BSS 1101 Lecture 12

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Social Control
Rousseau‟s book “Social Contract” begins with a famous sentence:”Man
is born free, and every where he is in chains”. It is true that man cannot
be absolutely free in society. The collective life of man is possible only in
the context of social constraints. The sustain social experience of man
has revealed to him that in his own interest and in the interest of others
he must subject himself to some kind of control which is over and above
him. Attainment of individual happiness is the main aim of social life. The
happiness can be attained not with unbounded freedom for action but
with restrained behavior. Man has given to society the power of
exercising its control over his behavior. The control which the society
exercises over the behavior of its members through various mechanisms
can be referred to as „social control‟
Fairchild: “Social control is the sum total of the processes whereby
society or any sub-group within society, secures conformity to expectation
on the part of its constituent units, individuals and groups.”
Manheim: “Social control is the sum of those methods by which a society
tries to influence human behavior to maintain a given order.”
Ogburn and Nimkoff have said that social control refers to “the patterns of
pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and established rules.”
Ross: “Social control refers to the” system of devices whereby society
brings its members into conformity with the accepted standards of
Nature of Social Control

The above-mentioned definitions suggest that social control consists of

the following essential aspects:
(i) Social control denotes some kind of influence . The influence may be
exercised in various ways by mean of public opinion, coercion, religion,
morality ideology, leadership, etc.
(ii) The influence is essentially exerted by the society or community. The
influence is exerted at various levels. It may indicate the entire society‟s
influence over all the innumerable smeller groups, sub-groups and
individuals. It may denote the influence of a dominant group over several
smaller groups. It may signify the group‟s dominance over the individual
members. It may reflect in some cases the influence of a few extra-
ordinary individuals over other ordinary individuals.
(iii) The influence is exercised for promoting the welfare of all the
individuals or of the group as a whole. Social control is not aimless. It is
there to serve the general interests of all and to curb the dangerous
selfish interests of those who try to satisfy them.
(iv) The influence of the society has been there since times immemorial.
Social control is as old as human society. It is an essential condition of
the human society. In the absence of social control no society can ever
hold together its members for any length of time.
(v) The influence is universal. Where there is society these is social
control. It is there even in the so called uncivilized, barbaric and
cannibalistic societies.
Purposes of Social Control

The purpose of „social control‟ as the very term indicates, is to exercise

control over the people in an effective manner. Why the control is
needed? According to Kimball Young, it is necessary “to bring about
conformity, solidarity and continuity of a particular group or society”. The
three purposes of social control mentioned by Kimball Young-conformity,
solidarity and continuity of the group- may be described below.

Social control brings about social conformity:

This is the main purpose of social control. Since the modern complex
society is a multi-group society differential norms will have to co-exist. As
a result, behavioral palters of different groups differ significantly. But
these differences should not be allowed to exceed the limits of tolerance.
People must be made to feel the need for security. For the sake of
security they are obliged to accept conformity. Social control thus
provides for conformity.
Social control brings about solidarity:

For the proper and smooth functioning of the society the different
organizations and institutions of the social system must be properly
integrated. Otherwise, in this competitive world the weaker group may be
completely exploited by the stronger one, or equality powerful groups may
clash among themselves and spoil peace and order. Some groups may
even develop anti societal attitudes and pose permanent danger to the
organization of the society. It becomes necessary for the society to
establish a reasonable balance or equilibrium between different groups
and institutions. This would repose confidence among people, society
does this through various means of social control.

Social control assures the continuity of social group or society:

Continuity is the bed-rock on which the future of the society depends.

Society maintains its continuity by controlling effectively its people and
their groups. Due to this continuity the means of social control become in
course of time a part of culture. As a part of culture they are transmitted
from one generation to another. Thus, various means of Social control
function endlessly to maintain the continuity of the society.

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