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Discuss your overall learning/s about this subject.

So, all throughout learning this course for this semester, I unexpectedly have incurred a lot of
learnings despite the presence of this pandemic that hampered face to face classes. So, with this
subject, some of the topics were already familiar to me since they were thought in the senior high
school when I enrolled the subject Introduction to Philosophy, so basically a few of it were sort of a
review and aside from that I was also able to learn new things but to encapsulate everything, I think the
quote from Socrates which states that “The unexamined life is not worth living” left a good impact on
why we should study and understand about ourself. I was able to realize that knowing one’s self is a
great core for our future endeavors in life, in that sense we are able to know our greater purpose and
the essence why we exist up to this day. When we are knowledgeable about ourselves, we gain a clearer
understanding of the things we wanted to pursue in life and the things we are passionate about and that
is what we call a life worth living. Moreover, this course aided me in unfolding things that influence our
identity and that is through the environment that we are living in and the people whom we are living
with. So, at this stage of our life, we the young adults are sometimes experiencing a role confusion or
even experiencing an identity crisis which is really relevant to our subject because it somehow addresses
it and we able to assess who we really are and what kind of person are we. Lastly, this course had taught
me that we really have to embrace our own identity within us and that we shouldn’t always conform to
the standards that are set by the society because we have to remember that we aren’t living to satisfy
every people and meet their expectations, we are living because we are pursuing our own ends to
satisfy our greater purpose.

Share your insights about your overall online experiences (good or bad) this semester.

So shifting to a new mode of learning was really sudden for me since for the past years, I have
been surrounded with a lot of people while studying and I think that is what makes learning more fun to
be able to interact with people and engage with them but yeah because of this pandemic, I was left with
no other choice but to bear or cope with the changes that the world demands. So in the first several
months, I have a really hard time adjusting since my attention span isn’t really that great enough, so I
tend to procrastinate a lot and be distracted with a lot of things and I can’t seem to find my own study
habits but through time, I think I was able to adjust and blend well. However, there were instances that
really spiked my stress level, and I think we all know naman that our country doesn’t have the best
connectivity so there were tendencies where I missed my classes and presentations due to poor internet
connection. With this, sometimes I had to go to my father’s workplace to get a better internet access.
Apart from that, I also wasn’t used to studying through my laptop while reviewing through powerpoint
presentations because I am the type of person who wants to study with a book to be able to annotate or
highlight important things. So basically in the first several months, I think that I wasn’t able to deliver a
really good academic performance especially in my major subjects. I also wanted to share this
experience of mine in my PE class where I got a failing mark on our quiz because of capitalization. So
there was actually directions indicated in the google form but due to excitement I answered ----. I also
had a hard time when it comes to groupworks, since it is an online platform I don’t really personally
know my groupmates and since most of the time no one really initiates to lead so I tend to take the
burden and always burn my midnight candle to edit videos or to make group presentations

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