Vocabulary Grammar Unit 9 Test A

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Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 9 Test A

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with words for describing people.
1 Uncle George doesn't have any hair. He’s ____________ .
2 She’s quite ____________ . He’s much taller than her.
3 Kitty used to have light hair. Now she has ____________ hair. I think she dyes it.
4 Red-haired people often have ____________ on their face.
5 He’s not short and he’s not tall. He’s ____________ height.
6 Dad doesn’t shave. He has a ____________ .
7 Richard is too ____________ . I think he should put some weight on.
8 The doctor says I need to go on a diet. I’m a little ____________ .
9 Alice has got ____________ hair today. It was curly yesterday!
10 Joe has to wear ____________ for reading.

Mark: ___ / 20

2 Complete the sentences with nouns formed from the verbs below.
disappoint educate celebrate pay attract donate predict achieve
1 Winning the tournament was a fantastic ____________ !
2 The main tourist ____________ in our town is the museum.
3 I said it was going to rain and my ____________ was right. It’s raining.
4 I think it’s really important all children have a good ____________ . Learning is very important.
5 There was a big ____________ in the city centre when our football team won the match!
6 It was a big ____________ when I didn’t get the job.
7 The tickets for the concert are free, but you can make a small ____________ .
8 I have made a ____________ into your bank account.

Mark: ___ / 8

3 Complete the text with phrasal verbs using the clues in brackets.
When you want to 1____________ up (start) a business and start making a new product, you first
need to 2____________ up with (think of) an excellent idea and find someone who can create the
product for you. Once someone makes the product, you need to 3____________ out about (discover)
the prices of similar products on the market and 4____________ out (calculate) the best price for
your new product. You can then 5____________ ahead (begin) with doing some advertising. One of
the best ways to advertise it is to 6____________ together (create) a catchy message for a radio or
TV advert. Advertising this way can be really expensive, but you can’t 7____________ up (stop)
trying, even if you don’t have much money. You can 8____________ for (search for) cheaper
advertising options online, such as smaller size ads in local newspapers.

Mark: ___ / 8

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to and the verbs in the brackets.
1 We ________________________ (move) house next summer.
2 I ________________________ (not do) the shopping on Saturday. The town’s too busy at
3 Ellen ________________________ (not apply) to the university in Brighton.
4 I ________________________ (fly) to Geneva on Monday.
5 We ________________________ (not stop) at Granny’s house on the journey.
6 Helen ________________________ (take) her driving test next month. I hope she passes!
7 I ________________________ (not finish) my studies next year. I have decided to go travelling

Mark: ___ / 7

5 Complete the sentences with will or won't.

1 I ____________ go to university, but I probably ____________ go until next year.
2 ____________ they come to visit us when they travel to England in the summer?
3 Don’t worry. It ____________ rain all afternoon. I can see the sun through the clouds!
4 I ____________ always love spending time with my grandparents. They’re wonderful to be with.
5 I think that people ____________ discover new planets but I don’t think we ____________ live
on any other planet.

Mark: ___ / 7

6 Circle the correct words to complete the text.
What do I think life 1will be / won’t be like in fifty years’ time? I’m not sure. People 2aren’t going
to have / won’t have an easy life. I think we 3’ll live / ’re going to live in smaller houses, too.
Families probably 4 aren’t going to be / won’t be together very often because they’ll live too far
away from each other. At the moment I’m busy thinking about my plans for next year. I 5’re going to
be / ’m going to be very busy next year, because I have lots of plans. I 6’m going to finish / will
finish my studies and then I 7’m going to travel / ’ll travel to South America with my friend Steve.
We 8’ll visit / ’re going to visit Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. I 9’ll study / ’m going to study hard for
my exams next month and then we can book the flights. I can’t wait! Well, I 10’m not going to
travel / won’t travel anywhere if I fail my exams.

Mark: ___ / 10
TOTAL MARKS: ___ / 60

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