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Student: Do Thi Hong Anh
Student ID:19DH711046 
Lecturer: Doan Ngoc Diep 


I. Introduction

- Hook: You want to go shopping but you are afraid of traffic jams; you want to make

friends with people everywhere but you are hindered by geographical distance; you want

to update the latest news, etc. All of your needs will be quickly done by social networks.

- Background information:

+ Social networking service first appeared in 1995 with the launch of the Classmate site.

+ In 2004, the birth of Facebook marked a new turning point for the online social

networking system with the programming platform "Facebook Platform".

+ It has been constantly evolving to this day

Eg: More and more social networking sites appeared: Youtube (2005), Twitter (2006),

Instagram (2010), Zalo (2012), etc.

- Thesis statement: There are 3 main positive effects of social networks on young


II. Body

1. The reality about social networks

- Definition: According to Wikipedia, social networks, fully known as "social

networking service”, is the online platform where people use to build relationships with

people who share the same personality, profession, job, education, etc. or have a

relationship in real life.

- Characteristics:

+ Social network is an application on the Internet platform

+ Content on social networks is created and shared by users

+ User creates suitable profile for page or app maintained on social networking platform

+ Social networks facilitate the development of social communities on the network by

connecting users' accounts with those of other individuals and organizations.

- The facts:

According to the Social Network Statistics 2020:

+ More than 4.5 billion people now use the internet, while social media users have passed

the 3.8 billion mark. Nearly 60 percent of the world’s population is already online.

+ Three most popular social networking sites worldwide are Facebook with 2.5 users,

Youtube (2 billion users), and Instagram (1 billion users).

+ In Vietnam, the majority of social media users are between 15 and 24 years old.

2. Social networks connect people together

- Make friends with people all over the world easily.

Eg: Even though you live in different countries, you can still chat and see each other.

- Keep in touch with friends and relatives

Eg: In the past, we wrote letters to communicate with people far away => Take a lot of

time; At present, it only takes a few seconds to send your message to everyone => save


- Look for relatives or friends who have lost contact for a long time.

- Update status, share feelings with everyone

Eg: Using social network can reduce stress, store memories, and bring people to come


3. Social networks expand the business opportunity

- Create new jobs with the high salaries for young people: you tuber, streamer, online

business, etc.

- Advertise and market products to everyone quickly and effectively.

Eg: The huge number of people using social networks -> the ads will be received a lot of

attention from social network users.

- Purchase online without having to meet face-to-face.

4. Social networks support studying of the young people

- Provide information

Eg: Update the latest news

A variety of data sources

- Exchange information and experiences with another person (online study groups on

Facebook, Zalo, etc.).

- Indirect teaching and learning through social networks (in the Covid-19 epidemic).

III. Conclusion

- Human life has noticeably changed since the introduction of social networks

- Social networks will constantly evolve to create many benefits for people

You want to go shopping but you are afraid of traffic jams. You want to make

friends with people everywhere but you are hindered by geographical distance. You want

to update the latest news, etc. In the era of technology 4.0, all of your needs will be

quickly done by social networks. Social networking service first appeared in 1995 with

the launch of the Classmate site with the aim of connecting classmates. In 2004, the

advent of Facebook marked a new turning point for the online social networking system

with the programming platform "Facebook Platform". After the success of Facebook, a

series of other social networking sites have appeared such as Youtube (2005), Twitter

(2006), Instagram (2010), Zalo (2012), etc. It shows that social media has been constantly

evolving and takes an important place in our society. Moreover, social media has a huge

influence and it is a potential tool that can open up many opportunities for people,

especially the young people. There are three main positive effects of social networks on

young people.

Social network is more and more widely used all over the world but whether

everyone has a deep understanding of social network or not? What is social network?

According to Wikipedia (2019), “Social network, fully called as “Social networking

service”, is an online platform where people can build virtual relationships with people

who share the same personality, interests, occupations, etc. or with people in real-life

relationships”. Social networks have many forms and different uses, but in general, they

still have four similar characteristic. Firstly, Social network is an application on the

Internet platform. It means that the users must have the Internet connection when using

social network applications. The second characteristic is that the content on social

networks is created and shared by users themselves. The next one, the users who want to

take part in social media have to create suitable profiles for pages or apps maintained on

social networking platforms. And the last characteristic is that social networks facilitate

the development of the social community on the network by connecting users' accounts to

accounts of other individuals and organizations. With these characteristics, users can

easily join the social network and freely create what they want in their own way.

Therefore, social networks have attracted a large number of users everywhere. According

to the social network statistics 2020 by Simon Kemp, there are more than 4.5 billion

people using Internet while social media users have passed the mark 3.8 billion users. It

means nearly 60 percent of the world’s population is already online. Three most popular

social networking sites worldwide are Facebook with 2.5 billion users, Youtube with 2

billion users and the last one is Instagram with a billion users. In Vietnam, whenever you

want to make friends or learn about someone, the most common way is to ask that

person's social media account. Almost people have their own personal accounts and the

most popular social media users focus on the young people from the age of 15 to 24.

They can use three to five different social media accounts on one device. According to

statistics about Facebook, in June 2020, Vietnam has nearly 70 million Facebook users,

accounting for 70.1% of the national population, ranking seventh in the world. With the

above figure, the influence of Facebook in particular as well as social networks in general

is very huge. This number will continue to increase rapidly in the near future.


networks have significantly influenced on human life. It opens a new world with a

plenty of benefits for people, especially the young people. Firstly, social network is a

magic tool which can connect people together. Social network attracts users from all

over the world. It is considered a miniature real world where people can easily make

friends with the others in many different cultures. For example, although you live in

Vietnam, you can still make friends with foreigners in England, France, Germany, etc.

Through social networking applications, you can chat and see each other without any

difficulty. Therefore, geographical distance is no longer an obstacle. Moreover, social

networking service also has many extensive features to help people in learning about

other people. There are lots of young couples get to know each other through online

dating on social networking applications. According to data recorded on Facebook, in

Ho Chi Minh City, there are 1,264,000 people using this feature. Besides, social media

also helps us to keep in touch with friends and relatives easily and quickly. In the past,

when we wanted to communicate with people living far away, we usually wrote letters

to them. It took about two or three days to send a letter for a short distance, but to send

to the far places, it could take at least a week and sometimes we had to wait the months

for the letter to reach the recipient. It wasted a lot of time and the letters could be lost.

However, nowadays, we can send our messages to another people quickly by using

social networking applications. What we need to do is typing the message and pressing

the send button. It just takes a few seconds to realize this and the recipient will

immediately receive the message without worrying about delays or missing messages as

in the past. In addition, social networks also support people in looking for relatives or

friends who have lost contact for a long time. The war has passed but still left the great

physical and spiritual injuries to the people, many families have lost their relatives, lots

of comrades have lost their friends. However, in the era of technology 4.0, the search for

people who lost keeping in touch has become more convenient. You can post the

information of the people you want to look for on social networking sites, the

information will be shared with others and you can get the help of many people to make

it easier to find. One of the meaningful programs in Vietnam "Nhu chua he co cuoc chia

ly" also uses this way to search for information creating the chances to find people who

have lost contact with relatives. Besides, social media is also a means to bring people

come closer. Users can update status, store memories on social networks. This is also a

great way to reduce stress and be entertained. Social media is really a useful tool for

people to connect with each other.

Secondly, social networks open many job opportunities for young people. Covid-19

epidemic broke out in December 2019 causing the great losses both physically and

mentally to many people. According to directive No. 16 / CT-TTg issued on March 31,

2020 of the Prime Minister on social distancing to ensure safety for the people, the Prime

Minister also asked to close unnecessary services such as coffee shops, restaurants, places

where gather many people and restrict direct business. Therefore, the economic market

was increasingly difficult, which made many businesses and companies to fall into high

debt and be at risk of bankruptcy. According to the General Statistics Office, in

September 2020, there were 31.8 million people at the age of fifteen and over who have

been negatively affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. They lost their jobs, had to take

rotating leave, reduced working hours, and reduced income, etc. Through the use of

social networks, the series of online business services were born to meet the needs of

human consumption as well as to solve the unemployment problem. Many entrepreneurs

rely on social media to market and advertise their products to users. They use the

livestream feature on social networking applications such as Facebook, Vlive, Instagram,

etc. to introduce their products. Moreover, lots of entrepreneurs also use publicity stunt as

posting deals, discount voucher, etc. to attract customers. With the great number of users

using social networks, promoting the image of the business is more and more widely,

marketing campaigns also become closer to customers. People can easily buy clothes,

food, drinks, personal items, etc. through applications. With a few simple steps like

providing your name, address and phone number, you can order the goods that you need

and the shipper will deliver them to your house. Purchasing without having to meet face-

to-face is extremely convenient and saves a lot of time for people. Moreover, social

media also creates many new jobs for the young people. The professions such as

streamer, beauty blogger, youtuber, tiktoker, etc. appear more and more. They bring a

huge source of income for the young generation. Three typical characters for this career

trend are Faptv, who owns a Youtube channel with more than 12 million subscribers,

followed by the hot streamer Cris Devil Gamer's channel with more than 9 million

people, and the person who cannot be no mention is the male famous singer Son Tung

MTP, who owns a powerful fan and a Youtube channel with more than 8 million

subscribers. Not only Youtube, but they also attract a lot of followers on many other

network applications. Therefore, their annual revenue can fluctuate from a few billion to

tens of billion Vietnam dong. In addition, many young Vietnamese have also achieved

certain achievements in their careers. One of them is the streamer Phung Thanh Do with

the nickname Mixigaming, voted on the list of the 100 most famous streamer in the

world. Social media has expanded job opportunities for young people in many fields.

Finally, social media is a useful means which supports the learning of young

people. We are all too familiar with using Google to find information. With a keyword

like “Starbucks”, we are able to find about 188,000,000 results in just 0.57 seconds.

Today, not only Google, but many other social networking applications also bring a lot of

information to people. Social networks can provide information on many fields from

education, entertainment to economics, politics, etc. We can update the latest news more

quickly and conveniently than reading offline newspaper. Moreover, social networks

have interfaces for users to interact with each other. Therefore, we can exchange our

information and experiences with friends and others easily. Besides, the trend of online

learning has also brought positive results for young people. They can join social media

learning groups to expand their knowledge. Moreover, online learning is less costly,

saves time and learners can store lessons for review when needed. The role of social

media in learning has become more important, especially in the Covid-19 epidemic.

Social network is the tool to connect teachers with students. Many social networking

applications are specially created to support learning such as Zoom, Google classroom,

Microsoft teams to assist teachers in the teaching process as well as maintaining

knowledge for students in the social distancing period. They act as a miniature classroom

with many features that allow teachers and students to interact easily.

Human life has noticeably changed since the introduction of social networks. Social

networking is a new wind contributing to social modernization to make people's lives

better and better. However, there are still some opinions that social media has many

negative impacts on people, especially young people. On the other hand, the positive or

negative impacts are dependent on how we use it. We cannot deny the importance of

social media to human life. Stephen Hawking, the British theoretical physicist,

cosmologist and former Head of Research at Cambridge University's Center for

Theoretical Cosmology once said that "We are all now connected by the Internet, like

neurons in a giant brain." That proves that no means can connect people better than the

internet in general and social networks in particular. Social network is the bridge which

brings people together, removes all geographical barriers. It is a wonderful assistant for

young people in work and a friend on the path of acquiring human knowledge. In the

current technology 4.0 era and the near future with the emergence of the 5.0

technological revolution, social networks will constantly evolve to create many benefits

for people.


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