and dragon can communicate telepathically. Because of this link, one has the same
connection to an item or place as the other. For instance, if the dragonkith has seen a room, then the
dragon has also seen the room, and as such can teleport there if they wanted to.

Draconic Knack

At 14th level, the dragonkith acquires the ability to cast a single spell in the sorcerer’s spell list, up to 4 th
level. The spell’s spellcasting stat is Charisma + proficiency, and neither counts as a spell so it can be
used while raging, and doesn’t use somatic or material components.
Dragonsong Lyrist – Bard Subclass

The dragonsong lyrist taps into the power of dragonsong, an ancient form of performance that
originated among the draconic races, to create strange and wondrous magical effects. Dragonsong
lyrists are usually loners, though they occasionally congregate to share new songs or poems. They get
along well with bards and sorcerers, and some occupy positions of great respect in barbarian tribes.

Draconic Language

You learn to read and write Draconic if you do not already.

Great Dragonsong

At 3rd level, the dragonsong lyrist may cast dragon’s breath as an action, without using a spell slot. The
DC for this spell includes your bard level halved. After using this ability, you cannot use it again until
after a long rest. At 6th level the bard can cast fly, and at 14th level the bard can cast mental prison. All of
these spells are made without material components.

Dragon Soothing

At 14th level, the dragonsong lyrist may cast charm monster without giving the creature advantage if
attacking it. The spell lasts for 2 hours and the DC includes your bard level.
Dragonrider – Fighter Subclass

Some dream of soaring through the clouds atop a mighty draconic steed, feeling the wind on their faces,
afraid of nothing. The dragonrider doesn’t simply dream of this life—he leads it. A dragonrider might be
encountered as a solitary ally of a family of dragons, or could be the master of a wyvern.

Draconic Language

You learn how to read and write Draconic, if you do not already.


Starting at 3rd level, a dragonrider may cast find steed without using a spell slot, and this summons a
Pseudodragon as a companion. A dragonrider may also add their fighter class level to any checks made
to riding a dragon, or staying on a dragon. In addition, any target a rider attacks the dragon has
advantage on attacking the same target.

Unfrightened Presence

At 3rd level, a dragonrider either mounted on a dragon or within 10 ft. of their dragon is immune to
frightful presence of dragons, and have advantage against other creatures with frightful presence.

Dragon Expert

At 7th level, a dragonrider can cast the find greater steed without using a spell slot, and this summons a
wyvern as a companion and mount. Furthermore, when figuring out how much the wyvern can carry, it
ignores the dragonrider’s base weight. Finally, while mounted on your dragon mount, the dragon mount
adds your proficiency bonus to its attacks.

Dragon Lord

At 14th level, dragonrider may make a DC 20 Animal Handling check to make their dragon mount move
twice its normal speed without it counting as a dash action.
Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries – Monk Subclass

Not all who explore the mysterious powers of dragons do so out of heritage or religious faith. Some
become students of knowledge that leads to greater power. Initiates may gather in quiet places of study
to share their learning and practice their techniques. Or they may test their powers in the field, either
alone or with others who respect their ways.

Draconic Language

You learn how to read and write Draconic, if you do not already.


An initiate of the draconic mysteries can avoid even magical attacks with great agility. If the initiate is
made to take a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, they will take no damage if they succeed.
Evasion can only be used if the initiate is wearing light or no armor.

Claws of the Dragon

At 3rd level, an initiate of the draconic mysteries counts their unarmed strikes as magical attacks.
Furthermore, they can choose to have their strikes deal slashing damage, as their fingers grow claws.
However, for the purpose of knocking a target out, slashing damage is considered lethal. Also, at 6 th level
they ignore resistance to physical damage.

Keen Senses

At 3rd level, an initiate of the draconic mysteries has darkvision of 60 ft.

Strike of the Dragon

At 6th level, the initiate of the draconic mysteries gains the power of a dragon. Each attack deals an extra
dice of damage, making 1d6 into 2d6, 1d8 into 2d8, and 1d10 into 2d10. This increases again at 17 th
level, going from 2d10 to 3d10, etc.

Frightful Presence

At 11th level, an initiate is considered to be the fury of a dragon incarnate. The initiate can use their
action to have all targets they choose within 30 ft. to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency
bonus + Charisma modifier + half monk level). If a creature succeeds in the save they are immune to
frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, they are frightened for 1d6 rounds.
Improved Evasion

At 11th level, the initiate takes half damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw.

Deadly Strike

At 11th level, if an initiate critically hits with their unarmed strikes, they instead deal triple damage rather
than double.

Timeless Body

At 17th level, your mastery of the draconic mysteries increases your life span. For every 10 years that
pass, your character ages only 1 year.

Dragon Shape

At 17th level you become a master of the draconic mysteries, and have learnt how to change into the
form of a dragon, if only temporarily. Once per long rest, an initiate can shape change into a young
dragon of their choice. This can only be removed if the initiate deactivates the ability.
Dracolyte – Paladin Subclass

Only a few rare non-dragons take up worship of the draconic gods. The dracolyte is the most dedicated
of these rare individuals, a divine spellcaster who devotes his energy and support to the deities of
dragonkind. As a dracolyte gains power and prestige, he receives abilities associated with the dragons

Tenets of the Dracolyte

The dracolyte are entrusted with the spreading of the draconic gods’ faith, and as such can focus
towards either good or evil. Whatever alignment a dracolyte leans towards they must follow the tenets
set by their gods.

Trust in the Gods. A dracolyte is so trusting of their faith that they believe their gods can
deliever them from harm, or defend their allies.

Respect Dragonkind. A dracolyte acknowledges that dragons have a greater faith in their gods
than themselves, and as such they should see dragons as beacons of knowledge.

Be the Dragon. It is accepted by dracolytes to act more draconic in nature, and are allowed to
retain currency they had worked for, and deal harm onto those who would attempt to steal from them.

Dracolyte Spells

Paladin Level Spells

3rd chromatic orb, disguise self
5th alter self, dragon’s breath
9th fly, tongues
13th charm monster, polymorph
17th dominate person, reincarnate

Draconic Language

You learn how to read and write Draconic, if you do not already.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gai the following two Channel Divinity options.

Draconic Breath. You call upon your draconic deity to blast your foes with draconic breath. You
pick a breath weapon from the draconic breath table below. Once you choose a type, you cannot
change the breath weapon. As an action, you exhale destructive energy, the type of energy determined
by your choice of breath attack. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier +
your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6 th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. If you are
playing as a race with a breath weapon, this does not count towards your usage of your natural breath
Draconic Breath
Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon
Black Acid 5 by 30 ft. Line (Dex. Save)
Blue Lightning 5 by 30 ft. Line (Dex. Save)
Brass Fire 5 by 30 ft. Line (Dex. Save)
Bronze Lightning 5 by 30 ft. Line (Dex. Save)
Copper Acid 5 by 30 ft. Line (Dex. Save)
Gold Fire 15 ft. Cone (Dex. Save)
Green Poison 15 ft. Cone (Con. Save)
Red Fire 15 ft. Cone (Dex. Save)
Silver Cold 15 ft. Cone (Con. Save)
White Cold 15 ft. Cone (Con. Save)

Draconic Resistance. You call down your god’s power to protect you from elemental damage. As
an action, you gain resistance to the damage type of your draconic breath attack. This lasts for 1 hour, or
until you dismiss it as an action.


Beginning at 7th level, you become very aware of your surroundings. You gain +5 to your initiative, you
cannot be surprised as long as you are conscious, making you immune to surprise attacks. Also, other
creatures cannot gain advantage on attacks against you as a result of being unseen by you.

Draconic Senses

At 7th level you becoming immune to sleep spells and paralysis effects. You also gain darkvision of 60 ft.

Foster Dragon

Starting at 15th level, your draconic gods bestow upon the dracolyte the blessing of caring for a dragon.
You are given a dragon wyrmling, the color of the dragon the same as your draconic breath. The dragon
also takes the dracolyte’s alignment, and the two share a mental telepathy up to 100 ft. The wyrmling
cannot fly however, and will require the dracolyte to teach it how to act like a true dragon. If the
wyrmling were to die, the dracolyte will be unable to call upon its channel divinity until it seeks
atonement, by either being blessed by another dracolyte or from a cleric who worships a draconic god.
Dragon Summoning

At 20th level, you call upon your draconic god to empower your dragon companion, making them grow in
size and fight harder than before. Once per day you may empower your dragon to grow to the next size,
from wyrmling to young, young to adult, and adult to ancient. This change affects all their statistics,
though they still keep their current mentality and personality. This change lasts for 1 hour, before the
dragon reverts back to its regular state.
Dragonslayer – Ranger Subclass

They come from all walks of life, from all cultures and societies. They may be poor or wealthy, strong or
wise, good or evil, skilled with blade or spell. But all dragonslayers share a singular courage and strength
of heart— a necessary commodity in their line of work. Dragonslayers have few close associates who
aren’t as skilled as they are in the art of battling dragons. Unless a dragonslayer can trust you with his
life, he isn’t likely to spend much time in your company. This attitude can lead to a life of solitude, as the
dragonslayer travels wherever the cause takes him.

Armor Proficiency

When you choose this subclass you gain proficiency with heavy armor.

Draconic Language

You learn how to read and write Draconic, if you do not already.

Dragonslayer’s Skill

At 3rd level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

Aura of Courage. At 3rd level, the dragonslayer is immune to the effects of fear. Any allies within
10 ft. of the dragonslayer gain advantage on saving throws against fear effects.

Damage Bonus. A dragonslayer adds damage to their attacks against dragons equal to their level
in ranger, or half against other creatures.

Damage Reduction. At 3rd level, the dragonslayer reduces damage to them by 2. This increases
to 4 at lvl 7, and again to 6 at lvl 15.

Energy Resistance

At 7th level, the dragonslayer gains resistance to fire, lightning, cold, poison and acid. This increases to
immunity at lvl 15.

Improved Critical

At 11th level, if you critically hit with a weapon, you may reroll one of the damage dice and add the result
to the total. If the target of the critical hit was a dragon, it deals triple damage, instead of double.
True Strike

At 15th level, you may use your bonus action to cast true strike on an enemy.
Dragonstalker – Rogue Subclass

The dragonstalker prefers a much more subtle approach than the dragonslayer. They uses stealth and
guile to track their prey, striking with skill and uncanny accuracy when the time is right. Dragonstalkers
are loners, since they rarely trust others to hold their own in a hunt. When tracking a particularly
formidable foe, a dragonstalker might recruit other stealthy characters, such as rangers or rogues, for
assistance. Once or twice in a generation, a hunt of great significance may arise that brings together a
team of dragonstalkers from various backgrounds. In such a case, the dragon has little chance of


When you choose this subclass, you gain proficiency with longbows, nets, and shields.

Draconic Language

You learn how to read and write Draconic, if you do not already.

Dragon Hunter

At 3rd level, a dragonstalker adds their levels in rogue to Deception, Investigation and Perception checks
when using these skills against dragons.

Sneak Attack (Dragon)

Beginning at 3rd level, if a dragonstalker catches a dragon unaware of their presence, they may strike at a
vital spot on the dragon. When the dragonstalker rolls advantage and adds their sneak attack bonus,
they make the target dragon’s AC equal 10 + Constitution modifer. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 2d6
damage. This increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 6d6 at 13th level, and 8d6 at 17th level.

Ignore Natural Armor

At 9th level, the dragonstalker may make the enemy’s AC equal 10 + Constitution modifer for an attack. If
the attack misses, the bonus is wasted. The dragonstalker must have a long rest to recover this ability.
Hide Scent

At 9th level, the dragonstalker can use the Deception skill to hide their (or someone else’s) scent. This
requires a Deception check (with a –10 penalty) opposed by a Wisdom check made by any creature
attempting to use the scent ability to discover the dragonstalker’s presence. Hiding one’s scent requires
twice as long as a typical Disguise (1d3×20 minutes), and the effect lasts for 1 hour per level of rogue.
Magic that alters your form doesn’t affect this Deception check.

Foil Blindsense

At 13th level, the dragonstalker can render themselves completely imperceptible to blindsight. This
requires a standard action, and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. This ability has no effect on other forms
of vision (whether mundane or magical). For instance, it doesn’t keep someone from spotting or hearing
the dragonstalker with normal senses, or from noticing an invisible dragonstalker by means of a true
seeing spell.


At 17th level, the dragonstalker adds +2 to any weapon they use roll to hit, and damage. In addtion, they
add an extra 2d6 of damage if the attack is against a dragon.

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