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Career Exploration Project Reflection Questions Name: Émile Roussell

Now that you’ve completed a project on two different possible career paths, it’s time to reflect on the
process. Please answer the following questions below in 2-3 complete sentences minimum. This
reflection will be due on Thursday, January 14 th and is to be uploaded via TEAMS assignments.

1. Out of the two careers you researched, which one is your “top choice” and why?

I believe that my top choice for now is Market broker. Since an early age Ive seen my dad selling and
buying stocks. I have always been pretty interested in a job like that. (No, my dad does not work as a
market broker.) I find that the concept of stock interesting by how it can go up and down with the
demand or how the company is doing. You are also in charge of your wage by how many clients you
have. And how good you at selling it at the right moment to make money.

2. What did you learn about both careers that you didn’t already know? Did you come across
anything in your research that surprised you?

In my research about condo managers, I learned that they can be sometimes asked to live Inside the
condo. I did not know this previous to my research. I also learned that market brokers have clients. I
always assumed that they sold and bought stock for themselves, not for clients. My view of the job was

3. Reflect on the “Know Yourself” portion of the course. What were the 3 main things you learned
about yourself? How can these things apply to further education and career paths?

I learned this term that I am more of an auditive learner, than a visual one which surprised me. I also
learned my communication system which is assertive. I also learned that I do not like to think about
what I want to do in the future or sharing with others.

4. As we move forward into the “Ponder” section of the course, how can you anticipate using the
information you’ve learned so far? How is what we’ve done so far useful for the future?

I can see the class going on an online site, which collects all of what we’ve learned on ourselves like how
we learn faster, which method we prefer. And the site would give us a list of different jobs. I see the
class redoing the 16-personality test to see if we changed and if we did or did not.

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