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K. P. Ray, S. S. Thakur, and R. A. Deshmukh
SAMEER, IIT Campus, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, Maharashtra,
India; Corresponding author:

Received 22 November 2011

ABSTRACT: A printed sectoral monopole antenna with ultra wide

bandwidth has been proposed. This configuration is formed by chopping
off a quarter part of a circular printed disc. The ultra wide bandwidth
has been obtained in the frequency range from 1.84 to 11.82 GHz with
dual polarization radiation patterns. The experimental and simulated
results for this proposed antenna are presented, which are in agreement.
C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 54:2066–

2070, 2012; View this article online at

DOI 10.1002/mop.27039

Key words: printed sectoral monopole antenna; dual-polarization;

polarization diversity; ultra wide bandwidth

Presently, wireless communication technology is growing expo-
nentially with requirement of multiband/wide band antennas.
For an efficient communication system, one needs to have larger
bandwidth, which with the approval of UWB for commercial
use in Feb 2002 by FCC, has further increased the demand of
UWB antennas [1]. In this regards, to increase the capacity of
communication systems, one prefers to use dual polarization.
These antennas increase channel capacity per frequency in many
applications and reduce the side effects of multipath fading [2–
5]. Also, dual polarized operation has found many applications
in wireless communication systems that requires frequency reuse
or polarization diversity, for example, useful for all UMTS
bands (European frequency allocation from 1.9 to 2.2 GHz for
UMTS-TDD, UMTS-Sat, UMTS-FDD) [5]. In reported designs,
Figure 2 Theoretical and measured (a) impedance loci and (b) VSWR
for obtaining dual polarization, generally two port excitations
(……..Simulated, ____ Experimental)
were used, which may lead to undesired coupling. This coupling
affects the radiation pattern and impedance bandwidth of antenna [6]. The challenge lies in obtaining the dual polarization
for large bandwidth.
Dual polarized antennas excite two orthogonal modes simul-
taneously, which generate the vertically and horizontally polar-
ized electric field [7]. In this article, dual polarized printed sec-
toral monopole antenna (PSMA) has been presented, which
yields dual polarization over the bandwidth of 10.5 GHz cen-
tered around 5 GHz, from 1.5 to 12 GHz. The uniqueness of the
proposed geometry is to provide dual polarization with single
feed, which does not require any external circuitry of microstrip
feed. The bandwidth range of this antenna would be very useful
for 1800 GSM, 1900 PCS, 2.4 GHz Bluetooth—ISM, AWS,
UWB, and Radio Relay System [5, 8]. It can also find applica-
tions in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technologies, mobile
backhaul applications, and radio frequency identification (RFID)
antennas to provide polarization diversity [9, 10].


The proposed configuration is as shown in Figure 1. The PSMA
patch has been derived from a circular disc monopole antenna
of diameter 40 mm, which is designed at lower band-edge fre-
quency of around 1.5 GHz [11–13] on glass epoxy (FR4) sub-
strate with thickness ¼ 1.59 mm, dielectric constant er ¼ 4.3,
and loss tangent tan d ¼ 0.01. A quarter of circular disc patch
Figure 1 Geometry of PSMA has been chopped off from the upper portion of the circular

2066 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2012 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 3 Simulated vector current distribution on patch at (a) 3.5 GHz (b) 5 GHz, and (c) 9 GHz

Figure 4 Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 3.5 GHz for various planes (i) Co-pol, (ii) Cross-pol (…….Simulated, _____

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2012 2067
Figure 5 Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 5 GHz for various planes Co-pol, (ii) Cross-pol (…….Simulated, _____

disc, making it a sectoral antenna. The resulting configuration can input match the feed is shifted by x ¼ 3.75 mm with a feed gap
be viewed as superposition of two semicircular patches with radius of p ¼ 0.1 mm as shown in Figure 1 [12–14]. The theoretical
R ¼ 20 mm; one vertically oriented semicircle patch with height study has been carried out using IE3D software [15].
(diameter) of 40 mm and another horizontally placed semicircular
patch with similar dimension. The PSMA patch is fabricated on 3. RESULTS
FR4 substrate of size 65  65 mm2. For excitation of the antenna, Measurements have been carried out to verify the input imped-
a microstrip line feed with partial backing ground plane of size 65 ance loci, bandwidth corresponding to VSWR < 2, gain and
 20 mm2 has been used [12, 13]. The microstrip feed line is dual polarized radiation patterns. The simulated and measured
designed with width of 2.8 mm for the impedance of 50 X. The input impedance loci and corresponding VSWR are shown in
feed position is optimized so that two polarizations are excited Figures 2(a) and 2(b), respectively. It is observed that the meas-
with good match leading to larger bandwidth. The 50 X feed posi- ured bandwidth for VSWR < 2 is from 1.5 to 12 GHz (BW ¼
tion has been achieved by moving the microstrip feed along the 10.5 GHz) and the corresponding simulated bandwidth is from
base (horizontal section) of the PSMA patch. To obtain improved 1.8 to 11.8 GHz (BW ¼ 10.0 GHz). The differences in

2068 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2012 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 6 Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 9 GHz for various planes(i) Co-pol, (ii) Cross-pol (…….Simulated, _____

simulated and measured values can be attributed to the differ- the same at various frequencies. Here, radiation patterns are
ence in loss tangent of the commercial grade FR4 substrate. shown only for three frequencies of 3.5, 5, and 9 GHz. The radi-
When sectoral monopole antenna is fed, vertical and horizon- ation patterns were plotted on all the three principal planes, that
tal semicircular patches, having same resonance frequency, get is, x–y, y–z, and x–z planes. Figures 4–6 compare simulated and F4-F6
excited simultaneously. The surface currents distribution is along experimental radiation patterns. It is noted that co-pol levels are
the vertical and horizontal part of the patch. As shown in Figure almost same as that of the cross-pol levels indicating the dual
3, the simulated current density is more on edges rather than polarization. The dual polarized radiation of this antenna was
central part of the vertical and horizontal patches. The vector also verified by using linear polarized dipole as receiving
current direction has two major components; vertical and hori- antenna, which received same power level in two orthogonal
zontal. This characteristic makes the proposed antenna to radiate planes. The single feed of the PSMA excites two orthogonal
linearly in two orthogonal directions making it dual polarized semicircular arms of the antenna, which has identical dimen-
antenna at same frequency. The corresponding simulated and sions, leading to generation of dual polarization. The radiation
measured radiation patterns justify this argument. patterns in three principal planes are the superimposition of two
The radiation patterns were simulated over the complete im- orthogonal linear polarizations of two arms of PSMA, that is,
pedance bandwidth and experiments were conducted to validate combinations of figure of eight and omnidirectional patterns.

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2012 2069
antenna is 10.5:1 and 10:1, respectively for VSWR < 2:1, which
is very useful range for many communication bands. The dual
polarization increases the capacity of the communication link,
thus are used for mobile back-haul applications, MIMO technol-
ogies, and RFID reader system.

1. Revision of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Ultra-
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Figure 7 Photograph of the fabricated PSMA
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7. K.-L. Wong, Compact and broadband microstrip antennas, Wiley,
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9. L. Dong, H. Choo, R.W. Heath, and H. Ling, Simulation of MIMO
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Figure 8 Maximum gain and radiation efficiency versus frequency 15. Zeland Software Inc., IE3D ver. 12, Fremont, CA, 2007.
(GHz) (_ _ _ Gain, ____ Efficiency)
C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

There is agreement between theoretical and measured radiation

patterns. The differences between measured and simulated radia-
tion patterns are due to manual alignment errors and reflections TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE ON
from the various objects present inside the laboratory, where POLARIZATION EFFECTS IN OPTICAL
measurements were carried out. The photograph of the fabri- FIBERS
cated antenna of optimized configuration is shown in Figure 7.
A. Bessa dos Santos,1 G. Borghi,2 and G. Vilela de Faria3
Figure 8 shows the maximum gain and the radiation effi- 1
Department of Electrical Circuits, Federal University of Juiz de
ciency. The maximum gain varies between 2 and 6.5 dBi for the Fora, MG, Brazil; Corresponding author:
entire 10 GHz bandwidth and the corresponding radiation effi-
ciency varies from 90 to 98%. These parameters make this National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology Vilela de
Faria, Giancarlo, Brazil
antenna an efficient radiator for the required range of bandwidth. 3
Center for Telecommunications Studies, Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The PSMA has been proposed for ultra wide bandwidth with Received 22 November 2011
dual linear polarizations. Simulations and measurements have
been carried out for input impedance/VSWR variation with fre- ABSTRACT: The differential group delay (DGD) behavior of single-
quency and dual polarized radiation patterns, which are in agree- mode optical fibers was analyzed with regards to temperature variation.
ment. The measured and simulated bandwidth ratio of this It was observed that the DGD curve shape along the wavelength axis

2070 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2012 DOI 10.1002/mop

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