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(eo) fe] Measurements VERY INVERSE TIME OVERCURRENT AND EARTH FAULT RELAY Type CDG13 ‘The type COGIS relay is @ heavily damped induction dise Unit with a very inverse definite minimum time/eurrent ‘characteristic. The relay gives elective phase and earth fault ‘vercurtent protection on systems where the fault current ‘Seereases appreciably 2s the distance from the power source ‘ncreasos (0 Appleton Sheet RE0S?) ‘The operating col fe wound to give tine/eurrent curves of the same shape on each ofthe seven current taps which are stleted by a plug setting brdgo. The highest currant tp is automaticaly selected when the plug is removed, so that [djustments can be made onload without open cuiting the arent wanstormer ‘The relay has 2 high torque movement to ensure consistent timing even under adverse conditions, and a ow burden and bvershoot. Adjustment ofthe tm setting fe made by rotating 2 knurled movided disc ogainst @ graduated time multipor fcale. ‘high set overcurrent unit (type CAG) can be fted inthe same case 1o provide instantaneous protection unéer maximum shoe cieutcondtions (se Application Sheet REOET) ‘The type CDG23 relay i elter © double pole version (with two garth fault uns or two overcurrent Units) of the type (CDG! or atype COGIS with an instantaneous unt The type COGSS relay is a triple pola version (with three overcurrent units of two overcurrent units and one earth fault Unitn the cone ofthe type COGTS. CURRENT SETTINGS. Top Ranges 10" 40%, 20-80% oF 50-200% of 05, 1.0 oF 5.0 amps and 30—120% oF B)-320% of 5 amp 50 or GOMz adjustable in Seven unequal steps as folows 25%, 30%, 37.5%, 50%, 60% 759% and 100% of top tap value. Starting Current 103 105% of curent setting Closing Current 120% of curent setting Resetting Current The moximum current up to whieh the is will completely resets 90% of curont sting. ‘TIME SETTINGS (01.5 soconds at 10 times curent sting (se cheracteratios ‘vera! Flesatting Time 50 seconds wth the time multiplier sot at 1.0 Overshoot 0.085 second on removal of @ current equal to 2Otimes current setting AWA atcurront setting ontowest tap 4.BVA at current sering on highest tap Impedance deals for cole can be supplied on request. ‘THERMAL RATING ‘The flay wil withatand twice the seting currant continuously and 20 times the maximum setting curent fr 3 seconds ACCURACY The relay is calibrated at 50 & 6D Hr and 20°C and falls into ceror index cass £7,538 gven in B.S, 1421966, Frequency Error Less than 8% for frequency variation of 2ieyees; the time grading of a protective system would Type COGS rey ‘Temperature Error For an overload equal 1o 10 tes the currant sotting, the percentage timing evors at +45°C and S'S*C are respectively 1% and 1%. AUXILIARY UNITS AND_ OPERATION INDICATORS ‘An auxary atacted armature urit with a hand reset operation Inleatr, for ether shunt reinforcing oF series Seal in is fitted as stander. ‘Standard Coll Ratings Voltage operated (shunt) auxliary unite: 30, 110, 128 or 20 volts de. at 8 nominal burden of Biuatts continuously rated, Current operated (series) aur units: [Micimum operating] 0.8 socond coi ‘current in amp ‘current resistance {two tps! | rating nares in ohms ‘and 0:3 weandz2 | 92 and2.1 02and2.0 Rond@ — | 60 and0-125 06and2.4 snd 168 | 0.29and0.031, ‘Other coll ratings can be cupped for both types of auxiary Contacts Two sloctrically separate normally open self oF hhand reset contacts are fitted which will make and carry 2500VA for OS second with maxima of 0 amos and 68D volts A.C. Thip Circuit Whore a tripping supply isnot avaliable, a ‘modified relay can be supotied which tips the circuit breaker tirectiy using currant from the line transformer. The 9.6 tripping cicult incorporates a current transformer and an instantaneous unit which wil safely control a2. tip coll Currents up to 180 amp ot 150 volts. Applications where the tip current exceods this value can also be catered for CASES The relays ore supplied in drawout cases avaiable for tush cor projecting mounting, and fined in phenolic black as Standard. Relays for use in exceptionally severe environments can be fished 19 BS 2011-20/50/56 at extra ost: sandra relays ae finished Yo. BS. 201120/40/4 and aro satisfactory Tor norma: topical use, INSULATION ‘The relay will withstand 25 KV 50 Me for ane second between ailterminals connacted together and between ll terminals not intended to be connected together and 1.25 KV 50 Hz for one sacond between al normally pen contacts Sa hb eed bd ae ‘ 1 1 PS Og eee | |e ames | oe Lies Bee otaah Typiea! application ad internal circurtehagram of COGS relay ‘with series seal in EARTHING ARRANGEMENTS ‘Although not included in the diagram, it ie assumed that secondary T.and/orV.T_creuts willbe earthed as necessary In compliance with standard safety requirements and deter ‘mined bythe switchgear contactor of use. in doubt, pease Consult GEC Measurements for aden 3 CASE DIMENSIONS g Se ee 2 ag wo | a 1 = i, [220 | 2 | | ~ | = o7 cocss “ “ ° Horie) - a = Rad in eng of WS tin ae, ro ~ al cioung ene aloes, po ito od ecm doi 30 Sroabe oven INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH ORDER Charen nslorme’sacondryeting Sto creat otenscliy sham ring or 8.) Tip cheats oe “ip eeu watage shot renoring) Operation natn npn rec curve reteronce 398822.12 ‘Auxilry contacts (hand rset eset Detais of instantaneous unit (CAG) required (Case mounting ur policy & ane of continuous product development and the right is reserved Yo supply eaulomant which may vary sightly fom that described GEC Measurements the General Electric Company, p. , of England St. Leonards Works Stafford ST17 4LX England Telephone: 0785 3251 Telex: 36240 Cables: Measurements Stafford Telex

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