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Jan Elmer L. Labesores Ma’am Cindy R.

BSN-1B November 23, 2020

The first video refutes the notion the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it was emphasized
that beauty arrives from an experience and is deeply rooted in the mind that is passed down from our
ancestors. Many people may seek beauty differently via culture but there is also what we regard as
beautiful universally like the landscapes and this just somehow prove that our perception to beauty is
innate and will forever be existing. We regard something beautiful out from virtuous skills or how things
are creatively crafted and not from its pure form itself. So, it is not applicable to say that beauty is
judged subjectively for this Darwinian theory of beauty. The second talk unfolds the different privileges a
person gets for being perceived beautiful in the society and how people with average looks are
oppressed and treated unfairly based on how they look. The speaker also highlights that we shouldn’t be
too caught up on our appearance because little do we know, models themselves also feel insecure about
their self. Moreover, she also iterated that image may be powerful but it is superficial and it talks little
about our self or the character that we have. The third video presents how people decipher for
someone to be beautiful and it comes from 4 different factors namely: mixed-race, symmetry,
hormones-facial features, and health-reproductive. He also once said how the media certainly affects
the way we perceive what is beautiful and ugly. In media portrayals, the looks of a villain will definitely
be called out ugly and this affected the perception towards beauty. I also agreed with what he said in his
final thought that the universal perception of beauty is ever changing, which in greater sense means that
in every different era that we encounter, our perception towards beauty also alters. The fourth video
deals how we are actually aware of the phrase that “beauty comes from within” but still we are caught
up with our own image and develops self-hate. I think that all of us should also practice what we preach
and we should be more grateful and learn to love more with our own looks because once we accept
ourself more the more we are carefree and wouldn’t mind anything that society tells us. The last video
poured in a lot of thoughts for me because I could definitely agree everything that she had uttered in
her speech. I agree that in our society today, people are made to believe these standards of beauty
which is delusional because everything that are projected is unnatural and are made with edits and
photoshop. Not everything that we see on magazines are natural beauty and this creates an insecure
mind, especially for girls, to become one like them when in fact it is not the real beauty. I also definitely
agree that beauty doesn’t really greatly rely the way we look but it entails our personality, our purpose,
and function in the community. Beauty isn’t a narrow aspect of just mere looks but rather the purpose.

For me beauty is such an intricate idea and it propagates a lot of varied thoughts from one
person to another. Sometimes, it is misconceived by the set of standards that is established by the
people of the society and this has become the root for insecurity amongst people. I genuinely think that
beauty isn’t really always what our eyes can see, it goes beyond that and it mainly talks about what our
heart can offer. I tend to see beauty when there is goodness because it is something that touches the
heart and it something that is greater than the pleasure that we see with our naked eyes. Although, I
also do feel insecure about my own looks, I tend to comfort myself by affirming myself with words that I
am beautiful in my own way and I think that is where beauty starts to radiate within me. I firmly believe
that beauty starts within ourselves, if we accept the way we look and have a broader perspective of the
definition of beauty then no one can tell us that we are ugly. Why bother conforming to the standards of
beauty set by the society when you can create yours? We are our own beauty and we just have to find it
within ourselves.

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