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Phone: 0030 6945006978

Skype: myrtvarola

Dear All,

My name is Myrto Varela and I am interested in participating in your long term Erasmus+ program. I am
18 years old and a youth pass holder as I have already participated in two Erasmus+ projects, one
oriented on environmental issues and the other on eco communities (I enclose you the relevant
certificates). I have also created my profile in the official ESC platform.

I am already familiar with your community since I have been there last November for the CLIPS training
and I liked the place and the people very much. That is because you are convinced ecologists, and also
you show real respect on the other habitats of this planet. I am also a raw vegan and in my home city,
Athens, I have started a team of vegan teenagers-activists and we participated in events regarding
veganism. However my great love is living and working in nature and trying to help our planet survive.
In this context I have already visited some eco communities and I have also attended a practical and
theoretical workshop on natural building and sustainable bioclimatic architecture.

My goal is to live for this 8 month period at your eco community and in the long term use the acquired
knowledge to set a similar one in my own country (I consider myself lucky as my family owns a very
beautiful land which could be ideal for such a purpose). Therefore I would prefer to participate in the
ecological building and renewable energies activity as it seems more appealing to my interests and

With lots of respect and admiration


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