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Diversity and Inclusion | Best Practices in India Home / Diversity and Inclusion / Diversity and Inclusion | Best…

Diversity and Inclusion practices have evolved to become the focal point for many
Upcoming Programs
organizations in India. Organizations today recognize the business case for diversity and
inclusion and proactively taking steps to become more diverse and inclusive to attain a
competitive advantage. However, since diversity and inclusion have a strong cultural and
sometimes even legal context, D&I practices vary widely between countries to meet the local
29 06 JUN Online DiSC
needs. MAY
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Virtual Classes
Let us rst understand how the Indian context is From 29-30 May 2021
until 05-06 June 2021
unique and impacts D&I practices: Event Type :
 Instructor led online classes -
Certi cation
Region and language form a key component of Diversity and Inclusion in India. With stark
regional differences and multiple languages being spoken this is an aspect of diversity that
must be considered in India.
The legal system in India has various provisions regarding employment of women, persons 29 06 JUN Online DiSC
with disabilities and with the removal of Article 377, the LGBTQ community as well.
Certi cation - Live
Organizations must at a minimum adhere to these legal provisions.
Virtual Classes
From 29-30 May 2021
Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities in India vary signi cantly in terms of infrastructure, opportunities and until 05-06 June 2021
Event Type :
even the education system. This adds an element to the diversity make-up particularly  Instructor led online classes -
Certi cation
among the new hires. This is an important aspect that organizations must consider while
de ning their D&I policies and practices.
Generational Diversity is another critical component particularly considering the population 12 27 Competency
and the pool of younger talent available in the country.
Certi cation - Live
Considering this unique Indian context here are some emerging best practices in the space of Virtual Classes
Diversity and Inclusion in India: From June 12-13, 2021
until June 26-27, 2021
Leadership Commitment – Event Type : Competency Mapping

Organizations like Infosys that have successful and robust Diversity & Inclusion practices have
strong leadership commitment to the D&I vision and goals. To drive this commitment, Infosys 19 Online
measure Diversity and Inclusion as a signi cant measure in the corporate score card.
Design (ID)
An annual inclusion survey is conducted to get feedback on the D&I initiatives from the various Certi cation - Live
diverse groups. All business units are also assessed on their performance in the space of Virtual Classes
diversity and inclusion. These practices ensure that Diversity & Inclusion are on top of every From 19 June 2021 until
18 July 2021
business unit’s and leader’s agenda. (Ref: How Companies in India are Leveraging the Business Event Type :
 Instructor led online classes -
Bene ts of Diversity & Inclusion Report on Seminar held in Mumbai – March 2010) Certi cation

Creating an Inclusive Environment –

Organizations in India have also put in signi cant effort in creating an Inclusive environment.
Some best practices in this are:
Recent Articles
Employee Resource Groups – Creating ERGs are a great way to enable employees to
Organizational Culture and
connect with others, share their expectations and concerns and drive engagement. Most  Employee Engagement
Indian organizations focus on female employees such resource groups since driving gender May 12, 2021
inclusion is a top priority for them.
Blended learning in training and
Second Career Drives – Many organizations like ThoughtWorks and HP have career return  development
programs for women returning to their second careers after a break. Since in India taking May 11, 2021
career breaks for women due to marriage, maternity or other family commitments is a norm,
8 Stages in Instructional Design
such programs are a key to drive diversity and inclusion.  Process
Mentoring & Learning Programs – Another initiative for building an Inclusive environment is May 7, 2021
through career development opportunities for all diverse groups. Mentoring programs and
Why is Change Management
training interventions are available to all employees to provide equal opportunity for  Important?
development. Some organizations also conduct special mentoring programs for diverse May 5, 2021
groups to address their unique needs.
Importance of Building Customer
D&I Related Learning Interventions –  Relationships
May 4, 2021
Another best practice followed by most Indian organizations to build a diverse and inclusive
lt i th hl i i t ti B ildi lt i tt fd l i th i ht Conducting A Business Effectively
culture is through learning interventions. Building a culture is a matter of developing the right Conducting A Business Effectively
 May 3, 2021
mindset and creating the right mindset takes effort and time. Learning and development play a
key role in enabling a culture of diversity and inclusion.

Most Indian organizations conduct training programs for diversity and inclusion that are
centered around Overcoming Unconscious Biases, Identifying Micro Exclusions, Understanding

the Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion and training D&I Champions and Allies.

With these best practices, many Indian organizations have seen signi cant improvement in the
D&I Index. However, diversity and inclusion are ever evolving and need evolving practices to
ensure continued commitment towards it.

Author: Strengthscape

 Strengthscape® offers certi cations, assessments, training programs and image

consulting services to corporate's and individuals to help you tap your strengths and
create a unique competitive advantage.


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