Zion Church YP/YD Job Description

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Zion United Methodist Church

York, PA

Mission Statement and Job Description for

Youth Pastor/Director
The Youth Pastor/Director is a full-time, staff position at Zion Church. The Youth
Pastor/Director (YP/YD) works under the aegis of the Lead Pastor, and is accountable to the
Staff Parish Relations Committee of Zion Church.

The qualifications, responsibilities and accountability for the position of YP/YD are listed below.


The Youth Pastor/Director shall:

1. Evidence a growing relationship with Christ. The YP/YD will be committed to Jesus Christ
as the Lord of his/her life. The YP/YD’s life and lifestyle should demonstrate personal
evidence of this commitment and show the spiritual “fruit” thereof.
1. Actively participate in the life of the Church. This does not presume membership at Zion
Church, although membership at Zion is strongly encouraged whenever possible. However,
attendance and full participation in the life, ministry and mission of Zion Church is required.
2. Attest to a call to ministry and have spiritual gifting associated with ministry to youth in
grades 6th through 12th. The YP/YD shall have a desire to build relationships and disciple
youth in such a way that they hear, respond to, and grow in grace –– becoming the young
men and women that God has created them to be.
3. Possess leadership experience and gifting so as to be able to recruit, equip, train and deploy
adults and youth (in peer-mentoring relationships) to be servant-volunteer leaders in the
4. Administer, organize, direct and lead ministries with you that may include by are not limited
to: small groups, Sunday School classes, short term studies, retreats, events, and short term
mission trips.
5. Continue to grow and develop personally and professionally. A bachelor’s degree in youth
ministry or a related field is required. Experience in youth, parachurch, or camping ministry
is desirable, as is the proven abilities in the areas of administration, and the recruitment and
training of volunteers. Furthermore, it is expected that all employees of Zion Church will
continue to grow and develop personally and professionally through continuing education.
6. Creatively and actively engage in the life, ministry and mission of Zion Church by way of
other tasks that may be associated with this job or assigned to it.
7. Work effectively as part of a team. This will include working collaboratively with pastoral
staff, other program ministry staff, volunteers, and with youth pastors/directors from other

The Youth Pastor/Director shall:

1. Administer, organize, and direct the youth ministry of Zion Church; and be creative and
innovative in outreach and evangelism to those who are already a part of Zion Church, as
well as the community.
8. Assure that youth have an opportunity to worship, study the Scriptures, pray and be
nurtured in Christian faith so that each one may become the person God created him/her to
be. Ministries and activities may include, but are not limited to retreats, special events, work
camps, short term mission trips, participation in youth ministries within our United
Methodist connection and the ecumenical, interdenominational community.
9. Actively engage and be available to Zion Church’s youth during regularly scheduled
gatherings and events, even when not in a direct leadership role.
10. Recruit, train, and deploy youth and adult servant- volunteers, in sufficient numbers to be
involved in Zion Church’s youth ministry. The YP/YD does not “do” ministry alone. The
ministry is to be accomplished with others who share a “call,” passion and commitment to
Christ and the Church in ministry with youth. Communicating information clearly and in a
compelling manner, regarding youth ministry, is required.
11. Teach in the educational ministry of Zion Church. The classes need not be limited to youth.
For example, the YP/YD may be involved in teaching Confirmation class; resourcing parents
of youth; and creating new groups and ministries geared towards those who are among the
“none’s,” “done’s,” and/or are otherwise “unchurched” and “dechurched.”
12. Prioritize building relationships with youth and their families.
13. Promote the camping ministry of the Susquehanna Conference of the UMC, as well as that
of “Salt and Light.”
14. Resource Zion youth and their families with materials pertaining to UMC colleges and
universities, and other Christians institutions, as interest dictates. Additionally, the YP/YD
shall serve as the point-person for the Zion Church Scholarship program.
15. Resource, equip, train, and deploy adult, servant-volunteers to assist and lead youth
ministry at Zion Church in a way that promotes excellence.
16. Administer and train the leaders in Zion’s youth ministry in implementing the Safe
Sanctuary Policy of Zion Church and the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist
17. Serve as the staff resource person for our young adult ministry groups and initiatives.


The Youth Pastor/Director is:

1. Accountable to the Lead Pastor of Zion Church, who will conduct periodic and annual
reviews of job performance.
18. Subject to the rules and regulations states in the personnel policy of Zion Church.
19. Under the aegis of the Lead Pastor of Zion Church and committed to working
collaboratively and in concert with the members of the Zion Church staff.
20. Expected to attend all staff meetings and the Annual Church Conference of Zion Church.
21. Required to submit and pass all required clearances in accordance with Zion Church’s Safe
Sanctuary Policy and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s laws related to care and
ministry to minors.

A church office is provided for the Youth Pastor/Director, including a telephone, computer with
internet access, desk, chair, and shelf space. It is expected that this office be used and that
regular, posted hours in the office be kept so that the YP/YD is available to youth, their families,
and members of Zion Church..

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