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The figure below shows a power system network of a load flow analysis under normal condition.

Figure 3. Load Flow Analysis under Normal Condition

The figure represents a power system network with a complete set of ratings. Load flow analysis are used to validate
and check the operation of an existing system under normal or outage conditions to see if the existing system is
capable of supplying the planned additional loads or to check and compare new alternatives for system additions to
supply the new loads or improve the system performance. As shown, the network is powered by a 350 MVasc Power
Grid supplied to bus 1. Which is connected to two cables both having 3MVA. As shown in the figure, each
components possesses a complete set of specific ratings. In this case the power system is still under normal
conditions. As you can see in the figure there are no faulty lines that can cause the network to malfunction.
Project: ETAP Page: 1
19.0.1C Date: 05-07-2021
Engineer: Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: LABORATORY_EXPERIMENT_2 Config.: Normal


Bus Voltage Generation Load Load Flow XFMR

ID kV % Mag. Ang. MW Mvar MW Mvar ID MW Mvar Amp %PF %Tap

*Bus1 13.200 100.000 0.0 0.924 0.873 0.000 0.000 Bus2 0.462 0.437 27.8 72.7

Bus31 0.462 0.437 27.8 72.7

Bus2 13.200 99.998 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Bus1 -0.462 -0.437 27.8 72.7

TF 1 Feeder Bus 0.462 0.437 27.8 72.7

Bus 2 0.240 96.344 -0.8 0.000 0.000 0.185 0.141 TF 2 Feeder Bus -0.185 -0.141 581.4 79.5

Bus 3 0.240 96.929 -0.9 0.000 0.000 0.089 0.080 TF 2 Feeder Bus -0.089 -0.080 296.7 74.3

*Bus7 0.240 100.000 0.0 0.279 0.174 0.000 0.000 TF 2 Feeder Bus 0.279 0.174 790.5 84.9

Bus8 0.240 97.834 -0.4 0.000 0.000 0.239 0.211 TF 1 Feeder Bus -0.239 -0.211 783.4 75.0

Bus9 0.240 97.834 -0.4 0.000 0.000 0.239 0.211 TF 1 Feeder Bus -0.239 -0.211 783.4 75.0

Bus31 13.200 99.998 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Bus1 -0.462 -0.437 27.8 72.7

TF 2 Feeder Bus 0.462 0.437 27.8 72.7

TF 1 Feeder Bus 0.240 98.891 -0.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Bus8 0.241 0.213 783.4 74.9

Bus9 0.241 0.213 783.4 74.9

Bus2 -0.459 -0.429 1529.4 73.0

TF 2 Feeder Bus -0.023 0.003 57.5 -99.2

TF 2 Feeder Bus 0.240 98.891 -0.3 0.000 0.000 0.434 0.374 Bus 2 0.189 0.147 581.4 78.9

Bus 3 0.090 0.083 296.7 73.6

Bus7 -0.277 -0.171 790.5 85.1

Bus31 -0.459 -0.429 1529.1 73.0

TF 1 Feeder Bus 0.023 -0.003 57.5 -99.2

* Indicates a voltage regulated bus (voltage controlled or swing type machine connected to it) #
Indicates a bus with a load mismatch of more than 0.1 MVA

In the load flow report shown above, you can see that both bus 1 and bus 7 is voltage controlled or have a
swing type machine connected to it. A bus is a node where a line or several lines are connected and may also include
several components such as loads and generators in a power system. Each bus or node is correlated with one of four
quantities: (1), magnitude of voltage, (2) phase angle of voltage, (3) active power or true power, and (4) reactive
power. Bus 1 and bus 7 generation bus, also known as the PV bus, voltage-controlled bus, or generator bus,
represents the generator stations found in a power system. The voltage magnitude of the generator bus is kept
steady by adjusting the synchronous generator’s field current. The report showed that the power system network is
still in a normal condition and is still functioning.
The figure bellows represents the line diagram of load flow analysis undergoing contingency situation in transformer

Figure 4. Load Flow Analysis under Contingency Situation in Transformer 1

The figure above shows a power system network when under a contingency situation in transformer 1. You can see
that all of the components are in working well except transformer 1. The generator cable here is colored pink
indicating that there is an overload in the system where the transformer cannot handle the voltage given to it,
resulting a problem in load flow. In outage of one transmission line or transformer may lead to over loads in other
branches and/or sudden system voltage rise or drop. This calls for an urgent action to be done so that it won’t cause
further damage to the system.
Project: ETAP
Page: 1
19.0.1C Date: 05-07-2021
Engineer: Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: LABORATORY_EXPERIMENT_2 Config.: Normal

Bus Voltage Generation Load Load Flow XFMR

ID kV % Mag. Ang. MW Mvar MW Mvar ID MW Mvar Amp %PF %Tap

*Bus1 13.200 100.000 0.0 0.748 0.751 0.000 0.000 Bus2 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0

Bus31 0.748 0.751 46.4 70.6

Bus2 13.200 100.000 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Bus1 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0

Bus 2 0.240 95.600 -1.0 0.000 0.000 0.182 0.139 TF 2 Feeder Bus -0.182 -0.139 576.9 79.5

Bus 3 0.240 96.162 -1.0 0.000 0.000 0.088 0.080 TF 2 Feeder Bus -0.088 -0.080 297.1 74.2

*Bus7 0.240 100.000 0.0 0.456 0.304 0.000 0.000 TF 2 Feeder Bus 0.456 0.304 1318.4 83.2

Bus8 0.240 97.062 -0.5 0.000 0.000 0.239 0.211 TF 1 Feeder Bus -0.239 -0.211 789.6 75.0

Bus9 0.240 97.062 -0.5 0.000 0.000 0.239 0.211 TF 1 Feeder Bus -0.239 -0.211 789.6 75.0

Bus31 13.200 99.997 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Bus1 -0.748 -0.751 46.4 70.6

TF 2 Feeder Bus 0.748 0.751 46.4 70.6

TF 1 Feeder Bus 0.240 98.128 -0.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Bus8 0.241 0.213 789.6 74.9

Bus9 0.241 0.213 789.6 74.9

TF 2 Feeder Bus -0.483 -0.427 1579.3 74.9

TF 2 Feeder Bus 0.240 98.128 -0.5 0.000 0.000 0.432 0.372 Bus 2 0.186 0.144 576.9 78.9

Bus 3 0.089 0.082 297.1 73.6

Bus7 -0.450 -0.295 1318.4 83.7

Bus31 -0.740 -0.731 2550.3 71.1

TF 1 Feeder Bus 0.483 0.427 1579.3 74.9

* Indicates a voltage regulated bus (voltage controlled or swing type machine connected to it) #
Indicates a bus with a load mismatch of more than 0.1 MVA

If you compare the load flow report to the report from the normal condition, you can see that there have been
a drastic change in the values and ratings of the components. The load flow report above shows what happens
when a power system undergoes a contingency in transformer 1. Bus 1 and Bus 2 having a zero value in all the
indicators shows that it is turned off or not functioning. If you can remember in normal condition load flow, Buses 2,
31 and 1 all possessed the same ratings but we learned when the power system network is under an overload or
having a problem in load flow the ratings their values will drastically decrease. These changes also happened in the
rest of the components. In conclusion, the load flow should be fixed immediately to avoid the risk of completely
damaging the whole power system networ

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