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Job Monitoring

SAP Solution Manager 7.2


• Architecture Overview

• New in 7.2

• Job Monitoring Configuration

• Unified Alert Inbox

• Job Monitoring Application

• Job Monitoring Reporting

• Migration of Monitoring Objects

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Architecture Overview
Job Monitoring in SAP Solution Manager

 Job monitoring application provides ERP CRM BW SBOP DS

transparency for your background jobs

 There is a consistent approach to monitor all

types of jobs (BW Process Chains, ABAP
Jobs, Business Objects Jobs, Data Services

SAP Solution Manager

 Centralize monitoring of background jobs
within a distributed system landscape
Job Monitoring

 Reporting of background jobs without Job Status Duration Delay

requiring direct access to production systems BW Chain

BW Step

 Powerful monitoring capabilities with factory
DS Job
calendar awareness, job log content, etc.

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New Unified Job Monitoring

There is a Single Source of Truth for all Job Monitoring Functionalities:

Business Technical
 Unified Configuration UI: Processes Scenarios
One configuration UI for all entry points. Allows reuse of monitoring objects.
Assign monitoring objects to job documentations.

 Unified Alert Inbox:

Unified Job
Using the same alert Inbox in Business Process Operations, Job
Management and Solution Manager Configuration.

 Unified Monitoring Application:

Using UI5 based Job Monitoring application for all entry points.
 Unified Reporting: Management
Using same alert and job reporting functions, independent of monitoring area.

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Unified Job Configuration and Data Collection

Monitor the jobs based on the data collected

by monitoring objects from the following

 Solution Manager Configuration

 Business Process Monitoring work center

 Job Management work center

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Unified Job Data Collector

The Unified Job Collector is SAP Solution Manager Managed System

used to collect the different job
Unified Job
types. It’s available in SolMan Data Collector
and managed System (Add-on Extractor • ABAP Jobs
ST-PI). Framework • BW Process

ABAP Jobs and BW Process

Chains are collected directly in
the managed system.
Unified Job
Data Collector
SBOP and DS jobs are
• SBOP Jobs SBOP System
collected from SolMan via Web • DS Jobs
Service. • CPS/BPA Jobs
DS System Jobs
Alternatively these job data can
be pushed or pulled from SAP
CPS/BPA to SolMan, if SAP Buffer Data SAP CPS/BPA
CPS/BPA is used as the central
job scheduling system.

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Unified Job Data Collector

• Unified Data Collector receives and stores job monitoring configuration during activation
• Data collection is triggered by the Extractor Framework
• Extractor Framework calculates metrics and rates results based on the configured thresholds

SAP Solution Manager

Job Monitoring
Unified Job Process Chains
Data Collector
Activation SBOP Jobs
Metric Data
Job Mon
Manager Collection
Core Engine
DS Jobs
Extractor Framework
Job Type
Data Collection Job Specific Job Data CPS Jobs
Schedule Metric Store
RFC Calculation

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Supported Job Types

Job Type Managed System SAP CPS/BPA Data Collection


ABAP Jobs   Pull, Push

 Pull – Data collected from managed

BW Process chains  Only Header Pull
(Elements from system or external scheduler by
Solution Manager

 Push – Data pushed from an

SBOP Jobs   Pull, Push
external scheduler to Solution
SAP Data services  Header Pull, Push

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New in Solution Manager 7.2
New in Solution Manager 7.2

• Job Monitoring via Solution Documentation

• Solution Documentation
• Workflow in Branches
• Traceable process
• Versioning

• Monitoring of all jobs in SAP CPS/BPA

• Monitoring of single jobs of job chains
• Job Chain specific metric

• Time Zone Support for Jobs in other Systems

• Simplified Monitoring User Interface

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Job Monitoring Configuration
General Setup Steps
Job Monitoring via Solution Manager Configuration

In the SAP Solution Manager Configuration work center navigate to the Job Monitoring Configuration.

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General Steps for Job Monitoring Configuration

In SAP Solution Manager Configuration the general setup steps for the Job Monitoring Configuration can be performed
as a guided procedure:

 Check infrastructure prerequisites

 Advanced manual configuration of technical infrastructure
 Settings for notification and incident creation
 Schedule Consistency Checker
 Update Content with the latest monitoring template definitions
 Create template users

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Precondition Checks and Managed System Preparation

 Step 2 Configure Infrastructure covers the sub-steps required to prepare the managed systems to be included in the Job
monitoring scenario as well as and generic preparation steps for enabling monitoring within Solution Manager.
 Step 2.1 Check Prerequisites includes infrastructure prerequisites check that automatically detects the missing steps in
general infrastructure setup (e.g. not yet executed Basic Setup of Solution Manager).
 Execute this automatic check and follow-up on potentially missing basic setup steps (this includes especially the
version of the ST-A/PI ABAP addon within the monitored SAP BW systems as well as a patch for the BO server
system if the BO system version is below 4.0 SP2)

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Configure Infrastructure Manually (optional)

 Step 2.2 Configure Manually – Perform manual activities for the configuration of the infrastructure. Manual activities are
optional. Content Customization allows you to adjust the alert reporting output format.

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Default Settings for Alert Reaction

 Step 2.3 Default Settings – Customize general behavior of alerts produced within any monitoring scenario.
 Enable automatic creation of incidents and notifications
 This customization is not specific to the Job monitoring configuration and therefore not explained in detail

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Schedule Consistency Checker Job

 Step 2.4 Schedule Consistency Checker Job –view if any configuration of the monitoring objects in job monitoring is
out-of-sync with the monitored job in the managed system
 Checks consistency of parameters such as job name, report program, variant name, external program, etc.
 Integrated in the self-diagnosis framework for monitoring purposes.

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Update SAP Monitoring Template Content

 Step 2.5 Update Content – update Solution Manager with the latest monitoring template definitions.
 Newly updated content will have effect to subsequently executed monitoring template assignment

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Create Users

 Step 3 Create Template Users – create standard Template/Demo Users in the SAP Solution Manager system.

If BI Reporting is used, additional standard template users in the BW system/client are needed. If the BW system is in
the same client as the SAP Solution Manager, the relevant roles are assigned to the standard user in the SAP Solution
Manager system.

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Job Monitoring Configuration
Create Job Monitoring Objects
Job Monitoring Entry Points

Create job monitoring objects…

 in the Solution Manager Configuration, by creating a technical scenario

that contains the technical systems to monitor.

 via the Business Process Operations work center from an existing

solution. You assign the business context to the monitoring object.

 In a Job Documentation in Job Management work center.

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Job Monitoring Entry Points

Create job monitoring objects

 in the Solution Manager Configuration, by creating a technical scenario

that contains the technical systems to monitor.

 via the Business Process Operations workcenter from an existing

solution. You assign the business context to the monitoring object.

 In a Job Documentation in Job Management workcenter.

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Define Technical Scenario

• Step 4 Define Scope – create a scenario and assign technical systems to the it.
A Technical Scenario can comprise several systems with several monitoring objects per system.

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Configure Job Monitoring Objects

• Step 5 - Configure Jobs

Available job types for Job Monitoring:
• ABAP Job
• BW Process Chains
• SBOP Job
• Data Service Jobs
• All jobs in SAP CPS/BPA

• To configure monitoring the user has to…

• Select a job
• Setup Alert Configuration
• Configure Incidents and Notifications

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Monitoring of all jobs in SAP BPA / SAP CPS

 Job Monitor has been enhanced to

monitor arbitrary Jobs and Job Chains
 Job Monitor is available via WC Solution
Manager Configuration, Business
Process Monitoring, Job Management
 Flag ‘SMSE’ to monitor
 Jobs / Job Chains are then monitored
through Remote Database connection
(ADBC), not via SMSE Interface
 (Error) status monitoring for job chain

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Monitoring Requirements in SAP BPA / SAP CPS

Monitoring requirements for an

individual job or job chain can be
handled similar, and can be categorized
Common monitoring requirements for Jobs
and Job Chains
 Start delay
 End Delay
 Duration
 Status (Cancellation)
 Out of Time Window
 Not started on Time
Chain steps specific
 Start delay relative to the start of the chain

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Add Jobs (1)

• Step 5 - Configure Jobs

Press button ‘New’. For Job identification, select either ‘Directly’, ‘From Managed System’ (e.g. SAP ERP) or ‘From
External Scheduler’ (e.g. SAP CPS)

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Create New or Use Existing Monitored Object

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Job Monitoring Object – Identification and Schedule

After the monitoring object has been added additional job criteria can be maintained:

 Schedule
 Alert Configuration
 Custom Alert Text
 Incidents and Notifications

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Schedule Configuration

Maintain important information like

 Critical Job
 Data Collection Frequency
 Push Flag
 Time zone (NEW)
 Total Number of saved Instances
 Data Retention Period
 …

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Alert Configuration

Configure metrics. ‘Status’ metric is selected per default.

Following metrics are available for:

 Duration
 Start Delay
 End Delay
 Out of Time Window
 Parallel Processing
 Status
 Not Started on Time
 Job Active
 Job Log Messages
 Job Log Content

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Metric Quick Help

Right click in the Alerting tab opens the help dialog.

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Supported Job Types & Metrics

Job Type Status Duration Start End Time Not Parallel Job log Job log Records Data Job Active Start Time
delay delay window Started processing messages content processed packages Relative to
On Time processed Chain

ABAP Jobs          X X  X

BW       X  X   X 
Process (ABAP
steps only)

SBOP Jobs       X X X X X X X

SAP Data       X X X  X X X
services (Rows

Jobs from       X X X X X X 

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Incidents and Notifications

Define if and how incidents, notifications and third-party alerting is used. The default settings from ‘Step 2.3 Default
Settings’ are automatically set but editable.

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Once the configuration is finished, click on Generate and Activate.

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Configuration of the Different Job Types

The configuration of monitoring objects of the different job types

is very similar. Of course, the fields for job identification differ. For BW
process chains, we have a header/element relationship in addition.

The following slides show the procedures of

 Adding BW Process Chain
 Adding Data Service Job
 Adding SBOP Job

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Add BW Process Chain

By entering the BW chain id the BW chain and its elements can be retrieved from the managed system. All marked
headers and steps are created as monitoring objects.

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Add Data Service Job

‘Repository name’ and ‘Job Name’ pattern search are used to retrieve Data Service jobs from managed system.

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Add SBOP Job

‘Job Type’, ‘Job Name’ and ‘Job Owner’ pattern search are used to retrieve SBOP Jobs from managed system.

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Job Monitoring Entry Points

Create job monitoring objects

 in the Solution Manager Configuration, by creating a technical scenario

that contains the technical systems to monitor.

 via the Business Process Operations work center from an existing

solution. You assign the business context to the monitoring object.

 In a Job Documentation in Job Management work center.

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Start Job Monitoring Setup via Business Process Monitoring

To start the Job Monitoring

setup via Business Process
Operations, click on
Business Process
Operations – Configuration
and then on Setup
Monitoring and Analytics.

This leads to the Solution


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Solution Documentation – Set Up Monitoring

Maintain business processes, job documentations and Monitoring Objects in the Solution Documentation

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Monitoring Objects for Business Process Step

Select the business

process step you want to
assign the job monitoring
object to.

In the Element list right click

and select New  Operations
 Alerting to setup the
monitoring object.

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Job Monitoring Entry Points

You can create job monitoring objects

 in the Solution Manager Configuration, by creating a technical scenario

that contains the technical systems to monitor.

 via the Business Process Operations work center from an existing

solution. You assign the business context to the monitoring object.

 In a Job Documentation in Job Management work center.

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Open Job Documentation

Select Create Job

Documentation in the
Job Management Work

Select the job type, which

automatically adapts the
monitoring setup.

The interface type of the

job documentation
determines whether you
schedule & monitor from
the managed system or
external scheduler.

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Maintain Context of Job Documentation

In Systems, select a Logical Component, Solution Documentation or Technical Scenario and click on Configure Monitoring.

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Unified Alert Inbox
Unified Alert Inbox – Work Center Integration (1)

The alerts of the Unified Job Monitoring

are shown in the Unified Alert Inbox.

The Unified Alert Inbox can be accessed

 Job Management
→ Monitoring → Unified Alert Inbox
 Business Process Operations
→ Alert Inbox

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Unified Alert Inbox – Show Details

“Show Details” provides all metrics and information of the monitored job,
for example:
 Duration of the job
 End time of the Job 2
 Status when job finished
 Executing User
 ...

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Unified Alert Inbox – Guided Procedure Integration

There is guided procedure to resolve alerts for ABAP Jobs. Job

Documentation can be directly accessed there.

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Job Monitoring Application
Job Monitoring Application

 Job Monitoring application based on UI5

 Multiple access points to this new Job
Monitoring application from the Job
Management Work Center, Job
Documentation and Solution Manager
 The Job Monitoring UI
 Provides ratings from live data collection
 Persists a fixed number of instances of a recurring
jobs (configurable)
 Alert situation of the Monitored Object is visible
 Allows the creation of manual incidents and
 Provides a summary of technical information of the
monitored Object

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Job Monitoring Application – Job Detail Info

Once you select the job instance, detailed job information are displayed on right side.

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Job Monitoring Application - Link to Alert Inbox

 Once an alert is flagged with this icon , the

number next to the icon refers to the number of
Click on the symbol to get to the Alert Inbox.
 The alerts can be processed as usual
(assigned, creation of incidents, creation of
notifications, confirmed etc.).

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Access points for new Job Monitoring Application (1)

Job Monitoring Application can be launched from …

Job Management Work Center

→ Select Job Documentation
→ Job Monitoring

Job Management Work Center

→ Open Job Documentation
→ Systems tab
→ Job Monitor

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Access points for new Job Monitoring Application (2)

Job Monitoring Application can be launched from …

Job Management Work Center

→ Monitoring
→ Job Monitoring
Launch it for either a system,
solution or scenario

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New Reporting UI

Reporting UI

 Provides data from BW store

 Showcase the status and performance of a monitored object over a period of time
 Trend chart of alert history of the Monitored Object
 Direct Jump-In from Monitoring UI for selected objects
 Alternatively integration into Interactive Reporting with classical web template
drill down features

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New Reporting UI Access Point

Access the new Job Monitoring application and then choose Reporting.

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Job Reporting UI

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