Planning Booklet Complete Pdf-Min

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Planning and Pre-Production

Unit 8: Creative project


o Production Schedule
o Script / Shooting Script
o Storyboard
o Props List
o Crew List
o Location Recces
o Clearances and Confirmations
o Contingency Plan
Production Schedule
This is my production schedule guide so far. It is vague for now, but will be
added to as I go along in order to create an accurate schedule.

Date – Week Plan of Action Evaluation


22nd March Proposal, 3 ideas, final idea, Weekly blog

competition (LSFF) and final brief.
29th March Research (short films codes and Weekly blog
5th April Research (analyzing short films) Weekly blog
12th April Finish Research. Start auditions Research Evaluation
and Pre-Production.
19th April Finish Pre-Production Test shoots / Weekly blog
26th April Film Planning evaluation
3rd May Film Production evaluation
10th May Film / Edit (edit done by Wed 12th Weekly blog
17th May Evaluation (21st deadline) * Weekly blog
26th May Pitch (9-10:30) Upload filmed pitch
Edit deadline 12th May!!
In order to complete this correctly, you need to add stage directions for your

The Balance Girl

By Hannah Môn Wayne

The Balance Girl

Cast Actor
Cara Thompson– the Balance Girl
(health-based YouTuber) & twin
Hannah Wayne
Daisy Thompson (Mum) Elen
Wendy Butler (agent)
Kate Wheeler
Flo Reed (Cara’s best friend):
Isabella Hayden
Businessman Philip Wayne
Person 1: Mark Hemus
Person 2: Donna Hemus
Person 3: Emily Ison
Person 1, 2 and 3 - 3 individuals providing negative feedback
Telephone call between Businessman and Wendy (Cara’s

INT: Business office.

THE BUSINESS MAN is around the age of 50, he’s got a slight
cockney accent and is also bald. The business man is wearing a
blue striped shirt, and a black blazer jacket. His look is
slightly scruffy, with no tie and top button undone. This
business man is one of the top in the country, as he is very

So, it’s a deal?

INT: WENDY’s office.

WENDY is Cara’s agent, she is around 50 years old and is very
intelligent. Wendy has many years of business experience, and
is at the top of tops when it comes to agents. Wendy’s office
is very clean and tidy. She has a white desk with pretty
flowery wallpaper behind her.

Yes, you have yourself a deal.

How soon?

She’s extremely busy…. We can fit it in by the end of the

Business man:
Earlier please…. End of next week?

There is a 20% additional fee for a quick turn around?

Yes, that would work. Pleasure doing business with you….

Phone call ends.

We have success. We’ve got Cara the Balance Girl for our
natural cleanser. Let’s just watch the
sales of Nature Cleanse go through the roof!
(sound of applause from colleagues)

INT: Cara’s bedroom.
Cara’s filming spot is in the corner of her bedroom, she has
mindfulness posters behind her- and it has been her set up for

Cara is recording for her YouTube Channel… Cara the Balance

View of phone screen or through camera lens.
And so let’s carry on with that mindful breathing
over the week. Remember in through the nose and out
through the nose. Now slow it down … same amount of
time for in and out… breath in through the nose 2, 3
and out through the nose, 2, 3… even slower 1,
2, 3… and out, 2,3 . Rest your tongue against the
roof of your mouth and relax that jaw. Feel how that
relaxes your body and makes you calmer. Mindful
breathing then this week lovely people…
Oh and before I go I want to show you these
lovely stickers. I use them in my diary and
planners… “ I need at least one set every
month. They have lovely positive phrases… “I can and
I will! Watch me”… “never give up”. Look how
fabulous they are. Ask the adult in the house
before you buy… and as you ask… remember that please
and thank you go a long way! Click below to buy
these gorgeous Magic Mindset stickers! If you use
them, we’ll be twinnies! Bye now from me, Cara the
Balance Girl!

Another one done….
Checks phone: Picture message from Wendy:
Cara, it’s Wendy. Another marketing plug needed for
a balance board this time. I’m having it sent over
by special currier as I speak… can you do this one
today too? I’ve promised their marketing manager…...
Please don’t break a bone doing this one… you’re in
high demand……..”

INT: Cara’s dining room

EXT: Wendy at the park, walking her dogs.
Mobile phone rings: Cara picks up this time
Me again…did you get my message about the Balance
board? And have you got the Magic Mindset stickers
plug ready to upload? I’m being pestered that they
want maximum exposure on this one.

Yes, that one’s just done.. just uploading it now…..
These young girls L O V E you! You’re fast
becoming every company’s marketing dream!
We’ll stay with products which balance with your
‘wellness’ image though… it’s a jungle out there and
they’ll drop you as fast as they hire you if we get
it wrong… keep your image squeaky clean Cara….
Promise me that!

That’s not a difficult thing to promise Wendy… I’m having an
early night tonight… even said no to going to a
party… I’m working so hard, I don’t have the energy.
All I’ve got planned tonight is a bath, some candles
and an oven pizza!

Oh… I’m sending a currier with a new cleanser for you… perhaps
give that one a plug tonight if you’re having a
relaxing night?

Fade to the recording the next one):

“And so lovely people, this is how I achieve
physical balance in my life. I do my mindful
breathing when I’m balancing on this board. I make
it look easy but it does take a bit of skill… so
please do hold on to something sturdy until you are
as balanced as I am! Link to this brilliant Balance
Board below… I’ll be balancing in my home and you’ll
be balancing in yours. We’ll be twinnies! Bye now
from me, Cara the Balance Girl!”


Busy day darling?
Yes! I can’t get the recordings done fast enough…

Your face is everywhere these days… I’m so proud of you. .. Do
you remember that I’m away this evening? I’m off to
London to see that Waitress musical and then staying
in that lovely hotel we went to last week. It’s been
a busy week at work and so I’m looking forward to my
Friday evening of freedom!
You’ll love Waitress mum…
I already know most of the songs from you playing them day and

I’m looking forward to my quiet night in… I don’t have the
energy to go out..
You talk about balance all the time on your YouTube channel…
but I don’t see you taking your own advice, Cara.
You need to slow down before you burn out! See you
tomorrow darling!

Mobile phone rings

INT: Flo is in her bedroom. Flo’s bedroom is very bright with

vinyl records and band posters all over her room.
Flo and Cara are best friends, and love talking on
the phone to each other. They chat every day.

Hi Miss Balance? How’s life?
INT: Cara is in her dining room whilst talking to Flo,
and she is writing her ‘to do’ list whilst
That’s so dull! I’m just here to remind you that you are still
young and that it’s not too late to say yes to the
party tonight.
I just can’t Flo.. and I don’t want to either… I really am too
exhausted to party
Well thank goodness that there are posters of you everywhere I
look because otherwise I would forget what you look
Don’t be like that… I’m just getting used to how busy I am…

That agent of yours cracking the whip again? I bet she’s
laughing all the way to the bank with her 12%
I know you’re disappointed Flo, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I
won’t be able to meet Tom…you’ve told me often
enough how gorgeous he is….
I know what you’re doing…. You’re trying to make me forget how
cross I am with you….. I never manage it for long do
I? We’ve known each other far too many years.
You’re like the sister I never had.
We could be the ‘twinnies’!
I couldn’t think of anything nicer… now let me get on
with my evening and you enjoy yours…. Remember
I’ll want to hear all the gossip tomorrow!

Fade to Cara, now in her white/cream bathrobe…. And recording

INT: Cara in her living room, relaxing.
“It’s the end of the day. Feel those anxieties slip away.
Remember that you are amazing, each and every one of you. I
want to hear you say it.. after me “I am amazing”……. “I am
balanced”……... “I am a kind person”…. “I am enough”.
Oh and before I go… you lovely people often comment on my
skin. You notice that I never wear make-up. You just don’t
need it to be you. I do want to share with you what I use ON
my skin… it has to be natural… nothing else will do for Cara
the Balance Girl! Let me introduce you to Nature Cleanse…
everything natural, everything to care and keep your skin
clean and balanced as nature intended…. Link to this brilliant
Nature Cleanse is below. Have skin like mine… let’s be
twinnies! And remember.. ask the adult in the house before you
buy … and please and thank you go a long way! Bye from me,
Cara the Balance Girl.

Cara lighting a candle, music or film, … contented and

enjoying her evening…….


(next morning)

INT: Cara in her bedroom, waking up and receiving hateful text


I’ll never forgive you
What have I done?
I hate you!

TEXT: Sarah:
You were WILD last night Balance Girl!
I don’t know what you mean?

TEXT: Wendy:
What have you done? No damage limitation will resolve
this! How COULD you have been so stupid?

Cara: scrolls through phone and sees pictures of herself

drinking out of a wine bottle…. Headlines…. Balance Girl
creates scene at party…. Not so perfect, Balance Girl!
Recorded message Flo:
You knew I liked him…
I mean really liked him.
Why did you have to choose Tom of all people?
I never, ever though that you’d do that to me Cara. We’ve
been friends for so many years and you’ve just thrown it away.
I’m done with you!

Throughout the day… YouTube subscribers fall

Comments: Disgusted… you are no role model for my daughter…
Fake girl… not balanced girl

INT: Wendy’s office
Are you pleased with yourself?
INT: Cara’s bedroom
I really don’t know what’s going on Wendy. I promise you… I
was here last night. Those pictures at that party…
it wasn’t me! I know it looks like me but I wasn’t
there… I promise!
You really can’t expect me to believe that Cara. There’s no
point uploading any more of those recordings… no-one
wants you. Everybody’s changed their minds about
you… you silly girl… what did I say to you about
keeping a squeaky image?
Wendy, wait please! It wasn’t me!
I’m going to need to distance myself from you Cara. My
reputation is in tatters too because of you. Keep a
low profile… but your golden girl days are over…..
and so are we!
Please Wendy… we’ve worked together for quite a while. You
know I wouldn’t do this!
I though I knew you Cara.. but it appears that I don’t.

Throughout the day… subscribers fall

Phones mum:
Hi… Mum.. when are you coming back… something’s happened… I
need you mum…
Later text:
Mum… phone me please…
Mum… where are you?
Dark outside: Cara still in PJs and huddled in her
bedroom…. Door opens
Mum, is that you? I didn’t hear you come back….
She isn’t here…. No-one’s here… just us
(Gasps)… you’re my double… you were the one at the party….
I had such a lovely time. Your friends are lovely…. Especially
Tom… now he was such good fun!
Who are you… what are you doing here? Why are you pretending
to be me? Don’t you know the harm you’ve done?
Oh yes… but I haven’t really got started yet….
(Cara sees a kitchen knife in Twin’s hand)
What’s happening? What have I done to deserve this?
Well my lovely ‘twinnie’ …. For starters… your mum never made
it to London…. She’s tied up in the boot of my car…
No point… she can’t hear you…. Let me tell you my story… Once
upon a time not one but two babies were born…
We’re twins?.... I never knew…
Oh yes…. But I was taken away… kidnapped or given away…
how do I know? I’ve had none of your
privileges! None of your ‘balance’. Do you know
how spoilt and PATHETIC you sound in your
recordings? (mimics) “ooh twinnies… this is how I
achieve balance in my life”. You in your ivory
tower and me sectioned and struggling.
Mum wouldn’t have given you away.. she wouldn’t have…
But she didn’t tell you about me either though did she?....
Did she!.. Your silence says it all. You got
everything and I got nothing. No more. Time to for
‘mum’ to pay the price and you too dear twin
What are you going to do? I beg you… don’t!
Oh you’re not getting upset are you? Don’t worry… I’ll make
it look like suicide. After all your negative press
today, no one will be surprised and no one will care
that much.
(Cara terrified)
Remember to stay balanced won’t you twinnie….
Oh good girl… you’ve remembered that “please and thank you go
a long way……” (mimics)

Finally …a big shout out to all you twinnies out there who
have supported me and forgiven me for my antics last
week. There really is no excuse. I am truly sorry
and I have been humbled by your generosity and
love. Even the Balance Girl isn’t perfect it
seems…. But I will try. I will live my life,
day by day with balance and wellness and look
forward to catching up with you lovely people
tomorrow. Bye from me, Cara the Balance Girl!
Props List

Item Item Description Who uses When it is Where

it used from?
Cara’s Macbook Cara, Cara- When Cara’s
Laptop/computer has a coulourful Wendy editing, laptop
case in it with lots making to from
of stickers! do lists. Hannah’s
Wendy’s is Wendy: house,
silver/grey with work, books and
no case. brand deal Wendy’s
etc. from
Phone Cara- iPhone 7 Cara, Flo, In all the We’ll all
Flo- iPhone X Wendy, phone call use our
Wendy- ? Business scenes. own
Businessman- Man phone.
iPhone SE
Colourful Quote Motivational Cara In the Hannah’s
Posters quotes that I background bedroom
have coloured of Cara’s
in, making them videos.
into posters.
Mindfulness Mindfulness Cara In the Hannah’s
Stickers stickers that are mindfulness bedroom
mainly used for sticker
planners and promotion
diaries. scene.
Wobble Board- A gymnastics Cara In the Hannah’s
‘Balance board’ wobble board ‘balance bedroom
made by board’
cantilever promotional
creations. scene,
Knife A big knife. Cara’s evil When Kitchen
twin Cara’s twin
is threating
Item Item Description Who uses it When it is used

Makeup brush Pink/rose gold make up Flo When Flo is

and mascara brush, benefit mascara. getting ready
to for the party

Wine bottle An empty white wine Evil Twin In the photos

bottle. of the twin at
the party.

Clay Mask – A greenish- container Cara In the nature

‘Nature with a blue loreal clay Cleanse
Cleanse’ face mask inside. Acting promotion
as the ‘nature cleanse’ scene.
TV remote and TV mounted on the wall, Cara When Cara is
TV and a TV remote. relaxing.

Candle A large candle with Cara When Cara is

three wicks, and some relaxing.
and matches to light it.

Crew List

Person Role Dates Needed

Hannah Wayne Cara Thompson and All filming dates
camera operator

Isabella Hayden Flo Reed Fri 30th April

Elen Wayne Daisy Thompson Sunday 2nd May,

Monday 3rd May

Philip Wayne Business Man Monday 3rd May

Kate Wheeler Wendy Butler Thursday 29th April,

Friday 30th April,
Saturday 1st April
Location Recce
Cara’s bedroom which is my parents’ bedroom. Type of room/area: Bedroom

Location Address:

My house

Sat Nav details (Post code):

HP15 6DN

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe

Nearest Bus stop:

Common Road.

Site contact name and contact Availability

My house Anytime it is free- mainly during the day.


No permissions, as it is my house!

Suitability / shots for production

All scenes where Cara is in her bedroom: filming her videos, going to bed, waking
up, seeing the messages etc.
Lighting Information: Solutions:

There is a big window on the left-hand I can use natural lighting for the majority
side of the room. The window is facing of the scenes, however the help of an
Cara’s ‘filming spot’ and is to the left of additional light source may be helpful. I
the bed. can also change the white balance to

Sound Information: Solutions:

Our house is on a main road, so there I am going to be using a camera

might be some road/traffic noises. microphone for my scenes anyway,
However, this room is at the back of the however if there were road signs- I
house, which hopefully will reduce the would just have to hope that the mic
noise slightly. picked up the dialogue as appose to
the traffic, however- I can’t exactly
control the road sounds!

As for other sounds, I will make sure I film

when my brother is at school, so I can
make sure I won’t be interrupted.

Power Information Solutions:

There are plug sockets either side of the Make sure that everything is fully
bed. I won’t really need power access charged before filming, but if need be-
during the filming, as I will make sure there are plug sockets near where I’ll be
that my camera battery is charged filming.

Hazards Solutions:

There are no major hazards that I can Make sure to be careful.

think of. Just making sure that I don’t
knock anything or trip over anything!
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of room/area: Bedroom

Location Address:

Izzy’s house

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe

Nearest Bus stop:

Turners Drive

Site contact name and contact Availability

Izzy’s house. Thursdays, Fridays after 12:30,

07***95**4* weekends.


Permission from Izzy and her family (the Hayden’s) to film in their house.

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Izzy is playing the character Flo, and therefore is using her room as Flo’s. Flo’s
bedroom is seen when Flo is on the phone with Cara.
Lighting Information: Solutions:

The main window is on the left-hand Once again, I will most likely use natural
side of the room, and there is a tiny lighting- however I will use an LED
window on the back left of the room. camera light to add some additional
The main light is pretty bright, and there light if need be.
are also LED coloured lights around the
ceiling that are usually kept on during
the day.

Sound Information: Solutions:

Like ours, Izzy’s room is also on a main I’ll be using a mic, however I won’t
road- and the left of her room backs out really be able to control the noise of the
onto it. traffic.

Power Information Solutions:

There are plug sockets both by the bed If need be, I can use the plug sockets-
and desk. I won’t really need power however, I don’t think I’ll need to use
access during the filming, as I will make them.
sure that my camera battery is charged

Hazards Solutions:

There are no major hazards that I can Like the other locations, I will make sure
think of. Just making sure that I don’t to be careful.
knock anything or trip over anything!
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Kate Wheeler’s office/Nail Salon

Type of room/area: office

Location Address:

Kate Wheelers house

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe

Nearest Bus stop:

Site contact name and contact Availability

Thursday 29th April
Kate Wheeler’s House Friday 30th April
078***256*** Saturday 1st May


Permission granted to film in Kate Wheeler’s house.

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Kate Wheeler’s nail salon will act as Wendy’s office. In the office, Wendy will
answer phone calls, set up brand deals etc.
Lighting Information: Solutions:

Large window on the left-hand side of Use natural lighting when possible, and
the room. on the shade/sun white balance. Use
LED lighting for an extra boost of light.

Sound Information: Solutions:

Use a microphone to ensure that all of
House isn’t on a main road, however Wendy’s lines are picked up clearly,
there still might be road/car noise from
outside, as the office\salon looks out to We can’t control road traffic so will just
the road. have to hope it’s not too noisy!

Power Information Solutions:

Plug sockets around the room. Make sure camera battery is fully
charged, however can re charge there
if need be.

Hazards Solutions:

I need to be careful of Kate’s nail Be careful

equipment, and the surroundings as I
don’t want too break anything.
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: dining


Location Address:

Sat Nav details (Post code):

HP15 6DN

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe
Nearest Bus stop:

Common Road

Site contact name and contact Availability

My house, no need to contact anyone. Whenever it is free/no one is in it. Usually

during the school/work day.


No permissions needed as it’s my house!

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Scenes in dining room:

Mum and Cara scene,
Cara on the phone to Flo
Cara on the phone to Wendy

Business man scene (take down the phantom poster)

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Window at the front of the room, and Use natural lighting where possible, but
warm, yellow-ish main lights. use LED lights for some extra light if
need be.
Sound Information: Solutions:

House is on a main road, and the dining Can’t stop the car noise, but can try
room is at the front of the house, so and film at the least busiest times of
there will be road/car/traffic noises. day, and use a microphone to make
sure everything has been picked up.
Power Information Solutions:
Quite a few plug sockets. Make sure that everything is fully
charged, however if need be, there are
plenty of plug sockets to use.

Hazards Solutions:

Wires and Leads in the right-hand Be careful not to trip over them.
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area:


Location Address:
Bottom of the stairs.
Kate Wheeler’s house

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe

Nearest Bus stop:

Site contact name and contact Availability

Thursday 29th April
Kate Wheeler Friday 30th April
Kate Wheelers house Saturday 1st May


Full permission granted to film.

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Scene where Wendy sends a video to Cara, saying how angry she is at her.
Lighting Information: Solutions:

Window by door which is too the right of Use the natural lighting as well as an LED
the stairs. light for extra light.
Quite a lot of natural light comes

Sound Information: Solutions:

House isn’t on a main road, however Use a microphone to ensure that all of
there still might be road/car noise from Wendy’s lines are picked up clearly,
We can’t control road traffic so will just
have to hope it’s not too noisy!

Power Information Solutions:

Possibly one plug unit in the hall way? Make sure everything is charged up!!

Hazards Solutions:
Be careful
-Front door and animals
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Living

Living room
Location Address:

My house

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe

Nearest Bus stop:

Site contact name and contact Availability

My house Anytime


No permissions needed.
Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Cara’s nature cleanse brand deal scene.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Window in front of sofa Use the natural lighting as well as an

LED light for extra light.
Sound Information: Solutions:

House is on a main road, and the living Use a microphone to ensure that all of
room is at the front of the house, so Wendy’s lines are picked up clearly,
there will be road/car/traffic noises.
We can’t control road traffic so will just
have to hope it’s not too noisy!

Power Information Solutions:

Few plugs in there. Make sure everything is charged up!!

Hazards Solutions:
Be careful
General Hazards
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Park

Location Address:

Hughenden Manor Park

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

High Wycombe
Nearest Bus stop:

Site contact name and contact Availability

Hughenden Manor Park Open to the public so whenever, as

Hughenden Manor Council long as the weather is decent.


No permissions needed, unless anyone else from the public is walking through where we are

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Wendy ringing Cara, telling her about the new brand deal with the Balance
Lighting Information: Solutions:
Temperamental, all depends on the Plan to film on a sunny day, and make
weather. sure to have plenty other available
days just in case the weather plays up.

Sound Information: Solutions:

The park is located on a main road, so Try and film as high up the park as
even further up the fields- road noise is possible, and use a microphone so
still heard. Wendy’s voice isn’t drowned by the
background noises.

Power Information Solutions:

No power Bring portable chargers and make sure
that everything is fully charged before

Hazards Solutions:

-Other people Be careful of surroundings and make

-The surroundings (trees, plants etc) sure to look out.
-Nearby road.
Clearances and Confirmations
Emily Ison audition for Cara
Elen Wayne audition for Daisy- Cara’s Mum
Donna Hemus audition for Cara’s Mum, Daisy
Philip Wayne audition for the Business Man
Mark Hemus audition for the Business Man
Kate Wheeler audition for Wendy
Jayne Ison audition for Wendy
Isabella (Izzy) Hayden audition for Flo
Contingency Plan
What are your plans for if something goes wrong? What back
up actors, locations and equipment do you have?

Although I am hoping that I won’t have to use a contingency plan, it’s

always best to create one just in case! If all of a sudden one of my actors
declined, I can look on my plan to see who’s back up.

Actors Back up Actors Back up actor for

Kate Wheeler Katie Ellis Amanda Williams
Izzy Hayden Liddie Thomas Ella Bowen
Philip Wayne Gary KIng Mark Hemus
Elen Wayne Liz King Donna Hemus

Back up locations:
Hughenden park back ups:
Great Kingshill Common
RGS school field
Alternatively, if the weather is really bad we can film in our garden room.

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