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Measurement of Indoor Radioactive Pollutants at

Various Heights Using Track Etch Technique

R.S.Sainia, Ravish Gargb, Dinesh Kumarc, R.P. Chauhand, Nawal Kishoree
& S.K. Chakarvartif
Department of Physics, University College, Kurukshetra
Department of Biomedical Engineering, GJUST, Hisar
Department of Electronics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Department of Physics National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
Department of Physics,GJUST Hisar (Haryana)
Director, Research and Development Manav Rachna International University(MRIU), Faridabad


Abstract: Indoor radioactivity is caused by radon, thoron and their progenies and is the main source of
human exposure from naturally occurring radiation. Sources of radon are soil gas, rocks, building materials,
water etc. Contribution made by radon to human exposure in indoor environment is usually large as
compared with that of thoron due to its larger half life period (3.824 days). Occurrence of radon and their
progeny in dwellings is due to the use of building materials containing radium, ventilation rate in the
dwellings and also entry of radon into dwellings through the cracks, sumps and drains in floor/wall. The work
presented here emphasizes the long term measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in
dwellings of same dimension at different heights in an inn using solid state nuclear track detectors.
Measurements were made using “Twin chamber Radon-Thoron dosimeter” and the concentrations were
estimated by knowing the track density produced by alpha particles through the film in bare, filter and
membrane mode. The results indicate that the concentration of radon and its progeny is maximum in
basement and then decreases with height.

Keywords: Radon, thoron, dosimeter, building materials, SSNTDs.

1. Introduction Radon in soil air can enter the houses

through any openings in the building that is in
Natural radiation has always been part
contact with the underlying ground. Radon
of the human environment. Its main components
inflow takes place due to Stack effect, which is
are cosmic and cosmogenic radiation, terrestrial
based upon the fact that indoor air is usually at a
gamma radiation from natural radionuclides in
lower pressure than the gas in soil as warm
rocks and soil, and natural radioactive substances
indoor air is less dense than outdoor air.
in our diet and in the air we breathe. Uranium is
Chimneys and flues can increase this pressure
a naturally occurring radioactive element present
difference. So, building height becomes
in trace amounts throughout the earth’s crust.
important due to buoyancy of warm air where
Radon is a progeny of uranium formed from
indoor radon concentration generally decreases
radioactive decay of radium in the environment,
from base to first floor and first floor to higher
soil, ground water, oil and gas deposits.
floors for the time of normal activity. The radon
Radon is the primary source of naturally
gas, being heavier than air, accumulates in the
occurring α -radiation present everywhere in the basement and on lower floors and hence
environment in varying concentration. Radon is enhances its levels there [3]. Wind blowing
the heaviest known radioactive gas, nine times across and around houses can also reduce indoor
heavier than air. It is the only gas in the long air pressure. Radon appears mainly by diffusion
decay chain of heavy metal elements. This
processes from the point of origin following α -
contributes about 54% of the average
decay of 226Ra in underground soil and building
contribution from natural radiation [1]. So for
materials used in the construction of floors,
those persons who live close to the ground, e.g.
walls, and ceilings. Radon can also originate
in detached houses or on the ground floor of
from the deeply buried deposits beneath homes
apartment buildings without cellars, the most
and can migrate to the surface of earth by
important radon source is radium in the ground.
diffusion or transport process. Radioactive radon
can migrate from soils, rocks and accumulate in Also radon concentration and annual
surrounding enclosed areas such as homes and effective dose measurements were carried out at
underground mines. The influx of radon is a different heights (height of each floor was about
function of permeability of the underlying soil, 8.5 ft) in rooms made of same construction
geological, meteorological and structural factors. materials and of about same dimensions at
The concentration of radon in the atmosphere Kurukshetra. The detectors in the present study
varies, depending on the place, time, and height were removed after 100 days and subjected to
above the ground and the meteorological chemical etching. The detectors were washed
conditions. When radon decays its progeny 218Po and dried and the tracks produced by the alpha
and 214Po are found electrically charged and they particles were observed under an optical
can attach themselves to tiny dust particles, microscope at 600X for finding track density
water vapours, oxygen, trace gases in indoor air (track/cm2/day). The measured track density was
and other solid surfaces. These daughter converted into radon, thoron and their progeny
products remain air-borne for a long time. concentrations using calibration factors as
Aerosols can easily be inhaled into lung and can discussed earlier [8,9].
adhere to the epithelial lining of lung, thereby
If T is taken as track density observed on a
irradiating the tissue [2].
SSNTD due to exposure in a given mode to a
Building materials are the main sources of
concentration C of a given piece for a time t,
radon-220 (also called "thoron") in indoor air.
then in general we take
Due to its short half life (55 s), thoron
originating in soil in effect is usually prevented T= K × C× t, (1)
from entering buildings and therefore makes
negligible contribution to indoor thoron levels. where, K is calibration factor.
For this reason and due to the greater difficulties Therefore, following relations were used to
of measurement, thoron or thoron progeny determine the concentration of Radon (CR),
concentration measurements are very much thoron (CT), and progeny levels of radon (C R
fewer than those for radon. Although the indoor (WL)) and that of thoron (CT (WL) [6, 8, 9]
thoron concentrations are usually low [4,12], in
some cases the doses due to this isotope and its CR= TM/ tKRM (2)
daughters are significant and comparable to CT= TF - KRFCRt/tKTF (3)
those due to radon-222 [5,7,10]. As the radon
and its progeny are the major contributors in the Progeny levels of Radon (WL)
radiation dose received by general population of = CR (Bqm-3) x FR /3700 (4)
the world. Keeping this in mind the variation in
radon, thoron and its progeny concentration at Progeny levels of Thoron (WL)
different heights has been studied using radon = CT (Bqm-3) x FT /3700, (5)
thoron twin dosimeter cups. The present study
has been carried out in rooms of about same Where, TM=track density in membrane
dimension at various heights in an inn at compartment
Kurukshetra (Haryana). TF =track density in filter compartment
2. Methodology
t = total exposure time
For the measurement of concentration of
radon, radon and thoron both, and total sum of KRM = Calibration factor for radon in membrane
radon, thoron and their progeny, in the mode
dwellings, the radon-thoron mixed field =0.021trcm-2d-1/Bqm-3(here tr stands for tracks)
dosimeter popularly known as, ‘Twin Chamber
Radon-Thoron Dosimeters, have been employed. KRF =Calibration factor for radon in filter mode
Each twin chamber dosimeter cup having a = 0.023 tr cm-2 d-1/ Bqm-3
provision for three detectors in bare, filter and KTF =Calibration factor for thoron in filter mode
membrane modes was loaded with LR-115 type = 0.019 tr cm-2 d-1/ Bqm-3
II plastic track detectors and placed at suitable
height in dwellings and away from the walls in FR = Equilibrium factor for Radon having value
order to protect the detectors from the reach of of 0.4
alpha particles emitted from the floor and the FT = Equilibrium factor for Thoron having value
building construction materials [11]. of 0.1
Indoor inhalation dose received due to 222 Rn and [5] M. Doi and S.
its progeny, and 220 Rn and its progeny, has been Kobayashi,"Characterization of Japanese
estimated using the following relation [9] wooden houses with enhanced radon and
thoron concentrations", Health Phys. 66(3),
D = {(0.17+ 9FR) CR+ (0.11+32FT) CT} x 7000
274-282, 1994.
x10-6, where
[6] K.P. Eappen, and Y.S. Mayya,
FR = equilibrium factor for radon = 0.4
“Calibration factor for LR-115 (type II)
FT = equilibrium factor for thoron = 0.1 [13] radon thoron discriminating dosimeter”,
Rad. Meas. 38, 1, p 5-7, 2004.
3. Results and Discussion
[7] Q. Guo, M. Shimo, Y. Ikebe, and S.
The radon concentration in dwellings at various
Minato, "The study of thoron and radon
heights varied from 49-148 Bq m-3 with an
progeny concentrations in dwellings in
average of 92± 19 Bq m-3 while the thoron Japan", Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 45(1-4)
concentration in the same study varied from Supplement, 357-359, 1992.
25-60 Bq m-3 with an average of 44± 6.4 Bq m-3.
The radon progeny levels in the dwellings under [8] Y.S. Mayya, “Theory of radon exhalation
study varied from 5.5-16.1 mWL while the into accumulators placed at the soil
thoron progeny levels varied from 0.6-1.6 mWL. atmosphere interface”, Rad. Prot. Dos.
Annual dose received by the inhabitants in the 111(3), 305-318, 2004.
dwellings under study varied from 1.9-5.2 mSv [9] Y.S. Mayya, K.P. Eappen and K.S.V.
(table-1). Nambi, “Methodology for mixed field
The levels of radon, thoron and its progeny are inhalation dosimetry in monazite area using
higher in locations close to the earth because the a twin cup dosimeter with three track
radon in soil gas enters into dwellings through detectors”, Radi. Prot. Dosi., vol. 77,3,
openings or cracks in the floor/wall. There is pp177-184, 1998.
decrease in levels with height of the dwelling [10] G. Sciocchetti, M. Bovi, G. Cotellessa,
(Fig.-1) P.G. Baldassini, C. Battella, and I. Porcu,
References "Indoor radon and thoron surveys in high
radioactivity areas of Italy", Radiat. Prot.
[1] ATSDR, 1999. Agency for Toxic Substances Dosim. 45(1-4) Supplement, 509-513,
and Disease Registry. Toxicological Profile 1992.
for Ionizing Radiation. Atlanta, GA: U.S
[11] S. Singh, R. Sharma, K. Singh, “Seasonal
[2] BEIR VI, Report of the Committee on the
variation of radon indoor in dwellings of
Biological effects of Ionizing Radiation,
Malwa region in Punjab”, Atm.
1999. Natl. Res. Council. Natl. Acad.
Environ.39, 7761, 2005.
Press, Washington, DC.
[3] R.P. Chauhan, K. Kant, R.S. Saini, Kapil [12] UNSCEAR, United Nation Scientific
Jindal and S.K Chakarvarti, “Radium Committee on the Effects of Atomic
concentration and radon exhalation rates Radiation. Exposures from Natural Sources
from some soil samples using solid state of Radiation, Annex A, A/Ac., 82/R. 526,
nuclear track detectors. Environ. Geochem. 1993.
9, 100, 2006.
[13] UNSCEAR, United Nation Scientific
[4] K.D. Cliff, "Thoron daughter
Committee on the Effects of Atomic
concentrations in UK-homes", Radiat. Prot.
Radiation, 2000. Sources and Effects of
Dosim. 45(1-4) Supplement, 361-366,
Ionizing Radiations . U.N. New York.

Add some more references to our earlier work

Table 1. Radon, thoron and their progeny levels at various heights in dwellings in an inn at Kurukshetra

Locations Heights or No. of Radon Thoron Progeny levels Annual Dose

depth from concentration concentration received
dwellings (mWL)
earth’s surface
(cms) (Bq m-3) (Bq m-3) (mSv)
Radon Thoron
Basement -60.8 2 148 56 16.1 1.5 5.2

Ground floor 182.4 3 121 60 13.1 1.6 4.6

First floor 425.6 3 88 39 9.6 1.0 3.2

Second floor 668.8 3 55 38 6.1 0.9 2.3

Third floor 912.0 2 49 25 5.5 0.6 1.9

AM + SE 92±19 44±6.4 10.1±2 1.1±0.2 3.4±0.6

* SE (Standard Error) = σ /√N, where σ is SD (Standard Deviation), and N is the no of observations

Radon concentration(Bq/m3)








1 2 3 4 5
Increasing height

Fig1: Variation in radon concentration with heights of floor in dwellings

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