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Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date:__________ Period:_________

OnRamps Computer Science

Assignment: Big Data Concepts
____ 1. The difference between useful data and usable data is that
a. useful data can be collected, while usable data cannot.
b. usable data is anything that can be collected, while useful data is that data which can be analyzed
to solve a problem.
c. useful data may not serve a purpose, while usable data always serves a purpose.
d. usable data is used in school, and useful data is data used in real-life situations.
____ 2. A radar gun that produces seemingly random readings is producing
a. no data c. useful data
b. usable data d. extra revenue for the city
____ 3. A word cloud is an example of which type of data analysis?
a. summarization c. regression
b. cluster d. outlier detection
____ 4. What is the term used to describe the process of taking all of the metric values in a particular field
and proportionally remapping them onto a scale of 0 to 1?
a. data scrubbing c. normalizing data
b. data storage d. data persistence
____ 5. Once something goes online, it never really goes away. We refer to this as
a. data consistency c. digital exhaust
b. data persistence d. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
____ 6. Looking for relationships in data is called
a. data scrubbing c. data mining
b. data storage d. online dating
____ 7. The Rolling Stones observed that "you can't always get what you want." However, sometimes "you get
what you want" by giving something in return. We often must consider whether to surrender
personal data to get what we want. This is a choice between __________ and _________.
a. privacy and utility c. scraping and spidering
b. freeware and paid software d. wearing clothes and being naked in the sunlight

____ 8. Going through a database to fix formatting issues, correct inaccurate entries, etc., is called.
a. data persistence c. data scrubbing
b. data exhaust d. falsifying data
____ 9. (T/F) Usable data is always useful data.
____ 10. (T/F) Useful data is always usable data.

#s 12-21: Matching
____ 11. digital exhaust a. a quantitative (numeric) measure of data
____ 12. deepfake b. a label used to describe and categorize metrics ; non-numeric
____ 13. metric c. crowdsourcing gets you close to the right answer
____ 14. central-limit theorem d. data left behind as we use the internet
____ 15. cluster analysis e. data point that is very different from most other data points
____ 16. dimension f. use artificial intelligence to create visual or audio of fake events
____ 17. filter bubble g. search algorithm only lists what it thinks you agree with
____ 18. outlier h. an artistic visual presentation of data
____ 19. viz i. finding groups of data that are similar
____ 20. regression j. using data trends to predict how one factor affects another
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Date:__________ Period:_________
OnRamps Computer Science
Assignment: Big Data Concepts

21. Big Data sets are defined by high _____________________, high ________________________, and high _____________________.

22. _________________________________________ is when a computer uses data to craft its own behavior. Two types:

a. _______________________________________________ is when the computer is given inputs (such as baseball

signs) and outputs and it develops an algorithm to make predictions (such as when a runner will try
to steal a base).
b. _______________________________________________ is when the outputs are unknown so the computer is
given data and asked to discover patterns and relationships in the data.
23. Circle all of the following which are file types used to store large amounts of data:

.doc .xls .jpg .json csv .html .odt

24. When using a search engine, we often simply type in terms we want included in the search.
a. What symbolism is used to indicate the search engine should find an exact term? _____________________
b. What symbol is used to indicate the search engine should exclude a term? _________________________
25. Identify the different types of data analysis or visualization represented below.

Note: This review is only meant to cover vocabulary and basic concepts. You may also see questions from the
readings, practice quizzes, and presentations included in the Big Data unit.

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