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The Dimsey case concerned a UK businessman, Mr A, who wished to arrange sanctions-

busting deals between a German supplier and a South African customer in the avionics
industry. Due to the apartheid regime which existed in South Africa at that time many
companies operated trade and other economic sanctions against South Africa.

Mr A introduced Mr C to the German supplier and Mr C then brokered the deals.

Dimsey, who ran a financial services business in Jersey, was asked by Mr C to form two
companies to deal with the South African contracts in such matters as paying commission
to Mr A, who collected this in person from Jersey under arrangements made by Dimsey.
The shares in the two companies were beneficially owned by, and the companies were
controlled by Mr C. Dimsey, acting on instructions from Mr C, also signed contracts with
the South African customer on behalf of the two Jersey companies.

The German supplier usually dealt with Mr C, but also dealt with Dimsey, apparently
under a misconception that Dimsey was Mr C’s accountant. (In fact, he was merely an
acquaintance who happened to carry out some administrative work in relation to Mr C’s
Jersey bank accounts). The South African company dealt with both the UK intermediary
and with Dimsey

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