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Test 2 READING AND USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour 30 minutes) Part 4 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A,B, G or D) best fits each gap There is an example atthe beginning (0) ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Example: © Acrammed B crushed massed piled (| ie Reading the slow way I's 7 pm and I'm siting in a café I've never been in before. I'S (0)... with people, but nobody's talking, Nothing (1)... about this In a big chy, But we're not Just siting tere Ignoring each other. (2)... the opposite; we're all reading together, silenty, in a ‘Siow Reading Club’, an idea from New Zealand. (8)... oUF lives, clearing some mental (4) ‘where our attention is not constantly avided between ten diffrent things is the trend of the moment, but it's not easy to (5) ‘The Slow Reading Club aims to mest that challenge by encouraging people to apply the same discipline to reading as to going to the gym or completing a task at work, The rules are (6) straigtforwar bring a book and (7)... yourself in tthe way you did as a child. ve brought «8 thller which has lain (8)... on my bookshelves for years. At the end of our hour, we're told its time to stop reading and it foals like emerging from a deep sleep. 'm off home to carry on reading >>> Fully simplitying place doliver exactly lose negated abnormal ‘Thoroughly Relieving span attain rather place deserted 09000000 variable Wholly Moderating space perform thereby concentrate dectned Reading and Use of English Ce) cisparate Quite Relaxing acquire somewhat ‘ree neglected Test 2 Part 2 For questions 9-16, read the text below and think ofthe word which best fits each gap. Use only ‘one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). \irte your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. camo: [o)(7[o. [TTT TILILI im Discovering new material \Vuleanised rubber, celluloid and plastic ~ these materials were, (O) ... @ centain degree, invented by accident. In fact, the history of materials can be described (8) wn. a history of accidents, but ths is not as catastrophic as it sounds. (10) wn. the beginning of scientific investigation, scientists have stumbled across new and wonderful materials in (11)... Course ‘of exploring something completely different. But this chance discovery of useful materials (12) se undergoing a change, ‘Scientists siting at their desks, now turn to computers to design materials and to work out their properties long (13)... they need to go anywhere near @ laboratory. But the element of chance is stil present as the utimate application of these new materials remains tentative. (14). Scientists are confident about is that each has the potential to be revolutionary. The race is now on to make these materials realty. (18)... the history of materials Is any guide, how we eventually use them wil, (16)... pat, be discovered accidentally. Read and Use of English Part 3 For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals atthe end of some of the lines to form @ word that isn the gap in the same line, There is an example atthe beginning (0) \Wirte your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, Example: [0 “Mouseman” ‘The furniture maker, Robert Thompson, was bom in 1876, As a young rman he started an engineering (0) He described this time APPRENTICE as like a prison sentence with harsh, (7) an. conditions. This TOLERATE experience resulted in him taking the decision to work (98)... HS ALONG father, who was making handcrafted oak furniture following traitional methods. Following his father's death in 1895, Robert was lft with full (18)... forthe family business. RESPONSE ‘The company decided to include a (20) .... of a mouse on all ‘CARVE its hems of furiture as a sort of logo. This gave Thompson the rickname, ‘Mouseman’, which remains the (2... trademark ois DisTiNcT company’s furniture, Time-honouree! methods ae stil used forthe (22)... ofthe furniture ASSEMBLE and any upholstery is always made of the highest qualty leather, (23) sn t0 water and other stains. The company is still un by the RESIST Mouseman’s (24)... . and now enjoys worldwide distribution of DESCEND its products Fr Test 2 Part 4 28 For questions 25-20, complet th ‘sentence, using the word given. Do net change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given, Here isan example (0) Jecond sentence 80 that it has @ similar meaning tothe fst Example: (0 James would only speak to the head of department alone cd on James to the head of department alone. “The gap can be filed with the words ‘insisted on speaking’, so you writ: ~ Example: [0] [ NSTEDONGPEARNG 7 te ot the misig werd IN CAPITAL LETTERS onthe separate anewer sheet 25 The tutors said we can't use the computers inthe library for anything except assignments MEANT ‘The tutors said we except assigrments use the computers inthe library for anything 26 Nother students apart from Martha were selected fo the rp oversees. BE Martha was selected forthe trip overseas, 27 She loved the book, but she wondered whether the events were historically accurate ACCURACY ‘She loved the book, but she wasn't the events M Reading and Use o "Most people these days would be completely lost without their mobile phones. IDEA Most people these days would ‘manage without thelr mobile phones, Pat realised that trying to sleep before the neighbours’ party ended was a waste of tim. POINT Pat realised that Party ended. trying to sleep before the neighbours It you hadn't taken me tothe station, | wouldn't have eaught my train cwvine But to the station, I wouldn't have caught my tain, English Test 2 Parts You are going to read a newspaper article about food. For questions 81-96, choose the answer (A,B, C or D) which you think fis best according tothe text Make your answers on the separate answer sheet. The food scientist ‘Ales Baines mets th influent food sclentst Charles Spence hare Spon ont pt sot. eet Gtespminents Pyehoiogyin oes Oxted erst hte Ue They hay be magany in sppeeraee, butthoy apparent have sight mt Hea vou Howto make bueating scapes istone ofthe trary quater challenges tat Spence ands toam ae tactng Trough nia stuses oP tr seen erat totomau porceotonof favour, Spence sweeney landdink for the hey output of food-ndusby giants Ihesttonthe scant seveoy bord one wan Irdtatosl conlomerata and ecavos tundra fer [nother othe mented returns Spence andi pets nav, trough ane of ene ‘igus formal oreo as gat pyc, ‘hase minute data how we aparonco fod and ‘Stosings the cour texte and wage plates ana Gitenrbeckgrundnoie- these hog act ast Spence’ boa, ne Perec eaten wah etna Piquer Fenn spaced naga nate faschatng oanyane'nposseastn of an appetite ‘ler you stare hatne personina group who dar st Daectauant eoystra ood most? And de yourease trate consume about 35% more food whan asing with fecha peraon ange 75% more whan ing with ‘Spence ab in Osta neat un pace-ag6 ‘itech paper and avi pln st Neves vs ‘Therese Soundpeot both hal esrb ha ‘lad nes mont ony Pro was done none those hanya nay, along wn stacks facie looting ‘cova etapa 8y Racing overheads Me ‘anafordt worcmor cent) wit cooks who car= ndacademirsmrch temas. Mu otis work ‘ndadby amar od mutator History, hey Undo research which atsacts indy nding has ‘So proper sla vt noe he govemmeont nest at Untoraties cement thor werk hasan ipat and tat pooce sree type of researc hs Docome astatezeay good hing oe. Spence cure elping tanous brand tug ten ‘ovsrmantmpooed)edctonein stand sage sin {fr nore he pts 0, oa ojalcustomers ay vetoing Pamane sorpssny cy have acon ‘akin hose eaucon furtey, shndeosed doors They oo orca, soregde cores cent otce he Giterence homens packtothe next. Th resarch shots thatuhen yout people what youre dong, makes Tremntacuonthe tare afar ater reason they Conte te me, be says thas wile warig on aprojetoramjrfood produce that Spence as fre ecient Heston Bumertha, {terenowred expurmartache'Athetene ope thought ‘Soerce andfeod=tharsharein” atheugh ‘most ds scan infac, Who batt change remands than Hest? wa tough mena {olaberstons wih Spenes, hod been stushng te ‘SShcamnsaboutin Sumenha e-arrtauro bneesingy Spence sajs at memes fhe oy ‘hwsnteh-cantiy at movement staan Rust wore dng sounds of clung tog wn age logs cert 90" ttt tcenteateh on Now the fod industy capping Spence sensory canon prods ightandemrire Tis les Ferocenl range hatigherptchod must enranc Sweetness andone pitched ard assy suns mae food taste beets ays curprong when shapes sect tase, or nen ate can pact on haw you paceves vou heya bn arins wi soon erating muse twhfood sono passongrs. An lst yam 2 Wal own bandrekosesasmarohore app a ays 8 ‘rom his youre cca soe: hy redo Irathine muse tothe taste thouh,wtchicall oo Fogarty ees coarang Spence, ‘What one wonders, ar chne pats ikon the Spence househot? Thor was he tay tara wth he a wapped arena he ctr. Ad the oe at which Sey aed acre. mound hesctones and trees ined upto 20 Mnthrhay have diferent cnen: Home, see Shops, ‘od conventions, eteatona gesvenom corernces thoy estanson ofthe bo Spence, at 32 36 ding and Use of English \Which word in the fst paragraph is used ta indicate distaste? maggoty fine 4) gustatory ine 7) steathy (ine 10) hefty fine 11) com> \what does the writer suggest about Spence's work i the fourth paragraph? > ‘Small-scale projects have brought it most success. B_Itisless forward-looking than might be expected. © Perceptions ofits value have changed. D_Itsutfers trom inadequate resources. \what point does Spence make about major food companies in the fith paragraph? A. They should pay less attention to public opinion. 'B_ They will benefit inthe long term from seling healthier goods. © They are reluctant to invest in developing new products. D_ They have been too secretive about the way they work ‘Spence's view of Heston Blumenthal is one of |A. enthusiasm for his links with innovators from the past BB admiration for his influence on ways of thinking about food © fascination for his involvement with large food manufacturers D_ respect for his thorough knowledge of science. ‘Spence is concerned that his ideas are being developed in unexpected ways. ‘seem too challenging to be widely accepted appear to attract the wrong sort of organisations. {are often applied ina way that neglects some detals. voor \What does the final paragraph highlight about Spence? the commitment he shows to his research the unpredictable nature of his character the talent he has for entertaining people the busy daly schedule he folows Tee? Reading and Use of English Parts | which professor ‘You are going to read four extracts from atcles in which university professors give thet views on the same opinion as Bon which degrees can lead to higher earnings T] Choosing a degre subject. For questions 37-40, choose from the extracts A-D. The professors | os a we? 3 ‘may be chosen move than once Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. eens Sea tslaces whether having studied for an ars [ al ; . . tas @ diferent opinion from D on how a student should choose [= Choosing a degree subject: STEM (Science, a degree subject? el | Technology, Engineering and Maths) or the Arts? peabaelet allen Ml ‘or what is responsible for the current 0 'A in recent years thee has baen a steady stream of edusty bosses ting to persuade suet to opt for STEN courses. This i presumably an attempt to suppress the wages of those already employed in te ‘see es. inreay, there no shortage of STEM graduates seckng employment. The biggest problem such ‘graduates face isthe fact thal ther quaitcations point them exctusively none drecton. Many were no {out attracted to ther course bythe promise of an erable salary, despite the fact tata recent survey Ineeated that those who stuced ats subjects make on average Betwoon one and tw thousand pounds per annum more than ther STEM countecpas.Tsic unsurprising, qven that empoyeestrainedin the ars Bing an aterative point of ew day-to-day decison making. The scientc way of ooking at problems, ‘ris emphasis on loge and eaton,svaluabe of couse, but can be ming BB Tradtionaly, students were told that maths and the sciences wer just for those who wanted too nto & Trathematical oe stenie profession, OF course, now we know that couldnt be further fom the nth ese be the courses tat can unlock the doors to al sors of abs, anc equip grades to win the top postons fang potently reap the franca enards, partexiary a a time when paficians are promoting STEM as Sn engine for Imovation and national cslenes. However, hen HF managers ae asked what kind of sks {hey ook or ho recutng the marty int rel thinking, complex problem-solving and wit and eral onmunicaton in othr words the ll gained rom an ats education. Thats why lachse those who ae doubt to go with her haar, Its worge than sles fo push a student info a subject in which they have Ite talento pleasure onthe basis of a fetimo's extra earings. © The reason we've been hearing So much lately about the importance of STEM subjects is that our word IS changing beyond recognton, and we need to ensure that our graduate workfores keeps up. The sls (paned fom these subjects come in sellin almost any area you care to name, fom the cestive industries {chtecure, as wal as the mare obvious technical and scintiie professions. | don't think i an exaggeration to ay that doing arts a Uva i a Gecsion that wil hold students back when t comes to Soetng employment nowadays, ti pure indulgence To seloct a higher education course based simply on ‘hat you enjoy. Students peed to aequre the sls and knowledge that wil alow them tobe compstiive in {he jobs mario. Ais subjects tan students to perform wal in a wor of subjectiity and ambiguity, a vital ski, since Commarea cisions rarely valve a ight or wrong answer. We've al heed stores about peopie who invest tusands in thar rs-besed education and then end up ina Gead-and job, Dut when it comes to {aiding on what to 60 at univeraty, remember that thse who aro passionate about what they doare beter paced to succeed iif. While 's us that a maths graduate may wal tako home extra over ther working fie compared to an Engh grata, i's only about a thousand a year ~itle compensation if youre doing {2 job Jou losthe. In any case, its becoming neeasngly obvious that companies ae looking for ways tO {void paying STEM professionals so much, An oversupply of such workers oud be tothe advantage, aS iwoulé push wages down, hence tar constant cal for more students ith STEM degre. 38 39 Test 2 Part7 You are going to read a newspaper article about a holiday in Costa Rica, Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (41-46), There is one extra paragraph wich you do not need to use. "Mack your answers on the separate answer sheet, Costa Rican holiday Not again, Its the third morning in succession wwe been woken by howler monkeys. The nove Invades your consousness lke some dant wind ind Duis into a sustained roar unt you Mg off the sheet and st up, cursing, Awake, you can hear the throaty asp. The is reputedly the loudest fon the planet yet ‘Coane from an animal no larger than eat T a Later on that morning, trapped into harness fad helmet and slighty egreting ty immense breakfast 1 find myself sanding platform overlooking the forested gorge. A see! Ee ares dawn chro te tres to some inne ther sie. This seen the lst chance rhe fact tht my rine-yearold daughters slready clipped on aead Df me, The lst thing I see as she Latches into the point on the Sods hee gen As Trigg down from plaorm eo pitorm 1 a Felax enough to appreciate the gurgle of the river And the chorus of birdsong, There Is even time 1 ‘Spot toop of howler moneys i the crown oF a fig tte. By the tine we swing of the ral platform, fas has definitely conquered fest [a] They control our ‘guide Daniel Monge had told us on day one, He ad showed tus on our map how Costa Rus peaks ine up to form a burier down the spine of the country. The caster slopes, hich fll avay to the Caribbean, 40 ttopial rainforest, The western Pace slopes He the rin shadow, 0 thee forests are more a sd are carpeted in fh Ee 1 (eel a By alternoon, the shies had cleared, ging us Turvalb, the next woken paturesbook views fn our route. An oxnnous plume of smoke rose from the summit, and the Lodge, our stop forthe night was drei) elon ‘Dont worry. si Dae, “irs tboen doing that for thre years From that experience to watching, how sugar wax made seemed natal leap. We joined a group © tratch asthe estates two oven turned a hoge mail Incl that ere fresh cane toa aiky pulp. The Tilden eyes widened ss the fist fresh juice wat boiled up tito a slnebubbling gloop of golden mols then the raw sugar was spread, chopped and site, Foro de la Vieja to our Rotel in Playa Panama. Ie crns Ist two days, we descended from Rineén fut to be perfects the lush grounds, the huge pool the lavish breakfist andthe warm ocean just, Feyond: How beter to wind down before the Might home? Theres ony one problem, and i comes at 5.08 aun on our final morning: thunderous wake ‘op ell courtesy of the planets nosiest primates. Cw net sop wat on ner of these howe Aric in the misty highlands that divide them Tit dre up 2 hairpin ascent to Conta Ris TMgpee neve woken: Ona god ee ona fom here We had such ch, Tithe owing ms slowed ghmpeer nto the ded rte Bi Sill an early start no bad thing, Sofa, weve needed every minite of daylight to get through (or Breathlew kinerary, and’ our time 3t this fest house promises to be the most action pocted yet © ‘That evening inspired by what weld seen, we Cooked our awn Costa Rican meal. Our hosts provided ingredicats and istrctions, and then Kepea discret distance as we sliced, mashed Ariaed and seasoned to produce our best shot D But you dont need Rica wide to g0 looking this part of the world the wil creatures form fan unavoidable backdrop 1 whatever ele you a guide to find Costa In fac, you don't even need Fe Reading and Use of English The next morning, with these ansctes having proved. unfounded, we wound further down through the coffee plantations inthe sinshine to the estate of Tiytie. Here, my. daughter helped o sort good macadamia auts from ba ty they rated dwn the chute, then attempted to-erush dred coffee beans a tone il Adunitcdly, this would fel even more daunting ifwe hadnt done this already a few days ago, on the slopes of Arenal Voleno. Then Tiound it erriying, hurting at unnatural speeds high above. the canon Mle more enfident But before 1 can glory in my success, we're penultimate top on our tworweek Costa Rican faventure tour. Like the other volcanoes we've Seen in the county the one near here bekches sulphur smoke 41 Test 2 Part 8 ‘You are going to read an article about the lificuties associated with authenticating paintings by the 17th-century Dutch painter, Rembrant. For questions 47-88, choose from the sections (A-D). ‘Toe sections may be chosen more than once. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet ‘Which section mentions ‘a cumulative eaction? lack of complaints among a particular group? a failed attempt to democratise a process? ‘8 common method for setting a debt? shift in educational policy? fa scientific process used to verty an opinion? ‘a belef held where the negative aspects of a painting outweigh the positives on balance? ‘a gesture attributed to a thought process? {an opinion expressed to put an end toa trend? a false hypothesis devised with hindsight? 2 Reading and Use of English How to identify a genuine Rembrandt Many of the Dutch painter's work are stil disputed by at scholars ~ but why ‘are they so hard to authenticate? [h When, In 1950, the 1th Duke of Devonshire was ht wih a massive C7 millon inhertance tax Bil tom the Collctor of Taxes in the UK, he id what many stately homeowners do and gazod Up at wal fo soe what at might be 20d. The Be found that he had thee Rembransts, and ‘suggested one of them n part payment ofthe ta Thus in 19572 fe, signet Reman, fd Man inan Armchay, went en display at be Nationa Calley Landon. Brey a decade ater, however, the pice was downgraded to boing painted by 3 flower of Rembrandt’. imposing as the mood ssa the a hitorian Hore Gerson, “the ‘overl siructure ofthe itu I very weak. even Conbadctry wth dvargences nt to be found in Rambrancts porta from tis gest perio’ Ever shoe, te pte has been hepa gnoed ‘ot recaty, Est van de Witerg, the wores Teading. author on the erst, sad the Pete twa, ater al by Rembrandt. "tis avery impertant panting’ he say,‘ panting about paling’ that heralds reinvention In Remerangts technique the 1650s Vande Watering beoves Gerson made ‘vast mst! 1B The fact that Old Man in an Armedt should rot be teated at a porta commasioned by 2 patton Te crucal he. Rs an obsenation of We, not intended a8 a theness to the patton. {one depict the, Remand alowed himsot ‘greater feedom vith the bruh than usual. We dont need to focus on te cess, eo t 8 pated fay and rapid The ght hand i beauty woot. we'ean be aur the ster nt holding hie head but absentmindedly touching it a6 fe oes In pensive moments, This font tpn, powever wae gfested with inceronce. Vinat hed happened? Put spy, Rembrandt conneissaurnp ~ te ably 0 tl who pated lahat by close inspecton = had. imploded. The Rambrandt Resear) Project had been stablshed with an admirable cbjectve: rae, to sy what was and what was et @ gerune Fembranct. But two key factors spelt doom for this approach. Fray, bed fo make ations by rajeg on a conmtice, thus allowing. fr feecon and group-Piek to reign. Secondly ‘conosseeship self became unfashionable and was s0en a8 a recudant, list practice, no Tonge taught as akan waning rt hstorans and orators ‘As the Projact members began 10 cast doubt fon the authetily of some of Fembraat’s paings, others joned in 100, inludeg mar musa curators Rembrandt experts became ‘oped with uncertainty ~ H apron of picture X ‘a no longer ight, then sur pictus Y ans Ziwtieh were paints ma sar manner, Ut ‘sso be ‘wrong’? Sometines, rejactons were ade on he fimelet of grounds: some paitas were downgraded, not Because they ai look Ike Ramerands lao werk, but Because Xa) suggested that underneath the paintings thee ‘were signe of sn unusual technique. ANC so it vent on, untt Van o Weterng sam thatthe ‘madness ha ta sop, The Projet had fala ne ‘oi, was po good. The latest ‘ofiia”nuriber (of Remand if 340 whichis beloved by some ‘tbe 100 fee. pained aut that Van ye, fot 25 especialy rapid pare, i creed wth Rembrandt ed unt he vias Sty 08. ‘What then continues to hold back at historians fand musaum xrators? Remranet scholars have ‘cominoed themselves that Rembrandt added hs ‘Sqnstue to works pained erly by hs many Stoo assitarts Ir omer f2 make money 38 ‘icky a possible, Bu thee fs no cea evidence for ths, ti 2 theory that has boon crested, Rembrandt was more soupuous. than many ‘Scholes boleve t's noun that Rembrandt Was ‘are of how senstve the mater of attrbuton ‘vas for ators ~ at last twice Rembrandt was ‘eked to aghceato on work by other atts ‘wher twas suspectod that hey had added ther Sonate to wore that was rot thai or. The isrot a single case of one of Rembrants stud fesetants gumbing about thor master passing Of hie work a his oun Fray might be asked who were al hace mysterious, Supreme talented “ollwers of Remoranat’ who have et no vace of any idopencent wore ist poset hat hoy ed 6 Test 2 Writing WRITING (1 hour 30 minutes) Part 2 rite an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in cr appropriate style on the separate answer sheet, Put the question number in the box at the top of the page | | Part ‘You must anewer this question, Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style on the soparate answer sheet 2 ATV company, FileView TV, is planning to produce a series "The World's Greatest Sports — Personaites of All Time’. They would tke viewers to send in proposals suggesting someone 1 Your class has listened toa radio discussion about the benefits of learning languages, to feature in the series. Say who you would suggest, describe that person's contribution to ‘You have made the notes below: t thei sport, and explain whether or not the person fsa good role model for today’s, young peopl. Benefits of learning languages: ‘ite our proposal ‘understanding otter Gutearex 3 Youarea student at an international collage. You have decided to write to the college ® increasing job opportutics principal to suggest thatthe college should start a bus service forthe college. In your eter, you should describe the problems of traveling to and from college, explain the reasons for * providing intellectual challenge ‘your suggestion, and assess the benefits for the college and the local area. —_— — tyr tr You do notnaed to nha poaaeddenses Same pions exresedn 4. ‘tuna uxtconpitad tree nth tural wrk exparonca alge companys lam Gonscboueyouso ntentsoin Theconpary erstrhas ated yeclowrte apo sien you argue you'wan sourropet you shoud Ges te new ade you asad corer on om wal ou wore sere rou can apply tr goats yu vencroatenan searenet hae -Lneringtguase god te nen our or daca woo he bona ofearing guages nour wast asain whi barate ore lapis sng veesone suppor You may, yo ish mau hw pron ere ne loves, uty shel vseyour oun word an ro peel “ 4s Test 2 LISTENING (approximately 40 minutes) Part You wil hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or G) which ts best according to what yau hear. There are two questions for each extract Extract One You hear two friends talking about people who were once famous but who are now relatively unknown, 4 What point does the man make about people who are no longer famous? [A The public doesnot alow them to move on B The probability of them being recognised is ow. © The temptation for them not to let go oftheir celebrity status is great | 2 Why does the woman mention the example of the dancer? JA tobighight the dancer's need for suppor trom others 1B to express her admiration for he dancers coping strategies © tosuggest thatthe dancer's approach is by no means unusual Extract Two You hear two friends talking about swimming in rivers and lakes, a practice known a5 ‘wild swimming) 3. The woman decided to take up vild swimming because of [A her desire to explore unfamiliar places. B the chance it offers to tackle acificult challenge. © afeeling of boredom with existing hobbies. 4 Which aspect of communal swimming do they both particularly appreciate? |A the variety of people they meet B the feeling of mutual support © the sharing of notable experiences 46 Listening [Exweot Three ‘you hear wo frends talking about instaling solar electricity systems in private houses. 15. What aspect of solar power do the fiends disagree about? [A theneed forthe government to support the industry B the influence ofthe media on people's opinions the importance of price in the demand fr green energy 6 Inthe man’s opinion, what will happen in the future regaring energy? A. Vita resources wil be scarce. B People willbe forced to accept major estyle changes, © Thecurent situation wll continue for longer than expected, Test 2 Part 2 ‘You will hear a sports nutritionist called Emly Anderson talking to a group of students about how she helps young athites with thelr diet. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Lister Part 3 ‘yu will hear part of an interview with two environmentalsts, Carol Jones and James Wilson, {vino ae taking about an approach to conservation called revilding, and damaged environments, Foe questions 15-20, choose the answer (A,B, © or D} which fits best according to what you hear. Working as a sports nutritionist 6 Emily's early passion for (7) influenced her choice of career ‘After completing her education, Emily wanted to find employment in ut there was a lack of opportunity @ but the PPO 4s Emily uses the word (9) to describe the stage youth | athletics has reached. | Emily often leads (10) which she finds very rewarding. 7 Emily recommends doing a degree module in (11) to inernas week apportunities. 8 Enily explains that reading (12) the best way to keep up with the latest developments. Emily points out that what she cals the (13) ‘can require ‘considerable investment. e Emily was surprised that one of the advantages of her job is the (14) that she can use. 20 48 Carol's view ofreuiing as a form of conservation is that it Ais limited in ts scope. BB onabiles native species to thrive is offen misunderstood by non-scientists, D_ may be aifficult to implement with some species. James supports the presence of alien species because ‘A. they have been shown to impcove soll qual they are part ofthe evolution of nature. {© the problem of removing them is too complex. D__ mast native species are too weak to sunive, Carol produced her report on the location of native species in order to A. contradict certain widely-held baits. B criticise the way people neglect nature. © provide suppor for her original hypothesis. D_ enable research to be done into unusual habitats \With conservation work, Carol and James both think that [Ais easy to learn from past mistakes made with ecosystems, BB mast ecosystems today have undergone some improvement. © its necessary to understand that all ecosystems are dynamic. D__ most people accept the idea that climate change affects ecosystems Why does Carol mention willif corisors? toillustrate what ordinary citizens can do to clay a scientific term that often misunderstood to describe the way animals behave in urban environments to show why open spaces have disappeared from cities vo How does James feel about the attitude of some people towards the environment? worried about the way they ignore the problems B annoyed that they are unwiling to listen to suggestions (© frustrated that they continue to plant non-native species disappointed that they are only concerned with ther own interests > 9 s10y51 woy suo} Bunvanaid ‘epyoy Jo} suondo asou exe 01H ssovedns wy yoeqpee ou BUMD0! © eon 204 4 N00 W090. 9 oc s s0ye0ds, [ | cueweeds: soedsyiom jeoishyd oy Buse SeIYNOYYIP JAE PION OY |] vereeds we] | vowed i revo1ss | spreno eoveuy 048016 UPB Of 3 sz] | e22¥80ds _sunsAsona 1} ejqssuodsos Buse ez] | esvmeds faweio 4 dojen99 0 {=[_] hana} 914 near a nave ota doerap ot a wz] | zresds guayeads PUBL EO AdUIEX® OU MOIO} 1 2 460 sonioyoo ou Bun versed 660 Lunypedg DET OL senbon CM omnia ol 8 suojnensip aus Suse! y Sy j0 oven 9010 © NOt -Y yee oa edo yen nok ‘JoH NOK OIA, cane) S64 96d uoee Yoq eu LH eOUe SiON xuoy wo} cou 0m or pape HEE UDEE saaasse se tar enaxycuny as004> Ob-ae svensonb og fy UOsea 2 1a 0 80049 'S2-12 SOTO 205 OML sv NO SVL ‘auioy 1 eoupj2eu, 920M 01 sqol snowaNd 10\R BuNBO| NOGE BUPA axe ojdoed YoHYM Ui SIOBAIKE UOUS any JOY I HOA Test 50 pura

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