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“Reason behind your smile”

1.ANAS AHMED (10299)
4.RAMEEN SAEED (10847)
5. MOHSIN RAZA (11235)

Group Project Submitted to: Hammad-Ur-Rehman Awan


❖ Introduction
❖ History of Pond’s Tooth paste
❖ Mission and Vision
❖ Premises
❖ Reasons of failure Pond’s Tooth paste
❖ Reasons for relaunching the product
❖ Suggestion for revival of the project
❖ Market Segmentation
❖ Positioning
❖ 4 ps
❖ Target Market
❖ Packaging
❖ Industrial Analysis
❖ Conclusion
Pond’s known as a brand of beauty and health care products. ‘A brand that celebrates
women’s courage and personality’

Ponds Toothpaste is an example of what in marketing we call Brand Extension, which

basically means that an established brand uses its brand name to launch new products to
increase sales. Now Ponds as a company targets the personal hygiene segment and oral
health can be considered to be a sub-category of the personal hygiene segment.

Therefore, on the drawing board this would have made sense and even during blind testing
people were receptive towards Ponds Toothpaste.

But seeing the name Ponds on a toothpaste is a different game altogether. Because Ponds
as a brand is known to celebrate women’s courage and personality and all its products be it
talc, room fresheners, creams and lotions revolve around the notion of beauty. For
consumers of a toothpaste associating beauty as an attribute is difficult. The correct attribute
can be cleanliness/germ free/freshness etc. And therefore Ponds Toothpaste was not
accepted and was eventually pulled off shelves.

History of Pond’s Tooth paste?

POND’S toothpaste is a classic case of product failure by extension. Brands need to be careful to
choose the territory in which we tread. Brands need to be cautious while choosing the territory in
which we tread. Lack of proper research before entry into a new market or segment can lead to
terrible results which include wasting of big sum of money on product development and marketing.

Pond’s is always known for its feminine beauty and has its brand identity surrounded around the
beauty. They tried to increase its market share in oral care products by introducing a toothpaste
under the pond’s brand. The brand had previously been successful at moving from skin cream to
soap products and the jump to toothpaste seem like a logical next step. However the weird thing
was there was nothing wrong in the product but a study found that participants could not tell the
difference between Colgate and pond’s toothpaste in a blind test.
Mission and Vision
POND’S mission is to offer women products that give them beautiful skin at an affordable

We work to create a better future every day. We will inspire people to take small everyday
actions that can add up to a big difference for the world. We will develop new ways of doing
business with the aim of doubling the size of our company while reducing our environmental

- Failed to follow the mission of the company.
- Competition with Colgate
• CONTROLLABLE – They didn’t work brilliantly with toothpaste’s attributes and advertisements.
• UNCONTROLLABLE- Tastes and preferences of the customers
• TANGIBLE – Price and packaging of the product
• INTANGIBLE- POND’S is usually known for beauty products so, consumer refused to accept
when pond’s label was attached to toothpaste.

Reasons of failure
• It did not follow the mission of the company.
• Lack of proper advertisement.
• Unable to differentiate Pond’s toothpaste from that of Colgate.
• Consumer refused to accept when pond’s label was attached to it.
• Wrong perception and lack of market study.
• Classic case of product failure by brand extension.
Suggestion for revival of the project
• We will do proper market survey, for this we will check the tastes and preferences of the
• We will introduce toothpaste with a new taste and attributes that are suitable to the
• We will promote the toothpaste by new emerging brand ambassadors to attract more
customers and we will conduct campaigns to create awareness about the product.
• We will also provide free dental checkup and provide free samples of our product for
basically underprivileged.
• We will focus on our package designing because, we want to come up with new
packaging style so that we can attract more and more customers.
• After when our product attract consumer then we will launch our product in three different
categories like in herbal, whitening++ and cure sensitivity.
• We will introduce our product in different segments and in different price.
• We will replace POND’S toothpaste with “POND’s SMILE”

Change in design and look of the product.

• Positioning in various attributes.
• Toothpaste with new name SMILE Conducting campaigns to create awareness about the

Product development: We categorize our product in three segments. In the year 2000, our products
only came under one segment. We will put new attributes and ingredients according to customers
taste and preferences in our products in present time.

Market Segmentation: We have segmented the market on Demographic Characteristics basis that is
on the basis:

Target Market:

Gender - Females
Age – 30-60 youngsters & Teenagers
Income Level – 30,000 and above
Social status – Middle-High class

Middle aged and younger women,

Women who are conscious of their looks smile and want to look beautiful at all time.

For those women who spend much time on personal care.

Working class women, Household women

Women that serve as Romance Revival for married women who long for renewed romance
throughout their marriage.

Geographically: Our target customers are the people residing in cities.

POND’S toothpaste comes under product diversification because POND’S is known for their beauty
products like POND’S cold cream, POND’S age miracle, POND’S beauty etc., but suddenly they
jumped into the market of toothpaste so it’s comes under unrelated diversification because POND’S
doesn’t have previous industry nor market experience in the field of toothpaste.

Earlier their mission is to offer women products that given them beautiful skin at an affordable price,
but then they jumped into the market of toothpaste which is usually known for curing teeth and
mouth freshness and which is totally different from their mission.

• Positioning High quality product
• Value for money
• Freshness
• Soothing taste
• Cavity protection

4 ps


Objective: New improved packing

• Different shapes of packing to bring a new look to the product.

• Flavors: Herbal Mint

Strategy: Introduction of different range of sizes like 20gm, 150gm, 250gm.


Objective: Entering into the market with competitive pricing Strategy

Strategy: Entering into different segment sizes so as to penetrate into different purchasing
power segments. PACKAGE VOLUME (gm) PRICE (rs) Packet 20 10 Tube 150 60 Tube 250 90

Objective: Increase the distribution in the Urban areas and also to try to penetrate into rural
market in the future General stores, Departmental stores, Grocery stores Discount to


Sub- Urban URBAN

Wall paintings Multimedia advertising/ Magazines

Demo vans Free samples

Radio and TV Hoardings

Free samples Discount offers

Dental Camps Contests


And for both appearance and odor to be beautiful, you need “SMILE”
Pond’s, the popular brand for cosmetics, applied its brand name to toothpaste
releasing Pond’s toothpaste. Pond’s has done a blind test and people were happy
with the toothpaste. So Pond’s thought it will extend itself into the toothpaste
category. But when Pond’s actually released the toothpaste with the Pond’s name on
it, it is a complete failure and was not picked from the shelves.

This is again an excellent example of the failure to understand the core values of the
brand and trying to extend into other categories. Pond’s is always known for its
feminine beauty and has its brand identity surrounded around the beauty. Pond’s is
associated with freshness, fragrance, and clean skin. So marketers have thought to
extend with the attributes of freshness and cleanness into the toothpaste category.

One of the important things to note here is the way the products are used thought
both are used for cleanness and freshness. We clean our tooth with toothpaste and
we spit it out, whereas a Pond’s cream is something which we believe will give us clear
skin when it goes inside the skin. So, we apply the cream and leave it. The perception
of cleanness and freshness is taken so differently in different products. Though the
attributes are same, how they are achieved also plays a role in the perception.
Marketers should understand that you cannot simply extend a brand to other
categories because the core values are the same.

Pond’s toothpaste failed in the market because they did not do proper advertisement of their
product. People were unable to differentiate pond toothpaste with other competitor brands
such as Colgate and also consumer refuse to accept when pond’s level was attached to
toothpaste. But at present time we will launch our product in three different segments (i.e. in
herbal, whitening++ and sensitivity) at three different prices to reach maximum number of
consumers. Consumer can easily differentiate it now from the other brands and also because
of change in packaging pattern and by proper advertisement like with the help of well-
known of brand ambassadors and by free sampling, all this will help in revival of product in

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