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Nama : Louis Lamya Fanotti

Kelas/Npm : 6IC/061830800591

MK : B.inggris 6

1. What quantities do you feel a successful manager should have?

Answer : To become a successful manager, a manager must have conceptual skills,
relationship skills and technical skills because a manager must manage a team or
many people so that a job that is done well with these skills can make it easier for
managers to carry out their duties.

2. What is your long range objective?

Answer : My long-term goal is, I can be promoted, but with a note that I must be able
to master every job that is given to me.

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Answer : when I am 5 years from now, I hope I have become a competent employee
and have tried various divisions in this company. because I really like something new
and I think by trying a variety of new things can add to my experience or knowledge.

4. Are you team player?

Answer : yes, you could say that because sometimes doing a job together can be done
quickly. but sometimes working as a team also has drawbacks because we have to
unite the various kinds of thoughts of many people in order to produce good ideas.

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