COVID Policy 2020 GATEWAY Summary Version V3 Dec2020

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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Policy and Risk Assessment

Gateway Mental Health Project

Summary Version

The purpose of this policy is to plan for, identify, eliminate, control and/or
minimise an outbreak of the Coronavirus within Gateway. Our efforts are
designed to safeguard the wellbeing of Gateway members, staff, contractors
and staff of the CDETB.

Our primary objective is to operate the organisation as normally as possible

while incorporating essential changes to working arrangements in order to
safeguard the safety, health and welfare of everyone. The policy will be
adapted in response to changing HSE public health and Government advice.

We will communicate regularly with members of Gateway, employees and

MHI so that everyone is collaborating on this. Making the policy work is a
shared responsibility and we thank you for taking an active role in achieving

In developing this Policy, we have considered, as far as possible, the specific

circumstances and needs of our members and those of our staff including
those at high or very high risk, those that are older, those that are providing
care for others and so on.

What is the Coronavirus – COVID 19
COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect the lungs and airways.

Symptoms of the virus

They can be similar to the symptoms of cold or flu. Common symptoms of
Coronavirus include:
• a fever (high temperature - 38 degrees Celsius or above)
• a cough - this can be any kind of cough, not just dry
• shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
• sudden loss of taste and smell
• feeling unwell and tired
• some people have gastro-intestinal symptoms and/or vomiting also
• For some older people, symptoms can include disorientation, falls and
increased confusion as well as low body temperature – so be mindful

Coronovirus Policy & Risk Assessement Gateway Mental Health Project (SUMMARY VERSION)
of any changes to how you’re feeling overall in comparison to your

It can take up to 14 days for symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to appear.

However, it has also been documented that some people infected with
Coronavirus may experience few to no symptoms.

How is it spread?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spread through sneeze or cough droplets.
People can become infected with the virus if they
• come into close contact with someone who has the virus and is
coughing or sneezing,
• touch surfaces that someone who has the virus has coughed or
sneezed on and
• use unwashed hands to touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth etc.

Social Distancing (Physical Distancing)

This means keeping a distance of at least 2 metres (approx. 6ft) apart from
all others for the time being. Unfortunately this means complete avoidance
of physical contact for example no handshaking or hugs and ensuring that
there is a two meter (length of a double bed space for example) provided
between people passing by one another and through the premises, also
when seated indoors and outside please.

Sneeze and Cough Etiquette

All those attending Gateway, staff and members and anyone else, are
requested to cover their mouths and nose with a tissue, or their sleeve if no
tissue available, when they cough and sneeze. They may need to be
reminded to put used tissues into the bin and wash hands immediately
afterwards as a health and safety courtesy to others attending.

Face masks
We understand that wearing face masks are an important part of reducing
the risk of spreading the virus to others, we will provide free surgical masks
in the project for everyone and respectfully ask everyone to wear a clean
mask correctly (covering mouth and nose) when engaging in project
activities. We know that face masks may be a challenge for some people
and practicalities like having a cup of tea or having a chat where you can see
people’s faces and expressions, are a bit harder to do naturally but we need
to do our best to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Coronovirus Policy & Risk Assessement Gateway Mental Health Project (SUMMARY VERSION)
Everyone is asked to sanitise hands before entering the building or starting
an activity and will be expected to wash hands regularly while inside the
building. We ask for everyone’s support to remind people attending Gateway
to engage in hand sanitising and regular handwashing.
Posters, leaflets and signage in the building (yellow and black signs) are
there as reminders for hand washing and social distancing of 2 metres all
individuals entering the premises.

Pre-return to Gateway questionnaire

Staff & Contractors/Tutors:
A pre-return to work questionnaire will be presented to all staff two weeks
before they return to work to establish their needs and identify if specific
accommodations are required.
There will also be a health questionnaire to ensure staff are well enough
to return and check ins with the Co-ordinator after any new government
announcement to support staff in their working roles.

A pre-return to Gateway questionnaire will be conducted with members,
by phone, who are seeking to re-engage with the project in person, to
ensure they are safe and well enough to do so and stored on Gateway’s
system securely.

All members and staff will be asked and expected to engage in re-induction
training as required to ensure we all understand the new arrangements in
place in Gateway to keep people safe.

All private health and personal information will be treated with confidentiality.

Staff and Member Responsibilities

The success of this Policy depends on the co-operation and actions of
everyone in our project.
There will be training on this policy and related actions for staff and members
as needed. Thank you for your support in advance.

Changes to this Policy

This policy is subject to change as Government Regulations and guidance
from Health Service Executive in Ireland may change as the pandemic
progresses. If there are any major changes, Management will undertake to
communicate these to staff and members and find ways to engage everyone
in what is happening.

Coronovirus Policy & Risk Assessement Gateway Mental Health Project (SUMMARY VERSION)
Detailed Risk Assessment
Key Control Measures
Any employee with Covid 19 symptoms should not come to work, should contact the Project
Co-ordinator, then their GP and stay home and self-isolate. Close contacts of a person
diagnosed with Covid 19 will be expected to isolate for 14 days from start of symptoms and five days
symptom free.

Before work resumes as normal with employees coming in to the building:

Questionnaire before they return
There will be a health questionnaire completed before staff can return to work.
Questionnaire before we meet Members of Gateway
All Members of Gateway must complete a pre-return health questionnaire by phone in relation
to having contracted COVID19, having symptoms, awaiting a test or test result, being near
someone who has had the virus before staff can engage in person.
At Risk/Vulnerable Staff
If an at risk or vulnerable staff member is asked to come back to work, they will be supported
to maintain physical distancing and will be provided with PPE.
No visitors in the building
We have excluded all visitors, except Members of Gateway initially, from our building unless
they are absolutely necessary.
Deliveries to our building
Interaction with all delivery drivers is now taking place at a distance.
Delivered items are being cleaned with alcohol wipes before they are stored or used.
People travelling to and from Gateway
If using public transport, individuals are requested to practice social (physical) distancing and
to wear a mask which will be provided, we’re also advising people to avoid touching surfaces,
handles etc on public transport.
Return to Work & Gateway’s Premises Induction
In advance of returning to work, it is essential that all staff and members complete a
Coronavirus / COVID 19 Induction Training/Safety Awareness programme. This will be in
small groups. It will be necessary to sign a form to say the training has been understood and
will be complied with.

Arrival at Gateway
All staff with symptoms are instructed not to attend work
All members with symptoms are instructed not to drop in but to phone instead.
Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
We are recommending that all our staff maintain social distancing at work and wear face masks.
We have provided all our employees with their own set of gloves and masks (which may be
disposable or re-usable) to be worn at work as required, there should be no sharing.
If re-usable masks are provided they need to be washed at 60 degrees and only worn when clean
and dry.
Management will ensure a good supply of face masks and will provide full training in putting
it on and taking it off using a video and/or through physically distanced training.

Staff coming into the building

Coronovirus Policy & Risk Assessement Gateway Mental Health Project (SUMMARY VERSION)
A staff rota will be developed and we are arranging to stagger the days and times that staff come
into and work within the building to maintain physical distancing.
We will keep a log of contact/group work to facilitate contact tracing.

Members arriving at Gateway

Casual dropping in activities will not operate while the Covid19 pandemic poses a threat.
Members will be expected to make a pre-arrangement with the staff team to attend Gateway.
The health survey will be completed before arrival. The training will be done when members
first arrive.
To attend Gateway, members are asked to call ahead to book a place, arrive on time and on
their own without family members or friends. Members are asked not to bring unnecessary
items, bags and other personal belongings into the building as best possible.
The outdoor garden space in the forecourt offers a welcoming drop in space to meet and greet.
Teas and coffees will be provided by staff. Members are expected to maintain social distancing
outdoors and within the building. When entering the building face masks will be offered to
members however use is not compulsory outdoors when having a tea/coffee.

Arrangement at Main Entrance – TBC risk assessment

Weather permitting, we will operate an open door during opening times and keep the door
locked at other times.
There is signage regarding distancing, hand sanitation (required before entering) and how to
move within the building.
Hand sanitising/handwashing arrangements
We will provide a sanitising station at the entrance door with hand sanitiser and instructions for
everyone to use.
Within our toilets we have water, soap and paper towels.
Bins, lined with plastic so no contact is made with the contents, will be used for paper towels,
and will be emptied frequently.
Social Distancing for Members
Once inside the project, people coming to Gateway will be asked to sit two meters apart such
as the length of a table where a staff member will also be seated.
We do not want to encourage the sharing or handling of cups, sharing of documents, pens or
anything else at any time.
Arrangements for office and desk based work
Within our building we will space out work stations and/or desks so that employees can work
at least 2 metres apart.
Workstations will be disinfected regularly.
We have arranged to keep main doors open where possible to reduce persons touching door
handles etc.

If close work is necessary within the office area for any reason
If situations arise where 2 or more employees must work closely together they will need to wear
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as: disposable or re-usable masks or a visor or
googles as supplied if same required.
If such PPE is disposable it should be disposed of regularly in the bin.

Cleaning the building – (Contract Cleaning Organisation)

Coronovirus Policy & Risk Assessement Gateway Mental Health Project (SUMMARY VERSION)
We will increase the level and frequency of cleaning within the building by the staff team and
a contract cleaner.
Use of Kitchen
Disposable gloves will be provided for employees to use in the kitchen. Breaks will be
staggered. Only one employee will use the kitchen at any one time.
Use of Toilets
Only one person can use the toilets at a time.
Staff and members will be expected to clean the toilets after use. Instruction will be provided.
We have provided a good supply of toilet roll, hot water, soap and paper towels to dry hands.

Mental Health and Wellbeing of employees and members

We undertake to be as flexible as possible about work to be done, deadlines, meeting schedules,
family circumstance of all employees etc. We will provide links and information to relevant
support organisations for those seeking emotional and psychological supports.

There are procedures in place to deal with the incidence of an employee or member
displaying symptoms of COVID-19 while in Gateway

Hand Hygiene for everyone coming to Gateway

The Government of Ireland Return to Work Safely Protocol states that employees must:
• Ensure they are familiar with and follow hand hygiene guidance and advice.
• Wash their hands with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand rub regularly and in
o after coughing and sneezing
o before and after eating
o before and after preparing food
o if in contact with someone who is displaying any COVID-19 symptoms
o before and after being on public transport (if using it)
o before and after being in a crowd
o when arriving and leaving the workplace/other sites
o before having a cigarette or vaping
o when hands are dirty
o after toilet use.
• Avoid touching their eyes, mouth, or nose.
• Have access to facilities to support hand hygiene (for example hand sanitiser/hand
wipes/hand washing facilities).
• Not share objects that touch their mouth, for example, bottles or cups.
• Use own pens for signing in / one person sanitised to sign in.

Gateway Mental Health Project - original 11th June 2020, updated December 2020.

Coronovirus Policy & Risk Assessement Gateway Mental Health Project (SUMMARY VERSION)

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