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Received: 27 February 2020 Revised: 24 March 2020 Accepted: 31 March 2020

DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12589


Adaptable fiberglass post after 3D guided endodontic

treatment: Novel approaches in restorative dentistry

Amanda Stephanie Silva DDS | Alice Cecília Carvalho Santos DDS |

Camila de Sousa Caneschi MSc | Vinícius Carvalho Machado MSc |
Allyson Nogueira Moreira DDS, PhD | Luís Fernando dos Santos Alves Morgan DDS, PhD |
Warley Luciano Fonseca Tavares DDS, PhD

Department of Restorative Dentistry, School

of Dentistry, Federal University of Minas Abstract
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Objective: The rehabilitation of extensively damaged teeth with great structural loss
Correspondence and calcified root canals represents a challenge for dentistry. Classically, this restorative
Warley Luciano Fonseca Tavares. Avenida procedure of endodontically treated teeth involves intraradicular post placement.
Antônio Carlos 6627. Departamento de
Odontologia Restauradora, Faculdade de Retentive function post that can closely adapt to the root canal without the excessive
Odontologia, Universidade Federal de Minas wear of intraradicular dentin has a fundamental importance to ensure the longevity of
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Email: the restoration.
Clinical considerations: This report presents a clinical case of 3D guided access to a
Funding information
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais severely calcified pulp canal followed by the cementation of a fiberglass post that is
adaptable to the root canal and prosthetic rehabilitation with full ceramic crown.
Conclusions: 3D guided access allowed conservative and safe root canal treatment.
The adaptable fiberglass post meets the specific needs of the described case and has
a simple technique and low cost.
Clinical significance: Guided endodontics is a minimally invasive approach for teeth
with calcified root canals. The post used in this study meets the demands of teeth
endodontically treated with conservative techniques. The professional should not
need to adapt the anatomy of the root canal to the anatomical reality of the post.
This one adapts itself to the shape of the canal.


adaptable post, calcified canal, guided endodontics

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N can result in deviations, perforations, inability to achieve patency and,

consequently, treatment failure.6 Recently, the advent of guided end-
The deposition of mineralized tissue along the root canal walls is odontics has brought a new possibility of treatment in cases of severe
related to previous traumatic processes, responses of orthodontic pulp calcifications in both anterior and posterior teeth.7-10 A com-
forces due to the interference with pulpal blood supply or even puted aid implantology software matched with cone-beam computed
related to physiological factors in elderly patients.4 Approximately tomographic (CBCT) imaging and a digital scanning 3D impression
25% of traumatized anterior teeth can develop pulp canal allow the virtual planning of the procedure.
obliteration. The endodontic treatment of teeth with calcified root canals and
Endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp calcification is a chal- major coronary damage requires care to ensure the success of future
lenge even for the most experienced clinicians. Inadequate treatment restorations. As an alternative to the traditional approach, guided

J Esthet Restor Dent. 2020;1–7. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1


endodontic is minimally invasive11-14 and emphasize the importance evaluation, a temporary crown was found in this tooth (Figure 1).
of dentin preservation in the pericervical region to increase the suc- According to the patient's report, an unsuccessful attempt to access
cess rates of restorative treatments. the root canal was performed. Radiographic examination revealed a
Classically, rehabilitation of endodontically treated teeth involves severely calcified root canal without endodontic treatment and a pin-
the placement of an intraradicular post for the retention of direct or like metal structure. A cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
indirect final restoration.15-17 From a prosthetic standpoint, restora- examination was requested, and the result confirmed the presence of
tion should be designed to preserve as much healthy dental structure severe calcification of the canal.
as possible, thus reducing the risk of teeth fracture.18 After analysis and discussion of the case between the dental team
The use of formatting drills in the additional preparation for and the patient, it was decided to perform the guided endodontic
intraradicular post can increase the loss of dentin substance to 50% or access to the calcified canal, a prefabricated root canal adaptable post
more. Thus, the choice of the post and the intraradicular prepara- and then a pure ceramic total crown. The patient received and signed
tion is a fundamental step to ensure that there is no wear or tear an informed consent after careful explanations of the methods to be
beyond the endodontic preparation previously performed.21 employed, risks and benefits.
Consistent with the concepts of minimizing root tooth wear dur- To generate the 3D access guide to the root canal, the patient's
ing root canal shaping, new types of posts have been introduced. The upper arch was scanned (3Shape R700 Scanner; Holmens Kanal,
current proposal is based on the fact that the professional should not Copenhagen, Denmark), and the image was then aligned and
need to adapt the anatomy of the root canal to the anatomical reality processed with that of CBCT using SimPlant software (Version 11;
of the post. The post must adapt itself to the shape of the canal. It is Materialize Dental, Leuven, Belgium). A virtual copy of the drill used
in this line that the adaptive post (Taper, Angelus, Londrina, Brazil) with a diameter of 1.3 and 20 mm in length (Neodent Drill for
was developed with a conical sleeve that is adaptable to the shape of Tempimplants, Ref: 103179; JJGC Ind and Dental Materials Trade SA,
the canal. Curitiba, Brazil) was superimposed over the scanned images in a posi-
The aim of this report is to present a clinical case of 3D guided tion that allowed them to be scanned, with access to the visible canal
access to a severely calcified pulp canal and the cementation of a in the apical third of the root (Figure 2). Then, a 3D guide was printed
fiberglass post that is adaptable to the root canal and prosthetic reha- as described by Tavares et al.9
bilitation with full ceramic crown. After verifying the perfect fit of the guide in the mouth, access
was made with a low-speed handpiece using a drill with a diameter of
1.3 mm and a length of 20 mm set to 10 000 rpm. Drilling was per-
2 | CASE REPORT formed with pumping movements to penetrate through the calcified
part of the root canal under copious irrigation with saline. Successive
A 57-year-old female patient sought dental care at the integrated saline irrigations were performed to avoid root microcracks. After the
clinic of the School of Dentistry, complaining of coronary loss of the patent canal was reached by the drill according to the planning and
left upper lateral incisor without pain. After anamnesis and clinical 3D guide, a rubber dam was placed. A #10 K file was inserted into the

F I G U R E 1 A, Initial smile aspect. B, Frontal intraoral view of the tooth without the restoration. C, Incisal view of the tooth without the
restoration. Note the severe loss of coronal structure

FIGURE 2 A, Initial radiography. Note the absence of root canal space. B, 3D virtual planning of guided endodontics

FIGURE 3 A, Check of the template fit in the mouth. B and C, Guided drilling. D, Root canal instrumentation. E, Post-operative radiography

root canal, and the working length was electronically confirmed using In the following session, the absolute isolation of the operative
an apex locator (FinePex; Schuster Medical Equipment and Dental, field was performed for intracanal space preparation and cementation
Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and radiographic examination of post. After planning the length of the post within the root canal, a
(Figure 3). Largo #1 drill was used in accordance with the principles of apical
Root canal instrumentation was performed using the ProTaper sealing maintenance (working length minus 5 mm). Then, Largo
NEXT system (Denstply, Ballaigues, Switzerland) until X2 file and No. 2 and 3 drills were used to clear and shape the root canal only in
irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. The irrigating solution was the region with guided access with its specific drill, that is, in the mid-
agitated with XP-endo Finisher (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds dle and cervical third of the root.
Switzerland) at 1000 rpm for 60 seconds. After drying the canal, Next, the post was selected as a super thin cylindrical fiberglass
obturation was performed with Tagger's hybrid technique and AH intracanal post that has a conical fiberglass sleeve (Figure 4). This
Plus Sealer (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany). A new pro- sleeve fits into the post moving along its longitudinal axis. The post
visional restoration was made. system was selected according to the endodontic preparation using

F I G U R E 4 A, Cylindrical fiberglass intracanal post with conical fiberglass sleeve (Taper, Angelus, Londrina, Brazil). B, Operatory field with the
use of a rubber dam and special clamp for gingival tissue retraction. C, Preparation of the root post's space whit Largo No. 1, 2, and 3 drills. D
and E, Proof of the adaptive fiber glass post in the prepared canal

low-speed handpiece cylindrical drill. The post system employed is into the root canal with light pressure guided by the horizontal mark-
consisted of six different sizes concerning the post and sleeve diame- ings on the gloves. The excess of cement was then removed around
ters. The post space in this case had a 10 mm total length. When the the post with the aid of a disposable brush, followed by photo-
sleeve is inserted together with the post, it allows an intimate adapta- activation for 40 seconds (Radii-cal, SDI, Australia). Then, the adhesive
tion to root canal walls. The post selected to this case was number procedures were performed on the enamel, dentin and coronary por-
2, which presented the diameter of 0.6 in the apical portion and tion of the post, followed by the insertion of the resin composed of
1.3 mm in the sleeve. The post was positioned in the root canal at the the incremental technique for building a filler core (Filtek Z350 XT,
10 mm depth and the sleeve was inserted onto the post by moving it 3M). After this step, and after the initial setting time of the cement,
as apically as possible with slight digital pressure. Horizontal markings the post was cut at the planned occlusal height with the aid of a dia-
on the sleeve helped to determine the amount of penetration in the mond spherical tip under refrigeration. A periapical radiograph was
root canal through the post. The post and sleeve assembly was then taken to confirm the successful adaptation of the post after cementa-
removed for surface treatment utilizing alcohol swabs followed by tion (Figure 5).
silane (Monobond S, Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein) on the surface of In subsequent sessions, clinical and laboratory steps were per-
the post and the sleeve, both internally and externally, with the use of formed to receive a definitive ceramic disilicate crown. Internally in the
an extrafine disposable brush (Cavibrush, FGM, Brazil). Intracanal irri- crown, adhesive procedures involved the sandblasting with aluminum
gation with physiological saline solution, aspiration with endodontic oxide, etching rinse with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 20 seconds and
cannula and humidity control with absorbent paper cones were 37% phosphoric acid for 60 seconds, followed by silane and gentle air-
performed. drying. The dental/core substrate was cleaned with prophylactic
To cement the post, the root canal was cleaned with saline and brushes and dried.
dried with absorbent paper points. A dual self etching, self adhesive Direct facets using resin composite (Z350 XT, 3M) were per-
resin cement (SeT PP, SDI, Australia) was used and inserted into the formed in teeth 11 and 21. The adhesive procedures involved
root canal with the aid of an extra thin Centrix tip and applied over etching with 37% phosphoric acid on enamel surfaces and a self-
the post and the glove surfaces. The post-glove system was inserted adhesive system (Adper Single Bond Universal, 3M). The

F I G U R E 5 A, Cement insertion with Centrix tip into the root canal and application over the post and the glove surfaces. B, Excess cement
removal with the aid of a disposable brush. C, Photoactivation for 30 seconds. D, A filling core was made using restorative resin composite. E, The
post was cut at the planned incisal height. F, Intraoral view after core preparation and provisional restoration. Note the good cervical
adaptation. G, Periapical radiograph after post cementation, core reconstruction and provisional restoration. H, One year follow up aspect after
cementation of the ceramic crown in tooth 22 and direct resin veneers in teeth 11 and 21

incremental insertion and stratification technique of the resin com- thus predict treatment success. It is therefore essential to evaluate
posite were used to create the definitive restoration. The first layer and customize the clinical root canal related to this aspect even before
was performed with a dentin resin (A1D), followed by body opacity endodontic treatment is initiated.22
(A2B in cervical third and A1B in medium and incisal thirds) and In the case of calcified canals, attempting to locate the canals
enamel resin (A2E in cervical third and A1E in medium and incisal through a traditional approach can result in a greater loss of tooth
thirds). The final layer was performed with a translucent resin (AT). structure and deviations in canal orientation, leading to perforations
Each increment was photo activated for 20 seconds with a final that can occur even under the care of the most experienced practi-
activation of 40 seconds after the last increment. The ultimate tioners.6 Thus, the traditional technique becomes risky for the treat-
polishing of the restorations was performed 21 days after comple- ment of calcified canals, especially in teeth that also present a great
tion of the restoration using multi-laminated burs, polishing discs loss of coronary structure.6,9,22
(Soft-lex, 3M) and rubbers (Jiffy, Ultradent, Germany). At the 1-year Preparing the root canal with the use of 3D guides has shown
follow-up clinic session, the integrity of the treatment was promise in relation to traditional approaches. According to an
evaluated. observational study by Bruchgreitz et al,23 on 50 single-rooted
teeth, it was consistently observed that guided endodontic prepara-
tion provides efficient accuracy regardless of the degree of root
3 | DISCUSSION canal obliteration. Thus, it can be said that the technique presented
here provides a reduction in iatrogenesis when accessing calcified
The prognosis of teeth that are indicated for endodontic treatment is root canals and leads to biomechanical benefits in the preservation
often linked to the anatomical aspects of the tooth. Root canal anat- of the dental structure because it is a more conservative
omy suggests the pattern of stress concentration in different areas approach.9,23
not detected on radiography.19 Therefore, observing this anatomy After the endodontic treatment has been carried out, we move
and understanding its importance regarding fracture susceptibility and to the rehabilitation stage where the focus is to ensure the retention
risk of perforation are very important elements in the successful of future restorative material.24 The use of prefabricated
placement of an intraradicular post system. intraradicular post as additional retainers has been the first choice.
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element by assessing factors such as the thickness of the remaining ical adhesion to resinous materials.25,26 In addition, fiberglass posts
dentin, which in turn determines the ability of the future restored set have the advantage of having a modulus of elasticity close to that of
to withstand chewing loads. Substantial loss of tooth structure can the dental structure, aiding stress distribution and minimizing the

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