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Ch 8 Review Handout. Show all Work

1. A teaspoon of salt, NaCl has a mass of about 5.0 g. How many formula units are in a
teaspoon of salt?
5.2x1022 f.u. NaCl

2. Calculate the molar mass of acetic acid, CH3COOH.

60.06 g/mol CH3COOH

3. How many molecules are present in 6.79 g of 3-aminophthalhydrazide (Luminol®),

2.31x1022m’c Luminol

4. Find the molar mass of cobalt(II) sulfate heptahydrate.

281.14 g/mol CoSO4 *7H2O

5. Ethylene glycol is a major ingredient in many antifreeze formulas, such as Prestone® and
Zerex®. Its formula is HOCH2CH2OH. What is its % composition?
%H = 9.76%
%C= 38.7%
%O = 51.5%

6. What is the percent composition of anhydrous aluminum nitrate?

%Al= 12.7%
%N= 19.7 %
%O= 67.6%

7. A gold coin contains 3.47 × 1023 gold atoms. What is the mass of the coin in grams?
113 g Au
8. Tetrachloroethane is a valuable nonflammable solvent. Its percent composition is 14.31%
carbon, 1.20% hydrogen, and 84.49% chlorine. What is the empirical formula of this

9. Butyric acid is an odd compound – it smells like “baby spit-up,” but it can be reacted with
ethyl alcohol to make artificial pineapple fragrance (ethyl butyrate). Butyric acid’s percent
composition is 54.53% carbon, 9.15% hydrogen, and 36.32% oxygen. Calculate its
empirical formula.

10. Determine the empirical formula for a compound with the following elemental

% % grams  moles divide by return to whole

grams smallest
40.00% C

6.72% H

53.29% O

Suppose we know that the molecular weight of this compound is 180 g/mol. Find the Molecular

11. Cyclohexane is 85.63% carbon and 14.37% hydrogen and has a molar mass of 84.16
g/mol. What is its molecular formula?
Empirical: CH2
Molecular: C6H12

12. Adenine is a component of DNA and RNA. Its composition is 44.44% carbon, 3.73%
hydrogen, and 51.83% nitrogen; its molar mass is 135.13 g/mol. What is its molecular
Empirical: CHN
Molecular: C5H5N5
13. Calculate the number of representative particles in each of the following quantities. Round
all answers to three significant figures. Each item is worth 4 points (12 points).

(A) 2.35 mol N2

6.022x10 23 molecules N 2
2.35 mol N2 x = 1.42x1024 molecules N2
1 mol N 2

(B) 0.993 mol CH2Cl2

6.022x10 23 molecules CH 2 Cl 2
0.993 mol CH2Cl2 x = 5.98x1023 molecules CH2Cl2
1 mol CH2 Cl 2

(C) 38.4 mol Ag

6.022x10 23 atoms Ag
38.4 mol Ag x = 2.31x1025 atoms Ag
1 mol Ag

14. Calculate the mass of each of the following quantities. Round all answers to three
significant figures. Each item is worth 4 points (12 points).

(A) 0.00144 mol Hg

200.59 g Hg
Molar mass of Hg = 200.59 g/mol 0.00144 mol Hg x 1 mol Hg
= 0.289 g Hg

(B) 5.00 mol H2O

18.0153 g H 2 O
Molar mass of H2O = 18.0153 g/mol 5.00 mol H2O x = 90.1 g H2O
1 mol H 2 O

(C) 9.15x104 mol NaNO3

84.9947 g NaNO 3
Molar mass of NaNO3 = 84.9947 g/mol 9.15x104 mol NaNO3 x =
1 mol NaNO 3
7.78x106 g NaNO3

15. Calculate the number of moles in each of the following quantities. Round all answers to
three signficant figures. Each item is worth 4 points (24 points).

(A) 0.500 grams of CH3COOH

Molar mass of CH3COOH = 60.0522 g/mol

1 mol CH 3 COOH
0.500 g CH3COOH x = 0.00833 mol CH3COOH
60.0522 g CH 3 COOH

(B) 2.95x1024 atoms of carbon

1 mol C
2.95x1024 C atoms x = 4.90 mol C
6.022x10 23 C atoms

(C) 12.3 grams of water

1 mol H 2 O
Molar mass of H2O = 18.0153 g/mol 12.3 g H2O x = 0.683 mol H2O
18.0153 g H 2 O

(D) 330. grams of lithium fluoride

1 mol LiF
Molar mass of LiF = 25.9396 g/mol 330. g LiF x 25.9396 g LiF = 12.7 mol LiF
16. Calculate the percentage composition of the following compounds. If the compound is a
hydrate, treat water as an element with a molar mass of 18.0153 g/mol. Each item is worth
10 points (30 points).

(A) CaCO3

Molar mass of CaCO3:

1 x Ca = 40.078
1 x C = 12.011
3 x O = 47.9982
Total = 100.087 g/mol

40.078 g 12.011 g
%Ca = 100.087 g x 100% = 40.043% Ca %C = 100.087 g x 100% = 12.001% C

47.9982 g
%O = 100.087 g x 100% = 47.9565% O

(B) BrF3

Molar mass of BrF3:

1 x Br = 79.904
3 x F = 56.995209
Total = 136.899 g/mol
79.904 g 56.995209 g
%Br = 136.899 g x 100% = 58.367% Br %F = 136.899 g
x 100% = 41.6330% F

(C) MgCl2●6H2O

Molar mass of MgCl2●6H2O:

1 x Mg = 24.305
2 x Cl = 70.906
6 x H2O = 108.092
Total = 203.303 g/mol

24.305 g 70.906 g
%Mg = 203.303 g x 100% = 11.955% Mg %Cl = 203.303 g x 100% = 34.877% Cl

108.092 g
%H2O = 203.303 g x 100% = 53.1679% H2O

17. How many grams of iron could be obtained from 445 grams of Fe(NO 3)3●9H2O? (5 points)

Molar mass of Fe(NO3)3●9H2O:

1 x Fe = 55.847
3 x N = 42.0201
9 x O = 143.995
9 x H2O = 162.138
Total = 404.000 g/mol

55.847 g
%Fe = 404.000 g x 100% = 13.823%

13.823% of 445 g = 0.13823 x 445 g = 61.5 grams of Fe

18. Chloroform was once used as an anaesthetic until its toxic properties were discovered. The
percentage compositon of chloroform is:

10.061% carbon
0.84436% hydrogen
89.094% chlorine

What is the empirical formula of chloroform? (7 points)

1 mol C
10.061 g C x 12.011 g C = 0.83764 mol C

1 mol H
0.84436 g H x 1.00794 g H = 0.83771 mol H
1 mol Cl
89.094 g Cl x 35.453 g Cl = 2.5130 mol Cl

C0.83764H0.83771Cl2.5130  CHCl3

19. Glyceraldehyde is a molecule produced during cellular respiration. Its empirical formula is
CH2O and it has a molar mass of 90.09 g/mol. What is the molecular formula of
glyceraldehyde? (5 points)

Formula mass of CH2O:

1 x C = 12.011
2 x H = 2.01599
1 x O = 15.9994
Total = 30.026 g/mol

Molar mass 90.09 g/mol

= 30.026 g/mol ≈ 3
Formula mass

Molecular formula: (CH2O)3 = C3H6O3

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