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10 Interview questions and my answers

1. Tell me about yourself?

I view myself as an introvert that doesn’t take much place
in a room, however I am not anxious when asked to talk
to people I do not know.
2. Why should we hire you?
I believe you should hire me, since I have already worked
with customers, in a touristic job and they seemed to
appreciate me. Another reason you should hire me is
because I am bilingual.
3. What are your greatest strengths?
My greatest strengths are that I am bilingual, resourceful
and creative.
4. What is your biggest weakness?
I believe my biggest weakness is my laziness. However, it
is also a strength since by being lazy I can figure things
out to facilitate my life or facilitate others people, an
example is that I was tired of always keeping my hand up
during a test waiting for a teacher come to answer me so I
made a cart board hand which could be raised and
5. Why do you want to work here?
I want to work here because I want to gain experience,
earn money and since the company has a nice reputation.
6. Why did you leave your last job?
I left my last job since it was only my job for the summer
and I wanted to be focused on my grades and education
which were of greater experience to me.
7. Tell me your biggest accomplishment
My biggest accomplishment is, when I got my job last
year. I believe it is my biggest achievement since it
represented for me, growing up.
8. Describe a difficult problem you faced.
A difficult problem I faced is when I had planned to go
eat in a cafeteria for lunch, so I naturally didn’t bring my
lunch from home. However, when I arrived at my job, I
discovered that the schedule had changed and that my
lunch was scheduled after the cafeteria had closed. So, I
solved the problem by buying my lunch during a 30-
minute break and storing it in a refrigerator until my
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
10. In five years, I see myself working here and
studying at a college for what I want to do later in
11. Do you have any questions?
Yes, I do. What is the characteristic of the people you
want to hire? Like their personality and traits.

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