Customer Relation - Chapter 4 - Exercise 1

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Name: Rogelio O. Bernaldez Jr.

Instructor: Miss Dominica Monton

BSOA-3C November 09, 2020



A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is etiquette?
Answer: Some people argue that etiquette no longer matters that the rules for good behavior are old-
fashioned and out of date. However, good behavior and manners are never out of style. Etiquette, like
all other cultural behaviors, develop to match the times. Definitely, an etiquette is merely a set of
guidelines for politeness and good manners as well as the kindness which we should always treat to
each other. It also the forms, manners and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or
required in social relations, in a profession, or in official life. Nevertheless, it includes the proper
conduct that is established by a community for various occasions including court, formal events, and
everyday life. Unfortunately, without an etiquette the members of society would show far too much
impatience, and disrespect for one another which would lead to insults, dishonesty, cheating,
improper manner, etc. Remember, it is not about being perfect or being prim, it’s not about your social
class, how rich or well educated you are but it’s all about yourself that how you handle and do things
well. Precisely, it makes people comfortable and at ease in which it shows that we treasure others.
Moreover, it enables the individuals to earn high regard and appreciation in the society. No one would
feel like talking to a person who does not know how to speak or behave in the society. It inculcates a
feeling of trust and loyalty in the individuals. Further, it teaches you the way to talk, walk and most
importantly regulate in the society. For instances, a good etiquette in everyday life are goes like this
when you meet someone is respected person what you should do is to have a sincere greet then you
should also do a shake hands with a firm grip while looking eye to eye, if you feel like uncomfortable
of yourself so what the best to do is to have and excuse or step away, and finally always say thank
you when someone does a kindness to you. An etiquette also involve knowing people’s customs and
tradition, observing certain actions when in a group of people and observing appropriate manners.
Aside from that, it is essential for an everlasting first impression, makes communication clearer,
protects the feelings of others and of course enhance status at work. Fortunately, it provides personal
security, helps us to be thoughtful, help us to get along with others, promotes kindness, consideration
and humility. To conclude, etiquette eliminates discourteous behaviour, having respect or good
behavior, also what we should do in different situations and with different people and eventually it is
the rule that must one should be follow.

2. What are the types of etiquette?

Answer: Actually, there are many types of etiquette that we should be aware of. So, these are the
following types of etiquette below:
 Personal Interactions – is the ways in which people in a business personally interact with
customers, vendors, business associates, and even with each other that creates perception of
the values of the organization.
 Language Use – even in a laid-back environment, language that staffers use reflects on the
business. It also not limited to personal internal conversation, but also as to how employees
speak with customers in person or by phone.
 Hospitality Practices – this might mean offering beverages to guests, validating parking passes
and ensuring adequate seating and work space as necessary and in this way it’s all about
making others comfortable.
 Dress Code – is the way you dress in a business environment reveals your professionalism,
and etiquette dictates specific attire for different functions.
 Written Communications – much like the language spoken in a business and handled require a
nod toward good etiquette practices.
 Email Etiquette – refers to the principles of behavior that one should use when writing or
answering email messages. It can be fast and formal, etiquette dictates a more professional
approach with business emails.
 Telephone Practices – an etiquette that requires formal telephone skills. For example,
introduce yourself and your company and ask for the person you’re calling to speak with.
 Video and Teleconference Practices – etiquette has few rules for ensuring that everyone is
seen, heard and understood in group settings. For example, in a teleconference, take turns
speaking, and introduce yourself before you respond. When videoconferencing, pick a quiet
location, with no distractions in the background.
 Meeting Etiquette – when it comes to business meeting etiquette, it’s all about common
courtesy and manners. For instance, arrive on time, stay on point with the agenda, take turns
speaking and don’t interrupt.
 Meal Etiquette – refers to proper manners and behavior in a formal dining situation.

3. Professional includes an entire range of behaviors. Cite at least five (5) most standard
Answer: Professionalism is behavior that demonstrates good character and marked by pride in self
and career. For instance, fairness, honesty, leadership, compassion and trustworthiness are
characteristics should possess. Apart from that, the professionalism must be performed anywhere for
the reason that being professional means contributing to a pleasant, productive, and inclusive work
environment. Certainly, professionalism includes an entire range of behaviors that necessary to keep
and follow. Here are the most standard examples in which I cite at least five that for me is best and
helpful in the future below:
 Keeping your word: When you make a commitment whether it’s big or small just keep it. If
you know that will be impossible, give the other person as much notice as possible.
 Being punctual: Show up on time or come in early.
 Remaining Calm: Even in heated situations, do your best to stay cool.
 Acting Flexible: Sometimes you’ll have to stay late, show up early, change plans, move
meetings, and more to make things work. Unless this is happening all the time, and
accommodate these changes without raising a stink.
 Accepting Constructive Criticism: Throughout your career, others will offer feedback. If
you’re closed off to it, you’ll not only harm your professional rapport, you’ll also lose valuable
opportunities to improve.

Luckily, keeping your word is the person who is respectful and loyal to what he/she want to do or
promised together with it has pride and confidentiality in order to fulfil the word that sought to achieve.
Being punctual strengthens integrity, shows you’re dependable, shows your humility, and reflects
professionalism. Remaining calm allows to think logically, take decisions accordingly, open up the
avenues for solutions, time to prepare what to speak, saves from stress, positive impression, become
aware and focused. Acting flexible is versatile, resilient, make more responsive to change, expand
opportunities and help strike work balance. At last, accepting constructive criticism allows individuals
to learn, and grow, also understand what doing well or what need help with, and helps to improve.
Hence, these standards will help to become more professional in doing things, get an idea how to
deal things in a professional way and should give importance.
4. Why is business etiquette important?
Answer: Apparently, business etiquette is a set of rules that govern the way people interact with
another in business and manners that is need in a profession. Essentially, business etiquette is
important because it establish healthy relationships, nurtures a harmonious environment, and solid
foundation within the business community. Otherwise, it is also important because it creates a
professional, mutually respectful atmosphere and improves communication in which helps an office
serve as a productive place. To remind, people feel better about their jobs when they feel respected,
and that translates into better customer relationships well. Eventually, business etiquette must have
so that it will have peaceful and understanding. Moreover, it is so much importance for the role they
play in the success of business as well as an individual and using this you are putting your best foot
forward. Thus, it is relevant because it helps build strong relationship among management,
employees and customers, promotes positive environment, reflects confidence that the individual is
seen as someone who is together, a way to boosts the morale of employees who feel they can
accomplish more, serve as guide to moral daily living and prevents misunderstanding. So, it can lead
the business to be prosper and progress as well.

5. How can you learn business etiquette? Explain your answer.

Answer: Anyway, I can learn business etiquette by following and retaining in mind about the basic
business etiquette based on the video I watched that should be apply in the future work. Just like
offering firm hand shake for meeting someone, showing up on time or simply using “Please” and
“Thank you”. Through these, it will train me to become a good one or possess a good manners that is
very significant in the field of work. Aside from that, I also learn by improving business etiquette both
behavior and skills. One of the behavior that should I learned and improved will be courteous that will
cover up or includes speaking clearly while using pleasant tone of voice, maintaining eye contact
when you talk a client and also smiling should not be gone. In improving my business etiquette skills
what must I do is by conducting some research specifically when at work pay attention to the
manners and habits of your co-workers then get some advice, next joining a professional organization
will give an opportunity to gain insight into the etiquette that’s particular in profession, also visiting
local book store or library which contains improving business etiquette to read or keep it and going
online to get some ways on how to do business etiquette properly. Succinctly, improving business
etiquette can have a positive impact on career subsequently. Furthermore, I will learn the essentials
in business etiquette since it is all about role or manners inside the workplace in business and I
probably practice all those etiquette that have been shown in which it will help me to create more an
optimistic impression in the company along the way and build stronger relationship which serve as my
respect to instil a sense of pride to the company. Absolutely, to learn something about this it start
within our self how to handle and do this business etiquette rightly that shows well-mannered and
respectful human being. Consequently, learning and practicing proper business etiquette many
discourtesy or uncivility can be avoided and turn out to be a better person.
6. Does a dress code could affect being a professional? Why?
Answer: Yes, because

B. Short Discussion

a.) If you are considered a junior officer in your company and approach a senior officer, do you
offer a shake hands? Justify your answer.
b.) For leading a successful business meeting, your number one priority is what? Justify your
Answer: For me, leading a successful business meeting my number one priority is

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