Khabeisoi Maril Road 1.1km East

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Maintenance of Thoidingjam,I.T.A.,Thangjam&
Bhamon Leirak Khurai AC

Imphal East Division,

P.W.D., Manipur.

State:- Manipur Branch:- P.W.D.

Division:- Imphal East Division.

Name of work:- Maintenance of Thoidingjam,I.T.A.,Thangjam& Bhamon Leirak Khurai AC

Fund :- Grant No.8 P.W.D

Major Head :- 3054- CO on Roads & Bridges (Plan)
Sub-Major Head :- 04-Roads
Minor Head :- 337-Roads Works
Sub-Head :- 12
Detailed Head :- 00-
Object :- 27-Major Works
Estimate framed by the Executive Engineer, Imphal East Division, PWD, Manipur of the probable
cost of Rs.20,00,000/-

HISTORY:- This detailed estimate amounting to Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees twenty lakh) only i/c 3% contingency
charge, 12% GST and 1% labour cess has been framed to meet the probable cost of the above
mentioned work and for obtaining AA & ES of the competent authority.

There are large numbers of pot holes, ruts all along these roads which are quite inconvenient to the
operation of the vehicular traffic. Since the roads, due to the long absence of the periodical repair work they
remain quite unfit to operate of all sorts of vehicular traffic. As such, strengthening of the existing roads are
quite necessary in the interest of the public to provide a good riding surface. Hence the estimate is being
prepared for early sanction from the competent authority.

Design & Scope:- The estimate provides for providing Earthwork embankment, sand gravel at selected
stretches, WBM IRC Gr.III with premix carpet.
Cost :- Rs.20,00,000/-
Rate :- Analysed rate base on MSR '17
Method :- By contract
Land :- Available
Time :- 6 (six) months.
T&P :- Road Roller wll be necessary.
W/C Estt :- Will be met from 3% contingency charge.

Assistant Engineer-II, Executive Engineer,

Imphal East Divn.,PWD, Manipur. Imphal East Divn.,PWD, Manipur.

Assistant Engineer-I, Executive Engineer,

Imphal East Divn.,PWD, Manipur. Imphal East Divn.,PWD,

Name of work :- Maintenance of Thoidingjam,I.T.A.,Thangjam& Bhamon Leirak Khurai AC

Sub head: Providing bituminous surface
Sub-head/Items of work Quantity Rate Unit Amount
1 Earthwork in rough excavation, banking
excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20
cm in depth breaking clods, watering, rolling
each layer with 1/2 tonne roller or wooden or
steel rammers and rolling every third and
topmost layer with power roller of minimum 8
tonne and dressing up embankment for
roads, flood banks, marginal banks and guide
banks and filling up ground depression, lift
upto 1.5 metre and with the lead of 5 km

528.00 ₹ 345.93 cum ₹ 182,651.00

2 Providing laying and compacting granular
base/sub-base according to lines grades and
cross section by using naturally occurred
sand gravel/conforming to IRC grade (ii) of
MOST specification free from organic or other
deleterious constituent compacted by rolling
with power roller of 8 to 10 tonnes capacity in
layers not exceeding 150mm (spread
thickness) i/c rolling of the road surface to
proper level and grades 30 cm width edging
30 cm width on both sides etc complete as
directed by the Engineer in charge with
carriage of all material complete.

498.000 ₹ 1,157.41 cum ₹ 576,390.00

3 Providing and laying one layer WBM 7.5cm
consolidated thickness using1.00 cum of
stone agregare conforming to IRC grade per
10 sqm of road surface and 0.23 cum of
binder materials of approved quality per 10
sqm of road surface I/c coinsdolidation of the
same rolling of the surface to camber
superelevation and grade by using template
straight edges and spirit level in layer not
exceeding 100mm to 130mm thick (spread)
thickness dry and wet rolling with 8 to 10
tonne roller i/c earth edging 30 cm width on
both side and applying binding materials as
specified with carriage charge of all materials
a) I.R.C. Grade-III

330.00 ₹ 3,365.58 cum ₹ 1,110,641.00

Sub-head/Items of work Quantity Rate Unit Amount
4 2cm consolidated thick single coat premix
carpet surfacing with 0.27 cum of stone
chippings (12.5mm size 0.18 cum and 10mm
size 0.09 cum) mixed with 14.6 kg of binder
per 10 sqm of road surface and rolling
complete I/c seal coat IRC Type-(B) with 0.06
cum fine aggt 6.8 kg of bitumen 80/100 per 10
sqm of surface preparing surface by brushing
with wire brushes for remaining caked mud
etc sweeping with brooms and finally fanning
the clearned surface with gunny bags to
remove all loose dirt etc (a) Water bound
macadam surface (new) and providing and
applying evenly a priming/tack coat with
bitumen 80/100 @ 10 kg/10 sqm.

4400.00 ₹ 361.40 sqm ₹ 1,590,160.00

₹ 3,459,842.00
Add 12% for GST ₹ 415,181.00
Add 1% Labour cess ₹ 34,598.00
₹ 3,909,621.00
Add 3% contingency charge ₹ 117,289.00
₹ 4,026,910.00
Add 11.75% Agency charge ₹ 473,162.00
₹ 4,500,072.00
say ₹ 2,000,000.00

(Rupees twenty lakh) only

Assistant Engineer-II, Executive Engineer,

Imphal East Division, Imphal East Division,
PWD, Manipur. PWD, Manipur.

m,I.T.A.,Thangjam& Bhamon Leirak Khurai AC





Name of work :- Maintenance of Thoidingjam,I.T.A.,Thangjam& Bhamon Leirak Khurai AC

1 Earthwork in rough excavation, banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth
breaking clods, watering, rolling each layer with 1/2 tonne roller or wooden or steel rammers and
rolling every third and topmost layer with power roller of minimum 8 tonne and dressing up
embankment for roads, flood banks, marginal banks and guide banks and filling up ground
depression, lift upto 1.5 metre and with the lead of 5 km

1 No.x 120.00 x 4.00 x 0.30 = 144.00 m3

1 No.x 80.00 x 4.00 x 0.30 = 96.00 m3

1 No.x 50.00 x 4.00 x 0.30 = 60.00 m3

1 No.x 35.00 x 4.00 x 0.30 = 42.00 m3

1 No.x 65.00 x 4.00 x 0.30 = 78.00 m3

1 No.x 90.00 x 4.00 x 0.30 = 108.00 m3

528.00 m3
2 Providing laying and compacting granular base/sub-base according to lines
grades and cross section by using naturally occurred sand gravel/conforming to
IRC grade (ii) of MOST specification free from organic or other deleterious
constituent compacted by rolling with power roller of 8 to 10 tonnes capacity in
layers not exceeding 150mm (spread thickness) i/c rolling of the road surface to
proper level and grades 30 cm width edging 30 cm width on both sides etc
complete as directed by the Engineer in charge with carriage of all material

1 No.x 135.00 x 4.00 x 0.15 = 81.00 m3

1 No.x 150.00 x 4.00 x 0.15 = 90.00 m3

1 No.x 345.00 x 4.00 x 0.15 = 207.00 m3

1 No.x 200.00 x 4.00 x 0.15 = 120.00 m3

498.00 m3
3 Providing and laying one layer WBM 7.5cm consolidated thickness using1.00
cum of stone agregare conforming to IRC grade per 10 sqm of road surface
and 0.23 cum of binder materials of approved quality per 10 sqm of road
surface I/c coinsdolidation of the same rolling of the surface to camber
superelevation and grade by using template straight edges and spirit level in
layer not exceeding 100mm to 130mm thick (spread) thickness dry and wet
rolling with 8 to 10 tonne roller i/c earth edging 30 cm width on both side and
applying binding materials as specified with carriage charge of all materials
a) I.R.C. Grade-III
1 No.x 1100.00 x 4.00 x 0.075 = 330.00 m3

4 2cm consolidated thick single coat premix carpet surfacing with 0.27 cum of
stone chippings (12.5mm size 0.18 cum and 10mm size 0.09 cum) mixed with
14.6 kg of binder per 10 sqm of road surface and rolling complete I/c seal coat
IRC Type-(B) with 0.06 cum fine aggt 6.8 kg of bitumen 80/100 per 10 sqm of
surface preparing surface by brushing with wire brushes for remaining caked
mud etc sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the clearned surface with
gunny bags to remove all loose dirt etc (a) Water bound macadam surface
(new) and providing and applying evenly a priming/tack coat with bitumen
80/100 @ 10 kg/10 sqm.

1 No.x 1100.00 x 4.00 = 4400.00 m2

Assistant Engineer-II,
Imphal East Division,
PWD, Manipur.
(Based on MSR 2017)

Description Unit Quantity Rate

1 Earthwork in rough excavation, banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth breaking clods, watering
each layer with 1/2 tonne roller or wooden or steel rammers and rolling every third and topmost layer with power roller of
minimum 8 tonne and dressing up embankment for roads, flood banks, marginal banks and guide banks and filling up gr
depression, lift upto 1.5 metre and with the lead of 5 km

Carriage charge fof 5km

2 Providing laying and compacting granular base/sub-base according to lines grades and cross section by using naturally
sand gravel/conforming to IRC grade (ii) of MOST specification free from organic or other deleterious constituent comp
rolling with power roller of 8 to 10 tonnes capacity in layers not exceeding 150mm (spread thickness) i/c rolling of
surface to proper level and grades 30 cm width edging 30 cm width on both sides etc complete as directed by the En
charge with carriage of all material complete.

Cost per 1 (one) cum pg/165

Carriage of material by mechanical transport
(1) Sand gravel
1 (one) m3 @ ₹ 597.91 per m3

3 Providing and laying one layer WBM 7.5cm consolidated thickness using1.00 cum of stone agregare conforming to IR
per 10 sqm of road surface and 0.23 cum of binder materials of approved quality per 10 sqm of road surface I/c coinsd
of the same rolling of the surface to camber superelevation and grade by using template straight edges and spirit leve
not exceeding 100mm to 130mm thick (spread) thickness dry and wet rolling with 8 to 10 tonne roller i/c earth edgin
width on both side and applying binding materials as specified with carriage charge of all materials complete.

(a) I.R.C. Grade-III

Cost per 1 (one) m3
Carriage of material by mechanical transport
(A) Stone metal 40mm below (I.R.C. Grade-III).
₹ 740.18 per m3
75mm compacted thickness :
0.90 m3 @ ₹ 986.91 per m3

(B) Moorum (I.R.C. Grade-III)

₹ 259.45 per m3
75mm compacted thickness :
0.23 m3 @ ₹ 345.93 per m3

4 2cm consolidated thick single coat premix carpet surfacing with 0.27 cum of stone chippings (12.5mm size 0.18 cum and
size 0.09 cum) mixed with 14.6 kg of binder per 10 sqm of road surface and rolling complete I/c seal coat IRC Type-(B) w
cum fine aggt 6.8 kg of bitumen 80/100 per 10 sqm of surface preparing surface by brushing with wire brushes for remain
caked mud etc sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the clearned surface with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt e
Water bound macadam surface (new) and providing and applying evenly a priming/tack coat with bitumen 80/100 @ 10 k
2cm consolidated thick single coat premix carpet surfacing with 0.27 cum of stone chippings (12.5mm size 0.18 cum and
size 0.09 cum) mixed with 14.6 kg of binder per 10 sqm of road surface and rolling complete I/c seal coat IRC Type-(B) w
cum fine aggt 6.8 kg of bitumen 80/100 per 10 sqm of surface preparing surface by brushing with wire brushes for remain
caked mud etc sweeping with brooms and finally fanning the clearned surface with gunny bags to remove all loose dirt e
Water bound macadam surface (new) and providing and applying evenly a priming/tack coat with bitumen 80/100 @ 10 k

Cost for 1 (one) Sqm.

Sl. No. Sub-Heads/Items of work Quantity Rate Unit
1 2cm consolidated thick
single coat premix carpet
surfacing with 0.27 cum of
stone chippings (12.5mm
size 0.18 cum
1 sqm ₹ 255.40 sqm
2 Preparing surface by
brushing with wire brushes
for remaining caked mud etc
sweeping with brooms and
finally fanning the cleaned
surface with gunny bags
1 sqm ₹ 26.30 sqm
3 Providing and applying
evenly a priming / tack coat
with bitumen 80/100 @ 10
kg/10 sqm.
1 sqm ₹ 55.70 sqm

Carriage of material by mechanical transport

(i) Stone aggrt. 40mm and below 0.033 cum ₹ 707.39 cum
(ii) Bitumen 80/100 0.0031 MT ₹ 210.63 MT
Amount Remark

depth breaking clods, watering, rolling

pmost layer with power roller of
nd guide banks and filling up ground

₹ 119.20 / m3
₹ 259.45
₹ 345.93

ross section by using naturally occurred

er deleterious constituent compacted by
pread thickness) i/c rolling of the road
omplete as directed by the Engineer in

₹ 559.50 / m3

₹ 597.91
₹ 1,157.41

one agregare conforming to IRC grade

sqm of road surface I/c coinsdolidation
e straight edges and spirit level in layer
10 tonne roller i/c earth edging 30 cm
materials complete.

₹ 2,397.80 / m3

₹ 888.22 / m3


₹ 79.56
₹ 3,365.58

gs (12.5mm size 0.18 cum and 10mm

ete I/c seal coat IRC Type-(B) with 0.06
ing with wire brushes for remaining
bags to remove all loose dirt etc (a)
oat with bitumen 80/100 @ 10 kg/10
Amount Remarks

₹ 255.40 MSR, 2017

₹ 26.30 -do-

₹ 55.70 -do-
₹ 337.40

₹ 23.34
₹ 0.66
₹ 361.40
Carriage of materials by mechanical transport
(a) Stone shingle 40mm and below:
Quarry Sekmai Khongnangkarak Lamlong crossing W/site

1 km 19.00 km. 2.00 km 4.00 km

Total lead = 24 km Say 24 Km
0 - 5 Km = Rs.242.71
5 - 10 Km @ Rs.18.19 /km = Rs.90.95
10 - 20 Km @ Rs.14.08 /km = Rs.140.80
20 - 24 Km @ Rs.10.82 /km = Rs.43.28
Add 15% C.P. (+) Rs.77.66
Rs.595.40 …(A)
(b) Stone shingle 40mm and above
0 - 5 Km = Rs.263.17
5 - 10 Km @ Rs.19.72 /km = Rs.98.60
10 - 20 Km @ Rs.15.27 /km = Rs.152.70
20 - 24 Km @ Rs.11.73 /km = Rs.46.92
Add 15% C.P. (+) Rs.84.21
Rs.645.60 …(B)
Carriage charge of sand gravel 95% of (A) = Rs.565.63
5% of (B) = Rs.32.28
(c) Stone aggregate 40mm and below:
Quarry Kanglatombi Khongnangkarak Lamlong crossing W/site

2 km 27.00 km. 2.00 km. 4.00 km

Total lead 33 km Say 33 Km
0 - 5 Km = Rs.242.71
5 - 10 Km @ Rs.18.19 /km = Rs.90.95
10 - 20 Km @ Rs.14.08 /km = Rs.140.80
20 - 33 Km @ Rs.10.82 /km = Rs.140.66
Add 15% C.P. (+) Rs.92.27
75mm compacted thickness Rs.943.19

(d) Stone aggregate 40mm and above

0 - 5 Km = Rs.263.17
5 - 10 Km @ Rs.19.72 /km = Rs.98.60
10 - 20 Km @ Rs.15.27 /km = Rs.152.70
20 - 33 Km @ Rs.11.73 /km = Rs.152.49
Add 15% C.P. (+) Rs.100.04
75mm compacted thickness Rs.1,022.67

Carriage charge of IRC Grade-III

45% of Rs.707.39 Rs.318.33
55% of Rs.767.00 Rs.421.85
(e) Moorum Nearest lead of 5.00 km.
0 - 5 Km = Rs.225.61
Add 15% C.P. (+) Rs.33.84

(f) Bitumen/Cement/steel
Store Imphal Lamlong crossing W/site

1.00 km. 2.00 km. 4.00 km

Total lead = 5 km
0 - 5 Km = Rs.183.16
Add 15% C.P. (+) Rs.27.47

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