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ALSPA Control System

Controcad V5.3

Mimic Views Configuration

Reference Manual


DATE 2015-07-24 STAT. CFE - Published


GFR-020C04010-EDC-202265 en A Power/PAC A4 1/204 204

© ALSTOM 2015 - All rights reserved. We reserve all rights in this document and in the
information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express
authority is strictly forbidden.

Section 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 8

1.1 Purpose of the Document ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Important Information ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Notice to Reader....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Risks & Protection ..................................................................................................................................10
1.5 Standards & Codes ................................................................................................................................10
1.6 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................11
1.7 List of Referenced Documents ...............................................................................................................13
Section 2 Description of the Views tree .............................................................................. 14
2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................14
2.2 Organization of the Views tab ................................................................................................................14
2.3 Utilization Contexts .................................................................................................................................16
2.3.1 Accessing Mimic Sets .......................................................................................................................16
2.3.2 Environments ....................................................................................................................................17
2.4 Principles ................................................................................................................................................18
2.4.1 Reference Views ...............................................................................................................................18
2.4.2 Locks .................................................................................................................................................19
2.4.3 View Version Number........................................................................................................................20
2.4.4 Mimic Set Version Number ...............................................................................................................20
2.4.5 Numbering View Objects ...................................................................................................................21
Section 3 Building a Project ................................................................................................. 22
3.1 Mimic Set Production Chart ....................................................................................................................22
3.2 Starting the Project .................................................................................................................................22
3.2.1 Creating the Project Space ...............................................................................................................23
3.2.2 Configuring the Color Palette ............................................................................................................23
3.2.3 Creating and Filling a Project Library ................................................................................................24
3.2.4 Inputting the HMIDB Static and Dynamic Drawing Directories .........................................................25
3.3 Producing Versions ................................................................................................................................26
3.3.1 Working Version ................................................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Produce Operational Version ............................................................................................................26
3.3.3 Revert to Previous Version ...............................................................................................................27
Section 4 Documentation ..................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Correcting the documentation ................................................................................................................29
4.2 Mimic Documentation .............................................................................................................................30
4.2.1 Mimic Document................................................................................................................................30
4.2.2 Mimic Document with Variable List ...................................................................................................33
4.2.3 Static Drawing Documents ................................................................................................................33
4.3 Dynamic Drawing Documents ................................................................................................................34
4.4 Creating Documentation in the Project Second Language ....................................................................36
Section 5 Using the Controcad Views Interface ................................................................. 37
5.1 Edit Common Parameters ......................................................................................................................45

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5.2 New Library ............................................................................................................................................45
5.3 New Library Version ...............................................................................................................................45
5.4 Copy / Paste ...........................................................................................................................................45
5.5 Delete .....................................................................................................................................................47
5.6 Purge ......................................................................................................................................................47
5.7 GIF Import ..............................................................................................................................................49
5.8 Edit/Consult a View ................................................................................................................................49
5.9 Check Consistency .................................................................................................................................50
5.10 Increment Version ..................................................................................................................................51
5.11 Revert to Previous Version .....................................................................................................................51
5.12 Configuration: the Color Palette .............................................................................................................51
5.12.1 Content ..............................................................................................................................................51
5.12.2 Inverse Color Palette .........................................................................................................................53
5.12.3 Modifying the Color Palette ...............................................................................................................54
5.13 Export .....................................................................................................................................................56
5.14 Import .....................................................................................................................................................57
5.15 Rename ..................................................................................................................................................58
5.16 List of Variables ......................................................................................................................................60
Section 6 View Editor ........................................................................................................... 61
6.1 General Principles of the Editor ..............................................................................................................61
6.1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................................61
6.1.2 Object Properties ...............................................................................................................................62
6.1.3 Auto-repeat Input ...............................................................................................................................63
6.1.4 Shared Control Points .......................................................................................................................63
6.2 Standard Tool Bar ..................................................................................................................................64
6.3 Object Tool Bar .......................................................................................................................................64
6.3.1 Line ....................................................................................................................................................64
6.3.2 Rectangle ..........................................................................................................................................64
6.3.3 Circle .................................................................................................................................................65
6.3.4 Arc of Circle .......................................................................................................................................65
6.3.5 Ellipse ................................................................................................................................................66
6.3.6 Open Polygon (polyline) ....................................................................................................................66
6.3.7 Closed Polygon .................................................................................................................................67
6.3.8 Open Polygonal Spline Curve ...........................................................................................................67
6.3.9 Closed Polygonal Spline Curve .........................................................................................................68
6.3.10 Copying the properties of an object to another object ......................................................................68
6.3.11 Inserting a .bmp picture .....................................................................................................................69
6.3.12 Inserting a tooltip ...............................................................................................................................69
6.4 Trace Attributes Tool Bar .......................................................................................................................69
6.5 Text Tool Bar ..........................................................................................................................................69
6.6 Zoom Tool Bar ........................................................................................................................................70
6.7 Drawing Palette Tool Bar .......................................................................................................................70
6.8 Prototype Mode Tool Bar .......................................................................................................................71
6.9 Alignment Tool Bar .................................................................................................................................71
6.10 Object Manipulation Tool Bar .................................................................................................................72
6.11 Animation ................................................................................................................................................73
6.12 Graphic Update Methods .......................................................................................................................78

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6.13 Saving Dynamics ....................................................................................................................................80
Section 7 Mimics ................................................................................................................... 81
7.1 Description of Mimics .............................................................................................................................81
7.2 Creating Mimic Views .............................................................................................................................81
7.3 Inputting Graphic Objects .......................................................................................................................82
7.4 Using Database Variables in Views .......................................................................................................84
7.5 Animating Elementary Graphic Objects .................................................................................................93
7.6 Linking HMI DB Variables to Dynamic Drawings ...................................................................................96
7.7 Creating a Dynamic Drawing from a Variable ........................................................................................97
7.8 Starting an Operator Event .....................................................................................................................97
7.9 Graphs ....................................................................................................................................................98
7.10 Testing Views .........................................................................................................................................98
7.11 Saving the View ......................................................................................................................................99
7.12 Checking Mimic Views ...........................................................................................................................99
Section 8 Extended Mimics ................................................................................................ 100
8.1 Extensions ............................................................................................................................................100
8.2 Creating Extended Mimics ...................................................................................................................100
8.3 Default Area Rectangle ........................................................................................................................101
8.4 Layering ................................................................................................................................................102
8.5 Key Zones ............................................................................................................................................104
8.6 Decluttering ..........................................................................................................................................106
8.7 Mimic Views to Extended Views Migration ...........................................................................................107
8.7.1 Extended View to Mimic View .........................................................................................................107
Section 9 View Windows .................................................................................................... 108
9.1 Description of Windows ........................................................................................................................108
9.2 Creating Windows ................................................................................................................................108
9.3 Inputting Windows ................................................................................................................................109
Section 10 Static Drawings .................................................................................................. 110
10.1 Description of Static Drawings .............................................................................................................110
10.2 Creating Static Drawings ......................................................................................................................110
10.3 Editing Static Drawings ........................................................................................................................111
10.4 Saving Static Drawings ........................................................................................................................111
Section 11 Dynamic Drawings ............................................................................................. 113
11.1 Description of Dynamic Drawings ........................................................................................................113
11.2 Creating Dynamic Drawings .................................................................................................................114
11.3 Editing Dynamic Drawings ...................................................................................................................114
11.4 Creating Dynamic Drawing Variables ...................................................................................................114
11.5 Animating Elementary Graphic Objects ...............................................................................................117
11.6 Animating 2nd Level Dynamic Drawings ..............................................................................................118
11.7 Saving Dynamic Drawings ...................................................................................................................119
Section 12 Control Functions .............................................................................................. 120
12.1 Introduction to Control Functions .........................................................................................................120
12.2 Control Windows ..................................................................................................................................120
12.3 Producing Control Mimics ....................................................................................................................121
12.3.1 Control Window Access Buttons .....................................................................................................121
12.3.2 Control Window Positions ...............................................................................................................121
Section 13 Drawing Library .................................................................................................. 123

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13.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................123
13.2 Standard Drawings ...............................................................................................................................123
13.2.1 Simple Non-anchored Bargraphs ....................................................................................................123
13.2.2 Display with Status ..........................................................................................................................125
13.2.3 Static Scale .....................................................................................................................................125
13.2.4 Dynamic Scale ................................................................................................................................126
13.2.5 Displaying ASig Measurements ......................................................................................................128
13.2.6 Displaying BSig Measurements ......................................................................................................129
13.2.7 Bargraph with ASig Thresholds .......................................................................................................129
13.2.8 3-D Push Button ..............................................................................................................................130
13.3 Other Drawings .....................................................................................................................................131
13.3.1 Trends .............................................................................................................................................131
13.4 Table of RTDB Variables Utilized in Drawings .....................................................................................132
Section 14 Language Management ..................................................................................... 133
Section 15 Actions ................................................................................................................ 134
Section 16 Data Sources ...................................................................................................... 142
16.1 Presentation .........................................................................................................................................142
16.1.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................142
16.1.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................142
16.1.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................142
16.1.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................143
16.1.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................143
16.1.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................143
16.1.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................143
16.2 "Standard" Data Source .......................................................................................................................143
16.2.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................143
16.2.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................145
16.2.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................145
16.2.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................146
16.2.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................148
16.2.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................150
16.2.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................150
16.3 "Status" Data Source ............................................................................................................................150
16.3.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................150
16.3.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................151
16.3.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................151
16.3.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................151
16.3.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................151
16.3.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................151
16.3.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................151
16.4 "Color" Data Source .............................................................................................................................152
16.4.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................152
16.4.2 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................154
16.4.3 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................154
16.4.4 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................154
16.4.5 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................155
16.4.6 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................155

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16.5 "Measurement" Data Source ................................................................................................................155
16.5.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................155
16.5.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................156
16.5.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................157
16.5.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................157
16.5.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................157
16.5.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................158
16.5.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................158
16.6 "Mes_Coul" Data Source ......................................................................................................................158
16.6.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................158
16.6.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................159
16.6.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................159
16.6.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................160
16.6.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................160
16.6.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................160
16.6.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................161
16.7 "Rempl_Seuils" Data Source ................................................................................................................161
16.7.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................161
16.7.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................163
16.7.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................164
16.7.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................164
16.7.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................165
16.7.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................170
16.7.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................171
16.8 "Multi_standard" Data Source ..............................................................................................................171
16.8.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................171
16.8.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................171
16.8.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................172
16.8.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................172
16.8.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................172
16.8.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................173
16.8.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................173
16.9 "VRE-VRI" Data Source .......................................................................................................................174
16.9.1 Description ......................................................................................................................................174
16.9.2 DSV Characteristics ........................................................................................................................175
16.9.3 Restrictions on Utilization ................................................................................................................175
16.9.4 Mode of Utilization ...........................................................................................................................175
16.9.5 Example of Input .............................................................................................................................176
16.9.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation .................................................................................178
16.9.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode ............................................................................................................178
16.10 Table of Data Sources Used by Attribute Type ....................................................................................179
Section 17 Delete Methods – Examples .............................................................................. 187
17.1 Example 1 .............................................................................................................................................187
17.2 Example 2 .............................................................................................................................................187
17.3 Example 3 .............................................................................................................................................188
Section 18 Alarm Sheets ...................................................................................................... 189
Section 19 Appendix: Views for PowerGraphiX projects ................................................... 190

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19.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................190
19.2 Function Period of time based trend ....................................................................................................190
19.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................190
19.2.2 Configuration with DVdraw ..............................................................................................................191
19.2.3 Use on ALSPA HMI viewer .............................................................................................................196
19.3 Function Moving Analog Indicator ........................................................................................................197
19.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................197
19.3.2 Configuration with DVdraw ..............................................................................................................198
19.3.3 Use on ALSPA HMI viewer .............................................................................................................201
19.4 Function Measure representation .........................................................................................................202
19.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................202
19.4.2 Configuration with DVdraw ..............................................................................................................203
19.5 Function Universal alarm symbol on several groups ...........................................................................204
19.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................204
19.5.2 Configuration with DVdraw ..............................................................................................................204

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Section 1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the Document

This document describes the configuration of the Controcad Views tool which is
used to manage the mimic sets of a project.
This document is made for the engineering and commissioning teams. It is
applicable to Controcad V5.3.

1.2 Important Information

Alstom Power is committed to high quality products in compliance with

our high standards of quality.
Users and installation staff who operate on the equipment are qualified
and trained.
Before performing any action on the equipment, the user must read and
understand the Operating and Maintenance Manual.
To reduce risks for yourself and your equipment, only an accredited
technician shall service your equipment or work inside it.

Alstom is committed to top customer assistance services.

If you need further information or encounter a serious problem, please
Alstom Power
Automation & Control - Customer Support

- Hardware repair
- Annual preventive maintenance
- Telephone, e-mail, fax, remote maintenance, Web facilities
- On site intervention
- Software maintenance
- Training session for commissioning engineers and customer users.

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1.3 Notice to Reader


Indicates a situation of imminent danger which, if it is not avoided, will

lead to death or serious injury. This indication is restricted to the most
extreme circumstances.


Indicates a potentially dangerous situation, which if not avoided will lead

to death or serious injuries.


Indicates a potentially dangerous situation which, if it is not avoided, may

cause minor or moderate injuries. This indication may also be used to
warn against unsafe practices.


Indicates a potential electrical danger related to voltages, currents,

temperature, or other conditions that may cause an electric shock or burn.
Turn off and disconnect any electrical power supply before servicing.

Highlights instructions or other important information which must be

strictly respected.

Points out important information.

Refers to a document.

Refers to a Medium.

This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been
made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations
in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation,
operation, or maintenance.
Features may be described herein which are not present in all systems. Alstom assumes no obligation
of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
In this publication, no mention is made of rights with respect to trademarks or trade names that may
attach to certain words or signs. The absence of such mention, however, in no way implies there is no
Partial reproduction of this document is authorized, but limited to internal use, for information only and
for no commercial purpose. However, such authorization is granted only on the express condition that
any partial copy of the document bears a mention of its property, including the copyright statement.
ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of
ALSTOM. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective

© ALSTOM 2015 - All rights reserved. We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

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1.4 Risks & Protection


This equipment presents dangers to the personnel and to the equipment

itself. These dangers are mainly electrical in nature, such as:
- electric shock
- transient increases and decreases in electrical power
- electrostatic discharge
Working inside the equipment can have an impact on the physical integrity
of the person or the equipment itself.
During installation of the equipment, it must be powered down.
 Shut down properly your equipment and power it off before hardware



Most electronic equipment is affected by radio frequency interference

(RFI). Caution should be taken when using mobile communications
equipment near such equipment. Signs are on display near to the
equipment to warn against the use of mobile communications equipment.



ALSPA system equipment contains components sensitive to electrostatic

discharges which can be damaged as a result of incorrect handling.
Working procedures (e.g. extracting a module) are described in the
manufacturer's documentation and must be followed. Equipment is fitted
with labels so that staff can take anti-static precautions during handling.

1.5 Standards & Codes

The ALSPA control system equipment has been developed, manufactured and
tested to comply with the relevant standards.
All these standards are indicated in the following document:
[STD&COD] - ALSPA Series 6 - Standards and Codes - refer to the
documents list of the project.
In order to achieve optimum operation of the equipment, the user must always keep
in mind that the standards should be complied with.

© ALSTOM 2015 - All rights reserved. We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

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The above-mentioned document details the certification and the operating and
electromagnetic environment in which your equipment must be used.

1.6 Glossary

ALSPA Series 6 Distributed Control System (DCS) of Alstom Power.

ALSPA OPTIPLANT Plant Optimization Solutions. OPTIPLANT applications can be
added to the DCS in order to manage the performances, the
maintenance and the scheduling of the plant.
ALSPA HMI Architecture, Equipment and Control Room Workstations. Also
refers to the control room software functions.
ALSPA Engineering and commissioning tool of the ALSPA Control
CONTROCAD System. With this tool, engineers can configure the ALSPA
System for the plant, download the controllers and tune and
maintain the system.
ALSPA Automation Automation level of the ALSPA system. It is constituted of
Cell master controllers, I/O, field controllers and field networks.
C10 Local ALSPA HMI station which manages the Real Time server
function and the HMI functions.
C30 ALSPA HMI provided with several separated stations
comprising multi-screen operator stations, Real Time and
Historian servers.
CE1000 / CE1500 / Inputs/outputs and field controllers of the ALSPA System.
CE2000 / CE3000
CE3500 Safety This kind of controllers ensures the safety functions IEC61508
Controller SIL2 & SIL3 level.
HMI Gateway or ALSPA HMI Gateway type CSS-G offers a panel of
CSS-G communication protocols between the ALSPA HMI and third
party systems. The CSS-G is often seen as data
server/controlled part.
Automation Cell ALSPA Automation Cell Gateway type CSS-F offers a panel of
Gateway or CSS-F communication protocols at the controller level with third party
systems. The CSS-F is often seen as client/controlling part
Ethernet Enterprise ALSPA Enterprise bus. It connects the ALSPA HMI stations
bus together for maintenance purposes or non critical function. It
can connect third party functions.
Ethernet process ALSPA Ethernet network connecting all the cell controllers of a
Bus or S8000 Plant Unit together with the ALSPA HMI. This network is based
on Ethernet technology. It is also named S8000.
Field Bus or E8000 Network which connects the master controllers to the field
controllers based on Ethernet Powerlink technology. It is also
named E8000.
Historian Function for long term history of the events and measurements
of the plant. This function comprises data servers and HMI

© ALSTOM 2015 - All rights reserved. We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

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IMS Information Management System of ALSPA HMI. It provides
statistics computation and reports generation. This function
includes data servers, report generator and report viewers.
I/O Controller These controllers manage the inputs and outputs coming from
Field Controller the sensors and devices of the plant. It can be placed near the
devices and be remote from the main controller.
Master Controller Main controller of the automation cell. It executes application
or Cell Controller software with the data coming from the I/O controllers and
controls the process by sending orders.
MFC3000 / Master controllers of the ALSPA system.
OMM Operating & Maintenance Manual.
OS or CVS Operator stations which supports the operating HMI functions of
RTDS or CIS Real Time Data Server: this function of the ALSPA HMI
manages in real time the process data coming from the plant.
The RTDS function uses the OPC function to exchange data
with the OS and third party applications.
The RTDS function communicates with the automation cell
through the process bus.
Notation for Signals used in ALSPA Control System.
cASig Controller analog signal
ihASig Internal HMI analog signal
ohASig Operator parameter HMI analog signal
phASig Program HMI analog signal
cBSig Controller boolean signal
ihBSig Internal HMI boolean signal
shBSig System HMI boolean signal
phBSig Program HMI boolean signal
dhBSig Controller default boolean signal
cMSig Controller multi-state signal
ihMSig Internal HMI multi-state signal
phMSig Program HMI multi-state signal
ccCmd Controller Command
ihCmd Internal HMI Command
ccSPt Controller setpoint
ihSPt Internal HMI setpoint

© ALSTOM 2015 - All rights reserved. We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

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1.7 List of Referenced Documents

[CCAD_INTRO] Refer to the Operating & Maintenance manuals of the

project for the Introduction to ALSPA Controcad.
[CCAD_ALSHEET] Refer to the Operating & Maintenance manuals of the
project for ALSPA Controcad Alarm Sheets

© ALSTOM 2015 - All rights reserved. We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

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Section 2 Description of the Views tree

2.1 Overview

Controcad Views is accessed by clicking on the Controcad Views tab. Controcad

Views is the engineering tool used to produce ALSPA HMI mimic sets. These mimic
sets are used by the ALSPA HMI operator station.

2.2 Organization of the Views tab

Controcad Views is used to manage the mimic sets of the current project and to
consult the mimic sets of other projects visible on the same Controcad server.
A mimic set is a set of views which are consistent among themselves and
consistent relatively to the HMI DB (supervision database) whose variables are
Tree structure of the mimic sets

There are 3 versions of mimic sets for each given project and HMI DB:
The Working version contains the mimic set that is undergoing modification.
The Operational version is produced from a working version for which the
consistency between the views and the associated HMI DB variables has been
If Controcad is linked to ALSPA HMI, this will be the version visible from the
ALSPA HMI. This mimic set version may be loaded by the user from the different
HMI functions.
An operational version can be produced from a previous version if the operator
chooses "Revert to previous version".
The Previous version originates from an operational version. It is a backup of the
previous operational version.
It is used on site to revert to the previous version if the latest version of the mimic
set is not suitable.
Two numbers are displayed for each version of the mimic set.
The first corresponds to the version number of the mimic set produced for the
ALSPA HMI and the second corresponds to the version number of the alarm and
procedure sheets produced for the mimic set version.
Both the working version and the operational version can be exported for backup
purposes or for transmission to another Controcad.

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Documentation relative to the views can be produced from either the working
version or the operational version.

More than one library can be associated to a project. Views considered as reference
views can be stored in the libraries.
The library is input by the configuration function when the project is started and can
be completed subsequently.
Each library manages versions identified by a number.
Organization of each mimic set version

Description of the items:

Mimics: used to create and manage mimic views (cf. 7.1,Description of Mimics).
Windows:used to create and manage window type views (cf. 9.1,Description of
Static drawings:
used to create and manage static drawings (cf. 10.1,Description of
Static Drawings).
Dynamic drawings:
used to create and manage dynamic drawings (cf.
11.1,Description of Dynamic Drawings).
Control Windows Buttons: used to create and manage control functions (cf.
12.1,Introduction to Control Functions).
Documents: used to import and manage alarm and procedure sheets.
Misc: used to create or store test views, existing documents etc.
Each library version has a tree identical to the HMI DB tree but without the
Documents and Misc directories.

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2.3 Utilization Contexts

2.3.1 Accessing Mimic Sets

Current project - other projects

Controcad Views shows the all mimic sets of the projects present on the Controcad
server. These mimic sets can be consulted and elements of the sets can be copied.
However, only the mimic sets in the HMIDB of the current project can be
modified; elements from other mimic sets can be copied/pasted in.
Access levels
The right to modify the current project is related to rights associated with access
levels. Controcad manages the access levels (see [CCAD_INTRO] in 1.7 List of
Referenced Documents):
Permits only the observation of the application data and processing objects; data
cannot be modified at this level.
Permits the modification of the control room HMI only among the application data.
The user can modify setting values, download programs onto the controllers and
produce variables for the control room.
Permits modification of all the application data with the exception of the data
All the application data can be accessed for modification. The project data and
processing models are defined at this level. The user can modify the static and
dynamic drawings as seen from the mimic set.
Reference list variables are accessible for modification purposes.
The production work relative to the mimic set of a project can be distributed among
several design offices.

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2.3.2 Environments

The diagram above shows the following concepts:

Main environment: Controcad retains the reference version of the project mimic
set. It manages the version numbers of the views and documents.
This environment is used to export a mimic set to a secondary environment (with
its libraries) so that the secondary environment will be self-sufficient.
The main environment also exports the mimic set to the site environment for use
on the ALSPA HMI.
It can import a mimic set from a secondary environment or a site to integrate
Secondary environment: this is a Controcad installed at a contractor's premises
or in a customer's design office. Initially it receives the minimum self-sufficient
mimic set in an Export file from the main environment.
It then transmits an Export integrating the updates to the main environment.
Site environment: this is a Controcad (often on a single station) which receives
an operational mimic set in an Export file from the main environment.
To enable an effective dialogue between the design office and site users, the view
version numbers remain identical on both sites.
Modifications made on site can be restored and included in a revision of the main
environment mimic set.

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Note : The notion of a secondary Controcad is obviously optional.
The main Controcad can be connected to ALSPA HMI system; it then also becomes a site
Any Controcad environment may be single-station or multi-station environment.

2.4 Principles

2.4.1 Reference Views

Any view (mimic, window, static drawing, dynamic drawing) can refer to other views.
The view referred to must exist at the risk of damaging the view containing the
This is why view manipulation operations (copy/paste, delete etc.) are accompanied
by checks on the utilization of cross-referenced views. Any cross-reference loss can
therefore be displayed during such operations.

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Example of views that cannot be copied because they contain drawings that are
unknown in the destination mimic set:

2.4.2 Locks

Controcad enables a project to be developed in multi-user mode. Several persons

can thus work simultaneously on the same mimic set working version, the same
HMIDB and the same project.

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Access to variables can be locked in order to avoid conflicts. A user requesting an
operation on a locked variable will see the window below:

The Retry option enables the operation to be resumed as soon as the action on the
other station is terminated.

2.4.3 View Version Number

Any view managed by Controcad Views has a numerical or alphabetical version

code. The type of code is chosen when the project mimic set is created.
This number is visible in the view navigator below the view displayed in the control
window. It is also placed in the version file corresponding to the full version of the
mimic set. It is used to identify a view unambiguously at any given moment.
When a view is created, its index is followed by _new. The index therefore equals
1_new for a numerical type code and equals A_new for an alphabetical type code.

When a view is modified in a working version, its index is followed by m (modified), if

it does not already end in new or m
Example: e.g. 25m , ABm
Indexes are updated when the version is incremented (cf. 3.3.2,Produce Operational
Examples are given below:
1_new becomes 1
A_new becomes A
25m becomes 26
ABm becomes AC
32 remains 32
AA remains AA
Immediately after this operation the view version numbers are identical in the
working version and operational version.

2.4.4 Mimic Set Version Number

The set of checked and consistent views placed in the operational version includes
a file known as the version file containing the version number of the mimic set and
the list of all the views of this version with their specific version numbers.
The version number is visible in the mimic set tree for each node of the working,
operational and previous versions.

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2.4.5 Numbering View Objects

In a view, any object integrating a dynamic or sensitive to an operator event

possesses a number which is unique in the view.
This number is used to identify the object in the view check error messages. It is
visible in the mimics documentation and in the view editor.
The view editor constructs this number when the view is first saved. Numbers are
constructed in increasing order from left to right, then from top to bottom.
The addition or removal of objects may modify this order. The order can be
reinitialized by saving the view (cf. 7.11,Saving the View).

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Section 3 Building a Project

3.1 Mimic Set Production Chart

The mimic set for a project HMIDB is produced according to the chart below (the
example shows the most complete multi-Controcad architecture):

3.2 Starting the Project

This phase consists in creating the tree required to receive the mimic set.
The configuration engineer can associate one or more libraries to the project tree.
This library can then be filled by copy/paste from other trees and/or by importing
another library.
At least one project HMIDB must exist.
Configuration access level is required.
The operating mode is described in the following sections.
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3.2.1 Creating the Project Space

Click the Views tab

If the system identifies the project as new, the window below opens:

The view version code type is chosen in this window. Each view is thus identified by
its name and its version number. It is not possible subsequently to modify the
version code type.
On confirmation, the tree required by the project HMIDB set is created.
If the system recognizes that the project already exists but that a new HMIDB has
been created, the window below is displayed:

3.2.2 Configuring the Color Palette

The Configuration menu item, accessible from the HMIDB node of the Views project
tree, is used to configure the color palette of the views and the color inversion
palette for printout of the documents.

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3.2.3 Creating and Filling a Project Library

This operation is optional.

One or more libraries can be associated to render the project more independent of
the Controcad in which it is located: in the case of a Secondary Controcad, the
developer can copy drawings from these libraries into its mimic set.
The operation can be used in the main Controcad to supply the contractor with a set
of static and dynamic drawings that are relevant to the project. It is not useful for a
site Controcad.
To create and input a library:
1. Click the three-character project code.
2. Choose New library in the contextual menu.
3. Input the name. Version 1 is created by default.
4. Input the library:
- by copying another library,
- by copying directories or view groups available on the same Controcad server,
whether they are contained in a library or not,
- directly with the DV-Draw editor,
- by importing a previously exported library.

Note : This operation can be completed at any moment in the project.

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3.2.4 Inputting the HMIDB Static and Dynamic Drawing Directories

To facilitate input, the drawings are divided into categories.

Create as many categories as necessary.
These drawings can originate from:
a direct construction using the DV-Draw editor
a drawing, a group or an entire directory copied from another project, from one of
the libraries available on the same Controcad server or from the library
associated with the project.

Note : This operation can be completed at any moment in the project.

The static and dynamic drawings used in the mimics and window views originate
exclusively from these two directories. A direct link with the drawings in a library or in
another project is not possible.
The environment of the project is now ready for the input of mimics and window views in
the working version.
The working version for a secondary Controcad can be exported.

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3.3 Producing Versions

3.3.1 Working Version

A version can only be produced in a working version. Commissioning or Engineering

access level is required.
This operation consists in creating/modifying/deleting mimics, window views and of
window command button drawings.
Views can also be imported from the same HMIDB and the same project.
During construction the following operations can be performed:
checks of the views relative to the content of the current HMIDB
creation of provisional documents

3.3.2 Produce Operational Version

This operation consists in placing the checked content of the working version in the
tree of the operational version. Commissioning/Engineering access level is
Select item Increment version in the menu associated to the HMIDB item to trigger the
following operations:
lock input of views in the working version
check consistency of all the views of the working version relative to the current
if the check is correct:
move content of the operational version into the previous version
update view version numbers
copy checked working version into the operational version
generate a version file
if Controcad is linked to an ALSPA HMI system, the mimic set of the operational
version is reformatted for the target. Mimic set version number is incremented.
If the check fails, a dialogue box nevertheless proposes to transfer the error-free
views. The views or the HMIDB must be corrected in the working version. Retry
Increment version.

The following operations can then be performed:

creation of documents with revision numbers and view revision numbers
export and backup of the version on medium
export for transmission to a site Controcad. The HMIDB data must be exported at
the same time.

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3.3.3 Revert to Previous Version

This operation is used when the operational version is not correct and it is
necessary to revert to the previous version. Although possible at all locations, this
operation is only effectively applicable on a site Controcad.
Commissioning/Engineering access level is sufficient.
Select the item previous version in the menu associated to the HMIDB item to
trigger the following operations:
1. check consistency of all the views of the previous version relative to the
- if the check is correct:
2. copy the previous version into the operational version
- if Controcad is linked to an ALSPA HMI SYSTEM, the mimic set of the
operational version is reformatted for the target. Mimic set version number is
Note : The working version is unchanged by this operation

- if the check fails, the only correction possible is the correction of the HMIDB as
the views cannot be modified in this version. However a dialogue box does
propose the Revert option to the user.

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Section 4 Documentation

The documentation is created in WORD format and integrates modification tracking.

The documentation is based on the general document production mechanisms of
the Controcad tool.
For a detailed description of the principles regarding the parameters and generation
of the Controcad documentation, see [CCAD_INTRO] in 1.7 List of Referenced
The object of this present chapter is to describe the specific features of the
documentation in respect of the mimic set.
Controcad is used to document the mimics and the static and dynamic drawings of
the version of the current or operational mimic set.
The user is informed that documentation exists by the form of the icon associated to
the node of the tree where the documentation has been produced. For example, the
icon of the mimic node without documentation is ; when documentation is
produced, this icon changes to .
The images inserted in the documents are produced from the views in project
language 1. It is also possible to create the documentation in language 2 (cf.
4.4,Creating Documentation in the Project Second Language).

For a mimic or a drawing to be documented, the view must be declared as

editable in the DVDraw editor.:
1. Edit the view in DVDraw
2. Display the properties of the view:
3. Select the view frame
4. Click the Properties option in the contextual menu
5. Check the Print option and confirm

6. Save the view

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4.1 Correcting the documentation

The user manages the production of mimic documentation via the Documentation
option, accessible in the different contextual menus of the Views tree.
See [CCAD_INTRO] for a description of each option in 1.7 List of
Referenced Documents.
The type of documentation managed differs according to the node selected in the
Tree node Type of documentation
Working version Documentation of the Mimics of the working version
with the list of variables(cf. 4.2.2,Mimic Document with
Variable List)
Mimics Documentation of the Mimics of the working version or
the operational version (cf. 4.2.1,Mimic Document)
Static drawings Documentation of the Static drawings of the working
version or the operational version (cf. 4.2.3,Static
Drawing Documents)
Dynamic drawings Documentation of the Dynamic drawings of the working
version or the operational version (cf. 4.3,Dynamic
Drawing Documents)
Operational version Documentation of the Mimics of the operational version
with the list of variables(cf. 4.2.2,Mimic Document with
Variable List)
The following options are accessible from the working version by selecting the
Mimics node or a mimic view:

1. Click the Working Documents option to produce:

- the image of the mimic in png format if the node selected is a mimic,
- the image of each of the mimics of the version in png format if the node
selected is Mimics

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2. Click the Working Documents with variables option to produce:
- the image of the mimic in png format with the list of variables if the node
selected is a mimic,

- the image of each of the mimics of the version in png format with the list of
variables if the node selected is Mimics
The Working Document option is also accessible in the working version, both for
drawing categories and for each drawing.
3. Click to produce the image of the drawings in the category or of the individual
4. Select the Project node (or the HMI DB node) and click the Documentation >
List Documentsoption to open a window showing the existing project documents (or
the HMI DB documents).
This window can be used to perform actions (update, printout and edit) on a
selected set of documents.

4.2 Mimic Documentation

4.2.1 Mimic Document

The mimic documentation for a mimic set version contains:

A table listing all the mimics with their version number and the date of their last
A chapter for each mimic group. The groups are structured in alphabetical order.
Each group has a sub-chapter for each mimic containing the image of the mimic
in png format. The mimics are arranged in sequence according to their order
number in the group. This order is determined by the user during the assignment
of the mimic in the group. Assignment is performed in the HMI tab.

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Take an example with five mimics belonging to two different groups. One of the
mimics is blank and another is not yet declared in the HMI BD.

The document produced by Controcad describes the mimics recognized by the HMI
BD which are not blank.

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Take the example shown above again; the document produced will contain:

For each byte:

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4.2.2 Mimic Document with Variable List

The mimic documentation with the list of the variables for a mimic set version
contains the same elements as the mimic document (see previous chapter) with, in
addition, a table listing the mimic variables for each mimic. The locations of the
variables are numbered on the image of the mimic.
If we take the same example in the previous chapter: the mimic U01CAV_1 will be
documented as shown below:

In this list, each variable is described by its ID, its label, its location number in the
mimic and the dynamism associated with its parameter.

4.2.3 Static Drawing Documents

The documentation of the static drawings for a mimic set version contains:
a table listing all the drawings with their version number and the date of their last
a chapter for each category containing the images of the drawings in png format .
The categories are shown in alphabetical order.

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As an example:

4.3 Dynamic Drawing Documents

Only drawings associated to multi-state signal (Msig) truth tables are documented.
To associate a drawing to a truth table:
1. Edit the drawing in Dvdraw
2. Display the properties of the view
3. Select the view frame
4. Click the Properties option in the contextual menu
5. Select the truth table
6. Confirm.

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The truth tables proposed are those defined in the HMI DB associated to the mimic
set version of the drawing.

The documentation of the dynamic drawings for a mimic set version contains:
a table listing all the drawings with their version number and the date of their last
a chapter for each category (shown in alphabetical order) containing the truth
table for each drawing and the drawing associated to each state in the table.

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4.4 Creating Documentation in the Project Second Language

To create documents in the project second language, you have to temporarily

change the setting of the first language:
Go in the Hard tab of Controcad
Right click the project and choose Edit Common Parameters > ALSPA HMI:

The following window opens:

In the 1st language menu, choose the current second language.

There is no need to modify the 2nd language as this change is temporary.
Click Ok.
You can now create documentation in the project second language.
Don’t forget to put the correct first language back once you finished
generating the documentation.

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Section 5 Using the Controcad Views Interface

The previous chapters outlined the elements managed by Controcad Views and the
chronology of the operations to be executed.
This chapter provides a detailed description of the operations possible from the
Controcad Views HMI (the view editor is described in the next chapter).

All operations are triggered by selecting on an object displayed in the HMI (project,
HMI DB, view etc.) and then clicking on an option in the associated contextual
The table below shows a full list of the menu options available depending on the
object selected, on the access level, and on the affiliation of the object to the current
project or to another project.

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To simplify this table, any authorization accorded to the Commissioning/Engineering
access levels is also accorded to the higher Configuration level.
Type of object Current HMIDB Other project Any
selected HMIDB HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display

Commissi Commiss
oning/ ioning/
Engineerin Engineer
g ing

Project New
List of
Library Delete
documentation New
Version of a library Delete Copy

HMIDB Configurat Increment

ion the
List of

Working version Copy Document Copy

Rename Document
version ation
Operational version Copy Document Copy

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Type of object Current HMIDB Other project Any
selected HMIDB HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display


Previous version Copy Check Copy


Working version
Type of Current HMIDB Other project Any HMIDB
object HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display

Commissioni Commiss
ng/ ioning/
Engineering Engineeri

Mimics Copy Copy

List of
Windows Copy Copy
List of
Static Copy Documentati
drawings on
New category

Dynamic Copy Documentati

drawings on
New category

On New Copy
category Paste
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Type of Current HMIDB Other project Any HMIDB
object HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display

Import GIF (si

Buttons New Copy
GIF Import
Other New
On mimic Edit Copy Consult
Delete Consult
In window Edit Copy Consult
Delete Consult
On static Edit Consult Copy Consult Consult
On dynamic Edit Consult Copy Consult Consult
On button Edit Consult Copy Consult Consult
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Type of Current HMIDB Other project Any HMIDB
object HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display

On document Edit
On Other Edit Copy Consult
Delete Consult

Operational version
Current HMIDB Other project HMIDB Any
Type of Configura Commissio Configura Commissio Display
object tion ning/ tion ning/
selected Engineerin Engineerin
g g

Mimics Documentat Copy

List of
List of Copy
Windows Variables
Static Documentat
drawings ion
Dynamic ion

On Copy Copy
Buttons Copy Copy
On mimic Copy Copy Consult
Consult Consult
In window Copy Copy Consult
Consult Consult
On static Copy Consult Copy Consult Consult

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Current HMIDB Other project HMIDB Any
Type of Configura Commissio Configura Commissio Display
object tion ning/ tion ning/
selected Engineerin Engineerin
g g

On Copy Consult Copy Consult Consult

On button Copy Consult Copy Consult Consult
On Print Consult Print
On Other Copy Copy Consult
Consult Consult

Previous version
Current HMIDB Other project HMIDB Any
Type of Configurati Commission Configura Commissio Display
object on ing/ tion ning/
selected Engineering Engineerin

Mimics List of Copy

List of Copy
Windows Variables


On Copy Copy
Buttons Copy Copy
On mimic Copy Copy Consult
Consult Consult
In window Copy Copy Consult
Consult Consult
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Current HMIDB Other project HMIDB Any
Type of Configurati Commission Configura Commissio Display
object on ing/ tion ning/
selected Engineering Engineerin

On static Copy Consult Copy Consult Consult

On Copy Consult Copy Consult Consult
On button Copy Consult Copy Consult Consult
On Consult Consult Consult
On Other Copy Copy Consult
Consult Consult

Version of a library
Type of Current HMIDB Other project HMIDB Any
object HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display

Commissioni Commissi
ng/ oning/
Engineering Engineeri

Mimics New Copy Copy

Windows New Copy Copy
Static Copy Copy
drawings Paste

Dynamic Copy Copy

drawings Paste

On New
category Delete

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Type of Current HMIDB Other project HMIDB Any
object HMIDB
Configuration Configuration Display

Buttons New Copy

On mimic Edit Consult Copy Consult
Delete Copy Consult
In window Edit Consult Copy Consult
Delete Copy Consult
On static Edit Consult Copy Consult Consult
On dynamic Edit Consult Copy Consult Consult
On button Edit Consult Copy Consult Consult

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5.1 Edit Common Parameters

The Edit Common Parameters option of the project contextual menu is used to
configure the animation of dynamics objects in the mimics documentation.

5.2 New Library

The New Library option is accessible to create a new library after selecting the
project. Version 1 is created by default. The name of the library is input by the user
for each of the languages declared for the project.

5.3 New Library Version

The New Library Version option, accessible after selecting a library, is used to create
the space required to host a new version of library. The version number assigned
will be equal to the highest number already assigned plus one.

5.4 Copy / Paste

The copy function is selected from a node of the tree proposing this choice or by
means of a multiple selection made from a list of views.
The paste function can then be executed on a node that accepts the type of view or
tree previously copied

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If one or more views already exist at the copy location, the window shown below is

Views referring to static or dynamic drawings which are not already present in the
destination tree cannot be pasted. If this is the case, the following window opens:

The user must first copy/paste the missing drawings then re-copy/paste the views
that use them.

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5.5 Delete

A delete operation can erase all or part of a tree or a selected set of views.
A view is not deleted if it is used in another view in the same version. In such cases
the following window is displayed:

Such views must first be modified before the delete operation can proceed.

5.6 Purge

A purge operation is similar to a delete operation except that the system establishes
the list of the views to be deleted as unused:
Mimics unknown to the HMIDB
Static drawings not used in other views
Dynamic drawings not used in other views

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A confirmation window shows the views proposed by the system:

Click OK to erase the views.

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5.7 GIF Import

Two options are proposed in the contextual menu of a category of static drawings or
on the buttons:
Resizable mode depending on the zoom
Non-resizable mode depending on the zoom

This operation opens a window that can be used to search for a .gif file.

After selection, click the Open button.

A file with the same name is created with the extension .sd for static drawings or .v
for buttons.
The .gif files are copied automatically in the mimic set at the same location as the
.sd or .v files.

5.8 Edit/Consult a View

These operations run the view editor in edit (modifications are possible) or consult
Cyan background indicates that the editor is in consult mode.
Drawing elements can be copied/pasted from one editor to the other.
Two editors in edit mode and one editor in consult mode can be open

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Please refer to the chapter below for further details.

5.9 Check Consistency

This operation checks the consistency of the views among themselves and relative
to the associated HMIDB.
All mimic views or windows must be checked and passed as OK to be included in
the operational version.
The view navigator shows an icon which indicates the state of the check:

the view is confirmed without error or warning

the view is confirmed with errors

the view is confirmed with warnings

the view is modified and non-confirmed

the mimic view is not known to the HMI DB

the mimic view is known to the HMI DB but is blank

The consistency check can be requested explicitly by the user or be triggered by
Increment version or Revert to previous version operations.
The checks performed are:
The existence and type of the variables relative to the HMI DB
Actions requested via the command buttons, and consistency check for those
buttons using a link with the HMIDB
The existence of all the links of the variables in a dynamic drawing and their
consistency relative to the variables in the HMIDB
A window shows the errors and warnings encountered:

Corrections must then be made in the views and/or in the HMIDB.

The E/W column shows if the malfunction is:
An Error: the view cannot be included in the operational version without

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A Warning: the malfunction is minor, the view can be incorporated into the

5.10 Increment Version

This operation is already described in the paragraph Producing an Operational

Version (cf. 3.3.2,Produce Operational Version).
The information window below is displayed to the user:

5.11 Revert to Previous Version

This operation is already described. (cf. 3.3.3,Revert to Previous Version).

The information window below is displayed to the user:

5.12 Configuration: the Color Palette

5.12.1 Content

The color palette is an application-based palette in that the majority of the colors are
function-specific. The palette is organized as shown below:
The first 32 colors (0 to 31) are reserved to the DV-Draw editor itself and to the
system. They therefore cannot be selected for use in the mimic set.
The next 32 colors (32 to 63) are reserved to the ALSPA HMI system. They can
however be used in the mimic set.
The following two columns of the palette can be configured in a project to
represent the state of the variables,
- Fifth column (from the bottom)
64 HDSR sequence state color: BLOCKED or DEFAUT CONDITION
65 HDSR sequence state color: FAULT
66 HDSR sequence state color: CANCELLED or OPERATOR ACTION
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67 at least one unconfirmed alarm
68 only in presence of an unconfirmed alarm
69 sequence state color: STEP 0
70 sequence state color: STOP SEQUENCE
71 sequence state color: OPERATING SEQUENCE
72 sequence state color: INACTIVE OR UNKNOWN STATE
73 to 79 reserved for control windows:
73 Measurement
74 Measurement
75 auxiliary measurement
76 command
77 setpoint
78 bias
79 forced
- Sixth column (from the bottom)
80 normal state color,
81 color of degree of urgency 1 (most urgent).
82 color of degree of urgency 2,
83 color of degree of urgency 3,
84 color of degree of urgency 4 (least urgent).
85 color of doubtful state,
86 color of inhibited state,
87 color of off monitoring state,
88 color of connection malfunction,
89 courbe: color of variable 1,
90 courbe: color of variable 2,
91 courbe: color of variable 3,
92 courbe: color of variable 4,
93 courbe: color of variable 5,
94 courbe: color of variable 6,
95 reserved.
The 5 columns below can be configured for a project and are only used for the
mimic images.
- Seventh column (96 to 111), fixed mimic colors, 1st series;
- Eighth column (112 to 127), slow flashing colors 0,5 Hz;
- Ninth column (128 to 143), fast flashing colors 2 Hz;
- Tenth column (144 to 159), fixed mimic colors, 2nd series;

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- Eleventh column (160 to 190), fixed mimic colors, 3rd series;
- Color 191: used for flashing indicators, display color when off
Note : In Windows the same object cannot have 2 different flashing frequencies (foreground /

The columns below cannot be used in DV-Draw.

Only the first 64 system colors cannot be configured for a project. The other colors
can be configured but attention must be paid to the fact that changing the palette
can make it impossible to inherit graphic elements produced in another project using
another palette.
All the colors numbered between 32 and 190 can be used for mimic images.
The views saved contain the code of the colors in the palette linked to the objects
created (and not their composition in R, G, B terms). Any change in the color palette
associated to an HMIDB mimic set is automatically applied in views previously
Finally, the Inherit sub-drawing FG Color is the only color that can be used to modify
the trace color in a static or dynamic drawing when it is placed in a view.

5.12.2 Inverse Color Palette

Certain colors are inverted in Controcad Views mimic documents and for the
production of screen copies on ALSPA HMI: the black background switches to
white, white switches to black, and yellow switches to orange etc. in order to ensure
enhanced document legibility and to reduce ink costs.
An inverse color palette is therefore required by the system
The modify color palette function can also be used to modify these inverse colors.

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5.12.3 Modifying the Color Palette

The window shown below is accessed from the Configure option in the menu of an
HMIDB node and is used to modify the color palette of the views and the inverse
color palette.

To modify a trace color:

1. Click the color in question to display its number and label
2. Modify the red, green, blue components
3. Fix the value with Apply
To modify an inverse color:
1. Click the color (to the right of the trace color)
2. Modify the red, green, blue components
3. Fix the value with Apply
To add an inverse color:
1. Click the trace color for which an inverse color is required
2. Click Add: The color is displayed to the right

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3. Modify the red, green, blue components
4. Fix the value with Apply
To delete an inverse color:
1. Click the color
2. Click Remove
To modify the off color of a flash function:
1. Click trace color 191
2. Modify the red, green, blue components
3. Fix the value with Apply
4. Click Ok to save the modifications.
The new palette is applied as follows:
Immediately in the view explorer Viewer
In a view editor run after the change of palette
On the ALSPA HMI target after a new mimic set is saved and the graphic
environment restarted
The Show Original button opens a similar window displaying the original palette
supplied by Controcad.
In this window, the Show difference button allows the user to compare the original
palette with that modified by the project. This button opens the window shown
below. The original color of any colors that may have been modified is displayed.

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5.13 Export

This function is used to place the content of a mimic set in a file, designated an
Export file. By default, all the mimic views, windows, static and dynamic drawings,
and buttons are placed in this Export file.
However alarm sheets and/or the test views are added by the user (Misc views).
The Export Name input field is used to give a logical name to the export. This is not
the name of file.

After the user clicks OK, the system requests a file name and a backup directory.
The system completes the name automatically with the suffix .gz .
The backup directory is specific to the user.
This file can then be transferred (e-mail, external medium etc.) to another Controcad

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5.14 Import

This function is used to restore a mimic set contained in an Export file to the
required location.

The operating mode is as follows:

1. Select the Export file by clicking on Browser. After the intermediate windows
open, the logical name entered during the export is displayed in the Name field.
2. Select the replace mode in Add/Replace:
- Add import files with current files means that the import files are added to the files
already in existence
- Replace only by import files means that the current files are deleted. Only the
import files remain
3. Select the view version number restore mode:
- Version numbers come from import views: if a view with the same name exists
already, the version number of the imported view is used
- Version numbers of current views before substitution: if a view with the same name
exists already in the restore space, the version number of this view is used.
Note : To have a mimic set identical to that of the design office on a Site Controcad of (same
views and same version numbers) select "Replace only by import files" and "Version
numbers come from import views".

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5.15 Rename

The Rename option accessible by clicking on one or more mimic or window type
views, is used to rename the views and their variables (ignores texts contained in
the views and PI 17 "Open Drawport or Popup Window" views; the consistency check
does not signal this).
Click the option to open a window containing two tabs: the first tab is used to
rename the views, the second to rename the variables.

When the window opens, the views listed are those selected when the option is
activated. The user can then modify this list by using filters (Current names zone).
Once the list of views is determined, the user defines the renaming rule (New names
zone ).
1. Click the Replace button to apply the rule to the names of the views listed
under Current Names. The result is displayed to the user under New Names.
The Apply to files button becomes accessible.
2. Click this button to start renaming the views in accordance with the setting of
the Mimics referenced in the HMI DB option.
The second rename variables tab operates in the same manner. When the tab is
opened, the variables listed are those that appear in the views selected in the first

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If the Mimics referenced in HMI DB option is checked, the variables in the listed
views that are unknown in the HMI DB are not shown.

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5.16 List of Variables

The List of Variables option, accessible by clicking on the Mimics or Windows node in
a mimic set version, is used to establish a list of the variables of the HMI DB used or
not used in the mimics or the windows.

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Section 6 View Editor

The DV-Draw view editor displays as shown below:

When the editor is being used to modify the view, the menu bar of the view is grey.
When the view is opened for consultation, the menu bar is shown on a cyan ground.

The functions available differ according to the type of view selected: input of a mimic
view, window view, static or dynamic drawing view.

6.1 General Principles of the Editor

6.1.1 Overview

Edit functions can be accessed:

Via a menu in the menu bar or the tool bar
Via a contextual menu
Via dedicated buttons grouped functionally in the button panels

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The button panels can be detached and placed at the required location by drag &

In the work zone, an object selected can take two forms depending on the mode of
selection chosen: choose Object->Handles Reshape or Resize: reshape points or
resize rectangle.
Reshape Resize

6.1.2 Object Properties

Double click an object to open the Object properties window.

Selection of an object then selection of an option in the associated contextual menu
is a more direct method of accessing the required tab of this same window:

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Properties window:

Double click the view background to open the view properties window.

6.1.3 Auto-repeat Input

Auto-repeat is used to create several objects of the same type without re-selecting
the object button. To enter this mode:

1. Select Edit >Auto repeat or

2. Select the type of graphic object required
3. Create the object as many times as necessary

4. To deactivate this mode, click the selection cursor button or on

again or select the menu sequence Edit > Auto repeat.

6.1.4 Shared Control Points

Several objects can share location points. A polygonal object may have its start and
finish points joined.
The operating mode is as follows:
1. Switch the editor into Handles Reshape mode
2. Select the required objects
3. On a control point of the 1st object to be shared, click ’m'
4. Click the control point of the other object
5. To delete shared points:

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6. Click the shared point
- Click ’s'

6.2 Standard Tool Bar

The standard tool bar contains buttons common to other Windows applications

6.3 Object Tool Bar

The object tool bar contains buttons for each of the graphic object types that can be
created with the editor

6.3.1 Line

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the 1st point, drag for the 2nd point

Control points:
Two control points.
Trace color only
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken

6.3.2 Rectangle

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the 1st point, drag for the 2nd point on the

Control points:
Two control points.
Trace color and background color

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Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill
Note : The rectangle is used as a positioning point for control windows in the mimic views and
window view. In this case the object is designated POS:1, POS:2 or POS:3

6.3.3 Circle

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the center, drag to define the radius.

Control points:
Two control points.
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill

6.3.4 Arc of Circle

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the start point of the arc then the center.
Define a 3rd point to terminate the arc. This point need not be on the circumference.

Control points:
Three control points.
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill

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The arc can be defined clockwise or ant-clockwise.

6.3.5 Ellipse

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position a point on the ellipse and drag to the
center of the ellipse to define the 1st axis. Select another point to define the 2nd

Control points:
Three control points.
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill

6.3.6 Open Polygon (polyline)

An open polygon is a polygon whose 1st and last points are not joined.

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the 1st point. Create as many points as
required. The editor traces a segment between two successive points. Double click
to position the last point.

To add new points subsequently:

The type of selection must be "Reshape handles" to see the positioning points.
1. Place the cursor on the location where the point is to be added.
2. Click "a" to add points located after the cursor.
3. Click "i" to add points located before the cursor.
4. Add as many points as necessary.
5. Double click to terminate the input.
To delete a point in the polygon:

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1. Place the cursor on the point to delete
2. Click "x"
Control points:
Multiple control points
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill
Note : This polygon must be used to define a path for the Path Move dynamism. Its name must
then start with "SPECBE:"

6.3.7 Closed Polygon

A closed polygon is a polygon whose 1st and last points are joined.

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the 1st point. Create as many points as
required. The editor traces a segment between two successive points. Double click
to position the last point.

To add new points subsequently or to delete points: as for the open polygon
Control points:
Multiple control points
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill
Note : This polygon must not be used to define a path for the Path Move dynamism.

6.3.8 Open Polygonal Spline Curve

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the 1st point. Create as many points as
required. The editor traces a segment between two successive points. Double click
to position the last point. The segments are replaced by a curve.

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To add new points subsequently or to delete points: as for the open polygon
Control points:
Multiple control points
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill
Note : This polygon must not be used to define a path for the Path Move dynamism.

6.3.9 Closed Polygonal Spline Curve

1. Designate
2. Click in the trace zone to position the 1st point. Create as many points as
required. The editor traces a segment between two successive points. Double click
to position the last point. The segments are replaced by a curve.

To add new points subsequently or to delete points: as for the open polygon
Control points:
Multiple control points
Trace color and background color
Width of trace
Type of line solid, broken
Type of infill
Note : This polygon must not be used to define a path for the Path Move dynamism

6.3.10 Copying the properties of an object to another object

1. Select the source object

2. Designate to recover the object’s properties

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3. Select the target object

4. Designate to paste the properties of the source object.

6.3.11 Inserting a .bmp picture

1. Designate .
A contextual menu is displayed.
1. Select From File… to insert pictures from the library.
2. Select From screen… to select pictures directly from the screen. Select an
element of the editor. Drop the element with the mouse to position it at the right

6.3.12 Inserting a tooltip

It is possible to add a tooltip to the .bmp files inserted in the editor.

1. Double-click the picture to display the properties window.
2. Type in the text in the Tooltip text box. Click OK to confirm.

6.4 Trace Attributes Tool Bar

Used to change the trace attributes of the objects described above.

Description of the buttons

Button Description

Trace thick

Line type

Fill type

6.5 Text Tool Bar

Used to choose the type of font and name of the typeface.

Description of the fonts

Button Name Description
Vectorial font Each character is a set of segments. The
characters can be resized at will. Extended ASCII
fonts (8 bits) are available for:
Latin alphabet languages: English, French,
German, Spanish etc.

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Button Name Description

This font type should be used in preference to the
hard font type
Hard font Each character is defined pixel by pixel. The
definition is good but the editor proposes only 4
sizes. In operation, HMI uses this type of font for
the display of ideograms (Chinese language).
Even in this case the view can be constructed
with vectorial fonts, with ALSPA HMI operating a
substitution in operation.
Note : As this type of font cannot be resized, the
view explorer cannot display small-sized
characters correctly.
True Type font Each character uses the Bézier curves for its
representation. This geometrical representation is
used to display huge characters (body 14 and
above) with no effect of stairs.

6.6 Zoom Tool Bar

Contains the normal zoom buttons.

6.7 Drawing Palette Tool Bar

Used to display the drawing palette and the grid. Only one palette is visible at a

Description of the buttons

Button Description

Refresh the view.


Dynamic drawing palette.

Static drawing palette.

If the editor contains a mimic view or window, additional buttons exist.

Description of the buttons:
Button Description

Refresh the view.


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Button Description

Palette for dynamic drawing associated to a variable.

Dynamic drawing palette.

Static drawing palette.

Graph object.

Input object.

Display/select numbered object.

6.8 Prototype Mode Tool Bar

Used to test the view from the point of view of its internal dynamics. Does not
however simulate the operation of ALSPA HMI.

Description of the buttons

Button Description






1 step

6.9 Alignment Tool Bar

Used to align the objects among themselves and/or on a grid.

Description of the buttons

Button Description

Align left.

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Button Description

Aligns the left edges of all the selected objects with the left edge
of the left most object.
Align center vertical.
Same principle.
Align right.
Same principle.
Align at top.
Same principle.
Align center horizontal.
Same principle.
Align at bottom.
Same principle.
Align to grid.
Moves all control point to the nearest point in the grid.

6.10 Object Manipulation Tool Bar

Used to perform various resize and manipulation operations.

Description of the buttons

Button Description

Enlarge object in both directions

Reduce object in both 2 dimensions

Enlarge object in x
Reduce object in x

Enlarge object in y

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Button Description

Reduce object in y

Quarter rotation clockwise

Quarter rotation anti-clockwise

Selected object in front

Selected object behind

Vertical mirror effect

Horizontal mirror effect

6.11 Animation

One or more animations conditioned by the value of one or more variables can be
associated with any of the graphic objects described above or with any group of
In this document, this type of animation is designated a "dynamic". Dynamics are
input from the Dynamic tab in the properties window.
Start by inputting a variable before assigning the characteristics of the dynamic.

Certain dynamics require the input of a "threshold table" for their definition

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A threshold table is used to associate a state to a range of variation in the value of
the variable. The states for each dynamic are specified below.
As an example of how to input a threshold table, assume that the state is the color
and that the variable varies between 0 and 5.
Adapt the range of variation of the variable: set In Max to the value 5.
Edit the threshold table and input the thresholds by clicking on Add:

The Save and Load buttons are used respectively to save a threshold table and then
to load it.
The permissible dynamics are shown below:
dynamic modification of the trace color: Foreground
A variable is associated to a threshold table defining the trace colors.
dynamic modification of the background color: Background
A variable is associated to a threshold table defining the background colors.
Note : If an object has a Foreground and Background color feature and one of the colors is
flashing, the same dsv must supply both dynamic features.

Such an object can only have one flash frequency (Windows DataViews).
dynamic modification of the width of trace: Line Width

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A variable is associated to a threshold table defining the widths of trace. The
threshold table input window enables the trace width to be selected interactively
for each range of variation of the variable.
dynamic modification of the type of line: Line Type
A variable is associated to a threshold table defining the line texture. The
threshold table input window enables the line texture to be selected interactively
for each range of variation of the variable.
dynamic modification of the direction of an arc: Arc Direction
A variable is associated to a threshold table defining the direction in which the
two points of the arc are joined: clock-wise (CW) or (CCW) counter-clockwise
modification of the type of curve: Curve Type
A variable is associated to a threshold table defining one of the three curve types:
- polygon type : succession of vectors,
- "open ends" type : smoothes polygon without joining the two ends,
- "floating ends" type : smoothes polygon without joining the two ends; the end
points are ignored
- "closed ends" type : smoothes the polygon with the two ends joined.

Open ends Floating ends

dynamic modification of the infill of an area, including a curvilinear area:
There are four types of infill:

- from left to right Fill Right

- from right to left Fill Left
- from top to bottom Fill Down
- from bottom to top Fill Up
The variable value is used to define the percentage of infill of the area.
dynamic modification of the position of the object:
A variable is used to define:
- the relative movement in the X axisRel Move X
- the absolute movement in the X axisAbs Move X
- the relative movement in the Y axisRel Move Y
- the absolute movement in the Y axisAbs Move Y
dynamic modification of the scale of the object Scale, Scale X, Scale Y
The value of a variable is used to define the size of the object.
rotation of the object: Rotate
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A variable value, expressed in degrees, is used to rotate an object dynamically
from 0 to N° (N may be greater than 360). If a rectangle needs to be rotated, use
a polygon instead of the rectangle as the rotation of the rectangle will deforms its
move object: Path Move
A variable associated to an object is used to move the object on a path which is
an open polygon type graphic object (polyline). This path must be named as
follows: select Path in the General tab of the polygon object. The name SPECBE:
is displayed. This name can be completed with any character string.
Select the right path for the object to be moved along from the pull-down list.
dynamic modification of the text: Text
This dynamic is only available for "text" and "vector text " type objects.
The content of a variable can modify the content of a text object.
Standard data display formats are input in DV-Draw. DV-Draw.
These formats must correspond to the type of the associated data source
variable (dsv). The formats available are:
- s for the display of a text;
- f for the display of a single or dual precision real, in decimal format
- e, E for the display of a single or dual precision real, in decimal format
- g, G for the display of a single or dual precision real, in scientific or decimal
format (whichever uses the least space).
- d, i for the display of an integer in signed format;
- u for the display of an integer in unsigned format;
- Y for display in byte format;
- x, X for display in hexadecimal format, using respectively the letters a thru f or
A thru F
In any format, a single conversion character must be specified, preceded by the
character '%'. Other characters may precede and follow the format.
E.g. "volume=%6.2f M3" "speed=%d tr/mn"
visibility of an object: Visible
A variable is associated to a threshold table defining the visible or invisible character
of a object or of a group of objects (drawing).
construction of a drawing group dynamic: Subdrawing
Depending on the value of the associated variable the subdrawing dynamic is
used to show a static drawing (drawing) figuring in a drawing threshold table.

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The example below shows the appearance of the threshold table of a dynamic
subdrawing containing 3 previously input drawings:

It is vital that the names of files containing drawings should not be preceded by any
path, either relative or absolute. Because the development tree is different from the
ALSPA HMI target.
The table below lists the possible dynamics according to graphic object type:
Ar Circl Ellip Lin Polyg Rectan Subdra Te Vect
c e se e on gle wing xt or
Arc ▀
Backgroun ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
d color
Curve type ▀
Fill down ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Fill Left ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Fill Right ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Fill up ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Foregroun ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
d color

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Ar Circl Ellip Lin Polyg Rectan Subdra Te Vect
c e se e on gle wing xt or
Arc ▀
Backgroun ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
d color
Curve type ▀
Fill down ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Fill Left ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Fill Right ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Fill up ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Line type ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Line width ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Subdrawin ▀
Absolute ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
move X
Absolute ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
move Y
Path move ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Relative ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
move X
Relative ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
move Y
Rotate ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Scale ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Scale X ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Scale Y ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀
Text ▀ ▀
Visibility ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀

6.12 Graphic Update Methods

The Dynamic tab relative to the dynamic(s) of the object shows the graphic update
method chosen for the object: Erase Method

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A summary of each method is given below:
"Redraw Immediate", redraws the other objects which were hidden by the
dynamic object. This method is the most complete but is the most time-
"Redraw Delayed" should be used instead.
"Redraw Delayed", does the graphic update of all the objects then retraces the
context. Faster than "Redraw Immediate".
Must be used when the graphic object overlaps with other objects and the
dynamic involves changes in the outline of the object.
Should be used in preference to "Redraw Immediate".
Raster Erase, uses the copy of the screen saved before the previous update to
redraw the other hidden objects. Traces the updated object. This method should
not be used as it affects the multi-window function.
XOR Erase, produces an exclusive OR between the bits of the planes before and
after update. Modified the color of the object. Co-exists with other object
variables. Seldom used.
"Erase Object" with choice of the color. Redraws the current object first with the
chosen color. Then draws the updated object.
Efficient if:
- no overlap with other objects
- or overlap with other objects but object outline does not change during
"Erase Box" with choice of the color. Commences by erasing the sizing rectangle
of the dynamic object with the chosen color. Then draws the updated object.
Efficient if:
- the sizing rectangle does not overlap with other objects
- the sizing rectangle overlaps with other objects but the outline of the object is
rectangular and always changes within that rectangle
- "Erase Box" is more efficient than "Erase Object":
if the object to be erased is complex: it is quicker to paint a rectangle than
to redraw the content of a complex object in an erase color
as long as the area to be painted is not too large
No Erase, redraws the updated object without erasing its old shape. Can be used
only if the object has a "Fore Color" or/and "Back Color" type dynamic or in the
special case of a "Subdrawing" type dynamic implementing filled drawings with
the same outline and the same origin.
Thus, to obtain correct performance levels, select the most appropriate erase
To sum up, these methods are as follows, from the fastest to the slowest:
"No Erase";
"Erase Box";
"Erase Object";

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"Redraw Delayed".
The Erase Methods chapter (cf. Section 17,Delete Methods – Examples) contains
examples of how to use the erase methods.

6.13 Saving Dynamics

This function is used to save and name an object dynamic.

This operation is local to the view. The purpose is to assign the same dynamic to
another object in the same view.
The operating mode is as follows:
Input a dynamic on an object
In the Feature Set Name zone, name the dynamic by clicking on Rename

Select another object on which the same dynamic is required

Select the relevant Feature Set Name
The Clone button is used to create a copy and to modify it.
The Remove button is used to delete a saved dynamic.
This function is useful only if the dynamic to be copied is complex.

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Section 7 Mimics

7.1 Description of Mimics

A mimic is a full page view whose name is or will be referenced in the HMI DB.
A mimic contains the following graphic objects:
elementary (rectangle, segment, text etc.) input directly in the view
static drawings
dynamic drawings
The static or dynamic drawing palettes are used to drag & drop the required drawing
in the view.
The dynamics of graphic objects are obtained:
by associating a dynamic to an elementary object and by linking this dynamic to
an HMI DB variable attribute
by linking the internal variable(s) of a dynamic drawing to an HMI DB variable
The response to clicking on an object (starting an operator event) executes when
the object is named in accordance with the action required.
The paragraphs below go through these points in the form of an operating mode.

7.2 Creating Mimic Views

A mimic view can be created in one of two ways:

its name has been declared and created in the HMIDB; it is visible in the list
of views with empty status
it is created from the menu associated to the mimic node thanks to the New
In both cases the following window is displayed:

The name of the view can be input or modified. It is saved in uppercase by the
The view
background model must be chosen. The default model is
Mimic_16_10_MultiScr.v. It contains a frame to delimit the work zone.

Click OK to display the editor.

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Note : Creating or renaming a mimic view in the HMI tree updates the mimic views list in the
Views tree.

7.3 Inputting Graphic Objects

Graphic objects are input using the graphic objects buttons available in the tool bars
and from the static or dynamic drawing palette.
Efficiency can be improved by following the tips below:
Use the grid and the grid magnetism: option View > Display Grid and View > Snap.
Modify the background color of the editor as necessary.
1. Double click a zone without an object.
2. Assign the Drawing Background color (dark grey is a good compromise).

object properties
These are visible in the properties window (cf. 6.1.2,Object Properties) inherit
object properties:
Used to capture the attributes of an object (trace color, background color, width
etc.) and to restore them to the next objects created. Capture is extremely simple:
- Select the object whose properties are to be captured

- Click .
The following objects will inherit the properties.
The limitation of this method is that some objects do not possess all the trace
attributes (a vector text has no background, a rectangle has no text size).
It is therefore more efficient to capture an object of the same nature as those that
are to be created.
auto repeat

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This operation consists in creating the same object several times without having
to re-select the object button.
1. Click the button.

2. Click the button of the graphic object required, e.g. .

3. Create the object as many times as necessary.

4. De-activate auto-repeat by clicking on .

modify the view background color.
The default color is black, index 55
In order to avoid selecting by mistake the rectangle which constitutes the view
background, the editor modifies this rectangle in order to show only the frame.
From the editor, the background color is thus the background color of the editor
(off drawing) and not the background color of the mimic in operation.
To modify the background color of the mimic:
1. Selecting the view frame.
2. Modifying the trace color of this rectangle, which will become the background
color after the view is backed up.
A text can be defined as:
- static: content is defined on creation and is not multi-lingual
- local to the view (Bilingual Local Label): content is defined on creation and can
be translated by importing/exporting files.
- HMIDB content (Bilingual DB Label): this text must then be linked to an
HMIDB text attribute. If the text attribute has an equivalent in the 2nd
language, this equivalent will be automatically used in operation by ALSPA
These types are selected from the pull-down list in the properties window.

static and dynamic drawings

These are placed in the view by drag & drop from the palette.
They can be resized. A drawing may have been designed with objects whose
color can be modified during instantiation. In this case, if the user changes the
color of the drawing, only those elements of the drawing where the color is
modifiable will effectively change color.

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7.4 Using Database Variables in Views

The chapters below describe the links between a dynamic and a variable.
Each of these variables is described in the HMIDB, but in operation these variables
are those of the ALSPA HMI real time database (RTDB).
In this RTDB, each variable comprises several data options known as attributes
(value attribute, status attribute etc.).
Thus in fact Controcad Views creates links between graphic object dynamics and
attributes of variables in the RTDB.
The table below shows a list of the attributes available for each type of variable. The
«internal name» column is included for information purposes.
Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name

model ASig ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the

variable, displayed
only in text form
Label /FR/LIB Text[32] Label of the variable.
Displayed only in
text form.
Used automatically
following selection of
«Bilingual DB Label»
Value /FR/M Real Between Value of the
Minimum and measurement. Can

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name
Maximum be used on any type
of dynamic
Minimum /FR/VM_MI Real Minimum value of
N the measurement.
Can be used on any
type of dynamic
Display in text form
Maximu /FR/VM_MA Real Minimum value of
m X the measurement.
Can be used on any
type of dynamic
Display in text form
Unit /FR/UNIT_LI Text[6] Variable unit,
B displayed only in text
Status /FR/DI Integer 0: normal status Status of the
variable. Can be
1: inhibited
used on any type of
2: doubtful
«Fore Color» or
status (replaced
«Back Color» type
or invalid)
Value /FR/MDI Real Concatenation of the
and attributes Value and
Status Status
Value is used to
represent the value
(utilization of
«standard» ds) ;
Status is used for
(utilization of
« statut » ds)
Alarm /FR/AL_STA Integer Between 0 and Alarm
State TE 9 acknowledgement
0: no alarm,
normal state
1: appearance
d degree 1

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name

2: appearance
d degree 2
3: appearance
d degree 3
4: appearance
d degree 4
d alarm
d degree 1
d degree 2
d degree 3
d degree 4
Interventi /FR/CONSI Integer 0: unlocked Locked block
on Value GN indicator
1: setpoint
2: test
Acquisiti /FR/INF_CO Integer Additional
on data MP acquisition data
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 1
e1 X1 comment #
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 2

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name
e2 X2 comment #
Trend /FR/TEND Real Record of the last 32
attributes of the
Used to trace the
curve with the
«Status Graph»
model BSig ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the
variable, displayed
only in text form
Label /FR/LIB Text[32] label of the variable.
Displayed only in
text form.
Used automatically
following selection of
«Bilingual DB Label»
Alarm /FR/AL_STA Integer Between 0 and Alarm
State TE 9 acknowledgement
0: no alarm,
normal state
1: appearance
d degree 1
2: appearance
d degree 2
3: appearance
d degree 3
4: appearance
d degree 4
d alarm

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name
d degree 1
d degree 2
d degree 3
d degree 4
Interventi /FR/CONSI Integer Additional
on Value GN acquisition data
Value /FR/M Integer Language 1
comment #
Acquisiti /FR/INF_CO Integer Language 2
on data MP comment #
Languag FR/LABIND Integer 0: inhibited Composition of the
e1 X1 variable Value/Status
comment attributes of the
1: state 0,
normal status
Can be used on any
2: state 1,
type of dynamic
normal status
3: state 0,
doubtful status
4: state 1,
doubtful status
Languag FR/LABIND Integer 0: normal status Status of the
e2 X2 variable. Can be
1: inhibited
comment used on any type of
dynamic. «Fore
2: doubtful Color» or «Back
status (replaced Color» type dynamic
or invalid) is recommended.
Value+St /FR/EDI Integer Concatenation of the
atus attributes Value and
Value is used to
represent the value

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name
(utilization of the
«standard» ds),
Status is used for
the status (utilization
of the «statut» ds)
Label /FR/MSG_0 Text[8] Label associated to
state 0 variable state 0.
Displayed only in
text form.
If the graphic object
is named «LANG»,
/FR/LIB0_CH (2nd
language state label)
is used automatically
when the operator
station is run in 2nd
Label /FR/MSG_1 Text[8] Label associated to
state 1 variable state 1.
Displayed only in
text form.
If the graphic object
is named «LANG»,
/FR/LIB1_CH (2nd
language state label)
is used automatically
when the operator
station is run in 2nd
model SPt ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the
variable, displayed
only in text form
Interventi /FR/CONSI Integer 0: unlocked Locked block
on Value GN indicator
1: setpoint
2: test
Value /FR/M Real Between Value of the
Minimum and measurement. Can
Maximum be used on any type
of dynamic. Should
be used for complex
Cmd model ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the
variable, displayed
only in text form
Interventi /FR/CONSI Integer 0: unlocked Locked block
on Value GN indicator

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name

1: setpoint
2: test
Value /FR/M Integer 0 or 1 Value of the
measurement. Can
be used on any type
of dynamic
Owner ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional study
Interventi /FR/CONSI Integer 0: unlocked Locked block
on Value GN indicator
1: setpoint
2: test
Number /L_AL2/NB_ Integer 0 to n Number of
of ALNA unacknowledged
Unacknol alarms of this owner
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 1
e1 X1 comment #
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 2
e2 X2 comment #
Inhibit /FR/INH Integer 0: owner Inhibition of owner
instructions non instructions
1: owner
model MSig ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the
variable, displayed
only in text form
Value /FR/M Integer 0 to 15 or 0 to Value of the
63 measurement. Can
be used on any type
of dynamic.
Utilization of
threshold tables
recommended (table
varying from 0 to n)
Validity /FR/V Integer 0 or 1 Validity
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 1
e1 X1 comment #
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 2
e2 X2 comment #
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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name
Control ID /FR/REP_ID Text[32] Functional ID of the
block variable, displayed
only in text form
Label /FR/LIB Integer Label of the variable.
Displayed only in
text form.
Used automatically
following selection of
«Bilingual DB Label»
Interventi /FR/CONSI Integer Locked control block
on Value GN indicator. Can be
used on any type of
Used /FR/USED Integer Used in a mimic
view or window to
show that a control
window is already
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 1
e1 X1 comment #
Languag FR/LABIND Integer Language 2
e2 X2 comment #
Mimic view ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the
variable, displayed
only in text form
Alarm /FR/I_AL Integer 0: no alarm Indicator of
Presenc presence of alarms
1: alarms
e for this mimic. Can
present to be
be used on any type
of dynamic.
alarms present
Number /FR/N_AL Integer Number of alarms
of present for this
Alarms mimic
Tag Current /FR/MAX_L Integer 1 to 10 Used to show the
windows Tag EV value of the current
Level max level of the tag
Synthesized ID /FR/REP_ID Text[20] Functional ID of the
variable variable, displayed
only in text form
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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name

y=f(t) curve
y=f(x) curve
Sequence Sequenc /FR/LIB_ST Text[20] Current sequence
Monitoring e State A1 state label (IN
State labels are
configurable in
HMIDB in both
languages. The
choice of a Bilingual
Local Label type text
object enables
responsiveness to
language changes.
Sequenc /FR/LIB_MO Text[14] Label of the current
e Mode D1 sequence mode:
Labels are
configurable in
HMIDB in both
languages. The
choice of a Bilingual
Local Label type text
object enables
responsiveness to
language changes.
Current /FR/LIB_PA Text[32] Label of the current
Sequenc S1 sequence step
e Step
Labels are
configurable in
HMIDB in both
languages. The
choice of a Bilingual
Local Label type text
object enables
responsiveness to
language changes.

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Variable Attribute Internal Type Limits/values Utilization
consumed name

Current /FR/STEP_A Integer No of current

Sequenc CT->/FR/M sequence step
e Step
Global /FR/IDTGR Real Timeout of group
Sequenc OUP-
e >/FR/M
Max /FR/TGRMA Real OptionaI data. Value
Sequenc XON of the maximum
e ON OFF timeout.
Max /FR/TGRMA Real OptionaI data. Value
Sequenc XOF of the maximum
e OFF OFF timeout.

7.5 Animating Elementary Graphic Objects

1. Click the relevant object and choose Dynamic in the contextual menu
2. Double click the object, then select the Dynamic tab in the properties window

3. Select relative to the Variable Data in the line corresponding to the selected
If the dynamic chosen is the text dynamic, first select the display format (see
display formats in the standard data source)
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- The Select Variable window opens:

4. Select an owner to display the owner variables.

If you are in a multi-project installation, you can choose to display the
owners and variables from a complementary project via to the dropdown
menu in the Select Variable part.
5. Select the variable required and open the contextual menu.
The menu lists the different attributes of the variable that are available to animate
the object. These depend on the variable model .
6. Select the variable required and open the contextual menu.

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No purpose is served by modifying the value of the input fields in the dynamics
window since these fields are set automatically in operation with the extreme
values of the associated attribute. Modification is however necessary if a
threshold table with limits other than 0 and 1 is to be input.
The value of the output fields must be assigned if the amplitude of the dynamic is
to be limited.
The operation should be repeated if another dynamic is required on the same
The recommended work method is first to create the variables in the HMI DB to
make them available for easy use in the view editor.
However, it is possible to declare a non-existent variable attribute that is local to
the view. This declaration is not saved in the HMIDB; a 2nd input must be done in
the HMI DB (tip: select a similar variable that is already defined, then change as

Note : For animation purposes the behavior of the variable is identical to that of a data source
variable (dsv) in the standard ds. This ds is described in the Data Sources chapter.

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7.6 Linking HMI DB Variables to Dynamic Drawings

1. Click the relevant object and select Subdrawing in the contextual menu.
2. Double click the object, then select the Subdrawing tab in the properties

The window shows as many lines as the dynamic drawing possesses external
(Global) variables.
3. Double click the gray zone if no variable has been selected or select on
each line if a variable is already present.
- the Select Variable window opens
The dynamic drawing may be produced with the indications below:
classes of variables appropriate to animate this drawing
truth table authorized
The selection window filters and then shows the variables which correspond to
these criteria, thus facilitating the input. In addition, only the attributes that
correspond to the variable type in the dynamic drawing (floating or short or
text) are proposed in the contextual menu.
To delete a linked variable, click the variable reference then press Del

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7.7 Creating a Dynamic Drawing from a Variable

1. Click the icon in the icon bar of the editor.

The Select Variable sub-drawing window opens.

2. Choose an owner.
3. Choose a variable.
A list of sub-drawings is proposed.
4. Drag and drop the chosen sub-drawing into the edit zone.
A link is automatically established between the internal sub-drawing variable and
the variable selected.
Restrictions for the variable to be assigned:
the ds must be multi-standard type
the dsv type must be compatible with the variable
For further information on assigning sub-drawings to a variable, see the Library Tree.

7.8 Starting an Operator Event

In operation, ALSPA HMI triggers a processing event on designation of any

appropriately named graphic object.
ALSPA HMI ergonomics rules mean that these events are limited to button
The final user thus knows unequivocally which objects can be designated.
Buttons must be available in a static drawing category, or in a dynamic drawing
category if this possesses an internal animation.
(These buttons are not those of the Control Window Buttons directory which are
used exclusively for the control windows)

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Operating mode:
1. Select the button required in the drawing palette.
2. Drag & drop in the view.
3. Open the properties window, Action tab.

4. Select the type of action and assign additional parameters, as follows:

- for the name of another mimic view or a variable ID, click the button

- for other parameters, click if this button is not gray

- the operator stations authorized or disabled for this event.
The types of action that can be undertaken and their parameters are described in
the chapter Actions.
Note : These selections result in the object being named PI:xx. For information purposes this
name is visible in the properties window.

7.9 Graphs

1. Design the button and place the graph in the view.

2. Open the Properties window.
3. Select the type of graph.
4. Assign the attribute of the variable required

7.10 Testing Views

The Run mode is used to execute the view in the editor. This mode can detect
1st level errors (graph trace zone too small, inappropriate format for a text type

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dynamic etc.). However it does not show the view in its ALSPA HMI state since the
animation has not yet been produced.
If the view designer has a doubt regarding a dynamism, he can temporarily add an
Input object ( button) linked with the same variable as the object to be tested.

7.11 Saving the View

Click or on the close button of the editor.

The following window opens:

The Purge the unused variable option is used to delete data (ds and dsv) that is not
used in the view. Unused variables are in the view if they have been chosen by
the user then removed from the dynamic or from the link with a dynamic drawing.
The Init Object Number option is used to reinitialize the object numbers (see
"Object Numbers" paragraph). By default, a new dynamic object or "PI:" object
has a number equal to the highest number + 1, wherever it is located.
The Init Object Number option changes the numbers of all the objects, with the
numbers increasing «globally» geographically from left to right and from top to
These numbers are visible in the check error messages and in the

Note : Clicking on the close button does not detect a change in the view if only one trace
attribute has been modified. It is therefore vital first to save the view with .

After saving of the view and closing the editor, wait several seconds for the updated
view to appear in the navigator.
The integration of the Purge and Init Object Number options is only visible in the editor
after exiting the view, then re-editing it.

7.12 Checking Mimic Views

The view editor is used to limit input errors. The mimic check is above all necessary
afterwards to check the consistency of the variables with the HMIDB, which may
have changed since.
A check is also triggered automatically by the «Increment version» operation, which
prohibits increment of views which contain at least an error.

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Section 8 Extended Mimics

8.1 Extensions

The ALSPA HMI operating application provides the following functions for extended
initial display of the view showing:
- the part of the image chosen during construction of the view (default
- the layers displayed by default.
choice of the layers to be displayed. Each view comprises a default layer and up
to 10 other layers
zooming and panning the view
selection and display of predefined key zones in the view via a menu. Key Zones
display of objects when they are within the zoom range assigned to them:
display of the entire view in a reduced window; only those layers defined during
construction of the view are visible. This window also shows the view zone visible
in the main window and thus facilitates zooming or panning operations.

8.2 Creating Extended Mimics

In the main Controcad HMI, mimic views and extended mimics are located in the
same tree: the Mimics tree.
To input a new extended view, create a new mimic and choose
Extended_Mimic_16_10_MultiScr.v as the template:

Graphically this view template contains a frame. All the objects in the view must be
drawn within this frame.
There are no control window location points. The operator must create them
(maximum 3).
There is no title as this is placed dynamically by the ALSPA HMI application.
The operator can input the following specific information when the extended mimic
view is edited:
the default area rectangle,

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the layers of the view and the objects that are assigned to these layers,
the key zone,
the object visibility ranges (decluttering function).
DVdraw reacts to this view template and displays the icon bars specific to extended

8.3 Default Area Rectangle

The zoom/pan rectangle can be used to define the area of the view that will be
visible on its initial display in the application.
The zoom/pan rectangle is defined via the "Extended" tab in the "View Properties"
window of the editor. The "Default area rectangle in the view" panel is used to
create, display, or select this rectangle.

Creating the rectangle:

To create or replace the zoom rectangle, click the "Create" button to define the two
locating points of the object in the edit zone.
The newly created object can be resized or moved.
Displaying the zone defined:
The operator can use the "Show" button to display the zone that has been defined.
The editor then zooms in to the center of the zoom rectangle.
Selecting the zoom rectangle:
The zoom rectangle object is selected via normal editor functions (single or multiple
selections) in order to prevent its being deleted in error.
The "Select" button is thus used to select the rectangle in order to modify it.
Displaying the rectangle in the view:
To show or mask the zoom rectangle contained in the view being edited, click the
corresponding icon .

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8.4 Layering

The layering function is accessed via the "Layers" icon in the editor:

The layering function is used to define different layers in the view being edited.
Graphic objects in the view can subsequently be assigned to the layers that have
been defined.
The following actions can be performed from this window:
create a new layer
delete a layer
assign the attributes of the layer
move the layer in the list.

Creating a new layer:

To create a new layer the operator clicks in one of the text fields of the "Label" panel
and inputs the name of the layer.
Deleting a layer:
To delete a layer the operator must select the layer by clicking on the associated
label then on the Delete Layer button. This operation is authorized if the layer no
longer contains objects and if it is not checked as "Current layer in editor".
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Assigning the attributes of a layer:
"Default layers first display" attribute: This attribute is used to specify whether all the
objects belonging to this layer will be visible or invisible in the initial display of this
view in the application.
"Default layers in reduced view" attribute: This attribute is used to specify whether all
the objects belonging to this layer will be visible or invisible in the display of this view
in the reduced window of the application.
"Current layer in editor" attribute: this attribute is used to set the layer to which newly
created graphic objects belong.
"Visible layers in editor" attribute: This attribute is used to specify whether all the
objects belonging to this layer will be visible or invisible in the editor.
Moving a layer in the list:
To move a layer in the list, the operator must:
1. Select the layer by clicking on its label.

2. Use the keys

The order defined will then be implemented in the ALSPA HMI application layer
Assigning an object to a layer:
An object is assigned to a layer via the "Extended" tab in the graphic objects
"Properties" window.

Any newly created object belongs to the default layer defined in the "Layers"
To modify the layer to which an object belongs the operator must:
1. Open the "Properties" window of the object and select the "Extended" tab.
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2. Choose the new layer of the object from the list of layers.
3. Click OK to confirm.
The layer order chosen is used in the display in the ALSPA HMI application layer
window. It is not used to define the overlay order of the objects belonging to the
layers. The overlay order of the objects is obtained by the icons . This order is
independent of the layers.

An object in layer 2 can be both in front of and behind a layer 3 object.

8.5 Key Zones

Key Zones are also designated "Appointment rectangles" in certain windows.

The "Extended" tab in the "View Properties" window is used to manage the Key
Zones or "Appointment rectangles" in the view.

A Key Zone is defined by a rectangle in the view. The Key Zone defines a zoom/pan
zone which will be used by the application to procure rapid display of certain areas
of the mimic.
The "Appointment rectangle in the view" panel is used to perform the following
Create a Key Zone.

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Delete a Key Zone
Modify a Key Zone
Select a Key Zone
Display a Key Zone.

Creating a Key Zone:

To create a new Key Zone the operator must input a number and a label and click
the "Create" button. In the edit zone the operator then inputs the two points that
define the Key Zone rectangle object.
The new Key Zone is added to the Key Zone selection list.
Deleting a Key Zone:
To delete a Key Zone the operator must:
1. select a Key Zone from the list,
2. click the "Delete" button
The rectangle graphic object defining the Key Zone is then deleted from the view
and the list is updated.
Modifying a Key Zone:
To modify the characteristics of a Key Zone:
1. Select the Key Zone in the list (which selects the rectangle object in the view)
2. Modify the position and the dimensions of the object.
3. Modify the label and/or the number of the Key Zone.
The ALSPA HMI application displays a Key Zone menu for the view; the
options in this menu are shown in increasing order of Key Zone n°.
Selecting a Key Zone:
A Key Zone is selected by selecting its label in the list.
Displaying a Key Zone:
To display the resulting Key Zone:
1. Select the Key Zone in the list (which selects the rectangle object in the
2. Click the "Show" button in the window
The editor can perform Zoom/Pan actions on the rectangle object in the view.

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Masking/unmasking Key Zones in the view:
To unmask or mask the Key Zones contained in the view being edited, click the
corresponding icon .

8.6 Decluttering

The "Extended" tab in the "Properties" window of an object is used to assign

Decluttering information to an object.

The "Declut" panel is used to perform the following operations:

Modify the visibility range of the object
Assign a visibility range to the object
Delete decluttering information on the object.

Assigning a visibility range to the object:

Input the minimum and maximum values of the visibility range or choose a range
that is already available in the list and click the OK button in the window.
Modifying the visibility range of the object:
Modify the minimum and maximum values associated with the object and click OK.

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Deleting the decluttering information on the object:
The decluttering information is deleted by deleting the content of the Minimum and
Maximum fields.
Decluttering test in the editor:
To test the decluttering in the editor:
Set decluttering ON by means of the corresponding icon in the menu bar.

Modify the zoom level (between 0 and 100) by means of the icons and the
corresponding menu in the menu bar.

8.7 Mimic Views to Extended Views Migration

To migrate from a Mimic view to an Extended mimic type:

1. Open the editor in the view you wish to migrate from.
2. Select all the objects of the view except the title, the outline and the position
points of the control windows.
3. Click "Copy".
4. Open a second editor in a blank Extended view.
5. Click "Paste" in the second editor.

8.7.1 Extended View to Mimic View

To migrate from an Extended mimic view to a Mimic type:

1. Open the editor in the view you wish to migrate from.
2. Delete the layers.
3. Copy all the objects in the view except the outline.
4. Open a second editor in a blank Mimic view.
5. Click "Paste" in the second editor.

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Section 9 View Windows

9.1 Description of Windows

A window type view is a mimic view which is not full page and which opens on
selection, in one of 2 modes:
«drawport» mode: the window opens at a specified size and location relative to
the background view. A model view available only in operation (phza_template.v)
is used to define the sizing rectangle and the destination of the window. The
operation software must be customized.
«popup» mode: the window opens below and to the right of the open button
clicked; the size is the size defined in the editor.
Select mode is visible in the view comment, as shown in the view properties window
(double click the view background)
To input the windows the configuration level user must first create the window model
views. Controcad Views supplies the default model view Window_ALSPA.v which can
be used for popup views that can be moved in operation by clicking on the title bar.

9.2 Creating Windows

1. Open the contextual menu of the window node

2. Select New
The following window is displayed:

- the name of the view must be input. The suffix .v is added automatically.
- the view background model must be chosen. Select the model corresponding
to the type of window required. The default model for windows is

3. Click OK to display the editor

- if the window is of drawport type, the frame is the same size as the operation
window. This frame should not be resized to avoid distorting the objects in
- if the window is a popup type window, the size of the frame will be the size of
the window currently in use. It can be resized if necessary.

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9.3 Inputting Windows

The content is identical to that of a mimic.

Please refer to the relevant chapter.

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Section 10 Static Drawings

10.1 Description of Static Drawings

A static drawing is a view containing a set of elementary graphic objects (without

dynamics) or other static drawings.
A static drawing can be used:
in another static drawing
in a dynamic drawing
in a window view
in a mimic view
The Inherit subdrawing FG color of certain objects used as a trace color during
construction may be modified during utilization in another view.
A static drawing is included in the documentation if the Print attribute is selected in
the view properties window.

10.2 Creating Static Drawings

If the category in which the drawing is to be stored does not exist, it must be
1. Open the contextual menu of the static drawing node,
2. Select New Category,
3. Input the name of the category in the first language. The input of the name in
the second language is useful if the project has a second language and if the
Controcad Views HMI and the documentation are required in this language.
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To create a static drawing:
1. Open the contextual menu of the node of the required category, and select

The following window is displayed:

The name of the view must be input. The suffix .sd is added automatically.
The view model of a static drawing must be This is a default view
containing no objects.
2. Click OK to display the editor.

10.3 Editing Static Drawings

Create the required objects. Use the Inherit Subdrawing FG color if necessary.
The drawing must be anchored during creation in order to appear at the required
location when it is utilized in another view:
1. Display the grid. A cross is visible at the center of the input zone of the editor
(corresponds to coordinates (0,0)).
2. Select all the objects of the drawing
3. Move the objects as a group so that the cross in the grid corresponds with
the required generation point of the drawing.
4. Modify the Print attribute in the view properties window, if necessary.
The default utilization size is the size of the sub-drawing as constructed. It is
therefore advisable to ensure that the size of the constructed drawing corresponds
as closely as possible to that of its utilization.

10.4 Saving Static Drawings

Click or on the close button of the editor.

The following window opens:

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The Purge the unused variable option is used to delete the data (ds and dsv) that are
not used in the view. This operation is not necessary in the case of static drawings.

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Section 11 Dynamic Drawings

11.1 Description of Dynamic Drawings

A dynamic drawing is a view which can contain:

objects comprising dynamics,
static drawings
dynamic drawings
A dynamic drawing can be used:
in another dynamic drawing
in a window view
in a mimic view
As with a static drawing, the trace color of any object using the Inherit subdrawing
FG color can be modified during utilization.
A dynamic drawing is included in the documentation if the Print attribute is selected.

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11.2 Creating Dynamic Drawings

If the category in which the drawing is to be stored does not exist, it must be
1. Open the contextual menu of the dynamic drawing node.
2. Select New Category.
3. Input the name of the category in the first language. The input of the name in
the second language is useful if the project has a second language and if the
Controcad Views HMI and the documentation are required in this language.
To create a dynamic drawing:
1. Open the contextual menu of the node of the required category, and select

The following window is displayed:

- The name of the view must be input. The suffix .sd is added automatically.
- The model view of a dynamic drawing must be This is a default
view containing no objects.
2. Click OK to display the editor.

11.3 Editing Dynamic Drawings

Create the required objects. Use the Inherit color if necessary.

The drawing must be anchored during creation in order to appear at the required
location when it is utilized in another view:
1. Display the grid. A cross is visible at the center of the input zone of the editor
(corresponds to coordinates (o,o)).
2. Select all the objects of the drawing.
3. Move the objects as a group so that the cross in the grid corresponds with
the required generation point of the drawing.
4. Modify the Print attribute in the View Properties window, if necessary.
The default utilization size is the size of the sub-drawing as constructed. It is
therefore advisable to ensure that the size of the constructed drawing corresponds
as closely as possible to that of its utilization.

11.4 Creating Dynamic Drawing Variables

When used in mimic windows, the dynamic drawing will be linked to the variables of
the HMI DB.

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It is therefore obvious that no link with the HMI DB must be made during creation.
Intermediate variables internal to the drawing must be created.
A variable (dsv) can belong to only one data source (ds).
A ds can have more than one dsv.
A dsv can be:
Global: it will be visible in another view using this drawing
Local: it is invisible of another view using the drawing.
The name of the Data Source constitutes a key word and in ALSPA HMI is
representative of:
the data to be sought in the real time database
the processing and calculation of the data
the dynamic graphic.
A Data Source library therefore exists.
A Data Source is chosen for its function; the characteristics of the dsv depend on
the ds selected.
The ds library is described in the Data Sources chapter (cf. Section 16,Data
The view editor assists the user in the creation of certain data source variables and
data sources when their names and types are predefined and preset.
1. Create ds and dsv operating mode:
The ds / dsv window can be accessed in one of two ways:
2. Select the menu option Edit > Data Variables
- or under the Dynamic tab in the properties window, via the button
corresponding to a selected dynamic

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The window below opens:

1. Select the Data Source type (cf. the Data Sources chapter for the functions
of each ds).

Any field deduced and preset by the software is displayed automatically and is
2. Create one or more data source variables in accordance with the capacities
of the ds.

This part of window is used to display and select the characteristics of the dsv:
Type: type of the dsv: Short, Long, Float, Text

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Scope: Global to enable this dsv to appear in the views using this drawing
Shape: Row always equals 1. Col is equal to the size of the string if the dsv is of
Text type; Col equals 1 otherwise
Name: logical name given by the user. For certain data source variables this
name is preset, and entered automatically by the tool.

11.5 Animating Elementary Graphic Objects

1. Click the object required and select Dynamic in the contextual menu
2. Double click the object, then select the Dynamic tab in the properties window

3. Select in the line corresponding to the chosen dynamic.

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The Select variable window opens:

if the dsv already exists, double click it or click the dsv then on Apply. Otherwise it
is possible to create a dsv and even a ds from this window, and then select it for
the dynamic.
The ds/dsv is chosen according to its behavior in operation.
No purpose is served by modifying the value of the input fields in the dynamics
window since these fields are set automatically in operation with the extreme values
of the associated attribute. It is however necessary to modify them to input threshold
tables with limits other than 0 and 1.
The value of the output fields must be assigned if the amplitude of the dynamic is to
be limited.
The operation should be repeated if another dynamic is required on the same

11.6 Animating 2nd Level Dynamic Drawings

A (level 1) dynamic drawing can be constructed to use another dynamic drawing

(said to be 2nd level).
The link must then be «propagated» so that the global dsv of this 2nd level drawing
is recognized and visible for the views using the level 1 drawing.
An appropriate dsv type of the 'standard' ds must be created and used.

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Operating mode:
1. click the object required and select Subdrawing in the contextual menu
2. double click the object, then select the Subdrawing tab in the properties

The window shows as many lines as the dynamic drawing possesses external
(Global) variables.
3. Double click the Is Mapped To zone in each line.
The select variable window opens.
4. link the internal variable with a dsv of the «standard» ds. Create the dsv in
this window if it does not already exist. The type must be the same as that of the
internal dsv.

11.7 Saving Dynamic Drawings

Click or on the close button of the editor. The following window opens:

The Purge the unused variable option is used to delete data (ds and dsv) that is not
used in the view.

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Section 12 Control Functions

12.1 Introduction to Control Functions

This chapter looks at the process control functions from the standpoint of the
The control functions are operated by means of control windows placed within the
mimics. These windows are opened by buttons located in the immediate vicinity of
commandable blocks.
These control windows are not the same as the view windows managed by
Controcad Views; control windows are pre-defined system windows which can be
configured by the input of HMIDB Control Block variables (hCB).
A maximum of three windows can be open by the operator at any one time. These
windows can be moved by the operator within the mimic. When opened they appear
in the positions predefined for each mimic.

12.2 Control Windows

Generally speaking a control window appears as shown below:

The title contains the functional ID of the variable used for the command (Control
Block class object)
Click the title to move the window.
The close button erases the window.
Zone 1: if they exists, graphic elements (curves, bargraphs, text etc.) which show
the operator how the command is changing.
Zone 2: interactive graphic elements for the transmission of commands.
Zone 3: recurrent buttons (display mode, comment)

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12.3 Producing Control Mimics

The development of a mimic comprising control elements includes the definition of:
the open control window buttons,
the three points in the mimic determining the position of the windows.

12.3.1 Control Window Access Buttons

These are the buttons used to open control windows placed in the mimic views. This
chapter does not deal with the buttons located in control windows (see next
Creating an Open Button
The open button is a static drawing using the standard drawing, itself named "R".

The symbol within the button can also be a static or dynamic graphic object of "text"
or "vectext" type.
The button appears as depressed while the window remains open.
Save this button as a static or dynamic drawing.
Using the Button in a Mimic
The button executes the "Open a Control Window" action:
The associated parameter is the Control Block type variable (hCB)
PI: 13 <external key>
external key of the Database object to be commanded (C_REGUL class)

12.3.2 Control Window Positions

1 to 3 window positions can be defined for each mimic comprising control blocks.
These positions, corresponding to the top left of the window, are defined by invisible
rectangle objects (in the background color). These rectangles must be of Position 1,
2 or 3 type
The Use option in the General tab of the rectangle is used to define these names:

Since these objects are invisible, it may be necessary (for example, when moving
them) to have them show up temporarily on screen.
Execute the command sequence Edit >Select > By name then input POS* in the input
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The default mimic mimic.v includes three positioning rectangles.
The maximum number of control windows open simultaneously cannot be greater
than the number of "POS:" objects in the mimic view. In other terms two "POS:"
objects must be positioned if two windows are required to be open simultaneously in
a given mimic.

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Section 13 Drawing Library

13.1 Introduction

A library of predefined drawings is available in the form of an import/export file

P320\exe\oc\popv_export.gz. This import file can then be opened in the working
version or in a library version.
The 1st part of this chapter describes drawings using the data sources described in
the Data Sources chapter.
Each of these drawings can be copied and modified according to the requirements
of the project.
The last part of this chapter ("other drawings") presents drawings which do not
figure in this library but which do figure in the DVDraw editor and which can be
created from standard elements.
Example of adaptation of a library drawing:
We provide a "bargraph with thresholds" complex object which in operation displays
a bargraph with the dynamic thresholds and calculated colors:

The following behavioral aspects of the object may be of interest to the user:
area infill,
color calculation,
movement of thresholds along a path,
The graphic appearance of the object is however inappropriate: The user can
change this, but only with DV-Draw.
Without development software the user can thus obtain, for example, the infill of a
hopper with colors and variable thresholds etc.

13.2 Standard Drawings

13.2.1 Simple Non-anchored Bargraphs

A drawing is necessary for each bargraph orientation:

Name of Drawings horizontal bargraph infilled from left to right

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(the words "min" and "max" are not a part of the drawing) horizontal bargraph infilled from right to left vertical bargraph infilled from bottom to top vertical bargraph infilled from top to bottom

Infill of a rectangle in accordance with a real type database data option.
The infill color is modified if the Value/Status attribute of a remote measurement is
normal state color for normal Status
invalidity/replacement color for doubtful Status
color of inhibition for inhibited Status
network malfunction color in case of loss of connection to the server
If the Value/Status attribute is not used, the color is that of the normal state.
The background color is modifiable during the utilization of the drawing in the view.
Utilization of one of these drawings in a view shows the visibility of the variables
(Subdrawing tab):

Behavior in Prototype Mode

the infill of the bargraph is active for values between 0 and 1 ;
the infill color is not significant.

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13.2.2 Display with Status

Name of the Drawing
This drawing is used to display a real in a 9-character decimal format with 2 digits
after the decimal point.
The display color is modified equipment if the Value/Status attribute of an Asig type
variable is used:
normal state color for normal Status
invalidity/replacement color for doubtful Status
color of inhibition for inhibited Status
If the Value/Status attribute is not used, the color is that of the normal state.
The display format (floating, integer etc., the number of characters) is fixed in the
drawing and cannot be modified during utilization.
To obtain a new format, copy the reference drawing and modify its format.
If a display which does not include the status is required, a Text type dynamic
created on a text object directly in the mimic is sufficient (and much quicker).
Utilization of one of these drawings shows the visibility:

Behavior in Prototype Mode

the real is displayed correctly;
the color is not significant.

13.2.3 Static Scale

Name of the Drawing for a horizontal scale graduated from left to right for a vertical scale graduated from bottom to top
These drawings are examples of graduated scales comprising:
one axis,
large graduations with values,
small graduations.

These drawings are static.

The following aspects can be modified during instantiation of this type of drawing:
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The orientation can be modified by using Copy/paste to transfer this drawing from
another editor. The "Rotate" operation can be used to modify the axes of all the
objects in this drawing.
The drawing can be used immediately. No variable links are necessary.
Database Variables Used
Behavior in Prototype Mode
Because the drawing is static, it is identical to its input in DV-Draw.

13.2.4 Dynamic Scale

Name of the Drawing

No drawing exists because the dynamic scale is a Graph type object directly
accessible from the editor.
For ASig type or SPt variables this graph is used to obtain:
a horizontal or vertical scale;
values and graduations in a chosen direction.
In operation the drawing is capable of automatically recovering the limits of the
database data to which it is linked, i.e. the Minimum and Maximum attributes.

1. Select a graph trace. Click

2. Position and resize the trace zone.
3. Configure the graph. Double click the graph. Select Graph Axis, the first in
the list of graphs.

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The input window is then as shown below:

Input the "Text:" field with the orientation and the display format. The syntax is:
<orientation> b %<m>.<n>f
<orientation>, direction of the axis and of the graduations. Can only equal one of the
following 4 letters:
"N" for an axis with upward facing graduations ;
"S" for an axis with downward facing graduations;
"E" for an axis whose rightward facing graduations;
"W" for a axis with leftward facing graduations;
b indicates a space. A single space must exist between <orientation> and '%'
<m> is a number indicating the maximum number of characters that each label
may take (including point and sign).
<n> is a number representing the number of digits after the decimal point.
S %9.2f
W %8.3f
Attach the variable required.

1. Click the Variables tab then the button

2. Select the trace color:

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3. Click the button then input a color in the threshold table

The name of the associated attribute is not used. Only the ID is used in operation.
ALSPA HMI detects an error if the ID does not belong to one of the 4 classes
mentioned above.
Behavior in Prototype Mode
The axis is displayed with the current limits. The values are always in a decimal
format corresponding to the values <m> and <n>.

13.2.5 Displaying ASig Measurements

Name of the Drawing
This display combines the functions of the "measurement" and "color" data sources.
That is to say:
displays the real on 9 characters with 2 digits after the decimal point,
displays <<<< if low limit violation,
displays >>>> if high limit violation,
displays the measurement in decimal format if the width of the display field
enables this,
displays the measurement in scientific format if decimal format is impossible,
displays near 0 measurement depending on configurable sensitivity,
displays #### when the width of the field is insufficient,

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displays **** when the ASig type variable is inhibited,
the color of the text is representative of the state of the measurement.
Utilization of this drawing provides the following visibility:

Only the Value attribute of an ASig type variable may be linked with this drawing.
Behavior in Prototype Mode
Only the display dynamic of the real is executed. The color is not significant.

13.2.6 Displaying BSig Measurements

Name of the Drawing
This display combines the functions of the "measurement" and "color" data sources
for a BSig type variable.
displays the label associated to the state of the variable,
displays **** when the variable is inhibited,
calculates the color of the text in accordance with the state of the variable.
Utilization of this drawing provides the following visibility:

Only the Value attribute of a BSig type variable may be linked with this drawing.
Behavior in Prototype Mode
Only the integer display dynamic is done. The color is not significant.

13.2.7 Bargraph with ASig Thresholds

Name of the Drawing for a horizontal bargraph for a vertical bargraph
This drawing enables:
the infill of a area depending on the value of the database Value attribute,
the display of the correct number of thresholds,
the movement of these thresholds,
display in an appropriate color.

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The drawing is presented in the mimic as shown below:

The movement object has been defined in black so as to be invisible on a black

The example provided above shows how the behavior of this drawing can be used
with another graphic (hopper).
Utilization in a mimic provides the visibility shown below:

Behavior in Prototype Mode

Only the infill dynamic is executed. The infill color, and the threshold color and
position are not significant.

13.2.8 3-D Push Button

Name of the Drawing
The 3-D push button is used to trigger an operator event in operation
This kind of button is ergonomically desirable since:
it is used in the system views (non mimic),
it is used in the dialogue zone,
it enables a command zone to be shown unequivocally in a mimic.
In addition, the application recognizes when the button must be maintained
depressed (control window access button) or when it must be released immediately
(view access button).
The drawing is presented as shown below:

If a graphic is to be placed on the button, the user must create another higher
level static drawing using the drawing button Name this
button "R" (Released).

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For instantiation in a mimic:
1. Instantiate the drawing created;
2. Name the object in accordance with the syntax:
PI: < processing n°> <parameter>
Database Variables Used
Certain <parameters> are in fact Database object keys.
Certain <processing n°> may require internal access to other variables. The
Processing Numbers chapter describes the types of action available and the
corresponding parameters.
Behavior in Prototype Mode
Behavior is static; designation has no effect.

13.3 Other Drawings

No drawing is supplied for this option in the standard library. This paragraph outlines
the methods and objects to be used for other drawings.

13.3.1 Trends

The "Graph Status" graph is used to represent variables in the form of historical data
or trends.
Operating mode:
1. Select a graph trace.
2. Position and resize the trace zone.
3. Configure the graph. The inputs below are preset:
Choice of the graph "Graph Status"
"Samples" to the size of the TEND attribute: 32
No transparent background, choice of "OPAQUE"
Ticks to OFF
Time Start and Increment to 1
Scroll By to 32
1. Attach the variable required.
2. Assign the database variable required.
Only the TEND attribute is used for trends by ALSPA HMI. The ALSPA HMI
mechanisms mean that the width of display of the trend cannot be greater than
the content of TEND i.e. 32 values.
The range of variation of the input variable (Range) is assigned dynamically in
operation by the application (by the Minimum and Maximum attributes of the ASig
type variable).
In order to ensure uniform representation in the Curves system view, the trend
returns the Status values contained in the Trend attribute as shown below:
- definition color and single width trace when Status is normal;

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- definition color and triple width trace when Status indicates doubtful;
- inhibition color and single width trace if Status indicates inhibited.

13.4 Table of RTDB Variables Utilized in Drawings

Name of drawing ds used Number of variable attributes standard 1 max standard 1 max none 0 mes_coul 1 mes_coul 1 rempl_seuils 5 none 0
Status graph standard 1
Dynamic scale standard 0

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Section 14 Language Management

The labels are translated by means of import/export files (see appropriate


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Section 15 Actions

The table below shows a summary of the actions that can be associated to an
The paragraphs below provide a detailed description.
Selecting an action (Type field) can lead the user to Select additional parameters.
These choices result in the assignment of the object name (Name field). This name
is visible in the HMI for information purposes. The syntax of this name is shown
below ;
PI:<n° > <mandatory parameters> <other parameters>

Action Type N° Mandatory Other Function ALSPA

parameters parameters HMI

Call Mimic in 1 Mimic type None Accesses a V4

Drawport processing mimic view
Open y=f(t) 2 y=f(t) curve None Direct access V5.5
Curve Group processing from a mimic
object view to a y=f(t)
Open y=f(x) 3 processing None Direct access V5.5
Curve Group object from a mimic
view to a y=f(x)

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Action Type N° Mandatory Other Function ALSPA
parameters parameters HMI

Open Bargraph 4 Bargraph type None Direct access V5.5

processing from a mimic
object view to a
bargraph group
Open Trend 5 Trend Variable None Direct access V5.5
Signals type processing from a mimic
object view to a trend
variable group
Open Operator 7 Operator Group None Direct access V5.5
Group type processing from a mimic
object view to an
operator group
Open 10 Sequence None Direct access V5.5
Sequence Monitoring type from a mimic
Monitoring processing view to a
Window object sequence
monitoring group
Open Control 13 Control Block List of the Opens a control V4
Window type processing authorized window
object operator
Open Control 15 Control Block None Displays a view V4
Loop View Group type of regulation
Set Command 16 ccCmd type List of the Sets a ccCmd V4
to 1 without variable authorized variable to 1
check operator without check
Open Drawport 17 Name of DV- None Opens a V4
or Popup DRAW view DRAWPORT or
window POPUP window
Internal HMI 18 Variable de List of the Internal timed V4
command type ihCmd authorized out monostable
transmission: operator HMI Command
monostable stations
timed out
Command ccCmd type Single pulse Cell V4
Transmission: variable Controller
single pulse Command
Command ccCmd type ccCmd at V4
transmission: variable inverse value of
command the BSig variable
value inverse
of Boolean
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Action Type N° Mandatory Other Function ALSPA
parameters parameters HMI

Command ccCmd type Single pulse Cell V4

transmission: variable Controller
single pulse Command with
command with check
Direct 19 ccSPt type List of the Direct V4
transmission of variable authorized transmission of a
a setpoint with operator ccSPt variable or
check stations ASig Operator
Parameter with
Direct ASig type V4
transmission of variable
an operator
HMI analog
signal with
Open a 23 Synthesized None Opens a criteria V4
blocking variable type window
criteria window
Set Owners 30 Owner type Owner type Non inhibition of V5.5
Free processing processing an owner or of
object object an owner list in a
maximum is
set at 255
Inhibit Owners Inhibition of an V5.5
owner or of an
owner list in a
Open an 31 Owner type None Open view per V5.3.4
Owner list processing owner
Open an 35 Owner type None Open alarm view V5.2
Owner Alarm processing per owner
List object
Normal Mode 40 Owner type Owner type Mode of V5.5
for Owners processing processing intervention on
object object owner or owner
maximum is set to normal
set at 255 mode

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Action Type N° Mandatory Other Function ALSPA
parameters parameters HMI

Block Owners Mode of V5.5

intervention on
owner or owner
Set set in locked
Test Owners Mode of V5.5
intervention on
owner or owner
SSset in test
Open a 41 Procedure None Open a V5.3.3
Procedure Sheets procedure sheet:
Close 20 None None Close a V4
Drawport or 3 DRAWPORT or
Popup window POPUP window
Move Drawport 22 None None Move a V4
or Popup 9 DRAWPORT or
window POPUP window
Call a Tag 60 Tag window None Open a window V5.2
Window 2 type processing displaying a
object message:
Detailed description of actions:
Access a mimic view
- Processing n°: 1
- Parameter: Mimic type processing object
See note at end of chapter.
Direct access from a mimic view to a y=f(t) curve
- Processing n°: 2
- Parameter: y=f(t) curve processing object
Direct access from a mimic view to a y=f(x) curve
- Processing n°: 3
- Parameter: processing object
Direct access from a mimic view to a bargraph group
- Processing n°: 4
- Parameter: processing object

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Direct access from a mimic view to a trend variable group
- Processing n°: 5
- Parameter: Trend Variable type processing object
Direct access from a mimic view to an operator group
- Processing n°: 7
- Parameter: Operator Group type processing object
Direct access from a mimic view to a sequence monitoring group
- Processing n°: 10
- Parameter: Sequence Monitoring type processing object
Open a control window
- Processing n°: 13
- Parameter: Control Block type processing object
- Other parameters:
The other parameters supply the list of the operator stations authorized or
unauthorized to open the control window.
These parameters are optional.
If these parameters are not present, all the operator stations are authorized to
open the window.
Checks performed in operation
The conditions below must be produced to open the window:
check on the entity to which the hCB object belongs:
the entity must be one of the entities assigned to the station operator
check the BSig entity authorization variable:
this entity must also be authorized in control mode on this operator station
the name of the button (list of operator stations) indicates that this station
has control rights on this object
Display a control loop view
- Processing n°: 15
- Parameter: Control Block Group type processing object
Set a ccCmd variable to 1 without check
- Processing n°: 16
- Parameter: ccCmd type variable
- Other parameters:
The other parameters supply the list of the operator stations authorized or
unauthorized to transmit the command.
These parameters are optional.
If these parameters are not present, all the operator stations are authorized to
open the window.
Checks performed in operation
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The conditions below must be produced to transmit the command:
check the entity to which the object belongs:
the database object entity used as a parameter must be one of the entities
assigned to the station operator.
check the BSig entity authorization variable:
this entity must also be authorized in control mode on this operator station.
the name of the button (list of operator stations) indicates that this station
has control rights on this object
Open a "DRAWPORT" or "POPUP" type window
The open button must be located in the full page mimic view.
- Processing n°: 17
- Parameter: name of the view with the suffix .v
See note below.
Transmission of a Cmd variable with check
See processing types below for further detail.
- Processing n°: 18
- Parameter: Cmd type variable
- type of processing: indicates the processing algorithm to be applied to the
Cmd variable.
Equals one of the 4 key words TCI_TEMP, TC_IMP, TC_INVTS or
TCI_TEMP: algorithm "Monostable timed out Cmd ":
check on the authorization BSig and the associated phBSig
transmission of the Cmd value at 1, which sets the associated phBSig to 1 for 5
seconds. After this time, the phBSig reverts to 0.
TC_IMP: algorithm "single pulse Cmd ":
check the authorization Bsig of the Cmd
- transmit the Cmd at 1
TC_INVTS: algorithm "Cmd with inverse value of the BSig variable"
check on the authorization BSig and the associated phBSig
transmission of the Cmd value at the inverse value of the associated BSig.
TC_IMP_CTRL: algorithm "checked single pulse Cmd":
check the authorization Bsig of the Cmd
check the associated BSig
check the execution failure phBSig
transmit the Cmd at 1
Other parameters:
This is the list of the authorized operator stations.

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Direct transmission of a ccSPt variable or of an ASig Operator Parameter with
- Processing n°: 19
- Parameter: ccSPt or ASig type variable
- Other parameters:
This is the list of the authorized operator stations.
The variable entity is systematically checked.
- Processing specific to a ccSPt:
check access level
check the associated ASig variable, the authorization BSig, the execution
failure phBSig and its fixed limits
transmission of the SPt value at the value requested
- Processing specific to an ASig Operator Parameter:
check limits
transmission of the value of the ASig Operator Parameter at the value
Open the blocking criteria window
- Processing n°: 23
- Parameter: Synthesized variable type
- Used to open the blocking criteria window from a mimic.
Non-inhibition or inhibition of an Owner in a mimic.
- Processing n°: 30
- Parameter: Owner type processing object
- Other parameters:
List of Owners with a maximum of 255 characters.
Open alarm view per Owner
- Processing n°: 35
- Parameter: Owner type processing object
Mode of intervention on Owner
- Processing n°: 40
Parameter: Owner type processing object
- Other parameters:
List of Owners with a maximum of 255 characters.
Intervention mode:
Open a procedure sheet

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- Processing n°: 41
Parameter: Name of the procedure sheet
Close a "DRAWPORT" or "POPUP" type window
The close button must be located in the window to be closed.
- Processing n°: 203
- Parameter: no.
Move a "DRAWPORT" or "POPUP" type window
Only functions if the current full page view is a mimic.
The button named PI:229 must be in the window to be moved.
Processing n°: 229
Parameter: no.
Opens a window displaying a message.
- Processing n°: 602
- Parameter: Tag window type processing object
The following are also managed automatically by the CVS:
view access requests from the title zone; see "Content of View Models" chapter
view access requests from the title of the associated views window.
Note : The actions «Call Mimic in Drawport»and «Open Drawport or Popup Window» are both
used to display a view in a DRAWPORT. The difference between these two is explained

the "Call Mimic in Drawport" parameter is an Mimic type processing

object. In operation, the mimic directory shows this object; the view can
therefore be accessed from this directory.
the parameter of «Open Drawport or Popup Window» is a window view
name. This view name does not need to be known in the HMIDB and
no directory may use the name in operation.

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Section 16 Data Sources

16.1 Presentation

Data source names constitute key words for the ALSPA HMI application.
While the data source variable names in the mimic view or window supply the
references to RTDB attribute names, the ds name is used to describe:
data searches;
data transformation;
production of the dynamic.
The ds name is therefore chosen by the designer of the dynamic drawing depending
on the function required.
These data sources can only be supplied during the construction of the dynamic
drawing. For a mimic view or a window view (1st level) the ds name is the name of
the Owner; the "standard" ds is then implicitly used in operation by ALSPA HMI.
It is therefore important to understand the "standard" function in order to enable
correct construction of the dynamic directly in mimic.
The standard ds description used is shown below.

16.1.1 Description

This paragraph contains the functional description of the ds:

Data search.
Supplies a full list of the RTDB variables used when the ds consumes a closed
list of data.
Data transformation.
Production of dynamic graphic.

16.1.2 DSV Characteristics

Specifies the qualifiers of each dsv of the ds concerned:

variable type (real, integer etc.)
type of structure (scalar etc.)
visibility (Global, Local)
function (feeds dynamic xx)

16.1.3 Restrictions on Utilization

Warning as to incorrect use.

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16.1.4 Mode of Utilization

Describes the operations required in the editor to input a dynamic drawing correctly
using this ds.

16.1.5 Example of Input

Provides a simple example of input.

16.1.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Without affecting operation of the mimic check utility, errors are detected by each ds
in ALSPA HMI operation. This paragraph details these errors and describes their
The results on the ALSPA HMI target are of two types:
1. a message is transmitted signaling the malfunction.
2. a frame opens in the mimic of the graphic object where the malfunction is

16.1.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

Click to test a dynamic drawing.

However, because certain data sources seek more than one RTDB variable and
execute a calculation, the result in this mode cannot be as complete on the editor as
in ALSPA HMI operation.
A description of the behavior on the editor is therefore necessary.

16.2 "Standard" Data Source

16.2.1 Description

This ds is the most general and is used to feed the dsv with non-transformed RTDB
This ds is used implicitly when a dynamic is implemented directly in a 1st level view
(mimic or window).
These are the special features of this ds.
Data Search
The data consists exclusively of the following RTDB variables:
simple attributes according to the table, (cf. 16.10,Table of Data Sources Used by
Attribute Type)
Value and Status attributes (set of several attributes)
Trend attribute
Data Transformation
No data transformation is executed for simple attributes; the value of the attribute
is placed directly in the corresponding dsv.

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"Non-existent attributes", i.e. constant attributes with no default values, with non-
mandatory inputs, and which have not been input for the RTDB, undergo special
processing to show that they do not exist:
- if the dynamic is Text type, '/' characters are placed in the display field. The
number of '/' characters depends on the format chosen (% 10.3 f causes the
display of 10 '/'. If no size is specified in the format, 4 '/' characters are
displayed (% f causes the display of ////).
- for another dynamic, the arbitrary value -1 is placed in the corresponding dsv.
the elementary attributes of the Value and Status attributes are separated; no
other transformation is done.
the Value values of the Trend attribute (32 Value and Status values) are
separated from the Status values.
For Text type RTDB attributes, a part of the label can be displayed on several
lines. The format of the Text type dynamic is used to define the division
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The dynamic is obtained using the dynamics of the editor.
For simple attributes, the value placed in the dsv causes the graphic to change;
the IN field of the dynamic, where this exists, is assigned automatically in
operation by the minimum and maximum values of the attribute.
If another dynamic linked to a dsv of the "status" ds exists on the same graphic
object this dsv is assigned by default by the value of the normal state of the
Status attribute.
For the Value and Status attributes, the value of the Value attribute is placed in
the dsv associated to the "standard" ds; any Status value that exists is placed in
the dsv associated to the "status" ds of a dynamic of the same object. If this dsv
does not exist, the Status value is not used.
For the Trend attribute
This can only be used with the "Graph Status" graph object. The Value values
are used as the ordinates for each point on the graph.
The Status values are used to modify the trace attributes:
- if Status indicates normal state, the trace is:
color of definition in the editor
single width trace
- if Status indicates doubtful state, the trace is:
color of definition in the editor
triple width trace
- if Status indicates inhibited state, the trace is:
inhibition color
single width trace

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16.2.2 DSV Characteristics

The name is left to the choice of the designer. The name may contain
alphanumeric characters, spaces and tabulations.
The name should be short enough to ensure identification during utilization of the
Variable type
In accordance with the type of the RTDB attribute which will be associated during
utilization of the drawing. The following types are possible:
- "Float" for real type RTDB data
- "Long" for long integer type RTDB data
- "Short" for short integer type RTDB data
- "Text[ ]" for information RTDB of type character string.
For the Value and Status attributes, the type is that of the attribute qualifying
the value, i.e.
- "Float" for an ASig type variable
- "Short" for a BSig type variable
For the Trend attribute the type is the same as that for Value, i.e. "Float".
Type of structure
- Vector [32] for the variable linked with the Trend attribute
- Scalar or Len[ ] for the others
Exclusively Global
Feeds the associated dynamic input via the editor.

16.2.3 Restrictions on Utilization

When another dynamic is linked to a dsv of the "status" ds on the same graphic
object, the following precautions should be taken:
The graphic object must have one single dynamic exclusively linked with the
"standard" ds and one single dynamic linked with the "status" ds.
Otherwise (no "status" ds):
several data source variables of the "standard" ds can animate the same object
data source variables of other data sources (measurement, color etc.) can also
animate the same object.
"standard" manages only "Graph Status" type graphs. Only one dsv may be
attached per graph.

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16.2.4 Mode of Utilization

Create as many data source variables of the "standard" ds as necessary

Give them names which evoke their future utilization.
Assign the other characteristics.
Create the data source variables of the "status" ds if necessary. Assign their
characteristics (Local visibility)
For each graphic object to be animated:
1. select the type of dynamic. Depending on the dynamic:
2. modify the OUT field as necessary,
3. input or recover a threshold table,
4. assign the format field (Text dynamic).
A special syntax can be used for the division of the characters strings. See the note
1. name a movement path (Path Move) in the form:
"SPECBE:<name path>"
1. link the dynamic to the adequate dsv.
2. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables.
3. Save the view
Note on display formats:
These display formats are to be defined during the selection of a "Text" type
While the "measurement" and "mes_coul" ds described below produce in certain
cases a transformation of the character string, the "standard" ds does not in any way
modify the result of a format which is not %s.
For example, the format "" signifies here that a minimum of m characters (sign
'-', point, digits 0 to 9), including n digits after the decimal point, are required.
Thus for the format "%8.3f"
15.53261 is displayed as bb15.533 (b indicates the space character)
-1 is displayed as bb-1.000
-12345.670 is displayed as -12345.670 (10 characters)
for the format "%.2f"
15.53261 is displayed as 15.53
0 is displayed as 0.00
-12345.670 is displayed as -12345.67
The format %s is analyzed by the standard ds: if the RTDB attribute is of character
string type, the string can be divided as long as the syntax shown below is used in
the format field (bnf standard):
%sb[[<nb total>].<1st character>]b[<nb characters before cr>cr]*

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b : space character
%s : format indicating character string
<nb total> : optional, total number of characters to be displayed. The spaces
between words count as characters. If the value is omitted, the entire string is
displayed from <1st character>
<1st character> : first character of the string to be displayed.
<nb characters before cr>: number of characters to be displayed before line feed
cr : the two lowercase letters 'c' and 'r'
This syntax enables a Text type RTDB attribute to:
display a part of the string
define the start of the string displayed relative to the real start
display the resulting string on one or more lines
In addition the spaces at the end of the string are removed from the string displayed.
The justification of the text (justified to right, left, center) depends on the position
point of the Text or Vectext object.
The position point is defined in DV-Draw by the "Position" button
Let the initial string be 32 characters, produced by the Label attribute:
Where b equals the space character (RTDB attributes are completed by spaces in
the RTDB).
%s with an anchor point at left, gives:
%s 4cr with an anchor point at top right, gives:
Other examples with anchor points at top left:
%s 10.2 2cr4cr
%s .2 6cr
%s 6cr

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16.2.5 Example of Input

Two examples are described here:

Input of a drawing where the graphic object has several dynamics linked to the
data source variables of the "standard" ds
Input of a drawing where the graphic object has two dynamics linked to a dsv of
the "standard" ds and dsv of the "status" ds.
Several Dynamics on the Same Object Linked to the Data Source Variables of
the «Standard» ds
1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Add dsv variables to the «standard» ds. Assign their characteristics.

3. Create the graphic object required.

4. Add dynamics. For example selecting the "Visible" and "Scale" dynamics
linked with the data source variables previously created gives the following result:

5. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables

6. Save the dynamic drawing
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will show:

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Two Dynamics Linked to the «Standard» and «Status» ds Data Source
1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Add a dsv variable to the «standard» ds. Assign its characteristics:

3. Add a dsv variable to the «status» ds. Assign its characteristics:

4. Create the graphic object required.

5. Add dynamic. For example selecting the «Fill Up» dynamic to represent the
flow and «Fore Color» for the status, with links with the dsv previously created, gives
the result:

6. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables.

7. Save the dynamic drawing.
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will

The variables of the Value and Status attributes of an ASig type variable, linked
for example to this drawing, are then fully exploited.

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16.2.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error in the RTDB reference of the dsv of the mimic linked with the dsv of the
- a message is transmitted
- the object is framed
the Trend attribute is linked to a graphic object other than a Graph Status.
- a message is transmitted
- the object is framed
%s format syntax error
- a message is transmitted
- the object is framed

16.2.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

In this mode the "IN" field of the dynamic is not modified relative to the input of the
The dynamics linked to the data source variables of the "standard" ds of "scalar" or
"Len[ ]" type structure behave normally.
The dynamics linked to the data source variables of the "status" ds have no effect.
The "Graph Status" is displayed with the definition color and width.
Strings cannot be divided in prototype mode; the format is displayed without

16.3 "Status" Data Source

16.3.1 Description

This ds, which systematically associated with the "standard" ds, is used to link a
dynamic to the content of the Status part of the Value and Status attributes.
Generally a "Fore Color" type dynamic is associated with the dsv of this ds. The
color threshold table must have 4 states:
0 for Status indicating a normal state
1 for Status indicating a state of invalidity/replacement
2 for Status indicating an inhibited state
3 for network failure
The popv_tab_status.tco table must be used for this dynamic.
These are the special features of this ds.
Data Search
Benefits from the search performed by the associated "standard" ds.
No additional search is carried out.

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Data Transformation
None, the Status value is placed directly in the dsv of this ds.
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The dynamic is obtained using DV-DRAW dynamics
The "IN" field of the dynamic, where this exists, is assigned with the extreme values
in operation (0, 3)

16.3.2 DSV Characteristics

The name is left to the choice of the designer

Variable type
Exclusively "Short"
Type of structure
Exclusively Local
Feeds the associated dynamic input via the editor.

16.3.3 Restrictions on Utilization

The "status" ds has no effect if it is used only for the dynamic of an object.
for each graphic object, only one dsv of the "standard" ds may coexist with one dsv
of the "status" ds

16.3.4 Mode of Utilization

Identical to the operating mode of the "standard" ds.

16.3.5 Example of Input

See the second example of the "standard" ds

16.3.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation


16.3.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

The dynamics linked to the data source variables of the "status" ds have no effect.

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16.4 "Color" Data Source

16.4.1 Description

Used to calculate a value, which is then transformed into a color which is

representative of the state of the RTDB variable.
The value placed in the dsv of this ds is used to feed the "Fore Color" (or "Back
Color") dynamic of the object. Color table popv_tab_color.tco must be used.
All types of RTDB variables are concerned by this color calculation.
Colors are supplied as follows in accordance with the variables read:
network malfunction color in case of network malfunction
- for an ASig type variable
Statut Level Validity Color

On monitoring Lower limit Yes Degree of urgency

On monitoring Very low threshold Yes Degree of urgency
On monitoring Low Threshold Yes Degree of urgency
On monitoring Normal Yes Normal state
On monitoring High threshold Yes Degree of urgency
On monitoring Very high Yes Degree of urgency
On monitoring Upper limit Yes Degree of urgency
On monitoring - No Doubtful state
Off monitoring Lower limit Yes Degree of urgency
Off monitoring Very low threshold Yes Off monitoring
Off monitoring Low Threshold Yes Off monitoring
Off monitoring Normal Yes Off monitoring
Off monitoring High threshold Yes Off monitoring
Off monitoring Very high Yes Off monitoring
Off monitoring Upper limit Yes Degree of urgency
Off monitoring - No Doubtful state
Inhibited - - Inhibited
Replaced - - Doubtful state
- for a BSig type variable
Statut Level Validity Color

On monitoring Alarm Yes Degree of urgency

On monitoring Normal Yes Normal state
On monitoring - No Doubtful state

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Statut Level Validity Color

Off monitoring Alarm Yes Off monitoring

Off monitoring Normal Yes Off monitoring
Off monitoring - No Doubtful state
Inhibited - - inhibition
Replaced - - Doubtful state
for a Cmd or SPt type variable
- normal state color if object is valid
- doubtful color if object is invalid
for a variable of another type
- normal state color
These are the special features of this ds
Data Search
An internal variable is used to identify the state of the network.
An internal list of attributes is used to determine the color.
Only the name of the RTDB variable in the 1st level dsv linked with the dsv of the
"color" ds is used to find the attributes required.
Data Transformation
A calculation is done on the restored data in accordance with the tables described
The result is a value between 0 and 8, which is placed in the corresponding dsv.
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The dsv value generates Select a color from the color table.
DSV Characteristics
The name is left to the choice of the designer
Variable type
Exclusively "Short", "Long" or "Float"
Type of structure
Exclusively "Scalar"
Exclusively Global
Feeds the "Fore Color" or "Back Color" dynamic.

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16.4.2 Restrictions on Utilization

Utilization is impossible with Graph and Input type graphic objects because no
dynamics can be added on these objects.

16.4.3 Mode of Utilization

1. Create as many data source variables of the " color " ds as necessary.
2. Assign their characteristics.
- For each graphic object to be animated:
3. select the "Fore Color" or "Back Color" dynamic
- recover the threshold table popv_tab_color.tco
4. link the dynamic to the adequate dsv
It is not necessary to modify the IN field (default values [0, 1])
5. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables
6. Save the view.
When this drawing is used subsequently, the name of the associated attribute is
not exploited. The designer simply makes a link with any attribute of the requisite
RTDB variable.

16.4.4 Example of Input

Input a dynamic drawing which displays a real value ("standard" ds) and which is
color reactive ("color " ds)
1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Add a dsv variable to the "standard" ds. Assign its characteristics:

3. Add a dsv variable to the " color " ds. Assign its characteristics:

4. Create the graphic object required

5. Add dynamic. For example, selection of the "Text" dynamic to represent the
value, "Fore Color" for the color plus links with the dsv previously created, gives the

6. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables

7. Save the dynamic drawing.

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When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will

16.4.5 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error in the RTDB reference of the dsv of the mimic linked with the dsv of the
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed

16.4.6 Behavior in Prototype Mode

In this mode the "IN" field of the dynamic is not modified relative to the input DV-
The dsv normally feeds the "Fore Color" or "Back Color" dynamic but the value of
the dsv does not correspond to a color calculation.

16.5 "Measurement" Data Source

16.5.1 Description

Used to represent the measurement of an ASig or BSig type variable in the form of a
character string:
for an ASig type variable:
- uses the content of the Value attribute and other internal attributes,
- displays <<<< if low limit violation,
- displays >>>> if high limit violation,
- displays the measurement in decimal format if the width of the display field
enables this,
- displays the measurement in scientific format if decimal format is impossible,
- displays near-0 measurement depending on configurable sensitivity, by means
of the HMIDB,
- displays #### when the width of the field is insufficient,
- displays **** when the ASig variable is inhibited.
for a BSig type variable:
- depending on the content of the Value measurement, displays the associated
state label in the current language,
- displays **** when the BSig variable is inhibited.
As with the color calculation, this value transformation is used in non mimic views
called system views. Supplying the "measurement" data source for the mimics
ensures the consistency of the image set.
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These are the special features of this ds.
Data Search
An internal list of attributes is used
Data Transformation
For an ASig type variable the character string to be displayed is calculated in
accordance with the measurement status and variable status.
Only format is authorized.
m (optional) represents the maximum number of characters required, digits, signs
and '.' including. Default value: 9
n (optional) represents the number of digits after the decimal point. Default value:
-49561.27 and -1.95E+07 are both in %9.2f format
For a BSig type variable, a search is run for the state label associated to the
measurement and the language.
Only %md format is authorized where m represents the number of characters
If m < size of the state label or if m is omitted, the size is the size of the state
label (8 characters)
If m > size of the state label, the state label is framed to the right.
Note : In both cases the display format can be framed by the text.
Examples: The format "value =%f MW" with a real equal to 4.53 displays the string 4.53
It is however more practical, for reasons of visibility, to place the text explicitly in the view
and not in this format.

Producing the dynamic graphic

The character string calculated is assigned to the Text type dynamic.

16.5.2 DSV Characteristics

The name is left to the choice of the designer

Variable type
- "Float" if the variable which will be associated is ASig type
- "Short" if the variable which will be associated is BSig type
Type of structure
Exclusively "Scalar"
Exclusively Global
Feeds the "Text" dynamic of the graphic text or vectect object.

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16.5.3 Restrictions on Utilization

When this drawing is used subsequently, the name of the associated attribute
may only be the Value attribute of an ASig or BSig type variable.
The graphic object must be a Text or Vectext
The dynamic must be "Text"
The formats authorized are and %md

16.5.4 Mode of Utilization

1. Create as many data source variables of the "measurement" ds as

2. Assign their characteristics.
3. Create one or more Text or Vectext graphic objects
- For each Text or Vectext object to be animated:
4. select the "Text" dynamic
5. assign the display format
6. link the dynamic to the adequate dsv
7. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables
8. Save the view.

16.5.5 Example of Input

Input of an ASig type variable display.

1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Add a dsv variable to the "measurement" ds. Assign its characteristics:

3. Create the of Text or Vectext type graphic object.

4. Add the "Text dynamic. The result is:

5. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables.

6. Save the dynamic drawing.
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will

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16.5.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error in the RTDB reference of the dsv of the mimic linked with the dsv of the
- Variable RTDB of wrong type
- Attribute other than Value
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed
Error on the dynamic:
- dynamic other that "Text"
- formats incorrect
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed

16.5.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

In this mode the character string is that displayed normally in DV-DRAW. That is to
a real if the format is "" type
an integer if the format is "%md" type

16.6 "Mes_Coul" Data Source

16.6.1 Description

Combines the functions of both the "measurement" and the "color" ds in a single ds
Used to display the measurement value (Value attribute) of an ASig or BSig type
variable in a calculated color representative of the state.
This association enables:
to minimize variable searches in the RTDB
optimize animation
These are the special features of this ds.
Data Search
An internal list of attributes is used
Data Transformation
See the equivalent paragraphs for the "measurement" and "color" data sources.
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The character string is assigned to the Text type dynamic .
The calculated color is placed in the dsv named "color" with Local visibility.

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16.6.2 DSV Characteristics

The "mes_coul" ds may include only two data source variables:

A dsv for the display of the text corresponding to the measurement
- Name left free
- Type of variable
"Float" if used to represent an analog signal
"Short" if used to represent a Boolean signal
- Type of structure
Exclusively "Scalar"
- Visibility
Exclusively Global
- Function
Feeds the "Text" type dynamic
A dsv for the calculation of the color
- Preset name: "color"
- Type of variable
Exclusively "Short", "Long" or "Float"
- Type of structure
Exclusively "Scalar"
- Visibility
Exclusively Local
- Function
Feeds the dsv linked to the "Fore Color" or "Back Color" type dynamic

16.6.3 Restrictions on Utilization

When this drawing is used subsequently, the name of the associated attribute
may only be the Value attribute of an ASig or BSig type variable.
For the measurement display:
- the graphic object must be "Text" or Vectext"
- the dynamic must be "Text"
- the formats authorized are and %md
For the color
- the "Fore Color" or "Back Color" dynamic must be associated to the "Text"
graphic object.
- the "Fore Color" dynamic must be associated to a "Vectext" object (a "Vectext"
has no background color).

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16.6.4 Mode of Utilization

1. Create a «mes_coul» ds. The dsv named color is created automatically.

2. Create the 2nd dsv of the "mes_coul" ds
3. Assign its characteristics as indicated above
4. Create a "Text" or "Vectext" type object
5. Associate two dynamics to this object:
"Text" dynamic. Link this dynamic with the Global visibility dsv. Assign the display
"Fore Color" or "Back Color" dynamic linked to the "color" dsv. Assign the color
threshold table by accessing and inputting "popv_tab_color.tco".
It is not necessary to modify the "IN" field of this dynamic.
Save the view

16.6.5 Example of Input

Input a BSig type display variable

1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Add a dsv variable to the "mes_coul" ds. Assign its characteristics. Note that
the editor automatically creates the "color" dsv.

3. Create the "Text" or "Vectext" graphic object

4. Add dynamic. Selection of the "Text" dynamic to represent the value, "Fore
Color" for the color plus links with the data source variables previously created gives
the result:

5. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables

6. Save the dynamic drawing.
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will

16.6.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error in the RTDB reference of the dsv of the mimic linked with the dsv of the
- The variable is the wrong type

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- attribute other that "Value"
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed
Error on the dynamic:
- dynamic other that "Text" associated to the Global dsv
- formats incorrect
- number of data source variables different from 2
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed

16.6.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

In this mode the character string is that displayed normally in DV-DRAW. That is to
a real if the format is "" type
an integer if the format is "%md" type
The color used is that of the normal state.

16.7 "Rempl_Seuils" Data Source

16.7.1 Description

Used to animate a complex graphic and thus to display the current values of the
attributes of an ASig type variable.
The bargraph with thresholds is an example of a graphic associated to this ds.
In a detailed manner this ds is used to:
fill an area according to the value of the Value attribute (a rectangle in the case of
the bargraph)
show a particular graphic in the event of a low limit violation

( for a horizontal bargraph)

show a particular graphic in the event of a high limit violation

( for a horizontal bargraph)

assign a calculated color to the area and to the limit violation graphics
define of the thresholds according to the content of the HMIDB
assign a color to each threshold according to the associated degree of urgency
show the threshold violated
move the thresholds dynamically
This kind of dynamic can be produced using several dynamics associated with the
dsv of the "standard" and "color" ds. However use of the "rempl_seuils" ds is used

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minimize data searches in the RTDB
optimize animation
These are the special features of this ds:
Data Search
An internal list of attributes is used
Data Transformation
The color is calculated for the area and the limit violation graphics
The measurement value (Value attribute) contributes directly to the infill of the
The existence of the content of internal attributes defining the thresholds
contributes to the existence (visibility) of the threshold; other attributes are used
to move the threshold.
The status of the measurement contributes to:
- the color calculation
- the exclusive display, at any given moment, of:
the low limit violation graphic
the high limit violation graphic
the area
- the position of an index on the violated threshold.
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The transformation of the data results in the assignment of values to the specific dsv
names associated with the specific dynamics. The following table shows a full list of
these links:
Threshold Name of dsv Dynamic Graphic object

- Measurement Fill Up, Down, Area to fill

Right or Left
popv_tab_col Color Fore Color Area to fill and limit
or.tco violation drawings
T1 Visibility Visible Area to fill and limit
violation drawings
popv_tab_col C_seuil1 to Fore Color Object threshold
or.tco c_seuil4
T2 V_seuil1 to Visible Object threshold
- M_seuil1 to Path Move Object threshold
- M_depass Path Move Index violated threshold
T3 V_depass Visible Index violated threshold

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T1 represents 3 visibility threshold tables for exclusive display of one of the 3
graphic objects (low limit violation drawing, high limit violation drawing and area
to fill). Each table varies between values 0 to 2. Visibility must be as follows:
- table T1.1: shows the area to fill if the "visibility" dsv equals 0
- table T1.2: shows the low limit violation drawing if the "visibility" dsv equals 1
- table T1.3: shows the high limit violation drawing if the "visibility" dsv equals 2
T2 is the visibility threshold table of threshold objects. This table:
- shows the object if the "V_seuil<i>" dsv equals 0
- masks the object if the "V_seuil<i>" dsv equals 1
T3 is the visibility table of the violated threshold index object. This table:
- shows the object if the "V_depass" dsv equals 0
- masks the object if the "V_depass" dsv equals 1
A concrete example of tables is given in the paragraph "Example of input".
If the designer needs a less complex dynamic, the simple association
dsv/dynamic/graphic object can be created as the "rempl_seuils" ds accepts

16.7.2 DSV Characteristics

In a given dynamic drawing a "remp_seuils" ds can have a maximum of one series

of fixed and named data source variables.
If a dynamic drawing needs to contain several "rempl_seuils" type dynamics (rare
either instantiate independent dynamic drawings each containing a
"rempl_seuils" ds
or create two data sources with the same name "rempl_seuils".
Each ds has its own series of data source variables.
Name of dsv Type of Type of Visibil Function
variable structur ity

Measurement Float Scalar Global Fill area

Color Short Scalar Local Color of area and color of
limit violation drawings
Visibility Short Scalar Local Visibility of the area to be
filled and visibility of limit
violation drawings
C_seuil1 to Short Scalar Local Color of thresholds
V_seuil1 to Short Scalar Local Visibility of thresholds
M_seuil1 to Float Scalar Local Movement of thresholds
M_depass Float Scalar Local Position index violated
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Name of dsv Type of Type of Visibil Function
variable structur ity
V_depass Short Scalar Local Visibility index violated

16.7.3 Restrictions on Utilization

Allows a dsv mapped with the "rempl_seuils" dsv to refer only to the Value attribute
of an ASig type variable.

16.7.4 Mode of Utilization

1. Create the "rempl_seuils" ds. The editor automatically creates the data source
variables and their characteristics. Data source variables can be deleted if
they are unused (or on save).
2. Create the graphic objects required.
At the most there must be:
one object allowing an infill (rectangle, polygon, circle etc.)
one object shown during low limit violation. This object can itself be a drawing
one object shown during high limit violation. This object can be a drawing. It may
be identical to the previous object.
4 objects representing thresholds
the movement path of polygon type thresholds only. The object is named
<identifier> is left to the choice of the designer
the index indicating the violated threshold
an object, placed behind that receiving the infill, can be used to provide a
background color (optional). If its "Foreground" color is the Inherit color, the color
can be configured during the instantiation of the drawing.
3. Associate the dynamic to the graphic objects
The tables above provide details such associations.
4. Ensure that the order of the objects below is as follows
the object providing the background color must be placed behind all the other
the object index of the violated threshold must be placed behind the threshold
5. Save the view

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16.7.5 Example of Input

The bargraph with thresholds dynamic drawing is input at this point.

1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Create the "rempl_seuils" ds. The data source variables required are created

3. Create the graphic objects required. The following objects are required for
the bargraph:

- object 1: rectangle for the background of the bargraph. The Inherit color is
assigned to enable the background color to be modified during instantiation of
the bargraph.
- object 2: area to fill;
- object 3: graphic object representing low limit violation. This object is a
drawing containing several graphic elements (rectangle and arrow);
- object 4: graphic object representing high limit violation. This object is a
drawing containing several graphic elements;
- object 5: polygon type threshold movement and violated threshold index
- object 6: violated threshold index object. Must be placed behind the threshold
- objects 7 to 10: threshold objects

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4. Add dynamic to graphic objects.
- object 1: no dynamic
- object 2: area to fill

The visibility table is displayed as follows:

- object 3: low limit violation graphic

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The visibility table is displayed as follows:

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- object 4: high limit violation graphic. Same dynamics with a different visibility

- object 5: polygon, no dynamic

- object 6: violated threshold index

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The visibility table is displayed as follows:

- objects 7 to 10: threshold object. For object 7:

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The visibility table is displayed as follows:

- Delete the unused data sources and data source variables.

- Save the dynamic drawing.
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will

16.7.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error in the RTDB reference of the dsv of the mimic linked with the dsv of the
- The variable is the wrong type
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed
Error of construction of the drawing
- the global visibility dsv has a name different from "measurement"
--> a message is transmitted

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--> the object is framed

16.7.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

Only the "Fill" dynamic functions normally within the limits of the IN field ((0,1) by

16.8 "Multi_standard" Data Source

16.8.1 Description

Used to produce a dynamic drawing exploiting several attributes of the same RTDB
variable and animating distinct graphic objects.
This ds has the advantage, relative to the "standard" ds, of only showing a single
link in operation.
This ds can therefore be used to create complex dynamic drawings, which are
simple to use for the mimic or window designer.
Data Search
The variables are exclusively RTDB attributes mentioned in the table (cf. 7.4,Using
Database Variables in Views), with the exception of the Value and Status and Trend
Only the attributes included in the Local and Global dsv names are sought.
Data Transformation
No data transformation is done. The value of the attribute is placed directly in the
corresponding dsv.
"Non-existent attributes ", i.e. constant attributes with no default value, non-
mandatory input and which have not been input in the HMIDB, undergo special
processing to indicate their non- existence:
if the dynamic is Text type, '/' characters are placed in the display field. The
number of '/' characters depends on the format chosen (% 10.3 f causes the
display of 10 '/'. If no size is specified in the format, 4 '/' characters are displayed
(% f causes the display of ////).
for another dynamic, the arbitrary value -1 is placed in the corresponding dsv.
For Text type RTDB attributes, a part of the label can be displayed on several
lines. The format of the Text type dynamic is used to define the division
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The dynamic is obtained using the dynamics provided by the editor.

16.8.2 DSV Characteristics

The "multi_standard" ds may contain only one Global dsv and accept any number of
Local data source variables. Their characteristics are follows:
each dsv name, including the Global dsv, is a reference to the RTDB attribute in
the form of the internal name (in the sense of the table «<TiremeHyperlink
link='_Ref491829103 ' value='Using Database Variables in Views'/> » ).

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This reference takes the form:
Example: /FR/M
Variable type:
Coincides with the type of the associated database attribute.
Must be exclusively "Short", "Long", "Float", or "Text[]".
Type of structure:
Exclusively "Scalar"
Only one dsv of this ds is Global. The other data source variables are Local.
Feeds the associated dynamic.

16.8.3 Restrictions on Utilization

Utilization is not permitted with Graph type objects;

The Value and Status and Trend attributes cannot be used.

16.8.4 Mode of Utilization

1. Create as many data source variables of the "multi_standard" ds as

2. Assign their characteristics as indicated above;
- For each graphic object to be animated:
3. Create a dynamic;
4. Assign a dsv of the "multi_standard" ds;
5. Modify if necessary the OUT field or the format.
The IN field is assigned automatically in operation.
If the RTDB attribute is a character string, the string can be divided by respecting
the same syntax as that used for the same function by the "standard" ds.
6. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables;
7. Save the view.
This ds can co-exist with other data sources in the same dynamic drawing,.

16.8.5 Example of Input

Input a dynamic drawing which displays, for all ASig type variables:
the label, Label attribute with the internal name /FR/LIB;
the measurement, Value attribute with the internal name /FR/M;
the unit, Unit attribute with the internal name /FR/UNIT_LIB.

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Operating mode:
1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Create the dsv of the "multi_standard" ds:

The /FR/M dsv is chosen arbitrarily as being global. This choice does however
condition the operation of Mapping shown below.
3. Create three "Text" or "Vectext" graphic objects
4. Add the "Text" dynamic to the three objects.
5. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables
6. Save the drawing.
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab shows:

The designer should then link with the Value attribute of an ASig type variable.

16.8.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error in the RTDB reference given by a dsv name in the dynamic drawing.
Error on the variable linked with the global dsv of the dynamic drawing.
Incorrect syntax of the %s format.
--> a message is transmitted
--> the object is framed

16.8.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

In this mode the IN field of the dynamic is not modified relative to the data input in
the editor.
Only the Global dsv responds from a view using this type of dynamic drawing,

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16.9 "VRE-VRI" Data Source

16.9.1 Description

Assigning only one dsv enables the RTDB measurement (Value) and validity
(internal, equal to 0 or 1) attributes of an MSig type variable to be taken into
Compared to the utilization of the "multi-standard" ds, the "vre_vri" ds enables the
number of sub-drawings in the Subdrawing type dynamic to be minimized and thus
increases efficiency.
Data Search
Only the Value and Validity attributes of the MSig type variable are used.
Data Transformation
The Value and Validity attributes are combined to calculate the value of the dsv.
The concatenation can be summarized by the 2 equations:
if Value = 0 dsv = 0
if Value > 0 dsv = (Value x2) - validity
The start of the truth table is:
Value validity dsv value

0 1 0
0 0 0
1 1 1
1 0 2
2 1 3
2 0 4
.. .. ..
The Value attribute of a 16-state MSig variable varies between 0 and 15. Value = 0
corresponds to an inhibited output and the Validity is then ignored: the dsv equals 0.
The Value attribute of a 32-state MSig variable varies between 1 and 31. The Value
= 0 which may be transmitted by the controller is not used.
This means that a control block library can be compatible for any MSig variable type
with no more than 16 states.
Producing the Dynamic Graphic
The dynamic is obtained using the dynamics of the editor.
When a Sub-Drawing type dynamic is used, remember to limit the number of sub-
drawings to avoid impairing performance.

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The table below shows examples of a complex control block with changing shapes
(sub-drawings) and colors:
M V dsv Table of colors Table of sub-drawings

0 1 0 Inhibited sd inhibition
0 0 0 Inhibited
1 1 1 Invalid sd state 1
1 0 2 Normal
2 1 3 Invalid sd state 2
2 0 4 Normal

16.9.2 DSV Characteristics

The "vre-vri" ds must include a Global dsv for each database object processed in
the same dynamic drawing.
Normally only one dsv is used.
These are the characteristics of each dsv:
The name is left free
Type of variable
Must be exclusively "Short"
Type of structure
Exclusively "Scalar"
Visibility: Global
Feeds the associated dynamic(s).

16.9.3 Restrictions on Utilization

Utilization is not permitted with Graph type objects.

16.9.4 Mode of Utilization

1. Create as many data source variables of the "vre_vri" ds as are to be linked

with MSig type variables.
2. Assign their characteristics as indicated above.
- For each graphic object to be animated:
3. create a dynamic
4. assign a dsv of the "vre_vri" ds
5. modify the IN field. This field is not modified in operation.
Ensure that the range of variation is compatible with the MSig variables which are to
be associated.

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If the value of the dsv is greater than the maximum of the IN field, the state
corresponding to the maximum is displayed.
if necessary modify the OUT field or the format
1. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables
2. Save the view
This ds can co-exist with other data sources in the same dynamic drawing,.

16.9.5 Example of Input

Input a dynamic drawing which displays different drawings (sd1, sd2, and sd3) for
Value values equaling 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Trace sections of the sub-drawings are defined with the Inherit color. The validity of
these sections is indicated by a validity color.
Operating mode:
1. Create a new drawing and select the model
2. Create a dsv of the "vre_vri" ds.

3. Place sub-drawing

4. Add dynamic. Select and assign the Subdrawing and Fore Color dynamics.

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The drawing threshold table is displayed as follows:

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The table of colors is displayed as follows:

5. Delete the unused data sources and data source variables

6. Save the dynamic drawing
When this dynamic drawing is used in another view, the Subdrawing tab will

The designer must then link with the Value attribute of an MSig type variable.

16.9.6 Error Detection and Processing in Operation

Error on the associated variable: not MSig type.

- a message is transmitted
- the object is framed

16.9.7 Behavior in Prototype Mode

In this mode the dsv does not contain the concatenated Value and Validity

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16.10 Table of Data Sources Used by Attribute Type

The table below shows the data sources to be used for each attribute made
available to the RTDB:
Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
ASig ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Label /FR/LIB Text[32] label of the variable. Standard

Displayed only in text
form. Multi_standard

Used automatically
following selection of
«Bilingual DB Label»
Value /FR/M Real Between Minimum Value of the Standard
and Maximum measurement. Can be
used on any type of Multi_standard
dynamic Color
Minimu /FR/VM_M Real Minimum value of the Standard
m IN measurement.
Can be used on any
type of dynamic
Display in text form
Maximu /FR/VM_M Real Minimum value of the Standard
m AX measurement.
Can be used on any
type of dynamic
Display in text form
Unit /FR/UNIT_ Text[6] Variable unit, Standard
LIB displayed only in text
form Multi_standard

Status /FR/DI Integer 0: normal status Status of the variable. Standard

Can be used on any
1: inhibited status type of dynamic. Multi_standard
2:doubtful status «Fore Color» or
(replaced or «Back Color» type
invalid) dynamic
Value /FR/MDI Real Concatenation of the Standard
and attributes Value and
Status Status Statut

Value is used to
represent the value
(utilization of
«standard» ds) ;
Status is used for
(utilization of

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
« statut » ds)
Alarm /FR/AL_ST Integer Between 0 and 9 Alarm standard
State ATE acknowledgement
0: no alarm, state Multi_standard
normal state
1: appearance
degree 1 alarm
2: appearance
degree 2 alarm
3: appearance
degree 3 alarm
4: appearance
degree 4 alarm
5: disappearance
6: disappearance
degree 1 alarm
7: disappearance
degree 2 alarm
8: disappearance
degree 3 alarm
9: disappearance
degree 4 alarm
Interve /FR/CONS Integer 0: unlocked Locked block indicator standard
ntion IGN
Value 1: setpoint Multi_standard
2: test
Acquisit /FR/INF_C Integer Additional acquisition standard
ion OMP data
data Multi_standard
(key word)
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 1 comment standard
ge 1 DX1 #
comme Multi_standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 2 comment standard
ge 2 DX2 #
comme Multi_standard
Trend /FR/TEND Record of the last 32 Standard
attributes of the
Used to trace the

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
curve with the «Status
Graph» graph
BSig ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Label /FR/LIB Text[32] label of the variable. Standard

Displayed only in text
form. Multi_standard

Used automatically
following selection of
«Bilingual DB Label»
Alarm /FR/AL_ST Integer Between 0 and 9 Alarm standard
State ATE acknowledgement
0: no alarm, state Multi_standard
normal state
1: appearance
degree 1 alarm
2: appearance
degree 2 alarm
3: appearance
degree 3 alarm
4: appearance
degree 4 alarm
5: disappearance
6: disappearance
degree 1 alarm
7: disappearance
degree 2 alarm
8: disappearance
degree 3 alarm
9: disappearance
degree 4 alarm
Interve /FR/CONS Integer 0: unlocked Locked block indicator standard
ntion IGN
Value 1: setpoint Multi_standard
2: test
Value /FR/M Integer 0 or 1 Value of the Standard
measurement. Can be
used on any type of Multi_standard
dynamic. Should be Color
used for complex
displays. Measurement
Acquisit /FR/INF_C Integer Additional acquisition standard

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
ion OMP data
data Multi_standard
(key word)
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 1 comment standard
ge 1 DX1 #
comme Multi_standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 2 comment standard
ge 2 DX2 #
comme Multi_standard
Value+ /FR/EDI Integer 0: inhibited Composition of the Standard
Status variable Value/Status
attributes of the Multi_standard
1: state 0, normal variable
Can be used on any
2: state 1, normal type of dynamic
3: state 0, doubtful
4: state 1, doubtful
Status /FR/DI Integer 0: normal status Status of the variable. Standard
Can be used on any
1: inhibited status type of dynamic. Multi_standard
2: doubtful status «Fore Color» or
(replaced or «Back Color» type
invalid) dynamic is
Value /FR/MDI Concatenation of the Standard
and attributes Value and
Status Status Statut

Value is used to
represent the value
(utilization of the
«standard» ds),
Status is used for the
status (utilization of
the «statut» ds)
Label /FR/MSG_ Text[8] Label associated to Standard
state 0 0 variable state 0.
Displayed only in text
If the graphic object is
named «LANG»,
/FR/LIB0_CH (2nd
language state label)
is used automatically
when the operator
station is run in 2nd
Label /FR/MSG_ Text[8] Label associated to Standard
state 1 1 variable state 1.
Displayed only in text

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
If the graphic object is
named «LANG»,
/FR/LIB1_CH (2nd
language state label)
is used automatically
when the station
operator is run in 2nd
SPt ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Interve /FR/CONS Integer 0: unlocked Locked block indicator standard

ntion IGN
Value 1: setpoint Multi_standard
2: test
Value /FR/M Real Between Minimum Value of the Standard
and Maximum measurement. Can be
used on any type of Multi_standard
dynamic Color
Cmd ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Interve /FR/CONS Integer 0: unlocked Locked block indicator standard

ntion IGN
Value 1: setpoint Multi_standard
2: test
Value /FR/M Integer 0 or 1 Value of the Standard
measurement. Can be
used on any type of Multi_standard
OR ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Interve /FR/CONS Integer 0: unlocked Locked block indicator standard

ntion IGN
Value 1: setpoint Multi_standard
2: test
Numbe /L_AL2/NB Integer 0 to n Number of standard
r of _ALNA unacknowledged
Unackn alarms in this Owner Multi_standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 1 comment standard
ge 1 DX1 #
comme Multi_standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 2 comment standard
ge 2 DX2 #
comme Multi_standard
Inhibit /FR/INH Integer 0: Owner Inhibition of Owner Standard
instructions non instructions
inhibited Multi_standard

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
1: Owner
MSig ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form
Value /FR/M Integer 0 to 15 or 0 to 63 Value of the Standard
measurement. Can be
used on any type of Multi_standard
dynamic. Utilization of Vre_vri
threshold tables
recommended (table
varying from 0 to n)
Validity /FR/V Integer 0 or 1 Validity Standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 1 comment standard
ge 1 DX1 #
comme Multi_standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 2 comment standard
ge 2 DX2 #
comme Multi_standard
Control ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
block D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Label /FR/LIB Text[32] label of the variable. Standard

Displayed only in text
form. Multi_standard

Used automatically
following selection of
«Bilingual DB Label»
Interve /FR/CONS Integer 0: unlocked Locked control block Standard
ntion IGN indicator. Can be
Value 1: setpoint used on any type of Multi_standard
2: test dynamic.

Used: /FR/USED Integer 0: the control Used in a mimic view Standard

window is not or window to show
used that a control window Multi_standard
is already open.
1: the control
window is used on
this station or
another station
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 1 comment standard
ge 1 DX1 #
comme Multi_standard
Langua FR/LABIN Integer Language 2 comment standard
ge 2 DX2 #
comme Multi_standard

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
Mimic view ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
D variable, displayed
only in text form Multi_standard

Alarm /FR/I_AL Integer 0: no alarm Indicator of presence Standard

Presen of alarms for this
ce 1: alarms present mimic. Can be used Multi_standard
to be on any type of
acknowledged dynamic.
2: acknowledged
alarms present
Numbe /FR/N_AL Integer Number of alarms Standard
r of present for this mimic
Alarms Multi_standard

Tag Current /FR/MAX_ Integer 1 to 10: Used to show the Standard

windows Tag LEV value of the current
Level max level of the tag Multi_standard
ID /FR/REP_I Text[20] Functional ID of the Standard
Synthesize D variable, displayed
d variable only in text form Multi_standard

y=f(t) curve
Sequence Sequen /FR/LIB_S Text[20] Current sequence Standard
Monitoring ce TA1 state label (IN
State PROGRESS, Multi_standard
State labels are
configurable in
HMIDB in both
languages. The
choice of a Bilingual
Local Label type text
object enables
responsiveness to
language changes
Sequen /FR/LIB_M Text[14] Label of the current Standard
ce OD1 sequence mode:
Mode AUTO, OPERATOR Multi_standard
Labels are
configurable in
HMIDB in both
languages. The
choice of a Bilingual
Local Label type text

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Variable Attrib Internal Type Limits/values Utilization Usable data
type ute name sources
object enables
responsiveness to
language changes
Current /FR/LIB_P Text[32] Label of the current Standard
Sequen AS1 sequence step
ce Step Multi_standard
Label Labels are
configurable in
HMIDB in both
languages. The
choice of a Bilingual
Local Label type text
object enables
responsiveness to
language changes
Current /FR/STEP Integer No of current Standard
Sequen _ACT- sequence step
ce Step >/FR/M Multi_standard
Global /FR/IDTGR Real Timeout of group Multi_standard
Sequen OUP- with the key
ce >/FR/M word floattotime
Max /FR/TGRM Real OptionaI data. Value Multi_standard
Sequen AXON of the maximum OFF with the key
ce ON timeout. word floattotime
Max /FR/TGRM Real OptionaI data. Value Multi_standard
Sequen AXOF of the maximum OFF with the key
ce OFF timeout. word floattotime

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Section 17 Delete Methods – Examples

The delete methods provided by the ALSPA HMI operating software do not differ
from those of DV-DRAW in prototype mode.
It is therefore sufficient to run a check of a dynamic in prototype mode to ensure that
the most appropriate delete method i.e. the fastest, is applicable.
Examples of how to use delete methods are given below.

17.1 Example 1

Take a dynamic drawing containing a sub-drawing type dynamic. The two
static drawings that comprise this dynamic drawing are and
The two static drawings have different contours.

If overlaps other objects during utilization, the method must be «Redraw
Delayed» ; otherwise «Erase Object» or «Erase Box» will suffice.

17.2 Example 2

Take a dynamic drawing containing a dynamic sub-drawing type. The 2 static
drawings that comprise the dynamic drawing are and
The two static drawings have the same contours.

If overlaps other objects during utilization, the "Erase Object" method will
suffice because the contours are identical.
If in addition the two drawings are filled, "No Erase" will suffice as the visible drawing
necessarily hides the previous drawing displayed.

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17.3 Example 3

Take a dynamic drawing containing a dynamic sub-drawing type. The 2 static
drawings that comprise the dynamic drawing are and
The static drawings have a rectangular contour of the same size.

If overlaps other objects during utilization, the method "Erase Box" will suffice
because the contours are identical and rectangular.
If in addition the two drawings are filled, "No Erase" will suffice as the visible drawing
necessarily hides the previous drawing displayed.

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Section 18 Alarm Sheets

The "Alarms with operator help" ALSPA HMI function enables a help window, or
"alarm sheet" to be displayed for each alarm line in an alarms list.
See [CCAD_ALSHEET] for more information about the creation of alarm sheets in
1.7 List of Referenced Documents.

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Section 19 Appendix: Views for PowerGraphiX projects

19.1 Introduction

This section describes how to configure the views that are specific to projects
compliant with PowerGraphiX™ library.
PowerGraphiX™ is a high performance HMI solution that includes graphics and
object libraries designed to simplify operator interface.

19.2 Function Period of time based trend

19.2.1 General

The “Period of time based trend” graph allows showing variation from the last 60
measure samples of 1 to 10 analog variables.

According to the database configuration of each variable, each sample represents a

measure average of a 10 s range or 1 minute range.
The trend consequently represents up to the last 10 mn (10s x 60) or the last hour (1
mn x 60).
When several variables are put in a same trend, they must have the same rate.
With DVdraw editor, the graph can be configured in order to show:
only the curve, up to 60 samples
the curve and X and/or Y axes
an analog bar on the right
a grid on X axis and/or a grid on Y axis corresponding to thresholds
With Controcad, the representation range of the analog signal can be the configured
limits or can be reduced to smaller values.

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Here are some examples:
With 2 analog values:

Curves only:

Some optimizations are automatically made by the graph on multi-variables use:

When several variables have the same representation range and the same
thresholds, they share the same Y axis.
In addition, when all variables have the same representation range and the same
thresholds, a unique analog bar is visible in the right.
When several analog bars are visible, the horizontal lines for Y grid are hidden.

19.2.2 Configuration with DVdraw

This graph can be used directly in a mimic view or in a dynamic drawing.

Here are described the general features and then application in these 2 modes.

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This graph is placed in the drawing area by clicking on the graph button .
Then drag a region in the drawing area in order to create a graph.

A double click or the contextual item “Properties” opens the following dialog box:

The order of use of the different tabs doesn’t matter.

The shape of this dialog is common for all graphs and consequently contains some
useless fields according to graph Type.
The following sections focus on the useful fields; the others have no influence on the

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 Select then click on Apply button. “Basic” tab

Outline is the global graph outline. None means no outline. Box, In,
Out choices have the same effect: a flat outline.

for the choice of Analog Bar.

in order to choose the global graph color.

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in order to choose the color of data area (the graphical area where
curves are visible).

in order to choose the horizontal and vertical grid existence, the

grid line type, and the color.

The Value grid is composed of horizontal lines and represents variable thresholds.
These lines are visible only if the right analog bar is chosen (Bevel Bar checked). “Variables” tab

Only this part is used for configuration:

The combo box is used to choose variables already existing in the view, and
variables whose names end with “/FR/HISTO60MIN”. More explanation is given

The 3 buttons are used to add, remove, or change a variable in the list.

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is used to choose the curve color for the variable (only one color per variable).

is used to choose the curve line type for the variable. “X axis” tab

In this part :
is checked if X axis is required.
is checked if time values are expected.

is used to choose the X axis color and also the Y axis color.

The dialog is used to give the number of samples in the past to be

shown. This value must be between 60 and 2. “Y axis” tab

In the part :
is checked if Y axis is required.
is checked if Y values are expected.

is not used.
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Mimic Views Configuration - Reference Manual 195/204 Use in a mimic

In a mimic each graph can apply up to 10 variables.

Unfortunately the DVdraw editor doesn’t show directly the variable dialog in order to
choose the appropriate variables.
It is necessary to create artificial and temporary objects in order to choose a
dynamism and attach to it the variables needed in the graph:
 Create for instance a rectangle, and open a Properties dialog on it.
 In the dynamic tab, choose Foreground dynamism, and click on Variable cell. It
opens the Variable selector.
 In the Variable selector dialog, choose the appropriate ASig and then the
appropriate attribute in the contextual menu:
 Apply and close the different dialogs.

 It’s now possible to choose the right variable by use of , in the graph
dialog, Variables tab. Its name ends with “FR/HISTO60MIN”
 It’s now possible to erase the temporary object. Use in a subdrawing

In a subdrawing, only one graph using one variable is allowed. Other dynamisms
can be added.
The data source variable used by the graph must be created:
 In the Data Variable list, create a DS “standard”
 Create a DSV, type float, shape 1 col, 1 row, name “HISTO60MIN”
Here is the result:

It’s now possible to choose the right DSV variable by use of , in the graph dialog,
Variables tab.

19.2.3 Use on ALSPA HMI viewer

The end user calls the mimic with trends when needed.
Each trend shows up to the last 60 minutes of analog signals, and shows the analog
bar, if required in configuration.
Each point of the curve represents the average of the analog measure of the
corresponding 10 s or minute, according signal configuration:
For the value, it’s the arithmetical average of the 10s or 60 s of the minute
For the quality, the “average” is calculated as follows:
- If at least one on the 10 or 60 values is invalid, the result is invalid.
- If none is invalid and at least one is inhibited, the result is inhibited.
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- If none is invalid and inhibited, and at least one is replaced, the result is
- If none is invalid, inhibited, replaced, the result is normal.
This quality contributes to the drawing type:
Replaced or invalid: variable color and large thickness
Inhibited: inhibited color and simple thickness
Normal: variable color and simple thickness

19.3 Function Moving Analog Indicator

19.3.1 General

This function allows representing an analog signal with a vertical bar.

A bar is composed of:
A vertical shape (A). It can be a rectangle or any closed shape which will be filled
up according to different thresholds. The following shapes will be available in
order to distinguish easily and at a first sight the kind of measurement concerned:

Here is an example with a rectangle:

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Different vertical surfaces which represent ranges and limits for thresholds (C).
The default color is light grey for the normal zone (between low and high) and 2
darker greys for other zones, even if configured alarm degrees exist. It’s not
possible – and not mandatory - to know the degree of each zone (the property
window allows it).
When an alarm is active, the color of the corresponding zone is in the active
alarm color (B). This color returns to grey when alarm becomes inactive.
In our system, thresholds can be static or dynamic when driven by other analog
signals. In this case different surfaces in the bar chart can change according to
thresholds movements.
In addition some analog signals can have their thresholds triggered by boolean
signals. The result is transparent for the end user: each color zone applies
current alarms, even when they are represented by the boolean signal.
An alarm indicator (D) is visible on top. It is the Universal Alarm Symbol.
The current value of the analog signal is represented by a symbol (E) at the right
position. When the measure is invalid or a communication failure exists, a ‘?’
replaces the triangle
The text value and the unit, are at the shape bottom (F). When the measure is
replaced by user action, the measure text is surrounded by a rectangle.

19.3.2 Configuration with DVdraw

This animation is available only through a dynamic drawing.

The data source PGanalog_bar must be chosen in the Data Variable list dialog

Then click on Create.
Then create data source variables (dsv):
Dsv name Variable type Structure Visibility Use
measure float Scalar Global Current value of
the analog
measuretext Text Scalar Local Text of current
measurecolor Short Scalar Local Color of current
alstate Short Scalar Local Alarm indicator
m_strip1 to 4 float Scalar Local Strip high
m_stripcolor1 Short Scalar Local Strip color
to 4
unit Text Scalar Local Unit
outoflimits Short Scalar Local << or >>

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These dsv are optional except measure.
Measurecolor dsv represents the same values than couleur in PGmes_coul data source.
They are designed in order to animate dynamisms on objects.
Here is an example with a rectangular shape:
The final shape is a superposition of individual shapes; each shape solves a part of
the animation.

Measure and measurecolor are used for the triangle .

Measuretext and unit are used for the text value, measurecolor for the text color .
Alstate is used to animate the alarm symbol.
Here are more precisions:
The dsv named measuretext is associated to a Text dynamism to a text object. It
provides the textual view of the measure, in decimal. However DVdraw accepts
only %s text format in this context. The final format visible by the end user will be
as follows:
- %5.1f if no other precision is given under DVdraw.
- In the subdrawing, the format of the Text dynamism can be %s
In this case, this format replaces the default format (%5.1f). Any use in a
mimic will apply with this format.
Ex: %s FORMAT=9.2f
- In the mimic, the subdrawing can be named
In this case, this format replaces the other formats defined above, and applies
only for this instance.

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An unfilled rectangle can be created in order to surround the measure text, when
the measure is replaced.
- The unfilled rectangle must be named SPEC:REPLACED and surrounds the
measure text object named SPEC:MEASURETEXT.
- The rectangle has a visibility dynamism, with measurecolor dsv, and is visible
when measurecolor is 5 (variable replaced value).
On the first sub drawing display, the rectangle width is automatically
calculated in order to surround the measure text, according to its defined
format. The height is not modified. The measure text must have a right anchor
(not the left and middle).
The global dsv measure must be used for only one dynamism (a path move); the
limits are calculated by the system.
Other Local dsv can be used several times for different dynamisms and objects,
but threshold tables must be designed with the correct limits (the system doesn’t
set them automatically).
Values of measurecolor are:
0 for normal state
1 for alarm degree 1
2 for alarm degree 2
3 for alarm degree 3
4 for alarm degree 4
5 for replaced state
6 for inhibition state
7 for off monitoring state
8 for communication fault
9 for invalid state

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Values of alstate are:

Symb1 and Symb2 columns are only informative, Symb1 shows symbols used for
blinking colors, Symb2 shows symbols used for NO blinking colors
Outoflimitsis used to get visibility on “<<” and “>>”. Value 0 is normal (no symbol), 1
for “<<” and 2 for “>>”.

19.3.3 Use on ALSPA HMI viewer

When a mimic containing analog bars is displayed, animations go on according to

variable states.

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19.4 Function Measure representation

19.4.1 General

In order to display quality of Analog or Boolean signal values, the following tables
give the expected representations.
In these tables, grey column headers indicate exclusive states:
An ASig variable is out of range High OR out of range Low
A variable can be on one state at a time among Normal, Inhibited, Off-monitoring,
In order to correctly read the tables, consider that the states in rows A are followed
by states in column B.
For instance:

“In alarm” state followed by “Off monitoring” gives unit

“Off monitoring” followed by “In alarm” state gives unit (alarm is not
generated because off-monitoring state)
Most cases are symmetric (example above is not). So empty cells mean
symmetric cases (the order A then B or B then A doesn’t matter).
For analog signals:

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For Boolean signals. In this example “OPEN” is the label associated to a boolean

19.4.2 Configuration with DVdraw

This animation is available only through a dynamic drawing.

The data source PGmes_coul must be chosen in the Data Variable list dialog

Then click on Create.

Then create data source variables (dsv):
Dsv name Variable Structure Visibility Use
type type
/FR/M Float or Short Scalar Global Current value of
the analog
couleur Short Scalar Local Color of current
alstate Short Scalar Local Alarm indicator
unit Text Scalar Local unit
Alstate, couleur and unit dsv are optional.
The global dsv measure must be used for only one dynamism.
couleur and alstate represent the same data as PGanalog_bar, measurecolor and alstate. Use with a MSig signal

The measure value, 0 to 127, is to be used in a raw data for dynamism. It is not
transformed in a label (in a Text dynamism only figures are visible).
Couleur dsv can be used to show and hide ‘?’ text.

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Alstate and unit dsv are useless. Use with a ASig signal

If the /FR/M dsv is not associated to a Text dynamism, the float value is used for the
dynamism, limits are dynamically adjusted on run time.
If the /FR/M dsv is associated to a Text dynamism, the following format applies:
Format is given in the Text dynamism format (ex: %9.2f).
When out of limit “<<” or “>>” is before value.
Couleur dsv can be used to show and hide ‘?’ text. Use with a BSig signal

If the /FR/M dsv is not associated to a Text dynamism, the short value 0 or 1 can be
used for the dynamism.
If the /FR/M dsv is associated to a Text dynamism, the PGmes_coul data source
behaviour applies: the label associated to the measure /1 is shown.
couleur dsv can be used to show and hide ‘?’ text.

19.5 Function Universal alarm symbol on several groups

19.5.1 General

information, available in PGmes_coul, PGanalog_bar, allows showing a universal

alarm symbol of a variable. The same information can be used directly in a mimic or
through “standard” data source by use of “Alarm State” attribute.
The attribute “Alarm State group” represents the highest alarm degree for a variable
group, defined with AAM application.
Here is described the manner to obtain an alstate like information for a group of

19.5.2 Configuration with DVdraw

This animation is available only through a dynamic drawing.

The data source “calcul” must be chosen In the Data Variable list dialog.
The dsv name must be “TREATMENT=30”, Short type, Global.
Then a mimic can use this subdrawing for each group of groups.
For each instance, a list of groups has to be defined. A variable of each group (ASig
or BSig) is chosen. The subdrawing object must be named as follows:
SPEC :LIST=< ID1> ; < ID2> ; < ID3> ....

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