Resume Pre Writing Activity

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Resume Pre-Writing Activity

Name: Émile Roussell

1. Can use Word and Power Point very well. Can also
present things to people with relative ease. Help
organize other people. I can read fast and understand
what I read very well. I am artistic.
2. At my school in Secondary 2. My class was doing a
play and I volunteered to make a merchant stall.
3. Created a poster with the class schedule on it and
indicates whether the class is at home or school. The
Project helped the class by helping them to organize
themselves better.
4. No.
5. Yes, this term I have received a performance review.
My average was 81%.
6. No.
7. Yes, I do always put in my work on time. And try to
work efficiently.
8. My first greatest achievement in life was finishing
elementary school. It signified to me an end of my
first chapter in life. This showed me that work and
perseverance can help us achieve goals. I can apply
this to a job by telling myself to persevere when a
problem appears. My second greatest achievement
was my grade in a show at school. I got 97% which
was the best grade of my class. This made me realize
that it wasn’t that bad talking to a crowd. So now I
enjoy oral presentations way more than before. This
would help me in a job that needs me to present in
front of the class.
9. At my job this summer at the Citadelle of Québec.
My co-workers said they enjoyed working with me.
However, some of my jokes were unnecessary.
(Note: Jokes are not necessary in life, you can live a
dull life if you choose to.)
10. Yes, some adults said that I did my job well.

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