Soced117 Activity 2 Gamponia

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College of Teacher Education

Gamponia, Jasmine B. (18-040266)

BSE-Social Studies
TTH (9:00-10:30 AM)

1. What are the reasons of educational gap of today’s learners and the learners in the past?
 Usage gaps
o Technology trends
o Use of technology in schools
 Changes in work practices (increased lateral communication and teamwork,
empowerment of employees, and revision of processes and workflow)
 Changes in aspects of products (convenience, quality and variety)
o Technology is universally viewed as a change agent that can catalyze various changes in
learning, teaching, and the learning environment.
 Outcome gaps
o Change of culture in the broader context
o Switch of institutional setting,
o Introduction of an innovation is likely to change the learning outcomes of the students.

2. What are the different alternatives in bridging the gap between today’s learners and the learners
of the past?
 Effective teaching
o Students’ academic performance outcomes as a significant indicator
 ICT planning
o Process of developing, revising and implementing technology plans in order to guide
organizations to achieve their goals.
o The interface between research and development in learning technologies and their
actual use in schools.
 The online language
o Technology always goes hand-in-hand with jargon. Jargon exists to make things more
straightforward in the context of describing things, but it may have the opposite effect,
distracting the listener and alienating him and hindering the learning process.
Implementing technologically-oriented terms such as "selfie" or "emoji" at the dismay of
traditionalists may have gradually found their way into the Oxford Dictionaries, but
that's an indicator of how much impact the internet has had on our vocabulary today. As
digital natives, we've adopted this as if it were a fashion item, so be sure to use simpler
speech when it comes to interacting with the older people on the subject of emerging
o According to research, many people in the older generation feel left behind by
technology. If the previous generation has not yet made the transition to Facebook,
Twitter or Snapchat, elements of isolation and feeling out-of-sync with family members
can also arise beyond just the financial dimensions, too. This population makes up an
enormous portion of our population, and we need to help them cope with the
technological era. Both of which are visual or verbal communicative software where
users can video or chat from everywhere in the world to each other, offering a secure
internet connection. If one of the family members is away travelling for leisure or work, it
is particularly perfect for family times like Christmas or birthdays.

3. How does technology for teaching helps in bridging the gap between today’s learners and learners
of the past?

Being confused by innovation is definitely not an age-specific concern. At some point,

everybody was perplexed by it, whether you lived engulfed by upcoming tech in the 90s or just

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014
College of Teacher Education

discovered the utility of booking train tickets online. But it is fair that older generations might not
quite be as adept at using technology, since they were not raised around them with a lot of it.

There are several reasons why the 'digital gap' might be experienced by someone. While it
was once due to financial inequalities that discouraged access to technology, it has now shifted to a
knowledge gap. The data presented to them immediately becomes a barrier once connected to their
devices. Technology is evolving faster than people are gaining the knowledge to communicate at an
elite environment with innovation. This therefore creates a digital divide, where rise of digital skills
has exceeded supply.

Younger people had the privilege of being raised all around them with electronics. So, for
those who did not go through childhood and adolescence while the digital boom was underway, it
can be an intimidating experience to learn about what the latest technology has to offer. The notion
of learning how to use Microsoft Excel or coming to grips with printing would have terrified
Generation X, now it's all augmented reality, voice-activated domestic robots and wireless charging.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

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