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The Science of the Total Environment 251r252 Ž2000.


River water quality in the Humber catchment: an

introduction using GIS-based mapping and analysis

Takashi Oguchi a , Helen P. Jarvie b, Colin Neal b,U

Center for Spatial Information Science, Faculty of Science 5th Building, Uni¨ ersity of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Institute of Hydrology, Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK

Accepted 5 January 2000


The regional water quality of the Humber catchment was mapped for key inorganic chemical determinands using a
GIS system and an extensive Environment Agency and LOIS monitoring database. The resultant maps revealed the
major factors affecting the general characteristics of regional water quality. Sewage inputs from industrial and
domestic sources account for the high concentration of many determinands in urban areas. The concentrations of
particulate components increase in tidal zones because of sediment trapping and tidal re-suspension effects. Some
determinands also exhibit localized high concentrations related to coal mine drainage, soil pollution caused by past
ore mining, bedrock geology, the agricultural use of fertilizers and the ingression of seawater into the estuary. 䊚 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Water quality; Humber catchment; Sewage inputs

1. Introduction tailed water quality data have been collected by

establishing a new water quality monitoring net-
A major objective of the Land-Ocean Interac- work along the major rivers in the eastern UK.
tion Study ŽLOIS. has been the collection, compi- Particular emphasis has been placed on the Hum-
lation and analysis of river water quality data for ber catchment, which covers an area of approxi-
the eastern UK ŽNeal et al., 1997a, 1998a.. Under mately 24 000 km2 and provides the largest con-
the Rivers Research programme ŽRACSŽR.., de- tribution of freshwater to the North Sea of all the
British rivers ŽJarvie et al., 1997a.. Eleven water
quality sampling sites were established with
Corresponding author. weekly sampling over a period of 6 years for a

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10 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

wide range of chemical determinands, and addi- Agency’s ŽEA. water quality databases. Water
tional sampling during periods of high river flow quality data for major rivers draining into the
to provide greater temporal resolution and for North Sea were compiled within an electronic
more accurate flux determinations. This has facil- database at the Institute of Hydrology ŽWater
itated detailed investigation of the hydrochemical Information System, WIS. as a part of the LOIS
behaviour of the major river systems draining into project ŽMoore, 1997; Tindall and Moore, 1997..
the Humber Estuary Že.g. Jarvie et al., 1997b; The WIS database brings together data collected
Neal et al., 1996, 1997b; Robson and Neal, 1997a., by the EA, including water quality data for rivers,
but, given the limited number of the LOIS sam- sewage and trade effluents. For the Humber
pling sites, only limited information about regio- catchment, this involved data collected by two EA
nal variations and extremes in water quality within regions: YorkshirerNorthumbria Region Žnorth-
such a large catchment area can be derived. ern and central regions of the Humber catchment
To examine the spatial variability in river water draining into the Yorkshire Ouse. and Midlands
quality across the Humber catchment, LOIS sci- Region Žsouthern Humber catchment draining
entists were granted access to the Environment into the Trent. and their predecessors Žthe Natio-

Fig. 1. Map of the Humber catchment.

T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 11

nal Rivers Authority and Water Authorities. for

the period 1986᎐1996. Although the EA data are
characterized by less frequent sampling and fewer
measured determinands than the LOIS data, the
number of the monitoring sites is much larger
and covers a wider and more dense spatial net-
In this study, EA data are used along with the
LOIS data to describe the spatial patterns in river
water quality in the Humber rivers in relation to
catchment characteristics and processes. The
value of regional water quality analysis was de-
monstrated in a case study on the River Tweed
ŽRobson et al., 1996; Robson and Neal, 1997b..
However, until now, no large-scale analysis of
water quality data has been undertaken on the
Humber catchment which has a much larger
drainage area than the Tweed and contributes
greater chemical loads into the North Sea. This
study brings together for the first time all the EA
and LOIS river water quality data for the major
UK rivers network draining into the Humber
Estuary, using GIS-aided mapping and analysis.
The data are presented in the form of an atlas of
water quality maps for the Humber catchment. Fig. 2. EA and LOIS monitoring sites of river water quality in
the Humber catchment.
The work thus extends markedly earlier studies
using a more restricted set of information from
the Harmonised Monitoring Scheme ŽRobson and
chloride, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sul-
Neal, 1997a,b. and preliminary trace element
phate., nutrients Žammonia, total oxidized nitro-
studies ŽNeal et al., 1999. and it provides an
gen, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate., trace elements
important introduction to water quality issues that Žaluminium, barium, boron, cadmium, cobalt,
are relevant to many of the contributions within
copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel,
this special issue of Science of the Total En¨ iron-
strontium, zinc., and other major determinands
Žsuspended solids, dissolved organic carbon..
These determinands were selected because they
represent a wide range of sources and chemical
2. Construction of water quality maps behaviour in river water. Some of the trace ele-
ments have data for both dissolved concentrations
and total acid-available concentrations Ždissolved
Data for the Humber catchment ŽFig. 1. were q acid-available particulate fractions. ŽNeal et al.,
selected from the database using SQL commands 1997b, 1999.; whereas only one or the other may
and ArcView ŽESRI, Redlands, CA, USA.. The be available for some determinands.
total number of river water quality monitoring The average concentration of each determi-
sites within the catchment is 4780 ŽFig. 2.. Of the nand was calculated for monitoring sites with
water quality determinands monitored by the En- more than 50 measurement records. Although
vironment Agency, the chemical determinands water quality at each site varies through time due
chosen for analysis were: major ions Žcalcium, mainly to seasonal changes in flow conditions,
12 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

this paper deals with average concentrations com- 3.1. Suspended solids (Fig. 3)
puted from all the available data in order to
examine the general characteristics of regional The highest concentrations of suspended solids
water quality. The effect of the measurement occur in: Ž1. the southern industrialrurban areas
season is assumed negligible if a site has more including Birmingham, Derby and Stoke on Trent;
than 50 measurement records covering several Ž2. the northern industrialrurban areas including
years’ duration. Sheffield, York and Leeds; and Ž3. the tidal
The distributions of average determinand con- reaches along the Humber Estuary including
centration values were mapped along with the Goole and its vicinity. Suspended solids concen-
drainage divide and major stream networks using trations are lower in the rural upstream areas
ArcView. The stream network was constructed Že.g. the upper reaches of the Rivers Rye, Swale,
from a digital elevation model with a grid interval Ure, Wharfe, Derwent and Dove..
of 50 m. The projection system used for the maps
is the British National Grid. The concentration
3.2. Ammonia (Fig. 4)
values of each determinand were grouped into six
categories using the ArcView’s natural break cri-
terion, and the values in different groups were The highest concentrations of ammonia occur
presented using circle symbols with different di- in the northern and southern industrialrurban
ameters Že.g. Fig. 3.. areas. Low concentrations occur in the Humber
The maps generated by these methods revealed Estuary and the rural upstream areas.
that the data distribution for some determinands
was too sparse to examine regional differences in 3.3. Total oxidized nitrogen (TON) (Fig. 5)
concentrations. These determinands were there-
fore excluded from the following analysis. The High concentrations of TON occur in the
average concentrations of both dissolved and to- northern and southern industrialrurban areas as
tal acid-available fractions of trace elements re- well as lowlands along the Rivers Trent, Soar,
vealed very similar distributions in most cases and Tame, Idle, Hull and Foulness. Low concentra-
therefore, only the maps of total concentrations tions occur in the upper reaches of the Rivers
are presented here. Water quality maps are pre- Swale, Ure, Rye, Wharfe, Aire and Dove.
sented for the average concentrations of the fol-
lowing determinands: suspended solids, nutrients 3.4. Calcium (Fig. 6)
Žammonia, total oxidized nitrogen., major ions
Žcalcium, chloride, magnesium, sodium, sulphate.,
High concentrations occur in north-eastern ar-
and total acid-available trace elements
Žaluminium, boron, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, eas along the Hull, Derwent, Ouse, Lower Swale,
Lower Ouse and Lower Don. Although the cal-
nickel, zinc..
cium concentration data within the southern
Humber catchment are sparse, this area also
seems to have relatively high calcium concentra-
3. Characteristics of water quality maps tions. Low calcium concentrations occur in the
north-west area of the catchment, including the
Upper Swale, Upper Ure, Upper Nidd, Upper
The water quality maps for the Humber catch-
Wharfe and Upper Calder.
ment are shown in Figs. 3᎐18 at the end of this
paper. The towns, cities and rivers referred to are
shown in Fig. 1. Investigation of the average 3.5. Chloride (Fig. 7)
chemical concentrations have revealed the fol-
lowing characteristics in terms of regional water High concentrations of chloride occur within
quality. the Humber Estuary and the central part of the
T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 13

Fig. 3. Map of suspended-solid concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

Fig. 4. Map of ammonia concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

14 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

Fig. 5. Map of total oxidized nitrogen concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

Fig. 6. Map of calcium concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 15

Fig. 7. Map of chloride concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

Fig. 8. Map of magnesium concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

16 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

Fig. 9. Map of sulphate concentrations for the Humber catchment Žmgrl..

Fig. 10. Map of aluminium concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..
T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 17

Fig. 11. Map of boron concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..

Fig. 12. Map of cadmium concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..
18 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

Fig. 13. Map of chromium concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..

Fig. 14. Map of copper concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..
T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 19

Fig. 15. Map of iron concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..

Fig. 16. Map of lead concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..
20 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

Fig. 17. Map of nickel concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..

Fig. 18. Map of zinc concentrations for the Humber catchment Ž␮grl..
T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 21

catchment around Doncaster and Nottingham. 3.12. Copper (Fig. 14)

Most of the other areas are characterized by low
chloride concentrations. Copper concentrations show a similar distribu-
tion to suspended solids, except for low concen-
3.6. Magnesium (Fig. 8) trations along the River Rother.

High concentrations of magnesium occur in the 3.13. Iron (Fig. 15)

Humber Estuary and the northern industrialr
urban areas. There is only very sparse magnesium
Iron concentrations show a similar distribution
data for the southern area of the Humber catch-
to suspended solids; however, within South York-
shire a discrepancy arises on the Rivers Aire and
Don: the Aire exhibits high suspended sediment
3.7. Sulphate (Fig. 9)
concentrations but relatively low Fe concentra-
High to medium concentrations of sulphate tions, whereas the Don has very high Fe and high
occur in the central to southern areas of the suspended sediment concentrations.
Humber catchment. Low concentrations of sul-
phate occur in northern areas such as the Ouse 3.14. Lead (Fig. 16)
Lead concentrations show a similar distribution
3.8. Aluminium (Fig. 10) to suspended solids, except for high concentra-
tions along the Swale and the Ure.
High concentrations of aluminium occur in the
northern and southern industrialrurban areas. 3.15. Nickel (Fig. 17)
Low concentrations occur in northern rural areas.
Nickel concentrations show a similar distribu-
3.9. Boron (Fig. 11) tion to copper except for low concentrations in
the tidal zone.
High concentrations of boron occur within the
Humber Estuary. Low concentrations occur in 3.16. Zinc (Fig. 18)
northern rural areas.

3.10. Cadmium (Fig. 12) Zinc concentrations show a similar distribution

to nickel, apart from a high concentration around
The characteristics of the cadmium concentra- Chesterfield.
tion map are similar to those of suspended solids:
high concentrations of cadmium occur in the
northern and southern industrialrresidential ar- 4. Discussion
eas as well as the tidal zone. Low concentrations
of cadmium tend to occur in the rural upper river The chemical concentration maps demonstrate
reaches. However, the Derwent and Dove catch- a high variability in water quality for many de-
ments are exceptional: despite their rural loca- terminands across the Humber catchment. All the
tion, these rivers exhibit high concentrations of determinands shown in Figs. 3᎐18 except for cal-
cadmium. cium, chloride and magnesium, show higher con-
centrations in the large industrialrurban areas to
3.11. Chromium (Fig. 13) the north of the Humber catchment Žparticularly
the LeedsrBradford and SheffieldrDoncaster ur-
Chromium concentrations show a similar dis- ban agglomerations in South Yorkshire. and to
tribution to suspended solids. the south Žparticularly around Birmingham in the
22 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

English Midlands.. The high concentrations within ments contaminated by trace elements from in-
these areas can be attributed to sewage dis- dustrial activity over many years ŽMillward et al.,
charges and industrial effluents, which have been 1995., and water and sediment transport mecha-
found to have a major impact on river water nisms within the tidal zone actively prevent the
quality across the Humber catchment Že.g. Neal escape of sediments ŽSalomons and Forstner,
et al., 1996, 1997b, 1998b.. More detailed results 1984.. These highly contaminated sediments
are discussed in the following sections related to: trapped within the tidal zone are subject to fur-
Ž1. trace metals and suspended solids; Ž2. nutri- ther accumulation and cyclical deposition and
ents; and Ž3. major ions and boron. resuspension, producing the high suspended solids
concentrations and high concentrations of
4.1. Trace metals and suspended solids cadmium, chromium, copper, ion and lead across
the Humber estuary and tidal river reaches. Al-
Most of the trace metals displayed in this study though no data are available for aluminium con-
show very high concentrations clustered in the centrations in the tidal zone ŽFig. 10., the concen-
River Tame to the far south of the Humber trations there would be expected to be high, as
catchment, which drains Birmingham and the aluminium also has a high particulaterdissolved
‘Black Country’. Chromium, nickel and zinc ex- ratio, and will thus be subject to the same tidal
hibit particularly high concentrations in the Tame sediment trapping and mobilization effects.
relative to the rest of the Humber catchment, and High iron concentrations are found within the
have a primarily industrial source. Industry in this central part of the Humber catchment, particu-
area has been dominated by metallurgical activity, larly in the Don catchment in South Yorkshire,
particularly iron and steel production in the Black and may be related to the discharge of mine
Country to the west of Birmingham, and non-fer- drainage into the local river systems ŽYounger,
rous metal working within Birmingham, including 1997.. Ferruginous mine drainage results from
manufacture, smelting, forging, casting, electro- the oxidation of pyrite within the coal measures
plating, drawing and wire manufacture, anodizing and associated strata and the removal of the
and precious metal working ŽFord and Tellum, oxidation products by inflowing groundwater
1994.. Chromium, copper and nickel also show ŽFrost, 1979.. In recent years, there has been
secondary concentration clusters around the in- increasing concern about mine drainage, with the
dustrial agglomerations of South Yorkshire. High decline of the British coal mining industry, the
suspended solids concentrations also occur within widespread closure of mines and the cessation of
the urban areas of the central and southern mine dewatering. Flooding of mined voids and
Humber catchment, suggesting that domestic and discharge of ferruginous waters from the aban-
industrial effluents provide a major source of doned mines has become a major source of water
suspended solids to the Humber rivers. pollution in South Yorkshire ŽNRA, 1996..
Cadmium, chromium, copper, iron and lead Anomalously high concentrations of cadmium,
have high concentrations in the tidal zone Žthe lead and zinc occur in certain rural locations:
Humber Estuary and the tidal reaches of the cadmium and lead are found in abundance in
Rivers Ouse, Aire, Don and Trent., and show a Derbyshire ŽRivers Derwent and Dove., lead in
similar distribution to suspended solids. Compar- North Yorkshire Žin the upper Swale and Ure.,
isons of total acid-available concentrations and and zinc in Derbyshire around Chesterfield. These
dissolved concentrations of these trace elements areas correspond to the locations of ore mining,
demonstrate a high acid-available particulate which culminated during the Industrial Revolu-
component within the total trace element concen- tion. The ore mining activity was localized, where
tration. These trace elements are therefore pre- veins rich in galena Žlead sulfide. and blende Žzinc
dominantly carried in particulate form and are sulfide. were abundant within the Lower Car-
thus subject to sediment transport effects. The boniferous rock ŽJarvie et al., 1997a.. The mining
Humber estuary has provided a sink for sedi- fields of Derbyshire and North Yorkshire are
T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 23

characterized by large cadmium storage in flood- in seawater and therefore show very high concen-
plain sediments ŽBradley and Cox, 1986; Macklin trations in the Humber Estuary, owing to mixing
et al., 1997; Neal et al., 1998b.. Although zinc was of seawater with the river water from the Humber
one of the major products from the both the catchment. There are high concentrations of cal-
Derbyshire and Yorkshire Mining Fields, the map cium within the Humber Estuary also originating
of zinc concentration shows elevated concentra- from a seawater source; however, riverine con-
tions in only one area of Derbyshire. This obser- centrations of calcium exceed the estuarine con-
vation may reflect that the zinc contents in the centrations in several places. No data are avail-
polluted soils of British mining fields are much able for estuarine concentrations of sulphate.
lower than their lead contents ŽLewin and Mack- However, given known composition of seawater
lin, 1987.. ŽBurton, 1976., elevated concentrations of sul-
phate would be expected in the estuary. Boron,
4.2. Nutrients: total oxidized nitrogen and ammonia chloride, calcium and magnesium are all predomi-
nantly found within the dissolved phase Že.g. Neal
The high density of sites where total oxidized et al., 1998b. and therefore are not related to
nitrogen ŽTON. is monitored makes it difficult to sediment-associated tidal re-suspension effects.
distinguish detailed patterns in concentration ŽFig. Chloride also occurs in abundance around
5.. However, it is possible to identify two areas of Doncaster and Nottingham in the central region
elevated TON concentrations in the urban and of the Humber catchment. High chloride concen-
industrial regions and lowland agricultural areas trations can be attributed to coal mine drainage
with relatively low population density, particularly ŽYounger, 1997.. The Carboniferous rocks within
the Vales of Trent and Ouse, the Isle of Axholme the region, which include the Coal Measures,
and the low-lying coastal plain of Humberside. In have saline groundwaters, originating from the
the urban areas, high TON concentrations reflect diagenesis of marine and brackish waters ŽAllen
input of nitrogenous sewage effluents. The low- Dowing and Howitt, 1969., and so the high chlo-
lands in the Humber catchment are extensively ride concentrations in mine drainage may repre-
used for agriculture such as the production of sent relict seawater.
wheat, corn, potato and sugar beat, requiring the The distribution of sites in the non-tidal rivers
use of nitrogenous fertilizers ŽJarvie et al., 1997a.. where boron is measured are very sparse. How-
The highest concentrations of ammonia are ever, there appears to be a distinction between
clustered in the urban areas of South Yorkshire the high concentrations to the south of the Hum-
and the Midlands. However, unlike TON, there ber catchment, and the low concentrations to the
are only low concentrations of ammonia in the rural north of the catchment. The major source of
lower Vale of Ouse and Trent and other major boron in river water is sewage effluent, particu-
agricultural areas, indicating the agricultural larly the soluble boron-containing materials used
runoff is not a major source of ammonia. A major in washing powders and detergents ŽNeal et al.,
source of ammonia in river systems is sewage 1998b.. However, the relatively high concentra-
effluent ŽMcNeely et al., 1979; Jarvie et al., 1998.. tions of boron in the Rivers Rother and Don may
Although ammonia is measured in the dissolved reflect relict seawater from mine drainage.
phase, ammonia concentration distributions are The distribution of calcium concentrations is
very similar to those of suspended solids, with the strongly dependent on geology and weathering of
exception of low ammonia concentrations in the parent materials. The lowest concentrations of
tidal reaches, where suspended solids concentra- calcium occur in the upper river reaches to the
tions are high. north-west of the Humber catchment. These rivers
drain the predominantly base-poor carboniferous
4.3. Major ions and boron catchments composed of Millstone Grit and Coal
Measure Shales. High calcium concentrations oc-
Boron, chloride, and magnesium are abundant cur in areas underlain by calcareous Permian,
24 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary basin is dominated by Triassic Sandstones and
rocks. For example, some of the highest concen- Marls which have abundant gypsum Žcalcium sul-
trations of calcium are found on the River Hull phate. deposits ŽEdmunds et al., 1982; Jackson
which drains the Cretaceous chalk of the North and Lloyd, 1983., providing an important source
Yorkshire Wolds ŽJarvie et al., 1997a.. Magne- of sulphate from weathering. Smith et al. Ž1997.
sium in the non-tidal rivers shows a similar dis- estimate that atmospheric deposition contributes
tribution to calcium, with the exception of the approximately 20% of riverine sulphate loads
Rivers Derwent and Hull, which have low magne- within the Humber catchment.
sium concentrations, reflecting the mineral com-
position of the Cretaceous Chalk. The relatively
high concentrations of calcium and magnesium in 5. Summary
the central Humber catchment may reflect a relict
seawater component from mine drainage. This study has demonstrated the importance of
The sparse distribution of mean values for sul- anthropogenic influences on the large-scale regio-
phate makes it difficult to interpret the data in nal water quality of the Humber catchment. These
detail. The main distinction appears to be the low anthropogenic influences are dominated by ef-
concentrations to the north of the Humber catch- fluent inputs from the major urban centres, which
ment and high concentrations in the central and appear to be strongly linked to elevated concen-
southern regions. The high concentrations of sul- trations of suspended solids, trace metals, boron
phate in the central and southern catchment may and ammonia. Agriculture is a major source of
reflect a large number of potential sources, in- TON in the lowland agricultural areas. Coal min-
cluding effluents from the major urban areas, ing, and subsequent abandonment and discharge
agricultural fertilizers, geological sources and at- of mine waters into the rivers draining the coal-
mospheric deposition. The geology of the Trent fields, provides an important source of iron to the

Table 1
Major factors responsible for high concentrations of determinands

Sewage Tidal Agriculture Bedrock Modern Relict Mining Acid rain Type
re-suspension seawater seawater
Suspended solids A

Ammonia B
Total oxidized nitrogen E

Calcium ŽU . D
Chloride F
Magnesium D
Sulphate ? ŽU . ŽU . ? G

Aluminium ŽU . A
Boron ? H
Cadmium C
Chromium A
Copper A
Iron C
Lead C
Nickel B
Zinc ? B
Denotes major contributary factor; ŽU . denotes probable contributary factor; ? denotes possible contributary factor.
T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26 25

central Humber catchment. Historical ore mining urban centres, bedrock, modern seawater and
activity during the Industrial Revolution was re- relict seawater;
sponsible for contaminating sediments and soils 䢇 Type H Žboron. ᎏ effluent inputs from urban
in the upper reaches of certain rivers in Der- centres and modern seawater.
byshire and North Yorkshire. These sediments
continue to provide a major localized source of
cadmium and lead in the upper reaches of these
rural upland rivers. 6. Concluding remarks
Determinands whose distribution is not directly
related to anthropogenic activity include calcium A vast database of water quality data have been
and magnesium, which are subject to geological brought together under LOIS, using the extensive
controls, particularly the distribution of carbonate datasets collected by the Environment Agency
minerals within the bedrock. High concentrations and the LOIS community. The application of GIS
of chloride, boron, magnesium and calcium in the mapping techniques has facilitated the simplifica-
Humber estuary result from the ingression of tion and presentation of a complex and highly
modern seawater into the estuary and are thus heterogeneous dataset. The maps of the average
controlled by tidal effects. High concentrations of concentrations of determinands produced by these
these determinands in South Yorkshire, particu- methods are vital for an understanding of the
larly in the Don catchment, may also originate broad-scale characteristics and controls on water
from relict seawater from the Carboniferous quality in a major drainage system. The maps
strata, discharged via mine drainage. Tidal circu- have permitted visual inspection of relationships
lation is responsible for elevated concentrations between elements from a spatial perspective. The
of suspended solids and trace metals with a high next step in interpreting this regional water qual-
particulate component Žcadmium, chromium, cop- ity is to examine a broader suite of inter-element
per, iron and lead. within the estuary and tidal relationships in a graphical environment to inves-
river reaches. tigate key chemical signatures across the catch-
With regard to the sources of the chemical ment and identify discrete source-type localities,
determinands, eight broad types characterize the for more detailed examination of hydrochemical
patterns observed ŽTable 1.. These types are as controls. This work has been taken forward in a
follows: companion paper ŽJarvie et al., 2000.. The
database compiled under LOIS provides a host of
䢇 Type A Žsuspended solids, aluminium, other research possibilities in relation to regional
chromium and copper. ᎏ effluent inputs from water quality, particularly when combined with
urban centres and tidal re-suspension; other large-scale spatial datasets such as land-use
䢇 Type B Žammonia, nickel and zinc. ᎏ effluent and geology, and with more detailed and special-
inputs from urban centres; ized monitoring and process-focused research
䢇 Type C Žcadmium, iron and lead. ᎏ effluent which make up the LOIS Core and Special Topic
inputs from urban centres, tidal re-suspension programmes.
and mining;
䢇 Type D Žcalcium and magnesium. ᎏ bedrock,
modern seawater and relict seawater sources; Acknowledgements
䢇 Type E Žtotal oxidized nitrogen. ᎏ effluent
inputs from urban centres and agricultural We would like to thank Andrew Eatherall,
runoff; David Hill, Dave Morris, Alice Robson, Isabella
䢇 Type F Žchloride. ᎏ modern and relict seawa- Tindall and Paul Wass at Institute of Hydrology
ter sources; for providing useful information. The visit of
䢇 Type G Žsulphate. ᎏ effluent inputs from Takashi Oguchi to the Institute of Hydrology for
26 T. Oguchi et al. r The Science of the Total En¨ ironment 251 r 252 (2000) 9᎐26

this research was supported by a grant from Min- Millward, G.E., Glegg, G.A., Costello, M.J., Wilson, J.G.,
istry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Emblow, C.S., Kelly, K.S., 1995. Fluxes and retention of
trace metals in the Humber Estuary. Estuarine Coastal
Government of Japan.
Shelf Sci., 44: 97᎐105.
Moore, R.V., 1997. The logical and physical design of the
References Land Ocean Interaction Study database. Sci. Total Envi-
ron., 194r195: 137᎐146.
Allen Dowing, R., Howitt, F., 1969. Saline groundwaters in the National Rivers Authority, 1996. Environmental assessment of
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