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Module Code

Module Title
European Union Trade law

Assessment Method
Timed Assessment

This assessed task is worth 100% of your overall mark for this module

Learning Outcomes Tested

This task has been designed to assess students’ capacity to meet the following learning

 Critically evaluate European Union Trade Law by its application to a problem situation.
 Critically analyse, question and discuss in an informed manner the role of law in the
creation of a single market.

The learning outcomes above have not been altered by the changes to the assessment method

Sensitivity: Internal
Assessment Criteria

Please see the assessment rubric on the following page

Assessment Rubric

0- The student fails to discuss any law which is relevant to the question
39 The student demonstrates limited understanding of the question that has been asked

The students discusses some relevant law but fails to relate it to the question set.

The student makes an attempt to answer the question set, but lacks any real legal
There is little evidence of research and wider reading
The sentence structure lacks any clarity so points are not clearly made out
The work lacks an overall structure
The work contains insufficient evaluation of relevant legal principles

40 The student demonstrates a reasonable understanding (at level 6) of the issues raised
- by the question
49 Answer addresses some relevant legal issues that relate to the question but may veer off
topic and include information which is either out of context or insufficiently explained.
The answer may introduce legal issues which are not warranted by the facts
Answer may make some unsubstantiated generalisations
Answer addresses some relevant arguments but they need to be examined in more
There is some evidence of wider reading but it is at a basic level.
Authority is used but may be used inconsistently.
There is a lack of clarity in places
The structure of the work may make it difficult to follow arguments made.
The answer contains some evaluation of relevant legal principles but this will be minimal
50 The answer demonstrates a good level of understanding (at level 6) of issues raised
Answers at the lower end of the bracket may introduce legal issues which are not
warranted by the facts but they will be minimal.
Answer includes relevant legal information but may make insufficient links between the
different elements raised
The work may be descriptive in nature rather than evaluating the material and how it fits
together to form a coherent argument
There is evidence of wider reading but may be inconsistent across the answer
Answers at the upper end of the bracket may include competing perspectives but the
answer lacks direction or the impact of those perspectives is insufficiently explained
The work contains evaluation of relevant legal principles to a good standard
Work will generally be communicated clearly but points made may need to link together
in a more fluent way
60 Answer demonstrates a very good level of understanding (at level 6) of the issues
- raised by the question
69 Student makes relevant arguments throughout which are clearly related to the question
(although they may not always be linked together in a sufficiently fluent way)
There is evidence of wider reading, including appropriate primary sources, to evidence

Sensitivity: Internal
Competences Developed
This assessed task provides students with opportunities to develop/demonstrate their
competency in the following areas:

 Curiosity: The student is able to implement innovative solutions and

demonstrate awareness of how knowledge is applied in a variety of
 Enterprising: The student is able to connect learning, research and practice,
and engage in creative problem solving.
 Resolute: The student is able to use initiative to solve problems
 Global Citizenship: The student will be able to articulate ideas effectively in
 Adaptability: The student will be able to cut through complexity with an
engaging and evidence based case, and solve problems through effective
analysis and decision making.
 Transferable Skills: Problem Solving, Research, Autonomy, and

Further information about graduate competencies/transferable skills can be found in the
Programme Handbook.

Support Arrangements
The point of contact for this Assessment is Christie Eaton. Christie will help students understand
how the work submitted will be marked by discussing the assessment criteria with students and
by giving students opportunities to practice using the law to solve similar legal issues in tutorials.

Christie will share further information about the requirements of the assessed task/the support
that is available to students during a session in the week commencing 19 th April 2021.

Presentation Requirements
General Requirements
Your work should be word processed using Microsoft Word. Once you have completed your
work you should save it as either Microsoft Word document, or as in PDF format.
You should format your work in line with the following requirements:
1. Use a sans-serif font (e.g. Arial, Calibri, Tahoma or Verdana);
2. Do not use a font size smaller than 12pt;
3. Set your page margins to ‘normal’;
4. Set your line spacing to ‘1.5 lines’; and

Sensitivity: Internal
You may make use of headings/sub-headings within your work. You may include your Student
ID number (e.g. ‘Student ID: 1003XXXX’) in the header of your word document. You must not
include your name anywhere on your work.
Referencing and Plagiarism
As per Derby Law Schools general position, there is no need to reference sources using
OSCOLA for this submission. Attributing the source as you would in an exam is sufficient.
Word Limit
The word limit for this assessed task is 2000 words. This word limit is a strict word limit (i.e.
you must not exceed the word limit for this task). Any words used in excess of this word count
will not be marked. The purpose of this word count is to provide guidance on the most that could
be expected within a 3 hour period. Consequently the word count is an upper limit, not an
expected target.

Sensitivity: Internal
Submission Requirements
Accessing the Paper
The paper will be available to view from 12 noon (12:00 hrs) on (date to be confirmed).
You will have 24 hours (subject to the provisions of any support plan) to complete the paper and
submit your answers.
Note: This examination normally runs for 3 hours. You should aim to spend the length of
time ordinarily afforded for this assessment on this task.
You should submit your work via Turnitin. Turnitin will not allow you to submit multiple
documents. Consequently, you should include your answers to all questions in the same
document. You can find further information about Turnitin (including guidance dealing with
submitting work via Turnitin/what to do if you experience difficulties when submitting work via
Turnitin) in the Programme Handbook.
You must submit to Turnitin by 12 noon (12:00 hrs) on the following day (date to be confirmed)
In the event that you encounter a problem with submission, please contact your module leader
before the deadline has expired.
Extensions: ‘Student Support Plan’
Subject to the details of your Student Support Plan, you may be entitled to an additional amount
of time as a percentage of the 24 hours. For example, if your support plan entitles you to 25%
extra time this will be an extra 6 hours (i.e 30 hours in total).
If you intend to make use of an extension afforded to you by your Student Support Plan, you
must inform the module leader of your decision. You can find further information about ‘Student
Support Plans’ in the Programme Handbook.
Important: In some situations you will not be permitted to make use of an extension afforded to
you by your student support plan. It is your responsibility to check with the module leader
whether you can use any extension afforded to you by your Student Support Plan with this
assessed task.
Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances
If there are serious circumstances, beyond your control which are affecting your ability to
complete an assessment, you may submit a claim for Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances
(EEC). Any claim you make must be submitted by the designated deadline for the assessment.
Your claim should be accompanied by:
1. Evidence of the circumstances that have affected your ability to complete the
assessment; and
2. A copy of the work you have done up until that point.
Your claim will then be considered by an independent EEC panel. If the EEC panel accepts
Sensitivity: Internal
Feedback Arrangements
Feedback will be provided on the script itself.
Please remember that all marks are provisional and are subject to confirmation by the external
examiner/the exam board.
You can find further information about feedback, including information about how to access
feedback for work submitted via Turnitin, in the Programme Handbook.

Sensitivity: Internal

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