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Lesson Plan Format

Title of Lesson Food for thought Date: 20.02.2021

Subject Area: Lesson Content: English; Grade/Level: Year 7


Student Population: The class consists of 12 students, 4 girls and 8 boys. 80% of the students
are Burmese, 20% of the students are Indians.

There are two GTs. No EELs or IEPs.

Component Detail

Rationale  Explore healthy eating options

 Define 'imperative verb'
 Discuss the characteristics of imperative verbs
 List examples of imperative verbs
 Explain the uses of imperative verbs

Materials/Resource Complete English for Cambridge Secondary 1 Textbook

Personal device as a laptop or an Ipad

Internet connection

Ability to use Pear Deck and Padlet

Marker, board, active board, poster, pens, pencils, papers

Cambridge Syllabus *7RV4 Explore the range of different ways writers use layout, form and
presentation in a variety of texts

Instructional Using the Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs (see Video link), create at least two
Objective(s) measurable, observable statements that identify exactly what the
students will be expected to do as a result of participating in this lesson.
For example:

 Given an article/advertisement, the student or learner will identify

the use of imperatives with 80 percent accuracy

 Given a task, students will write a simple recipe using imperatives

Anticipatory Set / Play Simon says with the students.

Lesson Focus
As the lesson is online, the students could be asked to do different stuff
which will enable them to do some physical activity as well.

Ex: Simon says :

* tap on the fridge and come back

*find something as light as a feather

*find something transparent

*find something you can use

Input or Procedure Explain the game played includes imperative sentences

Explain the imperative sentence starts with a verb
“I Do”
Use PPT in Pear Deck to provide examples and provide slides with the
questions students have to answer

Display the website to show the recipes

Instruct to read the the recipe from the Textbook pg 52

Provide a link to Padlet where students will share some recipes

Prepare a link for Quizziz ( online game)

Ask questions so students can reflect on the recipe format they found

Guided Practice The students are asked to find the recipe of their favorite foods.

“We Do” Once they google it, they share it on the Padlet, they can share the image
of the food as well

The teacher checks the students post and then approves so that it is
visible for all

Independent Find the recipe and share on Padlet

Answer the questions provided in Pear Deck slides to strengthen
“You Do” knowledge on imperatives

(Independent of Complete a live worksheet where students have to type a recipe


Answer exit ticket question

Assessment Students complete live worksheet

Enrichment Once the students good at drawing and fast-learners complete their
Extension assignments, they are asked to make a simple poster depicting different
professions giving commands.

Eg: Policeman says……………..

Closure Play Quizziz

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