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Objective of the Task

The basic purpose of assignment this task to develop perspective of students by showing them
different perspectives of highway related problems. Problems related selection of route, traffic
flow analysis, behavior of vehicles etc. The problems will be analyzed using various procedure
and results will be reported as per the teacher’s instruction.

Initial Understanding of the Task

Task 1:

The aim of this assignment is to find out the different methods of analysis of highway traffic and
signaled intersection. After collecting the relevant information about the different methods, these
will be evaluated based on different elements transportation.

The development of relationship between flow, density and speed of traffic will be established
and explained in the form of illustrations and example.

The design of highway and intersection depends on the amount of traffic flowing through a
section. The collection of traffic data is very important in this regard. The method of collection in
this regard varies from situation to situation. Different highways & roads locations will be
analyzed and method for collection of information will be recommended.

The importance of travel time study is vital part for the design of highways and roads. The
implication of travel time and delay data will be studies in this assignment and methods for
collection of this information will be studied.

The feedback of student on the MOOCs knowledge video will be presented in the report in

Task 2:

Different numerical problems are given which will solve by using formulas and methods as per
instructions by professor and class lectures. The numerical problems include real life scenerios
where it is required to determine the number of lanes required for certain amount of traffic and
situation in case of accidents and what type of blockage will happen.
The fare analysis is also carried out in the task for people travelling in public transport based on
increase fare and number of busses on a given route. THe analysis will be carried out based on
available literature and class notes and presented in the form of a report.

Timeline and Work Breakdown

Submission of Proposal: 25-03-2021

Submission of Task 1 and Task 2 of Assignment: 29-03-2021

3/24/2021 3/25/2021 3/26/2021 3/27/2021 3/28/2021

Collection of Relevant Data 1

Submission of Proposal 1

Assembling of Data for Task 1 1

Assembling of Data for Task 2 1

Report Finalization 1


 Lectures of course instructor

 Yanqun Yang,1 Said M. Easa,2,3 Zhibin Lin,4 and Xinyi Zheng, Evaluating Highway
Traffic Safety: An Integrated Approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation Volume
2018, Article ID 4598985, 11 pages
 Walter J. Freeman, Kien Y. Ho, Elizabeth A. Mcchesney, An Evaluation of Signalized
Intersection System Analysis Techniques.

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