OA Framework Tutorial 01: Run Script Xxoafdemo01.sql From and Create An OA Workspace and An OA Project

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OA Framework Tutorial 01

After having received some requests from Oracle EBS newbies, I have decided to do some video tutorials to
explain how screens can be built in OA Framework. For this purpose, I will build a simple case study[Person
Maintenance Screen].
To begin with, I will create a simple page in OA Framework, and in following sessions, I will add additional
Functionality[creation/changes] to the same page.

Welcome to the first Audio-Video tutorial in this series.

Objective :- To create a working page in OA Framework, without writing a single line of code in java.

Step 1 Create a table and insert sample data[3 records] for this demo.

Run script xxoafdemo01.sql from this link and create an OA Workspace and an OA Project.

Click here for Audio Video Link for Step 1

The above Step 1 will do the below:-

1. Creates a table named xx_person_details to capture Person Details

2. Create a API to help insert records in this table

3. Inserts three records into table xx_person_details

4. In jDeveloper, create an OA Workspace and default Project for this OA Framework tutorial

create table xx_person_details

,LAST_NAME        VARCHAR2(50)
,EMAIL            VARCHAR2(100)
,student_flag     VARCHAR2(1)
,name_of_university VARCHAR2(100)
,last_update_date DATE
,last_update_login INTEGER
,last_updated_by INTEGER
,creation_date DATE
,created_by INTEGER

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xx_insert_person_prc(p_person_rec IN OUT xx_person_details

  SELECT per_people_s.NEXTVAL
  INTO p_person_rec.person_id
  FROM dual;
  p_person_rec.last_update_date  := SYSDATE;
  p_person_rec.creation_date     := SYSDATE;
  p_person_rec.last_update_login := -1;
  p_person_rec.last_updated_by   := 71690;
  p_person_rec.created_by        := 71690;
  INSERT INTO xx_person_details
  VALUES p_person_rec;
END xx_insert_person_prc;
  l_person_rec xx_person_details%ROWTYPE;
  l_person_rec.first_name   := 'Anil';
  l_person_rec.last_name    := 'Passi';
  l_person_rec.email        := 'passi.anil@gmail.com';
  l_person_rec.student_flag := 'N';
  l_person_rec.first_name := 'Tom';
  l_person_rec.last_name  := 'Kumar';
  l_person_rec.email      := 'tom.kumar@gmail.com';
  l_person_rec.first_name := 'Mark';
  l_person_rec.last_name  := 'Kapoor';
  l_person_rec.email      := 'tom.kumar@gmail.com';

SELECT count(*)
FROM xx_person_details ;


New Project

Create OA Workspace..
File Name : OAFsem13.jws ( Workspace name )

File Name : OAFsem13.jpr ( Project name )

Default Package : tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13


DBC File Name : test40.dbc

User Name : ax07926

Password : erptest
Application Short Name : XXRM

Responsibility Key : XXRM_R1_YEDEK_PARCA


Step 2 Create the required BC4J and java packages for this OA Framework Screen

This step will create

xxPersonDetailsEO                  [ Entity Object ]

xxPersonDetailsVO                  [ View Object ]
xxPersonAM                            [ Application Module ]

Relation between view Object and AM, in effect creating an instance of the View Object.
Name of this view Object instance will be xxPersonDetailsVO1

Click here for Audio Video Link of Step 2

Add Business Components

OAFsem13.jpr -> Right-> New Business Components Package




Business component created

Create New Business Component

OAFsem13.jpr -> Right ->New Business Components Package



Business component created..

Create New Business Component

OAFsem13.jpr -> New Business Components Package



Business component created..

Create Entity Object
Tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13.schema.server -> Right -> New Entity Object...


Name : XXPersonDetailsEO

Package : tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13.schema.server




Validation Method
Create Method


Entity Object Created..

Create View Object..

XXPersonDetailsEO -> Right -> New Default View Object

View Object Created

XXPersonDetailsEOView -> Right -> Move package


XXPersonDetailsEOView moved to tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13.server

XXPersonDetailsEOView -> Right -> Rename XXPersonDetailsEOView

View Object name changed..

Create Application Module

Tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13.server -> Right -> New Application Module


Name : XXPersonAM



Application Module Created

OAFsem13.jpr -> Right -> New

OA Components -> Page


Name : XXPersonMainPG

Package : tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13.webui


XXPersonMainPG created

region1 -> Properties

ID : MainRN

AM definition :tutorial13.oracle.apps.ak.xxperson13.server.XXPersonAM

Window Title : Main Person Page for Search

Title : Main Person Page for Search


MainRN -> New -> Region

region1 created..

region1 properties

ID : QueryRN

Region Style : query

Construction Mode : resultBasedSearch

Include Simple Panel : True

Include Views Panel : True

Include Advanced : True

QueryRN -> Right -> New -> Region Using Wizard

Region Style : table

PersonId – FirstName – LastName – Email selected...

Style : messageStyled


QueryRN table created..

Personld Properties

Search Allowed : True

Sort Allowed : ascending

FirstName Properties

Search Allowed : True

LastName Properties

Search Allowed : True


-Rebuild the Project

-Run the Page

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