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Sensors and Actuators B 56 Ž1999.


Highly sensitive hydrogen sensors using palladium coated fiber optics

with exposed cores and evanescent field interactions
Massood Tabib-Azar , Boonsong Sutapun a , Rose Petrick a , Alex Kazemi c

Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics Department, Case Western ReserÕe UniÕersity, Rm 517, Glennan Building, 10900 Euclid AÕenue, CleÕeland,
OH 44106, USA
Computer Engineering and Science and Macromolecular Science and Physics Departments, Case Western ReserÕe UniÕersity, Glennan Building, 10900
Euclid AÕenue, CleÕeland, OH 44106, USA
Boeing, Space and Defense System, EEL V r Delta IV-CBC 5301 Bolsa AÕe, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, USA
Accepted 22 March 1999


A novel fiber optic hydrogen sensor which is constructed by depositing palladium over an exposed core region of a multimode fiber is
reported. The sensing mechanism is based on evanescent field interaction with the palladium coating. Since the length, thickness, and
composition of the palladium patch can be controlled independently of each other, it is possible to increase the speed of our sensor at
lower temperatures while maintaining its sensitivity. In micromirror sensors such an optimization is not possible due to a restriction
imposed on their active area of interaction by the fiber optic cross-section. Micromirror fiber optic sensors, studied in the past, take
advantage of the reflectionrabsorption of a palladium film deposited at the end of a fiber resulting in one sensor per fiber optic strand. On
the other hand, many evanescent field-based sensors can be deposited over a single fiber optic strand. Using a 100 A ˚ thick palladium with
1.5 cm interaction length, we could detect hydrogen in the 0.2–0.6% range with corresponding response times of 30–20 s at room
temperature. At y108C, these response times increased by a factor of only 2. q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrogen sensors; Palladium; Fiber optics

1. Introduction of location nor is a real time system. It is also very

complex and cumbersome for production and ground sup-
Commercial and military launch vehicles are designed port group personnel.
to use hydrogen as a main propellant which is very volatile, Fiber optic gas and chemical sensors have been around
extremely flammable, and highly explosive. Hydrogen gas for many years and various active and passive optical
detection due to excessive leakage is a great concern at sensors have been designed and constructed to detect
both the propellant fill ground support equipment ŽGSE. hazardous and other gases and chemicals in the past. One
and within the common booster core ŽCBC. during ground of the important characteristics of fiber optic sensors is
operation. Current detection systems provide Teflon trans- their ability to operate in potentially explosive environ-
fer tubes at a large number of vehicle locations through ment w1x. They have other important characteristics, such
which gas samples are drawn and the stream analyzed by a as simplicity of design and higher sensitivity as well. We
mass spectrometer. Concern with this approach is the high investigated many different and possible types of fiber
cost of mass spectrometer systems, tube routing to and optic hydrogen gas sensors to use them as a part of safety
through the primary booster. The line disconnection at lift system in rockets. It is projected that as many as a few
off can also be a major problem in the present approach. hundred cargo-carrying rockets will be deployed per year
Moreover, the present system does not provide indication during the next few decades to launch various communica-
tion and reconnaissance satellites into the space. To reduce
risk and ensure safety of these operations, hydrogen leaks
should be detected and prevented specially before and
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-216-368-6431; Fax: q1-216-368- during their launch while they are in the oxygen-rich
6039; E-mail: ambient of the earth atmosphere.

0925-4005r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 4 0 0 5 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 1 7 7 - X
M. Tabib-Azar et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 56 (1999) 158–163 159

Of the fiber optic hydrogen sensors reported so far in be multiplexed on a single fiber optic link w5x. Žiii. It can
the literature, the micromirror sensor w2x schematically detect hydrogen with a wide range of concentrations from
shown in Fig. 1a, is probably the most developed one. parts per million to few percent. Živ. Its operation tempera-
Almost invariably, these sensors, as well as the electrical ture can be designed to cover a wide range from y408C to
hydrogen sensors, use palladium as the gas sensitive layer q2008C w5x. In Section 2 we discuss the optical properties
that when exposed to hydrogen, its electrical and optical of thin-film palladium and dependence of these properties
properties change. Micromirror sensor’s structure is quite on the hydrogen.
simple and it consists of a thin film of palladium evapo-
rated at the cleaved end of a multimode fiber optic as
shown in Fig. 1a. The Pd thickness is in the range of 2. Properties of Pd films
100–500 A ˚ w2,3x. These sensors are also commercially
available w4x. In Fig. 2a we show a normalized transmission spectra
Our sensor’s structure, schematically shown in Fig. 1b, of 100 A ˚ palladium film with and without H 2 present in
consists of a core-exposed fiber optic where a layer of Pd the film. Fig. 2b shows the complex refractive index of
is deposited. The light traveling in the fiber, excites decay- palladium Ž n s n q ik . as a function of wavelength w6x. It
ing, or evanescent fields at the surface of the core ŽFig. is clear that as the hydrogen is absorbed by the palladium
1c.. These fields decay exponentially as a function of its transmission changes and since the sum of the transmis-
distance in the space adjacent to the fiber’s core. In the sion, reflection and absorption is unity, the formation of
presence of the Pd coating, the evanescent fields are PdH x results in changes in all of these quantities. It is
altered. As the hydrogen is absorbed by the Pd film, it postulated that nearly 100% of H 2 is dissociated upon
expands and because of the formation of the palladium-hy- arrival at the Pd surface and the hydrogen molecules is
droxide, both the real and imaginary part of its refractive converted to two atomic hydrogen w7x. The atomic hydro-
index change. The expansion of the Pd film induces a gen then diffuses into the Pd converting Pd to PdH x which
strain in the fiber and through the elasto-optic effects it has different optical properties than Pd. Formation of
influences the phase of the guided light. The change in the PdH x also changes the workfunction of the Pd and can be
imaginary part of the refractive index results in a change in used in electrical hydrogen sensors in conjunction with
the absorption of the guided light and, hence, it can be field-effect transistors or as a part of a Schottky diodes
detected by monitoring the light intensity. The change in The formation of PdH x also increases the resistivity of the
the real part of the Pd’s refractive index results in an Pd film. Resistive Pd hydrogen sensors are used in the
effective phase change in the guided light and can be past.
detected using interferometric techniques. The palladium hydride film, PdH x , has two solid phases:
The sensor structure used here has the following impor- a and b phases, depending upon the PdrH composition.
tant characteristics w5x: Ži. Sensor sensitivity and response The reversible a-phase is found at a low hydrogen concen-
time can be independently optimized at different tempera- tration. As the hydrogen concentration increases, Pd is
tures. Žii. Potentially, as many as few hundred sensors can transformed to the b-phase. The hydrogen concentration at

Fig. 1. Ža. Pd micromirror hydrogen sensor. Žb. Evanescent field fiber optic hydrogen sensor. Žc. Evanescent field profile near a core exposed fiber optic
Žnot to scale..
160 M. Tabib-Azar et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 56 (1999) 158–163

fiber corercladding interface. Evanescent field based fiber

optic sensors have been widely used in chemical and
biomedical applications w8x. Most of the evanescent-field
based sensors can be divided into two categories; Ž1. The
cladding is used as a sensing material. When exposed to
the environment, optical properties, such as absorption and
refractive index, of the cladding are modified. Ž2. The
cladding is nearly or totally etched away. In this case, the
air acts as the cladding and an external object can be
brought close to the core modifying the evanescent fields
and changing the parameters of the guided light. The
magnitude of interaction depends on optical properties of
the object and the distance between the fiber core and the
object. An example, is a fiber optic pressure sensor that
uses a silicon diaphragm and an exposed-core fiber optic
reported in Ref. w9x.
In the structure shown in Fig. 3, a thin film of Pd,
which is used as a sensing material for hydrogen, is coated
directly onto the core of a multimode silica fiber with 50
mm diameter core and 125 mm total diameter. To expose
the core, the polymer jacket of the fiber optic was manu-
ally stripped off and cleaned with acetone. Then the
cladding was etched using HF and buffered HF for 10–15
min. The total diameter after etching was less than 50 nm.
Subsequently, a thermal evaporator was used to deposition
Pd on one side of the etched fiber. Pd thickness was
Fig. 2. Ža. Normalized transmission spectra of a 10 nm Pd film with and
without hydrogen. The difference between these two spectra shows peaks
monitored using a quartz-crystal monitor during the evapo-
at 920 nm and at 850 nm. Žb. Refractive indices of bulk Pd as a function ration. Pd film thickness typically varied from 10–100 nm.
of wavelength w6x. Thin film properties may be different than the bulk After coating with Pd, some of the samples were notice-
properties. ably bent due to residual film stress. Handling these deli-
cate fibers demanded a lot of care and patience. A metallic

which the phase transition takes place depends on the film

thickness and temperature and it introduces a hysteresis in
the optical and mechanical parameters of the palladium
film. Transition from the a-phase to the b-phase for a thin
Pd film Ž100 A–1000 A˚ . occurs at a wider hydrogen
concentration range than the transition in the thicker Pd
films Ž) 10 mm. which occurs around 4% H 2 . For hydro-
gen sensing applications, it is highly desirable that the
phase transition in the palladium film to be prevented. This
can be accomplished by either keeping the hydrogen con-
centration low or by using an alloy of Pd with silver or
chromium. These alloys are known to suppress the a to b
transition in Pd over a wide range of hydrogen concentra-
tions. In electrical Pd hydrogen sensors, a heater is usually
used to locally heat the b-Pd and convert it to a-Pd.

3. Evanescent field fiber optic sensor structure

An evanescent field, created when total internal reflec-

tion between two dielectric media occurs, is an electro-
Fig. 3. Photograph of the fiber optic sample holder used to facilitate
magnetic field in the lower refractive index medium as handling the fiber optic while etching its cladding and to prevent the
schematically shown in Fig. 1c. In the case of fiber optics, fragile 50–100 mm core region from breaking during the etching process
the evanescent field decays exponentially away from the and subsequent handling.
M. Tabib-Azar et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 56 (1999) 158–163 161

Fig. 4. Ža. Package structure. Žb. Micro-photograph of the fabricated

silicon micromachined package and the fiber optic inserted through the

frame that supported the two arms of the fiber was at-
tached to the fiber using shrink tubes as shown in Fig. 3b. Fig. 6. Ža. Sensor output for 0.6% hydrogen in nitrogen as a function of
This frame prevented the destruction of the exposed core time. Žb. Sensor output for 0.2% hydrogen in nitrogen as a function of
time. The sample was one-side coated with a 10-nm-thick Pd and had an
region during the palladium deposition and subsequent active length of 1.5 cm. The measurement was done at room temperature.
handling of the fiber. We are currently considering a larger The total flow rate was 2165 ccrmin. Žc. The amplitude of the sensor’s
core fiber with 100–200 mm diameter with a polymer output as a function of hydrogen concentration.

Fig. 5. Experimental set-up to measure the sensor’s output as a function of hydrogen concentration and temperature.
162 M. Tabib-Azar et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 56 (1999) 158–163

4. Experimental results and analysis

The test set-up for the evanescent filed sensors con-

sisted of the following parts as shown in Fig. 5: a gas cell
with a cooling system, a monochromator, a photodetector,
a gas flow control system, a lock-in amplifier and a
computer to perform data acquisition and analysis. A
double-jacket glass tube was used as a gas cell with gas
mixture flowing into the inner shell and liquid nitrogen
flowing into the outer shell for cooling. A mixture of
hydrogen and nitrogen gases was mixed homogeneously
Fig. 7. Sensor output at low temperature Žy108C. as a function of time, before flowing into the gas cell. Flow rates of both gases
using the same sample as in Fig. 5. The dashed line shows temperature were individually controlled using flow meters. The mono-
readings in side the gas cell. chromator was used to perform spectroscopy and deter-
mine the range of wavelengths where the sensor had the
best sensitivities. A chopper along with a lock-in amplifier
were used to perform synchronous detection of the trans-
cladding. This type of fiber is easier to carry and elimi- mitted light detected using a photomultiplier. Microscope
nates the HF etching step. objectives were used to focus light into the fiber and the
Packaging the fiber optic hydrogen sensor for a use in entire experiment and data acquisition and analysis were
space vehicle, where dimensions, weight, and cost are performed using a computer. A 650-nm light was used in
critical, is quite challenging. We have started developing a fixed-wavelength measurements.
silicon micromachined structure package as shown in Fig. Fig. 6a and b show sensor outputs at room temperature
4a. It consists of a silicon diaphragm with holes to let the as a function of time for two partial hydrogen concentra-
hydrogen to diffuse into the fiber. The fiber optic sensor in tions of 0.6% and 0.2%, respectively. The fiber was coated
this package is held underneath the diaphragm through in one-side with a 10 nm Pd film. The film thickness, in
v-grooves formed using anisotropic chemical etching of this case, was not uniform over the perimeter of the fiber
the silicon. This structure can be batch fabricated using and the sensor had an active length of 1.5 cm. As shown in
micromachining and wafer-to-wafer bonding technologies Fig. 6, the sensor showed a good sensitivity and repro-
w1x. Fig. 4b shows how tightly the fiber optic fits into a ducibility with absorption time responses of 20 s and 30 s
v-groove. for 0.6% and 0.2% hydrogen concentration, respectively. It

Fig. 8. Optical ray traces of the guided light and its interaction with the palladium film deposited over the exposed fiber optic core region.
M. Tabib-Azar et al.r Sensors and Actuators B 56 (1999) 158–163 163

should be noted that the sensor output increased as a so-called ‘elasto-optic’ effect w10x, resulting in a change in
function of hydrogen concentrations from 0.2%–0.6% as the effective reflection of the light from the Pd layer.
shown in Fig. 6c. Surface roughness of the fiber core due to HF etching
Fig. 7 shows the sensor output at a low temperature could create light scattering which also affects the sensor
Žy108C. as a function of time, using the same sample as output. These parameters are currently being investigated
in Fig. 6. Absorption time response at low temperature is in our group and will be published in the future.
about twice of that at room temperature. As can be seen in
Fig. 7, the second cycle had lower output and slower time
response which may be due to the low operating tempera-
5. Conclusion
ture and humidity. Long-term reproducibility of the sensor
at low temperature is subjected to future studies.
The following qualitative model can be used to explain In summary, we have reported a novel fiber optics
the increase in the sensor output as a function of hydrogen hydrogen sensor which takes advantage of evanescent
absorption in the Pd film. As shown in Fig. 8, the Pd film interaction of fields at the surface of a fiber optic core and
has a higher refractive index than the silica core Ž n Pd s 1.80 a palladium film. In our sensor, the interaction length and
at 650 nm, see Fig. 2b., but since its thickness is much the Pd film thickness can be controlled independently.
smaller than the optical wavelength, it cannot support Hence, the sensor sensitivity and response time can be
traveling optical modes. The contribution of the palladium independently optimized. Such a control is necessary in
is mainly through the imaginary part of its refractive index designing highly sensitive hydrogen sensors for low tem-
which diminishes as hydrogen is absorbed. As hydrogen is perature operations with reasonably fast response times. In
absorbed in Pd, palladium hydroxide is formed increasing contrast, in the micromirror sensors reported in the litera-
the resistivity of the film. The increase in the resistivity of ture, the sensitivity and response time cannot be indepen-
the palladium film as a function of hydrogen absorption is dently controlled.
exploited in electrical hydrogen sensors and it is well
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