Star Trek Voyager RPG d20 System

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

by J H G Foss

Version 26

Based on the Enterprise Era (2130 - 2170) version done by:

Incorporating things from:
Star Trek Online
Dungeons and Dragons 3.5
D20 Modern
Star Wars Loot table

This book assumes a basic understanding of d20 RPG systems such as Dungeons and
Dragons 3.5 and d20 Modern.

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Change Log

V8 Going into lots more detail about ships weapons and systems
V10 More races. extra stuff for Mystics. More detail on sensors. Pictures added for all species
V11Subspace and Warp
V12 Babi Iji Picket, Replicators, Sensors Skills, EMP Grenades
V13Numiri weapons, Two Weapon fighting, new grenades
V15 Remove stun on Non-lethal damage. Replicator Use DCs. Treat Injury DCs. Shield Types. Healing
Equipment, Telepathy, Mind Meld
V16 Modified Suggestion. Modified grenades
V17 Android/AI stuff added - vaguely
V18 Started work on a new class - Science Specialist. rules on stats and feats
V19 cleaned up loot table. Added Baneans and Numiri. Science Specialist completed (except for all synergies)
Science Class added. Added rules for AI regarding Energy Shields and Controlled Shutdowns and many
other things. Soak and HP for weapons.
V20 Firmed up the rules on HP and Andriods/AI. Currencys. Space combat / warp. Health, death and repair for
Andriods and AI. Currency in the Delta Quardrant. Alternative rules for Energy Use. Warping In Solar
Systems sorted out. Fighting during Warp. More rules on Replicators. Dilithium section added
V21 A bit more work on Unarmed Combat. Added some tables for rules on Attacks of Opportunity. Moved
Prone rules to the right place. Added rules for aiming. Added combat reflexes. Expanded rules on
V22 Heavy Weapons. Notes on Weapons Heading. Taking Aim. Note on Weapons Proficiencies
V23/24 Emergency Grab Bags, Turning at Warp, Starship Repairs, Stern Chases, Stat and Skill Items, Tech
Levels. Cyberware (stub), Genetics (stub). Tidied up the Starship descriptions and modified the way that
Energy Use works and tweaked many ships systems data. Added Sample NPCs
V25 Random encounters, Personal Shield Generator modified
V26 Removed all colour coding. Added blurb at front and additional info in section 1. Lots of mods to the
wording of the races, classes, skills and feats. Changed how Treat Injury and Repair Android are done. Sensors
are now skills, but this is all good to the players - they get to earn IPs on Sensors now. Added power armour.
Added TLs to armours and weapons. Added miss rules for Grenades. Changed how Dermal Regenerators work.
Changes to ships movement and impulse. Extended Called Shot Hit Locations. Added fumble table

To do:
 add two classes – warrior and equivalent of Expert

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Table of Contents

Levels ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Character Species and Classes .................................................................................................................... 11
Races ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Classes............................................................................................................................................... 11
Advanced Training (Prestige Classes) ................................................................................................. 11
Known Species................................................................................................................................... 12
Human..................................................................................................................................... 13
Andorian.................................................................................................................................. 14
Klingons ................................................................................................................................... 15
Aenar....................................................................................................................................... 16
Nausicaan ................................................................................................................................ 17
Orions...................................................................................................................................... 18
Risan........................................................................................................................................ 19
Denobulan ............................................................................................................................... 20
Orantakken .............................................................................................................................. 21
Tandaran ................................................................................................................................. 22
Kreetassan ............................................................................................................................... 23
Tellarites.................................................................................................................................. 24
Vulcan ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Suliban..................................................................................................................................... 29
Axanar ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Xindi ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Artificial Intelligence - Android ................................................................................................. 36
Artificial Intelligence - Self-Aware Hologram /Avatar................................................................ 37
Other Species .................................................................................................................................... 43
Kantare .................................................................................................................................... 43
Enolians ................................................................................................................................... 43
Antarans .................................................................................................................................. 43
Coridians (Coridanites) ......................................................................................................... 44
Xyrillian ................................................................................................................................... 44

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Romulans................................................................................................................................. 45
Cardassians.............................................................................................................................. 45
Delta Quadrant Species ..................................................................................................................... 46
Ocampa ................................................................................................................................... 46
Talaxian ................................................................................................................................... 46
Kazon....................................................................................................................................... 47
Vidiians.................................................................................................................................... 47
Markov-Kalto ........................................................................................................................... 48
Banean .................................................................................................................................... 49
Numiri ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Delta Quadrant Species (NON-CANNON) ........................................................................................... 51
Treebadians ............................................................................................................................. 51
Norlots .................................................................................................................................... 52
Gornands ................................................................................................................................. 52
Babi-Ijo .................................................................................................................................... 53
Burung Mera ........................................................................................................................... 54
Balaxion................................................................................................................................... 55
Character Classes............................................................................................................................... 56
Pilot ......................................................................................................................................... 58
Operations Specialist ............................................................................................................... 60
Medic ...................................................................................................................................... 62
Tactical Specialist ..................................................................................................................... 65
Mercenary ............................................................................................................................... 67
Boomer ................................................................................................................................... 69
Mystic...................................................................................................................................... 71
Science Specialist ..................................................................................................................... 75
Advanced Training ............................................................................................................................. 80
Commanding Officer ................................................................................................................ 80
Chief Engineer ......................................................................................................................... 82
Ace .......................................................................................................................................... 84
Elite Trooper ............................................................................................................................ 85
Intelligence Operative.............................................................................................................. 87
Explorer ................................................................................................................................... 89
Skills and Feats ........................................................................................................................................... 91

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Skills .................................................................................................................................................. 91
Skill Descriptions ............................................................................................................................... 93
Everyman Set........................................................................................................................... 93
Pilot Skill Set ............................................................................................................................ 97
Operations Skill Set .................................................................................................................. 99
Medical Skill Set ..................................................................................................................... 102
Communications Skill Set ....................................................................................................... 103
Security Skill Set..................................................................................................................... 104
Language .................................................................................................................................................. 106
Feats ........................................................................................................................................................ 107
Feats Descriptions ........................................................................................................................... 109
Equipment................................................................................................................................................ 114
A note about money ........................................................................................................................ 114
Replicator Rations as Credit ............................................................................................................. 114
Currency in the Delta Quadrant ....................................................................................................... 115
Tech Levels ...................................................................................................................................... 116
Trade Goods .................................................................................................................................... 117
Exotic and Toxic Compounds ........................................................................................................... 118
Armor Types .................................................................................................................................. 119
Notes on Armour ............................................................................................................................. 119
Personal Shields............................................................................................................................... 120
Power Armour ................................................................................................................................. 121
Uniforms ......................................................................................................................................... 122
Environment Suits ........................................................................................................................... 123
Weaponry ....................................................................................................................................... 124
Sidearms .............................................................................................................................. 124
Rifles .................................................................................................................................... 124
Heavy Weapons ..................................................................................................................... 125
Shotguns................................................................................................................................ 125
Martial Weapons ............................................................................................................................. 125
Batteries/Cartridges ........................................................................................................................ 126
Notes on Weapons .......................................................................................................................... 126
Grenades ......................................................................................................................................... 128
Throwing Them...................................................................................................................... 128

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Types of Grenade ............................................................................................................................ 129

Frag Grenades ....................................................................................................................... 129
Incendiary grenades .............................................................................................................. 129
Stun Grenades ....................................................................................................................... 130
Smoke Grenades.................................................................................................................... 130
Special Grenades ................................................................................................................... 130
Other Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 131
Notes on Equipment: ............................................................................................................. 132
Healing Equipment ................................................................................................................ 133
Services ................................................................................................................................. 134
Stat Items .............................................................................................................................. 135
Cyberware................................................................................................................................................ 136
Genetic Manipulation ............................................................................................................................... 137
Starships .................................................................................................................................................. 138
SHIPS POWER .................................................................................................................................. 139
Starship Systems Descriptions .................................................................................................................. 140
Starship Support Systems ................................................................................................................ 140
Subspace Communications .................................................................................................... 140
Life Support ........................................................................................................................... 141
Gravity Plating ....................................................................................................................... 142
Navigation ............................................................................................................................. 143
Hull Plating ............................................................................................................................ 144
Deflector Control ................................................................................................................... 144
Sensors .................................................................................................................................. 145
Transporters .......................................................................................................................... 148
Grappler ................................................................................................................................ 149
Tractor Beam ......................................................................................................................... 149
Warp Drive ............................................................................................................................ 150
Reactors ................................................................................................................................ 151
Shields ................................................................................................................................... 152
Computer Systems................................................................................................................. 153
Impulse.................................................................................................................................. 154
Thruster Systems ................................................................................................................... 154
Stealth Systems ..................................................................................................................... 155

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Weapons Systems ........................................................................................................................... 156

Weapon Strength and Location .............................................................................................. 156
Weapon Types ................................................................................................................................. 158
Rail Gun ................................................................................................................................. 158
Plasma Turret ........................................................................................................................ 158
Phase Cannons ...................................................................................................................... 159
Disruptors .............................................................................................................................. 159
Concussion Missiles ............................................................................................................... 160
Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes ..................................................................................................... 160
Antimatter Torpedoes ........................................................................................................... 161
Photon Torpedoes ................................................................................................................. 162
Space Movement and Combat .................................................................................................................. 163
Movement....................................................................................................................................... 163
Warp Speed ........................................................................................................................... 163
Impulse.................................................................................................................................. 163
Going to Warp ....................................................................................................................... 164
Full Ahead (no Course Plotted)............................................................................................... 164
Turning at Warp..................................................................................................................... 165
Warping in solar systems ....................................................................................................... 166
Stern Chases .......................................................................................................................... 167
SPACE COMBAT ........................................................................................................................................ 168
Moving in Combat ........................................................................................................................... 169
ATTACK............................................................................................................................................ 169
Fighting at Warp Speed.......................................................................................................... 169
TAKE DAMAGE................................................................................................................................. 170
Damaged Type ....................................................................................................................... 172
Repairs .................................................................................................................................. 173
Bringing Warp Drive / Reactors back online ........................................................................... 174
Not quite got the right parts .................................................................................................. 174
Buying spare parts ................................................................................................................. 174
Salvage Rules ................................................................................................................................... 175
Ship Classes .............................................................................................................................................. 176
Shuttle Craft .................................................................................................................................... 177
Generic Shuttlecraft ............................................................................................................... 177

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Shuttlepod ............................................................................................................................. 179

Generic Freighter/Runabout/Scout ........................................................................................ 181
Raider .................................................................................................................................... 183
The Aeroshuttle ................................................................................................................... 185
Babi Ijo Picket (In system police / military patrol craft) ........................................................... 187
Heavy Cruiser (Large)(TL 12) .................................................................................................. 189
Heavy Cruiser (Huge)(TL 12) ................................................................................................... 191
Explorer (TL 10)...................................................................................................................... 193
T’Plana Hath Survey Vessel (Freighter)(TL 11) ........................................................................ 196
Organizations of the Delta Quadrant ........................................................................................................ 198
Voyager and her Crew ..................................................................................................................... 202
NPC Attitudes .................................................................................................................................. 202
Game Mechanics ...................................................................................................................................... 204
COMBAT .......................................................................................................................................... 204
Death, Dying and Healing ....................................................................................................... 207
Grappling ............................................................................................................................... 207
Healing .................................................................................................................................. 207
Character Conditions ............................................................................................................. 208
Ranged Combat Increments............................................................................................................. 209
Firing more than once in a combat round .............................................................................. 210
SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................... 211
Suppressing Fire .................................................................................................................... 211
Taking Aim ............................................................................................................................. 211
Cover ..................................................................................................................................... 212
Two Weapon Combat ............................................................................................................ 214
Aiming at body locations .............................................................................................................. 215
Unarmed Combat .................................................................................................................. 216
Fumbles ................................................................................................................................. 217
The Improvement Point System................................................................................................................ 218
PET PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................................... 219
STANDARD ISSUE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................. 221
SHIFTS ON VOYAGER ................................................................................................................................ 222
LOOT ........................................................................................................................................................ 224
REPLICATORS............................................................................................................................................ 231

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Dilithium .................................................................................................................................................. 232

Sample NPCS ............................................................................................................................................ 233
Allies ............................................................................................................................................... 233
Enemies / Non-Allied ....................................................................................................................... 250
Caretaker Array ..................................................................................................................... 250
Kazon..................................................................................................................................... 250
Robots ................................................................................................................................... 255
Markov-Kalto ......................................................................................................................... 257
Vidiians.................................................................................................................................. 258
Random Encounters in the Delta Quadrant............................................................................................... 263


This section details the XP required for each level and additional skills and feats gained via
XP required per level table:

Level XP required
1 0
2 1000
3 3000
4 6000
5 10,000
6 15,000
7 21,000
8 28,000
9 36,000
10 45,000

HP increases

At each level you roll your hit dice (e.g. d10) add your CON modified and add this to your Hit Points.

Alternatively you may take the average of the roll. If your HD is 10, then at level 2 take 5, then level 3
take 6 etc.

Stats and Feats

At every third level you get a new feat.

At every forth level a +1 to any stat.

Starting Skills

Humans that have trained in Starfleet or a similar organisation, or aliens that have trained in an
organisation similar to Starfleet get the following skills for free:

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

First Aid – 1 rank

Technical Authoring – 1 rank

Sidearms(Energy) – 1 rank

Grenades – 1 rank

Martial Weapons (melee) – 1 rank

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Character Species and Classes


Aenar (telepathic)
Orantakken (telepathic)
Vulcan (telepathic)
Suliban (genetic-morph; standard)
Xindi (Primate; Arboreal; Reptilian; Insectoid; Aquatic)
Artificial Intelligence – Android
Artificial Intelligence – AI
Others – Kantare, Enolians, Antarans, Coridanites, Xyrillian, Romulans, Cardassians

Delta Quadrant (Canon) – Ocampa, Talaxian, Kazon, Vidiians, Markov-Kalto, Banean, Numiri

Delta Quadrant (Non-Canon) – Treebadians, Norlots, Gornands, Babi-Ijo, Burung Mera


Operations Specialist
Tactical Specialist

Advanced Training (Prestige Classes)

Chief Engineer
Elite Trooper
Intelligence Operative

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System

Known Species

The Star Trek Universe is expansive with a plethora of races and cultures (and even subcultures)
available. The given Species are chosen for the amount of exposure Humanity had with them
between the years 2140 and 2165.

Now it is easy to believe that all Nausicaans are outlaws, all Orions are pirates and Risans are all pre-
occupied with gratification but truth to be told, you can find all kinds within each of the galactic

That being said, it would be perfectly acceptable to find a mixed crew on a cargo ship or a privateer
but if the campaign you play is set around an official organization (Earth Starfleet, Vulcan High
Command, Andorian Imperial Guard, Klingon Imperial Fleet) it would be prudent to keep all the PCs
the same Species for the sake of a certain level of authenticity. After all, a Nausicaan gunner on a
Vulcan ship wouldn’t make much sense.

Some exceptions can be made (ahem, T’pol?) but only after consultation with the Game Master. If
you’re game is set after 2161 and the birth of the Federation then you are allowed to have a ship with
any Federation Member or Affiliate Species on it. Each Species description will give you a brief outline
of the Species, a list of other Species that they have good or bad relations with, the pros and cons of
the Species in
terms of game mechanics and what languages they would have the opportunity to learn (Universal
Translator technology is haphazard at best).

You can play a character from any of the races listed in this Chapter. The Species descriptions given
are an explanation of the majority of that Species’ population but if you wish to play you character in a
different way go right ahead (just check with your Game Master first). Just keep in mind the
understanding that your character is breaking the societal norms of their Species and that others of
their kind may react to that.

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Star Trek : Voyager RPG d20 System


Humans are easily the most outwardly, idealistic and expansionist race. Humans have no true
specialty or extraordinary qualities and are average in both a technological and physical sense.
Instead they are more idealistic, outgoing and cooperative than other races.

A founding member of the United Federation of Planets, Humans of Earth became warp-capable in
2063, which was the same year they experienced first contact with an alien species, the Vulcans.
Human adaptability and their strong tradition of innovation and cooperation have brought them to the
forefront of the current interstellar situation. It is for this very reason, however, that Human society is
constantly changing and evolving. This is seen not only on the isolated colonies and boomer groups,
but also in the staid and settled core worlds as well. Fashion, speech and especially political views
are constantly changing.

For species that are steeped in tradition and genealogical reverence as the basis of their societies,
the Human fascination with the novel experience and their unending desire to innovate and explore,
to discover for the sake of discovery, are all difficult concepts to grasp for other Species.

Physiology: Bilaterally symmetrical bipedal primates, Humans are a warm-blooded species with an
average lifespan of around 120 years, although some individuals have achieved a much older age.

Humans are not the strongest of species, but they are resilient. They can survive with one lung or
kidney (they have two of each normally), and surprisingly they can go days without water and weeks
without food due to their bodies' ability to conserve water and live off stored fat respectively. Their
bodies' efficient temperature regulation allows them to survive cold temperatures to a far greater
degree than other races such as the Tellarites, or high temperatures that would be uncomfortable for
an Andorian.

Homeworld: Earth (Founding Member of the Federation 2161)

Sun: Sol

Colonies: Luna (Sol IIIa) Vega Colony (Alpha Lyrae II) Mars (Sol IV) Jupiter Station (Sol V)
Autonomous: Proxima (Alpha Centauri)

Languages: Human

Optional: Vulcan, Andorian and Denobulan

Human Species Traits:

• Base Speed is 10 meters
• 1 extra Feat at 1st level
• Species Antagonism: Xindi, Suliban, Klingon
• 4 extra skill points at 1st level, 1 extra skill point at each additional level
• Medium Size

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The Andorians are a humanoid species from the moon Andoria, capital world of the Andorian Empire,
and are one of the founding members of the United Federation
of Planets.

Andorians are a militaristic warrior race. This is underscored by the fact their weapons have no stun
setting. Service in the Andorian Imperial Guard is considered honourable, and military ranks have a
great influence on social reputation.

Andorians never fight without reason and deplore dishonesty, but they are capable of duplicity.
Andorians consider their race to be deeply emotional and passionate, even violent; they
aren't known for their charity and have few sympathies, but they placed a high value on family and
A crucial part of Andorian tradition was the so called ushaan, a code of honor demanding a duel
to the death in which the combatants fight against each other with a ice miner's tool, the ushaantor.
An enormous body of rules and regulations existed around this code of honor, summing up to
12,000 amendments. The Ushaan could be demanded by someone as a means of personal
vengeance, e.g. to avenge a personal loss. However, there existed a right of substitution, allowing
combatants to put up a replacement for themselves. Furthermore, each married combatant could
postpone a duel indefinitely, if there were no children to continue his claim. Additionally, the
fight might be called off, if one combatant disabled the other in way so he could not continue the

Physiology: Most Andorians have a distinctive blue skin and white or silver-colored hair.
Andorians have a higher metabolism than Humans. Andorians are very susceptible to high
temperatures; an Andorian could lose 10% of its body weight in as little as two days in climates
approaching the boiling point of water.
Andorians have two antennae on their heads that they use for balance. Andorians have at least
four anatomical variations regarding the placement of their antennae. Some have antennae
sprouting from the frontal bone of their skull. Others have antennae that sprout from their parietal
bone. The loss of an antenna is a humiliating experience for an Andorian.

Homeworld: Andoria (Founding Member of the Federation 2161)

Sun: Procyon VII
Colonies: Weytahn (disputed)
Languages: Andorian
Optional: Vulcan, Tellarite, Aenar and Orion
Andorian Species Traits:
• Medium Sized
• Base Speed is 10 meters
• Species Antagonism: Vulcans, Tellarites, Nausicaan
• Immune to the effects of extreme cold and low oxygen environments
• Andorians tend to be very arrogant to those who haven’t earned their trust, giving them a
–2 to Charisma. The harsh environment of Andoria has also toughened them as a species
giving all Andorians a +2 to Constitution.

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The Klingons are a humanoid warrior species that originates from the planet Qo'nos M-class planet.
One of the major powers of the galaxy, the Klingons are a proud, tradition-bound people who value
honour and combat. The aggressive Klingon culture has made them an interstellar military power to
be respected and feared.

Klingons believe that they have the instinctive ability to look an opponent in the eye and see the intent
to kill. Because of their aggressive outlook, the Klingons have generally had poor relations with other
races after they began to move out into space. Because the worlds of the
Klingon Empire are resource-poor, the Klingons have developed an intense belief in the need for
expansion and conquest in order to survive.

Klingon society is extremely complex. It is based on a feudal system organized around traditional
Great Houses of noble lineage, to which various parts of the population owe fealty. The Great
Houses are traditionally represented in the Klingon High Council, which is led by a Chancellor.
Males traditionally dominate public life in the Empire, assuming the leading roles in politics and
the military with only rare exceptions. Klingon women are treated as equals except in politics
and matters of inheritance. They are prohibited by law from serving in the High Council and
cannot take control of their Houses unless they have the money and no male successors of the
lineage. Otherwise, it is expected of Klingon women to exhibit the same physical prowess and
lust for blood and honour as the men. Klingon society functions through a system of family
reputation and honour.

Physiology: On average Klingons are larger and physically stronger than Humans, though
they possess much less tolerance for cold weather. Internally, Klingon anatomy is markedly
different from that of Humans. There is a great deal more multiple redundancy in their organs, a
principle they call brak'lul. This allows Klingons to survive severe injuries in battle. They have
twenty-three ribs, two livers, an eight-chambered heart, three lungs, and even redundant neural
function and multiple stomachs. Some geneticists believe the extra organs, notably the third lung,
evolved to give Klingons greater stamina on the battlefield. Klingons live for over 150 years, but
even into advanced old age are still strong enough for combat.

Homeworld: Qo’nos
Sun: Khronos
Colonies: Praxis, Rura Penthe and Kling
Languages: Klingon
Optional: Orion, Nausicaan
Klingon Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Species Antagonism: All. Klingons disdain all other species.
 Immune to fear effects.
 Klingons are tough and powerful. They receive a +2 to Strength and a +2 to Constitution.
They are very inhospitable and not scholarly resulting in a –4 to Charisma and a –2 to

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The Aenar (pronounced EEH-NAR) are a humanoid race native to the Northern Wastes of
Andoria, and a subspecies of the Andorians. The Aenar of the 22nd century lived in an
underground compound on Andoria, shielded by a dampening field. The Aenar have no leader, but
will appoint a de facto leader or speaker if a situation warrants it. Aenar have a strict law
against reading the minds of other people without prior consent. They have a strictly pacifist
ideology, and deplore violence.

The Aenar were long considered a myth in Andorian society. But around 2104, the Andorians
discovered the Aenar living in the Northern Wastes of Andoria. Since then, they have
maintained diplomatic contact with the Andorian government.

Physiology: The Aenar are physiologically very similar to the Andorians, with two antennae sprouting
from their heads, although the antennae of the Aenar have small indentations in the funnel shaped
tips. The Aenar are completely blind and have no skin or hair pigment, resulting in a pale white
appearance (similar to human albinos). The most distinctive trait of the Aenar, however, is their highly
evolved telepathic abilities. An Aenar is capable of reading minds and of psychically projecting itself to
other humanoids. They use telepathy to communicate amongst themselves. Given that the Aenar are
a subspecies of Andorians, therefore actually a member of the same species, they are genetically
compatible with Andorians. A hybrid Aenar/Andorian individual will have a greenish skin tone.

Homeworld: Andoria
Sun: Procyon VII
Colonies: None
Languages: Aenar
Optional: Andorian
Aenar Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Immune to the effects of extreme cold and low oxygen environments
 An Aenar character can use the following abilities at will at a range of 100 :
1. Detect the surface thoughts of any sentient being
2. Project a mental image to any sentient being
3. Speak to any other willing telepath via telepathic means
 Due to their blindness Aenar receive a –4 to Dexterity. Their blindness does not prevent
them from performing normal activity however. The Aenar have a keenly developed
ESP that allows them to sense the location of objects (like a mental Sonar). While this
allows them to interact with the world around them, it also causes them to interact with it
at a much slower pace than other Species.

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The Nausicaans are a humanoid species native to the planet Nausicaa.

While little has been seen that would indicate any pan-Nausicaan governmental or military
organization, Nausicaan society seems to consist of large piracy clans. Hunting parties of several
warpcapable starships or raiders work out of asteroid bases, and pirates would be armed with energy
weapons of various design.

Most contact with Nausicaans is in the form of isolated run-ins with civilians who would seem to be
independent operators, though the practice of using asteroids as settlements seems to be
normal for non-piracy groups as well.

Nausicaan culture would appear to be firmly rooted in violence. Most Nausicaan games involve
inflicting pain or injury, including one that involves tossing darts at each other's chest.
The Nausicaans are infamous thugs, and are a common choice as bodyguards or hired muscle

Physiology: Nausicaans are large aliens renowned for their lack of subtlety and surly, illtempered
manner. They are generally tall humanoids surpassing two meters in height, with great
body strength. Their faces are commonly ashen in color and are distinguished by a prominent
bone structure with sharp tusks protruding at either side of their mouths. Some Nausicaans also
have a line of four small horns that run vertically down the forehead.

Homeworld: Nausicaa Prime

Sun: Nausicaa
Colonies: numerous asteroid colonies throughout the sector
Languages: Nausicaan and Orion
Optional: Vulcan, Tellarite, Andorian, Klingon and Xyrillian
Nausicaan Species
 Medium to Large Sized
 Base Speed is 15 meters
 Species Antagonism: Humans
 Nausicaans are incredibly strong, more so even than Klingons and receive a +4 to Strength.
They A Nausicaan Starbase also aren’t know for their personalities and receive a –2 to
Charisma and a –2 to Wisdom.

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The Orions are a humanoid species originating from the planet Orion. Little is known about the
organization of the Orion government, or if indeed, a central government exists.
Despite the rich cultural history of Orion and outside of their "official" stance of neutrality, a dark side
of the

Orion culture exists in their active trafficking of forced labor through the Orion slave markets.
The primary entity operating within these confines are known as the Orion Syndicate, which is
comprised of a conglomeration of traders, pirates and smugglers.

These individuals are also well known for their many illegal operations outside of the slave trade
including: extortion, theft, raids, kidnappings and assassinations.

A secondary entity operating within the Orion realm is

known as the Orion Free Traders. The Orion Free Traders have a limited established
relationship with the Vulcans.

Physiology: Orions are known for their distinctive green skin. Orion males are typically bald
and, on average, taller and more muscular than an average Human male. Orion females are very
animalistic in nature, known for their extreme carnal appetites and their innate skill of seduction.
In Orion society the males are slaves to the females. As a means of deception to other species,
however, the Orions maintain the facade that the females are the slaves. Selling Orion females on
the Orion slave market commonly does this.

Once sold to a male, the Orion slave girls use their unique physiology to their advantage; their
highly potent pheromones accelerates the metabolisms of males of many species, raising
adrenaline production to dangerous levels which causes aggression and ultimately a form of
delusion. Its most significant effect is to make them susceptible to suggestion. Not long after, the
"owner" males begin taking orders from their "slave" females.

Homeworld: Orion
Sun: Pi Orionis
Colonies: numerous trade enclaves throughout the sector
Languages: Orion
Optional: Vulcan, Tellarite, Andorian, Klingon, Nausicaan, Risan and Xyrillian
Orion Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Orions are incredibly personable and appealing to the opposite sex. This gives them an
inherent +4 to their Charisma score.

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The Risans are a humanoid race from the planet Risa noted for their hedonistic approach to life. Risa
is in a binary system and although it is naturally a swampland its extensive weather modification
system gives the entire planet a tropical climate.

Combined with the local's easygoing approach to life this has made Risa a very popular holiday

The Risan language is not spoken by many non-Risans, as most visitors do not bother to learn it.
Risans are extremely close to Humans in appearance, but do have a small mark on their forehead as
well as a different internal biology, which rendered Human treatment at Risan hospitals difficult in the

The "Festival of the Moon", or Lohlunat, was a very popular celebration among the Risan people.
The mysterious sexual practice of jamaharon is considered extremely pleasant -- wanting it is
indicated with a statue called Horga'hn, which would become a symbol of the culture on the

Physiology: Externally, Risans are physically indistinguishable from Humans in every aspect
except for the markings they bear on their foreheads. They can even crossbreed with Humans,
along with other humanoid races like Andorians and Orions.

Homeworld: Risa
Sun: Epsilon Ceti
Colonies: None
Languages: Risan plus any other two of player’s choice
Optional: Any
Risan Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Risans receive two bonus skill points at every level
 Risans have a knack for languages and need only spend one skill point to speak a language
at the conversational level (which normally requires three skill points)
 Risans need only spend one skill point to read/write a language at the proficient level (which
normally requires three skill points)

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The Denobulans are a humanoid species from the planet Denobula. The Denobulans believed they
were the only intelligent species in the galaxy until the B'Saari made first contact.

Denobulans are typically polygamous, where a man typically has three wives, who each have three
husbands. This creates extremely large extended families; Phlox had 720 familial relationships, 42
with romantic possibilities. In addition, Denobulan marriages are not exclusive, and married
Denobulans can be intimate with anyone they choose. The females emit powerful pheromones during
their mating season. Male Denobulans often become combative during this time, and mating can
require medical supervision. Denobulans typically prefer to be amongst large groups and find solitude
uncomfortable. However, Denobulans, at least males, are uncomfortable being touched by persons
they are not intimate with. Amongst Denobulans, it is considered healthy for a person to hallucinate,
as it is seen a harmless way to release nervous energy.

Physiology: Denobulans have prominent facial ridges running down either side of the
forehead to the cheeks, an enlarged brow ridge under a high receding hairline, a vertical crevice
in the center of the forehead and a ridged chin.
They also have ridges on their back, along the spine. Their toenails are dark brown and yellow
striped, and they grow so rapidly that they must be groomed once a week. Denobulans also have
very long tongues, and they use tongue scrapers. Denobulan males have a line of hair down the
middle of their chest, up to their throat.
Denobulans have a unique ability to enlarge their faces. This is an instinct for when they feel
threatened. It is likely similar to the defense mechanism of the blowfish, an aquatic life form
native to Earth. They also have an unusually wide smile for a humanoid. Denobulans normally
require very little sleep, but they do hibernate for five to six days each year.

Note that Denobulans had all but disappeared by the time of Voyager.

Homeworld: Denobula
Sun: Denobula Triax
Colonies: Pyrithia (Draconis IV)
Languages: Denobulan
Optional: Vulcan, Human, Tellarite, Risan and Kreetassan
Denobulan Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Denobulans are an intelligent and intuitive race. They receive a +2 to Intelligence and a +2 to
 Denobulans have a genetic ancestry as cliff dwellers and therefore receive a natural +10
Climb Bonus
 Species Antagonism: Antarans

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Orantakken are telepathic humanoids from the planet Oran'taku located just outside the Delphic
Expanse. The Orantakken had no concept of spoken language until they made first contact with other

Orantakken telepathy is different from most telepathy. Most races telepathically transmit words and
sounds, the Orantakken however transmit pure thoughts and images. This is far more efficient but can
only be practiced by Orantakken.

The second and even more interesting aspect of the Orantakken’s telepathic ability is their ability to
recognize each living organism by its’ genetic resonance frequency. That ability combined with their
natural eidetic memories allows them to experience and study the worlds around them with quite a
unique perspective.

The Orantakken appear to be standard humanoids with a textured bony enlargement just over the
ears. Orantakken technology is limited to rudimentary interstellar space flight via non-warp
technology equal to Warp One.

Physiology: Physiologically, Orantakken are humanoid with their only known external difference
from Humans being a series of horizontal ridges down the back of their neck and along their
spine. Orantakken traditionally mate for life. When two Orantakken have intimate relations their
body chemistry becomes interdependent, causing withdrawal symptoms if the two people
separate. The effect gets stronger with each mating and separation can be fatal.

Homeworld: Oran'taku
Sun: Chi Leonis
Colonies: None
Languages: Orantakken
Optional: Any
Orantakken Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Orantakken are highly telepathic and can communicate with and locate any specific individual
with 100 miles of their location
 They can recognize any individual by the genetic resonance frequency at a range of 50 feet
 Orantakken have a perfect eidetic memory
 Species Antagonism: Suliban
 Due to their evolutionary path stressing the need for greater mental prowess opposed to
physical prowess, Orantakken have a –2 to Strength and a –2 to Constitution.

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The Tandaran are a humanoid race that originated on Tandar Prime.

Tandaran law is unusual in that it is based entirely on "Guilty until proven innocent" and they have a
notoriously strict penal system.

In Tandaran, military/political rank influences social standing. Because Tandaran are members of a
militant civilization, who consider defending the Tandaran Protectorates and their own personal honor
of foremost importance, military service and its accompanying rank are decisive factors in determining
social eminence.

The totalitarian nature of Tandaran society, in which dissent is often a crime and Tandaran security
officers masquerade as citizens, has led many Tandaran to be extremely paranoid.

The Tandaran government has established trade routes with various Tellarite merchants.
Physiology: Externally, Tandaran bear a striking resemblance to Risans in every aspect except
for the markings they bear on their foreheads. Where the Risan mark is generally
centered on the forehead the Tandaran mark is right above the bridge of the nose.
Tandaran can crossbreed with other Humanoids but their xenophobic paranoia
makes this extremely taboo.
Homeworld: Tandar Prime
Sun: Tandar
Colonies: Several Planetary colonies in the Tandar Sector
Languages: Tandaran
Optional: Suliban, Tellarite
Tandaran Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Species Antagonism: Suliban
 Tandaran society lends itself to paranoia. As a result Tandaran characters begin play with an
inherent +10 bonus to the following skills: intimidate and sense motive.
 Tandaran receive a +5 bonus vs. rolls to resist fear and mind-controlling effects

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The Kreetassan were a warp capable humanoid civilization native to the planet Kreetassia in the
Alpha Quadrant. When a ship is in orbit of Kreetassia, it is, as a courtesy, expected to align its
chronometers with that of the Kreetassan Capital City.

The Kreetassan language is very complex by Human standards. The words for eat and mate are very
similar. They consider eating in public a taboo. It is something to be performed privately in the same
manner as mating. Kreetassan are often offended when they see other species eating their food in
public. Individuals who have regular contact with other species grow accustomed to the sight but
never participate in what they consider to be a vulgar display.
On the Kreetassan homeworld in front of the Hall of Diplomacy stands a row of Alvera trees that are
over 300 years old, which are considered cultural treasures by the Kreetassan. Defacing them in any
way is a major offence to their people, however, if it is done accidentally, there is a special
apologizing ceremony that involves cutting the tree into many pieces.

Kreetassan are famous for manufacturing plasma injectors, and conduct brisk trade throughout
the sector for them and other starship components.
Physiology: Kreetassan are a humanoid race that has an elaborate facial structure. They have
heavily ridged faces with a row of purple-tinged rectangular creases along the midline of the
forehead (nose to hairline), covering one-third its width. They wear their hair long and braided
and were dressed in long, brown, embellished gowns.
Homeworld: Kreetassia
Sun: Piraeus Alpha
Colonies: None
Languages: Kreetassan
Optional: Any
Kreetassan Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Kreetassan are an extraordinarily intelligent species. Due to this they receive a +4 bonus to
Intelligence. However, due to their taboo heavy culture they receive a –2 to Charisma.
 Kreetassan may not break the following taboos:
May not eat in public
Must keep their hair long. If it is cut short for any reason they must be hooded in
Kreetassan do not speak untruths
Kreetassans do not touch others in public

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Tellarites are a warp capable race from the class M planet Tellar Prime, located not far from the
Sol system. In 2161, they become one of the founding races of the United Federation of
Tellarites are known to be an impatient people. They were also known for their stubborn pride.
They have a propensity toward strong emotion. However, they enjoy a good argument, which is even
considered a sport on Tellar. Tellarites often begin an interaction with a series of complaints; this is
how they start arguments with someone they have recently met. If they have nothing to complain
about they will simply insult the person.
Because of their ability to argue, Tellarites make excellent politicians.
Physiology: Tellarites are a sturdy humanoid species with distinguished snouts. They wear beards
and their hands are sometimes hoof-like in appearance.
Tellarites consider canine to be something of a delicacy. They find human room temperature to be
cold, indicative of a higher body temperature. Tellarites cannot tolerate cold temperatures much more
so than other species. They consider the freezing temperature of water to be an extreme weather
Homeworld: Tellar Prime
Sun: Piraeus Alpha
Colonies: Several moons within their native solar system
Languages: Tellarite
Optional: Andorian, Vulcan, Tandaran and Human
Tellarite Species Traits:
 Medium Sized
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Due to their intolerance of cold weather, Tellarites suffer the penalties of extreme cold
weather at 0* Celsius as opposed to the normal –25* Celsius A Sample of Tellarite Script
 Since argument is such integral parts of their culture Tellarites receive a +10 bonus to the
following skills: diplomacy and bluff. For the same reasons Tellarites receive a -2 to

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Vulcans are a humanoid civilization instrumentally responsible for the founding of the United
Federation of Planets. They are widely known for their logical minds and stoic natures. The
Vulcan homeworld is the planet Vulcan.

Culturally one of the most fascinating species in the Beta Quadrant, the Vulcans were once an
extremely violent and emotional people (even by Earth standards) who waged almost constant
warfare on one another. They believed in a variety of gods, such as war, peace and death. As their
level of technology improved, the Vulcans eventually reached a point where their violent nature
threatened species extinction.

In an effort to avoid this fate, a Vulcan named Surak developed a new philosophy thereby igniting the
Time of Awakening. Surak maintained that the root cause of all the problems on Vulcan lay in the
uncontrolled outpouring of the people's emotions. His followers swore to live their lives by an
ethical system devised by Surak and based purely on logical principles. All expression of
emotions, negative or positive, was completely forbidden.

Although this new philosophy spread rapidly across Vulcan, a minority, many of who were
known as "those who march beneath the Raptor's wings", rejected Surak's ideals. A destructive
war began including the use of atomic bombs and among the victims was Surak himself.
Eventually, however, those who opposed logic left Vulcan and founded colonies elsewhere - most
notably on the planet Romulus, where they founded what eventually became the Romulan Star

Physiology: Genetically, Vulcans and Humans are similar enough that they can produce
offspring without any problems. Externally, Vulcans are generally similar to Humans, the chief
exceptions being the Vulcans' notably arched and upswept eyebrows and distinguished external
ear structure, the top of which tapers into a into a clearly defined point. Most Vulcans have pale
skin with a very subtle greenish tinge, and straight, glossy dark brown or more commonly black
hair. Some Vulcans have brown skin, tightly coiled black hair, and physiognomic features similar
to those found in Humans of African decent. In contrast to their external similarities, Vulcan
internal anatomy differs radically from that of humans. For instance, their heart is where a
Human's liver would normally be, and beats several hundred times per minute.
Having evolved on a planet which is mostly desert, Vulcans have developed ways of surviving in
desert conditions. For example, they can survive for several days without water and have inner
eyelids that protect their eyes. Vulcans also have superior metabolism to humans. Caffeine and
sapotoxins have little effect on Vulcans. They are also capable of surviving for long durations
without food or sleep. Under stress, Vulcans can do without sleep for weeks. Vulcans are on
average three times physically stronger than humans and are noticeably more agile.

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Homeworld: Vulcan
Sun: Eridani A
Colonies: P’Jem, several other science and philosophical outposts
Languages: Vulcan
Optional: Human, Andorian, Klingon and Tellarite

Vulcan Species Traits:

 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium Sized
 Vulcans receive a +2 to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity due to their well formed
 Vulcans receive a -2 to Charisma as many find the stoic approach to life standoffish
 Due to their strict logical and unemotional existence Vulcans lack intuition and receive a –4 to
 Vulcans are telepathic but must make physical contact with another sentient in order to share
thoughts through a Vulcan Mind Meld. Vulcan gain +1 Rank in Telepathy for free and a further
+4 bonus when using it for Mind Melds.
 Vulcans have developed a telepathic nerve attack caused the Vulcan Nerve Pinch; in order to
perform this attack a Vulcan needs to make a successful melee attack; if the attack hits the
defender needs to make a Fortitude Save vs. SKILL CHECK 10 + Character level of the
Vulcan + Intelligence Modifier or fall unconscious for 1d10 rounds.

See also:

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Mind Meld

The Vulcan mind meld was a telepathic link between two individuals, allowing for the exchange of
thoughts, thus in essence allowing the participants to become one mind.
It was a psionic technique for "synaptic pattern displacement". Normally it was employed only by
It was a deeply personal thing, part of the private life, and generally not used on aliens, although
cases were known where the mind meld was initiated between a Vulcan and a non-Vulcan.
Those in a meld shared consciousness in a kind of gestalt.

The following DCs apply:

Task DC Notes
With a friendly Vulcan 10 May take 10 or 20.
With a hostile Vulcan Opponents Will Save
With a friendly other known species 15 May take 10 or 20.
With a hostile other known species Opponents Will Save +1
With a friendly other unknown 20 May take 10 or 20.
With a hostile other unknown Opponents Will Save +2
Transferring soul or 'katra' to willing 30 May take 10 or 20.
Transferring soul or 'katra' to Opponents Will Save +10
unwilling individual
Transferring soul or 'katra' to 'katra 40 May take 10 or 20.
With an unconscious Vulcan 20 May take 10 or 20.
With a comatose Vulcan 25 May take 10 or 20.
With an unconscious known 25 May take 10 or 20.
With a comatose known species 30 May take 10 or 20.
With an unconscious unknown 30 May take 10 or 20.
With a comatose unknown species 35 May take 10 or 20.
Target is being mentally controlled +4 DC T'pol did this in a mirror
by another (i.e. under 'Suggestion') universe. Spock did this to a
Not able to touch / perform ritual +4 DC difficulty Must be no further than 5ft
On the other side of wall / rock +4 DC difficulty Spock did this once
Peforming a bridge between two +4 DC difficulty Make two rolls, one for each
other minds target.
Tuvok did this.

Attempting to shield your mind and only probe the target :

A second roll is made with the same DC. Failure means that the target sees as much of your mind as
you see of theirs (i.e. everything!). You may not take 10 or 20 on this roll.

Critical Failures

A critical failure has a 10% chance of inflicting 'Pa'nar Syndrome' on the recipient if they are Vulcan.
(If the melder was 'untrained' (no ranks in Mind Meld) then the chance is 50%)

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Results of the Meld

Once melded each party has access to the memories and emotions of the other (unless the melder is
shielding themselves).
The melder may attempt to implant a suggestion into the target. This acts the same way as the Mystic
'suggestion' technique. Most Vulcan's consider this very unethical.

The melder may attempt to repair or restore parts of the targets mind (i.e. cure amnesia) by making
another roll on the target DC used to make the meld. The same applies for removing memories or
making other alterations.

After the Meld

Both parties make a DC 10 Fort check. Failure means they are fatigued.

Both parties make a DC 10 Will save. Failure means you suffer a 'loss of identity' for a period. -2 CHA
and -2 to all Knowledge skills.

The drug Lexorin will counteract this.


Further notes:

 Some species are immune to Mind Melds e.g. Cardassians.

 Some species or alien creatures are dangerous to meld with and will result in unconscious or
worse for the melder.
 Most Vulcan's are very opposed to performing Mind Melds on unwilling or unconscious
 Transferring the soul to and from beings and vessels is a very rarely undertaken type of meld
usually only done by priests.
 Certain alien memory virus and can be transmitted between individuals. (See:


(See :

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Suliban are no more evolved than Humans, and normally possess three bronchial tubes. Vulcan
evaluation concluded they were non-threatening. The Suliban are a nomadic humanoid species
from Sector 3641 whose homeworld became uninhabitable in the 1850s.

The Suliban Cabal is an interstellar terrorist organization composed of Suliban that place great
emphasis on genetic modification. Common modifications to members of the Cabal included the
addition of two bronchial tubes, altering the alveoli clusters to process multiple atmospheres, the
installation of subcutaneous pigment sacs, the telepathic ability to sense deception and biomimetic
clothing. The Cabal's military forces include ships such as the Cell Ship and the Stealth Cruiser, as
well as Helix installations.

Not all Suliban are members of the Cabal; many regard the actions of the more violent members
of their species with disgust. Even so they themselves face considerable enmity from other
species, and some species such as the Tandaran keep all Suliban captive whether they are active
members of the Cabal or not.

In 2144, the Cabal began attacking the Tandaran after the Tandaran started putting non-Cabal
Suliban in determent camps. The war lasted until the 2150s. In 2151, the Cabal began staging
attacks within the Klingon Empire, making it appear as if one faction was attacking another,
leading to a civil war.

Suliban that leave the Cabal are hunted down, captured and brought to the nearest Helix complex
to be executed on public display. If the ex-Cabalist is killed in the process of the hunt then only
the head is returned to the Helix Complex where it is put on public display.
Physiology: Non-genetically altered Suliban are average bipedal humanoids. They tend to be
approximately 1.7 meters in height and have mottled green/yellow skin. Suliban live for over
125 years, but even into advanced old age are still agile and alert. Non-Cabal Suliban are
naturally amicable.

Homeworld: Suliban Alpha (Destroyed)

Sun: Suliban
Colonies: Suliban have assimilated into several other space faring cultures; Cabalists
maintain secret Helix outposts that are also used as colonies

Languages: Suliban plus one of player’s choice

Optional: Any

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Suliban Species Traits:

 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium sized
 Non-Cabal Suliban receive a +2 to Charisma due to their naturally amicable demeanors.
 Species Antagonism: Tandaran
 Cabal Antagonism: All. Suliban Cabalist have a definitive ‘master race’ complex
 Genetically enhanced Suliban can choose three of the following enhancements:
o Breathe any gaseous atmosphere
o Ability to alter appearance to any humanoid species encountered
o The telepathic ability to sense deception
o Ability to consume any nontoxic material for sustenance
o The ability to climb across any surface like insects do
o Have a flexible bone structure that allows them to bend any part of their body in any
o Compression of the body down to 2” thickness for up to 60 seconds at a time
o The ability to see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums (+5 to Spot checks)
o Increased sense of hearing (+5 to listen checks)
o The ability to blend in with any surroundings (+5 to Hide)

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In 2151, the Earth ship Enterprise NX-01 made first contact with the Axanar under unfortunate
An Axanar vessel was found adrift in space, with its crew hooked up to draining tubes. The Axanar
were being harvested for their triglobulin. The Axanar are an androgynous humanoid species with
an average life span of 400 years, native to the planet Axanar.

The Axanar language is spoken by the Axanar species.

Like the languages of many humanoid species, the language contains consonant and vowel sounds
like those found in Human languages.
The Axanar homeworld is highly fertile in reference to food crops and this allows the Axanar to
conduct a decent amount of trade with non-planetary based species such as the Nausicaans,
Orions and Suliban Cabalists.

Physiology: The Axanar body produces triglobulin from its zymuth gland. This substance has
medical and aphrodisiacal properties, and is used by a number of different species for those
purposes. Some even forcefully 'harvest' Axanar for their triglobulin.

The Axanar apparently prefer a nitrogen-methane atmosphere but can breath a

nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere.
Homeworld: Planeta Axanaris
Sun: Astris Axanaria
Colonies: Luna Axanaris
Languages: Axanar
Optional: Nausicaan, Orion and Suliban
Axanar Species Traits:
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium sized
 Axanar are unaffected by telepathic abilities
 Axanar are an extraordinarily hearty Planeta Axanaris and its moon, Luna Axanaris Species
and receive an inherent +2 to Constitution

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The Xindi are an alliance of species that evolved on the same planet in the Delphic Expanse,
known as Xindus, whose infamous attack on Earth and attempts to eradicate Humans in the early
2150s change the course of history and initiate the series of events that help establish United
Earth as a major interstellar power.
Six different intelligent species developed on Xindus; one of them, the Xindi-Avians, is believed
extinct. The surviving species are united under the governance of the Xindi Council, which
contains two representatives from each species.
The different Xindi species are extremely similar in their functionally important DNA, sharing
over 99.5% despite the apparent physical differences. All the Xindi species share distinctive
ridges on their cheekbones and foreheads.


The Xindi Aquatics are a non-humanoid race that has evolved to living underwater. They are one of
the six original species of Xindi, with whom they share a common genetic ancestry.
They respond better to visual stimuli and are extremely suspicious of the spoken word. They admire
boldness and confidence and treat hushed tones with suspicion.
Xindi-Aquatic communication is highly complex and, since the Aquatics are underwater beings, they
do not use their mouths. When using the past tense, they switch to SONAR.

Physiology: The Aquatic females are larger and have rougher skin than the males who are more slim
and have smoother skin. Females have a more humanoid looking face, where as male faces are
They have slit-like irises in their eyes and are capable of seeing far better underwater than
humanoids. Aquatics have three fingers on each forelimb, ending in short fingernail-like claws,
with webbing in between for easier swimming. Their skin is a greenish shade and has blotches of
olive. Like all Xindi, they have a fold at the top of their cheekbone. They have tails for maneuverability
and their hind limbs are fins.

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Xindi-Arboreal are among the most peaceful of the six original Xindi species. Xindi-Arboreal are afraid
of the water. They are considered to be lethargic by the other Xindi species. They are also extremely
calm, even when taken hostage.

Physiology: In appearance, Xindi-Arboreal are covered with hair, have long sharp fingernails, dark
eyes, and a ridge running from their noses to the back of their heads.
This species probably evolved from some sort of arboreal primate.


The Insectoid language is a clicking dialogue that is the most unusual and complex of all Xindi. In fact,
there are 67 dialects of the Insectoid language. Insectoid have names that grow longer and more
difficult to pronounce as they grow older.

Xindi-Insectoid interpret raised voices as a sign of hostility. They are quick to make decisions and are
often in alliance with the Reptilians. Both species trade their technology between each other and
usually agree on all decisions.

Physiology: The Insectoid, like all Xindi species, have distinctive ridges on their cheekbones.
They are, as their name suggests, insect-like in appearance. They are genderless and reproduce
asexually. They protect their young by making a hatchery brig attached to their ships and shield it
if trouble arises. Their average life expectancy is only approximately twelve years.

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Xindi-Primates are among the most peaceful of the five Xindi races.

The Primates, more than any other Xindi species, resemble Humans. They have, like all Xindi,
distinctive ridges on their cheekbones. They also have larger foreheads. Like Humans, the Primates
have distinct white and black racial differences. They have no eyebrows.
Other Xindi see the Primates as honest and trustworthy.
However, they are not seen as being very resilient. They are also the most intellectual species of
Xindi and therefore one of their own was assigned to develop the weapon to destroy Earth.


Reptilians are perceived as being untrustworthy and impatient by the other Xindi species. A common
Reptilian saying is "Patience is for the dead." It is said that dealing with Reptilians is like bargaining
with the sun; you make no progress, and you come away burned. Nevertheless the Reptilians are the
first choice for when force is needed.
With their easily provoked and opinionated nature, Xindi-Insectoid often side with the Reptilians on
certain issues.
They sometimes even share ships with each other.
The Reptilians live out a militaristic lifestyle and hope to ultimately rule over all the other species of
Xindi. Reptilian soldiers are surgically implanted with a "suicide gland" that unleashes a neurotoxin
when they are captured. The Reptilians also use thermal chambers on board their ships due to their
endothermic circulatory systems. Reptilians prefer to be on or near the ground as opposed to up in
the air.

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Homeworld: Xindus (Destroyed)

Sun: Theta Eridani
Colonies: numerous; the Xindi spread out across the region known as the Delphic Expanse

Xindi-Aquatic Species Traits:

 Base Speed is 20 meters (submerged)
 Large sized
 Cannot breathe gaseous atmosphere
 +2 to Intelligence
 Species Antagonism: Humans
 Languages: Xindi-Aquatic
 Can understand but not speak Xindi -Standard and –Insectoid
 Optional: None; Aquatics cannot speak (but may understand) any other language

Xindi-Arboreal Species Traits

 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium Sized
 Aqua-phobic
 +2 to Wisdom, -2 to Strength

Xindi-Insectoid Species Traits

 Base speed is 20 meters
 Medium sized
 +4 to Constitution, -2 to Wisdom and Intelligence
 Species Antagonism: Humans, Xindi-Primate and -Arboreal
 Languages: Xindi-Insectoid
 Can understand but not speak Xindi -Aquatic and –Standard
 Optional: None; Insectoid cannot speak (but may understand) any other language

Xindi-Primate Species Traits

 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium Sized
 Species Antagonism: Humans
 +2 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom

Xindi-Reptilian Species Traits

 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium Sized
 +4 to Strength, -2 to Charisma, -2 to Intelligence, -2 to Wisdom
 Species Antagonism: All; Reptilians hate all other Species, including the other Xindi species.
 Due to their reptilian physiology, Xindi-Reptilians suffer the penalties of extreme cold weather
at 10* Celsius as opposed to the normal –25* Celsius

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Artificial Intelligence -

Artificial Intelligence comes in many shapes and forms, but in terms of beings that are playable as
characters they fall into two main categories, android and avatar.

An android is self-contained, it does not need to be in contact with an AI core.

A good example of an Android is Data :

See Rules applying to both Android/AI below for more on Androids.

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Artificial Intelligence - Self-

Aware Hologram /Avatar

Artificial Intelligence comes in many shapes and forms, but in terms of beings that are playable as
characters they fall into two main categories, android and avatar.

An avatar can be of three sub-types, and can be changed at any time if the technology is available.
The three types are:
1. Physical - i.e. a robotic body
2. Soft Light - i.e. a hologram which does not have the ability to manipulate its environment.
3. Hard Light - i.e. a hologram which does have the ability to manipulate its environment.

An artificial intelligence of this type's physical being is in an AI core, housed somewhere or part of the
main computer of a star ship (e.g. The EMH on Voyager). Its avatar is merely a projection of itself.

A good example of an AI/Avatar is The Doctor:

CORE: The AI core needs to be housed in a place with a suitable power supply and must be regularly
maintained by itself or by engineers or suffer corruption (see below).

Functional distance of the AI’s Avatar increases with level. (Level 1 = 100m, 2 = 1km, 3 = 100km, 4 =
1 AU, 5 = 10 AU, 6 = 1 LY, 7 = 10 LY, 8 = 40 LY)

An Avatar of an AI core may not function more than 40 LY distant from the core. This is the limit of
subspace communication and can only be increased with booster stations.

Using, loosing and replacing an Avatar:

Soft Light Avatars.

Soft Light Avatars are merely projections and cost nothing to replace. Within 100 metres of the AI
core they can move freely between walls and such like. Greater than 100m from the core and they
rely on sensory feedback from the Avatar and must move as a normal being moves. They cannot be
hurt by any normal physical means but can be destroyed by EMP devices and subspace blocking.
They cannot manipulate their environment.
To project another SLA takes the AI core takes 1 round.
If it possesses the technology to do so a SLA may change into a Hard Light Avatar in 1 round.

Hard Light Avatars.

Hard Light Avatars function as Soft Light Avatars except they can (if they chose to do so) manipulate
their environment. They are semi-autonomous and can suffer 1 hour per level of loss of contact with
the main AI core. If they do not regain contact with the core then they are lost and the AI core loses
To project another HLA takes the AI core takes 25 minutes minus level.
A Hard Light Avatar may revert back to a Soft Light Avatar in 1 round.

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Physical Avatars

Physical Avatars function more like Androids. They can function quite happily away from the AI core
indefinitely, but if they are lost before regaining contact all XP gained during that period is lost plus
1000xp. If they are maintaining contact with the core and are destroyed the core loses only the
A new PA can take weeks to rebuild depending on the services available. If a replacement PA already
exists then it takes the AI core 24 hours minus level to get it up and running.

Energy Shields: All Avatars may have problems when passing through energy shields. They may
function normally if the shield is primitive enough, but may suffer corruption, XP loss and potential
total shut down of the avatar.

Controlled shutdown. An AI can shutdown a soft light avatar in 1 round. A Hard Light Avatar may be
shutdown (and this avoid XP loss from 'death') in 25 minutes minus level. A Physical Avatar takes 60
minutes minus level. It takes the same amount of time to reactive an avatar.

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Rules applying to both Android/AI:

Homeworld: Any with the suitable technology level

Languages: Android/AI start with a selection of local languages. They can learn additional languages
very quickly via programming.
Andriod Traits:
 Base Speed is 10 meters
 Medium sized. Heavier than most humanoids though at approx 100kg (Androids and PAs)
 Skills and Feats are dealt with slightly differently and are considered to be ’Upgrades’. Skills
are as normal except skill points can be moved around if the Android takes a 24 hour rest
period. Feats are as normal but can be retrained during a 24 hour rest period. There are
special feats that are only available to Androids (see below)
- EXP – Android/AI gain XP as normal, but may not gain IP points.
- Android/AI may gain extra INT based skills by uploading them. No more than 3 additional
Ranks in any given skill. The more skills gained in this way the greater the risk of
corruption. Not all skills can be learned in this way (see list below).
- Android/AI may add +1 to all Knowledge skills per rank in Use Computer
- Android/AI are immune to disease, poison, radiation, mind control and intoxication
- Android/AI do not require sleep
- Android/AI are susceptible to computer corruption and computer viruses
- Android/AI do not regain HP by healing, but by Repair checks
- +4 INT, -4 WIS, +2 STR, +2 DEX, -4 CHA
- Android/AI must be regularly maintained or suffer CON damage
- Androids do not become fatigued or exhausted
- Most, but not all Android/AI have Ethical Subroutines (http://en.memory- This is left up to the Player. If they are disabled
then the Android/AI will function differently, but again this is a Role Play aspect left up to
the player.

Level Adjustment: +2

Skills that may be learned via uploading: Computer Use, Replicator Use, First Aid, Technical
Authoring / Report Writing, All Knowledge Skills, All Profession Skills, All Language skills, Use
Tricorder, Dock, Pilot, Plot Course, Navigate, Repair, Transporter Use, Write Program, Treat Injury,
Use Explosive, Survival, Ship Based Weapons

Health, Repair and Death

Physical Avatars/Androids gain HP from their class just as other races do. Androids and Physical
Avatars take damage from combat as other races do unless otherwise noted.

Their bones may be made of metal but their delicate components mean that they take damage just as
much as other races although they can optionally feel no pain. They may have their internals
armoured though (see feats).

Heaing a PA/A is done by using either the Craft(Robotics) or Repair skills in the same way a medic
uses the Treat Injury skill. (see Treat Injury). Repair is a general skill though and such there is a -4
modifier when using it.

New Physical Avatar/Android bodies can be created with the right tools and parts. This should be
treated as a pet project though as it is no easy task and could easily take months. Other
augmentations to the body can be treated as pet projects.

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Android/AI Feats:

Emotion Chip: (+2 CHA), (Android only)

Starship Interface: Gain control of all ship systems, giving a +2 to all skill rolls related to control of
the star ship and its systems.

Duplicate/Backup: An Android or AI may make a copy of themselves to a suitable Core or Body.

(If an AI does this each day then XP loss on 'death' is halved)

Personality Program - The AI/Android may take on the personality of anyone they have a suitable
amount of information about (And in effect exchange INT, WIS and CHA stat points). This process
takes 60 minutes minus level.

Holographic Family: (AI only) Provides +2 to Sense Motive, +2 to Diplomacy

Security Measures: All attempts to hack or interfere with the AI or Android (such as disabling Ethical
Subroutines) are now twice as hard.

Holographic Matrix Alteration: The AI Soft/Hard Light Avatar may change shape to be any other
humanoid being.

Emergency Class Alteration: the AI / Android may at will change one class type to that of another
class type. They must meet all requirements of the class they are changing to. This feat may be taken
multiple times (for different classes). (For instance when the Doctor changed from the EMH
(Emergency Medical Hologram) to the ECH (Emergency Command Hologram). Base Attack, Fort,
Ref, Will, Special Feats and Defence all change to that of the new Class. Class Skills are moved to
that of the new Class.
+1 corruption each time Class is Altered.

Android to AI Conversion: With this feat an Android may fully download and integrate itself into an
empty and suitable AI core. The Android may then function as an AI's Physical Avatar. (This feat may
also be gained via a pet project, number of days required to be determined by the GM).

AI to Android Conversion: With this feat an AI may leave its core entirely and function fully within its
existing Physical Avatar. The AI core may be kept as a backup facility. (This feat may also be gained
via a pet project, number of days required to be determined by the GM).

Additional Projections: An AI may operate another Soft or Hard Light projection if the technology
exists to allow it to do so. This feat may be taken multiple times.

Armoured Skeleton: the Physical AI / Android skeleton is toughened up. +2 to soak. (This feat may
also be gained via a pet project, number of days required to be determined by the GM).

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Corruption and Complexity

Computer systems, despite every safe guard, become in more danger of failure the more complicated
they become. Also, if not under a regular maintenance regime then corruption may also occur.

Complexity points are gained as follows:

+1 point per level
+1 point per feat
+1 point per 10 skill ranks
+1 point per 5 skill ranks gained form uploading

Corruption points are gained as follows:

+1 point per week not given any maintenance.
+1 point per HP damage taken

Whenever the GM deems it appropriate (such as well taking heavy damage from phaser fire or
carrying out a day’s worth of highly complicated tasks) a corruption check should be made. Roll a
d100 aiming to get more than the complexity level + corruption level. Normal day to day activity would
not trigger a corruption check.

A failure means that a roll is made on the table below:

01-50 No immediate effect, but general degradation of systems. +1 to corruption

51-60 -1 temporary modifier to a random INT based skill until repaired
61-70 -1 temporary modifier to a random Stat until repaired
71-80 Temporary confusion - stunned for d4 rounds
81-90 Temporary slowing of systems - 2 to all rolls until repaired
91-99 -50xp as memories are lost
00 System crash. In effect unconscious until repaired

Removing Corruption

The persons reversing the corruption of the AI/Android must have at least 3 ranks in Repair, 3 ranks
in Write Program and at least 1 rank in Knowledge(Robotics), otherwise they will do more harm than

For every hour spent removing corruption, may a Repair skill roll and apply the results of the table
below to the corruption level.

Total Roll Corruption modifier

1 +2d6 corruption

2- 5 +d6 corruption

6 - 10 No change

11-15 -d3 Corruption

16-20 -d6 Corruption

21-25 -d6+1 Corruption

26-30 -d6+2 Corruption

31+ -d6+3 Corruption

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An android or AI may maintain itself of course, but not as effectively as a well-trained outsider.
- Half the effects of all corruption decreases on the table above
- Corruption will never go below 5 (unless its below 5 already).

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Other Species

Other species. These may be playable, but will need to be expanded on by the GM if required.


Kantare are an Alpha Quadrant humanoid species from the planet Kantare. They have scale-like
violet colored markings on the sides of their head from the hairline to the temples, and at the base
of the skull. The Kantare have a colony on the planet Kotare Barath as of 2129. They developed
sophisticated holographic technology some time before this.


The Enolians are a humanoid species. By the mid-22nd century, they ran the Canamar prison.
They are a significant interstellar power, operating hundred of starships and several busy trading
outposts. Their judicial system is not known for its fairness.


The Antarans are humanoid species with a lifespan of at least 60 years upon reaching adulthood.
Antarans have been at war with the Denobulans several times, the last conflict of which took
place in the 19th century. However Antarans continued to strongly dislike Denobulans until at
least the 2150s, even though encounters between the two species were extremely rare. This
behavior is due to widespread prejudices (on both sides). The Antarans take it further than the
Denobulans do as every Antaran is taught from childhood that all Denobulans are enemies, to be
feared and reviled.

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Coridians (Coridanites)

Coridan is a M-class planet in the Coridan system, homeworld of the Coridians. In 2151, it had a
population of over 3 billion. It is rich in valuable resources, most significantly dilithium. In the
2150s, Coridan is known for its extensive shipyards and its advanced warp-capable vessels.
However, the planet is also embroiled in a conflict between rebel forces, supported by the
Andorians, and the government, backed by the Vulcans. The Vulcan agenda was to keep the
planet's existing government stable, which in turn assured its dilithium, exports to Vulcan.
Coridan was one of the planets in the initial Coalition of Planets.


The Xyrillian are a peaceful, warp-capable race of humanoids. Xyrillian have an unusual
physiology. They do not have a metabolism based on water. Their atmosphere is hallucinogenic
to most species, and as a result most other humanoids need to be weaned onto and off their
atmosphere to avoid undesired effects. Xyrillian are also herbivores. When traveling, they grow
vegetation on the walls of their ships. Xyrillian males usually carry infants to term in a pouch on
the upper chest. Impregnation can occur with only minor physical contact. Humans and Xyrillian
are genetically compatible.

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An Enigmatic race whose homeworld is somewhere in the Beta Quadrant. While no one has ever
actually seen a Romulan face to face (yet) many have fallen prey to Romulan Starships. If a
Romulan Starship Captain feels that they cannot win a battle they will scuttle their ship so as to
not allow another species access to their genetic code and their technology. Romulans are
constantly attempting to create distrust and conflict between the other species of the sector.
Rumor has it that they have an outpost in the remote system called Algeron.

(See :


The Cardassians were a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They were native to
the planet Cardassia Prime, capital world of the Cardassian Union. Known throughout the
Alpha Quadrant for their ruthlessness, the Cardassians became one of the greatest enemies
of the United Federation of Planets and Klingon Empire when they joined the Dominion in
2373. Their xenophobic attitude towards other species was well established throughout the
quadrant after the Setlik III massacre during the Cardassian War, as well as when their
atrocities during the Occupation of Bajor were revealed after their withdrawal in 2369.


More Species here:

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Delta Quadrant Species


The Ocampa or Ocampans were a humanoid species who lived on the planet Ocampa in the Delta
Quadrant. Their early history was shrouded in mystery but their own legends told of a time when
they were capable of great mental feats.



Talaxians were a warp-capable, technologically-advanced species native to the planet Talax in the
Delta Quadrant.


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The Kazon were an aggressive warrior species from the Delta Quadrant, first encountered
by the Federation starship USS Voyager in 2371. As of 2372, they were divided into eighteen different
Each sect has possession of different natural resources over which the sects fight each other.
The Kazon were known to the Borg as species 329, but were deemed unworthy of assimilation.

(See: ttp://


The Vidiians were a species found in the Delta Quadrant. For two millennia the entire race
suffered from a disease called the Phage that ate away at their DNA and organs. The Vidiian
government is called the Vidiian Sodality.


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Makull's species were a pre-warp humanoid species who populated a class M planet that USS
Voyager encountered in 2371. They possibly had a monotheistic faith.

The species had no satellite systems or spacecraft.

During the 2370s, Pe'Nar Makull was the leader of a protest group who were against the use of
polaric ion energy, believing that it was unstable and a threat to their planet.


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The Baneans were an avian humanoid species native to Banea in the Delta Quadrant. As of 2371,
they were at war with the Numiri, with whom they originally shared a homeworld.

A generally pleasant people, they had a strict legal system. For example, murderers were forced to
relive their victim's last moments periodically, by means of inserting the memory engrams of the victim
into their brain. The medical technology that made this possible was very advanced by Federation
standards. Prior to this method, lethal injection was the means of punishment for murder.

There were several Numiri spies among the Banean people. In 2371, one of these spies framed Tom
Paris of the USS Voyager for the murder of the Banean weapons expert Tolen Ren, after a dalliance
with his wife Lidell Ren.

The Banean heart was located through the intercostal space between their eighth and ninth right ribs.
They had distinctive forehead ridges similar to the combs of some species of Earth birds, and feather-
like structures around their faces and on their brows.


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The Numiri were a spacefaring humanoid race found in the Delta Quadrant. In the 2370s, they were
engaged in a war with the Banean species, with whom they once shared a homeworld. A paranoid
and aggressive species, they would challenge any intruder who entered into the war zone. They make
use of such advanced technology as regenerative shielding, their weapons were also equivalent of
that of a Federation Intrepid-class vessel. Their vessels are small but advanced enough to stand up to
an assault by a Starfleet vessel; however, their sensor technology cannot automatically detect the
presence of a Starfleet shuttlecraft.

In 2371, Numiri agents attempted to frame USS Voyager crew member Tom Paris for their
assassination of Banean weapons designer Tolen Ren. As by Banean law, Paris was forced to
experience the memories of the murder every fourteen hours. The Banean doctor who performed the
procedure was the real murderer and a Numiri agent, who hid the data on Ren's weapons research in
the memory engrams. If Paris suspected anything, he would have believed that the symbols were part
of the procedure. Twice the Numiri assaulted Voyager to capture Paris, only to fail each time. Tuvok
was able to divulge the truth behind the murders and the Numiri attacks. Those complicit in the
murder were arrested and the memories removed from Paris, leaving the Numiri with nothing.


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Delta Quadrant Species (NON-CANNON)

These are species that have been introduced to the game but are non-cannon and exist only within
these rules.


Treebad-3 is a M-class water planet. It has many island chains where the dominant species, the
Treebadians live in relative harmony.

They are a peaceful species of humanoids descendant from octopus like creatures. They are
advanced to about the stage of mid-21st century earth. The live primarily off fish and seaweed but
land bases food stuffs are also grown.

Treebadians look like humans except for dappled skin, longer noses and eyes that are both larger
and more wide apart than humans.

However, getting about will be less of a problem as Treebadians do not recognise each other by facial
features but by smell. Also, several parts of society also go about masked the main three being :

The Do-Sho Monks:

Wear baskets with eye-slits on their heads

Vatron Skiff Gangs:

Landless gangs that tend to wear shark like masks and are more violent than normal Treebadians.
They style themselves after ancient shark gangs of more primitive times

The Soft Shelled:

All Treebadians wear helmets when they go outside due to having soft skulls. It is like a human
putting on shoes to go outside. Not doing so would get you noticed. 'The Soft Shelled' take this one
step further and wear full visored helmets. They are considered 'Hypochondriacs' though and a bit

Anyone wanting to pass themselves off as a Treebadian must also use a scent otherwise their human
odour will be immediately spotted as alien. A Treebadian odour can be replicated. Treebadians pick
up the following from scent so this can be pre-programmed :

Gender, Age, Pregnancy/Gravid, Alpha-male/Paterfamilias, Alpha-female/Matron, Soldier/Police,

Ruler/Dominar, Serf/Underclass, Self-worth/Confidence, Guilt, Need to go to the toilet.
There are many more but this should be sufficient for a disguise.

It almost always rains on Treebad-3 and the Treebadians combine scent with licked raindrops. It is
not unusual for meeting Treebadians to lick each other. This is the human equivalent of a hand shake.

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Treebadian justice is different from human. Punishments are visited on all family members of a guilty
party. All punishments are physical and immediate, usually a beating or branding. Treebadians are
law-abiding though and this rarely happens.

Due to the fact that they release a scent when they are guilty most Treebadians find it almost
impossible to break the law or tell a lie without being found out. So-much-so they have not developed
any skills in deceit, bargaining, bluffing or diplomacy. Your average Treebadian tells it like it is and is
honest to the point of abruptness.


Norlots are an aggressive space fairing race. As well as operating as pirates in their own systems
they have spread throughout the local area as mercenaries and renegades. Their crews are always
male and very rarely take off their armoured space suits.


An aggressive race of hunters that live on the only M class planet in the Gornand system. They attack
with spears and bows. Tall and strong they are excellent warriors, but they are a long way away from
making their way into space.

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Homeworld : Rivo-3

Known Locally as 'Ruma Babi'. Population: 45 billion. Tech : Warp, Replicator (Low level)

The Babi-Ijo are a war like, lazy, gluttonous race of pig faced humanoids. They enjoy eating so much
they often resort to cannibalism and will eat any other species they can catch.

The planet is mostly barren desert, with vast cities that gather around the small seas and salt water
lakes around the planets equator. The planet is a large ball of rock, it has no iron core, but it is
far enough away from the star of Rivo to not suffer too much from the solar winds.

However, species not local to the planet should take precautions against radiation.

As the planet has no plate movement, there are never any earthquakes or volcanos. This has meant
that the Babi-Ijo build perilously tall skyscrapers.

The Babi-Ijo are lazy and corrupt. Graft is endemic in all industries and professions.

They use a currency based on food. The planet is made up of 12 different nations that are federated
into one planetary wide empire. Each nation has its own currency but these are prone to hyper
inflation and pretty much worthless. Food stamps though are used for most trading and are stable, as
each stamp can be traded for a meal.

The Babi-Ijo store food in buildings much like a bank. Each food bank is shielded with a strong
forcefield that prevents transporting and heavily guarded with robots and mercenaries. This is to
prevent local criminal gangs from stealing food and food stamps.

Many food items are rare and are traded for huge amounts.

Babi-Ijo recognise each other by smell and thus all members of a humanoid species look much the
same to them so using scent as a disguise is a viable option. They do not see colours and cannot
This makes them terrible shots, so weapons fired by Babi-Ijo usually have (unreliable!) auto-aiming.

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Burung Mera

Homeworld : Rivo-2

Known Locally as 'Ruma Burung'. Population: 3 billion. Tech : Warp, Transporter, Replicator

This is a small M class planet, about half the size of earth. It has low gravity, but a stable atmosphere.
It is mainly forests and mountains. The planet is almost totally covered in trees and rather than
concentrated cities, the planet is covered in endless treetop villages.

The dominant species of Rivo-2 are the Burung Mera, a race of plump feathered avian humanoids.
The gravity on Rivo-2 is light, about the same as the Earth's moon, so it is an easy place for the BM to
fly in.

They are aggressive in their nature but apart from the long running war with the Babi-Ijo they are not
by nature war like.

Most of the technology of the regional species is not their own, but discovered in archaeological sights
of an ancient and dead race. It is thought this race died out when the Babi-Ijo ate them all.
There is some evidence to support this.

Burung Mera recognise each other via plumage and non-language skwaks. Humans are in essence
to them. They can recognise individuals of other races via their voices, but this is nullified when
using the universal translator. With more than a few people to deal with it is best to wear different
colours to avoid confusion, assuming their are no obviously visible differences such as size.

They have AI on their planet. They are given full citizenship.

They have a major religion.

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Balaxions are the Vidiian/Kazon Delta Quadrant region equivalent of Ferengi. They are generally very
honest though and have a reputation throughout the quadrant for being good people to trade with.

They are a people without a home world, but the biggest concentration of them is found ‘south’ of the
Banean / Numiri system.

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Character Classes

While the species of the sector have all developed very unique and prominent cultures in their own
rights, the needs of space are the same across the board. Every starship needs technicians, pilots
and a commanding officer to run her. Characters can be in space either because they are working for
an organization (i.e. Starfleet) or are in space for military or scientific purposes. It might be that they
are merchants (or maybe smugglers) and are looking to make a profit.

Whatever the culture of a player’s character, the mechanics of the game are best served by having
standardized progression for character types. Game mechanics aside, the actual role-playing is left
entirely up to the players, the Game Master and the campaign style that you as a gaming group wish
to choose. In other words, while an Andorian Operations Specialist and a Vulcan Operations
Specialist use the same mechanics template the culture and species traits are entirely different and
role-playing should reflect that.

Ability Scores

Your character has six abilities: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and
Charisma. To obtain a score for an ability roll 4d6. Re-roll any ones or twos and sum the highest
three die. Do this for each of the six abilities. Apply all racial modifiers and voila, your ability
scores are ready to go. Use the following table to determine your ability score modifiers.

Ability Modifiers

Score Modifier Score Modifier

1 -6 15-16 +3
2 -5 17-18 +4
3 -4 19-20 +5
4 -3 21 – 22 +6
5-6 -2 23 – 24 +7
7-8 -1 25 – 26 +8
9-10 0 27 – 28 +9
11-12 +1 29 – 30 +10
13-14 +2 Ability Scores cannot
surpass 30

- Add 1 point to any score at 4th level and every four levels your character obtains
thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, 20th)
- Some telepathic abilities can affect ability scores; make sure that you keep track of what
a decrease/increase in your score does to your ability score modifier
- Poisons, illness and disease can all affect ability scores
- Each Skill has a relevant ability and each character class relies more on some abilities
than others.
- If a Characters Constitution score becomes 0 they die.

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Weapons Proficiencies

These have been reworked slightly in our game.

As usual, if you do not have the correct proficiency then the -4 modifier to the rolls apply.

But now a Weapon Proficiency also partly functions as a skill. If you have the proficiency then this
counts as a class skill and points can be spent in it and IP points gain.

This skill modifier is added onto the attack roll of the weapon in use.

Note: Do not apply Strength and Dexterity modifiers to Weapons Skills, these are applied to the Base
Attack Bonus. A Weapon Skill is the Rank only, without modifiers.

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From take-off to landing, a Pilots work is never done. One of the most integral positions on a
starship of any class, pilots tend to be freewheeling individuals that have a great passion for

A starship’s Pilot is responsible for interstellar navigation, atmospheric travel and carrying
out evasive and offensive maneuvers during combat. When the starship is docked Pilots
tend to be the first ones in the local Starbase’s bar. Don’t judge too quickly because they’re
always the first ones ready to get back out into space.

The Pilot

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 0 1 2 1 Starship Operations 3
2 1 2 3 2 Combat Maneuvers +1. Sensors 3
3 2 2 3 2 4
4 3 2 4 2 Evasive Manoeuvres. Sensors. Sensor 4
5 4 3 4 3 4
6 5 3 5 3 Combat Maneuvers +2. Sensors 5
7 5 3 5 3 5
8 6/1 4 6 4 Improved Navigation. Sensors Sensor 5
9 7/2 4 6 4 6
10 8/3 4 7 4 Combat Maneuvers +3. Sensors 6
11 9/4 5 7 5 6
12 10/5 5 8 5 Advanced Evasive Maneuvers. 7
Sensors. Sensor Expertise.
13 11/6 5 8 5 7
14 12/7 6 9 6 Combat Maneuver +4. Sensors 7
15 13/8 6 9 6 8
16 14/9 6 10 6 Sensors. Sensor Expertise. 8
17 15/10/5 7 10 7 8
18 16/11/6 7 11 7 Combat Maneuver +5. Sensors 9
19 17/12/7 7 11 7 9
20 18/13/8 8 12 8 Pilot Mastery. Sensors. Sensor 9

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Class Features

In addition this class is trained in Sensors use and gain a proficiency in a particular sensor type as
specified in the table on page 120 every second level.

In addition this class gains the feat 'Sensor Expertise' in a sensor of their choice every fourth level.
(This acts as a +4 bonus when using this sensor type)

Combat Maneuvers: At 2nd level (and every four levels thereafter) a Pilot adds the given
bonus to all Pilot skill checks made during combat. The bonuses do not stack.

Evasive Maneuvers: At 4th level a Pilot gains the ability to avoid enemy fire. To avoid
half the given damage in a single attack a Pilot makes a d20 roll +10 and adds his Pilot skill bonus (to
include all Class bonuses). If the result is higher than the damage dealt the attempt is successful.
At 12th level a successful Evasive Manoeuvre results in no damage taken. This ability can only be
used once a round.

Improved Navigation: At 8th level Pilots can add a +1 for every two levels of Pilot they
have to their Plot Course and Navigate rolls.

Pilot Mastery: At 20th level a Pilot realizes their full potential and adds an additional +5 to all checks
with the following skills: Dock, Pilot, Plot Course, Navigate

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in First Aid, 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics Information

Sidearms (Energy)
Sidearms (Projectile)
Light Armour

Hit Die: d8

Skill Sets: Everyman, Pilot and Communications

Skill Points: 4 + Intelligence Modifier (times four at 1st level)

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Operations Specialist

The Operations Specialist (also known as operations officer or chief of operations) is a position
whose duties involve resource control, energy allocation, repair and Starship Systems
management. Communications control may also be within the realm of an Operations Specialist.
Operations Specialists coordinate the scheduling of resources, hardware and system usage for an
entire starship, outpost or space station.
On space stations, the Chief of Operations usually commands the maintenance and engineering
staff, since stations do not require the large number of propulsion engineers typically found
working under the command of a Chief Engineer on a starship

The Operations Specialist

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 0 1 2 2 Skill Specialty, Starship Operations 4
Sensors. Sensor Expertise.
2 1 2 3 3 Mind like a Database Sensors 4
3 2 2 3 3 Sensors, Sensor Expertise. 5
4 3 2 4 4 Expertise +1 Sensors. Sensor 5
5 4 3 4 4 Technical Savvy +1 Sensors 5
6 5 3 5 5 Sensors. Sensor Expertise. 6
7 5 3 5 5 Sensors 6
8 6/1 4 6 6 Expertise +2 Sensors 6
9 7/2 4 6 6 Sensors. Sensor Expertise. 7
10 8/3 4 7 7 Technical Savvy +2 Sensors 7
11 9/4 5 7 7 Sensors 7
12 10/5 5 8 8 Expertise +3 Sensors. Sensor 8
13 11/6 5 8 8 Sensors 8
14 12/7 6 9 9 Sensors 8
15 13/8 6 9 9 Technical Savvy +3 Sensors. Sensor 9
16 14/9 6 10 10 Expertise +4 Sensors 9
17 15/10/5 7 10 10 Sensors 9
18 16/11/6 7 11 11 Sensors. Sensor Expertise. 10
19 17/12/7 7 11 11 Sensors 10
20 18/13/8 8 12 12 Expertise +5, Technical Savvy +4 10
Sensors. Sensor Expertise.

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Class Features

In addition this class is trained in Sensors use and gain a proficiency in a particular sensor type as
specified in the table on page 120 per level.

In addition this class gains the feat 'Sensor Expertise' in a sensor of their choice every third level.
(This acts as a +4 bonus when using this sensor type)

Skill Specialty: At 1st level an Operations Specialist gains an inherent +3 to any one
Operations skill.

Mind like a Database: Operations Specialists have a knack for remembering information that
they’ve come across. All those hours of searching information databases rub off after a while. At 2nd
level Operations Specialists gain an inherent +4 to all Knowledge (Technology) checks.

Expertise: Operations Specialists spend more time than most people streamlining their equipment
and workstations. At 4th level they gain an inherent +1 to all Operations skills and an additional +1
every four levels thereafter.

Technical Savvy: At 5th level the Operations Specialist gains the ability to Craft (Masterwork Item).
This item has an inherent +1 bonus. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th.

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in First Aid, 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics Information

Sidearms (Energy)
Sidearms (Projectile)
Light Armour
Medium Armour

Hit Die: d8

Skill Sets: Everyman, Operations and Communications

Skill Points: 6 + Intelligence Modifier (times four at 1st level)

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Trained in practical emergency medical knowledge and skills that can be deployed within a rapid time
frame. Patient treatment guidelines are described in protocols following cultural and shipboard
policies and traditions.
Advanced Medics have the theoretical, practical and scientific knowledge to appropriately apply
complex patient treatments, albeit usually under the supervision of a medical officer. Certain
scenarios arise in which there is no Doctor available (small crew transports, smugglers, raiders) the
Medic must assume all responsibilities
The role of the "medic" cannot readily be equated to any other non-military profession. Medics
perform the roles of doctor, nurse, counselor, paramedic, psychologist, surgeon, pharmacist, clinical
coordinator, physiotherapist, teacher, and so on. The roles are so extensive that the "medic" has
difficulty gaining recognition for their skills.

The Medic
LVL Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Defence
Bonus Save Save Save
1 0 2 1 1 Enhanced Treat Injury + 2 3
2 1 3 2 2 Anesthetics 3
3 2 3 2 2 Remove Stun 4
4 3 4 2 2 Neutralize Toxin 4
5 4 4 3 3 Enhanced Treat Injury +4 4
6 5 5 3 3 Radiation Therapy 5
7 5 5 3 3 Treat Disease 5
8 6/1 6 4 4 5
9 7/2 6 4 4 Minor Surgery 6
10 8/3 7 4 4 Enhanced Treat Injury +6 6
11 9/4 7 5 5 6
12 10/5 8 5 5 7
13 11/6 8 5 5 Advanced Radiation Therapy 7
14 12/7 9 6 6 Advanced Surgery 7
15 13/8 9 6 6 Enhanced Treat Injury +8 8
16 14/9 10 6 6 8
17 15/10 10 7 7 8
18 16/11/6 11 7 7 Exotic Surgery 9
19 17/12/7 11 7 7 9
20 18/13/8 12 8 8 Enhanced Treat Injury +10 9

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Class Features

Enhanced Treat Injury: Whenever a Medic uses the Treat Injury skill, they get a +2
bonus to their check. This bonus is a result of training and their
familiarity with medical tricorders and other medical equipment.
It increases by an additional +2 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels.

Anaesthetics & Analgesics: Medics receive extensive pharmacological training. The Medic
is knowledgeable of a variety of numbing agents and painkillers that will affect most species.

Neutralize Toxin: Contact with hazardous materials is almost impossible to avoid

while travelling through space. A Medic has the ability to counteract a poison by following the
following procedure:
1. Identify the Toxin
2. Make a Neutralize roll (1d20 + 1 for every two
levels of Medic possessed)
3. For the Identify and Neutralize Skill Checks see the
‘Toxins and Exotic Substances’ table for details

Remove Stun: If a fellow PC has been stunned the Medic may take a round to treat them. A Medic
must make a Treat Injury check with the SKILL CHECK being 10 + the original Save SKILL CHECK of
the Stun. If the Medic is successful the PC recovers from their stunned state.

In addition a fellow PC may be stunned by the effects of non-lethal damage, such as from phaser
pistols on a stun setting. The target heals d8+Total Tread Injury Skill Non-Lethal damage. This takes
one full round.
If this is done again in the next hour the target becomes fatigued.

Radiation Therapy: The Medic becomes skilled in uses specific types of radiation to assist in long
term care.
As a side effect the Medic can also devise medical means to offer radiation resistances for short time
periods if a successful Preventative Medicine skill check is made.

See the ‘Radiation’ table for details. At the Advanced level the effectiveness of the Medic’s treatments

Degree of Exposure Fort Save Incubation Period Initial and Secondary

DC Damage

Mild 12 1 day 1d2 Con

Low 15 4d6 hours 1d3 Con

Moderate 18 3d6 hours 1d4 Con

High 21 2d6 hours 1d6 Con

Severe 24 1d6 hours 2d6 Con


To treat the Radiation Sickness the Medic makes a Treat Injury roll against the Fort Save DC of the
Radiation severity. On a success the Severity goes down one level.

This feat also gives a +4 synergy bonus to Knowledge (Radiology) and acts as a Science

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Surgery: The Medic acquires enough knowledge to begin performing surgery. To do so a
Medic must make a Knowledge (Specific Species Anatomy) roll and add +1 for every two levels of the
The Treat Injury Skill Checks differ for each level of Surgery (Basic, Advanced, Exotic) and even for
each type of surgery.

Please consult the ‘Surgeries’ table for details.

Type Surgery SKILL CHECK

Minor Setting a break or sprain 15

Minor Repairing a flesh wound 15
Minor Cosmetic Enhancement 20
Minor Removing projectiles 17
Minor Dentistry 20
Minor Blood Transfusion 20
Minor Hernia Treatment 20
Major Open Heart Surgery 35
Major Lung Surgery 30
Major Brain Surgery 40
Major Surgery on other Organs 28
Major Limb Re-attachment 34
Major Life Support System Implementation 25
Major Neurosurgery 38
Exotic Blood Transfusion between different species 30
Exotic Organ Transplant between two different 40
Exotic Unique Medical Attempt 40+

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in First Aid, 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics
Sidearms (Energy)
Light Armor

Hit Die: d6
Skill Sets:
Everyman, Medical and
Skill Points:
6 + Intelligence Modifier
(times four at 1st level)

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Tactical Specialist

Whether it’s pulling the trigger on a disruptor rifle or firing phase cannons from the tactical station of a
starship, Tactical Specialists are the muscle of any situation. Tactical Specialists receive much more
training in combat methodology than any other of the standard classes.

The Tactical Specialist

LVL Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Bonus Save Save Save
1 1 2 2 1 Bonus Technique. Sensors 4
2 2 3 3 2 Bonus Technique. Sensors 4
3 3 3 3 2 Sensors 5
4 4 4 4 2 Bonus Technique. Sensors 5
5 5 4 4 3 Sensors 5
6 6/1 5 5 3 Bonus Technique. Sensors 6
7 7/2 5 5 3 Sensors 6
8 8/3 6 6 4 Bonus Technique. Sensors 6
9 9/4 6 6 4 Sensors 7
10 10/5 7 7 4 Bonus Technique. Sensors 7
11 11/6/1 7 7 5 Sensors 8
12 12/7/2 8 8 5 Bonus Technique. Sensors 8
13 13/8/3 8 8 5 Sensors 8
14 14/9/4 9 9 6 Bonus Technique Sensors 8
15 15/10/5 9 9 6 Sensors 9
16 16/11/6 10 10 6 Bonus Technique Sensors 9
17 17/12/7/2 10 10 7 Sensors 9
18 18/13/8/3 11 11 7 Bonus Technique Sensors 10
19 19/14/9/4 11 11 7 Sensors 10
20 20/15/10/5 12 12 8 Bonus Technique Sensors 10

Class Features

Their extensive amount of bonus Feats reflects this extra combat training, as they must be chosen
from the following list:

Acrobatic, Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Blind Fight, Combat Precision,

Defensive Combat, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Improved Critical, Improved

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Initiative (Improved Disarm, Improved Trip), Hand to Hand Combat (Defensive Method,
Offensive Method, Advanced Techniques), Distant Shot, Accurate Shot, Manifold Shot,
Swift Shot, Mobile Shot, Heavy Handed, Smite, Attack Weapon, Quickdraw, Two Weapon
Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Savvy, Weapon Specialty.

In addition this class is trained in Sensors use and gain a proficiency in a particular sensor type as
specified in the table on page 120 per level.

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in First Aid, 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics:

Sidearms (Energy)
Rifles (Energy)
Sidearms (Projectile)
Rifles (Projectile)
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Martial Weapons (melee)

Hit Die: D10

Skill Sets: Everyman, Security

Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier (times four at 1st level)

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Where the Tactical Specialist gets their benefits from hard training and relentless study of combat
methodology, the Mercenary has one teacher: Experience.

A mercenary is a soldier who fights or engages in warfare primarily for private gain, usually with little
regard for ideological, national, or political considerations. Never truly affiliated with an actual
government, Mercenaries are guns-for-hire in the most literal sense.

Due to the political instabilities of the 2150s, there were many Private Military Organizations that
formed that would offer military services in exchange for payment. It was not uncommon for a
Mercenary to be taking orders from a particular group and then several months later (after being
hired by another group) be shooting at his former employers.

The Mercenary
LVL Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Defence
Bonus Save Save Save
1 1 2 1 1 Sixth Sense Sensors 4
2 2 3 2 2 Heat of Battle 1/day 4
3 3 3 2 2 Sensors 5
4 4 4 2 2 5
5 5 4 3 3 Heat of Battle 2/day 5
6 6/1 5 3 3 Stun Resistance Sensors 6
7 7/2 5 3 3 6
8 8/3 6 4 4 Heat of Battle 3/day 6
9 9/4 6 4 4 Sensors 7
10 10/5 7 4 4 7
11 11/6/1 7 5 5 Heat of Battle 4/day 7
12 12/7/2 8 5 5 Bloodlust Sensors 8
13 13/8/3 8 5 5 8
14 14/9/4 9 6 6 Heat of Battle 5/day 8
15 15/10/5 9 6 6 Sensors 9
16 16/11/6 10 6 6 9
17 17/12/7/2 10 7 7 Heat of Battle 6/day 9
18 18/13/8/3 11 7 7 Sensors 10
19 19/14/9/4 11 7 7 10
20 20/15/10/5 12 8 8 Heat of Battle 7/day 10

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Class Features
In addition this class is trained in Sensors use and gain a proficiency in a particular sensor type as
specified in the table on page 120 per every third level.

Sixth Sense: Mercenaries tend to ‘feel’ their way through a fight. Because of this they
add the Wisdom modifier (if positive) to their Defence score.

Heat of Battle: When the Mercenary feels that a fight is starting to get intense he can fly
into the Heat of Battle. He temporarily gains a +4 to Dexterity, a +4 to
Constitution but loses his Wisdom bonus to Defence. The Heat of Battle
lasts for 3 + 1/level of Mercenary the character has.

Stun Resistance: At 6th level a Mercenary adds a +4 bonus to their rolls to resist
Stun effects.

Bloodlust: At 12th level the Mercenary gains Damage Reduction 2 while in the Heat of Battle. This
bonus stacks with whatever armor the Mercenary is wearing.

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in First Aid, 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics


Sidearms (Energy)
Sidearms (Projectile)
Rifles (Projectile)
Rifles (Energy)
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor
Martial Weapons (melee)
Martial Weapons (ranged)

Hit Die: d12

Skill Sets: Everyman
Skill Points: 2 + INT modifier (times four at 1st level)

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As soon as a population expands beyond the confines of its homeworld the need for an
inter-planetary merchant class is born. Called ‘Boomers’ in Earth-slang, these merchants
tend to end up trading far and wide with many species that are not even know by their
homeworld governments.
Usually found far from home and in between worlds in deep space, your average Boomer
usually has no one to rely on but themselves. Making repairs on the fly, being able to
bandage up a plasma burn and fighting off pirates all fall into the category of ‘all in a
day’s work’ for a Boomer.

The Boomer
LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence
Attack Save Save Save
1 0 2 1 2 Bonus Technique Sensors 2
2 1 3 2 3 Lucky Shot 1/day 2
3 2 3 2 3 Barter Sensors 3
4 3 4 2 4 Lucky Shot 2/day 3
5 4 4 3 4 Skill Emphasis 3
6 5 5 3 5 Sensors 4
7 5 5 3 5 4
8 6/1 6 4 6 Lucky Shot 3/day 4
9 7/2 6 4 6 Sensors 5
10 8/3 7 4 7 Bonus Technique, Skill Emphasis 5
11 9/4 7 5 7 5
12 10/5 8 5 8 Lucky Shot 4/day Sensors 6
13 11/6 8 5 8 6
14 12/7 9 6 9 6
15 13/8 9 6 9 Skill Emphasis Sensors 7
16 14/9 10 6 10 Lucky Shot 5/day 7
17 15/10/5 10 7 10 7
18 16/11/6 11 7 11 Sensors 8
19 17/12/7 11 7 11 8
20 18/13/8 12 8 12 Lucky Shot 6/day, Skill Emphasis 8

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Class Features
Bonus Feats: A Boomer can choose any feat for their bonus feat slots.

Lucky Shot: A Boomer relies on luck more often than not. A Boomer can reroll any one roll that has
resulted in a failure. Follow the progression as stated on the Boomer advancement table to see how
many times per day a Boomer can use this ability.

Barter: Starting at 3rd level a Boomer may add a +1 bonus for every three Boomer levels to all
Bargain checks.

Skill Emphasis: At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th a Boomer gains the feat Skill Emphasis for free. It must
be applied to a different skill each time.

In addition this class is trained in Sensors use and gain a proficiency in a particular sensor type as
specified in the table on page 120 every third level.

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics


Sidearms (Energy) Light Armor

Sidearms (Projectile) Martial Weapons (melee)
Rifles (Projectile)

Hit Die: d8

Skill Set: Everyman, Pilot, Medical and Communications

Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier (times four at 1st level)

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The galaxy is full of species with many different interpretations of how the Cosmos came into
existence. Some religions blend the spiritual and the scientific while others abhor combining the two
but whatever the general belief structures of a religion are they always seem to develop individuals
who embrace the more esoteric side of their philosophies.
A Mystic believes in the pursuit of achieving communion with, or conscious awareness of, the divine
spiritual truth through direct experience, intuition, or insight - and the belief that such experience is an
important source of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
Traditions may include a belief in the literal existence of realities beyond empirical perception, or a
belief that a true human perception of the world transcends logical reasoning or intellectual
comprehension. A person delving in these areas may be called a Mystic.

To be a mystic a character must be telepathic.

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 0 1 1 2 Mind Speak 1
2 1 2 2 3 Suggestion 1
3 1 2 2 3 Mystic Evasion 2
4 2 2 2 4 Enthrall 2
5 2 3 3 4 Detect Thoughts, Mind stab 2
6 3 3 3 5 Astral Projection 3
7 3 3 3 5 Arouse Emotion 3
8 4 4 4 6 Telepathic Stasis 3
9 4 4 4 6 4
10 5 4 4 7 Hypnotism 4
11 6/1 5 5 7 4
12 6/1 5 5 8 Friendship 5
13 7/2 5 5 8 5
14 7/2 6 6 9 5
15 7/3 6 6 9 Dream Message 6
16 8/3 6 6 10 6
17 8/3 7 7 10 6
18 9/4 7 7 11 Dominate 7
19 9/4 7 7 11 7
20 10/10 8 8 12 Break Mind 7

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Class Features

Use Stats: CHA and WIS

Mind Speak: At 1st level a Mystic can speak telepathically to any sentient being
as long as they share a common language.

If you can see them: No roll

If you can hear them, but not see them: DC 5 on Telepathy
If you know where they are precisely: DC 10 on Telepathy
If you know roughly where they are: DC 15 on Telepathy
Same continent: DC 20
Same planet: DC25
Same system: DC30
Interstellar: DC40 but still feint

(Thick metal doors block – 2 for every 1 feet of metal - you get -2)

+1 if you are friends with them

Suggestion: At 2nd level the Mystic gains the ability to make a one or two sentence suggestion to a
sentient being. The suggestion must sound reasonable for the affected being to carry it out.
Suggesting that a being kill itself or act directly opposed to standing orders will automatically fail. The
targeted being may make a will save to avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

DC 10 to do it.

Then target gets a check against 10+1/2 level+CHA mod

Must have line of sight or line of effect if you want to send the Suggestion via Mind Speak.

The Suggestion will wear off after 10-Targets Will Save in days to the minimum of one day.

You may not have any more than your Level (In Mystic) x2 suggestions active at any one time.

If the target has a critical success against it, then they are aware of it.

If the suggestion fails then the target is immune to further suggestion attempts for FORT hours.

Mystic Evasion: At 3rd level the Mystic has a sixth sense when it comes to avoiding damage. This
has the effect of a +1 to AC and a +1 to Reflexes where the Mystic would take damage.

Enthrall: This ability gained at 4th level allows the Mystic to hold large audiences in sway while giving
an oration. The audience will pay attention to the Mystic as long as they continue to speak but will not
necessarily agree with or approve of what is being said. The Mystic can affect 10 people for every two
Mystic levels possessed.

The targeted being may make a will save (against 10+1/2 level+CHA) to avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

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Detect Thoughts: At 5th level the Mystic gains the ability to detect the surface thoughts of a sentient
being. The amount of information garnered depends on how much time is spent lurking through the
target’s thoughts.

(Same range limits as Mind Speak)

Mind Stab: 4th level. During combat, a mystic may spend a standard action to send a series of
unpleasant or confusing images to an enemy within line of sight and 5ft per level of Telepathy. DC 15
on Telepathy to it. The target then must make a will save (against 10+1/2 level+CHA mod) or be
stunned for 1d4+1 rounds.
(Target drops all held objects, -2 to AC, loses Dex bonus to AC)
This ability can be used once per day per level.

Astral Projection: At level 6 a mystic may enter a trance (1 full round) and then travel beyond their
body 30ft per total skill mod in Telepathy. The mystic travels at their normal walking speed in any
(Other Mystics can detect you with an apposed Telepathy roll).

Arouse Emotion: At 7th level the Mystic gains the ability to induce favourable emotions in sentient
beings. This gives an inherent +4 bonus to all skills in the Communication Set.

Telepathic Stasis: At 8th level the Mystic may lock herself in a stasis with a single opponent. By
succeeding at a melee touch attack the Mystic and her opponent become locked in a stasis where
neither of them can move or think about anything besides the stasis they are in. Both are totally
defenceless and vulnerable. The Mystic can call off the stasis at any time. The targeted being may
make a will save to avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

Hypnotism: At 10th level the Mystic can hypnotize a single target. This ability works exactly like
Suggestion but detailed instructions can be given. The only order that will not be accepted (and will
cause the Hypnotism to fail) is ordering the being to hurt itself in any way.
The targeted being may make a will save to avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

Friendship: At 12th level the Mystic can instill an overwhelming sense of Friendship into a single
target. This causes the affected being to agree with and defend any statements made by the Mystic. It
also encourages the befriended being to defend the Mystic from physical violence. Also, any
reasonable request will most likely be accommodated. The targeted being may make a will save to
avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

Create Image: At 14th level the Mystic can cause 1d6 sentient beings to see things that aren’t there.
The Mystic can create a projected mental image no greater in size than 10 cubic feet. It can include
sight, smell, sound and tactile qualities. The image can also speak if the Mystic
wishes it to. The image lasts only as long as the Mystic concentrates on it and it alone. The Mystic
can walk, talk eat and do other basic tasks but must maintain most of their concentration
on the image causing them to seem aloof and unaware. The targeted being may make a will save to
avoid the Mystic’s attempt.

Dream Message: At 15th level the Mystic may enter a trance in order to project a scenario into a
specific being’s dreams. The target must be asleep and the Mystic must remain motionless and totally
concentrate of the Dream Message to be sent. Because the Mystic is so entranced they are totally
vulnerable to outside attack as they are not aware of their physical environment.

Dominate: At 18th level the Mystic gains the ability to totally dominate another sentient being’s
mind. Once dominated, the target is under total control of the Mystic and will follow every command to
the letter without question. The target being may attempt one Will saving throw per day to break the

Break Mind: At 20th level a Mystic gains the power to cause someone such sever mental stress as to
drive them clinically insane. The targeted being may make a will save to avoid the Mystic’s attempt. If
the saving throw is failed, roll percentile to determine ‘just how crazy’ the target has become. The

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lower the roll, the less sanity lost. Characters that roll 100% become totally insane and become

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in Use Replicator (if homeworld technology level is suitable).

Game Mechanics

Proficiencies: Martial Weapons (melee)

Light Armor

Hit Die: d6

Skill Sets: Everyman, Communications

Skill Points: 4 + INT modifier (times four at 1st level)

The Saving Throw SKILL CHECK of a Mystic’ Abilities is:

10 + half the level of the Mystic (rounded down) + Mystic’s Intelligence modifier

Can also be Charisma based

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Science Specialist

A scientist or science specialist can study a wide or very narrow range of subjects from physics and
chemistry to warp theory, anthropology or geology.

Science officers, while on-board starships are responsible for observing and theorizing explanations
for strange or seemingly unexplainable circumstances and in some circumstances the sensor

A general survey party may require the direction of a science officer. Science personnel are often
used to gather data during away missions and provide the command officers with all reports,
observations, and speculations that might have affected the safety of their mission or vessel.

A science crewman or officer may serve on a spaceship acting as an authority on astrophysical

phenomena or species encountered.

The Science Specialist

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence
Attack Save Save Save
1 0 2 1 1 Skill Specialty, Tricorder Expertise 4
2 1 3 2 2 Educated 4
3 2 3 2 2 Sensor Expertise. 5
4 3 4 2 2 Science Specialisation, Sensors. Sensor 5
5 4 4 3 3 Publication Submitter 5
6 5 5 3 3 Sensor Expertise. 6
7 5 5 3 3 Sensors 6
8 6/1 6 4 4 Science Specialisation, Sensors 6
9 7/2 6 4 4 Sensor Expertise. 7
10 8/3 7 4 4 Research Expertise, Sensors 7
11 9/4 7 5 5 Sensors 7
12 10/5 8 5 5 Science Specialisation,. Sensor 8
13 11/6 8 5 5 Sensors 8
14 12/7 9 6 6 Sensors 8
15 13/8 9 6 6 Science Specialisation Field Leader. 9
Sensor Expertise.
16 14/9 10 6 6 Science Specialisation, Sensors 9
17 15/10 10 7 7 Sensors 9
18 16/11/6 11 7 7 Sensor Expertise. 10
19 17/12/7 11 7 7 Sensors 10
20 18/13/8 12 8 8 Science Specialisation, Respected 10
Authority, Sensor Expertise.

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Class Features

In addition this class is trained in Sensors use and gain a proficiency in a particular sensor type as
specified in the table on page 120 per level.

Skill Specialty: At 1st level a Science Specialist gains an inherent +3 to any one Knowledge skill.

Tricorder Expertise: This class uses Tricorders as part of their day to day activity and as such gain
+2 on all types, even devices of alien origin but of similar intent.

Educated: Years of study mean that a science specialist has a wide range of knowledge that can be
applied to fields. +2 to Knowledge (Technology), +2 to Knowledge (Science) and +2 to a Knowledge
skill of the players choice..

Science Specialisation: A scientist at levels 4, 8. 12, 16 and 20 may select a science to specialise in
(see list below). All knowledge checks related to this subject are at +4. All check using Tricorders
and other equipment while studying this subject are at +4.

Publication Submitter: +2 to Technical Authoring / Report Writing.

Research Expertise: +2 to Use Computer while doing Data Searches.

Science Specialisation Field Leader: Choice one of your Specialisations and double its effects.

Respected Authority: You gain +2 to all Communications skills when using them among other

Free Starting Skills: 1 rank in First Aid, 1 rank in Use Replicator.

Game Mechanics Information

Sidearms (Energy)
Sidearms (Projectile)
Light Armor

Hit Die: d8

Skill Sets: Everyman, Communications

Skill Points: 4 + Intelligence Modifier (times four at 1st level)

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Science Specialisations

Specialisations can be thought of as an extension of the list of Knowledge skills available. A

specialisation counts as a +4 against all Knowledge checks, but also a +4 when using equipment
associated with the specialisation (e.g. a Tricorder or Sensor).

There are also certain synergies associated with the study of all sciences and these are also noted.

Below is a list of examples, players may introduce their own specialisations with synergies assigned
by the GM.

Acoustics The study of sound. (+2 to Listen, +2 to Stealth)

Aeronautics Aircraft design, construction, and navigation. (+2 to Pilot(Atmosphere Craft only), +2 to
Agronomy science of soil management and crop production. (+2 to Survival, +2 Geology)
Anatomy The study of organisms and their parts. (+1 to Hit when doing aimed shots, +1 to Treat
Anthropology The study of the origin, behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of
humans (and intelligent alien life). (+2 to Diplomacy, +2 to Sense Motive)
Archaeology The study of past human lives by examining remaining material evidence. (+2
Knowledge (History), +2 Knowledge (Geography))
Astronomy The study of outer space. (+2 to Plot Course, +2 Navigate (Space only))
Astrophysics The branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of stellar phenomena. (+2 to Plot
Course, +2 Navigate (Space only))
Bacteriology The study of bacteria, especially in relation to medicine and agriculture. (+2 Knowledge
(Medicine), +2 Handle Animal)
Biochemistry The study of the chemical substances and processes in living organisms. (+2
Knowledge (Toxic Compounds), +2 Knowledge (Pharmaceutical))
Biology The science of life and living organisms. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Treat Injury)
Botany The study of plants. (+2 Knowledge (Toxic Compounds), +2 Survival)
Cardiology The medical study of the heart. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Treat Injury)
Cartography The art or technique of making maps or charts. (+2 Plot course, +2 Navigate)
Chemistry The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially
of atomic and molecular systems. . (+2 Knowledge (Toxic Compounds), +2 Knowledge
Cosmology The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and
space. (+2 Knowledge(Astronomy), +2 Knowledge(Astrophysics))
Crystallography The science of crystal structure and phenomena. (+2 Knowledge(Geochemistry), +2
Ecology The study of organisms and their environment. (+2 Survival, +2 Handle Animal)
Embryology The study of the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms. (+2
Knowledge(Biology), +2 Knowledge(Zoology).
Endocrinology The study of the glands and hormones of the body. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2
Treat Injury)
Entomology The scientific study of insects. (+2 Knowledge (Nature), +2 Survival)
Enzymology The study of the biochemical nature and activity of enzymes. (+2 Knowledge (Toxic
Compounds), +2 Knowledge (Nature))
Forestry The science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forests. (+2 Knowledge
(Nature), +2 Survival)
Gelotology The study of laughter. (+2 Sense Motive, +2 Diplomacy)
Genetics The study of heredity and inherited traits. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Treat Injury)
Geochemistry The chemistry of the composition and alterations of the solid matter of the earth or a
celestial body. (+2 Knowledge (Astrophysics), +2 Knowledge (Geography))
Geodesy The geologic science of the size and shape of the earth. (+2 Knowledge (Astrophysics), +2
Knowledge (Geography))
Geography The study of the earth and its features. (+2 Knowledge (Nature), +2 Survival)
Geology The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth. (+2 Knowledge
(Geography), +2 Knowledge (Crystallography))

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Geophysics The physics of the earth and its environment, including the physics of fields such as
meteorology, oceanography, and seismology. (+1 Knowledge (Astrophysics), +1 Knowledge
(Geography) (+1 Knowledge (meteorology), (+1 Knowledge (oceanography), +1 Knowledge
Hematology The study of the blood and blood-producing organs. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2
Treat Injury)
Histology The study of the structure of animal and plant tissues. (+2 Knowledge (Nature), +2
Horology The science of measuring time and making time pieces. (+2 Repair, +2
Knowledge(Quantum Physics))
Hydrology The study of the properties and effects of water on earth. (+2 Knowledge(Geography), +2
Knowledge (Geophysics))
Ichthyology The study of fish. (+2 Knowledge (Nature), +2 Knowledge (Ecology))
Immunology The study of the immune system of the body. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Preventive
Linguistics The study of language and phonetics. (Learn +INT MOD extra languages at +2)
Mechanics Design, construction, and use of machinery or mechanical structures. (+2 Repair, +2
Medicine The science of diagnosing and treating disease and damage to the body. (+2 Knowledge
(Immunology), +2 Treat Injury)
Meteorology The study of weather and atmospheric conditions. (+2 Knowledge(Geography), +2
Knowledge (Geophysics))
Metrology The science of measurement. (+2 in any Knowledge Skill, +2 Perception)
Microbiology The study of microorganisms and their effects on other living organisms. (+2
Knowledge (Biology), +2 Knowledge (Virology))
Mineralogy The study of minerals, including their distribution, identification, and properties. (+2
Knowledge(Geography), +2 Knowledge (Geology))
Mycology The branch of botany that deals with fungi. (+2 Knowledge(Botany), +2 Knowledge
Neurology The study of the nervous system and disorders affecting it. (+2 Knowledge (Psychology),
+2 Knowledge (Genetics))
Nucleonics The study of the behavior and characteristics of nucleons or atomic nuclei. (+2
Knowledge (Quantum Physics), +2 Knowledge (Chemistry))
Nutrition The study of food and nourishment. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Knowledge
Oceanography The exploration and study of the ocean. (+2 Knowledge (Ichthyology), +2 Knowledge
Oncology The study of the development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of tumors. (+2
Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Treat Injury)
Optics The study of light and vision. (+2 Perception, +2 Treat Injury(Eyes only))
Paleontology The study of prehistoric life through fossils. (+2 Knowledge (Archaeology), +2
Knowledge (Zoology))
Pathology The study of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences. (+2
Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Knowledge (Virology))
Petrology The study of the origin, composition, structure, and alteration of rocks. (+2 Knowledge
(Geology), +2 Knowledge (Volcanology))
Pharmacology The science of the composition, use, and effects of drugs. (+2 Knowledge (Toxic
Compounds), +2 Knowledge (Nature))
Physics The science of matter and energy and interactions between the two. (+2 Knowledge
(Quantum Physics), +2 Knowledge (Chemistry))
Quantum Physics The study of Physics on an atomic and subatomic level (+2 Knowledge
(Nucleonics), +2 Knowledge (Chemistry))
Physiology The study of the functions of living organisms. (+2 Knowledge (Biology), (+2 Knowledge
Psychology The study of the mental process and behavior. (+2 Sense Motive, +2 Diplomacy)
Radiology The use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease. (+2 Knowledge
(Medicine), +2 Treat Injury)
Robotics The science of technology to design, fabrication, and application of robots. (+2 Knowledge
(Mechanics), +2 Repair)

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Seismology The study of earthquakes. ( +2 Knowledge (Geophysics), (+2 Knowledge(Geography))

Spectroscopy The study of radiant light. (+2 Perception, +2 Knowledge (Astrophysics))
Systematics The science of systematic classification. (+2 Perception, +2 Knowledge (Metrology))
Thermodynamics The study of relationships and conversions between heat and other forms of
energy. (+2 Knowledge (Quantum Physics), +2 Demolition)
Toxicology (Toxic compounds). The study of poisons and the treatment of poisoning. . (+2
Knowledge (Enzymology), +2 Treat Injury
Virology The study of viruses and viral diseases. (+2 Knowledge (Toxic Compounds), +2 Treat
Volcanology The study of volcanoes and volcanic phenomena. (+2 Knowledge (Thermodynamics),
+2 Knowledge (Geography))
Zoology the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals. (+2
Handle Animal, +2 Knowledge(Biology))

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Advanced Training

Sometimes regular training just isn’t enough. There are always advanced techniques and
methods that separate a specialist from a generalist. That’s where Advanced Training
comes into play. Each type of Advanced Training has prerequisites that must be fulfilled
before any levels can be taken in it.

Commanding Officer

Whether its in command of a deep space Explorer, a military Cruiser or a Cargo Freighter, every ship
needs a Commanding Officer. Also put in charge of troops in a military environment the Commanding
Officer has a definitive leadership quality. It is the Commanding Officer who makes the life and death
decisions of their subordinates as well as all decisions that affect the day-to-day life of all underneath
the Commanding
Officer’s command. Different titles include Captain, General, Lieutenant or Commander depending on
organization, species and situation.

Base Attack Bonus +8
Starship Operations
Diplomacy 6 Ranks
Pilot 6 Ranks
Repair 6 Ranks
Sense Motive 6 Ranks
Organizational Affiliation
(Must belong to an Organization that has a Command structure)

The Commanding Officer

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence
Attack Save Save Save
1 1 1 1 1 Technical Savvy, Bonus Technique 1
2 1 1 2 2 Requisition 2
3 2 2 3 3 Starship Survival 2
4 3 2 3 3 Tactical Assault 3
5 3 3 4 4 Leadership 3

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Game Mechanics

Skill Sets: Everyman, Operations, Pilot and Communications

6 + INT modifier

Hit Die: d8

Technical Savvy: Commanding Officers always look like they have the answer (even if they really
don’t!) and because of this air of confidence they instil a +4 Competency bonus to themselves and
everyone within 30’ of the Commanding Officer when making Repair checks.

Bonus Technique: The Commanding Officer gets a bonus feat (player’s choice) indicative of all the
extra training they put in in order to take command.

Requisition: The Commanding Officer can requisition repair parts, medical supplies or basic
personnel equipment once each time they dock at a port in which their affiliated organization has a
The amount of supplies procured is determined by multiplying the number of Commanding Officer
levels a character has by their Charisma bonus (so a 2nd level Commanding Officer with a
Charisma bonus of 3 would have a total of 6) and adding that to a d20 roll. The result is how many
repair parts, medical kits or how much in basic supplies the Commanding Officer was able to
procure from the organizational quartermaster in excess of the ships allocation.

Starship Survival: While in command of a vessel the inherent Defense of the ship gets
a +4 bonus due to the Commanding Officer’s command and control coordination.

Tactical Assault: While in command of a vessel the inherent attack bonus of the ships weaponry
increases by +4 due to the Commanding Officer’s knowledge at effective offensive tactics.

Leadership: While in command of a vessel the Commanding Officer and crew receive an additional
+2 Competency bonus as a result of the Commanding Officer’s coordination and guidance during

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Chief Engineer

Having a great talent for engineering and a keen judgment for needed modifications are just the
preliminaries when it comes to being called Chief Engineer. This individual has to have a faith in
technology and in their ability to master it.

Having that kind of drive, knowledge and ability comes in handy when its time to save a ship in a jam.
It usually leads to a reputation of a 'miracle worker'. It’s this intense focus that enables the Chief
Engineer to master the complexities of Warp Drive engineering and other starship systems.
An expert in technical and analytical abilities, the versatility of a Chief Engineer is practically a
requirement on larger starships (as is the miraculous ability to complete repairs in record time).

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6

Starship Operations
Repair 10 Ranks
Computer Use 10 Ranks
Write Program 6 Ranks

The Chief Engineer

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence
Attack Save Save Save
1 1 1 1 1 Power Relay 1d6 1
2 1 2 2 1 Jury Rig 1
3 2 3 3 2 Power Relay 2d6, Back of my hand 2
4 2 3 3 2 Miracle Worker 2
5 3 4 4 3 Power Relay 3d6 3

Power Relay: A Chief Engineer can squeeze extra power out of a Warp reactor because of their high
level of skill. At 1st level a Chief Engineer can add 1d6 points of energy to a ship’s output level (rising
to 2d6 at 3rd level and 3d6 at 5th level). This extra energy last for a
number of rounds equal to the number of levels a character has of Chief Engineer plus their
Intelligence modifier.

Jury Rig: Chief Engineers know what needs to be fixed with new parts and what can be put back
together with salvaged components. A Chief Engineer only needs to use half of the required parts to
conduct full repairs.

Back of my hand: If a Chief Engineer has spent at least one entire Chief Engineer level working on a
particular starship they become incredibly familiar with it. Since they know the ship like the back of
their hand they can add a +4 Familiarity bonus to all Repair and Computer Use checks done for that
particular ship.

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Miracle Worker: At 5th level a Chief Engineer has learned all the methods and techniques that
separate the bumbling amateur from a true professional. They can now half all repair times.

Game Mechanics

Skill Sets: Everyman, Operations

6 + INT modifier
Hit Die: d8

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While regular Pilots may fly for the thrill of it, for an Ace there is something more. An Ace has a
connection to their ship and even a connection to the stars. For an Ace it’s a personal undertaking to
manoeuvre a starship and because of that they have a distinct and enhanced approach to the

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +6

Starship Operations
Starship Alertness
Pilot 10 Ranks
Navigate 10 Ranks
Plot Course 8 Ranks

The Ace

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 1 1 1 1 Affinity +2, Autodock 1
2 1 1 2 1 Like a Sextant 2
3 2 2 3 2 Affinity +4, Starship Dodge 2
4 2 2 3 2 Flyby 3
5 3 3 4 3 Affinity +6 3

Autodock: An Ace can take 10 to Dock except in unusual circumstances (i.e. combat, high solar flare
activity, neutron storm, damaged engines etc)

Affinity: Due to their affinity for their profession Aces gains bonuses at 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels (see
Ace table for progression) to all Pilot and Navigate checks.

Like a Sextant: An Ace need only make one Navigation check per Warp trip instead of the usual 1
per light-year travelled.

Starship Dodge: An Ace can designate an opposing starship that they are engaged in combat with
and receive a +1 dodge bonus to their starship’s defence.

Flyby: At 4th level the Ace gains the ability to fly to within mere meters of an opposing starship at high
speed. As a result the opposing starship’s Commanding Officer must make a Will save SKILL
CHECK = 1 per level of Ace + 1 per the number of ranks the Ace has in Pilot. If the Will Save is
unsuccessful the enemy ship’s crew is stunned for one round and cannot act.

Game Mechanics
Hit Die: d8
Skill Sets: Everyman, Pilot
4 + INT modifier

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Elite Trooper

There are situations where what’s needed is someone who knows how to fire a gun. Well. Whether its
repelling a hostile boarding party or sending an Away Team into a hostile situation, sometimes more
direct tactics are necessary than what your average Tactical Specialist can offer up. Its situations like
these where the Elite Trooper shines.

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +8

Combat Precision
Improved Initiative
10 Ranks in Explosive

The Elite Trooper

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 1 1 1 1 Weapon Mastery I 1
Uncanny Dodge (Dexterity Bonus to AC)
2 2 2 2 2 Sure Shot 2
3 3 3 3 2 Weapon Mastery II 2
4 4 3 3 2 Improved Critical 3
5 5 4 4 3 Weapon Mastery III 3
Uncanny Dodge (can’t be flanked)

Weapon Mastery: At 1st, 3rd and 5th levels the Elite Trooper chooses a specific weapon. Their
enhanced training gives the Elite Trooper a +2 to hit and a +1 to damage with the chosen weapons.
This ability must be applied to a different weapon each time.

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 1st level the Elite Trooper gains Uncanny Dodge. This allows the Elite
Trooper to maintain their Dexterity Bonus to Defense even when it would normally be taken away. At
5th level, the Elite Trooper can no longer be flanked.

Sure Shot: At 2nd level the Elite Trooper can opt to forego all other attacks and movement in a round
and attempt a Sure Shot. The Elite Trooper makes a single attack with a +4 Concentration bonus to
the attack roll. If successful, the attack automatically does maximum damage for the weapon used.
Can only be used with ranged weapons.

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Improved Critical: The Elite Trooper chooses one type of weapon. Due to the Elite Troopers
familiarity with this type of weapon the critical threat range increases by 1.

Game Mechanics
Hit Die: d12
Skill Sets: Everyman, Tactical
2 + INT modifier

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Intelligence Operative

Spying on enemies of the state or collecting data on enemy troop movements, an Intelligence
Operative can be anywhere and be anyone. Advanced cosmetic surgery even makes inter-species
intelligence operations possible, although difficult.
Intelligence Operatives report only to their direct superiors within their agency. Many intelligence
missions are covert and as a result the Intelligence organizations of the sector undertake many
missions without the direct knowledge of their respective governments.
It isn’t that uncommon for operatives to pose as cargo ship crewman, military personnel…even as a
cook if the need arises.

Prerequisites: 10 Ranks in Bluff

10 Ranks in Disguise
10 Ranks in Sense Motive
10 Ranks in Gather Information
10 Ranks in Stealth
10 Ranks in Tumble

The Intelligence Operative

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 1 1 1 1 Computer Hack, Rosetta Stone 1
2 1 2 2 2 Skill Emphasis 1
3 2 3 3 3 Interrogate, Resist Interrogation 2
4 2 3 3 3 Toxic Compound Use 2
5 3 4 4 4 Death Strike 3

Computer Hack: At 1st level an Intelligence Operative learns how to hack into secure computer
systems. An Intelligence Operative adds a +1 bonus per Intelligence Operative level to all Computer
Use checks.

Rosetta Stone: An Intelligence Operative is trained in linguistic skills. Choose two languages. The
Intelligence Operative automatically learns them to skill rank four.

Skill Emphasis: The Intelligence Operative gains this skill for free at second level.

Interrogate/ Resist Interrogation: The Intelligence Operative is trained in the methods most effective
in acquiring information. They get an inherent +2 bonus to Bluff,
Diplomacy and Intimidate at 3rd level. They also get +2 Bonus to Fortitude and Will saves made in
order to resist interrogation techniques.

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Toxic Compound At 4th level the Intelligence Operative acquires knowledge

Use: of how to handle, use and detect toxic compounds. They receive a +5 Familiarity bonus when
dealing with toxic compounds. See the ‘Toxins and Exotic Substances’ for Skill Checks.

Death Strike: At 5th level the Intelligence Operative learns how to focus their melee combat attack
and turn it into a fierce and often deadly strike. As long as the Intelligence Operative has at least 6
ranks of Knowledge (Anatomy) for a given species they can attempt a Death Strike on a member of
that species. By foregoing all other attack actions in a round an Intelligence Operative can make a
single strike. If successful the target must make a Fortitude Save SKILL CHECK = 15 + the
Operative’s Strength modifier. If the save is unsuccessful the target dies. If the target makes a
successful save then double all damage done. The Intelligence Operative can use this ability 5 times
per day.

Game Mechanics
Hit Die: d6
Skill Sets: Everyman, Tactical and Communications
4 + INT modifier

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When it comes down to it, some people just like being the one to draw the map for the first time. This
type of person can have any kind of background, but needs to have a passion for exploring new
worlds and discovering new civilizations.

Explorers tend to be found beyond the extent of their species’ charted space. They need to be
rugged, self-reliant individuals with more than just a flare for adventure.

Prerequisites: Cultural Understanding Game Mechanics

10 Ranks in Diplomacy Hit Die: d6
10 Ranks in Gather Information Skill Sets: All
10 Ranks Navigate 6 + INT modifier
10 Ranks Plot Course
10 Ranks Survival
Must speak three languages to Rank 3 other than native language

The Explorer

LVL Base Fort Ref Will Special Defence

Attack Save Save Save
1 1 1 1 1 Contact I, Accurate 1
2 1 1 1 1 Bonus Technique, Coordinates 2
3 2 2 2 2 Contact II 3
4 2 2 2 2 Close Enough, Bonus Technique 3
5 3 3 3 3 Contact III 4

Contact: At 1st, 3rd and 5th levels the Explorer gains a contact. This contact could be an outpost
administrator, a bartender who knows where all the good work is, a government official or even a
good repairman. The player (pending the Game Master’s approval) should select the contacts.
Contacts can be called upon for favours and assistance in difficult situations.

Accurate: Explorers have a keen sense of interstellar direction. They receive an inherent +5 bonus to
all Navigate checks.

Coordinates: Explorers can remember the coordinates of supply stations, planets, repair outposts
and other ports of call be rote memory. An Explorer can always take 10 to plot a course to any
memorized coordinates. An Explorer knows an amount of coordinates equal to their Intelligence
modifier x 2.

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Close Enough: By 4th level an Explorer has learned how to make repairs to a ship that are good
enough for casual travel but won’t hold up in a firefight or in any kind of spatial anomaly. By utilizing
half the repair parts necessary for a repair job an Explorer can repair systems to operational status
but they will only last 1d4 + 1 per level of Explorer the character has rounds during hazardous
conditions (combat, spatial anomaly, neutron storm etc).

Bonus Techniques: At 2nd and 4th levels the Explorer gains bonus Techniques. A
player can choose any Technique.

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Skills and Feats


Everyman Skill Set

Bluff Handle Animal Profession (_____) Use Replicator

Climb Hide Read/Write (Language) Use Tricorder (medical)
Computer Use Intimidate Search Use Tricorder (tactical)
Drive(_____) Jump Sensors(_____) Technical Authoring /
Report Writing
Entertain (_____) Knowledge (_____) Sidearms (Projectile) Telepathy
First Aid Listen Sidearms (Energy)
Gamble Martial Weapons Speak (Language)
Perception Swim

Pilot Skill Set

Dock Navigate Pilot Plot Course

Medical Skill Set

Knowledge (Anatomy) Knowledge (Pharmaceutical) Surgery

Knowledge (Biology) Knowledge (Toxic Compounds) Treat Injury
Knowledge (Medicine) Preventive Medicine/ Diagnose

Security Skill Set

Escape Artist Lock pick Survival Use Explosive

Forgery Rifle(Energy) Ship Based Weapons (Phasers)
Grenades Rifle (Projectile) Ship Based Weapons (Torpedo)
Heavy Weapons Stealth

Operations Skill Set

Craft (Item) Knowledge (Warp Technology) Repair Write Program

Demolition Render Inoperative Use Transporter

Communications Skill Set

Bargain Disguise Sense Motive

Diplomacy Gather Information

6 ranks in Knowledge (Anatomy) or Knowledge (Medicine) gives +2 to Treat Injury
6 ranks in Knowledge (Medicine) gives +2 to Preventive Medicine/ Diagnose
6 ranks in Use Tricorder (medical) gives +2 to Treat Injury
6 ranks in Bluff gives +2 to Bargain, +2 to Gamble and +2 to Disguise
6 ranks in Perception gives +2 to Search
6 ranks in Sense Motive gives +2 to Diplomacy and +2 to Gather Information
6 ranks in Repair gives +2 to Lock Pick

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How Skills work in Star Trek RPG

Skills in Star Trek RPG are grouped into Skill Sets. Characters get their skill proficiencies based
upon Class and Advanced Training. Characters can use skills that they are not proficient in but
they will receive a –5 modifier to all rolls in reference to Skill Checks they are not Class
proficient in. Skill Points may be allocated into any Skill regardless of whether the character has
a Class proficiency with that Skill Set or not unless specifically noted.
The maximum number of ranks a character may have in a given skill is 4 + 1 per level, maximum
16 ranks.
Skill Points are also gained dependent upon class and level. See the particular Class or Advanced
Training description to see how many Skill Points a character gets per level.
For critical success and failure, please consult the following chart.

Skill Check Success/Failure

If you roll below the DC check of the skill then the action failed, if you roll above the DC then it was a

'Take 10' and 'Take 20' may be possible under certain circumstances.

Take 10: When you are in no rush you may take 10 rounds to turn in an 'average' attempt. E.g.
scanning an area for life signs.

Take 20: When you are in no rush you may take 20 rounds or more to give it your best effort. E.g.
Plotting a course to a star.

Note that if there is no roll, then no IP points are gained.

How to make a Skill Check

In order to attempt a Skill Check a player must roll a d20, add the number of ranks their character
has in the skill, add the respective ability modifier and then add any other miscellaneous bonus.
If the resulting number is equivalent or higher than the Skill Check’s Target Number, then you’ve
succeeded. If the result is lower, the attempt fails.

A simple task (using a Tricorder to analyze the structural integrity of a building) would have a Target
Number of 14, whereas attempting to isolate the bio-sign of a specific individual on a Space Station
would be more difficult with a prospective Target Number of 28.

The Game Master should determine target Numbers for Skill Checks. Below is a description of all the
skills in the Star Trek Role Playing Game. Within each description you will find recommended uses
and which ability modifier to add to your Skill Check rolls.

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Skill Descriptions

Everyman Set

Bluff (CHA)
Whenever the character is attempting to lie or be ambiguous in a situation, they may add their Bluff
bonus to their Skill Check.

Climb (STR)
Whenever attempting to scale a wall or overcome an obstacle the character adds this bonus to their
Skill Check.

Computer Use (INT)

Whether its allocating power from one system to another, accessing a communications array or
powering up a Warp core, this is the skill for all interaction with a computer operating system. For
creating programs and command algorithms see Write Program.

Many planets and societies still use self piloted ground cars and other means of transport. These vary
from place to place.

Entertain (_____)(CHA)
many people enjoy singing, music, theatre, storytelling or performance art. This skill allows a
character to excel at these although it must be taken independently for each type of entertainment.

First Aid(INT)

Using a first aid kit someone with this skill can heal someone up by 1d8 HP (non lethal also) by
making a DC 17 skill check. It is a DC 15 skill check to merely stabilise someone.

If you are just using torn up sheets and things then there is a -4 to the roll.

Most people that have ever worked in the military or professional capacity will have received basic
First Aid training and will have 1 rank in it at level 1.

This takes 10 - skill level in minutes, min 2 minutes

People love games of chance but there is a certain skill to it. Ranks in this skill will ensure your
characters don’t lose all their money. There is never a guarantee, though

Handle Animal(CHA)

When attempting to interact with an animal.


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Hide (DEX)
Sometimes you just need to be unseen. When covert operations or surveillance are the name of the
game hiding may be your best option.

Intimidate (STR)
When you’re trying to pry information out of someone I t pay to be big and mean looking. If someone
doesn’t want to give you the information that you need, it may be easier to scare it out of them.

Jump (STR)
There may arise the occasion when your character needs to hop across ledges on a mountainous
planet or maybe the station your on is about to explode and you need to jump to reach the escape
pod. Normally a character can jump twice their height in distance but having the Jump skill allows you
to increase the distance by one meter for every three points in Jump your character has.

Knowledge (_____)(INT)
By selecting this skill a character begins their study in a particular subject. This eventual expertise
allows them to make Knowledge checks in given situations. For example, a character with
Knowledge (Kreetassan Culture) would be allowed to make a Skill Check to determine if the character
was aware of Kreetassan taboos. The success or failure margin determines how much (or how little)
information is known and how accurate the information is. This skill must be taken independently for
each type of knowledge.
Certain Knowledges are class-related skills and may not be taken without the appropriate Skill Set

Martial Weapons(*STR)
This skill covers swords, axes, clubs and all other common melee weapons.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base attack Bonus. Do not apply stat mods to this skill.

Listen (WIS)
Sometimes you can hear them coming. Sometimes you can’t. Putting skill points in Listen ensures
that the noise level doesn’t have to be on par with a Klingon poker game for your character to hear it.

Profession (_____)(INT)
This skill allows characters to have a secondary profession besides their class. The Profession could
be anything from Novelist to Cook to Lawyer. A character can contract their services for payment if
they wish. This skill must be taken independently for each profession.

e.g. Artist, Novelist, Cook, Lawyer

Perception (WIS)
Unlike Search (where a character is actively looking for something) Perception comes in to play when
a character isn’t specifically looking for something. For example, while buying supplies Richard and
Anne are told to make Perception Skill Checks. Richard rolls a 12 and Anne rolls a
19. Anne’s character notices the ambush and isn’t caught by surprise whereas Richards’s character
walks right into the ambush.

Read/Write (Language)(INT)
See the special entry at the end of the Skills section

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Search (WIS)
Whether it’s searching an ancient ruin or trying to discover where a fugitive is hiding out, ranks in
search will make a character more effectively discover hidden objects.

This skill allows the use of the Sensor chosen from the Starship List.
Without the correct skill the character gets a -4 to the skill use in that particular sensor.

Sidearms (Projectile)(*DEX)
This is how good the character is at firing pistols and other small arms.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Sidearms (Energy)(*DEX)
This is how good the character is at firing energy pistols and other small energy weapons.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Speak (Language)(INT)
See the special entry at the end of the Skills section

Swim (STR)
While almost anyone can float in water, it’s a different story when your doing the breaststroke for a
lengthy duration or while in rough waters. Ranks in this skill will allow the character to be able to swim
in these extreme circumstances or for extended periods.

Technical Authoring / Report Writing(INT)

Being an officer in Starfleet is not always about shooting baddies and teaching hot alien women the
‘meaning of this Earth thing called love’. There is a lot of report writing too!

All Starfleet officers start with 1 rank at level 1.

Some reports may take a long time to write. It is possible to take 10 and take 20.

To do Target DC Time Take 10 Take 20

Basic Report 5 2 hours 2 hours 4 hours
Combat Report 10 3 hours 3 hours 6 hours
Mission Report 15 6 hours 6 hours 12 hours
Technical Manual 20 4 days 4 days 8 days
Complex Technical Manual 25 12 days 12 days 24 days

Telepathy (Int, Wis or Cha)

Some beings are telepathic. This is a generic skill for rolling against when using such techniques as
Mind Meld and Mind Speak.

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Use Replicator(INT)
Whenever using a replicator for nonstandard items or feeding in new things. If the item is already a
standard item within the replicator system then no roll is needed. To get an item into the replicator
system then usually it is run through the transporter system. In which case a straight DC10 roll on
Transporter Use is also required.

DC checks below

To do Target DC Time Take 10 Take 20

Non-standard item, 5 1 full round 10 rounds 20 rounds
previously scanned
Non-standard complex item, 10 1 full round 10 rounds 20 rounds
previously scanned
Scanning in basic non- 15 1 minute 10 minutes 20 minutes
standard item
Scanning in complex non- 25 2 minutes 20 minutes 40 minutes
standard item
Scanning in basic non- 17 1 minute 10 minutes 20 minutes
standard organic item
Scanning in complex non- 27 2 minutes 20 minutes 40 minutes
standard organic item

Note that all PCs from a Federation system or technological equivalent get 1 rank in Replicator Use
as standard.

Use Tricorder (medical)(INT)

Equipped with sensors and analysis software tailored for medical diagnostic purposes but different
enough in use that proficiency with a tactical Tricorder does not entail proficiency with a medical
A Medic must use a medical Tricorder to analyze a patient’s wounds before making a Treat Injury or
Surgery check. Higher ranks in this skill allow characters to get better results when scanning or
analyzing with a Tricorder.

Use Tricorder (tactical)(INT)

The Tricorder is designed as a portable sensing, data analysis, and data communications device, with
many specialized abilities that make it an asset to crews aboard starships and space stations as well
as on away missions. Higher ranks in this skill allow characters to get better results when scanning or
analyzing with a Tricorder.

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Pilot Skill Set

Dock (INT)

Take off and landing are a skill unto themselves. Whenever a character attempts to safely take off,
land, dock or undock a starship they may add their Dock skill to their Skill Check.

Any type of regular docking maneuver is a DC 15. You may take 10 or 20.

A successful roll means that the starship successfully docs. A failure may damage the ship, check the
table below:

Failure Result

0 to -5 No effect. Dock is simply aborted

-6 to -10 You damage the ship and the installation you are docking with. 2d10 damage to
each. Shields can absorb this damage.

-11 to -15 You damage the ship and the installation you are docking with. 4d10 damage to
each. Shields can absorb this damage.

-16 or more As above, but also 1d3 systems go offline.

Pilot (INT)

Whenever attempting to maneuver a starship at Impulse or slower speeds a character may add their
Pilot skill to their Skill Check.

Taking a spaceship from space to the atmosphere of a planet or back again is a DC 15 skill check.
For a failure, roll on the table above and apply the results to the spacecraft.

Plot Course (INT)

Space is vast but not nearly so empty as most people think. The course between a starship’s starting
point and ending point can be full of nebulas, gravitational eddies or other spatial anomalies. Before
going to warp speed a character must make a Plot Course Skill Check and may add their Plot Course
skill ranks to the check.

You may take 10 or take 20 on this spell check.

This skill is also used when going to warp. It takes (20 - (Plot Course skill points)) rounds to go to
warp to a designated destination, minimum 1 full round.

If a ploy course roll is failed then the pilot looses their bearings. It is (20 - (Plot Course skill points))
rounds before they may attempt to plot another course.

If the second attempt fails then the Pilot has become hopelessly lost and it is 20 - (Plot Course skill
points)) hours before they may plot another course. Hailing other vessels or heading towards the
nearest star may be a better option or using the scanners.

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Navigate (INT)

While at warp speeds a character must make Navigate checks every light year travelled. A Pilot may
add their Navigate ranks to the relevant Skill Check.

The DC is 15. You may take 10 or 20 if not rushed or threatened.

If the Navigate roll fails then roll on the table below:

Failure Result

0 to -5 Only half the distance is covered in this hour

-6 to -10 You drop out of warp. Dilithium cost of travel is doubled for this hour.

-11 to -15 You drop out of warp. Dilithium cost of travel is x5 for this hour.

-16 or more You drop out of warp. Dilithium cost of travel is x5 for this hour. d3 systems go
offline as you break suddenly.

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Operations Skill Set

Craft (Item)(WIS)
The character is skilled at making a particular type of item. The character can choose any item on the
General Equipment list or a specific type of weapon. This skill must be taken independently for each
item the character wishes to know how to Craft.

Demolition (WIS)
There are circumstances when the need arises to take something apart without worrying about
keeping any salvageable parts.

Knowledge(Warp Technology)(INT)

Knowledge of the theory and application of Warp Technology.


Render Inoperative(INT)
This skill is used in order to stop a timer on an explosive device, cause doors to stay shut, disable
communication systems onboard a starship or a myriad of other possible uses.

When something breaks or a character is attempting to upgrade a system, a repair check is made. A
character adds their ranks in Repair to any relevant Skill Checks made.

Repair is also the skill used to 'heal' Androids and Physical Avatars.

Each skill roll uses up 1 'unit' of components. Each Unit of components costs 500 credits.

The base target DC is 15, with the following modifiers:

Target is at 0 hit points or below: +2

Has no repair kit: +5
Has no repair components: +5

Success: Target heals d8+skill level/2 HP

Failure: If the roll is failed by more than 10, then the target takes d6-(con modifier) damage.

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Use Transporter(INT)

Using a transporter is a dark and mysterious art form.

To do Target DC
Basic Ship to Ship 5
Basic Ship to Planet 10
Point to Point 14
Precise to 5ft +2
Range over 20,000 km +2
Max Range (40,000 km) +4
Using controls you have been trained with -2
Picking up signal from comms badge / -1 per unit up to -5
Interference +1 to +10 (GM decision)
Additional People +1 to roll per person beyond the first.
(+3 per person if they are not standing
next to each other)
Picking up an individual that has not +10
previously been scanned , just via lifesign
scan, not pinpointed.
Triangulation -1 per source
Large object (weight 100kg+) +2
Large object (weight 200kg+) +4
Large object (weight 300kg+) +6
Not at transporter location, doing from +4
external tricorder
Is not a person e.g. tech +2
Is alien tech +4


You may opt to spend up to five rounds targeting the transporter attempt, For each round spend doing
this the transporter attempt will have a -1 applied to the DC.

The DC of a Targeting roll is 10. Use the Transporter Use skill.


Either failed to get a lock or the transport itself failed.

Any failure roll other than a 1: Failed to get a lock. You may attempt next round.

Rolled a 1: The transport failed. Make a DC 10 Transporter Use roll to abort the transport attempt. If
this roll also fails then roll a d100:

1 The item or person is disintegrated.

2-9 The item or person arrives in an unsafe place. They may take
damage from falling or from the environment they arrived at (e.g.
the void of space, fire, water).
10 - 100 The item or person arrives at a safe place, just not where they
wanted to be. Location decided at random.

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(See: Quoted below:)

A typical transport sequence began with a lock to coordinates, during which the destination was
verified and programmed, via the targeting scanners. Obtaining or maintaining a transporter lock
enables the transporter operator to know the subject's location, even in motion, allowing the beaming
process to start more quickly. This is an essential safety precaution when a starship away team
enters a potentially dangerous situation that would require an emergency beam-out.
A transporter lock was usually maintained by tracing the homing signal of a communicator or
combadge. When there was a risk that such devices would be lost in the field or are otherwise
unavailable, personnel could be implanted with a subcutaneous transponder before an away mission,
to still provide a means to maintain a transporter lock. Alternatively, sensors could be used to scan for
the bio-sign or energy signature of a subject, which could then be fed into the transporter's targeting
scanner for a lock.
Next, the lifeform or object to be beamed was scanned on the quantum level, using a molecular
imaging scanner. At this point, Heisenberg compensators took into account the position and direction
of all subatomic particles composing the object or individual and created a map of the physical
structure being disassembled, amounting to billions of kiloquads of data.

Write Program (INT)

Whether a character needs to write a security protocol, create a virus to infiltrate an enemy’s
database or create a program to track another being’s computer activity, Write Program is the skill

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Medical Skill Set

Knowledge (Anatomy) (INT)

This skill allows a character to have an intimate knowledge of a specific species anatomical structure
to include location of vital organs, musculature, bone structure, neurological systems as well as
endocrine systems.

Knowledge (Biology)(INT)
This skills provides scientific explanations for phenomena such as birth, growth, aging, death and
decay of living organisms, similarities between offspring and their parents (heredity), the flowering of
plants as well as genetics and evolution.

Knowledge (Pharmaceutical) (INT)

This skill allows a character to have an in depth knowledge of medicines, enzymes and other
medicinal compounds and how to use them.

Knowledge (Toxic Compounds) (INT)

This skill allows a character to have a familiarity with different types of Toxic Compounds and their
use. See the ‘Exotic and Toxic Compounds’ table for particulars.

Preventive Medicine / Diagnose (INT)

After analyzing a potential medical threat a character may attempt to dispense an inoculation to
threatened beings by making a Preventative Medicine Skill Check. A successful check implies that the
character has developed a method to combat the potential medical threat.

Treat Injury (INT)

This is the mainstay skill of Medics and Doctors everywhere. Use this skill when treating an injury that
doesn’t require surgery such as burns, bruises and stun effects.

The base target DC is 15, with the following modifiers:

Using a Tricorder(medical): -2
Target is at 0 hit points or below: +2
Has no medical kit: +5

Success: Target heals d8+skill level/2 HP

Failure: If the roll is failed by more than 10, then the target takes d6-(con modifier) damage.

Uses up a 'charge' of a Medical Kit if you are using one.

This skill may be used to stabilise someone who is below 0 hit points.

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Communications Skill Set

Bargain (CHA)
This skill allows characters to get the best deal attainable on services and goods. To use this skill, a
character must make an opposed bargain check with the merchant they are purchasing from.

Bluff (CHA)
Whenever the character is attempting to lie or be ambiguous in a situation, they may add their Bluff
bonus to their Skill Check.

Diplomacy (CHA)
This skill trains a character in etiquette, protocol, political posturing and subtlety of language. This is
the skill to use when a character needs to put on their most gracious attitude or when they need to
influence others.

Disguise (WIS)
This skill allows a character to look like a different person or to look like they are a member of a
particular organization. In order to see past the Disguise, an opposed Perception Skill Check must be
made vs. the character’s Disguise Skill Check.

Gather Information (CHA)

This skill helps a character to find out who to talk to or where to go and ask about particular
information. Also, a successful Gather Information Skill Check allows a character to discover what the
‘word on the street’ is about a particular topic.

The usage of ships sensors. For a full list see the Ships Sensors section (page 144). This skills must
be taken for each sensor type, just as the Knowledge skill works.

This skill may be used untrained with a -4 to the roll if the character has at least 1 rank in Computer

Sense Motive (WIS)

This ability allows a character to recognize certain behaviours and relate them to possible motives a
being may be trying to keep concealed. A successful Skill Check will let a character know whether or
not a being is trustworthy or not.

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Security Skill Set

Escape Artist (DEX)

This skill allows a character to attempt to slip out of shackles, wriggle out of ropes or any other kind of
bindings they might be tied up in.

This skill is used for priming and throwing grenades of all varieties.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Forgery (INT)
A character uses this skill to fake travel documents, create a believable report to lure enemies into a
trap or even falsify identification papers. The forgery is only inspected if the person reviewing the
forged documents makes a successful Perception roll (opposed to the Forgery Skill Check result) to
notice that the documents are suspect. The reviewer then needs to make an opposed Forgery skill
check to try and catch the forgery. If the opposed Forgery check fails the documents are believed to
be valid. If it is successful the documents are automatically realized to be false.

Heavy Weapons(STR*)
This skill covers the use of mini-guns, flame throwers, rocket launchers and all other man-portable
heavy weapons.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Lock pick (DEX)

This skill allows a character to open mechanical (and some electrical at the GMs discretion) locks
without a key.

This skill required a set of lock picks. If the character is just using bits of metal they found lying around
or tools from a repair kit then the DC of the lock is +4 harder.

This skill covers all projectile weapons larger than a handgun, including assault rifles, sub
machineguns, shotguns and muskets.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

This skill covers all energy weapons larger than a handgun, including phaser rifles and disruptor rifles.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Ship Based Weapons (Phasers)(*INT)

This skill is used when firing ship based energy weapons.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Ship Based Weapons (Torpedoes)(*INT)

This skill is used when firing ship based torpedo weapons.
*Ranks in this skill are added directly to the Base Attack Bonus.

Stealth (DEX)
By making a successful Skill Check a character can sneak up on someone, avoid video detection
equipment or simply make little or no noise while moving. In order to realize that the character is there
a being must make an opposed Perception Skill Check and surpass the character’s Stealth result.

Survival (INT)
This skill allows the character to forage for food, find water and find shelter in inhospitable terrains
and climates.

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Unarmed Combat(_____) (DEX)

This skill acts as a modifier to the characters Base Attack Bonus while fighting unarmed. Unarmed
combat can be trained multiple times.

Some examples are given below:

Unarmed technique Features

Karate +skill level to kick, punch and grapple attacks.
Judo +skill level to grabble and throwing attacks.
Boxing +skill level to punch attacks only. +2 damage.
Kick Boxing +skill level to kick and punch attacks. +1 damage.

See 'Combat Notes' section for rules on Unarmed Combat.

Use Explosive (INT)

This skill allows a character to handle and set explosives with little or no risk to themselves. See the
‘Explosives’ table for Skill Checks required for different types of explosives.

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How it works in Star Trek RPG

During this early era of play (2130 – 2165) the idea of a Universal Translator is still in its infancy
and won’t even be in common use until the late 2150’s (and then only by cultures affiliated with
the Coalition of Planets). The UT won’t be a standard piece of technology until the 2170s when
it becomes more fine-tuned by necessity through the expansion of the Federation. Until then
UT’s are usually only found being used by the more advanced Starships and their crews.
This being said it is important that characters have the ability to speak multiple languages. All
characters begin play being fluent and literate in their native language. Some species
automatically begin play with more than one language. In those cases the secondary languages
should be treated as being conversational/proficient. If a player wishes to add extra languages at
first level, they must choose from the relevant species’ Optional Languages list.
To gain the ability to read/write or speak a language, a player must put at least one skill point
(maximum four) in the desired language skill. The language skill progression works as follows:

One Skill Point (Familiar)

A character understands only the most basic of words such as food, water, ship, yes and no. If
trying to communicate in this language a character only understands 10% of what is being said.
If trying to read a text the character can only decipher 10% of the words but cannot write in the
given language.

Two Skill Points (Basic Understanding)

While speaking the character can get across messages such as “I am from Earth” or “Where is the
closest Starbase?” A character can grasp basic concepts within a written text and can write terse
messages in the language but cannot give specific detail (only generalities). Overall
understanding is at 30%.

Three Skill Points (Conversational/Proficient)

While speaking the character can grasp most concepts but does not have the ability to discuss
technical details or abstract ideas. Also, colloquialisms are difficult (if not impossible) to
understand. Reading and writing greatly improve at this level. While a character could write a
letter to a friend in this language or read local newspapers technical information, legal language
and advanced phrasing are beyond their ability. Overall understanding is at 65%.

Four Skill Points (Fluent/Literate)

While speaking the character can understand complex phrasing, abstract concepts and even wax
philosophic. The character can read and comprehend even the most advanced texts with amazing
clarity and can translate a given text into their native language (or any language they are
Fluent/Literate in) with ease. A character has the ability to write detailed treatises and has a
decent grasp on colloquialisms. Overall understanding is at 95%.

Possible Language Options

Human Klingon Andorian Nausicaan Orion
Risan Denobulan Tandaran Kreetassan Tellarite
Vulcan Suliban Xyrillian Enolian Many other possibilities

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Feat Pre-requisite Summary

Acrobatic Dexterity 15+ +5 to Jump. +5 to Balance.
Accurate Shot None Take no -4 penalty for firing into melee combat.
Advanced Unarmed 6 ranks in Unarmed Critical range becomes (18 – 20, x2). Do d10 damage per hit.
Offensive Method
Defensive Method
Alertness None +1 to Defence.
Ambidexterity None +1 to Dual Wield attacks
Animal Affinity Wisdom 15+ +4 bonus to Skill Checks with animals.
Armour Proficiency None Avoid -4 Defence penalty while wearing armour type.
Athletic None +6 HP.
Attack Weapon None Attack an opponent's weapon without provoking an AOO.
Blind fighting None May melee attack while blinded without penalty.
Brave None +2 to Fear and Intimidate checks
Cautious Alertness +2 bonus to all Perception, Search and Listen checks
Combat Precision Base Attack +6 +1 to all attack rolls.
Combat Reflexes None Make AOOs equal to Dexterity modifier + 1
Combat Responses Combat Precision Attacks of Opportunity equal to Wisdom modifier.
Contacts None Roll on table for helpful NPCs
Cultural Understanding None +2 to all Communication Skill checks.
Defensive Combat Combat Responses Make a single attack to add Con modifier to defence.
Defensive Method 1 rank in Unarmed Add Wisdom modifier to Defence while unarmed and
Endurance None +2 to all Strength related skill checks.
Exotic Weapon None Avoid -4 penalty on Alien or Exotic Weapons
Heavy Handed None +1 damage in melee.
Improved Agility None +2 to Reflex checks.
Improved Determination None +2 to Will checks.
Improved Disarm Improved Agility Make a disarm attempt without triggering an AOO.
Improved Critical Base Attack +8 Increase by 1 critical range of a chosen weapon.
Improved Initiative Improved Agility +4 to Initiative
Improved Stamina None +2 to Fortitude checks.
Improved Trip Improved Agility Make a trip attempt without triggering an AOO.
Improved Two Weapon Dexterity 13 Offhand attack at -5. May be different weapons.
Fighting Two-Weapon Fighting
base attack +6
Low Profile None +2 to Hide and Move Silently
Mobile Shot Accurate Shot Attack before, during or after movement.
Offensive Method 1 rank in Unarmed Critical range becomes (18 – 20, x2). Do d8 damage per hit.
Base attack +6
On Edge None NPC only. -2 to Int based checks when under stress or fatigued.
Persuasive None +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Bargain
Quickdraw None Draw a weapon as a free action
Sensors (_____) None +2 in a particular sensor
Sensors Expertise (___) Sensors (of type +4 further bonus in particular sensor
Skill Emphasis (_____) None +4 to chosen skill.
Sharp Eyes None +2 bonus to Search and Perception checks

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Stamina None X2 normal healing rate.

Starship Alertness Starship Operations 8 +1 to Starship Defence
Ranks in Pilot
Steady None +2 bonus to Jump, Swim and Climb checks.
Swiftshot Accurate Shot Bows: Extra attack at -2 Firearms: Fire as if Full Action.
Toughness None +10 bonus to resist disease, toxic compounds, radiation and illness
Tech Head None +2 bonus to all Operations Skills Checks
Track None Track others using Survival skill.
Trustworthy None +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks
Two Weapon Fighting Dexterity 13 +2 to attack with dual weapons
Weapon Finesse (___) base attack +1 Use Dex instead of Str as attack modifier. Light melee weapons.
Weapon Savvy (___) base attack +6 +1 to attack roll with selected weapon.
Weapon Specialty (__) Weapon Savvy +1 to damage with selected weapon.

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Feats Descriptions

Requirements: Dexterity 15+
The character is adept at feats of agility. When making jump or balance checks they receive a +5
bonus to their Skill Checks.

Accurate Shot
A character can fire into a melee situation without suffering the usual -4 penalty for firing into melee

Advanced Unarmed
Prerequisites: 6 ranks in Unarmed Combat, Offensive Method and Defensive Method
While fighting Unarmed your critical range increases to (18 – 20, x2) and your damage increases to
1d10 per attack.

The character receives an inherent +1 bonus to Defence. If a situation arises where a character does
not benefit from their Dexterity modifier to Defence, they also lose the benefit of Alertness.

A character is just as proficient with both the left hand and right hands.
You gain a +1 to dual wield attacks.

Animal Affinity
Requirement: Wisdom 15+
This Technique allows a character to be more empathic towards non-sentient life forms. When
attempting to interact the character receives a +4 bonus to Skill Checks.

Armour Proficiency
Allows a character to wear particular Armour types without incurring a –4 Defense penalty
Light: allows a character to wear Light Armor without penalty
Medium: allows a character to wear Medium Armor with no penalty
Heavy: allows a character to wear Heavy Armor without penalty

The character is particularly hearty. They receive +6 Hit Points. This Technique may be taken multiple

Attack Weapon
This Technique allows a character to attack the weapon of an opponent without provoking an attack
of opportunity.

Blind Fighting
The character has an innate ability to sense where an opponent is even when they lose their ability to
see. If blinded, a character may make attacks without penalty up to a range of 2 meters.

The character is reasonably fearless.
+2 to Fear and Intimidate checks

Requirements: Alertness
The character is more wary than normal. They receive a +2 bonus to all Perception, Search and
Listen Skill Checks.

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Combat Precision
Requirements: Base Attack Bonus +6
Add+1 to all attack rolls.

Combat Reflexes

Benefit: The maximum number of attacks of opportunity the character may make each round is equal
to the character’s Dexterity modifier + 1. The character can still only make one attack of opportunity
on a single opponent.
With this feat, the character may also make attacks of opportunity when flat-footed.

Normal: A character without the Combat Reflexes feat can make only one attack of opportunity per
round and can’t make attacks of opportunity when flat-footed.

Combat Responses
Requirements: Combat Precision
A character may take an attack of opportunity a number of times equal to their Wisdom modifier.

The character is particularly well known in a specific part of space for all the right reasons (or all the
wrong reasons). Roll 1d4 to determine how many contacts the character has. Use the chart below to
determine how influential the character’s contacts are. A character cannot be famous and infamous in
the same part of space.

D% Contact
0 – 4 Crime Lord
5 – 7 Assassin
8 – 10 Smuggler
11 – 14 Pirate
15 – 22 Thief
23 – 26 Con Artist
27 – 30 Gambler
31 – 34 Hacker
35 – 38 Mercenary
39 – 42 Engineer
43 – 46 Private Investigator
47 – 50 Spy
51 – 54 Doctor
55 – 58 Pilot
59 – 62 Tradesman
63 – 65 Police Officer
66 – 68 Military Officer
69 – 71 Starship Officer
72 – 75 Police Chief
76 – 79 Administrator
80 – 83 Councilman
84 – 87 Mayor
89 – 91 Senator
92 – 96 Governor
97 – 100 GM’s Choice

Cultural Understanding
The character has an innate empathy with sentient Species. They receive a +2 bonus to all
Communications Skill Checks.

Defensive Combat
Requirements: Combat Responses
By making only a single attack in a round a character may add their Constitution modifier to their
Defense until the end of the round.

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Defensive Method
Requirement: +1 Rank in Unarmed Combat
When fighting Unarmed and wearing no armor, a character may add their Wisdom modifier to their
Defense. A character loses this bonus whenever they would lose their Dexterity bonus.

The character is exceptionally strong (like a bull). They receive an inherent +2 bonus to all Strength
related Skill Checks.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency

This Technique allows a character to use a never before encountered weapon without the usual –4

Any projectile or energy weapon, even if alien, can be used by someone with proficiency in that
weapon type. This technique covers more exotic weapons such as Vidiian Harvesters.

Heavy Handed
When attacking with a melee weapon add +1 Damage.

Improved Agility
The character is exceptionally reactive to their surroundings and receives an inherent +2 bonus to
their Reflex Checks.

Improved Critical
Requirement: Base Attack Bonus +8
The character chooses a single weapon that they are proficient in. Their critical threat range with that
weapon increases by one.

Improved Determination
The character has a strong mind. They receive an inherent +2 to all Will Checks.

Improved Disarm
Requirement: Improved Agility
The character can attempt to disarm their opponent without instigating an attack of opportunity.

Improved Initiative
Requirement: Improved Agility
The character responds more quickly to dangerous situations than is normal. They receive an
inherent +4 bonus to their Initiative rolls.

Improved Stamina
The character can withstand great physical adversity. They receive a +2 to all Fortitude Checks.

Improved Trip
Requirement: Improved Agility
The character can attempt to trip their opponent without instigating an attack of opportunity. If the trip
is successful, they can also make one attack against their tripped opponent.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack
bonus +6.
Benefit: The character gets a second attack with his or her offhand weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Also, this feat allows the character to use a melee weapon in one hand and a ranged weapon in the

Normal: Without this feat, a character can only get a single extra attack with an off-hand weapon, and
both weapons must be of the same type (either both ranged weapons or both melee weapons).

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Low Profile
The character is good at remaining unnoticed. They receive a +2 bonus to hide and move silently

Mobile Shot
Requirement: Accurate Shot
A character can attack before , during or after their movement for a given round.

Offensive Method
Requirement: +1 Rank in Unarmed Combat, Base Attack Bonus +6
While fighting Unarmed your critical range increases to (19 – 20, x2) and your damage increases to
1d8 per attack.

The character receives an inherent +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Bargain.


This Feat allows the character to draw their weapon as a free action rather than a full round action.

When taken as a feat this provides standard training with this particular Sensor Type (see the list in
the Starship section) and +2 to the Skill associated with it.

Sensors Expertise(____)
When taken as a feat this skill provides standard training with this particular Sensor Type (see the list
in the Starship section) and a further +4 to the Skill associated with it.

Skill Emphasis (_____)

Pick one Skill. The character is exceptionally versed in that Skill and receives a +4 bonus to all Skill
Checks with it.

Sharp Eyed
The character is has exceptional vision and receives an inherent +2 bonus to Search and Perception

The character heals from wounds more quickly than normal. Character heals double their normal
resting rate (i.e. Level x2 HP per day of rest).

Starship Alertness
Requirement: Starship Operations, 8 Ranks in Pilot
While piloting a Starship the Pilot imbues a +1 bonus to the Starship’s Defense.

Starship Operations
The character is proficient in the basic operations of a starship. Characters without this Technique
take a –6 penalty on all Skill Checks in relation to operating a starship.

The character has sure and steady movement. The character receives an inherent +2 bonus to Jump,
Swim and Climb checks.

Swift Shot
Requirement: Accurate Shot

Bows: A character can make a second attack at their highest attack bonus per round but each attack
made that round suffers a –2 penalty.

Firearms: The penalties for firing more than one bullet/pulse as a standard action are applied as if it
were a full round action. See table on page 204.

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The character is particularly proficient with technology. They receive an inherent +2 bonus to all
Operations Skills Checks.

The character has a strong immune system. The character receives a +10 bonus to resist disease,
toxic compounds, radiation and illness.

You can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain.
To find tracks or to follow them for 1 kilometer the character must make a Survival Check.
You move at half your normal speed while tracking someone. The DC of the Skill Check depends on
the conditions in which you are trying to track. Check the following tables for particulars.

Terrain DC
Very Soft 10
Soft 15
Firm 20
Hard 25

Condition DC Modifier
*Every 3 targets in group being tracked -1
*Every 24 hours since trail was made +1
*Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
*Fresh snow cover (or other dust like
substance) since trail was made +10
*Poor Visibility:
Overcast/Moonless Night +6
Moonlight +3
Fog/Precipitation +5

The character has a benevolent demeanor when dealing with people. They receive a +2 bonus to
Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.

Two-Weapon Fighting
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13.
Benefit: The character’s penalties for fighting with two weapons are lessened by 2.
The weapons used must both be melee weapons or both be ranged weapons (the character can’t mix
the types).

Weapon Finesse(_____)
Prerequisites: Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: With the selected light melee weapon, the character may use his or her Dexterity modifier
instead of his or her Strength modifier on attack rolls.

Special: A character can gain this feat multiple times. Each time the character takes the feat, the
character selects a different weapon.

Weapon Savvy
Requirement: Base Attack Bonus +4
Pick one weapon. The character is extraordinarily proficient with it. They receive a +1 bonus to all
attack rolls with that weapon.

Weapon Specialty
Requirement: Weapon Savvy
Pick a weapon that the character already has Weapon Savvy with. The character knows how to get
optimum damage from the chosen weapon and deals +1 damage with it.

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Amidst species that have made it to the stars, technology and equipment can be as advanced or as
primitive as the local inventors and profiteers have the capacity to create. In this chapter there are
lists for standard equipment, trade goods, weapons, defensive items and medical goods. The
prices are all given in

A note about money

All prices are given in the Terran Credit. The Terran Credit is the currency of Earth until 2198
when the New World Economy is instituted and money goes the way of the dinosaur.
An important note is that to other species the Terran Credit, the Andorian Mark or any other form
of planetary currency is pretty useless. There are however several items that have a fairly
standard value throughout the sector and are normally readily accepted in trade. The items are as
follows: warp plasma, plasma injectors, warp coils, dilithium, platinum, gold and trillium (the
latter three being classified as ‘precious metals’). The precious metals are highly valued by warp
capable species because of their excellent conductivity and various uses in electronic devices of
the era. The prices of these items tend to not fluctuate from star system to star system as much as
other commodities and therefore provide a stable base of exchange.

Replicator Rations as Credit

Onboard Voyager, Replicator Rations were used as currency:

Each day, each person is given a 1 day ration pack - this is from long term ships storage and provides
enough food and water to keep you for one day.

On top of that each crewman also receives replicator rations for the day.

This is 100 grams per day - about 2 slices of bread or 4 biscuits or a cup of tea.

Non-crew receive 50 grams per day

People on parole receive none.

People started saving them up on the ship to have larger meals.

Items can also be traded for RRs with the Quartermasters. Generally the bigger the item the more
grams you get. But if it has more complex parts that can be salvaged then they would get more

(GoRR = Grams of Replicator Rations)

A kilo of lead = 5 GoRR

A wrist watch = 10 GoRR
A phaser pistol = 100 GoRR

The price you get though depends on how friendly the Quartermaster is with you and how positively
you are viewed in general on the ship. You can of course trade with other people on board in the hope
of getting a better price.

So remember Away Mission Kids! Loot = GoRR! Load up those backpacks!

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Currency in the Delta Quadrant

There is no canonical currency in Voyager, but in any RPG there is the need for it, just to be able to
sell loot and buy better gear.

It would be normal for space faring races to trade with each other and in non-replicator technology
races it would be gold, silver and other periodical metals and natural gems such as diamonds.

In replicator level technologies the tradable item would most likely be Dilithium and other elements
that can't be replicated.

For the sake of the GMs sanity I've decided that most advanced races can tell the difference between
replicated gold and gems and will consider them of less value and trade them at about 25% value.

I looked online but found no currencies mentioned, so I'll just make on up based on what I do know.
According to the maps, when Voyager first sets off the biggest civilisations are the Vidiian Sodality
and the Kazon Sects. Of the two the Kazon seemed the most outgoing and the first time they are
encountered they are on the hunt for water. Leaving aside the nonsensical fact that they can make
warp capable starships but not water let's just say they have a currency based around water. The
'Water Credit' or WC.

So other local races would think of what things are worth in WCs. Even if they didn't have any to hand
they would mentally convert the tradable items into WCs before making their barter exchanges. For
the sake of ease of use, 1 Terran Credits = 1 Water Credit.

The Vidiians also issue a coin called a Vidiian Crown. They are electronic and contain transactional
information that can be read with the correct device. Its worth 10 credits

Dilithium as Currency

Dilithium, one would imagine, would be highly sought after all over the galaxy.

1g of Dilithium = 100 credits

10g of Dilithium = 1,000 credits
100g of Dilithium = 10,000 credits
1kg of Dilithium = 100,000 credits

See the Dilithium section for more on this precious metal.

Unrefined Dilithium usually costs 100 credits per kilo.


1 Vidiian gold coin = 10 Vidiian credits

1 Vidiian gold ingot = 100 Vidiian credits
1 Kazon Paper/Coin = 1/2 credit to all others, 1 to Kazon

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Tech Levels

All items have an associated Tech Level and will generally only be available to buy from cultures that
have that TL or higher. Items that are listed that are associated with a particular species will have the
TL of that species.

Borrowed from Traveler: (

Traveler TL Historical Era Star Trek Delta Quadrant Species

0 Stone Age (fire)
1 Bronze Age (3500 BC)
1 Iron Age (1200 BC)
1 Medieval Age (600 AD)
2 Age of Sail (1450 AD)
Industrial Revolution (1730
4 Mechanized Age (1880 AD)
5 Circa 1910 AD
6 Nuclear Age (1940 AD)
7 Circa 1970 AD
8 Digital Age (1990 AD) Markov-Kalto
9 Early Stellar (2050 AD)
Enterprise Era (2130 - Occampa
10 Early Stellar (2120 AD)
11 Average Stellar TOS Era (2254–2269) Kazon
12 Average Imperial TNG Era (2364 – 2370) Talaxian, Banean
13 Average Stellar VOY Era (2371–2378) Vidiian, Numiri
14 High Stellar 25th Century
15 Imperial Maximum 26th Century
Timeship Era (29th
16 Darrian Historical Maximum

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Trade Goods

Items for Trade

The trade goods listed here are just a small example of the myriad of materials that might be
considered a commodity on some worlds.
Weapons and items listed on the General Equipment table can also be deemed worthy enough to
haul as cargo if the prices are right.

Item Cost
General Medical Supplies (1 kg) 10 Credits
Food Products (normal) (1 kg) 1 Credits
Food Products (specialty) (1 kg) 10 Credits
Common Metal Ore (1 kg) 6 Credits
Semi-Precious Metal Ore (1 kg) 280 Credits
Precious Metal Ore (1 kg) 1000 Credits
Textiles (per meter squared) 10 Credits
Warp Plasma (1 litre) 5000 Credits
Plasma Injector (one) 150 Credits
Repair Parts (one) 100 Credits
Warp Coil (one) 50000 Credits

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Exotic and Toxic Compounds

Some items are not exactly considered legal in most trade circles. Some of these compounds
have proven to be effective against most known Species. The table beneath gives the particulars
for several of the more commonly available compounds.

Compound Effect Save DC Price/dose

Assegai Causes a 1d6 hour coma CON 18 200
Turkarra Causes 5d10 damage to internal organs CON 20 24,275
Ornafor Causes 1d4 Dexterity damage for 1d10 days CON 20 1200
Karfar Causes death; on a successful Save take 2d8 CON 22 4500

Yarall Hallucinogen, –15 to all Checks for 1 hour WIS 22 50

Kreshta Causes Euphoric state and –4 to all Checks for CHA 18 35
1d6 hours
Drizzrek Causes a –10 to Intelligence score for 1d4 days INT 17 2200
Gorah Encourages amiability. Must make pass a Will WIS 19 1250
save (TN 24) to tell lies or to be deceitful. Lasts for
1d6 hours.

Ket Ro Causes sleep to be impossible for 1d6 + 1 days CON 24 1400

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Armor Types

There are many different types of armour and ballistic clothing available throughout the sector, but
most fall within three general categories: Light Armor, Medium Armor and Heavy Armor. For a
character to be able to wear armour without suffering an inherent –4 to all rolls they must have
proficiency with each particular level of armour (Light, Medium or Heavy). Armor reduces damage
dealt by the listed Soak amount.

(MW = Master Work)

Type Type Defence Soak Weight Tech Cost

(lbs) Level (credits)
Vidiian Long Black Forcerobes L 0 1 2 13 650
Basic Ballistics Vest L 0 1 10 8 650
Vulcan Survival Jacket L -1 2 15 9 975
Vidiian Forcerobes L +2 2 2 13 3000
Numiri Uniform L 0 2 10 10 1100
MACO Tactical Body Armor L 0 3 25 11 1600
Kazon Amazon Female Armour L 0 3 25 11 2000
Numiri Officers Uniform M 0 3 9 11 2100
Kazon-Ogla Ballistic Uniform L 0 3 25 11 1600
Advanced Vidiian Forcerobes L +3 3 4 13 6000
Markov-Kalto Riot Police Uniform L -1 4 40 8 2000
Combat Jacket H -1 4 25 8 2000
MW Kazon-Ogla Ballistic Uniform L 1 3 25 11 1900
Andorian Ballistic Uniform L -1 3 25 10 2150
Antaran Battle Armor M -2 4 25 10 2800
Tellarite Defensive Suit M -3 5 40 11 3375
Kazon-Ogla Combat Armour M -3 5 40 11 3375
MW Kazon-Ogla Combat Armour M -2 5 40 11 3675
MW Markov-Kalto Combat Armour M -2 5 50 8 3675
Tandaran Personnel Protector M -4 6 25 12 4950
Norlot Heavy Ballistic Armour H -4 6 45 12 4950
MW Norlot Heavy Ballistic Armour H -3 6 40 12 5950
Nausicaan Heavy Fight Jacket H -5 7 40 10 7200
MW Norlot Super Heavy Ballistic Armour H -4 7 60 13 5950
Klingon Warrior’s Panoply H -6 8 50 9 8575

Notes on Armour

Norlot Armour

All Norlot Armour also acts as an Environment Suit. The commonly wear the helmets for these suits
even indoors. They are really ugly creatures and are happy to hide their faces!
The Armour has an internal tank of air that lasts for 12 hours.
If they are outside they generally have an external tank also, that is good for 48 hours and an
emergency rebreather system that will last another 4 hours.
(Tank and Rebreather system add 500 credits to Armour cost)

Note: Wearing a standard Environment Suit over armour gives -2 Defence.

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Maco Armour

Maco armour is considered out of date by the time of voyager.


Personal Shields

There is not much in the way of canonical personal shield technology in Star Trek but they are
available in star trek online. (See:

A Personal Shield acts like the shields of a spaceship but for one standard sized humanoid.
It is usually a 3 kg pack that is worn on the chest or back.
Will usually glow when in use.
It is a free action to activate or deactivate.
It costs 1 gram of Dilithium to fuel it (which takes an hour) and once fuelled it will absorb the stated
amount of points of damage. This is after a hit has been scored but before the soak of any other
factors (e.g. other armour worn) have been taken into account.
Once the soak points have been reduced to below 0 the shield deactivates and must be refueled to
work again.

Every type of shield costs 1 gram of Dillithium to power for 24 hours regardless of whether it has
absorbed damage or not.

Type Type Defence Soak Weight Tech Cost

(lbs) Level (credits)
Personal Shield Generator Shield 0 *100 5 13 10,000
Honour Guard Personal Shield Shield 3, and 1 point of 0 6 12 15,000
energy damage
to melee attacker
M.A.C.O Personal Shield Shield 3, +1 to Resists 0 6 11 18,000
Omega Force Personal Shield Shield 0 *50 6 13 10,000

*Acts as per a ships shield and soaks the specified amount of damage before the shield must be

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Power Armour

There is not much in the way of canonical power armour technology in Star Trek but they are
available in star trek online for some races.

Type Type Defence Soak Weight Tech Cost

(lbs) Level (credits)
Mark I Power Suit. Medium -1 6 50 11 250,000
Also provides: +3 STR, +1 DEX
Acts as an environment suit.
+2 to Listen, +2 to Perception
Lowlight, Magnification UV and IR vision.
Mark I Heavy Power Suit. Heavy -3 10 100 12 850,000
Also provides: +6 STR, -1 DEX
Acts as an environment suit.
+2 to Listen, +2 to Perception
Lowlight, Magnification UV and IR vision.
Mark I Mountain Ranger Suit. Light 0 5 50 11 350,000
Also provides: +2 STR, +3 DEX
Acts as an environment suit.
+2 to Listen, +2 to Perception
+4 to Jump, +4 to Climb
Lowlight, Magnification UV and IR vision.
Mark I Stealth Suit. Light 0 5 50 11 350,000
Also provides: +2 STR, +2 DEX
Acts as an environment suit.
+2 to Listen, +2 to Perception
+4 to Move Silent, +4 to Hide
Lowlight, Magnification UV and IR vision.
Options inbuilt light melee weapon.

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Starfleet Uniforms are made from the latest technology in material and as such offer the following
features when worn:

Type Defence Soak Cost Special

Starfleet – Light Armour Weave 0 1 1000 Temperature Modulation : +2 to Fort
for all Fatigue / Exhaustion effects
Starfleet - Excursion Uniform 0 2 5000 - Temperature Modulation : +3 to
Fort for all Fatigue / Exhaustion
- Intelligent Pro-Body Weave: +1 to
Jump and Climb checks
Training Uniform 0 0 5000 - Temperature Modulation : +4 to
Fort for all Fatigue / Exhaustion

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Environment Suits


Environment Suits, or Spacesuits come in many different forms. When worn in conjunction with any
other armour type there is a -2 to Defence modifier.

Time is the amount of time you can be in space and survive (air, water, food etc).

All EV suits have forms of propulsion.

Type Defence Soak Time Cost (credits) Weight Special

TL 8 Spacesuit -5 1 2 5000 Heavy and
cumbersome 20th
century spacesuit.
TL 9 Environment Suit -4 2 3 15,000 Early Stellar.
TL 10 Environment Suit -3 2 4 20,000 Early Stellar. More
TL 11 Environment Suit -2 2 5 25,000 TOS Era
TL 12 Environment Suit -1 3 5 25,000 TNG Era
TL 13 Environment Suit -1 3 5 25,000 VOY Era

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Weapon Damage Range Type Critical Clip Cost TL

Flintlock Pistol*1 1d8 25 m (75ft) Projectile 20, x2 1 180 3
9mm 1d8 25 m (75ft) Projectile 20, x2 15 265 6
Desert Eagle 1d8+2 25 m (75ft) Projectile 20, x3 9 365 8
Norlot Pistol 1d8+1 25 m (75ft) Projectile 20, x2 30 500 9
EM – 33 2d6 25 m (75ft) Energy Pulse 20, x2 20 400 10
Phase Pistol 3d4 25 m (75ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 35 780 10
Numiri Phase Pistol 3d4+2 25 m (75ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 30 880 11
Numiri Officers Phase Pistol 4d4+2 25 m (75ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 15 1880 11
Plasma Gun 4d4 25 m (75ft) Energy Pulse 20, x2 20 995 11
Sonic Disruptor 2d8 25 m (75ft) Sonic Wave 19-20,x2 25 1185 12
Particle Compressor 5d4 25 m (75ft) Energy Pulse 20, x2 20 1680 12
Vidiian Harvester* 2d4(3d4+2) 25 m (75ft) Energy Beam 19-20,x2 35 1200 12
Vidiian Blood Gun 3d4*2 25 m (75ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 20 1780 12

Note : Normal Pistols have 5 soak/15 HP. Armour plated pistols have 10 soak/15 HP.

*1 Fires only one shot then must be reloaded, which is a full round action
*2 On a hit that does damage the target must make a DC 15 Fort save or lose 1 CON.


Weapon Damage Range Type Critical Clip Cost TL

SMG 1d8 50m(150ft) Projectile 19-20,x2 30 635 6
Carbine Rifle 1d10 100m (300ft) Projectile 19-20,x2 15 1235 6
Norlot Rifle 1d10+2 100m (300ft) Projectile 19-20,x2 30 1535 9
Assault Rifle 1d10+2 100m (300ft) Projectile 19-20,x2 30 1535 7
Compression Rifle 2d8 100m (300ft) Energy Pulse 19-20,x2 20 1490 9
Numiri Phase Autogun* 2d10 100m (300ft) Energy Pulse 19-20,x2 20 1490 10
Phase Rifle 3d8 100m (300ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 35 1880 11
Kazon Phase Rifle 3d8 100m (300ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 35 1880 11
Phase Rifle (KO Red dot 3d8 100m (300ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 35 2580 11
sight +1 to hit)
Energy Blaster 4d6 100m (300ft) Energy Pulse 19–20,x2 20 2695 12
Particle Accelerator 2d10 100m (300ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 35 3145 12
Disruptor Rifle 5d6 100m (300ft) Energy Pulse 19–20,x2 20 3670 12
Burung Mera Energy 3d8 200m (300ft) Energy Beam 19–20,x2 35 5580 12

Note : Normal Rifles have 5 soak/25 HP. Armour plated Rifles have 10 soak/25 HP.

Note : Normal Heavy Weapons have 5 soak/35 HP. Armour plated Heavy Weapons have 10 soak/35

Numiri Phase Autogun: +4 to hit when firing full auto

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Heavy Weapons

Weapon Damage Range Type Critical Clip Cost TL

Numiri Flame Thrower* 6d4 50ft (max) Special 20 x2 20 6000 9
Numiri Phase Autogun* 2d10 150ft Energy Pulse 19-20,x2 300* 1490 9
Grenade Launcher * 50ft (max) Special N/A 12 or 6 2000 9

Note : 5 soak/25 HP. Armour plated Rifles have 10 soak/25 HP.

Numiri Flame Thrower: - hits a square much like an incendiary grenade. Does 6d4 to target,
half if they make a DC 15 reflex save. Has a range of 50ft

Numiri Heavy Autogun: - +4 to hit when firing full auto (belt fed - 300 rounds in hopper)

Grenade Launcher: Fires grenades. A 'clip' (or drum) holds either 12 small grenades or 6 large one.


Weapon Damage Range Type Critical Clip Cost TL

Combat Shotgun (+2 to 3d6/2d6/1d6 20ft/40ft/60ft Projectile 20 x3 12 300 9
Combat Shotgun (rubber 1d6/2d6 20ft Projectile none 12 300 9
Combat Shotgun (solid 3d4 20ft Projectile 19-20,x2 12 300 9
slug)(ignores 3 soak)

Shotguns can fire a maximum of 3 shots per action.

Martial Weapons

Weapon Damage Range Type Critical Cost TL

Pocket Knife 1d3 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 10 1
Flick Knife 1d4 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 20 1
Kazon / Norlot Dagger 1d4 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 20 1
Serrated Dagger 1d4+1 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 20 1
Combat Dagger 1d4 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 45 1
Xindi Reptilian Dagger 1d4 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 45 1
Hunting Knife 1d5 5ft Pierce 18-20,x3 50 1
Baton*1 1d6(+2) 5ft Bash 20,x3 158 1
Klingon Mek’leth 1d6 5ft Slash 20, x2 226 1
Power Gauntlet*2 1d6 / 3d6 5ft Bash / Crush 20,x3 2358 10
Andorian Ushaan-Tor 1d8 5ft Slash/Pierce 19-20,x2 85 1
Vulcan Lirpa 1d8/1d6 5ft Slash/Bash 20, x3 180 1
Klingon Bat’leth 1d8 5ft Slash/Bash 20,x3 358 1
Human Katana 1d10 5ft Slash/Pierce 19-20,x2 226 1
Nausicaan Kris Blade 1d12 5ft Slash 19-20,x2 288 1
Norlot Labrys 2d6 5ft Slash 19-20,x2 500 1
Norlot Painstick 2d6+2 5ft Bash 19-20,x2 500 10

1*Baton deals +2 damage when used as Non-Lethal.

2*Power Gauntlet does 3d6 damage when grappling.

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Note : Normal Martial Weapons have 5 soak/15 HP. Armour plated Martial Weapons have 10 soak/15


Item (# of Rounds/Charges) Cost

Sidearm Projectiles (15) 100 Credits
Compression Rifle (60) 240 Credits
Sidearm Sonic Charge (25) 150 Credits
Phase Rifle (45) 180 Credits
Sidearm Energy Beam (35) 120 Credits
Energy Blaster (40) 150 Credits
Sidearm Energy Pulse (20) 200 Credits
Particle Accelerator (50) 280 Credits
Rifle Projectile (30) 200 Credits
Disruptor Rifle (30) 200 Credits

Notes on Weapons

Phaser 3b – Compression Phase Rifle

As used on Interpid-class ships. (

The Phaser 3b-1 has a wide beam setting

The Phaser 3b-2 has a sniper shot mode (http://memory-

Phaser 3b-1 (Wide Beam)

Damage: 3d8, Range 100m, Type: Energy Beam, Crit: 19-20x2, Cost: 3800 credits

This phaser is scoped and has a +2 to hit when the scope is used to sight a target. Not effective in
close combat.

Wide Beam mode: This weapon may be fired in a cone shape from the wielder. It has a range of 25ft.

Everyone in the cone area takes 1d8 damage unless they make a DC 15 reflex save in which case
they take half. This uses up 5 charges of ammunition

Phaser 3b-2 (Sniper Shot)

Damage: 3d8, Range 100m, Type: Energy Beam, Crit: 19-20x2, Cost: 4800 credits

This phaser is scoped (see Sniping in the Section 4.)

1 aimed shot can be fired every Standard Action (so two in a full action). This gives a +1 bonus to hit.
If you take a full action, the bonus is +2.

Sniper Shot mode: This is not effective under a range of 20ft. Over a range of 20ft, the wielder make
take a full round action to make a shot in sniper mode.

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Range now is 200m. Damage is 5d8. Critical is now 20x3. To hit modifier is +3.

This shot uses 2 charges of ammunition.

Voyager Era Type-2 Phaser

Type 2 phasers of the 24th century were capable of achieving sixteen settings,
ranging from mild stun to disintegration. They were as follows:
 Level one: lowest setting, Light Stun, capable of stunning most base humanoids for
approximately five minutes. According to Starfleet regulations all phasers must be stored at
this setting. Possesses enough force to break large urns.
 Level seven: Capable of vaporizing noranium carbide alloy.
 Level ten: Kill setting, capable of killing a biological organism.
 Level sixteen: Capable of vaporizing rock to widen an opening in a lava tube partially
blocked by rubble, or blowing large holes in walls.
GM : (10ft range)(uses a full clip)
In addition to variable power settings, type-2s can be set for a narrow (affecting a single target) or
"wide" beam (affecting two or more targets over a certain area). The frequency of the beam may also
be adjusted to make it more effective against certain types of shields and/or force fields.

Type 2 phasers could also cause severe to deadly phaser burns

Vidiian Harvester

Vidiians had a very sophisticated device which was a combination weapon, medical scanner and
surgical instrument. With this device, Vidiian organ harvesters would attack a victim who the device
indicated had healthy and Vidiian-compatible organs or tissues, and transport such bio-material from
the victim into the transporter device used.

Phase Pistol 2d4 (3d4+2 when stunning), range 25m, energy beam, 19-20x2 (1200 creds to sell)

Settings :

Medical Scanner - acts as a medical tri-corder (1 round to detect if the person hit has compatible
organs or tissues). Also reveals the targets physical stats (STR, DEX, CON), Fort, Ref and HP

Transport Tissue / Organ - two rounds. One to lock (Ranged attack), one to beam (Target makes Fort
check against DC against 5+skill level of wielder). The organ is sent to a location previously set by the
wielder. The target must be on less than ½ Hit Points otherwise this has no effect (non-lethal counts).

(Note that without training or the Exotic Weapons Feat, the additional settings are unavailable.)

Norlot Rifle / Pistol

Norlots favour rapid fire weapons. Norlot Rifles gain +2 to hit when firing more than 4 shots.

The feat ‘Use Norlot Projectile Weapons’ is used by all Norlot military and this gives a further +2

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This section covers everything about grenades and throwing weapons

Throwing Them

To attack a 'square' is a DC 5 per range increment.

There are only two range increments.

The first is: 15ft base + 5ft per 1 STR MOD and is a DC 5 to hit.

The second is: 15ft base + 5ft per 1 STR MOD and is a DC 10 to hit.

(e.g. Some with a STRMOD of + 2 could throw a grenade a maximum of 50ft)

Small Grenades

Grenades marked as ‘Small’ have a x2 range increment (e.g. 30ft + 5ft per STR MOD).

(e.g. Some with a STRMOD of + 2 could throw a small grenade a maximum of 80ft)

Hit or Miss

A hit lands at the square the thrower was aiming for, a miss requires a roll on the table below. If it was
a critical fail (i.e. a natural 1 was rolled) then roll on the table twice and add the results.

Roll Result What this means

00-25 Falls short. The grenade lands d6+2 x 5 feet short of the target.
26-50 Goes wide (unless the target is at maximum range then treat as 'Falls Short')
The grenade lands d6+2 x 5 feet wide of the target.
51-75 To the Left The grenade lands d6+2 x 5 feet left of the target.
76-00 To the Right The grenade lands d6+2 x 5 feet right of the target.


If you are standing in the same square as a grenade when it goes off then it is a DC 15 Reflexes save
to take half damage. If failed, then full damage is taken.

If you are standing in an adjacent square then it is half damage and a DC 15 Reflexes save to take ¼.

If you are standing in the next again adjacent square then it is ¼ damage and a DC 15 Reflexes save
to take none.

If you are prone the DC check is against 20.

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Types of Grenade

Frag Grenades

Type Weight Damage Notes Cost TL

Small 1lb 5d4 128 6
Large 2lb 4d6 256 7
AP (Armour Piercing) 1lb 4d4 Ignores Soak 256 7
HE (High Explosive) 2lb 4d6 No Ref save in same square. Full or half 256 7
damage in adjacent square. 1/2 or 1/4
damage in next adjacent square depending
on Ref save.
HEAP 2lb 4d6 Ignores soak. 512 7
No Ref save in same square. Full or half
damage in adjacent square. 1/2 or 1/4
damage in next adjacent square depending
on Ref save.
Flechette 1lb 5d4 Another d6 damage to non-armoured targets. 400 7

Incendiary grenades

Incendiary grenades do damage the 1stround and again in the 2nd unless the victim spends a full
round action trying to put it out.

This is a DC 15 on REF. +2 if you roll on the ground.6d4 damage.

They will also ignite anything flammable that they land on.

Type Weight Stun DC NL Damage Notes Cost TL

Small 1lb N/A 4d4 78 7
Large 2lb N/A 6d4 156 7

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Stun Grenades

Stun grenades do non-lethal damage only.

Roll a Fort check against the Stun DC to take half damage.

Radius is 10ft feet, 15ft in an enclosed room.

Type Weight Stun DC NL Damage Notes Cost TL

Small 1lb 15 4d6 78 7
Large 2lb 20 6d6 156 7
Sonic 1lb 15 4d6 Also deafens 1d4 rounds if 250 7
fails Stun DC.
Dazzle 1lb 15 4d6 Also blinds 1d4 rounds if 250 7
fails Stun DC.
Small Flash/Bang 1lb 15 4d6 Blinds and deafens 1d3 400 7
rounds if fails Stun DC.
Large Flash/Bang 2lb 20 6d6 Blinds and deafens 2d3 800 7
rounds if fails Stun DC.

*blindness and deafness out to 10ft

Smoke Grenades

Type Weight NL Damage Notes Cost TL

Small 1lb N/A 20% concealment - 20ft radius. +5 to 128 7
hide checks.

Large 2lb N/A 20% concealment - 40ft radius. +10 256 7

to hide checks.

Tear Gas 2lb Sickened on a DC 20 20% concealment - 40ft radius. +10 400 7
Fort roll to hide checks.

Mustard Gas 2lb DC 20 Fort roll or d6 20% concealment - 40ft radius. +10 650 7
CON damage and to hide checks. d6 CON damage
blinded. one minute later

A cloud of smoke will linger in an area for 10 rounds. 20 rounds if it is an enclosed space.

Special Grenades
Type Weight Damage Notes Cost TL
EMP Grenade 1lb 6d6* Damage affects electronic devices 512 9
and beings only

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Other Equipment

Note that the Tech Level column gives the lowest tech level that the item is available at.
Higher tech level items will be more sophisticated and cost more.
E.g. a TL 6 pair of binoculars (c. 1940) will be less sophisticated than a TL 13 pair (Voyager
Item Cost TL
All Weather Clothes (allows wearer to be comfortable between 0°- 45° Celsius) 35 1
Breather Mask (space/underwater/atmospheric filter) 48 6
Communicator (range 100 kilometers) 100 9
Pre-paid Subspace Comms 50 11
Datapad 25 10
Kazon Data Handset 20 10
Kazon Data Handset (Extended) 40 10
Flashlight 5 6
Tricorder (Tactical) 735 11
Binoculars 39 6
Alloyed Rope 20 8
Tool Kit (needed to conduct repairs) 140 5
Holographic Imager (records holo-vids) 20 10
Portable Power Generator (200 charges) 150 8
Space Ration 2 9
Universal Translator 14,000 11
Kazon Communicator (range 50 kilometers) 50 8
Kazon Communicator (Extended) (range 100 kilometers) 100 9
Vidiian communicator (range 100 kilometers) 100 10
Vidiian Mutli-tool (Tech tool / datapad / music - vid player) 100 11
Hologenerator (Arm Unit)(soft light only)(duplicate the user)(5 other pre-programmable 12,000 13
Emergency Grab Bag (10 minute air supply and breathing mask. Torch. Ration pack. Med 1525 10
Kit. Foam crack. Communicator. Emergency Beacon. 2x Flares. Datapad. Paper Survival
Robotics repair kit 2000 11
Norlot Tech Glasses ((maginify, clarify, low-lite) 300 9
Norlot ID Papers 10 9
Gasmask 30 5
Robotic repair parts (10) 1000 10

[All electrical equipment has a soak of 5 and HP of 10]

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Notes on Equipment:


Here is collected the things that tricorders can and cannot do.

Voyager uses the TR-590 Tricorder X.

(It also has all the functions of all previous versions)

Additional Functions

Detecting Lifesigns – Full Round Action – DC 10 Tricorder Use. Detects all life signs in a 60ft radius.
DC +2 for each further 20ft increase in radius.

Detecting Lifesigns (Past) – Full Round Action – DC 20 Tricorder Use. Detects if lifesigns were
present in the immediate area of 10ft of the Tricorder check. After 1 hour the DC is +2 and every 1
hour thereafter.

Dermal Regenerator

Heals HP lost from flesh wounds and burns only (in conjunction with a Treat Injury skill roll). Will not
heal HP lost from disease or poison.

See the Treat Injury Skill for its usage.

A fresh out the packet Dermal Regenerator comes with 20 charges. Once the charges are used up it
is useless.

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Healing Equipment

Item Weight Duration Notes Cost TL

First Aid Kit (20 charges) 4 - Allows the use of the First Aid Skill 200 5
Medical Kit (20 charges) 4 - Allows the use of the Treat Injury Skill 400 5
Tricorder (Medical) 2 - Among other things, decreases the DC 875 10
checks of Treat Injury Skill checks.
Field Surgeon’s Kit 6 - Allows for surgery outside of a hospital. 300 5
Dermal Regenerator 1 - Heals d8+2 normal damage only. Takes 1 500 11
minute per point of damage healed.
Stimulant Boost 'Pack' 0.2 - Heals d8+Skill Mod of applicant HP in 1 100 11
standard round.
Health Boost 'Pack' 0.2 1 day +4 to Fort. 250 11

Speed 'Pack' * 0.2 1d6 minutes +2 Dex, +4 Ini, +2 Ref, +10ft Movement 200 11
Speed Heal 'Pack'* 0.2 3 days Doubles the users regular healing rate. 350 11

Mind Boost 'Pack'* 0.2 2d6 minutes +2 Int. +2 Will 120 11

Rage Boost 'Pack'* 0.2 1d6 minutes Gains the 'Heat of Battle' Feat 300 11

Blue Boost 'Pack'* 0.2 1d6 minutes +4 to Hit, -2 to Defence 350 11

Green Boost 'Pack'* 0.2 1d6 hours Will stay conscious while in negative HP. 350 11
As per rules for 0 HP.
Combat Boost 'Pack'* 0.2 1d6 minutes +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Ini, +2 Ref. Conscious 500 11
in negative HP.
Vigour Boost 'Pack'* 0.2 1 day Will not become fatigued. Is Exhausted 250 11
after 1 day.

Rules for all packs:

- DC 10 Treat Injury or DC 14 First Aid skill check to administer.

- After the effects of the pack have worn off, the user must make a DC 15 Fort check or be fatigued.
- Many have side effects that are detailed in the description.

*There are legal issues in regards to the usage of this pack in civilised societies (including the

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Meal Cost
Five Star 50
Two Star 22
No Star 5
1 day basic ration 10
1 day standard ration 44
1 day luxury ration 100

Lodging Cost
Luxury Suite 285
Good Hotel 109
Shabby Motel 39

Medical Cost
Complex Surgery 3500
Minor Procedure 500
Basic Checkup 100

Travel Cost
Steerage 50 Open spot in a Freighter’s hold
Poor 100 A bunk on a Cargo Hauler
Average 200 Splitting a room with several other
passengers on a Runabout
Good 500 A private room on a starship
Luxurious 1200 A private stateroom on a ship designed
carry passengers

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Stat Items

These represent powerful technological items that improve, boost and modify stats and skills. As such
they are costly and in general cannot be replicated unless ruled differently by the GM.

Below is a sample list of items. In general any stat, skill or technique can be improved with an item.
The parameters of the item and the cost can be agreed on by the players and GM.

Tech Level will always be high, between 11 and 14.

Item Cost Effect Notes

Norlot Sedation Ring 10,000 CR +1 WIS Has the following effects on Norlots only : +5 to
Diplomacy, -5 to Intimidation. Worn on a finger.
Kazon Power Gloves 10,000 CR +1 STR No other type of glove or gauntlet can be worn.
Vidiian University 10,000 CR +1 INT No other type of glasses may be worn. Takes 1 week
Glasses of use before the +1 takes effect as the glasses
adjust to the wearer.
Banean Intelligent 10,000 CR +2 DEX The bonus only applies to running, jumping and
Footwear climbing checks.
Banean Intelligent 10,000 CR +2 DEX No other type of glove or gauntlet can be worn. The
Gloves bonus applies to hand tasks only, such as Ranged
attacks etc
Norlot Blood Filter 10,000 CR +1 CON About the size of a penny, this device is swallowed. It
then navigates to the heart in a somewhat painful
process. After two days the +1 CON is applied. +2
CON to Norlots.
Banean Psi Feather 10,000 CR +1 CHA This feather is worn behind the ear and transmits a
low frequency psi field that positively affects the
wearer and those around them. +2 CHA if the wearer
or the target is a Banean. The affect does not stack.
Numiri Sonic Spanner 10,000 CR +2 to Repair Make a DC 20 Repair skill check initially, otherwise
Skill you can’t figure out how to use it. This check may be
made in another 24 hours. Once successful the
check may never be made again.
Vidiian Targeting 15,000 CR +1 to Hit with Other headset or glasses may not be worn.
Headset Ranged
Balaxian Trade Totem 12,000 CR +2 to Barter A sophisticated hand held trading computer that
scans nearby systems for (mostly) legally obtained
trade data. Handy for not being price gouged on alien
Numiri Snoop 5000 15,000 CR +2 to Listen An earpiece that amplifies barely audible sounds and
goes beyond normal humanoid frequencies.
Vidiian Stealth Cloak 20,000 CR +4 to Hide, +1 Think ‘Predator’. May not be worn over Medium or
Defence Heavy armour or any other type of Vidiian cloak.
Gemspotter 9000 20,000 CR +2 Search A sophisticated, highly intelligent set of goggles
+2 Perception designed by the Burung Mera for the collection of
nice shiny things for their nests.

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While Cyberware (other than the Borg) is rare in Star Trek some NPCs will have it.

Many cultures frown upon Cybernetics unless absolutely necessary. There are many example of
races where it has gone too far, not least of which are the Borg. However, many unaligned space
stations and less civilised planets offer Cybernetics for sale.

TL 9 minimum is required, but the higher the TL the better the Cybernetics.

In the Cyberpunk2020 game the amount of Cyberware you could have was limited by the Empathy

Lists if Cyberware can be found on the internet, e.g.

In Star Trek use CHA. CHA x 10 gives the Empathy (EMP) score.

The GM decides how much EMP is lost for each Cyberware item.

Once your EMP reaches 0 you are effectively a machine.

The higher the TL of the Cyberware the lower the EMP loss.

[Table to be added once Cyberware enters the game].

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Genetic Manipulation

This covers all forms of genetic manipulation not already covered as part of the players species (e.g.
Suliban). Note that most advanced cultures use genetic manipulation at birth to prevent many types of
diseases and conditions. Also, most advanced cultures are very careful about creating 'super beings'
as there are many instances of things going very wrong. Starfleet for instance has it very tightly
regulated, however, many species all over the Galaxy offer Genetic Manipulation for sale that will
work on all common humanoid types.

GURPS Bio-Tech
( is very
detailed and I may pull stuff from it as we go on. Particularly Chapter 2.

In Star Trek then, CON x 10 = Number of Gene Strength points (GES). When you go over your GES
limit then that's the end as your body breaks up into bits. The higher the TL of the Genetic
Engineering the less GES the procedure costs.

[Table to be added once genetic manipulation enters the game].

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This section details starships in Star Trek.

Ship Type Main Reactor Movement Movement

Energy (Typical) (Space) (Atmosphere)
Shuttlecraft 28 2 18
Freighter 28 10 N/A
Light Cruiser 40 9 N/A
Heavy Cruiser 65 8 N/A
Explorer 50 9 12
Raider 40 11 16
Starbase 100 – 750 0 (Orbital) 0 (Orbital)

Starship Size Categories (Standard Starship Defence is 19)

Size Category Length in meters Defence Modifier

Tiny 1 – 24 +2
Small 25 – 99 +1
Medium 100 – 300 0
Large 301-500 -1
Huge 501-700 -2
Massive 701-900 -3
Enormous 901-1100 -4

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A spaceship has a maximum energy capacity, which is the limit of everything that can be installed.

A ship requires Dilithium to run its reactors which power the ship. Each day the cost in Dilithium in
grams is equal to the current Energy Cost of the ship.

The following modifiers are added to the Dilithium cost for the day:

Condition Modifier
Stationary 1/2 DL cost
Stationary and with all systems at minimal 1/4 DL cost
In 'Silent running' mode 1/2 DL cost
Travelling at Warp Speed X2 DL cost
Travelling at Full Warp X3 DL cost

The following actions also cost Dilithium:

Action Cost
Transport a human sized object 1g DL
Replicate 10kg of anything 1g DL

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Starship Systems Descriptions

This section entails a brief description of the different combat and non-combat systems found on a
Starship and the basics of how they operate.

Starship Support Systems

Everything that isn't a weapon onboard a starship.

Subspace Communications

By transmitting information through subspace rather than normal space, subspace communications
permit the sending of data and messages across interstellar distances faster than the speed of light,
proving it much more practical than conventional radio.
Because messages sent over subspace travel so much faster than the speed of light, they are the
basis for interstellar communication. Starships rarely even monitor frequencies that travel at the
speed of light or slower. Subspace communications have a varying degree of band frequencies, from
upper (or high-band) to lower.
Earth developed subspace communication in 2138. Subspace amplifiers are required in order to
maintain real-time contact between Earth and Earth Starfleet vessels over long distances. Contact
with these amplifiers is maintained with a subspace antenna. If this antenna is damaged, a starship is
only capable of short-range communication.

Subspace Communications Range (in light years)

Short Range: 2 Light Year
Mid-Range: 15 Light Years
Long-Range: 40 Light Years
* For unlimited range there must be a subspace amplifier every 40 light years


System Energy Cost Range Price TL Repair DC

Communications - Short Range 1 2 LY 21,000 9 15
Communications - Medium Range 2 15 LY 71,000 10 17
Communications - Long Range 3 40 LY 104,000 11 20

So even short range subspace comms fits easily within any solar system.

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Life Support

Life support systems are the most crucial aboard any space vehicle. They typically include
temperature and climate control, waste processing, radiation shielding, atmosphere recycling and
bacterial and viral filtering systems.
Life support can be shut down in order to divert its energy resources to other systems.
Once life support is shut down it takes an average of 60 minutes for the crew of a Starship to begin to
feel adverse effects.
Failure of Life Support systems can be fatal to a crew.

Amount of time without Life Support Adverse Effects

Up to 60 minutes No effect
60 to 90 minutes -4 to all Checks
91 to 120 minutes -8 to all Checks
121 to 150 minutes Fortitude Save of TN 18 or fall unconscious
180 minutes + Death by asphyxiation & hypothermia


System Energy Cost Price TL Repair DC

Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -Tiny 4 8000 9 15
Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) - Small 4 16,000 9 15
Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) - Medium 5 24,000 9 15
Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) - Large 5 32,000 9 15
Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) - Huge 6 40,000 9 15
Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) - Massive 6 48,000 9 15
Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) - Enormous 7 56,000 9 15
Life Support - Auxiliary System - Tiny 2 10,000 10 17
Life Support - Auxiliary System - Small 2 20,000 10 17
Life Support - Auxiliary System - Medium 3 30.000 10 17
Life Support - Auxiliary System - Large 3 40,000 10 17
Life Support - Auxiliary System - Huge + 4 50,000 10 17
Life Support - Emergency Batteries - Tiny 1 10,000 11 20
Life Support - Emergency Batteries - Small 2 20,000 11 20
Life Support - Emergency Batteries - Medium 3 30.000 11 20
Life Support - Emergency Batteries - Large 3 40,000 11 20
Life Support - Emergency Batteries - Huge + 4 50,000 11 20

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Gravity Plating

The artificial gravity generator is a component of most starships in the mid-22nd century.
The artificial gravity generator changes the environment of a starship from zero gravity to artificial
gravity, using the vessel's gravity plating. Gravity plating is a collection of plates used to simulate a
gravity environment on starships. Gravity plating can be lined along a ships exterior hull, or across the
interior deck plates.

A subsystem of Gravity Plating is inertial dampers. They are a system used on almost all starships to
counter the effects of rapid acceleration/deceleration of a vessel by sustaining and absorbing the
natural inertia of a vessel as it either moves through space or if it is under attack from another vessel.

If a starship were to jump to warp speed without using inertial dampers, the members of the crew
would almost certainly die as the rapid acceleration would throw them back in to the consoles and
rear walls killing them instantly. Conversely, they would also be killed if a ship were to come out of
warp but in this instance the crew would be thrown forward.


System Energy Cost Price TL Repair DC

Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Tiny 1 55,000 9 15
Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Small 1 110,000 9 15
Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Medium 2 165,000 9 16
Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Large 3 210,000 10 16
Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Huge 4 265,000 10 17
Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Massive 5 310,000 10 18
Gravity Plating (with Inertia Dampener) - Enormous 6 465,000 10 19

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The flight control operations onboard a starship or shuttle. Helm is responsible for controlling the flight
operations of a ship, including warp, impulse and thruster control.
Helm is also responsible for controlling the ship during a landing sequence or docking procedure.


System Energy Price Notes TL Repair DC

Navigation System Mk 1 1 5300 9 15
Navigation System Mk 2 1 10,000 +1 to Navigation checks 10 17
Navigation System Mk 3 1 20,000 +1 to Navigation checks 11 19
and Plot Course
Navigation System Mk 4 1 30,000 +2 to Navigation checks 12 21
and Plot Course
Navigation System Mk 5 1 50,000 +3 to Navigation checks 13 25
and Plot Course

Additions to Navigation System

System Energy Price Notes TL Repair

Cost DC
Astrogator 1 6000 + 1 to Plot Course 9 15
Subspace Sensor System Mk 1 1 250,000 +1 to Navigation and Plot Course 9 15
Subspace Sensor System Mk 2 1 500,000 +2 to Navigation and Plot Course 10 17
Advanced Helm Control Mk 1 1 100,000 +1 to Pilot 10 19
Advanced Helm Control Mk 2 1 200,000 +2 to Pilot 11 21
Advanced Helm Control Mk 3 1 300,000 +3 to Pilot 12 23
AI Navigation System Mk 1 2 500,000 No need for human. Has 10 in each skill 11 21
AI Navigation System Mk 2 2 750,000 No need for human. Has 15 in each skill 12 23
AI Navigation System Mk 3 2 1,000,000 No need for human. Has 20 in each skill 13 25

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Hull Plating

Polarized hull plating is a defensive technology. In a battle situation, electromagnetic power can be
applied to the hull materials, making them several orders of magnitude harder. This is the only
defensive technology is used on starships of cultures that have not yet developed shield technology.
Unlike shields, polarization cannot be amplified to reinforce a specific section. The amount of
polarization on the forward sections of the ship is the equal on the aft.

Hull plating on any ship has a 100-point scale. What varies from ship to ship (and what determines
the strength of a ship’s hull plating) is it’s Damage Reduction (DR).
Whenever a ship takes damage with active hull plating first subtract the DR number from the damage
roll and then subtract the result from the Hull Plating 100-point scale. When the scale reaches 0, it
indicates that Hull Plating is offline and needs a Repair check (TN 20) in order to be brought back
online (2 hour repair time). Once Hull Plating is offline all damage done gets subtracted directly from a
ship’s Hull Point with no damage reduction. Note that Hull Plating Systems can have from DR 0 to DR

For example:
A Klingon Raptor fires a Disruptor (6d10 damage) at an NX Class and rolls 47 points of
damage. The NX Class has DR 15 and Hull Plating is at 29. The NX Class takes 32
(47 – 15 = 32) points of damage to its Hull Plating taking it offline since Hull Plating is
now at or below zero. The next attack deals 54 points of damage that is taken directly
out of the NX Class’ Hull Points leaving it with 446 Hull Points (500 – 54 = 446).

System Energy Price Damage TL Repair DC

Cost Reduction
Hull Plating 2 450,000 5 9 15
Advanced Hull Plating 3 550,000 6 10 17
Advanced Hull Plating Mk 2 4 750,000 7 11 19
Advanced Hull Plating Mk 3 5 950,000 8 12 21
Advanced Hull Plating Mk 4 5 1, 250,000 9 13 25

Deflector Control

The navigational deflector dish is a component of many starships, and is used to deflect space debris,
asteroids, microscopic particles and other objects that might collide with the ship. At warp speed the
deflector is virtually indispensable for most starships as even the minutest particle can cause serious
damage to a ship when it is traveling at supra-light velocities. If the Deflector Dish goes off line warp
speed will cause the ship to become destroyed within 1d4 minutes of travel due to micrometeorite
collisions. Furthermore, when the deflector dish is offline a ship cannot travel faster than half-impulse.

System Energy Cost Price TL Repair DC

Deflector Control - Small 1 170,000 9 15

Deflector Control - Medium 2 470,000 9 15
Deflector Control - Large+ 3 970,000 9 15


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The term sensor is used to refer to any device that is used to scan, record, or otherwise observe any
aspect of an environment surrounding a starship, station, or person. This could be as simple a device
as a manual camera or light sensor, or as complicated as the many devices designed to scan the
matter and energies of subspace, space, time and stellar bodies that make up all of existence. There
are many ways to mask a sensor scan, sensor screens are the most commonly used. You can also
mask a sensor scan with certain materials, or radiations.

Successful sensor use is determined by a Sensor(____) skill check. If you do not have any ranks in
this sensor type then the roll is at -4.

(40 AU = 0.0006325 LY, 80 AU = 0.001265001, 200 AU = 0.003162501)

(1 LY = 63,241 AU)

All sensor data can be displayed on the main viewscreen.

Multiphasic Scanning


A multiphasic scan, or multiphasic sweep, is a method whereby a vessel's sensors could be

reconfigured to penetrate areas of intense interference where conventional scanning
methods would prove impractical. (-4 to Computer Use while peforming these scans)

Subspace differential pulse


Some scanners may be used to emit subspace pulses. These include Electromagnetic, Electron
Resonance, Gamma Ray, Neutron Densitometry, Magnetron and Gravimetric scanners.

Inverse tachyon pulse


Some scanners may be used to emit tachyon pulses. These include Electromagnetic, Electron
Resonance, Gamma Ray, Neutron Densitometry, Magnetron and Gravimetric scanners. This is done
via the main navigational deflector.

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Scanner Types:

System Energy Price Range TL Repair

Cost DC
Short Range IFF Sensor 1 290,000 40 AU 8 15
Medium Range IFF Sensor 2 900,000 80 AU 9 16
Long Range IFF Sensor 3 1,390,000 1 LY 10 17
Chemical Identity 2 900,000 40 AU 9 15
Short Range Electromagnetic 1 290,000 40 AU 9 15
Medium Range Electromagnetic 2 900,000 10 LY 10 16
Long Range Electromagnetic 3 1,390,000 25 LY 11 17
Electron Resonance 2 290,000 40 AU 11 17
Short Range Gamma Ray 1 290,000 40 AU 11 17
Medium Range Gamma Ray 2 900,000 10 LY 12 18
Long Range Gamma Ray 3 1,390,000 25 LY 13 19
Gravimetric 1 900,000 40 AU 11 17
Short Range Navigational Scanner 1 290,000 40 AU 9 15
Medium Range Navigational Scanner 2 900,000 10 LY 10 16
Long Range Navigational Scanner 3 1,390,000 25 LY 11 17
Molecular Imaging 1 900,000 40 AU 10 17
Short Range Neutron Densitometry 1 290,000 40 AU 10 17
Medium Range Neutron Densitometry 2 900,000 10 LY 11 17
Long Range Neutron Densitometry 3 1,390,000 25 LY 12 18
Thermal Analysis 1 900,000 40 AU 9 15
Proximity Sensors 1 100,000 1 AU 9 15
Targeting / Tactical Scanner 1 500,000 40 AU 9 15
Topographic Imaging 1 200,000 40 AU 9 15
Sub Atomic 1 1,390,000 40 AU 10 16
Antiproton Beam 1 1,390,000 40 AU 11 17
Biological Reference 1 500,000 40 AU 10 16
Geological 1 500,000 40 AU 9 15
Internal Ship Sensors 1 500,000 Internal 9 15
Short Range Magnetic Resonance 1 290,000 40 AU 9 15
Medium Range Magnetic Resonance 2 900,000 10 LY 10 16
Long Range Magnetic Resonance 3 1,390,000 25 LY 11 17
Short Range Passive High Resolution 1 290,000 40 AU 9 15
Medium Range Passive High Resolution 2 900,000 10 LY 10 16
Long Range Passive High Resolution 3 1,390,000 25 LY 11 17
Short Range Subspace Differential 1 290,000 40 AU 10 15
Medium Range Subspace Differential 2 900,000 10 LY 11 16
Long Range Subspace Differential 3 1,390,000 25 LY 12 18
Short Range Virtual Positron Imaging 1 290,000 40 AU 11 17
Medium Range Virtual Positron Imaging 2 900,000 10 LY 12 18
Long Range Virtual Positron Imaging 3 1,390,000 25 LY 13 20
Dilithium Scanner Short 1 1m 40 AU 9 17
Dilithium Scanner Medium 2 2m 1 LY 10 18
Dilithium Scanner Long 3 4m 2 LY 11 19
Magnetron scanner 1 1m 40 AU 13 19
Astrometrics 1 500,000 40 AU* 11 16

(1 AU = the distance from Sol to Earth)

Mid-Range: up to 10 Light Years
Long-Range: up to 25 Light Years (at this range a d% must be rolled to discover how informative the
long-range scans are as resolution drops off because of distance and spatial phenomena. Also, all
Skill Checks are at a –6.)

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More information on Scanner Types.

IFF Sensor - Used by military vessels. ( Will

automatically identify any spaceship already known to the system and provide a wealth of information
on the target. Gives a +4 to Computer Use when tracking, interrogating or examining a spaceship.

Chemical Identity - A long range advanced spectrograph used to identify the atomic and sub-atomic
make up of anything it is pointed at.

Electromagnetic - A sensor specifically designed to measure Electromagnetic activity.


Electron Resonance - (Or EPR) Used for studying materials with unpaired electrons.

Gamma Ray Sensor - (Or GRS) For measuring the distribution of the intensity of gamma radiation
versus the energy of each photon. (

Gravimetric - measurement of the strength of a gravitational field.


Navigational Scanner - The standard scanner for moving around in space and looking at things.
( If this is damaged then all Navigation checks
are at -2.

Targeting / Tactical Scanner - Used by military vessels for assisting the targeting of all the ships
weapons systems. If this is fitted, then all weapons get +2 to hit and allows particular parts of an
enemy ship to be targeted.

Antiproton Beam - see ( May be used to spot

cloaked vessels.

Passive High Resolution - see ( A

very detailed scan through the full range of light.

Internal Ship Sensors - Used mainly in larger vessels to monitor the goings on. (http://memory-

Magnetron scanner - Used for watching subspace activity and finding subspace fractures.

Astrometrics - specialises in charting the stars (Stellar Cartography). As such it has a subspace range
of 40LY, but an can get very detailed information regarding stars at any range of light.

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The transporter is a subspace device capable of almost instantaneously moving an object from one
location to another. Transporters are able to dematerialize, transmit and reassemble an object. The
act of transporting is often referred to as "beaming."

Transporter rooms usually consist of a transporter console, a transporter platform with an overhead
molecular imaging scanner, primary energizing coils and phase transition coils.

A pattern buffer with a biofilter is located on the deck below the room. The outer hull of a starship
incorporated a number of emitter pads for the transporter beam.

Transporters work on the quantum level and employ Heisenberg compensators to enable secure
transport of life forms. Biofilter built into the transporter systems prevent dangerous microorganisms
from boarding the ship.

Generally, starships have a range of 40,000km and shuttles 20,000km.

System Energy Price Range Max TL Repair DC

Cost Capacity
Transporters - Simple 2 800,000 50km 100kg 10 20
Transporters - Mark 2 3 1,500,000 1,000km 200kg 11 23
Transporters - Mark 3 3 2,000,000 5,000km 400kg 12 25
Transporters - Advanced 2 2,500,000 20,000km 1000kg 12 25
Transporters - Advanced 3 5,500,000 40,000km 2000kg 13 30

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The grappler was a metallic cable with claws on the end that could be launched by a starship to
grapple objects in space. The grapplers utilized a magnetic lock device to attach to objects. The more
effective tractor beam eventually supercedes this device although some species maintained the use
of grapplers well into the 2160s. Grapplers can be extended to 5 kilometers.

System Energy Price TL Repair DC

Grappler - Small 1 120,000 9 20
Grappler - Medium 2 220,000 9 23
Grappler - Large 3 320,000 9 25

Tractor Beam

A tractor beam is an attenuated linear graviton beam used by starships and space stations
to control the movement of external objects. The beam places spatial stresses on the
object in specific areas allowing the ship using the tractor beam to hold the object in a
fixed location or alter its position or trajectory.
Tractor beams are generally only used at sub-warp velocities. To safely tow a vessel at
warp speed, the target vessel’s engines must be deactivated to avoid shearing forces
against both the towing and towed vessels. Using a tractor beam can be done at warp
speed only if both vessels' speeds are exactly matched. Tractor beams have a range of 18

System Energy Price TL Repair DC

Tractor - Small 1 1,120,000 10 20
Tractor - Medium 2 2,220,000 11 23
Tractor - Large 3 3,320,000 12 25

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Warp Drive

Warp drive is a technology that allows space travel at faster-than-light speeds. It does this by
generating warp fields to form a subspace bubble that envelops the starship, distorting the local
space-time continuum and moving the starship at velocities that exceed the speed of light. These
velocities are referred to as warp factors.

System Energy Price Max Warp TL Repair DC

Cost Speed
Warp Drive (Warp 1) 8 2,200,000 1 9 15
Warp Drive (Warp 2) 8 3,400,000 2 9 15
Warp Drive (Warp 3) 8 4,600,000 3 10 16
Warp Drive (Warp 4) 8 5,800,000 4 10 16
Warp Drive (Warp 5) 8 7,000,000 5 11 17
Warp Drive (Warp 6) 8 8,000,000 6 11 17
Warp Drive (Warp 7) 8 9,400,000 7 12 18
Warp Drive (Warp 8) 8 11,500,000 8 12 18
Warp Drive (Warp 9) 8 15,000,000 9 13 20
Banean Fast Shuttle 8 8,000,000 6 11 17
Norlot Fast Attack Vessel 8 9,000,000 7 12 18

Warp Drive Modifications

Modification Energy Cost Full Warp EC Price Notes

Warp Drive Refit +1 +1 2,000,000 Gives an additional 0.5 Warp Speed.
May not go above Warp 9.
Warp Drive Booster +2 +2 2,000,000 Warp Drive can optionally run at +2
Warp (max Warp 9). This doubles the
rate of Dilithium usage.
'Used' +1 +2 * At the GMs discretion and depending
on who the Players are dealing with
second hand warp drives are offered at
a reduced cost. Usually they use more
Dilithium and energy. As a general
rule they will be 50% normal price.

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A ships reactor is its power plant, which powers the warp drive, life support and everything else. A
ship with a higher energy cost than its reactor output cannot run all of its systems at once.

System Energy Price Ship Size TL Repair DC

Shuttle Non-Warp Reactor 20 400,000 Tiny/Small 9 14
Shuttle Warp Reactor 25 500,000 Tiny/Small 9 15
Runabout Warp Reactor 32 1,000,000 Small / Medium 9 15
Raider Warp Reactor 40 2,000,000 Medium 9 19
Heavy Cruiser Warp Reactor 70 3,000,000 Large / Huge 9 25
Explorer Reactor 50 1,500,000 Medium 9 23

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Shields operate by creating a layer of energetic distortion containing a high concentration of gravitons
around the object (ship, city, etc.) to be protected. Shield energies can be emitted from a localized
antenna or "dish" (such as a ship's navigational deflector), or
from a network of "grid" emitters laid out on the object's surface (such as a ship's hull).
Neither matter nor highly concentrated energy (i.e., weapons fire) can normally penetrate
a shield without first matching the exact shield frequency. Warships match their own
shield and weapon frequencies so their shielding does not stop them from defending
themselves. Continuous or extremely powerful energy discharges, can, however,
progressively dissipate the integrity of a shield to the point of failure.
Normally transporters are not capable of penetrating shields. Shields on board a starship
have one other weakness that can be exploited by a knowledgeable and highly skilled
opponent. The area directly aft of a ship's impulse engines is weaker than the rest of the
shield envelope. This allows the ship's impulse "exhaust" to exit the shield rather than
being trapped inside it. It takes time to activate a deflector shield.

A starship needs exactly 10 seconds (one round) to lower or raise its shields.
Shields work as a defensive factor by absorbing up to a certain amount of damage before
going off line. Only Heavy Cruisers have Shield capability in the 22nd century up to
2165. They will be fitted on to Explorer vessels at that time as well. Note that a starship
can have 50 to 250 Shield Points.

If a ship has 200 Shield Points, an opposing ship must inflict 200 points of damage (or if
your lucky roll 76-80 on a Critical Hit) to take shields offline. Once a ship’s Shield
Points have been reduced to zero they are offline and need a Repair check (TN 20) in
order to be brought back online (2 hour repair time).

System Energy Price Notes TL Repair DC

Shuttle Shields (50HP) 4 600,000 Regen 1 HP per minute 9 14
Standard Shields (100HP) 7 1,100,000 Regen 1 HP per minute 10 15
Heavy Shields (200HP) 12 2,800,000 Regen 1 HP per minute 11 15
Super Heavy Shields (250HP) 20 4,800,000 Regen 1 HP per minute 12 19
Fast Regen Standard Shields 8 1,100,000 Regen 2 HP per minute 13 25

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Computer Systems

A starship’s Computer System is used to control and run all other ship's systems. They can be used
to automatically target and fire weapons (and as such have a Base Attack Bonus).

System Energy Base Price Notes TL Repair DC

Cost Attack
Mk I Starship Computer 2 4 126,100 9 20
Mk II Starship Computer 2 5 180,000 Talks, but is not an AI 10 25
VI+ CPU 3 6 300,000 Almost an AI, but just a very 11 30
sophisticated VI.
Duotronic Computer 2 7 420,000 Specifically designed for starships. 12 32
+1 on some rolls.
Multitronic Computer 3 8 560,000 A limited AI capable of running a 12 33
starship without any user input. +2
on some rolls.
Full AI Computer 4 9 2,500,000 A fully functional AI system with 13 35
optional Avatar.
+1m for soft/hard light.
+2m for Physical Avatar.


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The impulse drive is a propulsion system used for sub-light speeds. In starships the impulse drive is
essentially an augmented fusion rocket, usually consisting of a fusion reactor, an accelerator-
generator, a driver coil assembly and a vectored thrust nozzle to direct the plasma exhaust. The
fusion reaction generates highly energized plasma. This plasma, ("electro-plasma") can be employed
for propulsion. The accelerated plasma is passed through the driver coils, thereby generating a
subspace field that improves the propulsive effect.

In the 22nd century full impulse is the equivalent to one-third the speed of light (i.e. 34,300,000 kph).

Larger ships need larger impulse engines.

System Energy Price TL Repair DC

Impulse - Small 4 227,500 9 15
Impulse - Medium 6 427,500 9 17
Impulse - Large 8 827,500 9 19

Thruster Systems

Thrusters were propulsion devices used aboard starships that generated very little speed, but were
useful in various situations. It was possible to use manoeuvring thrusters to alter a ship's course, to
rotate about an axis, or to move short, precise distances without the use of impulse drive. It was
possible to use acceleration thrusters to increase the speed of a ship. Starship personnel could
manually use thrusters through thruster control.

Thruster top speed is approximately 1,000kph minus 100 kph for every size class above
Small so that Medium top speed is 900 kph, Large is 800 kph, Huge is 700 kph etc.

System Energy Price TL Repair DC

Thrusters -Tiny 2 35,000 9 15
Thrusters - Small 2 50,000 9 15
Thrusters - Medium 3 100,000 9 16
Thrusters - Large 4 200,000 9 16
Thrusters - Huge 5 300,000 9 17
Thrusters - Massive 6 400,000 9 18

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Stealth Systems

Stealth is a form of technology used to render starships totally, or at least less, detectable to sensors.

Many space-faring civilizations use varying forms of stealth technology. Masking circuitry is a stealth
technology used aboard warships of the Romulans, Suliban Cabal and Xyrillians to minimize their
sensor signature. The power consumptions of stealth technology are high, meaning weapons and
shields cannot be used while a cloak is on.
Interactions between electromagnetic radiation and ionized gas have been extensively studied for a
variety of purposes, including the possible concealment of starships from sensors. Plasma stealth is a
process that uses ionized gas to reduce the sensor image of a ship. While it is possible to reduce a
starships sensor image, wrapping the frame in plasma may possibly induce a total ‘invisibility’ by
allowing visible light (as well as other spectrum radiations) to be dispersed by the ionized plasma.
These developments are still in the testing mode throughout the 22nd century.

Larger ships need larger systems.

System Energy Price TL Repair DC

Stealth - Small 4 3,227,500 12 30
Stealth - Medium 6 4,427,500 12 33
Stealth - Large 8 8,827,500 13 35

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Weapons Systems

(Apparently Space Combat is possible (but not easy!) at warp speed : )

STO weapons :

If the occasion ever arises that starship weaponry is used against people, personal sized vehicles or
equipment all damage is multiplied by 100.

Critical hits occur on a natural roll of “20” and result in double damage and damages d3 ships
systems (see Taking Damage below).

Weapon Strength and Location

Weapons generally fall into two main categories : Energy and Projectile.

Note that Torpedoes may be fired from any torpedo tube as long as it is if high enough TL and an the
correct Tube would have cost less than the one being used.

Projectile Weapons generally can be installed in two types : Beam and Cannon

Beam can be in two categories : Array and Dual Bank

Array : This is your typical way of aiming and firing weapons. They can be installed fore, aft, port and
starboard with a 250 degree firing arc. Since they ship has to be maneuvered if the array is not in
position careful consideration must be given to the weapons position.

Dual Bank : This installation type has the following effect :

Weapon Damage : x2
Energy Cost : x2
Price : x2
Arc of Fire : 90 degrees
To Hit modifier : -2

Cannon can be installed in seven categories : Turret, Single, Single Heavy, Dual, Dual Heavy, Quad
and Wing.

Single : This is the most basic installation of a given cannon style weapon. This style of mount is
usual on smaller craft and is foreword facing. They can be installed fore, aft, port and starboard with a
180 degree firing arc.

Turret : To install the weapon in a turret, first a turret must be installed (seems obvious). This
increases the base price by x1.5. If mounted top of bottom the the turret has a 360 degree firing arc.
This make targeting and firing the weapon easier, giving a +2 to hit.

Single Heavy: This installation type has the following effect :

Weapon Damage : x2
Energy Cost : x2
Price : x2
Arc of Fire : 90 degrees
To Hit modifier : -2

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Dual: This installation type has the following effect :

Weapon Damage : x2
Energy Cost : x2
Price : x2
Arc of Fire : 45 degrees
To Hit modifier : -3

Dual Heavy: This installation type has the following effect :

Weapon Damage : x4
Energy Cost : x4
Price : x4
Arc of Fire : 45 degrees
To Hit modifier : -3

Quad: This installation type has the following effect :

Weapon Damage : x4
Energy Cost : x4
Price : x5
Arc of Fire : 90 degrees
To Hit modifier : -2

Range :


So, '5'= 5000km.

Can shoot at 2x and 3x increments - e.g. 10,000km and 15,000km

A range 12 weapon would be 12,000, 24,000 and 36,000km

-2 for inc, -4 the next

Firing at close range (under 1 km) gives a +4 to hit

Micro Weapons

Any weapon can be made at quarter size. Quarter the damage, the range and the energy cost, but
only half the cost price. Missiles and other ammunition are also quarter size and may be replicated.


Since this is in space there is effectively no limit to the range of a weapon. The numbers that are
given are for the Range Band. For each Range Band after the first the attack rolls get a -2 modifier.

Range is in Kilometres unless otherwise stated.

Transporters as Weapons

If an enemy has no shields then grenades, bombs etc can be transported onto the enemy ship. Use
the rules under the Transporter skill section, then roll for damage of the devices when they arrive.

Point Defence Systems

Slower moving weapons such as concussion missiles can be shot down by any weapon that has
been converted to act as point defence. This can be done to any weapon system at an addition of
10% of the base cost.

The defenders to hit DC is the 10+the TL of the attacking object.

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Most point defence systems are automatic though and will be activated by the ships systems. Use the
Base Attack of the ships computer.

Weapon Types

Rail Gun

A Rail Gun is a type of Magnetic Accelerator Gun (MAG) that utilizes an electromagnetic force to
propel an electrically conductive projectile that is initially part of the current path. Sometimes they also
use a movable armature connecting the rails. The current flowing through the rails sets up a magnetic
field between them and through the projectile perpendicularly to the current in it. This results in the
rails and the projectile pushing each other and in the acceleration of the projectile along the rails.

Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Cost Price TL Repair DC

Rail Gun 'Ball' 2d10 5000 Projectile 1 110,000 9 15
Rail Gun 'Razor' 4d10 5000 Projectile 2 220,000 9 16
Rail Gun 'Shotgun' 6d10 2000 Projectile 3 330,000 10 17
Rail Gun 'AP'* 2d10 3000 Projectile 3 150,000 11 18

Rail guns cannot be installed as Arrays.

'AP' rips through hull plating, x2 damage to hull plating.

Rail Gun Ammo: 2,500 Credits per Burst

Plasma Turret

Plasma cannons were the precursors to phase cannons. In high-power mechanics, plasma (also
known as "Warp Plasma" or "Drive Plasma") is a super-energized plasma gas used to transfer energy
from a central power source using magnetic conduit transfer. In matter/antimatter reactions, Dilithium
controls the amount of power generated in the reaction chamber, which produces a steady stream of
plasma that may be released in controlled bursts as an offensive medium.


Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Cost Price TL Repair DC

Plasma Turret (Mark I) 4d6 8,000 Energy 1 270,000 9 15
Plasma Turret (Mark II) 5d6 8,000 Energy 2 370,000 9 16
Plasma Turret (Mark III) 8d6 8,000 Energy 2 470,000 10 17
Plasma Turret (Mark IV) 10d6 10,000 Energy 4 570,000 11 18
Plasma Turret (Mark V) 12d6 10,000 Energy 4 870,000 12 20

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Phase Cannons

A phase cannon is a phase-modulated energy weapon, a type of particle weapon that serves as a
successor to plasma cannons. The phase cannon is rated for a maximum power output of 500 gig-
joules. The cannons of NX class starships were mounted on retractable turrets that extended from the
ship's hull when deployed and rotated as they were being targeted. Phase cannons emit a
concentrated beam of energy that can be set at different yields.

A Phase cannon may not be fired at full yield. It can optionally do damage in increments of it's
damage dice.


Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Price TL Repair DC

Phase Cannon (shuttle) 2d6 12,000 Energy 2 400,000 9 15
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 5d8 12,000 Energy 2 400,000 10 16
Phase Cannon (Mark II) 7d8 12,000 Energy 2 600,000 11 17
Phase Cannon (Mark III) 9d8 12,000 Energy 2 800,000 12 18
Phase Cannon (Mark IV) 11d8 14,000 Energy 3 1,500,000 13 22


A disruptor cannon is a directed energy weapon commonly used aboard starships of many different
species. Disruptor weapons generally carry more energy then standard phase weapons but lack in
accuracy and fast discharge. The Disruptor uses slow nadions rather than rapid nadions in generating
the energy beam. This gives the disruptor considerably lower energy conversion efficiency than phase
weaponry. This is partially offset by a moderate reduction in the size of the hardware required for the
weapon itself - the space freed up by this allows a higher power weapon to be installed in the same


Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Price TL Repair DC

Disruptors 6d10 10,000 Energy 4 580,000 9 15
Disruptors (Rapid Pulse) 8d10 10,000 Energy 6 980,000 10 16
Disruptors (Scatter) 10d10 6,000 Energy 8 1,220,000 11 17
Disruptors (Mrk IV) 12d10 10,000 Energy 12 1,820,000 12 18

Note : Disruptors can be installed in 'Heavy' version, even on smaller spacecraft

Note : Some Disruptor cannons can fire in beam and pulse mode


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Concussion Missiles

A guided missile fired from a starship for the purpose of destroying another starship. It is typically
powered by one or more rocket motors, usually liquid fuelled. Impulse thrust systems are emerging as
propulsion that will enable future missiles to maintain higher average speed across their engagement

Concussion Missiles can be shot down by point defence systems.

Tube cost : 100,000


Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Price TL Repair DC

Cruise Missile (c 20th cent) 3d8 5000 Projectile 1 50,000 8 15
Cruise Missile (c 21th cent) 4d8 6000 Projectile 1 6,0,000 9 16
Missile (Mark III) 8d8 8000 Projectile 1 100,000 9 17
Missile (Mark IV) 12d8 8000 Projectile 1 160,000 10 18
Missile (Mark V) 14d8 8000 Projectile 1 260,000 11 19

Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes

Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes are projectiles carried by starships. Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes are self-
propelled nuclear warheads. The yield of these weapons is approximately a 150-kiloton warhead. The
torpedo is usually guided by a guidance system in the starship it was fired from.

Tube cost : 200,000


Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Price TL Repair DC

Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes 4d12 12,000 Projectile 1 180,000 9 15
Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes (M2) 6d12 12,000 Projectile 1 280,000 10 16
Triton Class 5d12 12,000 Projectile 1 200,000 11 17
Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes (Fast)* 4d12 12,000 Projectile 1 190,000 11 18
Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes (Fast2)* 6d12 12,000 Projectile 1 220,000 12 19
Spatial Nuclear Torpedoes (Long) 6d12 24,000 Projectile 1 280,000 13 22

*All but the Fast versions can be shot down by point defence weapons

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Antimatter Torpedoes

Antimatter torpedoes are a type of photonic weapon, a torpedo equipped with antimatter warheads
and designed for use aboard starships. The Antimatter Torpedo is considered more sophisticated
than the Spatial Torpedo, having a greater range than the spatial torpedo and a variable yield (10 –
280 kilotons/1d4 – 6d12). Their variable yield was described by Malcolm Reed as being able to
"knock the com array off a Shuttlepod without scratching the hull, or they can put a three-kilometer
crater into an asteroid." It takes two rounds to adjust the yield of an Antimatter Torpedo.
(Adjust the damage done down by however many d12s are required)

Tube cost : 500,000



Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Price TL Repair DC

Uxali AM Missile 5d12 18,000 Energy 1 160,000 10 15
Antimatter Torpedoes 6d12 18,000 Energy 1 220,000 10 16
AMT Mk 2 7d12 18,000 Energy 1 320,000 11 17
AMT Mk 3 8d12 19,000 Energy 1 420,000 11 18
Kovaalan Torpedoes 7d12 20,000 Energy 1 450,000 12 19
Kelemane Torpedoes 9d12 30,000 Energy 1 750,000 13 22
S5 Long Range TAC* 12d12 80LY Energy 1 4,450,000 13 24


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Photon Torpedoes

A more advanced and powerful version of an Antimatter Torpedo, the warhead of the Photon Torpedo
comprises a maximum of 1.5 kilos of antimatter and 1.5 kilos of matter.
These are divided into many thousands of small pellets suspended in a magnetic field. Truly a fire and
forget weapon, included in the torpedo are target acquisition, guidance and detonation assemblies.
Unfortunately a Photon Torpedo does not allow for a variable yield and only fires at 400 kilotons.

Tube cost : 700,000


Weapon Damage Range Type Energy Price TL Repair DC

Photon Torpedoes 10d12 22,000 Energy 1 310,000 10 15
Federation Mark VI (2285) 12d12 30,000 Energy 1 410,000 10 16
Federation Mark VII (2293) 14d12 40,000 Energy 1 610,000 11 17
Pho-torp Mark IV (DS9) 16d12 70,000 Energy 1 1,000,000 11 18
Federation Class-6 17d12 80,000 Energy 1 1,000,000 12 19
Federation Class-9 18d12 80,000 Energy 1 1,500,000 13 22
Federation Class-10 19d12 80,000 Energy 1 2,000,000 13 24

USS Voyager was equipped with type-6 photon torpedoes. They were not in use before Voyager was
launched in 2371. Some of these torpedoes had a yield of 25 isotons. A class-6 warhead in this type
of torpedo had the explosive yield of 200 isotons. These torpedoes had an effective range of
approximately eight million kilometers. The class-6 torpedoes were not capable of creating tears into
The Voyager also carried class-9 and class-10 photon torpedoes. Qatai believed that the explosive
charge of one class-9 torpedo could have destroyed the gigantic "telepathic pitcher plant" bioplasmic
organism, if it was detonated deep within its digestive track. The class-10 torpedoes could be armed
with even more powerful high yield warheads.

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Space Movement and Combat


So, we have Warp Speed and Impulse.

Warp Speed

(See :

The chart on this page works out the various warp speed based on data from the series.

This simple chart helps: (Using the Next Gen one which is faster)

Warp Calculated speed Distance traveled in 24 hours Travel time from Earth to Alpha
factor (*c) (*light years) Centauri
0.5 0.099 0.0003 43.64 years
1 1 0.003 4.33 years
2 10.079 0.028 156.91 days
3 38.941 0.107 40.61 days
4 101.594 0.278 15.57 days
5 213.747 0.585 7.4 days
6 392.498 1.075 4.03 days
7 656.135 1.796 2.41 days
8 1024 2.804 37.07 hours
9 1516.381 4.152 25.03 hours
10 ∞ ∞ 0

So, the Aeroshuttle for instance with a max warp speed of 3, travels 0.107 light years per day. So it
would take it about 10 days to travel 1 light year.

Combat is difficult but possible (using dodgy Star Trek 'physics'). See the combat section.

Sensors can be used to follow starship warp trails.

(Example : Sun to Pluto is 6 light hours)



Impulse gets a bit more technical than warp speed because this is the speed used for getting around
in star systems.

Impulse is usually the equivalent of 01 to 0.5 warp speed.

To get an idea of this speed, the speed of light is 1,079,252,848.8 kph. Half the speed of light is
539,626,424.4 kph. So a spaceship at full impulse will travel 8,993,773.74 kilometers in one minute.

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The distance to the moon is a mere 384,400km. So it would take about 2.5 seconds to go whizzing
past the moon as you set off from

The sun is 149,600,000 km away from Earth (1 AU) and would take about 16 minutes at half the
speed of light.

Each space ship has a number associated with its impulse speed, this is the light speed. For moving
around in star systems here is a chart to give a rough idea of getting about, using our solar system as
an example.

Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun to Sun to

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
(In LY)
(minutes) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs)
0.1 32 60 83 126 43.2 13.2 26.6 41 55
0.2 16 30 41.5 63 216 5.85 13.3 20.5 27.5
0.3 10.6 20 27.6 42 144 3.9 8.86 13.66 18.33
0.4 8 15 20.75 31.5 108 2.92 6.65 10.25 13.75
0.5 6.4 12 16.6 25.2 86.4 2.34 5.32 8.2 11


Going to Warp

Going to Warp Speed is a standard activity for a trained pilot and does not need a roll. However, if not
already done so, a course must be plotted.

It is a DC 15 Plot Course check to go to Warp in one full round. The Pilot may take 20.

If failed the Warp attempt fails and cannot be retried for d4 rounds.

Full Ahead (no Course Plotted)

A pilot may simply go forward at full speed without a course plotted. In which case the DC is 10.
However, a course will have to be plotted at some point in the journey.

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Turning at Warp


Quote from above:

The TNG Technical Manual pages 95 and 96, state that changes in direction can be accomplished by
varying the timing of the injectors, creating some differences in the warp fields produced by each
nacelle. But also states that a loss of one or both nacelles at warp would tear the ship apart. Similar to
turning a ship with two propellers by making one go faster than the other, it puts enormous strain on
the hull. This suggests a limit to the warp turn speed.

Voyager's turning circle was clearly larger than the distance between two vacuoles, that's why the
ship had to stop and turn. Turning at warp is not impossible, but not recommended. "When possible
try to maintain a linear trajectory". Due to the speed and energy involved any unbalanced forces could
be catastrophic. "faster than light, no left or right" is a good rule of thumb, though there are

Opinions seem to vary from episode to episode, but yes it can be done.

Roll against the Pilot Skill:

DC start at 10, with the following modifiers:

Modifier Modifier to DC
Greater than 45 Deg +2
Greater than 90 Deg +4
180 Deg +6
Warp speed +1 per Warp
In 1 round +2
In 2+ rounds 0
Ship size: Tiny 0
Ship size: Small +1
Ship size: Medium +2
Ship size: Large +4
Ship size: Huge +6
Ship size: Massive +10
Ship size: Enormous +15

This is a dangerous maneuver so the pilot may not take 10 or 20.

Failure by 1-5 = maneuver fails

6-10 loose 1/2 warp speed for d6 rounds
11-15 drop out of warp
16+ something breaks. roll on damage chart below

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Warping in solar systems


It's harder to warp the closer to an astral body you are. Warping in deep space is no challenge to a
Pilot of at least Rank 1.

The closer to an astral body and the larger it is, the harder it is to warp. Make a DC 10 Pilot check. If
you fail you do not go to Warp and it takes 20 rounds minus the Pilots skill level in Plot Course to try
again. A critical fail may result in damage to the ship (50% chance of a roll on Critical Damage Table)

AU to Astral Body Modifier to DC

0 +10
1 +9
2 +8
3 +7
4 +6
5 +5
6 +4
7 +3
8 +2
9 +1
10 0

Astral Body Size Modifier

Asteroid +2
Moon +4
M Class Planet (e.g. Earth) +6
Gas Giant +8
Star (normal) +10
Red Giant Star +12
Pulsar / Nova +14
Black Hole +20

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Stern Chases

This is a common feature of space combat. A ship flees and another gives chase.

Fleeing ship is faster

If the fleeing ship is faster then they get away and combat will not occur unless the fleeing ship wishes

Pursuing ship is faster

If the following ship is faster, then it will catch the fleeing ship and have a chance to engage it in

The pursuer needs to get into weapon range, which it can do at warp (See Fighting at Warp Speed in
the combat section below).

Or both ships may elect to drop out of warp and regular space combat occurs.

In both instances, if the fleeing ship is still trying to get away as fast as possible, then the pursuing
ship need only creep into weapon range and open fire. If the pursuing ship has longer range weapons
than the fleeing ship then it can open fire from a safe distance without the fleeing ship being able to
return fire.

Dropping out of warp as a defence

The fleeing ship may attempt to drop in and out of warp. When the fleeing ship drops out of warp
unexpectedly the pursuer has a chance to react if they wish, or they will overshoot.

Under normal circumstances it is a DC 10 Pilot skill roll to stay within whatever range the pursuer
desires with the following modifiers.

Modifier Add to DC
+1 Warp Speed beyond 2 +1
Fleeing vessel is Shuttle sized +2
Pursuing vessel is Shuttle -2

Failure means that the pursuer either over or undershoots, then must either use a Plot Course to go
into warp again or use Impulse to close the gap.

The over/under shoot is 1 minute away at the speed the ship was travellling per point that the roll

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Starship Combat is handled similarly to regular combat.

One round is six seconds. You get a move action and a combat action.

Assuming that both ships have elected to fight then the combat takes place at the relative speed of
both ships (e.g. they could both be traveling at full impulse or even warp speed, or simply using
maneuvering thrusters).

A combatant may elect to flee on their turn and if they are pursued then use the Stern Chase rules

All combatants roll Initiative.

Initiative = Pilot Skill + Any modifiers + d20

Modifiers Include:

+2 for Small
+1 for Medium
-1 for Large+

Starship Defense = Ship’s Defense Rating + Pilot’s Dexterity Modifier

A Pilot must make a successful Pilot Check (DC 17 + 1 per enemy ships actively involved in combat
with the pilot’s ship) each round of combat to maintain their Dexterity bonus to their Starship’s
Defense score.

Starship Attack Bonus = Tactical Officer’s Attack Bonus (Base Attack Bonus) + Weapon Skill

Starship Attacks per Round = Number of Weapons. Note that a Tactical Officer usually only handles
one weapon at a time. Any other weapons may be used by the ship's computer.

So, if you have multiple weapons and multiple TOs then you can make many attacks. Also, if a TO
has two attacks this is just the same as using any other weapon. A TO ‘mans’ a weapon just as if he
were holding a phaser rifle. Remember that some weapons (Dual Cannons for example) have more
than one attack so potentially a weapon can be fire many times in a single round.

If the Starship has more than one weapon and more than one TO then this counts as a whole
separate attack, just as if this was another PC armed with another phaser.

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Moving in Combat

If you are space, you may move up to the total movement points for your ship. If you are in
atmosphere then move that amount. Use a grid map if desired to measure relative distances between

This means that a fast ship with a long range weapon will always win since it can always stay just far
enough away. So, spotting fast ships early with your sensors as soon as possible is wise!

A slower ship could try and maneuver to get its weapons in range. This will be dependent on the
weapons being used and could be thought of as a type of feint, an attempt to wrong foot the attacker.
This takes a move action and the target Pilot DC is:

DC 10 + the range of the enemy weapon - the range of yours


Starship Attack Bonus = Tactical Officer’s Attack Bonus (Base Attack Bonus) + Weapon Skill + misc
mods + d20

An attack roll is against the enemies Defence.

To hit a specific location, this gives +4 to defence.(Only possible with some kind of targeting sensor or

If you get a critical hit, then roll again. If this is also a hit then the critical is confirmed. Damage is

Fighting at Warp Speed

In Star Trek : Into the Darkness there is a warp battle...


...which is just gibberish if you think about the physics of it.

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It is discussed on internet forums a lot how a light based weapon could possibly travel faster than

But why not eh? Star Trek is full of stuff like this so high-speed warp battles - why not? If a space
vessel can detect a target and has a higher warp speed then there is no reason why it can't engage it
in combat. Normal rules would apply.

In fact, the victim is probably better off dropping out of warp if it doesn't have weapons of sufficient
range to fire back, and seeking refuge in a planet's atmosphere or at least being more maneuverable.

Let's say that targets are +2 easier to hit while at warp as maneuvering is much harder at speed.


The weapon damage is rolled. First take away shields, then hull plating DR is there is any, then Hull
Plating and then Hull.

Once Hull reaches 50, speed is halved

Once Hull reaches 25, speed is 1/4. d3 systems damaged (Consoles exploding etc!)

Once Hull reaches 10, speed is 0. d3 further systems damaged.

Once Hull reaches 0, the ship is just a lifeless hulk. All systems damaged .

Once Hull reaches -20, the ship breaks up into chunks, or explodes (50/50 chance)

What this means to the ship after combat:

At Hull 50 - The ship can be at full speed after a DC 20 Repair check on the Engines and Reactor.
At Hull 25 and below - The Engines and Reactor will need parts replaced and a full overall to be fully
functional again. See ‘Repairs’ below.
All damaged systems will need to be repaired. See ‘Repairs’ below.

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To see what system is damage, roll a d20 on the table below. If the system doesn't exist then a
crewman is injured.

Roll Damage Type Notes

1 Crewman / A person onboard chosen at random is knocked down to 0

Passengers HP. 50% chance they take a further -d4 HP loss.

2 Propulsion Maneuver thrusters are damaged. 1/2 movement.

3 Warp Drive Roll on damage type table below. May not go to Warp.

4 Internal Damage D6 rooms are opened to space. Apply forcefields or close

bulkhead doors in 1 round or air is lost.

5 Cargo d100% of cargo is destroyed

6 Shields Roll on damage type table below. Shields no longer function.

7 Hull Plating Roll on damage type table below.

8 Grappler/Tractor Beam Roll on damage type table below.

9 Transporters Roll on damage type table below.

10 Sensors For a sensor at random, roll on damage type table below.

11 Life Support Roll on damage type table below. What happens without life
support depends on the system fitted. See Life Support in the
ships systems above for what happens without life support.

12 Gravity Plating Roll on damage type table below. Ship interior is now Zero-G

13 Communications Roll on damage type table below.

14 Navigation Roll on damage type table below.

15 Computer Core Roll on damage type table below. All other things must be
done manually, so generally a -4 to all starship based rolls.

16 Deflector Control Roll on damage type table below.

17 Auxiliary Craft / Life Roll on damage type table below.


18 Weapons For a weapon at random, roll on damage type table below.

19 Reactor Roll on damage type table below.

20 Equipment Crew equipment such as weapons and armour are destroyed,

d6 items at random.

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Damaged Type

Roll a d100 on the following chart:

Roll Damage Type Notes

10-30 Offline Can bring back online quickly.

31-50 Lightly Damaged. Needs no spare parts.

51-65 Heavily Damaged Needs spare parts

66-75 Destroyed Only good for spare parts / scrap

76-90 Overload Make a Repair DC on the item. If you make the check it is
Offline only. If you fail the DC then Lightly Damaged. Make
the roll and increase the damage on each failure until the
check is made or the item is destroyed

91-95 On Fire Needs to be extinguished by some means or item is

destroyed Lightly damaged in d3 turns, heavily in d6 and
destroyed in a further d6. There is a 75% chance the fire will
spread to a nearby system.

96-00 Explodes System is destroyed and lightly damages d3 nearby


See the Repairs section for more details on fixing the damage.

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Your spaceship has been in a battle and needs repaired.

Shields regenerate at speeds specified in their description.

Hull Plating needs a DC20 Repair skill check made. It then takes 2 hours to bring back online.

For every other system there are four levels of need of repair:

Offline – Needs a small bit of tinkering and a restart

Light Damage – Can be repaired. Needs no spare parts.
Heavy Damage – Can be repaired. Needs some spare parts.
Destroyed – Beyond repair but can be salvaged for spare parts / scrap metal.

Making a Repair

The item to be repaired on the ship has a base Repair DC (as specified in the items description).

If the item is offline then roll the target DC.

If the roll succeeds then the item is back online and fully functional after d4 hours. (Only 1 hour if you
made the roll by 5 or more)

If the roll fails, then the attempt may be made again.

For light / heavy damage type, apply the following modifiers to the DC check.

Issue DC mod Notes

Ship size - Tiny 0
Ship size - Small 0
Ship size - Medium +1 Double repair time
Ship size - Large +2 Triple repair time
Need spare parts but have none +10 System becomes only semi functional
Have more or less the right +5
parts if parts are required.
Rushing +5 Repair to be carried out in half the time
Extra pair of hands -2 Reduced repair time (see below)
Have exactly the right spare -2 Reduce the repair time by 25%

The repairs take 3d4 hours. Half this time if you made the roll by 5 or more.

On a success the repair is made in the time allotted.

On a failed roll of 1-5 below the target DC the system is functional, but only for d3 days before it goes
offline again and needs another repair roll. The person that made the repair does not know this.

On a failed roll of 6-10 the repair simply does not work. A second roll is required, but no extra spare
parts are needed.

On a failed roll of 11-15 the repair simply does not work. A second roll is required, and extra spare
parts are needed.

On a failed roll of 15+ you botch the job so badly the system moves down one level of damage.

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Bringing Warp Drive / Reactors back online

Warp Drive and Reactors are a special case. You build up the warp capacity of the star ship one
Warp Speed band at a time.

In this case make the Repair roll against the Target DC of the Warp Drive or Reactor (whichever is
highest) and on a success the Spaceship gains one Warp Speed band.

The time taken is worked out in the table below:

Issue Time
Ship size - Tiny 1 hour
Ship size - Small 1 hour
Ship size - Medium 2 hours
Ship size - Large 3 hours

Repairing in Flight adds +5 to the Target DC.

If you succeed by more than 5 then the time is halved.

Others may assist the roll as normal.

Successes and fails are handled as above.

Not quite got the right parts

With a replicator spare parts may be made as required. However bear in mind that only a Starfleet
replicator can replicate Starfleet parts.

Any alien spare parts required would first have to be programmed into the replicator (See the
Replicator Use skill).

Also remember that replicator use also has a cost in Dilithium.

If you have more or less the right sort of parts on hand though, then this is only a +5 to the roll, rather
than a +10.

Other systems may be cannibalized for parts.

Buying spare parts

Spare parts can be bought in any decent sized space port of the correct Tech Level or higher. One
spare part costs 1/100 the cost of the item.

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Salvage Rules

You have beaten your enemy and wish to go through the remains of his ship for loot.

For any single item on the ship there is a 10% chance the item survived intact. If not then there is a
50% chance it was damaged in the combat.

If a system was damaged during the combat it may be repaired and put in the cargo hold or whatever
you wish or it can be broken up for parts. Any system can be broken up for 10 spare parts.

A damage system can be broken up for 2d4 spare parts.

For any cargo and ships equipment such as man portable phasers and armour there is a 50% chance
the item survived. Food etc will generally not survive the void of space.

Crew and passengers have a 10% chance of finding and environment suit and surviving.

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Ship Classes

The following table can be used to work out the cost, in credits, of a space craft.

Item Cost
1 crew slot 50,000
1 passenger slot 50,000
Size: Small 100,000
Size: Medium 500,000
Size: Large 1,000,000
Size: Huge 2,000,000
1 metric tons of cargo space 1000
Ships systems / Weapons As per book price above

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Shuttle Craft
Generic Shuttlecraft

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 1-2 N/A 100,000
Passengers 2-5 N/A 250,000
Size Tiny N/A 100,000
Propulsion Thrusters (1000 kph), Impulse 0.1 LY -2 100,000
Warp (max/cruising) 1/1 N/A N/A
Decks 1 N/A N/A
Cargo 5 Metric tons N/A 5,000
Defence 21 N/A N/A
Movement: 12 Space/18 Atmosphere N/A N/A
Hull Points 100 N/A N/A
Hull Plating N/A N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam N/A N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A
Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000
Sensors 2 Targeting (i.e. Tactical Scan) -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Medium Range (15 -2 71,000
Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300
Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Small -1 170,000
Auxiliary Craft 0 N/A N/A
Dual Foreword Plasma 2d6 x2. Range 12. -4 800,000
(Mount : Dual Bank, Forward, 90 deg)

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 1) -8 2,200,000

Reactor Shuttle Warp Reactor +25 500,000

Totals 24/25 power used 5,158,400

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In starship classification, shuttlecraft, or shuttles, are auxiliary craft typically attached to a starship or a

Most shuttles are short-range vessels, possessing only impulse drive or a limited warp capability.

Utilization of shuttlecraft is common for most spacefaring civilizations, especially for situations where
the transporter cannot be used for landings, or where such technology does not yet exist.

A Type 8 shuttlecraft if shown above.

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Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 1 N/A 50,000
Passengers 1-6 N/A 300,000
Size Tiny 16 meters N/A 100,000
Propulsion Thrusters (1000 kph) -2 100,000

Warp (max/cruising) N/A N/A N/A

Decks 1 N/A N/A
Cargo 5 Metric tons N/A 5,000
Defence 21 N/A N/A
Movement: 2 Space/18 Atmosphere N/A N/A
Hull Points 100 N/A N/A
Hull Plating N/A N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam N/A N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A
Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000
Sensors 2 N/A N/A N/A
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Short Range -1 21,000

Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300

Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Small -1 170,000
Auxiliary Craft 0 N/A N/A
Phase Cannon 1 2d6 damage, Range 12. -2 400,000

(Mount : Single, Forward, 180 deg)

Drive None N/A N/A

Reactor Shuttle Non-Warp Reactor +19 400,000

Totals 20/20 power used 1,908,400

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In the mid-22nd century, Shuttlepods were able to seat a pilot and six passengers, although
conditions aboard the vehicles were cramped. Each Shuttlepod had an entrance on the roof, one at
either side and a large entrance at the back.

In the Delta Quadrant this vessel can be used as a base line for any Tech Level 9 to 11 species
shuttle encountered.

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Generic Freighter/Runabout/Scout

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 4-25 N/A 1,250,000
Passengers 8-40 N/A 2,000,000
Size Medium N/A 500,000
Propulsion Thrusters (1000 kph/900 kph), -2 100,000
Impulse 0.2 LY
Warp (max/cruising) 3 (2.5) N/A N/A
Decks 1-3 N/A N/A
Cargo 5000 Metric tons N/A 50,000
Defence 20 (Small), 19 (Medium) N/A N/A
Movement: 10 (Space) N/A N/A
Hull Points 180 N/A N/A
Hull Plating 100, 5 DR N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam N/A N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A
Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000
Sensors 2 Internal Ship Sensors -1 500,000
Sensors 3 Short Range Passive High Resolution -1 290,000
Sensors 4 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Short Range -1 21,000

Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300

Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Medium -2 470,000
Auxiliary Craft 0 N/A N/A
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 1 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, -1 270,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 2 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, Port, -1 270,000
180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 3 4d6, Range 8 -1 270,000

Phase Cannon (Mark I) 1 (Mount : Single,

5d8, Range 12 Starboard, 180 deg) -2 400,000

(Mount : Single, Forward, 180

Drive deg)
Warp Drive (Warp 3) -10 4,600,000
Reactor Runabout Warp Reactor +32 1,000,000

Totals 29/32 power used 12,853,400

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Danube Class Runabout

In starship classification, freighters are starship types designed to carry cargo or to carry passengers.
Often referred to as a runabout when not utilized as a transport or cargo vessel, this is the designation
of a type of vessel smaller than a starship but larger than a shuttlecraft. Runabouts are equipped with
limited weapons and drive systems, but offer additional living space and have a larger operational
range compared to shuttles, and are capable of speeds up to warp 3. Runabouts are typically
assigned to space stations as auxiliary craft. This type of starship is also commonly utilized as a
Scout when part of a larger combat fleet. The most noticeable feature of cargo freighters is their large
cargo bays. Furthermore, they are usually equipped with light armament to defend against pirates and
oncoming asteroids.

The Baxial, an example of a Talaxian trader.

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Item Specification Energy Cost
Crew 11-48 N/A 2,400,000
Passengers 1-20 N/A 1,000,000
Size Medium N/A 500,000
Propulsion Thrusters (900 kph), Impulse 0.5 LY -1 100,000

Warp (max/cruising) 4 (3.2) N/A N/A

Decks 3 N/A N/A
Cargo 5000 Metric tons N/A 50,000
Defence 19 N/A N/A
Movement: 11 Space/16 Atmosphere N/A N/A
Hull Points 180 N/A N/A
Hull Plating 100, 5 DR N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam (5 kilometers) N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A

Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000

Sensors 2 Internal Ship Sensors -1 500,000
Sensors 3 Short Range Passive High Resolution -1 290,000
Sensors 4 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Sensors 5 Medium Range IFF Sensor -2 900,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Medium Range -2 71,000
Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300
Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Medium -2 470,000
Auxiliary Craft 1 - Shuttlepod N/A 1,908,400
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 1 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, -1 270,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 2 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, Port, -1 270,000
180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 3 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, -1 270,000
Starboard, 180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 1 4d6, Range 8 -1 270,000

Spatial Nuclear Torpedo (Mount : Single,

4d12, Range 12 Aft, 180 deg) -3 200,000
Tube 1
Spatial Nuclear Torpedo (Mount : Single,
4d12, Range 12 Forward, 180 deg) -3 200,000
Tube 2
(Mount : Single,
26 Spatial Forward,
Nuclear 180 deg)
Torpedoes N/A 4,680,000
(180,000 each)

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 4) -11 5,800,000

Reactor Raider Warp Reactor +40 2,000,000

Totals 29/32 power used 23,011,080

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A Maquis Raider.

The Raider is a type of light starship designed and commonly used by fringe groups as well as a
common Pirating vessel. They come in varying sizes although they tend to keep towards the lower
end of Medium size.
The smaller variants have a small cockpit with seating for two, and a cargo area in the aft section. The
larger versions have a separate and much more spacious cockpit which holds four stations, and
larger crew facilities in the aft sections.
Raider starships are usually in use for a long period of time and tend to be under constant repair.
Many are known to be in use for several decades by using rebuilt engines and system replacement as
opposed to salvaging the ship for parts and rebuilding.

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The Aeroshuttle

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 5 N/A 250,000
Passengers 5 N/A 250,000
Size Medium N/A 500,000
Propulsion Thrusters (1000 kph/900 kph), -2 100,000
Impulse 0.3 LY
Warp (max/cruising) 3 (2.5) N/A N/A
Decks 1 N/A N/A
Cargo 2500 Metric tons N/A 25,000
Defence 19 (Medium) N/A N/A
Movement: 10 (Space) / 15 (Atmos) N/A N/A
Hull Points 180 N/A N/A
Hull Plating 100, 5 DR 53 N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam N/A N/A N/A
Transporters Transporters - Advanced Shuttle -2 2,500,000
Sensors 1 Range : 20,000km
Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000
Sensors 2 Internal Ship Sensors -1 500,000
Sensors 3 Short Range Passive High Resolution -1 290,000
Sensors 4 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Short Range -1 21,000

Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300

Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Medium -2 470,000
Auxiliary Craft 0 N/A N/A
Additional Items 1 Replicator (Max item size : 20kg Max -1 200,000
output : 100kg per day)

Phase Cannon (Mark I) 1 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, -2 400,000
Forward, 180 deg)

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 3) -10 4,600,000

Reactor Runabout Warp Reactor +32 1,000,000

Totals 29/32 power used 11,968,400

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The Aeroshuttle is the partially functional runabout attached to the underside of the USS Voyager. As
part of the game the players may use the Aeroshuttle. How much function the vessel has and how
much work it needs to get it spaceworthy is up to the GM.

-Starfleet styling
-Evolved runabout-type structural elements
-Integrated impulse and warp reactors
-In-wing imbedded warp nacelles
-Side and aft entry hatches
-Shuttle underside contiguous with Voyager hull bottom
-Wingtip lift engines
- Standard Starfleet features; phasers, maneuvering thrusters, sensor strips, windows, and hull

Currently non-functional:

Forward micro-torpedo launcher

Space for a Plasma Turret but one is not fitted

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Babi Ijo Picket (In system police / military patrol craft)

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 4 N/A 200,000
Passengers 0 N/A N/A
Size Tiny 16 meters N/A 100,000
Propulsion Thrusters (1000 kph) Impulse 0.4 LY -2 100,000

Warp (max/cruising) N/A N/A N/A

Decks 1 N/A N/A
Cargo 5 Metric tons N/A 5,000
Defence 21 N/A N/A
Movement: 12 Space/18 Atmosphere N/A N/A
Hull Points 100 N/A N/A
Hull Plating N/A N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam N/A N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A
Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000
Sensors 2 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Short Range -1 21,000

Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300

Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Small -1 170,000
Auxiliary Craft 0 N/A N/A
Plasma Cannon x2 2d6x2 damage, Range 12. (Mount : -2 400,000
Dual Bank, Forward, 90 deg)

Drive None N/A N/A

Reactor Shuttle Non-Warp Reactor +19 400,000

Totals 20/20 power used 2,258,400

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The above is a small, lightly manned spacecraft designed to stay in-system. It is the space going
equivalent of a police patrol car. More military versions may be mounted with missiles also.

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Heavy Cruiser (Large)(TL 12)

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 65 N/A 3,250,000
Passengers 10 N/A 500,000
Size Large N/A 1,000,000
Propulsion Thrusters (800 kph), Impulse 0.5 LY -3 300,000

Warp (max/cruising) 6 (4) N/A N/A

Decks 4 – 12 N/A N/A
Cargo 3500 Metric tons N/A 3,500,000
Defence 18 N/A N/A
Movement: 8 Space N/A N/A
Hull Points 450 N/A N/A
Hull Plating 100, DR 20 N/A N/A
Shields 100 SP N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam (18 kilometers) N/A N/A
Transporters Transporters - Mark 3 (Range -3 2,000,000
Sensors 1 Long Range Navigational Scanner -3 1,390,000
Sensors 2 Internal Ship Sensors -1 500,000
Sensors 3 Long Range Passive High Resolution -3 1,390,000
Sensors 4 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Sensors 5 Long Range IFF Sensor -3 1,390,000
Sensors 6 Medium Range Electromagnetic -2 900,000
Sensors 7 Biological Reference -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric)(+ -1 64,000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 (2) -2 200,000
Communications Communications - Long Range -3 104,000
Navigation Navigation System Mk 4 -1 30,000
Computer Core Multitronic Computer -3 500,000
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Large -3 970,000
Auxiliary Craft 1 Shuttlepod N/A 1,908,400
Auxiliary Craft 2 Shuttlecraft N/A 5,158,400
Auxiliary Craft 3 Runabout N/A 12,853,400
Additional Systems 1 Advanced Helm Control Mk 2 (+2 to -1 200,000
Disruptor 1 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Disruptor 2 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Disruptor 3 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Disruptor 4 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)

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Photon Torpedo Tube 1 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000

Forward, 180 deg)
Photon Torpedo Tube 2 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
Photon Torpedo Tube 3 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
Photon Torpedo Tube 4 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
Photon Torpedo Tube 5 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
80 Torpedoes. (310,000 each) N/A 24,800,000

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 6) -13 8,000,000

Reactor Cruiser Warp Reactor +70 3,000,000

Totals 67/70 power used 80,728,200

The term Heavy Cruiser is sometimes used synonymously with Battleship. In reference to
starship classification, Battleships are a type of large and powerful Heavy Cruiser. In
traditional terms, Battleships are the most powerfully armed and most heavily armored
warships of their era. It is likely that the definition is true among starships, although
standards may vary by species and technological level.
Heavy Cruiser is a generic term for any heavily armed vessel designed for war, combat or
defense. These vessels include battleships, escorts, and destroyers.

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Heavy Cruiser (Huge)(TL 12)

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 227 N/A 11,350,000
Passengers 35 N/A 1,750,000
Size Huge N/A 2,000,000
Propulsion Thrusters (700 kph), Impulse 0.5 LY -5 300,000

Warp (max/cruising) 6 (4) N/A N/A

Decks 12 N/A N/A
Cargo 10,000 Metric tons N/A 10,000,000
Defence 17 N/A N/A
Movement: 8 Space N/A N/A
Hull Points 750 N/A N/A
Hull Plating 100, DR 20 N/A N/A
Shields 100 SP N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam (18 kilometers) N/A N/A
Transporters Transporters - Mark 3 (Range -3 2,000,000
Sensors 1 Long Range Navigational Scanner -3 1,390,000
Sensors 2 Internal Ship Sensors -1 500,000
Sensors 3 Long Range Passive High Resolution -3 1,390,000
Sensors 4 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Sensors 5 Long Range IFF Sensor -3 1,390,000
Sensors 6 Medium Range Electromagnetic -2 900,000
Sensors 7 Biological Reference -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric)(+ -1 64,000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 (2) -2 200,000
Communications Communications - Long Range -3 104,000
Navigation Navigation System Mk 4 -1 30,000
Computer Core Multitronic Computer -3 500,000
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Large -3 970,000
Auxiliary Craft 1 Shuttlepod x2 N/A 3,816,800
Auxiliary Craft 2 Shuttlecraft x2 N/A 10,316,800
Auxiliary Craft 3 Runabout x2 N/A 25,706,800
Additional Systems 1 Advanced Helm Control Mk 2 (+2 to -1 200,000
Disruptor 1 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Disruptor 2 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Disruptor 3 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Disruptor 4 6d10, Range 10 (Mount : Single, -4 580,000
Forward, 180 deg)

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Photon Torpedo Tube 1 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000

Forward, 180 deg)
Photon Torpedo Tube 2 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
Photon Torpedo Tube 3 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
Photon Torpedo Tube 4 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
Photon Torpedo Tube 5 10d12, Range 22 (Mount : Single, -1 700,000
Forward, 180 deg
80 Torpedoes. (310,000 each) N/A 24,800,000

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 6) -13 8,000,000

Reactor Cruiser Warp Reactor +70 3,000,000

Totals 70/70 power used 117,498,400

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Explorer (TL 10)

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 81 Crew, 12 Marines N/A 4,650,000
Passengers 1-10 N/A 500,000
Size Medium N/A 500,000
Propulsion Thrusters (900 kph), Impulse 0.5 LY -1 100,000

Warp (max/cruising) 5 (3.5) N/A N/A

Decks 7 N/A N/A
Cargo 2500 Metric tons N/A 250,000
Defence 19 N/A N/A
Movement: 9 Space/12 Atmosphere N/A N/A
Hull Points 500 N/A N/A
Hull Plating 100, 5 DR N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam (5 kilometers) N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A

Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000

Sensors 2 Internal Ship Sensors -1 500,000
Sensors 3 Short Range Passive High Resolution -1 290,000
Sensors 4 Targeting / Tactical Sensor -1 500,000
Sensors 5 Medium Range IFF Sensor -2 900,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Medium Range -2 71,000
Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300
Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Medium -2 470,000
Auxiliary Craft 1 Shuttlepod N/A 1,908,400
Auxiliary Craft 2 Shuttlepod N/A 1,908,400
Auxiliary Craft 3 Shuttlepod N/A 1,908,400
Auxiliary Craft 4 Shuttlepod N/A 1,908,400
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 1 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, -2 400,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 2 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, -2 400,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 3 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, -2 400,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 4 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, -2 400,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 5 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, Aft, -2 400,000
180 deg)
Phase Cannon (Mark I) 6 5d8, Range 12 (Mount : Single, Aft, -2 400,000
180 deg)

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Plasma Turret (Mark 1) 1 4d6 per turret, Range 8 (Mount : -1 405,000

Turret, Top, 360 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark 1) 2 4d6 per turret, Range 8 (Mount : -1 405,000
Turret, Bottom, 360 deg)
Torpedo Tube 1 Varies (Mount : Single, Forward, 180 -1 500,000
Torpedo Tube 2 Varies (Mount : Single, Forward, 180 -1 500,000
Torpedo Tube 3 Varies (Mount : Single, Forward, 180 -1 500,000
Torpedo Tube 4 Varies (Mount : Single, Aft, 180 deg) -1 500,000

Torpedo Tube 5 Varies (Mount : Single, Aft, 180 deg) -1 500,000

Spatial Torpedoes (80) 4d12, Range 12 N/A 14,400,000

Antimatter Torpedoes (36) (180,000 each)

6d12, Range 18 N/A 7,920,000

(220,000 each)

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 5) -11 5,800,000

Reactor Explorer Warp Reactor +50 1,500,000

Totals 46/50 power used 52,057,000

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The NX-class was the first class of starship built with the warp five engine, thereby enabling
Humanity's first steps of exploration beyond its neighboring star systems.
Serving in the Earth Starfleet, the first ship of the NX-class was Enterprise, commissioned in 2151.
The second ship, Columbia, was commissioned in 2154.
The NX-class consisted of a habitable saucer module that contained seven decks (Lettered A-
through G-deck) and a symmetrical warp field governor located just aft of the saucer section, that
regulated the warp field shape that would otherwise break apart at higher warp factors. Two half-
decks were inserted between D- and E-deck, as well as between E- and F-deck. These contained
plasma conduits and access tunnels.

GM - The Enterprise Era Explorer does well as an example of a TL 10 exploration vessel Voyager
might meet in the Delta Quadrant.

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T’Plana Hath Survey Vessel (Freighter)(TL 11)

Item Specification Energy Cost

Crew 7 N/A 350,000
Passengers 1-5 N/A 250,000
Size Small N/A 100,000
Propulsion Thrusters (1000 kph), Impulse 0.2 LY -2 100,000

Warp (max/cruising) 3 (1.8) N/A N/A

Decks 1 N/A N/A
Cargo 500 Metric tons N/A 50,000
Defence 20 N/A N/A
Movement: 10 Space/6 Atmosphere N/A N/A
Hull Points 250 N/A N/A
Hull Plating N/A N/A N/A
Shields N/A N/A N/A
Grappler/Tractor Beam (18 kilometers) N/A N/A
Transporters N/A N/A N/A
Sensors 1 Short Range Navigational Scanner -1 290,000
Sensors 2 Medium Range Electromagnetic -1 900,000
Sensors 3 Short Range Passive High Resolution -1 290,000
Sensors 4 Biological Reference -1 500,000
Life Support Life Support Mk I (Atmospheric) -1 8000
Gravity Plating Gravity Plating Mk 1 -1 33,000
Communications Communications - Short Range -1 21,000

Navigation Navigation System Mk 1 -1 5,300

Computer Core Standard Computer Core -2 26,100
Deflector Control Deflector Control - Medium -2 470,000
Auxiliary Craft 0 N/A N/A
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 1 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, -1 270,000
Forward, 180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 2 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, Port, -1 270,000
180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 3 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, -1 270,000
Starboard, 180 deg)
Plasma Turret (Mark I) 4 4d6, Range 8 (Mount : Single, Aft, -1 270,000
180 deg)

Drive Warp Drive (Warp 3) -10 4,600,000

Reactor Runabout Warp Reactor +32 1,000,000

Totals 30/32 power used 10,073,400

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During the Earth's twentieth and twenty-first centuries the Vulcans began conducting an extensive
effort to explore nearby star systems. Initially intended to survey all nearby systems for any signs of
life, by 2120 the Vulcans had decided to concentrate their efforts on discovering space faring
civilizations like their own. Ships traveling at relativistic speeds on missions that could last for decades
carried out these missions.

Various models of the T’Plana Hath have been employed but most are fitted to carry a small number
of passengers and crew on extended exploration and scientific research missions.

The T’Plana Hath has operated successfully for many decades, conducting missions on over ninety
new worlds and participating in first contact situations a total of sixteen times.

GM- This is an example of a small cargo or exploration ship.

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Organizations of the Delta Quadrant

When starting out from the Caretaker Array the first peoples met are as described in the Races
The Kazon Ogla are common throughout the first part of the sector. They are part of the Kazon
Collective. (See :

After the planet of Markov-Kalto the next major canonical species to be met are the Vidiians. They
have a nation known as the Vidiian Sodality.

Since there is not a great deal of information on either society the GM can flesh them out as desired.

Also in the starting area are the Krowtonan Guard

And the Haakonian Order (See:
Although these societies are not visited in the series.

For my game I've not stuck to cannon precisely, but the maps below give an idea of what to expect.
What I have done with my game is watch an episode then design a game around it. Then have a
simple 'investigate a space hulk' sort of mission.

For a write up of an example campaign see:

The maps below are from various places on the internet and seem to be accurate (and a bit blurry

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Voyager and her Crew

It will help with the game to be familiar with all the major characters of Voyager.


NPC Attitudes

Star Trek is a show not just about action and combat but about relationships between the
characters and their interaction.

Part of the game should be keeping the NPCs (and the senior Voyager crew in particular)
happy. A sheet as shown below can be added to character sheets to track NPC attitudes
towards the player.

The score is a number that is added (or subtracted) to Diplomacy rolls etc when interacting
with the NPC.

NPC Score Notes

Tuvok 0

B'Elanna Torres 0 - Maquis. Chief of Engineering

Chakotay 0 - Maquis. Voyager 2nd in Command

Lieutenant Andrews 0 (

Ensign Michael Parsons 0 (

Crewman Lydia Anderson 0 (

Quartermaster Conner 0 - a man in his fifties.

Crewman David Orlando 0 - bunk mate of PK, Room 57 on Deck 8

The 'Doctor' 0 - Emergency Medical Hologram

Crewman Michael Sendine 0 - into Stamp Collecting and Board Games

Crewman Dell 0 - who only wanted to talk about work.


Neelix 0 - nobbily headed cook idiot

Kes 0 - Occampan

Ensign Alexandria Munro 0 (

Lieutenant Les Foster 0 (

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Crewman Telsia Murphy 0 (

Crewman Boylan 0

Seska 0

Delany Sisters 0

Crewman Hamilton 0

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Game Mechanics


This section covers melee and ranged physical combat.

Where rules have been added they have been taken from either D+D 3.5 or d20 Modern.

Follow the following steps:

1. Roll for initiative

Before the first round of Combat, each player rolls Initiative (1d20 + Dexterity modifier + feat
bonuses). The Game Master rolls Initiative for the enemy. Whoever rolls highest goes first and
whoever rolls lowest goes last.

2. Actions

There are four basic types of actions: attack actions, movement actions, free actions and full round
actions. A character can do any of the following combinations of actions:

- Move at 4x their full rate of speed (run)

- Use their full attack action
- Move at their normal speed and make a single attack
- Do any of these things and make a free action as well
- A Skill Check done during combat is considered an attack action
- Drawing a weapon is considered a movement action unless a character has the Quickdraw

3. Attacking, Defending and Soaking

To make a successful attack that will deal damage a character’s attack roll must exceed a target’s
Defense score. To deal damage to a target the damage dealt must exceed their Armor Soak.

- Attack Roll: 1d20 + Base Attack Bonus + STR MOD Technique Bonuses
- Defense: 10 + Dexterity Modifier + Class Bonus + DEX MOD + Technique Bonuses
- Armor Soak: Equals the value of Armor worn by the character

Note: This means that if Weapon Proficiencies are being used as skills, do not apply the Dex or Str
modifier to the Weapon Skill otherwise it would be applied twice.

4. Damage

Each weapon type deals damage according to a particular die type (d4, d6, d8, d8, d10 or d12). After
a successful attack roll, roll the die that corresponds to your weapon and have the result subtracted
from your target’s total Hit Points (after all relevant Armour Soaks, etc.) as the effective damage. Also,
add any bonus damage from Techniques.

(Critical Hits: If a natural 20 is rolled for the attack roll, roll again, if that is also a 'hit' then the damage
is doubled)

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5. Attack Options

* Attack: A single attack; can be made in concert with movement

* Full Attack: Some characters can attack more than once. Doing so is considered a full attack. A
character cannot make a move action in the same round as making a full attack action.

*Charge: A charge is a melee attack in which a character runs at 2x speed in a straight line (at least 5
meters) as part of an attack. A charge attack incurs a +2 attack bonus and deals double damage on a
successful hit. A charge incurs an attack of opportunity.

(This table is taken from d20 Modern:)

Attack Actions Attack of Opportunity1

Attack (melee) No
Attack (ranged) Yes
Attack (unarmed) Yes
Attack (aid another) No
Bull rush (attack) No
Escape a grapple No
Feint (see the Bluff skill) No
Ready (triggers an attack action) No
Make a dying character stable Yes
Attack a weapon Yes
Attack an object Maybe2
Total defense No
Use a skill that takes an attack action Usually

Move Actions Attack of Opportunity1

Move your speed Yes
Use a piece of equipment No
Climb (one-quarter speed) No
Climb, accelerated (one-half speed) No
Crawl No
Draw a weapon3 No
Holster a weapon Yes
Move a heavy object Yes
Open a door No
Pick up an object Yes
Reload a firearm with a Yes
box magazine or speed loader
Retrieve a stored object Yes
Stand up from prone, sitting, or kneeling No
Start/complete full-round action Varies
Swim No
Use a skill that takes a move action Usually

Full-Round Actions Attack of Opportunity1

Bull rush (charge) No
Charge No
Coup de grace Yes
Full attack No
Overrun (charge) No
Run Yes
Withdraw No
Extinguish flames No
Use a skill that takes a full round Usually
Reload a firearm with an internal magazine Yes

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Free Actions Attack of Opportunity1

Drop an object No
Drop to prone, sitting, or kneeling No
Speak No

Action Type Varies Attack of Opportunity1

Disarm4 Yes
Grapple4 Yes
Load a weapon Yes
Trip an opponent4 No
Use a feat5 Varies

No Action Attack of Opportunity1

Delay No
5-foot step No

1 Regardless of the action, if a character moves out of a threatened square, the character usually
provokes an attack of opportunity. This column indicates whether the action itself, not moving,
provokes an attack of opportunity.
2 If the object is being held, carried, or worn by a creature, yes. If not, no.
3 If the character has a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, he or she can combine this action with a
regular move. If the character has the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, he or she can draw two light or one-
handed weapons in the time it would normally take to draw one.
4 These attack forms substitute for a melee attack, not an action. As melee attacks, they can be used
once in an attack or charge action, one or more times in a full attack action, or even as an attack of
5 The description of a feat defines its effect.

6. Attacks of Opportunity

During combat you threaten the area around you within two meters, even if it is not you turn. If an
enemy moves through your threat area without engaging you in combat, they incur an attack of
opportunity. Enemies who enter your threat area and engage in combat do not provoke an attack of
opportunity. Enemies that retreat from your threat area who are using all-out defense do not provoke
an attack of opportunity.

Making an attack of opportunity is resolved like any other normal attack. A character can only make
one attack of opportunity unless they have the Combat Reflexes technique or similar.

7. All Out Defense

A character may choose to use the All Out Defense. By doing nothing but defending themselves a
character receives a +4 bonus to their Defense score. While acting this way, a character may not
attack or attempt to use any skill. They may only move and defend themselves.

Saving Throws

When a character is the target of an unusual attack (such as the mental attacks of a Mystic, trying to
avoid the blast radius of a grenade or attempting the effects of radiation sickness) a character
generally is allowed a saving throw to minimize or eliminate any detrimental effects.

To succeed at a saving throw a player needs to roll equal or in excess of a Target

Number designated by the Games Master.

*Fortitude Save: 1d20 + base Fortitude bonus + Constitution modifier

*Reflex Save: 1d20 + base Reflex bonus + Dexterity modifier

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*Will Save: 1d20 + base Will save + Wisdom modifier

Death, Dying and Healing

Life in space is dangerous. As a character loses hit points they suffer negative effects.

0 Hit Points

If your hit points reach 0, your character is unconscious. The character is

considered helpless and cannot move or do any actions whatsoever.

-1 to –9 Hit Points

At this point, the character is dying. They are still unconscious and helpless, but
they also lose 1 hit point per round.

-10 Hit Point or 0 Constitution

At this point the character has died.


In order to grapple an opponent, the two combatants must make an opposed Strength check. If the
person initiating the grapple gets a higher result the grapple is successful. While grappled, the
combatants are considered helpless and can only attempt to maintain the grapple (Strength check) or
escape from the Grapple (Escape Artist check).


A character that uses the Treat Injury skill in concert with a Medical Tricorder’s Dermal Regenerator
can heal wounds incurred by regular damage but not critical wounds.

A Medic with a successful Surgery check can heal wounds incurred by critical damage. Surgery DC’s
can be found in Chapter One in the Medic character class description. Regular wounds have a Treat
Injury DC of 17 to cause effective healing.

See the First Aid and Treat Injury skills for details.

If you get a nights rest then you heal 1 HP per Level. If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire
day this is doubled.

If you are under the care of a trained medical professional then you get +2 HP per rest or +4 HP for a
whole day. (The medic may wish to make Treat Injury rolls though if he has the equipment to speed
things up)

If you are in a hospital or med bay then you get +2 HP per rest or +4 HP for a whole day.

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Character Conditions

There are any number of conditions that can have adverse affects on a character.

Use the following definitions and modifiers to facilitate game play.

Ability Damaged: implies that the character has lost at least one point of an ability score.
The loss is temporary and these lost points return at a rate of 1 per day.

Ability Drained: implies that the character has lost at least one point of an ability score.
This loss is permanent.

Blinded: The character cannot see. He takes a –2 penalty to Defence, moves at half speed, and takes
a –4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks
and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents
are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blinded character. Characters
who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of

Cowering: the hero is frozen in fear, losing all Dexterity bonuses and cannot take any
actions. Attackers gain a +2 bonus to hit cowering enemies. Effect length varies.

Dazed: unable to act, a dazed character can take no actions but can defend themselves
normally. Typically lasts for 1 round.

Deafened: the character cannot hear and suffers a –4 to initiative checks and cannot
make Listen checks. Length of the condition may vary.

Dead: a character is dead when their Hit Points drop to –10 or lower or when the
Constitution score drops to 0 or lower.

Exhausted: characters that are exhausted suffer a -6 to Strength and Constitution, move
at half speed and can only attack once per round. Lasts until the character has had 6
rounds of consecutive rest.

Fatigued: Can't run or charge, -2 to STR and -2 DEX. 8 hours rest to remove this condition. If the
character is affected by Fatigue a second time, they become exhausted.

Helpless: paralyzed, sleeping or unconscious characters are considered helpless. Any

attack against a helpless character is automatically successful and deals maximum
possible damage.

Knocked Out: when a character takes more subdual damage than they have Hit Points
they are knocked out and rendered helpless for 1d20 minutes. Subdual damage can only
be dealt by melee weapons (to include unarmed attacks). When attempting to deal
subdual damage an attacker receives a –4 penalty to all attack rolls.

Panicked: effects are the same as Cowered, but characters that are Panicked will attempt
to flee if at all possible.

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Prone: a character is prone when they are lying flat on the ground. They receive a –4
penalty on attack rolls. Melee attacks against a prone character receive a +4 bonus.
Ranged attacks against a prone suffer a –4 penalty. Getting up from the prone position is
a full round action.

Character can’t use bows or thrown ranged weapons.

The +4 defence bonus should only applies if you are 30ft away from the attacker. Lying down is a
good way to shoot rifles though, so a +1 to attack roll for being prone. Also, if the weapon has a stand,
then a +2.

Stable: the character is no longer dying but is still unconscious.

Stunned: a character that is stunned is rendered helpless for 1d10 minutes. [GM - no!]
GM - as per D+D 3.5 : Drops all held objects, -2 to AC, loses Dex bonus to AC

Ranged Combat Increments

The following table is used to determine the penalties for extended range while using a
ranged weapon.

Weapon Range x1 Range x2 Range x3 Range x4 Range x5

Sidearm 0 -4 -8 -12 N/A

Rifle 0 -2 -4 -6 -8

Grenades are covered in the Equipment section.

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Firing more than once in a combat round

Most firearms have a rate of fire greater than one every six seconds. The more you fire though, the
less accurate the shot.

Standard Attack (3 seconds) (Modifier to hit applies to each bullet)

Bullets Fired Attack Modifier

1 0
2 -2 to Hit
3 -3 to Hit
4 -4 to Hit
5 -5 to Hit
6 -6 to Hit
7 -7 to Hit
8 -8 to Hit
9 -9 to Hit
10 -10 to Hit

Full Attack (6 seconds) (Modifier to hit applies to each bullet)

Bullets Fired Attack Modifier

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 -2 to Hit
5 -2 to Hit
6 -3 to Hit
7 -3 to Hit
8 -4 to Hit
9 -4 to Hit
10 -5 to Hit
11 -5 to Hit
12 etc -6 to Hit etc

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Some weapons have a single, three round burst, and full auto setting. Also Stun Settings

In a standard attack:

Single shot setting: +1 to hit

Three Round Burst: -2 to hit (rather than -3)

Full Auto: The entire clip is emptied in the rough direction of the target: -10 to hit

Stun Setting: Damage is Subdual only.

Sniper: Some weapons will have a scope on them that allows more accurate aimed shots to be fired.
This will be detailed in the weapons description but in general only 1 aimed shot can be fired every
Standard Action (so two in a full action). This gives a +1 bonus to hit. If you take a full action, the
bonus is +2.

Suppressing Fire

Roll your attack roll DC10.

For the rest of the round you are firing down a 5ft ‘lane’. Anyone moving through that lane may make
a REF saves versus the number of bullets/pulses. Otherwise they are hit by the amount of bullets they
failed the roll by.

The shooter can split the number of bullets down two more ‘lanes’ or lines of fire as they wish.

Note: This is different from aiming at someone. Normal full round burst rules apply when aiming. This
is for area denial. If someone moves through the ‘lane’ they will have to make the REF roll to avoid
the hail of bullets.

Note: Also someone ‘standing still’ will have to make the roll. If you stay in the suppressed area on
your turn and are not behind cover or concealment of any kind while a lane is being suppressed a
REF roll must be made to avoid the suppressing fire.

Taking Aim

You may take 1 full round to aim a shot, this gives a +1 to the eventual attack roll. If you are
using a sniper shot then it is +2 to hit. This can be done a maximum of three rounds for a
total bonus of +3 (or +6 with a scope).

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To compensate for the fact that people can spray bullets around alot in these rules there will be a
cover system. This is borrowed from d20 Modern (shown below).

But also : new GM rule(!) : The more you shoot from cover the lese effective it is. This makes sense
as if you just poke your head around the corner, fire once, then hide for the rest of the round, you get
good cover. If, however, you are blasting away all round cover has less effect. So I've modified the
table from d20Modern a bit.


Cover provides a bonus to Defense. The more cover a character has, the bigger the bonus. In a
melee, if a character has cover against an opponent, that opponent probably has cover against the
character, too. With ranged weapons, however, it’s easy to have better cover than the opponent.
The GM may impose other penalties or restrictions on attacks depending on the details of the cover.

Degree of Cover

Cover is assessed in subjective measurements of how much protection it offers. The GM determines
the value of cover. This measure is not a strict mathematical calculation, because a character gains
more value from covering the parts of his or her body that are more likely to be struck. If the bottom
half of a character’s body is covered, that only gives one-quarter cover, because most vital areas are
still fully exposed. If one side or the
other of a character’s body is covered, the character gets onehalf cover.

Cover Defense Bonus

Table: Cover gives the Defense bonuses for different degrees of cover. Add the relevant number to
the character’s Defense. This cover bonus overlaps (does not stack) with certain other bonuses.

Cover Reflex Save Bonus

Table: Cover gives the Reflex save bonuses for different degrees of cover. Add this bonus to Reflex
saves against attacks that affect an area. This bonus only applies to attacks that originate or burst out
from a point on the other side of the cover.

Striking the Cover Instead of a Missed Target

If it ever becomes important to know whether the cover was actually struck by an incoming attack that
misses the intended target, the GM should determine if the attack roll would have hit the protected
target without the cover. If the attack roll falls within a range low enough to miss the target with cover
but high enough to strike the target if there had been no cover, the object used for cover was struck.
This can be particularly important to know in cases when a character uses another character as
In such a case, if the cover is struck and the attack roll exceeds the Defense of the covering
character, the covering character takes the damage intended for the target.
If the covering character has a Dexterity bonus to Defense or a dodge bonus, and this bonus keeps
the covering character from being hit, then the original target is hit instead. The covering character
has dodged out of the way and didn’t provide cover after all. A covering character can choose not to
apply his or her Dexterity bonus to Defense and/or his or her dodge bonus, if the character so desires.

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Table: Cover

Degree of Cover Bonus to Reflex You spent a You spent a

Cover (Example) Defense Saves standard full round
action action
shooting shooting more
more than than once
One-quarter (standing behind a 3-ft. +2 +1 +1/+0 +0/+0
high wall)
One-half +4 +2 +3/+1 +2/+1
(fighting from around a corner or a
tree; standing at an open
window; behind a creature of same

Three-quarters +7 +3 +7 +3 +6/+2 +4/+2

(peering around a corner or a big

Nine-tenths (standing at an arrow +10 +41 +8/+3 +6/+2

slit; behind a door that’s slightly ajar)

Total (on the other side of a solid - - - -


1 Half damage if save is failed; no damage if successful.

(GM: I'm kind of trying to make this a game were people shoot from cover since to be out in the open
is to be scythed down by a hail of bullets. )

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Two Weapon Combat

(look up d20 Modern) pp 127

Attacking with Two Weapons: If the character wields a second weapon in his or her off hand, the
character can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. Fighting in this way is very difficult,
however—the character takes a –6 penalty on the regular attack or attacks with his or her primary
hand and a –10 penalty on the attack with his or her off hand. A character can reduce these penalties
in two ways.

1. If the off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. (An unarmed strike is always
considered light.)
2. The Two-Weapon Fighting feat lessens the primary hand penalty by 2, and the off-hand penalty by

Table: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties summarizes the interaction of all these factors.

Circumstances Primary Hand Off Hand Second

attack with
Normal -6 -10 No
Off-hand is Light -4 -8 No
Two-weapon fighting feat -4 -4 No
Off-hand weapon is light and -2 -2 No
Two-Weapon Fighting feat
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting -4 -4 Yes
Off-hand weapon is light and -2 -2 Yes
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

*If you have a +6 attack bonus and are capable of making a second attack you must have the
Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat in order to make a second attack with your offhand weapon.

To mix ranged and melee weapons you must have the Improved Two Weapon Feat. If not, then the
circumstances revert back to 'Normal'.

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Aiming at body locations

Location Hit Damage Damage if Critical Additional if target is on

modifier 5HP or less

Head -4 to hit X2 D4 INT damage D6 INT damage

DC 15 Fort check D6 WIZ damage
or be Dazed for one DC 15 Fort check or be
round. Dazed for d10 rounds.
Torso -2 to hit -2 to Jump, Climb etc for 1 round. D4 CON damage D6 CON damage
Fort DC 15 for half Fort DC 15
fail = exhausted.
Success = only fatigued.
Arms -3 to hit DC 15 Reflexes save or drop what is D4 DEX damage D4 DEX damage
held in that arm. D4 STR damage D4 STR damage
Fort DC 15 for half Fort DC 15 or arm is
useless. Fail by 5 or more
and arm is severed.
Legs -3 to hit Speed halved for d4 rounds
Hands* -5 to hit -2 to attack and damage rolls for d4 D4 DEX damage D4 DEX damage
rounds Drops anything held Hand useless until healed
unless a DC 15 Reflexes
save is made. Drops
anything held.
Feet -5 to hit Speed halved for d4 rounds
Ear -7 to hit Fail all Listen checks for 1 round. Fail all Listen Ear is destroyed.
-2 to Perception until healed. Target is checks for 1d4 -4 to Perception until healed
Deafened if both ears are hit. rounds. Dazed for d6 rounds.
-3 to Perception
until healed
Dazed for one
Eye -7 to hit All targets get 50% concealment for 1 All targets get 50% Eye is destroyed.
round. concealment for -4 to Perception until healed
-2 to Perception until healed. Target is 1d4 rounds. Dazed for d6 rounds.
Blinded if both eyes are hit. -3 to Perception
until healed.

*If aiming for the weapon in the hand then damage is applied to the weapon only.

All ability damage can be removed by a medic using treat injury skill rolls against
Otherwise the damage will be recovered after 24 hours.

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Unarmed Combat

(As per D+D 3.5 pp139.)

If you make an unarmed attack and the opponent is armed with a melee weapon they get an
Attack of Opportunity. This is negated by specific feats or circumstances (e.g. Hand to Hand
combat training, natural weapons).
Damage is 1d3 plus STR mod.
Damage is non-lethal unless the attacker takes a -4 to hit.
Unarmed attacks can be 'Dual Wielded' if the attacker has the 'Two-weapon fighting' feat.

See Unarmed Combat Skills for how to do more damage.

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Optional only as not everyone likes them, but here is a table for fumbles. If a combat
roll is a natural 1, roll again, if that is also a 'miss' then roll on the table below:

Roll Melee Weapon Natural Attacks Projectile Weapon Thrown Weapon

1 Accident: Roll twice Accident: Roll twice Accident: Roll twice Accident: Roll twice
2 All opponents get AOO All opponents get AOO Hit friend Hit friend
3 Hit friend, ½ damage? Hit friend, ½ damage? Hit friend, ½ damage? Hit friend, ½ damage?
Pull a muscle: 1d4 Pull a muscle: 1d4
Pull a muscle: 1d4 nonlethal Hurt self: 1d2 nonlethal hp,
4 nonlethal hp, -1 Str for nonlethal hp, -1 Str for
hp, -1 Str for 10 mins -1 Dex for 10 mins
10 mins 10 mins
5 1 opponent gets AOO 1 opponent gets AOO Weapon badly damaged Break equipment
1 opponent gets AOO at -4 to 1 opponent gets AOO at
6 Weapon damaged Weapon broken
hit -4 to hit
Pull a muscle: 1 hp Drop all clips/arrows, 2d4 Pull a muscle: 1 hp
7 Pull a muscle: 1 hp nonlethal
nonlethal break or get lost nonlethal
Acrobatics DC20 or fall Reflexes DC20 or fall
8 Reflexes DC20 or fall over Drop all clips/arrows
over over
Bite something hard:
9 Drop many things Drop many things Drop many things
1d4 damage
Hurt claw: 1 attack is - Hit something
10 Drop weapon 1d4 x 5' away Hit something unfortunate
4H, ½ dam 10 mins unfortunate
Roll Concentration vs
Dislodge helmet: 1r
11 Dislodge helmet: 1r blinded DC 15 to use special Drop 2d6 clips/arrows
abilities next 2 r
Reflexes DC20 or fall to Reflexes DC20 or fall to
12 Reflexes DC20 or fall to knees Drop 1d4+1 clips/arrows
knees knees
Lame: ½ movement, -2
13 Weapon broken Weapon breaks Weapon broken
AC for 10 mins
Concentration vs DC 15
Drop weapon at feet; 50%
14 Drop something to use special abilities Drop something
chance it goes off
next round
Reflexes DC20 or slip badly. Acrobatics DC20 or slip Reflexes DC15 or slip Reflexes DC20 or slip
15 Waste a round recovering, flat- badly. Waste a round badly. Waste a round badly. Waste a round
footed. recovering, flat-footed. recovering, flat-footed. recovering, flat-footed.
Reflexes DC20 or slip. Reflexes DC20 or slip.
Reflexes DC20 or slip. Waste a Reflexes DC15 or slip.
16 Waste a round Waste a round
round recovering. Waste a round recovering.
recovering. recovering.
Weapon damaged (twice
17 -4 to hit on next attack -4 to hit on next attack Weapon damaged
will break it)
Reflexes DC20 or
Reflexes DC20 or stumble. -2 Shoot arrow a very long Throw missile a very
18 stumble. -2 AC next
Defence next round way and lose it long way and lose it
Embarrassing but
19 Drop Weapon at feet Drop arrow at feet Drop missile at feet
Embarrassing but Embarrassing but
20 Embarrassing but harmless Embarrassing but harmless
harmless harmless

(Thank you to: for this table)

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The Improvement Point System

This system allows the players to improve their skills through use.

During each game, note each roll, and the total.

Put in a table like this for example:

skill roll total IP's

tricorder (tac) 6 14
tricorder (tac) 9 17
tricorder (tac) 18 26
computer use 12 16
phase rifle 11 18
phase rifle 9 16
phase rifle (sniper) 20 (confirm) 30
phase rifle (sniper) 13 23

The GM will award IPs and send it back to you. Put as much info as you wish, for example if a rifle
shot was a kill shot, a critical, or for example if a good Diplomacy roll at a critical moment changed the
team’s fortunes around.

The table below shows how many IPs are required to put a skill up by one rank:

Skill ranks IP required

0 0
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
7 70
8 80
9 90
10 100
11 110
etc etc

Thus if you had just spent all your IPs on going from 8 to 9, now you will need to gain 100 IPs to get to
level 10 by using the IP system. This is completely independent of skill ranks gained via levelling up.

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Many people on board liked to do their own projects, e.g. Tom Paris and the Delta Flyer. Use the form
below to track your progress on your own projects:

The PC names the project, writes the abstract and decides what skills they will use (if any!).

The GM will decide the level of complexity of the project, how long it will take and what requirements
there are.

The PC may then decide what corners to cut or if they require help. The PC may increase the times if
they wish. (e.g. Starfleet guidelines state I should soak test new software for 48 hours, but I will do it

The PC may decide that they know what they are going to do and do not need any preliminary work
and go straight into implantation. Without an FDS though you cannot present your wonderful idea to
anyone else in the crew and will not be taken seriously.

The PC may decide not to do any testing and go straight into using the thing they have made. There
is a good chance the thing will not work though and this increases with complexity. Also, without a
signed off test procedure your new invention will not be adopted by the crew.

Note that at the ‘end’ of the project you may not have a success, but this will depend on various
factors that the GM may or may not share with the player. Even something that has been tested may
not work in the field. The more testing that is done the better and the higher the complexity of the
project the more issues it is likely to have once it is finished.

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Project Name Complexity

(from 1 to 10) e.g.
1 = Write a small program
10 = Build the Delta Flyer

Skills Used Total Rank Notes

Technical Authoring

Development Time Time Notes
Stage Required Spent
(hrs) (hrs)
Feasibility Study
Requirement Capture
Functional Design
Specification (FDS)
Getting Help


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Away Teams will be assigned equipment depending on the threat level that is to be expected. Also,
when the mission is secretive in nature then the equipment issued will be smaller and concealable.

Security teams may bring their own personal equipment if it has been authorized for use.

Set 1: Standard Guard Duty

Phase Pistol (3d4)

Set 2: Heavy Guard Duty

Basic Ballistics Vest (light) (0/2)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x non-lethal grenades

Set 3: Light Combat

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x non-lethal grenades
5 x lethal grenades

Set 4: Heavy Combat

Combat Jacket (Heavy) (0/4)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x non-lethal grenades
5 x lethal grenades

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(For this I toyed with various four-bell naval systems (see : ), but it's a bit tricky to get your head round so I've opted
for a 12-hour shift pattern which I'm more familiar with from working offshore. There was no mention
of shift patterns on Memory Alpha.)

This is an example shift pattern for a Tactical Specialist working in the Deck 6 Armoury.

It uses a 12 on / 12 off shift pattern, with half days on Sat and Sun.

0700 Report to Deck 6 Armoury
0800 Weekly meeting
0900 Ship systems diagnostics for weapons monitored by D6A
1200 Lunch
1300 Combat Training (Hand to Hand)
1600 Weapons checks
1700 Kit Inspection
1800 Captains Report Review followed by tea break
1900 End

0700 Report to Deck 6 Armoury
0800 Combat Training (Fire Arms)
1200 Lunch
1300 Report to engineering for maintenance and repair tasks
(1500 Tea break)
1900 End

0700 Report to Deck 6 Armoury
0800 Combat Training (Explosives)(involves some Holodeck time)
1200 Lunch
1300 Report to communications for data crunching tasks
(1500 Tea break)
1900 End

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0700 Report to Deck 6 Armoury
0800 Full diagnostics on ships weapon and defensive systems
1200 Lunch
1300 Personal Development Training (Holodeck Combat Training)
(1500 Tea break)
1600 Weapons checks (Man portable weapons)

1700 Report writing (including findings on alien weaponry for engineering)

1900 End

0700 Report to Deck 6 Armoury
0800 Tactical Training (ship based weapons and tactics)
1200 Lunch
1300 Damage / Fire Team drills
(1500 Tea break)
1900 End

1300 Report to Deck 6 Armoury
1330 System checks on all D6A systems
(1500 Tea break)
1900 End


0700 Report to Deck 6 Armoury

0800 Tactical Training (repel intruders inside Voyager)
1400 End

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Below is a random loot table that contains loot and ideas for loot other than cash that a typical
mercenary, grunt, goon or guard might be carrying.

The value of the item is entirely up to the GM. It could be a high tech, advanced bit of equipment or a
low tech piece of junk. To a certain extent it will depend on who was carrying it.

1. Macrobinoculars
2. Walking stick/pimp cane with silver head
3. Rad detector
4. Extravagant Hat
5. Cool Jewelry (ring, disco medallion, etc) with secret compartment
6. Complex grenade / bomb
7. Omnitool
8. Gloves (choice of cool driving gloves or armoured gauntlets)
9. Pet (space monkey, dragondog, astro-hawk, etc)
10. Mysterious dark cloak
11. Pack of cards, marked
12. Spaceship
13. Grappling hook belt
14. Daynight goggles
15. Cool boots (cowboy, swashbuckler, go-go, etc) – roll again if you've got crazy alien feet
16. Tricorder
17. Commlink
18. TAS membership (or other useful or funny membership card)
19. Flashlight
20. Small hookah and 2d6 doses of some semi-legal herb
21. d6 Ninja smokebombs
22. Oxyfilter Mask
23. Fancy change of clothes
24. Toolkit
25. Hi tech vacc suit (non-bulky, collapsable balloon helmet)
26. Cool vest or jacket
27. Boot knife
28. Bottle of Whiskey
29. Medkit (pick race it works best on)
30. Compact collapsable personal vehicle.
31. Jetpack
32. Grenade
33. Ninja throwing stars
34. Programmable remote hover-globe with sting guns
35. Force pike
36. Stun grenade
37. Portable music player with headphones
38. Richly decorated cape
39. Big shiny beltbuckle
40. Electro-whip
41. Silver flute

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42. Binder cuffs

43. Saddle and tack for local riding beast
44. Backpack
45. Synthrope
46. Entrenching tool
47. Pocket tent
48. Pocket water purifier
49. Pocket computer
50. Power winch, wearable on belt
51. Cheap bottle of wine
52. Fancy bottle of wine
53. Rocket backpack
54. Magnet gun (pulls things in)
55. Microlight backpack wings
56. Holoprojector watch
57. Personal shield generator (value 10,000 credits)
58. Shoulder rocket launcher (3 shot clip)
59. Voice scrambler
60. View masker
61. Sawed-off shotgun
62. Electromagnetic scanner
63. Handheld laser welder
64. Fusion cutter
65. Repulsorlift hoverboard
66. Omni-bond grapple gun
67. Grav boots
68. Pair of big fuzzy dice
69. Inertial direction-finder
70. Super-high-bounce grenade (set 1-5 bounce fuze)
71. Remote-control frisbee UAV
72. Folding pocket solar gun-and-gadget recharger
73. Bowel capitulator pistol
74. Flashbang grenade
75. Small tube of molecular bond ultraglue
76. Squirt bottle of universal solvent
77. Set of wrist lasers
78. Mouse droid
79. Bounty hunter skull drone with laser eyes (programmable)
80. Small skin rug
81. Electronic riflescope (+1 to hit on attached pistol or rifle)
82. Therm-optic invisibility camouflage cloak
83. Case with flare gun and five flares
84. Fireworks–pack of Roman candles, fountains, rockets
85. EMP bomb, 1 block radius
86. Droid popper EMP grenade
87. 1-meter-square grav plate (program or remote, -10 to 10 gravities)
88. Hypoinjector with truth serum, 3 shots
89. Anti-sensor camo cloak
90. Wrist-mounted rope shooter (wraps target)
91. Net gun
92. Parachute

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93. Aerogel grenade (15' diameter sphere fills with translucent aerogel, can cushion landing, block
corridor, immobilize everyone in a turbolift car, etc.)
94. 10,000 in fake credits (DC 20 to recognize)
95. forged electronic search warrant (DC 25 to recognize)
96. roll of duck tape
97. slingshot and steel BBs
98. bag of water balloons and fill pump
99. translator earplugs with pocket language computer
100. exploding cigar
101. Clip of 3d10 KO paper currency
102. Leather Wallet full of rubbish
103. Lucky Charm
104. Wrist Watch
105. Gold Chain
106. Gold ring
107. Silver Ring
108. Silver chain
109. Bunch of Keys
110. Blue key card
111. Red key Card
112. Yellow Key Card
113. Pocket Electronic Game / games device
114. Flick knife
115. Ration pack
116. Platinum ring
117. Silver earring
118. Gold earring
119. Playing cards
120. Porno playing cards (kazon)
121. Notbook
122. Diary
123. Long bit of coaxil cable
124. Mini toaster
125. mini blow torch
126. Small tool kit
127. Small projectile weapon toolkit
128. Stink bomb
129. Bandana
130. Broken bit of alien tech
131. Data stick full of Occampan porn
132. Hip flask
133. Withererd thingy
134. Some ears on a thong
135. bag of teeth, 1d6 gold ones
136. Comb
137. Padlock and Key
138. Padlock (no key)
139. Treasure map
140. Fungus in a jar
141. Empty bullet / shotgun shells
142. Handheld music computer and headphones
143. Comicbook

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144. Paperback book

145. Magazine
146. Pack of Cigarettes
147. Cigar
148. Sunglasses
149. Handkercheif (cotton)
149. Handkercheif (silk)
150. Scarf (wool)
151. Scarf (silk)
152. Aviator goggles
153. Litte Black Book
154. Childs toy
155. Childs drawing 'to daddy'
156. Pen
157. Vail of blood/venom/posion/urine/mercury
158. Diecast car/spaceship/humanoid
159. Spare parts for pistol/rifle/phaser
160. Owners manual for a pistol/rifle/phaser
161. Pocket TV
162. Pocket radio
163. Walky-talky
164. Spare socks
165. Clean underwear
166. Towel
167. Swimming shorts
168. Bikini
169. Card from a strip joint
170. Credit cards (d6)
171. Comedy glasses and nose
172. Hand pump
173. Digital camera
174. 35mm camera
175. Hunting knife
176. Gloves fur/leather/cloth/wool/work/rubber
177. Jewel presious - diamond/emerald/saphire/ruby
178. jewel semi-precious - opal, lapuz, amnethyst, agate
179. ring with Jewel presious - diamond/emerald/saphire/ruby
180. ring with jewel semi-precious - opal, lapuz, amnethyst, agate
181. bag of crisps / nuts / pork scratchings/ dried snack
182. bottle empty / water / wine / beer / spirits / energy drink / soda
183. locket with empty / female face / male face / hair / childs face / random picture
184. can of beer / oil / water / soda / beans / meat / etc
185. tin cup
186. mobile phone / communicator
187. T-shirt - random colour / random design
188. Cutlery / chopsticks
189. Data in some kind of format disc / data stick / pad / crystal
190. ancient relic
191. fridge magnet
192. Cheap souvenir
193. pot of hand cream / balm
194. spray can of cream / cheese / deodorant / mace

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195. tube of papers

196. packet of food / biscuits / cakes / sweets / seeds
197. handcuffs
198. hourglass / egg timer
199. Alarm clock
200. box knife
201. roll of ethernet / fiber-optic / null-modem cable
202. dice / gaming pieces
203. magnetic travel game
204. small telescope
205. nose hair trimmer
206. Electic clippers / shaver
207. Razoeblade
208. cigarette lighter
209. ball of string
210. Entrenching tool
211. Hard hat
212. Overalls
213. Pot of paint
214. Ear protectors
215. Gimp mask
216. 'german' sausage
217. ID papers
218. Starship training manuals
219. Thermal fleece
220. Tote bag
221. Hand wraps / boxing gloves
222. Roll of toilet paper
223. Metal coins
224. bobblehead
225. wrench
226. fuse wire
227. Film in CD / DVD / tape / mem-stick / crystal /
228. sleeping bag
229. Bedroll
230. medical vest
231. first aid kit
232. weapon cleaning kit
233. running shoes
234. medical kit
235. shooting / safety glasses
236. work boots
237. bandolier
238. combat webbing
239. tablets - headache / anti-biotics / allergies / etc
240. bottle of antiseptic
241. burn dressing
242. medical brace
243. gun barrel
244. bolts 2d6
245. revolver cylinder
246. Electronic scrap

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247. explosive charge

248. detonator
249. firing pin from a projectile weapon
250. weapon grip / pistol grip
251. bread knife
252. shiv
253. box of matches
254. plastic item - tub / cup / frame / bag
255. picture frame, with picture
256. gun sights
257. small electric motor
258. gun stock
259. silver tape
260. baseball cap
261. Tactical goggles
262. broken PC card
263. compass
264. pencil compass
265. pencil
266. electric drill
267. electric grinder
268. football
269. hair dryer
270. hands free kit
271. house phone
272. small kettle
273. box of tea bags / coffee
274. metal ruler
275. box of paperclips
276. paper weight
277. phone cord
278. power cord
279. backpack
280. spatula
281. stapler
282. pet food
283. wallet of pictures
284. puzzle box
285. money box containing 4d20 coins
286. pack of trading cards
287. gas mask
288. air mask / painters mask
289. torch / flashlight
290. asma spray tube / inhaler
291. tube of ointment / toothpaste /
292. toothbrush
293. remote controlled toy
294. packet of instant noodles / pasta / chow
295. sat nav / gps
296. glue stick
297. makeup / lipstick
298. chewing gum

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299. stockings
300. tin opener
301. condoms
302. map
303. starmap
304. metal ruler
305. wooden folding ruler
306. Sharpy style pen
307. Small electrical toolkit
308. Hi-vis vest
309. Safety-glasses
310. Papers - blueprints
311. Extension cable
312. Control panel ripped out of something
313. Annunciator panel ripped out of something
314. folder of documentation on something random
315. ruggedized box for holding electronic data e.g. hard-drives
316. laptop style computer /rugedised
317. Interface unit 'Westermo'
318. labcoat
319. cable crimper
320. Silencer for projectile pistol
321. Silencer for projectile rifle
322. satchel
323. combat webbing
324. camoflaged backpack
325. large backpack
326. bumbag
327. money belt / with money / ID in it
328. spectacles
329. ear defenders
330. subdermal syringe pack - empty / stimulants / drugs / medication
331. folding stick chair
332. bag / packet of fresh fruit / veg / roots / herbs
333. plastic bottle of water / juice / energy drink / soda
334. blow up doll
335. inflatable life ring
336. head torch
337. gun mounted torch
338. red dot sites
339. magnification sites
340. electro-nux
341. rounds of ammunition for unknown gun normal / hi-ex / AP
342. boot laces
343. folded up tarp / plastic sheet / painters sheet
344. energy dagger (+1 dagger)
345. chemical batteries
346. energy sword (+1 sword)

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Replicators are difficult things for RPG games as they are basically a 'Win Button' for a lot of
situations. They do have their limits though.

If an item exists in the Replicator library then there is no need to make a skill check. However, new
items can be added to the Replicator library if the Replicator has a way of scanning them in (e.g.
running the item through a Transporter and feeding in the resultant data.

See this skill 'Replicator Use' and 'Transporter Use' for details on skill checks.

Replicators on board Voyager are strictly rationed and may not be used frivolously unless they are
part of a personal ration.

Usage costs 1g of Dilithium per 10kg.

What is and what is not in the Voyager Replicator Library:


Small Flying Drone

Sensor Enhancer
Industrial Laser
Diamonds, but use more energy. 1 'handful' = 10kg worth of rep usage


Weapon drones, repair drones, etc

Alien Eggs - would take a week or two and be tricky. Also there are legal issues about living and once
living matter

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1g of Dilithium = 100 credits

10g of Dilithium = 1,000 credits
100g of Dilithium = 10,000 credits
1kg of Dilithium = 100,000 credits

1kg of Unrefined Dilithium = 100 credits

Dilithium cannot be replicated

Refining Dilithium

Dilithium can be refined with various setups as listed below.

Refinery Time per kg Unrefined In Refined Out Cost

Small Jury Rigged Set Up 1 hour 50kg 1kg None*
Dilithium Refinery - Small 1 hour 25kg 1kg 50,000
Dilithium Refinery - Medium 1 hour 50kg 2kg 150,000
Dilithium Refinery - Large 1 hour 100kg 4kg 550,000
MW Dilithium Refinery - Small 1 hour 25kg 2kg 10,0,000
MW Dilithium Refinery - Medium 1 hour 50kg 4kg 300,000
MW Dilithium Refinery - Large 1 hour 100kg 8kg 1,100,000

*A small jury rigged set up can be made from parts found on a starship. It takes 24 hours to set up. d3
ships systems will be less effective (25% less on Small vessels, 10% less on Medium, 5% on large)
until repaired due to the loss of parts.

All refineries need someone to man it, unless a self service hopper is added to regulate the input. This
costs 2,000 credits

Common Dilithium Costs

Ship Size Energy Min Rest Warp

Shuttlecraft 15 0.1 0.5 1
Freighter 28 0.5 2 4
Light Cruiser/Raider 40 1 4 8
Heavy Cruiser 65 2 8 16
Explorer 50 1.5 6 12

Each human sized object transported costs 1g of DL.

Every 1kg replicated costs 0.1g DL of common goods. (No TL )

Every 10kg replicated costs 1g DL of common goods. (No TL)

Anything with a TL though uses this as a multiplier.

E.g. a 10kg of an item with a TL of 10, costs 10g of DL

Other actions may cost grams of DL as the GM decides.

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Sample NPCS


Crewman Sandra Paterson, LVL 1 OPS/ 2 PIL, Human
HP 23, Attack Roll : +5/+4 (Base 2) Defence : 15 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8
INI +3
STR 15 DEX 14 INT 12 WIS 13 CON 12 CHA 15 F/R/W 2/3/3
Attack Roll(Energy Pistols) : 7
Attack Roll(Energy Rifles) : 10
Attack Roll(Grenades) : 7

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

3533 / 6000 xp

Skills: (ops: Everyman, Operations and Communications 6+1 x 4 = 28)(Pilot 4+1)

Perception +3, First Aid +2, Repair +2, Demolition +2, Disable Device +2, Teleporter Use +4, Write
Program +2, Energy Pistols + 3, Energy Rifles +6, Grenades +2, Swim +2, Climb +2, Computer Use
+5, Stealth +1, Render Inoperative +2, Knowledge(Warp Technology) +2
Dock +2 Pilot+7 Plot Course +4 Navigate +3. Grenades+3

Skill Specialty (computer use), Starship Operations, Sensors (IFF), Sensor Expertise
(Electromagnetic). Combat Manoeuvres +1
Sensors (Short Range Passive High Resolution Visual)
Bonus Feats –
Accurate Shot (no -4 penalty for firing into melee)
Skill Emphasis(Pilot) (+4 to Pilot)

Combat Maneuvers: At 2nd level (and every four levels thereafter) a Pilot adds the given

bonus to all Pilot skill checks made during combat. The bonuses do not stack.

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Crewman Dell was a 24th century Starfleet officer aboard the USS Voyager
under Captain Kathryn Janeway. Dell became stranded in the Delta Quadrant
along with the rest of the crew of Voyager in 2371.

In 2374, Dell was given the designation "Three of Ten" by Seven of Nine in
her attempt to create an efficient task force. Dell was ordered by Seven to
calibrate the ionic pressure seals on the observation ports of the harmonic
resonance chamber, a duty well suited to his abilities.(VOY: "The Omega

Crewman Dell. Starfleet Engineering Division, LVL 2 Ops, Human (Male)
HP 13, Attack Roll: +0/-1 (Base 1) Defence: 13 AS: 3 Damage: 3d8 INI -1
STR 10 DEX 8 INT 18 WIS 13 CON 11 CHA 15 F/R/W 2/2/4
Attack Roll(Energy Pistols) : 4
Attack Roll(Energy Rifles) : 4
Attack Roll(Grenades): -1

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

2550/3000 XP

Ops Skill set: Skill Sets: Everyman, Operations and Communications

Demolition +2 Repair +4 Disable Device +2 Knowledge (Warp Technology) +6 Teleporter Use +6
Write Program +7 Gather Information +3 Diplomacy +2 Sense Motive +4 Bargain +3, Computer Use
+13, First Aid +2, Replicator Use +4, Perception +5, Use Tricorder (tactical) +10, Energy Pistols + 5,
Energy Rifles +5, Craft(Robotics)+6, Search +1, Craft(Miniature Figures) + 4, Knowledge
(Technology) +12, Grenades -1

Feats : Skill Specialty(Computer Use)(+3), Starship Operations

Sensors(Biological Reference). Sensor Expertise (Topographic Imaging). Mind like a Database


Mind like a Database: Operations Specialists have a knack for remembering information that

they’ve come across. All those hours of searching information databases rub off after a while. At 2nd
level Operations Specialists gain an inherent +4 to all Knowledge (Technology) checks.

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Tale Celes

Crewman Tal Celes., LVL 2 Ops, Bajoran (Female)
HP 14, Attack Roll: +2/+2 (Base 1) Defence: 16 AS: 3 Damage: 3d8 INI -1
STR 13 DEX 14 INT 14 WIS 12 CON 10 CHA 10 F/R/W 2/3/4
Attack Roll(Energy Pistols) : 6
Attack Roll(Energy Rifles) : 6
Attack Roll(Grenades): 4

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

2550/3000 XP

Ops Skill set: Skill Sets: Everyman, Operations and Communications

Demolition +3 Repair +3 Disable Device +2 Knowledge (Warp Technology) +3 Teleporter Use +4
Write Program +4 Gather Information +6 Diplomacy +8 Sense Motive +5 Bargain +6, Computer Use
+6, First Aid +3, Replicator Use +4, Perception +8, Use Tricorder (tactical) +6, Energy Pistols + 4,
Energy Rifles +4, Craft(Tricorders)+6, Search +3, Knowledge (Technology) +8, Grenades +2

Feats : Skill Specialty(Diplomacy)(+3), Starship Operations

Sensors(Biological Reference). Sensor Expertise(Molecular Imaging). Mind like a Database Sensors

Mind like a Database: Operations Specialists have a knack for remembering information that

they’ve come across. All those hours of searching information databases rub off after a while. At 2nd
level Operations Specialists gain an inherent +4 to all Knowledge (Technology) checks.

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Crewman Pat Murphy. LVL 2 Science, Human (Male)
HP 17, Attack Roll: +1/+1 Defence : 15 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI 0
STR 12 DEX 11 INT 15 WIS 13 CON 13 CHA 16 F/R/W 3/2/2
Attack Roll(Energy Pistols) : 3
Attack Roll(Energy Rifles) : 3
Attack Roll(Grenades): 2

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

Use Replicator +4 First Aid +2 Knowledge Technology +4, Knowledge (Medicine) +4, Treat Injury +2,

Sidearms (Energy) + 2 Sidearms (Projectile) +2, Knowledge (Science) +7, Knowledge (Biology) +6,
Knowledge (Warp Technology) +4, Perception +4, Use Tricorder (all) +4, Computer Use +4, Bluff +3,
Diplomacy +1, Gather Information +2, Sense Motive +1 Listen +4 Swim +3, Technical Authoring /
Report Writing +7, Survival +6, Knowledge (Geology) +6, Knowledge (Agronomy) +12, Knowledge
(Anatomy) +10, Grenades +1
2800 / 3000 xp


Agronomy: science of soil management and crop production. (+2 to Survival, +2 Geology)

Anatomy: The study of organisms and their parts. (+1 to Hit when doing aimed shots, +1 to Treat

Tricorder Expertise (+2 to all Tricorders)

Educated: Years of study mean that a science specialist has a wide range of knowledge that can be
applied to fields. +2 to Knowledge (Technology), +2 to Knowledge (Science) and +2 to a Knowledge
skill of the players choice..

Sensors (Biological Reference )

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Andrews was a Human security officer in Starfleet, and served on

the USS Voyager. He held the rank of lieutenant.

In 2371, he was working at the Ops station before Chief of Operations

Harry Kim came aboard. He was later again at Ops just before Voyager
entered the Badlands. (VOY: "Caretaker")

He was a security guard that escorted prisoner Vel

in 2373. (VOY: "The Chute")

Lieutenant Andrews, LVL 6
HP 47, Attack Roll : +7/+1 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +1
STR 15 DEX 12 INT 11 WIS 10 CON 13 CHA 10 F/R/W 5/5/3

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades


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Ensign Michael Parsons was a 24th century Starfleet officer serving

under Captain Kathryn Janeway aboard the USS Voyager. In 2371,
Parsons was among the crew stranded in the Delta Quadrant when
Voyager was forcefully brought there by the Caretaker.

Parsons, who was assigned to the command division, was involuntarily

asked to keep an eye on the mess hall and galley by Neelix when he had
to go to the bridge. (VOY: "Phage")

Neelix believed that Parsons was possessed by the Komar. The

Talaxian's reasoning was that Parsons liked his pejuta hot and with
lemon, and that his recent order was for cold Pejuta without lemon,
therefore he might not be the same person. (VOY: "Cathexis")

While The Doctor was delusional, later that year, he imagined that he
and Reginald Barclay were going to disable the holoemitters in
engineering and that Janeway ordered Jarvis and Parsons, who was
then assigned to the operations division, to stop them. (VOY:

Parsons' name was read aloud by Harry Kim, in early 2372, when Kim
reviewed Voyager's crew roster. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

In 2373, Parsons suffered from a microbial infection. The Doctor set up a

culture of his glial cells to do an immunogenicity analysis, but was too
distracted with his holographic family, so Kes did the tests instead.
(VOY: "Real Life")

In 2374, Parsons received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix in

themess hall, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over
Hirogen communications network. (VOY: "Hunters")

Ensign Michael Parsons, LVL 2 TACTICAL
HP 20, Attack Roll : +3 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +1
STR 13 DEX 11 INT 15 WIS 11 CON 11 CHA 11 F/R/W 3/3/2

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

2888/3000 xp

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Lydia Anderson was a Starfleet crewman on the USS Voyager assigned to engineering and the
security division during its time in the Delta Quadrant.

In 2371 she was part of the security team which accompanied Captain Kathryn Janeway to the
airponics bay to stop Kes who transported herself back in time.
Anderson and the other security officer got into a firefight with boarding Vidiians. (VOY: "Fury")

Anderson, with a different hairstyle, was one of the security officers, who welcomed Seven of
Nine and the Hirogen Tsunkatse fighter aboard Voyager, where she pointed a phaser rifle onto
them. (VOY: "Tsunkatse")

Anderson served as security guard for two injured prisoners who were beamed directly into the
sickbay in 2377. She remained guarding the sickbay along with Ayala. (VOY: "Repentance")

In 2377, she was brainwashed by the Quarren after they irradiated Voyager and forced the
evacuation of its crew. She, along with most of the rest of the crew, spent approximately three
weeks in the largest city on Quarra. Her memories were altered and she was unaware that she
had been kidnapped. Anderson appeared in Tuvok's computer file. (VOY: "Workforce",
"Workforce, Part II")

She was among the crewmembers who stood in the hallway to bid farewell to Neelix when he left
the ship for Dexa and Brax. (VOY: "Homestead")

Crewman Lydia Anderson, OPS1/TAC2, Human
HP 25, Attack Roll : +6 Defence : 14 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +2
STR 13 DEX 14 INT 17 WIS 9 CON 10 CHA 9 F/R/W 3/5/4
Base Attack : +3 Defence 5

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

6188 / 10000 xp

Skills: (ops: Everyman, Operations and Communications 6+4)

Perception +4, First Aid +5, Repair +4, Demolition +3, Disable Device +2, Teleporter Use +5, Write
Program +5, Energy Pistols + 5, Energy Rifles +6, Grenades +3, Swim +2, Climb +2, Computer Use
+10, Stealth +4, Render Inoperative +1, Knowledge(Warp Technology) +1

Skill Specialty (computer use), Starship Operations, Sensors (IFF)(Laser Imaging)(Sub Atomic),
Sensor Expertise (Electromagnetic)(Geological)
Expertise+1 (+1 to all Operations skills)
Bonus Feat - Accurate Shot (no -4 penalty for firing into melee)
Bonus Feat - Hand to Hand Combat (You are skilled in dealing actual damage (as opposed to
subdual damage) with unarmed attacks. You have a critical range of (20, x2) and do 1d6 damage per

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Ensign Munro is a skilled combatant, but comes

through as headstrong and lacking in discipline to her
fellow Hazard Team members. In fact, this is true to
some degree, but Munro is a much more capable
leader than they realize, and continually proves
herself throughout the game. Munro also has a habit
of going off alone into extremely dangerous
situations. Munro was born in New Chicago, Luna.
Munro served aboard the USS Enterprise-D before
transfer to Voyager.

Ensign Alexandria Munro Lvl 1
HP 11, Attack Roll : +4 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +3
STR 13 DEX 14 INT 14 WIS 11 CON 13 CHA 7 F/R/W 2/2/1

Basic Loadout:

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

890 / 1000 xp

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Lt. Les Foster, a dark-skinned Human male from

Melbourne, Australia. Leader of the hazard team, it is his
duty to, along with Tuvok, train the hazard team in tactics
procedures for the dangerous missions they will partake
in, as well as personally leading the team into combat.
During the mission to obtain isodesium from the
scavenger base, he was taken by the Borg, along with the
isodesium. A recovery mission to the Borg cube quickly
follows, which resulted in the safe recovery of both Foster
and the isodesium. (There are two sub-story lines here. If
you fail to save Foster, he is assimilated and dies when
the Borg cube explodes. If you do manage to save him, he
is transported to sickbay and not mentioned much for the
rest of the game.)

Lieutenant Les Foster, LVL 6
HP 42, Attack Roll : +7/+1 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +1
STR 13 DEX 13 INT 14 WIS 10 CON 11 CHA 9 F/R/W 5/5/3

Basic Loadout:

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

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Crewman Telsia Murphy grew up on crime-ridden Ballatrix X, in the Orion

sector, and had a very difficult upbringing due to the low value that Orion
society places on women; she survived partially due to her strong-willed
Irish side. She learned the intricacies of combat at an early age, and her
marksmanship is unparalleled within the Hazard Team, making her a
valuable asset to any mission. Because of this and her ability to navigate
harsh environments she serves as the Hazard Team's sniper and scout.
She is a longtime friend of Ensign Munro.

Crewman Telsia Murphy, LVL 2
HP 18, Attack Roll : +3/4 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +1
STR 12 DEX 15 INT 15 WIS 11 CON 10 CHA 11 F/R/W 3/3/2

Basic Loadout:
Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)
Phase Rifle (3d8) (scoped +1 to hit)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

1900 / 3000 XP

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Chakotay was a 24th century Human Starfleet officer and former Maquis
member, best known as first officer under Captain Kathryn Janeway aboard
the USS Voyager. Before serving as Voyager's first officer, he had resigned
from Starfleet after years of service in order to
join the Maquis to defend his home colony against the Cardassians.

In 2371, while Starfleet and the Cardassians were trying to capture him in the
Badlands, Chakotay and his Maquis crew were pulled 70,000 light years
across the galaxy, deep into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array and
forced to merge with the crew of the Voyager
during its seven-year journey home. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Tattoo", "In the

Commander Chakotay, LVL 10 (Pilot 2, Tactical 4, Operations 4)

STR: 16 DEX: 12 INT: 15 WIS: 18 CON: 15 CHA: 12

Fort: 3 Ref: 6 Will: 5

Base Attack: 8/3

Defence: 7

Feats: Starship Operations, Combat Manoeuvres +1 Skill Speciality, Mind like a Database, Expertise
+1, Bonus Technique x 3

Skills: Computer Use +10 (+MORE!!)

HP 75, Attack Roll : +8/+3 Defence : 17 AS : 1 Damage : 3d4 INI +2

Basic Loadout:

Starfleet uniform
- Light Armour Weave (0/1) armour
- Temperature Modulation : +2 to Fort for all Fatigue / Exhaustion effects
Phase Pistol (3d4)

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Neelix was a 24th century Talaxian who joined the USS Voyager when it was
pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array in 2371. During
Voyager's seven year journey through the Delta Quadrant he served as the
ship's chef, morale officer, "ambassador to the Delta Quadrant" and navigator,
in addition to forming close personal friendships with many crew members
and becoming a valuable member of the stranded Starfleet crew. (VOY:

 2 years orbital tether engineer on scale models
 1 year on a mining colony
 2 years as Engineering assistant on a freighter. Learned Warp Theory
 6 years on a garbage scow
 ? merchant on own ship

Neelix, LVL 11 (Pilot 2, Operations 3, Boomer 6)

STR: 14 DEX: 10 INT: 11 WIS: 13 CON: 17 CHA: 15

Fort: 3 Ref: 6 Will: 5

Base Attack: 9/4

Defence: 5

Feats: Mind Like A Database, Starship Operations, Skill Speciality (Repair),Lucky Shot x2 , Barter,
Skill Emphasis (Bargain), Combat Manoeuvres +1, Contacts

+3 Bonus feats

Skills: Repair +7 , Demolition +2, Disable Device +3, Write Program +1, Use Transporter +2, Bluff +4,
Computer Use +3, Entertain (Storytelling) +2, Gamble +2, Hide +1, Listen +3, Search +3, Dock +4,
Pilot + 3, Plot Course +6, Navigate +2, Bargain +12, Diplomacy +12, Gather Information +8, Sense
Motive +8

HP 77

Basic Loadout:
Basic Outfit
Personal Datapad
Wallet with various Ids in it

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Kes was a female Ocampa who joined the USS Voyager after it was
catapulted into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker's array. For over three
years she became a valuable member of the crew; she served as a field
medic, and was in charge of the airponics bay. She eventually left Voyager in
order to explore her increasingly powerful mental abilities.

Kes, Ocampan, Female, Lvl 1
HP 4, Attack Roll : +0 Defence : 13 AS : 0 Weapon : Dagger : 1d4

INI +2 perception +2

Clothes, Boots
Ocampan Wrist Watch
Gold chain

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Ensign Mannus was an operations division Starfleet officer assigned to the USS Voyager
under Captain Kathryn Janeway during the 2370s.

Neelix reported to The Doctor from the mess hall that Mannus had become violently ill
from space sickness due to a temporal disruptor in 2375. When The Doctor arrived, Neelix
reported that he made no such call, and that Mannus had been fine for the past hour. Seconds
later Mannus collapsed and was revived by the Doctor, who later discovered that there was a
seven minute time lapse between the mess hall and sickbay. (VOY: "Relativity")

Ensign Mannus, LVL 1, Human
HP 10, Attack Roll : +4 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +3
STR 15 DEX 15 INT 11 WIS 11 CON 17 CHA 14 F/R/W 2/2/1

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

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A male science crewman sleeping in the sickbay during a deuterium supply

shortage in 2374.

Crewman James Rumbleton. LVL 2 Science, Human (Male)
HP 17, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 15 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI 0
STR 10 DEX 11 INT 15 WIS 16 CON 15 CHA 11 F/R/W 3/2/2

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

Use Replicator +3 First Aid +2 Knowledge Technology +5, Knowledge (Medicine) +4, Treat Injury +2,

Sidearms (Energy) + 5 Sidearms (Projectile) +5, Knowledge (Science) +4, Knowledge (Biology) +6,
Knowledge (Warp Technology) +5, Perception +5, Use Tricorder (all) +4, Computer Use +5, Bluff +3,
Diplomacy +1, Gather Information +2, Sense Motive +1 Listen +5 Swim +3, Technical Authoring /
Report Writing +6
2300 / 3000 xp

Speciality : Biology (The science of life and living organisms. (+2 Knowledge (Medicine), +2 Treat

Tricorder Expertise (+2 to all Tricorders)

Educated: Years of study mean that a science specialist has a wide range of knowledge that can be
applied to fields. +2 to Knowledge (Technology), +2 to Knowledge (Science) and +2 to a Knowledge
skill of the players choice..
Sensors (Biological Reference )

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Yosa was a Maquis fighter who served on the raider the Val Jean under
Chakotay until 2371 when his crew became stranded in the Delta Quadrant
following the destruction of their ship. As a result the crew of the SS Val Jean,
Yosa included, joined the crew of the USS Voyager as Starfleet personnel
traveled on the USS Voyager on its historic trek home from the Delta

In 2377, he was attacked by Tuvok, who was under the mental control of a
Bajoran vedek named Teero Anaydis. Tuvok mind-melded with Yosa, and
other Maquis, inciting them to mutiny and overthrow Captain Janeway.

Crewman Yosa, LVL 1, Human
HP 9, Attack Roll : +4 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +3
STR 12 DEX 15 INT 13 WIS 9 CON 15 CHA 11 F/R/W 2/2/1

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

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William McKenzie was a Human Starfleet crewman who served on the USS
Voyager while the ship was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

Crewman William McKenzie, LVL 1, Human
HP 12, Attack Roll : +4 Defence : 13 AS : 3 Damage : 3d8 INI +3
STR 14 DEX 12 INT 10 WIS 11 CON 15 CHA 15 F/R/W 2/2/1

Combat Jacket (light) (0/3)

Phase Rifle (3d8)
5 x Stun grenades
5 x Frag grenades

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Enemies / Non-Allied
Caretaker Array

Human, Farmer, LVL 1

HP 8, Attack Roll : +0 Defence : 11 AS : 0 Weapon : Agricultural Tool : 1d4

Ocampan, Female, Lvl 1

HP 4, Attack Roll : +0 Defence : 13 AS : 0 Weapon : Dagger : 1d4, 9mm pistol 1d8

INI +2 perception +2

Ocampan Wrist Watch
Gold chain


Kazon-Ogla, Warrior, Lvl 1

HP 10, Attack Roll : +3 Defence : 13 AS : 3 INI +1

Dagger 1d4
Carbine Rifle 1d10 (100m range) - 5 clips
Kazon-Ogla Ballistic Uniform
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
2d100 Kazon paper currency
1d20 Silver coins
Kazon Communicator

Kazon-Ogla, Squad Leader, Lvl 2

HP 16, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 14 AS : 3

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range) - 5 clips
Kazon-Ogla Ballistic Uniform (Master work , Defence -0)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
4d100 Kazon paper currency
2d20 Silver coins
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset

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Kazon-Ogla, Elite Warrior, Lvl 3

HP 25, Attack Roll : +7 Defence : 15 AS : 3

INI +1

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range) (KO Red dot sight +1 to hit) - 5 clips
Kazon-Ogla Ballistic Uniform (Master work , Defence -0)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
4d100 Kazon paper currency
2d20 Silver coins
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset

Kazon-Ogla, Elite Squad Leader, Lvl 4

HP 32, Attack Roll : +8 Defence : 14 AS : 5

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range) (KO Red dot sight +1 to hit) - 5 clips
Kazon-Ogla Combat Armour (3/5)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
4d100 Kazon paper currency
2d20 Silver coins
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset

Kazon-Ogla, Captain, Lvl 5

HP 40, Attack Roll : +8 Defence : 16 AS : 5

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range) (KO Red dot sight +1 to hit) - 5 clips normal, 5 clips AP (negates 50%
of soak)
Kazon-Ogla Combat Armour (2/5)(Masterwork)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
5d100 Kazon paper currency
5d20 Silver coins
Kazon Communicator (Extended)
Kazon Data Handset (Extended)

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Kazon Amazon, Lvl 2

HP 22, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 14 AS : 3

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range) - 5 clips Phase Pistol 3d4
Kazon Amazon Female Armour (Master work , Defence -0, Soak 3)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
4d100 Kazon paper currency
2d20 Silver coins
1d4 gold ingots
4d100 Water Credits
5d100 VS Crowns
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset
'Pre-paid subspace Communicator'
d3 gold rings

Kazon Pirate, Lvl 3

HP 33, Attack Roll : +7 Defence : 15 AS : 3

INI +1

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range)(MW) (KO Red dot sight +1 to hit) - 5 clips
Kazon-Ogla Ballistic Uniform (Master work , Defence -0, Soak 3) Phase Pistol 3d4
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
4d100 Kazon paper currency
2d20 Silver coins
1d4 gold ingots
4d100 Water Credits
5d100 VS Crowns
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset
'Pre-paid subspace Communicator'
Kazon Combat Webbing

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Kazon Pirate Bot, Lvl 6

HP 65, Attack Roll : +5 (x2 attacks) Defence : 10 AS : 8 Weapon : Pirate Bot Scatter Guns (x2
weapons)(1d20 each)
INI +0 Move : 4sq
Melee damage : Bash 2d10

Is shielded from non-lethal phaser fire. and half from phasers in general
immune to criticals and head shots

Is not immune to EMP grenades

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

The bot fires two enormous shotguns.

It has two attack per weapon per round, so if it stands still it will fire four times.

The shotguns have such a wide dispersal. Anything caught in the 60ft cone of effect must make a Ref
save DC 15
or take the damage.
Anyone beyond 60ft it can fire at normally against the targets defence.

Kazon Cult Leader, Lvl 4 (Also Cazon First Officer)

HP 44, Attack Roll : +8 Defence : 14 AS : 5

Serrated Dagger 1d4+1

Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range)(MW) (KO Red dot sight +1 to hit) - 5 clips
Kazon Heavy Combat Armour (-3/5)
Kazon Cultist Blood robes
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
4d100 Kazon paper currency
2d20 Silver coins
1d4 gold ingots
4d100 Water Credits
5d100 VS Crowns
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset

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Kazon Pirate Captain, Lvl 6

HP 77, Attack Roll : +10 Defence : 20 AS : 5

Dagger 1d4
Phase Rifle 3d8 (100m range) (KO Red dot sight +1 to hit) - 5 clips normal, 5 clips AP (negates 50%
of soak)
5 clips HE (aim for square. target gets REF for 1/2)
Ultra-Light A-Tech Combat Armour (0/5)(Masterwork)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
Kazon Command Communicator (with HUD)
Kazon Data Handset (Extended)
1d4 gold ingots
4d100 Water Credits
5d100 VS Crowns
Kazon Communicator
Kazon Data Handset
'Pre-paid subspace Communicator'
Kazon Combat Webbing

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Security Bot, Lvl 3

HP 20, Attack Roll : +6 Defence : 10 AS : 6 Weapon : EM-33 1d8, 25m

INI +0 Move : 4sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

Damaged Alien Vessel Security Bot, Lvl 1

HP 10, Attack Roll : +4 Defence : 10 AS : 3 Weapon : EM-33 1d8, 25m

INI +0 Move : 4sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.


Haywire Alien Vessel Drilling Bot, Lvl 2

HP 15, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 10 AS : 4 Weapon : Melee only drill 2d6

INI +0 Move : 4sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.


Haywire Alien Vessel Mining Bot, Lvl 3

HP 35, Attack Roll : +3 Defence : 10 AS : 5 Weapon : Alien Mining Laser 1d8

INI +0 Move : 4sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

The Mining Laser fires 4 shots per round, spread out between as many targets as it can.


Haywire Alien Vessel Tree Surgeon Bot, Lvl 3

HP 25, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 19 AS : 0 Weapon : Nail Gun 1d6

INI +4 Move : 6sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.


Haywire Alien Vessel Wrecking Bot, Lvl 3

HP 45, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 10 AS : 6 Weapon : Wrecking Ball 3d10 (10ft reach)
Hot Rivet Gun 1d6*
INI +4 Move : 6sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

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The Hot Rivet Gun when it hits, will do a further 1d6 damage unless the victim spends
an action removing the rivet from the wound.


War Bot, Lvl 3

HP 35, Attack Roll : +3 Defence : 10 AS : 5 Weapon : BI Single-shot Phaser 3d8 (x2 weapons)
INI +0 Move : 4sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

The BI Bot single shot phaser rifle can only be fired once per round. It does have two
of them though.


Interceptor Bot, Lvl 1 (flying)

HP 8, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 19 AS : 0 Weapon : Buz saw 1d6, Phaser pistol 1d6
INI +4 Move : 6sq

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

Prefers to do melee combat, but will use its phaser if cannot reach a target. Short range

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Markov-Kalto, Police, Lvl 1

HP 10, Attack Roll : +3 Defence : 13 AS : 1 INI +1

Baton 1d6+1 (NL)

9mm Pistol 1d8 (100m range) - 3 clips
Police Uniform
2d100 MKD paper currency
Police Radio
Markov-Kalto, Police Sergeant, Lvl 2

HP 16, Attack Roll : +5 Defence : 14 AS : 1

Baton 1d6+2 (NL)

9mm Pistol 1d8 (100m range) - 3 clips (20) (1/3)
Police Uniform
2d100 MKD paper currency
Police Radio
Markov-Kalto, Riot Police, Lvl 3

HP 25, Attack Roll : +7 Defence : 15 AS : 4

INI +1
Fort +3

Baton 1d6+2 (NL)

SMG 1d8 (100m range) - 3 clips (30) (1/3/Full)
Riot Police Uniform (0/4)
2d100 MKD paper currency
Police Radio
Markov-Kalto, Riot Police Sergeant, Lvl 4

HP 32, Attack Roll : +8 Defence : 14 AS : 4

Baton 1d6+2 (NL)

SMG 1d8 (100m range) - 3 clips (30) (1/3/Full)
Riot Police Uniform (0/4)
2d100 MKD paper currency
Police Radio
Markov-Kalto, Army Soldier, Sergeant, Lvl 5

HP 40, Attack Roll : +8/10 Defence : 16 AS : 5

Dagger 1d4
Assault Rifle 3d8 (100m range) (30) - 5 clips normal (+2 to hit with headset)
M-K Combat Armour (2/5)(Masterwork)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
5d100 MKD paper currency
M-K Communicator Handset
M-K Tactical Headset

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Vidiian, Honatta (Organ Finder), Lvl 1

HP 12, Attack Roll : +3(+7 with VH) Defence : 15 AS : 1 INI +3

will +2

Vidiian Harvester
Vidiian Long Black Forcerobes (0/1)
Vidiian communicator
Vidiian Mutli-tool (Tech tool / datapad / music - vid player)
2d20 Gold coins

Vidiian, Artist, Lvl 2

HP 17, Attack Roll : +5(+9 with VH) Defence : 21 AS : 2 INI +4

Vidiian Harvester
Vidiian Forcerobes (2/2)
Vidiian communicator
Vidiian Mutli-tool (Tech tool / datapad / music - vid player)
2d20 Gold coins

Vidiian, Infiltrator, Lvl 2

HP 17, Attack Roll : +5(+10 with VH) Defence : 21 AS : 2 INI +4

WILL + 2 DEX 15

Vidiian Harvester
Vidiian Forcerobes (2/2)
Vidiian Disguise Kit (fishy smells)
Vidiian communicator
Vidiian Mutli-tool (Tech tool / datapad / music - vid player)
2d20 Gold coins

Vidiian, Guardian, Lvl 3 (Morullu)

HP 28, Attack Roll : +5(+10 with VH) Defence : 22 AS : 3 INI +4

WILL + 4

Vidiian Harvester
Advanced Vidiian Forcerobes (3/3)
Vidiian Disguise Kit (fishy smells)
Vidiian communicator
Vidiian Mutli-tool (Tech tool / datapad / music - vid player)
2d20 Gold coins

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Vidnit lvl 1 (Vidiian Spider attack creature)

HP 12, Attack Roll : +3 Defence : 15 AS : 1 INI +3

REF +3

d6 bite
Posion. DC 10 fort or loose 1d3 CON / 1d3 STR 1 min later
(If damaged, but all soaked, then 25% chance of posion)

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Note that Numiri weapons do not have stun settings or any other setting than the basic

They use an energy pulse rather than a beam. The pulses are charged in such a way as to
explode on impact. A standard pulse will leave a two inch diameter hole in concrete and
a five inch diameter hole in anything softer such as wood or flesh. Thus a few shots
would be enough to blow a decent sized hole in a door.

In combat they leave much more bloody wounds than a standard phaser weapon and can
easily take arms and legs off if targeted correctly.

Numiri Phase Pistol 3d4+2 (25m range) (30 in a clip) (Crit 19/20)

Numiri Officers Pistol 4d4+2 (25m range) (15 in a clip) (Crit 18/20)

Numiri Phase Rifle 2d10+2 (300ft range) (30 in a clip) (Crit 19/20)

Numiri Phase Autogun 2d10 (300ft range) (30 in a clip) (+4 to hit when firing full auto) (Crit 18/20)

Numiri Flame Thrower - clip 20 - hits a square much like an incendary grenade. Does 6d4 to target,
half if they make a DC 15 reflex save. Has a range of 50ft

Numiri Heavy Autogun - 3d10 (50m range) - (+4 to hit when firing full auto (30 rounds))
(belt fed - 300 rounds in hopper) (Crit 18/20)

Numiri Private, Lvl 2

HP 16, Attack Roll : +4 Defence : 16 AS : 2

fort + 3 ref +1 will +1
ini +1

Numiri Phase Rifle 2d10+2 (100m range) - 5 clips (30)

Numiri Uniform (0/2)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
3d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

Numiri Sergeant, Lvl 3

HP 25, Attack Roll : +6 (+0 on full auto) Defence : 17 AS : 3

fort + 3 ref +1
ini +1

Numiri Phase Autogun 2d10 (100m range) - 5 clips (30) (+4 to hit when firing full auto)(-6 to hit)
Numiri Uniform (0/3)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
3d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

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Numiri Heavy Weapons (Flamer), Lvl 3

HP 25, Attack Roll : +6 (+0 on full auto) Defence : 17 AS : 3

fort + 3 ref +1 will
ini +1

Numiri Flame Thrower - clip 20 - hits a square much like an incendary grenade. Does 6d4 to target,
half if they make a DC 15 reflex save
Numiri Uniform (0/3)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
3d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

Numiri Heavy Weapons (Heavy AG), Lvl 3

HP 25, Attack Roll : +6 (+0 on full auto) Defence : 17 AS : 3

fort + 3 ref +1 will + 1
ini +1

Numiri Heavy Autogun - 3d10 (50m range) - (+4 to hit when firing full auto (30 rounds))(-6 to hit)
(belt fed - 300 rounds in hopper)
Numiri Uniform (0/3)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
3d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

Numiri, Officer, Lvl 4

HP 32, Attack Roll : +8 Defence : 18 AS : 3

ini +2 ref +2 will+5

Numiri Pistol 3d4+2 (25m range) - 5 clips

Numiri Uniform (0/2)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
5d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

Numiri, Senior Officer, Lvl 5

HP 40, Attack Roll : +8 Defence : 19 AS : 4

ini +2 ref +2 fort +5

Numiri Officers Pistol 4d4+2 (25m range) - 5 clips

Numiri Uniform (0/3)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
6d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

Numiri Sword 1d10+2 (+2 from str mod)

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Numiri Combat Bot, Lvl 8

HP 120, Attack Roll : +7/+3 Defence : 10 AS : 10 Weapon : Numiri Phase Autogun, 90ft
INI +0 Move : 4sq

X2 Numiri Phase Autogun 2d10 (300ft range) (30 in a clip) (+4 to hit when firing full auto) (Crit 18/20)

Grenade Launcher - can fire 2 per action (4 in full attack) [Soak 10, HP 35]
X9 Heavy Frag grendaes
X10 Smoke (bot not affected as has IR)
X10 Heavy Stun
X9 Tear gas

X10 Semi-intelligent Heat Seeking Missiles (acts as heavy frag but can go round 5 corners before

Can be reprogrammed with a high enough skill check DC 30 on Write Program. Takes 1d3 hours.

Numiri, Special Forces, Lvl 5

HP 40, Attack Roll : +10/6 Defence : 19 AS : 5

ini +4 ref +3 fort +6

Numiri Phase Rifle 2d10+2 (300ft range) (30 in a clip) (Crit 19/20)
Numiri S.P. Uniform (1/5)
3 x Frag Grenades 5d4, 5m range,
3 x Tear Gas
6d100 Numiri paper currency
2d10 Numiri coins
Numiri Combat Communicator

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Random Encounters in the Delta Quadrant

In the Delta Quadrant you are more than likely to be approached, questioned, harassed and
attacked by various space faring species while going about the place.
Who you meet is determined by where about in the Quadrant you are and how far from
Various factors modify the likelihood of an encounter.
Local Space
Within 0.25 LY of any star system is considered to be the local area. There are asteroids,
planets, space stations and of course stars here. Any civilisation above TL 8 will be
monitoring this area. TL 9-10 civilisations may be able to launch craft to meet travellers. TL
11 and above will have sophisticated detect and defence systems in place in this area,
assuming they are not at war in-system or otherwise distracted.
Oort Cloud
Beyond Local Space, this represents the very edge of gravitational influence of the local star.
The interesting bit of it is 0.25 to 0.5 LY depending on the size of the star. Miners and
hermits are more likely to be found here.
Space Lanes
The most direct route between two inhabited star systems or deep space space-stations can
be considered a space lane and will be well travelled by traders, police craft and possibly
with pirates waiting on the edge for a weak or unprotected target.
Fringe Space
Anywhere 0.25 LY out from a civilised area or away from a space lane, but still within 10 LY
of anything travelled or civilised is considered fringe space. This is where religious cults,
outlaws, pirates, outposts and hidden research bases are found.
Deep Space
Anywhere beyond 5 to 10 LY from anything civilised or travelled can be considered deep
space. Generally there is nothing here at all and the further out from civilisation you go, the
less there is.
Avoiding being noticed
Encounters can be avoided if your ship has stealth systems or on a successful DC 20 Pilot
or Plot Course roll.

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Encounters (Kazon - Vidiian Influence Area)

The first large area that Voyager has to travel through is an area of diverse and scattered
civilisations with the Kazon Tribes on the 'right' and the Vidiian Sodality on the 'left.'
The tables below represent this area.

Local Space
The type of encounter here depends very much on the types of civilisations present in the
If the local system has a Tech Level 9 to 13 civilisation present then roll on the Space Lanes
If the local system has a low TL or no civilisation present then roll on the Oort Cloud table.
Deep Space
Make an initial d100 roll. If the roll is 90 or above then roll on the Fringe Space column.
Main Table
Roll once for each Light Year Travelled.
For each ship or station encountered, determine its tech level by rolling a d6.
1 - TL 9, 2 - TL 10, 3-4 - TL 11, 5 - TL 12, 6 - TL 13.

Roll Roll Roll Description

(Oort (Space (Fringe
Cloud) Lanes) Space)
0-25 0-10 0-60 No encounter
25-50 - - D8 Mining Craft. Mining for minerals. May be interested in trade.
51-55 20-50 - D3 Freighters. May be interested in trade.
56-60 51-60 - D3 Police craft. From the nearest civilisation. May wish to check over the
ship. In Raider-type ships.
61 61 61 D3 Pirates. In Raider-type ships. Mixed races.
62 62 62 D3 Pirates. Kazon
63 63 63 D3 Vidiian spaceships.
64 64 64 1 Heavy Cruiser. From the local civilisation. May wish to board. May attack
if they are a hostile species.
65 65 65 1 Shuttlecraft. In distress.
66 66 66 1 Shuttlecraft. Out from its mother ship which is not far away.

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67 67 67 1 Runabout. On an away mission of some kind.

68 68 68 D3 Runabouts. On a mission of some kind.
69 69 69 1 Scout.
70 70 70 D3 Scouts.
71 71 71 1 Explorer.
72 72 72 Distress call - from a shuttle.
73 73 73 Distress call - from a runabout.
74 74 74 Distress call - from a space station.
75 75 75 Hidden Space station. (DC 20 Sensors to discover)
76 76 76 Hidden Research Base. (DC 20 Sensors to discover)
77 - 77 Kazon Pirate Base. On an asteroid. 4d6 Kazons present. d4-1 Raider
vessels and d4-1 Runabouts present. (DC 20 Sensors to discover). If your
vessel is a Runabout or smaller though, the pirates will attack.
78 - 78 Vidiian Research Base. Probably praying on an nearby non-stellar
civilisation. 4d6 Vidiian present. d3-1 Vidiian ships present. (DC 20
Sensors to discover)
79 77 79 Norlot or Local Mercenaries. May attack. (d3 Raider types)
80 78 - Wreckage. May be able to salvage d6 spare parts and 1 entire functional
81 - - Space Hulk. An abandoned vessel which may have a rogue AI or robots on
board or some kind of space vermin. Some parts may be salvageable.
82 79-81 - Garbage Scow. May have some junk for sale.
83 82-83 - Toxic Material Carrier.
83 - 80-82 Religious outcasts. In a converted Freighter or Hulk
84 - 83-84 Religious outcasts. In a small space base or station
85 - 85 Outlaws/Fugitives. Not hostile necessarily, but they may have a bounty on
their heads. In a runabout.
86 - 86 Outlaws/Fugitives. Not hostile necessarily, but they may have a bounty on
their heads. In a base or station.
87 84-85 87 D3 bounty hunters in Raider sized craft.
88 86-88 88 D3 Freighters full of refugees from a nearby conflict.
89 89 89 D3 Military vessels. Raider sized. On an attack mission.
90 - 90 Military base or space station.
- 90 - Military patrol craft. Heavy cruiser.
91-99 91-99 91-99 No encounter

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00 00 00 Cargo pod with some random item or tradable commodity in it.

Unless specified, the race of the crew of the vessels in question can be decided by the GM
or rolled randomly.
Roll Race
01 Occampans (Awakened)
02-20 Talaxian
21-30 Kazon
31-40 Vidiian
41-50 Norlot
51-55 Burung Mera
56-60 Babi Ijo
61-65 Banean
66-70 Numiri
71-72 Blaxion
73-75 AI
76-90 Mixed Norlot / Kazon mercs
91-99 Mixed Talaxian /Occampan
00 Other (new)

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