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College of Teacher Education

GAMPONIA, JASMINE B. (18-040266)

BSE-Social Studies
TTH (9:00-10:30 AM)
March 09, 2021
Computer As A Tool

1. How does computer as a tool can help teachers improve the delivery of teaching and learning
process? Site some examples.

Computer or technology in a broader sense helps teacher to improve the delivery of teaching and
learning process as it provides the unimaginable and creative way of discussing a certain lesson. Some of
the examples are as follows:
 Teachers can do online learning. This means that it is not necessary for teachers and learners to
interact with each other face to face. Instead they can just meet online as long as the internet
connection is strong. This way, it saves time and effort for both. It also fosters quick
communication and response anytime, anywhere since the learner and the educator is one click
 Computers or gadgets became an instant blackboard for teachers and learners. It provides visual
aids that are close to reality such 3d animations. This way learner is more attentive in listening
to discussion and can have a clearer view of what the teacher is talking about.
 Access to thick books when printed became easier through the presence of E-books. Teachers
won’t have to scan all the pages of the book and everyone will get a copy of it within a click.
Hence, making discussion more interactive as they can scan the material before the discussion
 Presentations became more creative through the use of PowerPoint presentations or some
applications/software. Gone is the time where teachers need to buy Manila paper, write the
content of lesson in it and taping it on the blackboard. Apart from the creation of attractive
presentations, teachers save time and effort in making Instructional Materials. In short, teachers
make use of their designing skills.

2. What are the positive and negative effects of the use of computer as a tool for teachers in the
delivery of the teaching and learning process? Site some examples.

 Easy delivery of Instructional Materials- Teachers can just upload the IM unlike before that they
need to print and photocopy it for equal distribution.
 More time in assessing the lesson or IM- both for the teacher and learner. The presence of
computer as well as the internet makes it easier for the teachers to assess what she is doing as
the web offers a lot of resources and information which can further explain the topic he or she is
trying to discuss. On the other hand, the learner will also benefit from it as they will follow their
own pace in learning unlike in traditional learning where the material can only be given during
the discussion prior. In short, it increases the productivity of teachers.
 The best example would be the computerization of task for the learners and the automatic
grading systems for the teachers. In this case, they will save time. Instead of spending much of
their time in checking the system will just do it for them and can make other necessary things.

 One of the negative effects is the possibility for students to become so preoccupied with details
like type font or audio clips that they overlook the content of the final product. In this situation,
instead of focusing on the content, they admire more the design of the presentation.
 Living in a developing country, teacher’s problem is the internet connection. Delivering of
instructional materials using the internet is burden. Hence, delaying the delivery of instruction.
 There is no assurance when the students have really listened to the recorded video or have
analyzed the given presentation. This is what teachers are afraid of- this means that they will
not learn anything when all IM’s were technology based.

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