Soced117 Activity 9 Gamponia Socstud

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College of Teacher Education

Gamponia, Jasmine B. (18-040266)

April 22, 2021


1) How does internet changed education?

Among the technology that sprouted, I think the most common
used is the internet. We are even living in a world where internet is not
considered a want already, rather it is now a need especially that we
are facing a pandemic which requires us to stay at home. Hence,
online learning is implemented. Internet does changed education in
the sense that traditional process of learning became as easy as
clicking a website, typing on a keyboard and by merely watching
lectures. Technology has significantly extended access to education
by utilizing the internet which connects the computer all over the
world. Numerous books are already published online and courses can
now be taken online too. This means that students won’t have to go to
school anymore. It opened opportunities for people who cannot go to
school physically. It also changed the role of teachers. Back then,
teachers were the mainstream of knowledge but with the existence of
internet, they became facilitators only. Personally, I even find
educational videos online easier to understand than those discussions
of some teachers. Maybe there is something to do with the times I
watch it, unlike our teachers, I can watch the video discussion as may
time as I want. Gone are the passive students, thanks to internet,
students are now active in learning.

2) What are the advantages of internet towards education, towards the teachers
and towards the students/learners?
 Distance Learning- Teachers as well as students are not required
to go to school personally. It saves their time and effort in going
to school every day as well as with the money they have to
 Professional Development- Webinars (seminar done online) are
now available free which used to be so expensive when
attending personally. Now, teachers can attend such without
worrying with their expenses. They can attend as much as they
want with free e-certificates.
 Differentiated Instruction- Students being different when it
comes to studying style, through internet, teachers can now

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

provide each student different learning materials available

 Lesson Enhancement- Teachers can now make their
instructional materials more enjoyable than ever through the
help of different applications and websites used for developing
IM’s such as Powtoon, Canva and others.
 Convenience- Teaching can now be done anywhere anytime
with the help of internet.
 Home Teaching/Work from Home- Teachers can now teach
and at the same time do things a mother should do at home
which they cannot do in traditional classes.
 Automated Grading System- Computing grades is one of the
burden for teachers back then but with internet and
technology, it is now easy.
 Increased Self-Learning- Students can now study on their own
through the use of books and articles online.
 Distance Learning- Students from far-flung areas won’t have to
travel every day and early in going to school.
 24/7 Learning- Learning can now be done anytime the students
 Increased Collaboration- Through the use of websites such as
Google Docs, group activity became easy as students were
able to collaborate though they were situated in different
 Diversified Viewpoints and Enhanced Creativity- The internet
offers websites where students can make creative outputs
3) What are the disadvantages of internet towards education, towards the
teachers and towards the students/learners?
 Excessive Multitasking –The internet paved way for more tabs
more distraction for teachers as they are also being engaged
with social media.
 Reliance on Self-sufficiency – Students may lack knowledge
about something as not all things can be found online. As a
result, they only rely with what they have read online.
 Inequality of Access- Not all students have access online. Our
country is not yet that technologized. There are still locations
where signal is poor.
 Reliability- Not all information online are accurate. There are
people who publish craps online and anyone can be deceived
as they are good in making such.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

 Cheating- Cheating became easier during online exams

because teachers cannot see them while taking the exam.
 Distraction- With internet, students can access whatever website
they wish to visit. We all know that it offers a lot that includes the
things that should not be known by young people. Hence, it
becomes a distraction for them.
 Developed Lazy Attitude- The internet became a tool for
students to take shortcuts thus developed a lazy attitude
among them.

CONCLUSION: Internet has opened door both of positive and negative changes in
education. It only becomes successful if teachers will be able to facilitate well the
students. However, it is still hard because we cannot control each student’s
computer. The best way then is to teach students how to become responsible in
using internet. Let us remind them that internet can make us or break us and that
depends on what approach we choose to have.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

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