DR York - Being An Egiptian Initiate

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An Egiptian

For The Ancient Egyptian Order

Conferred By:
Supreme Grand Hierophant (S.G.H.)
720th Degree
Amunnubi Raakhptah (Atum-Re)
Mir "Pyramid" No.9
Being An Egiptian Initiate


Just What Is Istaglaan "Initiation " ?

A Distinction Must Be Made Between The Procedure, That

Is, Its Functional Operation, And Its Purpose. This Purpose Is A
State Or Condition Of Preparation. The Functional Aspect Of
Initiation Is Its Ritualistic Structure. The Importance Of The
Testing Of The Initiate Is Impressed Upon Them In A Dramatic
Form. In Other Words, The Purpose And What Is Expected Of
The Initiate Is Enacted. This Form Of Initiation Has An
Emotional Impact Upon The Individual. The Dramatic Incidents
Of The Initation Are Intended To Play Upon The Whole
Emotional Gamut Of The Individual. They May Arouse, For
Example, Fear, Anxiety, Momentary Depression, And
Ultimately, Pleasure To The Extent Of Ecstasy. True Esoteric
Initiation, As Performed Today By Fraternal Orders Of A
Mystical, Metaphysical, And Philosophical Nature, Incorporates
Those Fundamentals Of Initiation Which Can Be Traced To
Ones Conducted In Ancient Egipt. Induction Into The Ancient
Mystery Schools Was Always In A Form Of Initiation.

What Does It Mean To Walk The Spiritual Path Of Bodily

Discipline And Self Control? Being An Initiate In A.E.O. (The
Ancient Egiptian Order) Is Not What Most People Think Of
When They Hear Of A Bodily Discipline Practitioner Or A
Mystic Order. There Are Many Misconceptions Being Taught
About The Teachings Of The Mystics, And There Are Many
Misconceptions About Those Who Practice Bodily Disciplines
As The Sufis Of Islam, (Sons Of The Green Light, S.G.L), Or
The Essenes Of Judaism, (Ancient Mystic Order Of
Melchizedek, A.M.O.M.). Sometimes The Image Of A
Cross-Legged Man With Matted Locks Comes To Mind When
Thinking Of The Mystic, And Sometimes Wandering Ascetics (A
.Being An Egiptian Initiate. .Being An Egiptian Initiate,

Person Who Renounces Material Comfort And Leads A Life Of Asaru "Usir, Osiris" As The Heavenly Father And Aset
Spiritual Improvement) Comes To Mind. Sometimes An Image "Isis, Auset", As The Blessed Mother Of The World From
Of An Incredibly Limber Person In Some Impossible Posture Which The Mary Concept Of Christianity Came, And From
Comes To Mind. Sometimes A Figure In A Meditation Posture Where The Faatimah Concept Of Muhammadism Came, And
Transcending The World Comes To Mind. Also Sometimes Also Hat-Hor "Hathor", From Where The Hagar Of Your Bible
People Think That Bodily Discipline Can Drive You Crazy So Came). Also, The Haru "Hiru, Horus" Story As The Holy Son
They Picture A Fanatical Person Uttering Un-Intelligible Words. Of God The Y'Shua "Isa," Of Monotheistic Religion Called
Jesus Or Christ, Of Jerusalem (7-120 A.D.) And Buddha
Sometimes The Image Of The Media And From The Originally Called "Siddhartha Gautuma Buddha (563-483
Traditional Church, Mosque, Synagogue Or Lodge Has A.D.) Of India, The Buddhist Monks, And Even The Prophet
Promoted An Image Of Occult, Mysterious And Unnatural Muhammad Of Arabia (570-632 A.D.) And Muhammad
Personalities As Practitioners Of Bodily Discipline And They Ahmad Al Mahdi Of Sudan Of Africa (1845-1885 A.D.) And
Also Picture Cults And Fanaticism. The Western World Doesn't Many Other Great Sages And Saints Were Initiated Into The
Have A Spiritual Life So They Call You A Cult Out Of Fear. Egiptian Mysteries Of The Spiritual Path. All Of Your Bible Or
They Need You To Worship Their Image, That Of A European Quranic Prophets And Apostles Went To Egipt To Be Taught At
God Or Deities As A Family, Father, Mother, Daughter And Son. Least One Time In Their Lives, Such As Abraham, Moses, Jesus,
This Is Done To Control Your Mind. David, Muhammad, Etc. Egipt Was The Seat Of Education.

Question: What Is Istalgaan "Initiation"! Question: But How Did Istalgaan "Initiation" Help Them And
What Were They Specifically Initiated Into?
Answer: The Word Initation Comes From The Latin InitiaRe,
InitiaT-, From Initium, "Beginning", A Ceremony, Ritual, Test, Answer: Let's Just Take A Look At The Word Initiate And Its
Or Period Of Instruction With Which A New Member Is Meaning: As Previously Stated, The Word Initiate Means: "To
Admitted To An Organization Or Office Or To Knowledge." The Begin Or Originate, To Introduce A New Field, Interest, Skill, Or
Great Egiptian Personalities Of The Past, Such As The Original Activity. To Admit Into Membership, As With Ceremonies Or
Mother And Father Of All Homo Sapiens Known To The World Rituals. The Purpose Of Initiation Is A State Or Condition Of
As Adam And Eve In The Monotheistic Relgions, Being The Preparation. The Preparation Consists Of A Series Of Tests And
Parents Of All Humanity Is Really Taken From Isis And Osiris Trials Of The Initiate To Determine Whether He/She Is Worthy
Of The Egiptian Mysteries, Which In Fact Were Not Mysteries, Of Elevation To A Higher Knowledge. "
But Actual Events Of The First Family Of The Dynastic Periods Many People Think Of Istalgaan "Initiation", When
Of The First Civilization, Egipt. In This Case Adam As Osiris Associated With Spiritual Studies, As Some Kind Of Fantastic
Was Also Abel, And His Brother Set, Being Cain Was Also Event Which Will Cause A Major Transformation In A Person's
Their Satan. They As You Can See Changed The Stories Around Life At Once. But, In Reality With Each Test Overcome, A New
And In Time It Became The Holy Family. Phase Of Existence Begins. At The End Of Each Season Of Life,
.Being An Egiptian Initiate .Being An Egiptian Initiate.
The Outline Of A New Being Emerges. Istalgaan "Initiation" And Wrote With A Quill. The Quill Is Symbolic Of The Beak
Should Be Thought Of Less As An Event And More As The Of The Heb "Ibis" Used By The Tama-Reyeaat (Egiptians) For
Process Of Embarking On A Journey Of Better And Even The Mask Of Tehuti.
Spiritual Living Which Will Lead To Spiritual Alignment. With
This Broad Overstanding, It Should Be Clear That This Entire
Book Is Initiating You, The Reader, Into The Higher Teachings
Of Life. Every Time You Turn A Page In The Ancient Egiptian
Order You Are Learning More And More About This World
And As You Do, You Are Learning More About Your Real Self.
In This Section We Will Discuss The Process Of Istalgaan
"Initiation" And The Way In Which Spiritual Growth Is

This Can Also Happen When A Person Smoothes Out The

Path Of His/Her Life By Removing All Obstacles From Their The Neter Tehuti
Itinerary, They Deny A Truth, He/She Lies To Themselves. This
Is Likened To Seh "Religion". Seh Is The Smoothing Out Or lagram Below Showing Tehuti Recording Khnum Modeling
The Easy Way Out Of Responsibilities Of The Truth. Religious First Man On His Wheel, With A Quill Pen
People Settle For The Lies. They Are Ignorant Or Ignoring The
Truth. From Before The Tradition Of Egiptian Teachers And
Students, Initiation Has Been Carried Out In Secret Chambers,
Kept Out Of The Sight Of The Blinded False Light World.

This Is Evident Even In The World Religions, The Masters

Of Deception. In Some Text Books It Is Written That Pa Neter
Hat-Har "Hathor" Of Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Was Initiated
By Tehuti "Thoth" Who Is Mistaken To Be Moses In The
Bible, However, The Egiptian Mysteries Are Relating To Tehuti
"Thoth ", Who Is The Deity That Kept The Records. The New
Testament In Greek Calls God Thehos. That Is The Same Name.
So All Christians Are Praying To An Egiptian Deity Tehuti
"Thoth " And Don't Know That The Word "Thought" Was Taken [olding Or Fashioning And Shaping From Mud Or Clay,
Out Of His Tama-Reye (Egiptian) Name Thoth. And Tehuti 'he Dust Of The Ground, The First Man. That's Right This
Was The Master Of Divine Words And Writings Of Wisdom, Where The Bible And Qur'an Get Their Story.
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate. .Being An Egiptian Initiate.
Question: Who Is Tehuti?
The Books Of Coming Forth By Day (Book Of The Dead) And
He Is The Patron Of Learning And Of The Arts. He Is The
Answer: Tehuti Is The Neter "Deity" Of Learning, Writing, Inventor Of Writing, And In The Specific Theology Related To
Mathematics And Language And The Keeper Of The Secret Him, He Is Also Seen As The Creator Of This Universe. Tehuti
Word As The Christians Say It John 1:1 "In The Beginning Was Is Depicted As A Man With The Head Of An Ian "Baboon" Or
The Word." The Qur'an Puts It "Allah Just Said A Word To Of A Heb "Ibis Bird". He Also Bears A Pen And Ink And
Create. Kun "Be" Or "Exist". They Copied It From Egipt. Sometimes Also The Lunar Disk "Moon Disk" And Crescent
John 1:1
Modern Greek Script

Ev ApXT| Hv O Aoyoq, Kcci O Aoyo<; Hv npoq Tov 0eov, Kcci

0eoq Hv O Aoyoq.



In The Origin Of Things There Was The Saying And That

Saying Was The Thehos' (Eloheem's) Saying And That
Saying Was A Saying Amongst The Thehos (Eloheem).

Right Translation In Greek By:

Mistranslation For Kings James 1611 A.D.


Tehuti Is Referred To As Thoth By The Greeks Who Is The Heb "Ibis Bird" Is A Wading Bird Related To The
Referred To As Gew By The Tama-Reyeaat (Egiptians). In Stork And The Heron. The Choice Of The Ibis Indicates A
Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt", He Is The Scribe Of The Neteraat Unique Feature Or Quality Which Spiritual Learning Requires.
"Deities". He Appears As The Record Keeper Of The Dead In This Quality Is Related To The Wading Nature Of The Heb
.Being An Egiptian Initiate,
Being An Egi'ptian Initiate.
(Ibis Bird). The Word Wading Means "Walking In Or Through,
A Substance, As Water, That Offers Resistance, Impedes Or
Makes Movement Difficult." The Luna "Crescent Moon" Symbol
Of Tehuti Is A Figure Of The Moon Or Luna In Its First
Quarter. It Has Concave And Convex Edges Terminating In
Points, Four Moon Cycles And Four Sun Cycles.

The Crescent Moon Symbol On The Head Of Tehuti

The Deity Khonsu Was Also A Lunar Deity. He Assisted

Tehuti In Recording The Passing Of Time And Also Served As The Cycles Of The Moon
A Healer Of The Sick And Protector Against Evil Spirits.
The Crescent Moon Symbol Signifies Growing Or
Increasing Overstanding, Reason And Spiritual Wisdom. The
Muslims Took It As Their Symbol Of When To Open And Break
Their Fast Of Ramadaan. Many Islamic Countries Also Use The
Crescent On Their Flags.

In The Qura'an, Surah 2:189 It States In Part: They Ask

Thee Concerning The New Moons. Say: They Are But Signs To
Mark Fixed Periods Of Time In The Affairs Of Men And For
Pilgrimage... A Key Pillar In Their Faith Islam. They Got It
From Egipt. Therefore, Tehuti Is The Embodiment Of
Khonsu With The Crescent Moon Symbol On His Head Knowledge. He Was Known As Hermes And Thoth, By The
Greeks, Melchizedek In Your Bible, And Al Khidr In Islam.
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate, _6eing An Egiptian Initiate

Tehuti Represents Intellect, The Mind And Its Capacity To Cut

Through (Wading Through) The Myriad Of Thoughts And
Concepts (Ma "Water") In Order To Get To The Truth. The
Universe Is Overstood To Be Like An Ocean Of Matter Through
Which Re "Ra" Sails On His Highly Decorative Boat "Mandjet"
In Order To Sustain Creation.

Different Islamic Flags Showing Crescent And Moon

This Is One Of The Reasons He Is Said To Have Created

Writing. He Is Also The Messenger Of Re "Ra, The Sun Deity,"
Also Meaning The Soul Who Brought The Special Words Of
Power To Aset "Auset, Isis " In The Ausarian Resurrection Story
In Order To Resurrect (Her Husband) Asaru "Usir, Osiris". This
Is Also The Same Deity That Hagar Of The Bible Called On El
Roi. (Genesis 16:13). The Mandjet Boat Of Re
10 11
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate,
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate,
Right Translation In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) By:
Tehuti Is Ra's Mind, The Mental Plane, With Which Re Amun Nubi Ra Akh Ptah
"Ra" Moves Through The Ocean Of Creation, Which Is True Mistranslation For Yusef Ali 1938 A.D.
Birth Or Growth. Re Incarnated Into Tehuti, Who Kept All The
Secrets Of Re. Thus, The Universe Is Like An Ocean Of Koran 68:1 (Wrong Order)
Consciousness Known As Nun, The Letter Of Light (j^)
"Nuwr" And Fire (>) "Naar" In Syriac, Arabic. Both Of Nun. By The Pen And By The (Record) Which (Men) Write.
These Words Are Also Written In Arabic Without The Use Of
Vowels. Its Meaning Was Known To The Egiptians As To "...The Letter N Could Also Symbolically Represent Jonah
Cuddle A Fish Or Whale. In The Muslim Religion Of Islam It In The Arabic Form Yunus, Where The Characteristics From
Became Nun, The Great Whale Of Jonah, The Great Sea The Letter Is N".
Creature. A Mystic Letter In The Qura'an Which Is The Abjad
50. And This Is Equivalent To The Epochs Which Takes Place The Spirit (Ra) Uses The Mental Plane (Tehuti) To
Every 50,000 Years With The Ending And The Beginning Of A Maintain Order And To Bring Forth Learning And Knowledge
Whole Cycle. To Creation Through The Arts, Sciences And Language. Nothing
Is Invented By Human Beings. Everything That Is Created By
Each Equinox Cycle Is 25,000 Years And Consists Of A Civilization Comes From The Mental Plane And Is Grown. That
Lunar "Moon" Cycle Or A Solar "Sun" Cycle And Together Is Growth Like Knowledge, And Not From Any Individual
They Make Up The 50 Year Epochs. In The Quran, Surah 68 Human Being. To Think Otherwise Would Be An Egotistical
Verse 1, Which Was Originally Surah 2 Verse 1, It Says Al Thought. The More A Person Is In Tune With The Mental Plane,
Qalam "The Pen" Or (o) Nun. This Reference Is An Excerpt The More Knowledge He Or She Can Obtain And The More
Taken Out Of The Abdullah Yusef Ali Version Of The Quran, Inner Peace And Fulfillment A Person Can Experience. The Link
And I Quote: Must Be Made. The Farther Away A Person Gets From The
Mental Plane Through Negative Actions, Ignorance And
El's Holy Qur'Aan 2:1 (Original Order) Delusion, The Less Able A Person Is To Discover Goodness,
Inner Peace, Knowledge, Happiness And Health In Life.

So Tehuti Devised A Plan To Approach Haru "Horus".

Overstanding That He Is In A State Of Intense Dullness, He
Knows That He Cannot Approach Him Directly By Using His
Nuwr, The Light And The Qalam, 'Quill' And What Is Recorded, Ordinary Form And By Giving Him Direct Teachings As To The
They 'Yasturuwn' (By It). Nature Of The Self (Ra) And His True Identity. So He Decides
To Transform Himself Into The Form Of A Humble, Harmless
The Light And The Quill And What Is Recorded, They, (By
.Being An Egiptian Initiate,
_Being An Egiptian Initiate,

Question: Why Is Tehuti Holding The Eye Of Ra?

Looking Ian "Baboon " Instead Of Presenting Himself In The
Form Of A Regal Heb "Ibis Bird" Heading Divinity.
Ans: Tehuti Is Holding The Eye Of Re "Ra" As A Warning Of
Caution. Tehuti Was Preparing Haru For A War That Was To
He Did Not Actually
Be Fought Between Him And His Uncle Sutukh "Set", And
Become A Baboon, He
Remember Re Incarnated Into Tehuti So He, Tehuti Became
Took The Form Of A
His Eyes.
Baboon. So That He Can
Teach Haru The Nature Of
Question: Does Tehuti's Crescent Have Any Connection
The Baboon And His Quest
With Hat-Hor?
For Water Holes. So This
Be-Came The Lesson Of
Ans: No, The Two Horns Of Hat-Har "Hathor" Represents
The School Of The
The Upper Abode And The Lower Abode, And The Center
Aggressor Simian
Represented The Spinal Cord. The Crown Also Symbolized The
Divine Contents, For Lying Within The Brain Is The Radiant
Tehuti Disguised As A Baboon Kingdom Of Pa Neter (The Deity) Within Mortals. Two Horn
Holding The Eye Of Re Symbols Were Utilized By The Spiritual Elders Who Walked
With Men In The Days Of Learning To Teach The Children Of
"Ta" (Earth).
Just As The Heb "Ibis" (Bird) Is A School Of The Bird, The
Eagle Is The Symbol Of America. It's The Same Principle. 11
Tehuti Also Decided To Present To Hat-Har "Hathor" Some Of
The Most Profound Teachings Related To The Nature Of The
Animals In The Self, In The Form Of Parables In Order To
Gradually Gain His Confidence And Stimulate His Latent
Memories Of Her True Glory.

Question: What Do You Mean By His Quest For Water


Ans: When A Monkey Is Searching Out Water, They Wait Until

The Two Horns Of Hat-Har The Spinal Cord
Another Animal Goes To Get Water So The Monkey Can Follow
Them And Find Water. This Is A Sign Of Thinking, Thought,
In The Beginning, The Spiritual Master Must Help The
Planning And Scheming.
Individual To Somehow Turn The Anguish And Pain
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate _5eing An Egiptian Initiate,

Experienced As A Result Of Interaction With The World Into A

Want To Rise Above It. To This End, A Series Of Techniques
And Disciplines Have Been Developed Over Thousands Of

Some Of These Methods Are Facts, Parables, Mental

Discipline, Meditation And Physical Culture (Bodily Discipline,
Sinai "Union" Exercises (Refer To "The Breath'9 Book For
Information About Egiptian Smai) And Development Of The
"Internal Life Force" Sekhem). Ashutat "Prayer" Can Be
Found For All Of These Subjects In "The Sacred Tablets Of
Tama-Re". The Waab "Spiritual Master" Needs To Help The
Seeker To Restructure And Channel Those Energies Which
Arise From Disappointment And Frustration Into A Healthy
Dispassion For The Physical World And Its Entanglements. The
Spiritual Master Shows The Way To Develop Spiritual
Aspiration And Self-Effort Directed At Sustaining A Viable
Personal Spiritual Program Or Spiritual Discipline To The True
Tama-Reye "Egiptian"Mystic.

Tehuti Is The Quintessential Image Of The Spiritual Master

In This Story. The Word "Spiritual Master" Is An Egiptian
Term Signifying Spiritual Instructor, A Teacher Of Spiritual
Truths. A Spiritual Instructor Is A Sage "One With Wisdom And
Good Judgment" Who Shows Others The Way To Overstand
The Higher Reality Beyond The Ordinary Phenomenal Universe.
But, First The True Being Inside Seeks The Real You. He Or She
Shows Others How To Discover Their True Identity And Realize
Their Oneness With Pa Kuluwm, "The All".

In The Essene Order, They Are Spiritual Guides. The

Essene Order Was A Strict Spirtual Community, Made Up Of
Men And Were Called Many Names Such The Magi, The
Elders, The Wisemen, Etc. This Is What Amunnubi
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate, .Being An Egiptian Initiate.

Altogether Due To The State Of Mind Of The Individual. Ivinity To The Limited State Of Human Life And Mortal
Hence, The Devotee Must Be Properly Initiated Into The listence? How Did I Fall From Grace? You Chose To Rule
Teaching And The Proper Relationship Must Be Established mrself. How Wretched Am I? How Degraded Am I?" These
Between Teacher And Devotee. / Came Giving You What You The Kinds Of Questions Asked By A Spiritual Neophyte
Want So That You Would Learn To Want What I Have To 10 Is Beginning To Overstand The Meaning Of The Spiritual
Give. ichings. This Form Of Thinking Leads To A Resolution To
jain One's True Glory As A Deity And Realign Yourself With
The Teacher Offers Humility And Honesty With A air Etheric Parents. And To Rise Up From The Degradation Of
Beguiling Wit, Cheerfulness And An Uplifting Outlook. The lorance, "May I Find A Teacher Who Can Guide Me On The
Teacher Brings Divine Food In The Form Of Teachings Which To Self Discovery And Truth At Once!" Thus, Hat-Har
Uplift The Mind By Relieving The Burden Of Pain And Sorrow lathor", Came To Respect Tehuti. She Accepted His
Which Weighs Down The Soul Of A Human Being Due To fering, Listened To His Teachings And Later Trusted Him
Ignorance And Negativity. The Divine Food Is The Taste Of ith Her Life.
Divine Glory. It Is A Glimpse Of The Goal Which A Devotee
Must Aspire To Experience In Its Fullness But Which Is lestion: Where Did Initiation Start In Egipt?
Experienced In Degrees As The Teacher Gives The Spiritual
Teaching And As It Is Assimilated By The Devotee. iswer: At First, We Must Go To Abtu "Abydos" In Order To
;et The Initiates Of Ancient Egipt. A Most Holy City, Abtu
The Devotee Must Learn To Respect And Trust The os", Situated Between Aswan And Nu Amun "Thebes",
Teacher. Also, The Devotee Must Allow The Teaching To ;ltered One Of The Oldest Necropolises In History. There Lay
Penetrate Deeply Within The Heart. It Is Only Then That The le First Uraat "Kings". It Is No Wonder, Then, That
Teaching Will Have A Transformative Effect. Hat-Hor ine-Tenths Of The Funerary Steles Of The Middle Empire
"Hathor" Allowed Tehuti's Words To Penetrate Her Cold, ;hibited In The Museums Of Europe Come From Abtu
Anguished Heart And She Began To Remember Her Past Glory. Ibydos".

This Is The Process Of Divine Memory Wherein She Began The Fact Is That Abtu "Abydos" Was Twice Venerable.
To Regain The Remembrance Of Her True Identity. The Pain Of iginally The Last Resting Place Of The First A'afertiaat
Seeing Her Current Level Of Existence In Comparison With Her *haraohs'\ It Became, At The Beginning Of The Second
Past Glory Brought Her To Tears. This Is The Common [illenium, The Guardian Of The Head Of Asaru The Savior,
Realization Of A Spiritual Neophyte (Beginner, Someone 10 Led Humans To Immortality. The Most Precious Part Of
Recently Joining The Ancient Egiptian Order) When Divine Body Dismembered By Sutukh "Nebty, Set", The
Beginning To Overstand The Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, >ther Of Asaru "Usir, Osiris", Lay In This Holy Place Of
And The Right Overstanding, Called Nuwaubu Or Nuwaupu. ;ipt, Sheltered In A Shrine Surmounted By Two Feathers.
"What Have I Done To Come Down From The Heights Of
18 19
.Being An Cgiptian Initiate, Being An Egiptian Initiate,
M E D I T E R . R . A N E A N
The Osireion Of Abydos

This Structure Is Undoubtedly The Most Mysterious In The

llcy Of The Nile. Its Construction Began During The Reign Of
I And Was Entirely Underground At The Origin. It
iprises A Long Dark Corridor Leading Into A Hall Filled
Water. From The Center Of This Basin Rises A
tangular Esplanade, A Kind Of Island Surrounded By Heavy
lhn£jya tl-M«duv<?
ITS Of Pink Granite, To Which Two Staircases Lead.

Central Hall, Osireion Of Abtu "Abydos"

</(yypturt ntmet • NEKHEM
Uiestion: How Can You Prove That Initiations Were
Vrformed In Abtu "Abydos"?
nswer: A Very Old Text Dating Back To 2000 B.C., Quite
Juknown Up To Now, Seems To Give An Affirmative Answer:
The Holy Sepulcher Was Built At The South Of The City, In)
A Place Called Peker. At The North Stood The Great Sanctuary Follow The Deity To His Abode,
Of Asaru. Erected At The Dawn Of History, Beginning With The I His Tomb
First Dynasty, Remodeled, Destroyed, And Rebuilt Several \ubu Sanctifies The Hidden Mystery Of Asaru
Times, All That Is Left Of It Today Is An Outline, Hardly ty The Sacred Valley Of The Master Of Life (Asaru).
Legible, On The Site Of Its Successive Ages. Is) The Mysterious Initiation Of The Master Of Abydos!'*
20 21
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate _5eing An Egiptian Initiate,

Anubu "Anubis" Welcomes The Postulant At The Threshold! Question: Why Was Initiation Necessary?
Of The Sacred Domain. The Necropolis Of Abtu "Abydos" Still
Shelters Such A Basin Concealed In The Strange Construction answer: Initiation Or Ritual Was Introduced To Change The
Of The Osireion. But Here Is The Important Thing: To Reach hiality Of The Novice's Soul, To Raise Their Consciousness To
The Tomb Of Asaru "Osiris" On The Aquatic Esplanade, The Superhuman Level, And To Make An Eternal Being Out Of
Visitor First Had To Step Down Into The Holy Water In Order 'Them. Thus The Rituals Of Adonis Or Tammuz In The Near
For His Sins To Be Washed Away. No Other Site Still Standing] I'last, Of Asaru In Egipt, Of Orpheus In The Greek Islands, Of
In Ancient Egipt Seems Better Arranged For Initiations. Dionysus In Hellas, All Depict Death And Resurrection So That
One May Symbolically Experience A Superhuman State And
Now Let Us Imagine The Splendor Of This Hall When Thel Internal Life. These Practices Psychologically Resulted In The
Roof Was Still On, As The Heavy Architraves Testify. The| True Victory Of Humans Over Their Fear Of Death. Through
Water In The Basin Glistens Under The Fleeting Glimmers O1 Initiatory Death, The Human Being Is Absolutely Convinced
The Lamps And Torches. Masked, Officiating Priests Surroundl That They Will Be Spared The Pangs Of Death.
The Initiate. He Relinquishes His Clothes-The Impure Clothes
That Cloaked The Old Man. He Slowly Steps Down Into The) An Introduction To Ma'at
Original Sea. Holy Water Envelop Him. As A Mother, Sh<
Welcomes Him. Like A Setting Sun, He Goes Down Into Th< fetert Ma'at Is The Foundation
Abyss. And Then He Emerges From It As A Sun, Resuscitated. )f All The Mystery Schools Of
Having Become Asaru "Osiris" Through Justification And! liought. The Quill Is Also
Likened To Re, Through Regeneration The Initiate Climbs The| Torn The Ostrich Feather,
Twelve Steps Of The Osireion Leading To The August lich Was The Ma'at Feather.
Esplanade. Among The Heavy Pillars Protecting The Dea< la'at Was The Wife Of
Deity, He Receives New Clothes: White Linen Veils. ^ehuti "Thath" And The
[Daughter Of Ra. Yes These
Are People, Just Like You.
Rlood, Flesh And Bones. She
'as The Netert Of The
Inalterable Laws Of Heaven.
The Netert Ma'at

When The Egiptians Said Heaven, They Meant The Skies,

ic Solar System, Galaxies, Universe. They Actually Recorded
sptet "Sirius" And Sahu "Orion" As Heaven Above. Ma'at
Asaru Being Resuscitated Under The Holy Tree Dendera
'as The Female Netert Of Truth, Justice, Right Thinking And
22 23
.Being An Egiptian Initiate. .being An Egiptian Initiate,

The Weigher Of The Heart. She Was The Ruler Of The Day Of [Into The Order Of Melchizedek (Hebrew 7:1-2), New Testament.
Judgement. Yes Bible And Quran Got It From This. She Is The And Melchizedek Was None Other Than Tehuti "Thoth". So
Order Which Rules The Worlds Through Balance. She Was A iVas Abraham (Genesis 14:18) And Moses (Qur'an 18:60-82),
Nebt (Master, Sustainer, Lord) Of All The Worlds. The Which In The Muslim Commentary Of The Qur'an They
Creation Of The Universe Could Not Have Been An Accident ^Literally Confirm That This Melchizedek Is The Same One
For One Reason And That Is: That There Is Ma'at "Order" Rcfered To As The King Of Salem In Genesis 14:18-20.
Within Nun "Chaos". Like Everything Else, Life Began With
One Thing In Mind: "To Be" And With This Thought A Thing In The Holy Bible It States In Mark 1:9 "And It Came To
Became, And Impregnation Existed, By The Will Of Huhi As Pass In Those Days That Jesus Came From Nazareth Of
Hu, The Creative Force Of Will. Hu As A Word Gave Birth To Galilee, And Was Baptized Of John In Jordan". Your
Yahuwa (Jew's God), Jehovah (Christian's God) And Huwa Or Baptizism Was An Initiation. So Was The Muslim Shahadat.
Allahu, (Muslim's God). Ma'at Can Be Seen On Numerous Another Discipline Of Life Spiritual Studies Require An
Walls Of Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt". [Authentic Teacher, Muhammad (570-632 A.D.) Was Initiated
By Waraqa Ibn Naufal (527-639 A.D.) (Refer To The Holy
Tablets Chapter Nineteen) And Many Others Were Also

. -*/ .

Scene Of Ma'at Weighing The Heart In

The Judgement Hall

Neter Haru "Him, Horus" Of Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt"

Was Initiated Into The Ancient Tama-Reye (A.E.O, Ancient
Egiptian Order) Mystical Teachings By Aset "Isis, Auset".
Most Forms Of Initiations Can Be Found On The Walls Of
Egipt. This Is Where Initiations Originated. Take A Look At
Rama (A Form Of Krishna From India) He Was Initiated Into
The Teachings By Sage (One With Wisdom And Good
Judgment) Vasistha. The Messiah Jesus Christ Was Initiated Pictures Of Initations In Ancient Egipt
24 25
.Being An Egiptian Initiate. .Being An Egiptian Initiate,

Even The Greatest Teacher Cannot Teach A Person Who Is ' ua-Re "Egipt" Pa Tuta "The Devil" Was Given 6,000 Years
Not Qualified To Learn. Therefore, We Will Begin By itule The Children Of The Neteru, Woolly-Haired Nuwbuns
Enumerating The Nine Virtues Of A Spiritual Neophyte I They Transformed Back Into Neteru To Break The Spell.
(Beginner). These Imply The Qualities That Anyone Desiring To uta's Time Ended 9/9/99 A.D. And The Beginning Of His
Practice Spirituality, Needs To Work On To Develop. The Was 6/6/66 A.D. Civilization Lasted From 4000 B.C.E To
Teachings Of Bodily Discipline And Mystical Reality Are The > A.D. The Mystical System Of Egipt Provided A Unique
Means By Which An Ordinary Human Being Can Rise To The oat For Education And Government Which Was Able To
State Of Spiritual Truth, Inner Fulfillment, Peace And Abiding lin And Provide For The Needs Of Ancient Tama-Re
Happiness In Life. These Teachings Were In Ancient Times f'A'f/rf" For Over 5,000 Years Protecting The Secrets Now
Passed On Through An Exact System Which Involves Listening ring Revealed To You. Therefore, It Is Useful Here To
To, Study Of, And Meditation Upon The Teachings In A Proper 11 icfly Describe The Mystical System Of Education And A
Environment And With Proper Guidance. This Method Of 11-1 hod In Which Its Wisdom Can Be Applied To Modern
Teaching Is Known As Initiatic Way Of Education. There Are !<K iety. Since The Teachings Of Bodily Discipline And Mystical
Many Styles Of Bodily Discipline, Although Their Goals Are All ipnituality Have Been Traditionally Passed On Through The
The Same: Union With The Real You, The Inner Deity. These Vacher-Devotee Relationship For Over Six Millennia, (6000
Include: Bodily Discipline Of Intuitive Wisdom Of The Divine, cars) This System Of Education Called Nuwaupu Is Integral
Of Devotional Union With The Divine, Of Meditation And Mind > The Study Of Transpersonal Disciplines. While In Modem
Control, Of Virtuous Living Of Cultivation Of The Latent Life lines The Local Parish Priest, The Counselor Or
Force Energy, Sekhem. psychotherapist, The Imams And Rabbis Have Taken The Place
If The Sages, They Have Not Adopted The Wisdom Nor The
The Initiative Way Of Education mcient Method Of Education Employed By Their Forbearers,
ic Tama-Reye-aat (Egiptians). Thus The Disciple
Bodily Discipline Philosophy Originated At The Birth Of ilationship And The Initiative Way Of Education Are
The European Or Pa Tuta, (The Evil Person, Also The Egiptians iportant Areas Of Study For The Aspiring Transpersonal
Called The Tamahu "The Disgusting Or Sickly Ones) The Man tudies Devotee Or Professional.
Made Man, A Kind Of Man, Man's Kind, Mankind Civilization, The Need For A True Master Of Spirituality Cannot Be
That Is When He Was Bes Sheta "Secretly" Initiated Into The 'eremphasized In The Course Of Spiritual Practice And You
Three Degrees That Civilized Him. 1. Do Not Kill Human ive That In Amunnubi Raakhptah. The Reincarnated
Beings, 2. Do Not Eat Flesh, 3. Walk On Two, Not Four. These k'aferti (Pharoah) Atum Re (Turn) Of Ancient Tama-Re
Were The First Commands Over Pa Tuta. This Led Into Us igipt). This Is The Reason Why So Many "New Age" Teachers
Civilizing Them. We Taught Them. But, Now He, Pa Tuta Is id Even Members Of The Traditional Establishment Have
Losing It All. His Time Has Ended. He Is Regressing Back To me To "Sit At The Feet," So To Speak, Of Tama-Reye
An Ian "Baboon". In The Present Era Of History Beginning igiptian) Teachers Of Bodily Disciplines And Mystical
With The Emergence Of The 46 Dynasty Point In Ancient lowledge. Nowadays They All Read The Nuwaupu Books.
26 27
.being An Egiptian Initiate, .Being An Egiptian Initiate.

This Is Also The Reason Why Much Of The Research Done By It Is Possible To Promote Spiritual Growth Through The
Early Transpersonal Researchers, Beginning With Prince Hall looks Written By This Genuine Spiritual Instructor A'aferti:
(1735-1807 A.D.) Who Established The First African Masonic \turn Re. The New Forms Of Media Such As Audio And Video
Lodge In 1784, In The United States. His Lodges Were Set Up In lave Gone Even Further In Conveying The Message Of The
Philadelphia And Providence Rhode Island. achings To The Entire World. However, At Some Point,
looks And Tapes Can Only Go So Far In Explaining The Fruits
f The True Practice Of Spirituality. This Is Because The Mind
!un Develop Many Misconceptions And Illusions About
nirituality Just As In Any Area Of Ordinary Worldly Life.
icrefore, A Spiritual Guide Or Coach Who Is Advanced In Its
ractice Should Be Sought Out And Approached With Humility
id Honesty To Ask Questions And Dispel Subtle Forms Of
piorance Or Wrong Knowledge. This Is The Process Of
uritual Teaching Called Istalgaan "Initiation".

The Neophyte (Beginner) Is Initiated Into A.E.O, A Way

Life, Which He Or She Needs To Learn And Practice By
idying, Reflecting And Meditating On The Teachings.
italgaan "Initiation" Is A Conscious Choice To Adopt A
caching And To Embark On The Task Of Basing One's Life On
In Order To Purify One's Mind And Body Through The
Black Masons In Masonic Attire [caching Of Nuwaupu, Which Will Break The Spell. This Is So
lat One May Become A Conduit Of Transcendental Forms Of
Focusing On The Initiatic Relationship, As Well As The tperience. One Of The Main Problems Of Pa Tuta "The
Wisdom Which Is Imparted Through It A Neophyte (Beginner) levil's" Society Is The Relative Lack Of Interest In Facts For
Is Like An Athlete. He Or She Needs Coaching And Practice In tith And Beliefs And Secondly, The Relatively Small Number
Order To Attain Mastery Over The Lower Nature. In Every Area Authentic Spiritual Preceptors Available To Teach Those
Of Your Life Where You Have Achieved Success, It Is Because ho Are Interested. Many People Do Not Find Spirituality
You Studied And Practiced, If Not In This Lifetime, In A ttractive Because They Feel They Would "Lose" Out On Life If
Previous One. Spiritual Growth Cannot Be Achieved Through icy Became Seriously Involved. Others See The Prospect Of
Relieving Or Through Unnatural Means. It Is Achieved Through liritualiry As Being Too Remote For Their Overstanding Or
Overstanding And Hard Work, Not Ordinary Work, But Those ist Spookism; But Its More.
Activities Which Lead To Purification Of The Heart As Found In
The Ancient Egiptian Order.
28 29
.Being An Egiptian Initiate, .Being An Egiptian Initiate.

An Authentic Spiritual Instructor Is Not Only Someone Who nl And That Is What Nuwaupu Is And Taught In The
Is Advanced On The Spiritual Path, Or Even Just Someone Who dent Egiptian Order (A.E.O). In The Beginning, The
Has Reached The Full Neteru (Deity) State. A Spiritual Master, lily Teacher Helps The Individual To Turn The Anguish,
Is Someone Who Is Spiritually Grown And Who Also Is Well ippointment And Pain Experienced As A Result Of
Versed In The Scriptural Teachings Of All Doctrine And raction With The World Into A Love To Rise Above It, As
Methods Of Training The Neophyte According To Their Level ibolized By The Lotus Rising Out Of The Mud Of The Nile
Of Overstanding. Therefore, A Counselor Of Bodily Disciplines 'Ra Sitting In Waters.
Must First Achieve A High Degree Of Overstanding And
Personal - Spiritual Emancipation Since The Subtleties Of The
Mind Must Be Well Overstood. The Teacher Must Be Able To
Be A Refuge For All People, Have An Extensive Knowledge Of
The Teachings Pertaining To His/Her Level Of Attainment, And
Enthusiastically Pursue All Forms Of Bodily Disciplines. The
Term Spiritual Master Means One Who Opens Up Others Or
Imparts Spiritual Wisdom And Eradicates Ignorance.

Every True Mystical Tradition, Be It Religious Or

Non-Religious, Requires A Traditional Link Because The
Initiatic Teaching Given To Those Who Become Initiated Into A
Tradition, Needs The Benefit Of A Instructor Who Has Received
The Teaching From A Previously Initiated Teacher And Has The Neter Ra Sitting In The Lotus Flower
Correct Overstanding Of The Teaching Or Incarnation With It As Emerging From The Primeval Egg
Your Savior. Otherwise It Would Be, As An Eastern Parable
Explains, Like A Blind Person Trying To Explain To Other To This End, A Series Of Techniques And Disciplines Have
Blind People What The World Looks Like Simply Using icon Developed Over Thousands Of Years. The Bodily
Imagination And Wit. There Are Others, Intellectuals, Who lisciplines Counselor Needs To Help The Seeker Restructure
Come To Think That They Have Attained "Enlightenment", jid Channel Those Energies Which Arise From Disappointment
Yet They Are Blinded By The Light Or Fire. Because They Read id Frustration Into A Healthy Dispassion Of The World And
The Holy Scriptures Or With Whole Scripts In Them. However, Entanglements, Spiritual Aspiration And Self-Effort Directed
Upon Being Tested In The World Of Human Experience, The Sustaining A Viable Personal Spiritual Program Or Spiritual
Complexes And Sufferings Of Life Resurface. Faith And Belief jipline.
Can Not Save You Or Your Soul. Thus, A Need For A
Comprehensive Program Of Spiritual Development Is Necessary In Pa Neteraat "The Deities" System Of Bodily
To Promote Real And Abiding Transformation In The Human nplines From Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Or Tama-Reye
30 31
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate.
.Being An Egiptian Initiate,
"Egiptian" Bodily Discipline, There Were Three Levels Of
Asaru "Usir, Osiris" Or The Story Of Asar "Asaru,
Neophytes (Aspirants).
Aset "Auset, Isis" And Har "Him, Horus" Otherwise
>wn As The Ausarian Resurrection, She Is The Teacher To
1. Aspiring Devotees Who Are Being Instructed On A
Son Haru "//in/, Horus". She Trains Him In The Arts And
Probationary Status, And Have Not Experienced Inner Vision.
lences And The Mystical Story Of Creation And The Nature
The Important Factor At This Level Is Awakening Of The
The Divine Self. She Enables Him To Receive The Divine
Spiritual Self, That Is, Becoming Conscious Of The Divine
iion Which She Obtained From Ra "Re" In The Story Of Ra
Presence Within One's Self And The Universe By Not Having
\e" And Aset "Auset, Isis".
Faith But Facts That There Is A Spiritual Essence Beyond
Ordinary Human Overstanding.

2. Striving Devotees Who Have Attained Inner Vision

And Have Received A Glimpse Of Cosmic Consciousness. The
Important Factor At This Level Is Purgation Of The Self That
Is, Purification Of Mind And Body Through A Spiritual
Discipline. The Neophyte Tries To Totally Surrender The I
Factor, "Personal" Identity Or Ego To The Divine Inner Self,
Which Is The Universal Self Of All Creation. Read "The Mind"

3. Established Devotees Who Have Become Identified

Neter Asaru Netert Aset
With Or United With Neteraat "Deities". The Important Factor
At This Level Is Opening Of The Higher Intellect. That Is,
Aset "Isis, Auset" Represents The Supreme Teacher
Experience And Appreciation Of The Divine Presence During
structor) Of The Mysteries. Having Attained Spiritual
Reflection And Meditation, Union With The Divine Self, And
owledge By Listening To The Teachings Of Re "Ra", The
The Divine Marriage Of The Individual With The Universal. In
isk Of The Initiate Is Continuously Reflected Upon Them Until
Order To Have A Better Overstanding Of What Istalgaan
; Veil Of Ignorance (Egoism) Is Lifted. Through The
"Initiation" Is, We Must Look Into The Distant Past In Order
cess Of Continued Intellectual Refinement (Reflection On
To Discover Its Purpose And Use.
c Teachings), The Veil Is Torn Away. Thus, The Mortal
nsciousness (Symbolized By The Veil) Is Transcended And
The Netert Aset
t "Isis, Auset" Is Realized In Her Unveiled Form. In Order
Behold Her Unveiled Form, Ordinary Human Perception
The Netert Aset "Auset, Isis" Is The Other Great Spiritual
not Be Used. This Is Why No Mortal Man Has Unveiled
Instructor From The Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Tradition. In
.Being An Egiptian Initiate. .Being An Egiptian Initiate.
Only Those Who Have Become Like Aset '75/5, Auset"
The Ancient Egiptian Name Given To The Massive Statue
(Divine In Consciousness) Can See Her. Through Gradual Which Sits Silently Facing The Rising Sun In The Giza Plateau
Intellectual Refinement Attained Through The Process Of 01 Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Is Ruwty. It Is Composed Of A
Reflection And Meditation, The Mind Of The Initiate Becomes Mons Body, A Feline, With A Human Head, Homo Sapien. It Is
Transformed. Thus, The Initiate Sees With Divine Eyes.
le Quintessential Symbol Of The Mystical Union And
Lwakening Of The Lower Self And The Higher Self Of A
luman Being. The Mystery Human Creature, That So Baffled
The European Invaders That Were Not Satisfied Until They
Destroyed The Features And All But Made To Disappearance
The Lions 'Aker' Body Was A Symbol Of A Guardian, For The
Lions Guarded All The Temple Entrances From The Powers Of
The Disagreeable Aggressors.
The Divine Eyes

(Refer To Guidance From The Master, Book Esoteric Or

Exoteric) And Not With Mortal Ones. He Or She Is Now
Beyond Birth And Death (Mortality). The Major Bodily
Discipline Of The Neteraat "Deities" Are As Follows.
According To The Instructions Of The Mir "Pyramid" Of Aset
"Isis, Auset", A Spiritual Neophyte Needs To Engage In The
Following Process Of Spiritual Practice:

1- Listening To The Teachings.

2- Constant Study And Reflection On The Teachings

The Mystical Ruwty (Sphinx)
Along With Practicing Them In Everyday Life Situations.
The Protective Human Head Was A Symbol Of The Wisest Of
3- Meditation On The Meanings Of The Teachings.
All Animals In Creation And Homo Sapien. Thus, The Name
Ilarmakhes Which The Greeks Called Hormakhet Meaning
The Mystical Ruwty "Sphinx"
rfforus Of The Horizon" The Symbol Of The Constellation Of
|Leo Put In Constellation In The Northern Hemisphere Near
There Is Perhaps No Other Monument Which Has Awed Cancer And Virgo Containing The Bright Stars Regulus And
Humanity As Much As The Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Ruwty
benebola The Fifth Sign Of The Zodiac From The Egiptian
"Sphinx". The Ruwty Which Is Called Sphinx By The Greeks, Is
.Being An Egiptian Initiate. .Being An Egiptian Initiate.
Denderah In Astrology Leo. He Is Always Facing The East. Yes
rsonification Of The Son Of God Hani "Horus". It Is Called
And Muslims, Jews And Christians Face The East In Prayer.
le Great Cat. It Was The Symbol Of Health And Strength,
icn Later On Became Identified With Holism, When They
Combined These Words Cat And Holistic, They Created
Catholic, Cat Of Holi, The Sun. And The Sphinx Sits And
! Watches The Sun Appear Each Morning (Again Relating To
Jesus Later.) This Character Was Created From Haru [Horus
Son Of The God Asar (Osiris And The Blessed Mother Aset
(Isis)]. Haru Was The Personification Of The Rising Sun And
Thus Also A Symbol Of Resurrection. Harmakhis Is The True
Name Of The Sphinx, A Word Which Was Derived From
Middle English Spynx From Latin Sphinx Borrowed From The
Greeks, From Spying Or The Watchful Eye The Watcher. Jesus
Was After The Order Of Melchizedek "Tehuti" Also In Hebrew.
Diagram Showing Hani Of The Horizon,
Yes, He Was An Initiate In The Egiptian Hebrew Order Of The
And The Leo Star Constellation
Essenes, Who Was Also Known As The Magi Or Magus.

The Egiptian Denderah

The Ruwty "Sphinx" Face Found On The Planet Mars
Leo Simply Means "Lion", In The Latin Language. A
Although It Is Carved In The Actual Image Of Khephren,
Replica Of This Lion - Human Structure Were Found Recently
ie Ruwty "Sphinx" Faces Directly To The Point On The
On The Planet Mars. So Again, We Have In This Symbol The
tstern Horizon Where The Sun Is First Seen At The Equinox
.Being An Egiptian Initiate. .Being An Egiptian Initiate,

Which Occurs Every 24,896 Years Or 25,000 Years, Or 23 Structure In The Mouth That Some Have Referred To As
Hours, 56 Minutes, 6 Seconds, Each Day Or 24 Hours. The Teeth, And Regularly- Shaped Lateral Strips On The
Ruwty "Sphinx" Is 2,400 Feet Long And Again You Have The Headpiece Or Helmet That Have Suggested To Other A Style
Number 24 As 24,000, 66 Feet High. 6+6=12, That's Half The Found In The Pharaonic Art Of Ancient Egipt"
Cycle. 12 Hours Day, 12 Hours Night. The Ruwty "Sphinx"
Was Once Worshipped By The Canaanites, A Seed Of No Other Culture Worshipped The Feline Or Cats, But
Caucasians In The Bible (Lepers), Who Resided In The Delta In Egiptians. 1. Bes, 2. Pakhet, 3. Tefnut, 4. Sakhmet, 5. Mihos, To
The Lower Part Of Early Egipt In The Second Millennium B.C. Name A Few; Spiritual Aspiration Is The Most Difficult Task On
They Were From The Sacred City Of Haram. Their Language Earth But Also It Is The Most Rewarding. One Of The
Was Sermetic And They Referred To It As "Hwl", Meaning Challenges Is To Dispel The Erroneous Notions About What
"Terror". In The Ancient Egiptian Language The Word "Bw" Bodily Discipline Is And How It Is To Be Overstood And
Meant "Place". The Muslims Borrowed This And Called It Practiced, If Not To Others, At Least To Yourself. An Initiate
Abul-Hol Father Of Terror, The Ruwty "Sphinx" Was Also Needs To Develop Enough Strength To Go Beyond The Popular
Called "Seshep-Ankh-Atun" The Living Image Of Atun Culture In Order To Overcome The Limitations Of Society.
Meaning "The Undifferentiated One ", After Atum-Re The Having Done This, And This Is A Very Big Step, It Is
Self Created Deity. Scientist Have Been Busy Guessing About Necessary To See The Possibility Of Transcending Your Own
What The Face Of Mars Really Is, Yet Everyone Knows That Personal Limitations. This Is What True Spiritual Aspiration Is
The Face On Mars Is Of A Tama-Reye Origin. All About. No Matter Where You Come From, What You
Have Been Through In The Past Or What Adverse Conditions
You Are In Right Now You Need To Realize That You Are The
Cause Of Your Own Adversity Or Prosperity, Happiness Or
Sorrow, Etc. And It Could Be A Neighbor Or Some Government
Official, Or Some Racial Jealousy Of Your Godliness Or Some
Other Factor. They Must Try To Stop The Mind Link With Your
Ancestors. They Will Do Anything To Mis-Lead You. This Is A
Very Hard Point To Accept But It Is True. Pa Tuta "The
Devil" Is In Human Form, Not A Spook, But An Evil Race.
Once You Accept This, Then It Will Be Possible For You To
Notice When The Face Was Flipped Inside Out, It Face All Of The Ignorance And Negativity That Has Led You
Represented A Lion On The Path To Frustration And Disappointment And In So
Doing You Will Begin To Build A Future Of Joy And Inner
Look At The Features The Face Shape, In One Book Called Peace.
"The Martin Enigmas - A Closer Look" Authored By Mark There Are Several Important Factors In Spiritual Life But
J. Carlotto On Page 20, He Says And I Quote: " Fine The Two Most Important Ones Are 1. The Neophyte And 2. The
38 39
.Being An Egiptian Initiate,
.Being An Egfptian Initiate^
Went To A Spiritual Instructor And Asked For Istalgaan
Instructor. The Neophyte Must Be Willing To Experiment, To
(Istalgaan) "Initiation"Into The Teachings.
Practice The Teachings As They Are Directed But With Truth
And Honesty. Truth Means That You Must Strive Ceaselessly
The Instructor Said "Alright, Come To The Mir And Study
And Honesty Means That You Will Not Be Willing To Fool
The Revelations, Attend My Lectures And Practice What I Tell
Yourself Any Longer. The Mind Can Rationalize Many Things,
You." The Neophyte Said "Oh No, I Don't Have Time For
To Procrastinate, To Not Apologize Or Realize Your Fault When
That. I Want Liberation From This Miserable World Now.
It Is Your Fault And Also Not To Give Credit When It Is Due.
Why Will You Withhold The Teachings From Me?" The
Aspiration Means Striving To Develop A Keen Intellect Which
Instructor Replied "Very Well, I Will Give You Istalgaan
Will Not Let Even The Slightest Infractions Of The Teachings
"Initiation" Into The Teachings This Evening. I Will Come
Go By Without Being Acknowledged And Redressed. Spiritual
To Your House This Evening But You Must Prepare The
Aspiration Is A Commitment To Growing Up And Using Your
Special Food Offering To Your Instructor."
Life In Such A Manner To Give It Meaning. People Who Do
Not Live Life With The Idea Of Discovering The Truth About
Their Real Origin And The Nature Of Creation Are Not Really That Evening, The Instructor Came And Was Greeted By
People. The Neophyte. The Neophyte Had Set Everything Up And
Offered The Instructor A Seat. The Neophyte Brought The Food
In Reality, They Are No Better Than Animals Who Eat, Offering To The Instructor And The Instructor Took Out A
Defecate, Grow, Procreate, And Die. Only People Who Are On Bowl For The Neophyte To Put The Food Into. The Neophyte
The Spiritual Path Can Really Be Referred To As Children Of Pa Was About To Place The Food In The Bowl When He Noticed
Neteraat "The Gods". This Is One Of The Reasons Why The That It Was Full Of Muck And Insects So He Said: "Please Oh
Venerable Master, Let Me Wash Your Bowl And Then I Will
Emergence Of A True Neophyte And True Preceptors Is A Rare
And Auspicious Event In The History Of Humanity. Place The Food Into It." The Instructor Replied: "No, That's
Alright, I Will Eat From This Bowl The Way It Is". The
This Means That There Are Many People Who Say They Neophyte Was Astonished And Replied: "How Can You Expect
Are Serious But Who Only Practice The Teachings Superficially. Me To Put Your Food Into That Dirty Bowl, I Cannot Do
If You Intend To Realize The Goals Of Bodily Discipline, You That." The Instructor Replied: "How Can You Expect Me To
Must Make The Teachings Your Life. Every Aspect Of Your Teach You The Highest Spiritual Wisdom If You Will Not
Life Must Be Given To The Teachings. Your Very Ego Is To Be Cleanse The Vessel Of Your Mind?" Immediately The
Offered Up As A Sacrifice To Your Higher Self. Then You Will Neophyte Overstood The Teaching And Fell At The Feet Of
Discover The True Meaning Of What The Teachings Really The Instructor And Pledged To Follow His Instruction From
Mean. This Does Not Happen Overnight. Fanaticism Is Not A Then On.
Part Of Real Spiritual Evolution. It Is A Hindrance. True
Spiritual Evolution Occurs In Degrees. There Is A Bodily Another Bodily Discipline Parable Is Given About Another
Discipline Parable Given To Illustrate This Point. A Neophyte Impatient Neophyte Who Went To A Spiritual Instructor For

_Being An Egiptian Initiate^ .Being An Egiptian Initiate,

Istalgaan'7fff'ffVzff"0/i" Into The Teachings. He Approached The Come Under Your Control So That You May Lead Yourself
Teacher And Said: "Please Master Give Me The Teachings Towards What Is Beautiful And Good In Life And Not To
Which Lead To Spiritual Growth." The Instructor Replied: Endless Suffering And Pain. The Practice Of Bodily Discipline
"Come To The Mir And Help In The Garden, Attend Classes, Bestows Spiritual Strength Which Allows A Weak Personality
Learn How To Control Your Emotions And The Practice Of To Conquer Desires, Negative Relationships And Discontent.
Meditation And You Will Receive The Teachings Accordingly Most Of All, It Is A Discipline Which Leads To Abiding
As Your Level Of Overstanding Increases." The Neophyte Was Happiness And Expansion Of Consciousness And
Impatient And Said: "I Can't Spend All Of That Time, I Want Self-Discovery. If Your Goal Is To Reach The Exalted State Of
Knowledge Now. Please Initiate Me And Teach Me The Growth, Then Bodily Discipline Is The Way To Go. However, If
Secrets By Which I Will Not Suffer In Life Any Longer." The You Like To Depend On People, Money, Entertainment And
Instructor Replied: "I Will Do As You Ask. Come To The Nile Other Sources As A Means For Your Happiness, Bodily
River With Me Right Now And I Will Initiate You." They Went Discipline Is Not For You. Bodily Discipline Is Not For Those
To The Nile River And The Two Went Into The Water. The Who Live According To The Mass Culture Because You Know
Instructor Dunked The Neophyte Down Under The Surface And That The Masses Are Ignorant And Unhappy. As An Initiate You
Held Him There For A Long Time. The Neophyte Began To Need To Think Clearly And Profoundly About The Following
Gasp For Air As The Instructor Let Him Up. The Instructor Questions. How Would It Be If I Were Able To Control My
Asked: "How Do You Feel?" The Neophyte Replied: "I Felt Emotions? How Would It Be If I Were Able To Control My
Like I Was Going To Die. I Wanted To Come Up At Any Cost." Mind? How Would It Be If I Was Able To Eradicate All
Ignorance Within Myself? How Would It Be If I Was Able To
Then The Instructor Said: "When Your Aspiration, Stop All Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, Revenge And Greed Within
Devotion And Will To Grow Reaches This Level Where You Myself? The Negativity Of A Person Constitutes The Chains
Must Get Out Of This World Of Ignorance, Egoism And Sense Which Bind Them To Adversity, Limitation, Frustration And
Pleasures And This Goal Becomes The Most Important Thing Adversity In Life. Bodily Discipline Is The Discipline For
In Your Life Then You Will Be Ready To Attain Growth. In Promoting Purity Of Heart And When Purity Of Heart Grows In
The Mean Time Follow My Instructions Which Will Lead You A Human Being, They Become Sages And Saints Of The
To Discover The Hidden Dark Chamber Of Wisdom And Love Spiritual Truth Of Nuwaupu.
For The Divine Which That Can Allow You To Discover The
Highest Spiritual Experience." The Neophyte Realized The Istalgaan "Initiation" Is Not To Be Overstood As An
Error Of His Rashness And Immaturity And Vowed To Follow Event. It Is An Induction Into A Way Of Life. The Same Way
The Instructions Of His Teacher. Of Life As Your Ancestors Did. You Became A Part Of Them
Again. It's Like Dialing The Right Number To Call Home. Each
Aspiration Requires Inner Strength So As Not To Fall Ritual Is A Digit A Number Until You Get It Right.
Back On The Old Patterns Of Behavior Which Have Led You 909-999-9999. That Is 9X9=81 Which Is 8+1=9. That Promotes
To The Present Condition. Every Aspect Of Your Life Is To Expansion In Consciousness Through Increasing Levels Of

42 43
.being An I *;i|>li.in liuli.tlr
_5eing An Egiptian Initiate,

O. They Can Discover Great Satisfaction And < < > m < • n i i n < m In
Expansion And Growth. It Is A Mystical Way Of Life Which
The World. Yes, Istalgaan "Initiation " Means Embarking ( ) n A
Unites You To The Self Neteru "Deities" And The Universe
Journey To Learning How To Live According To Truth And
And It Is The Art Of Living Which Allows A Person To
How To Avoid Ignorance And Delusion. Istalgaan "Initiation "
Remove Pain And Sorrow From Life And To Experience
Is True Reality Which Leads To Real Mental Health And To The
Nothing But Unobstructed Bliss And Abiding Happiness, The
Unfoldment Of The Powers Of The Soul, The Black Light As
Initial Life Begins With Istalgaan "Initiation99, The Studies
Well As The Experience Of Unity With The Higher Self In
And Other Practices But These Never End. As Life Goes On,
Triple Darkness.
The Black Light Of Consciousness Within Grows And All
Spiritual Practices Contribute To That Expansion. You Were In
The Initiatic Life Is Incomparable To Any Other Experience
Darkness When You Were A Deity, Then You Were Born Into
On Earth. The Joy Of Unraveling The Mysteries Of The Soul
This World Of Light "Chaos" The Paths Of Bodily Disciplines
And The Universe Is The Greatest Thrill A Human Being Can
Are Not Ends In Themselves But Means To An End To The
Experience. It Surpasses All Sensual Pleasures Of The Body
Many Things You See That Distracts You. The Goal Is Attaining
And Is Beyond All Expectations. It Is A Rediscovery Of All
Perfection And This May Occur In A Short Time Like Nine
That Is Wondrous In The True World Of The Neteraat (Gods).
Months Or It May Take A Lifetime. 9X9 Which Is The Normal
Darkness Is A Part Of The All And Then Just All. And In
Life Span 81 Years, Or Just Add 9 To Get 90. The Complete
Humanity And Nature, Which Is Neter. You See, Nature Is
Cycle Of Life From 09 To 90. 9 Months Is 09. From 0 Or
Neter. If You Love, You Will Love More Profoundly And With
Nothingness To 9 Months Then Birth. It All Depends On Your
Out Any Fear Because You Will Learn To Love Selflessly. If
Previous Experiences, The Level Of Spiritual Work That You
You Have Relationships, They Will Grow In Peace, Harmony
Need To Do In This Life, Your Level Of Devotion And Wants
And Love. If You Are Weak Willed, You Will Become As
To Attain Spiritual Emancipation, The Level Of Mental
Strong As A Mir "Pyramid". If You Are Constantly Hurt By
Complexes That You Need To Resolve, The Time You Spend In
Others You Will Become Like The Radiant Re "Sun" Which
Spiritual Practices, Etc.
Nothing Can Touch Due To It's Brilliance And Purity And Deep
Dark Center Where All Its Power Is This And More Is The
Therefore, Istalgaan "Initiation" Is A Commitment To
Exalted Goal Of Istalgaan "Initiation"^.
Practice The Teachings For As Long As You Live With The Idea
Of Attaining Perfection In This Lifetime And Never Returning
The Instructor Is The Link To Overstanding. You Can Read
Again On The Cycle Of Birth And Death Which Is
All Of The Spiritual Revelations And The Most Secret Texts But
Reincarnation, 09 To 90 And Back To 09 In Reincarnation.
If You Do Not Overstand How To Apply The Teachings You
Worldly Relationships, Egoistic Desires, Money And
Will Remain The Same, Trapped In The Illusions Of Egoism
Entertainment All Things Of Light Or Enlightenment That
And The Delusion Of Desires. The Instructor Is There To Help
Cannot Satisfy The Soul, (The Black Light) And They Always
You Practice The Teachings In Every Area Of Life, From The
Lead To Disappointment And Frustration. However, When A
Formal Practice Of Meditation And Exercise To Dealing With
Person Lives Their Life According To The Teachings Of A. E.
.Being An Egiptian Initiate, being An Egiptian Initiate,

Relationships And How To Make The Right Choices In Life. Devotees Is To Have Devotion Of Purpose. They Should Bring
Having Familiarized Yourself With The Teachings An Neophyte Honesty, Self-Effort, Peace, And A True Want To Know The
"Aspirant" Seeks Deeper Insight From Those Who Are More Nature Of The Universe And How To Overcome The Ignorance
Advanced On The Spiritual Path. But This Relationship Is Not Which Leads To Bondage, Pain And Sorrow In Life. When
Entered Into Just Like That. An Neophyte Must Be Able To Ask These Two Dynamic Personalities Come Together It Is Said
The Right Questions And Be Willing To Study And Apply The That Even The Neb "Masters", The Celestial Beings Ogdogs
Instructions Given. Only Then Will He Or She Progress. Who Are Nun And Nunet, Deities Of The Watery Abyss. Heh
And Hehet, Deities Of Infinite Space Kek And Keket, Deities
The Neophyte Is Initiated Into A Secret Way Of Life Of Darkness Amun And Amunet, And Deities Of Invisibility.
Which He Or She Needs To Learn And Practice By Studying,
Reflecting, Practicing And Meditating On The Teachings. The Tamed Rashunaat "Ogdoag"
Istalgaan "Initiation" Is A Conscious Choice To Adopt A
Teaching And To Embark On The Task Of Basing Your Life On
It In Order To Purify Your Mind And Body Through The
Teachings So That You May Become A Conduit Of The Divine
And Break The Spell Of Ignorance Of Self And Kind, Who You
Are And Were Also What You Did And Should Be Doing Now
As An Egiptian Not A Muslim, Jew, Hebrew, Christian, Negro,
Puerto Rican, Trinidadian, Japanese, Philippine Or What Ever.
All Of You Are Of The Tama-Reyeaat (Egiptians) The
Woolly-Haired Nuwbuns Of Uganda, The Parents Of All Races,
The Original Tama-Reye Or Egiptian. Nun Nunet

The Effective Practice Of Bodily Disciplines Mysticism

Requires Spiritual Instructorship And A Willingness Of The
Neophyte To Follow The Teaching As Directed. The Istalgaan
"Initiation " Ritual Links The Neophyte And The Instructor In
An Ancient Spiritual Tradition Spanning Since The Time Began.
The Spiritual Master Provides Counseling, Wisdom, Refuge And
Insight Into The Mysteries Of Life But What Does The Neophyte
Give? In Ancient Times In Tama-Re (Egipt), Neophytes Would
Bring Offerings Of Fruit Or Wood For The Fire And Other Gifts,
Etc. As A Ritual Of Reverence And Respect And Devotion To
The Master Teacher. Most Of All, What The Master Asks Of Heh Hehet
46 47
.Being An Egiptian Initiate, _Being An Egiptian Initiate,

Atum Shu

Kek Keket

Tefnut Geb

Amun Amunet

Also The Sedjaat "Enneads" Who Are Atum (The Creator

God), Shu (The God Of Air), Tefnut (The Godess Of Moisture),
Geb (The God Of The Earth), Nut (The Godess Of The Sky),
Asaru (The God Of The Underworld), Sutukh (Set) Aset (Isis)
The God Of All Heavens, Septu "Sinus " And Sahu "Orion ",
And Nebthet (Nephthys). Take Notice And Pay Homage To
Nut Asaru
48 49
_Being An Egiptian Initiate_ .Being An Egiptian Initiate.

Certain Seh "Religious" Families Or Countries And This Pride

Is Carried Into Their Renaat "Names ".

Every Time Pa Renaat "The Names " Are Mentioned It Is

A Reinforcement Of That Pride And Egoism. "How Wonderful
Am I To Be Part Of The Muhammad Clan" And So On. Little
Do They Realize That While They Are Frolicking In The World
Of Their Own Creation With Earths Many Lights Called
Creations. They Are Blinding Themselves To The Greater
Reality That Is About Them. They Are In Effect Accepting
Something That Is Fleeting And Illusory That Leads To Endless
Sutukh Aset Frustrations, Worries And Stress Over The Higher Reality Which
Is Transcendental, Eternal And Truly Fulfilling. A Ren "Name "
That Relates You To The World Of Egoism, Materialism And
Ignorance Is Indeed A Misfortune. This Is The Degradation Of
The Soul That Is Caused By Spiritual Ignorance. The Ancient
Ones Also Felt That Until You Receive Your Name, You Are
Dead Therefore, I Rename You With A Tama-Reye (Egiptian)

Renaat "Names " Are Very Important Because They Relate

To The Essence Of An Object, Idea Or A Person. This Means
That A Name Is An Essential Part Of The Existence Of A Thing.
Nebthet Otherwise, Without A Name It Does Not Exist And Conversely
Without Coming Into Existence It Does Not Receive A Name.
May You Discover The Glory Of Istalgaan "Initiation " This Is Why In Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Mysticism, The Spirit
And The Unfoldment Of Spiritual Living. Is Regarded As Having A Ren (Name). In The Relative World
Things Get Names But From A Transcendental Point ( ) l \
(The Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" Symbol Of Divine They Really Do Not Have Names. This May Sound Paradoxical
Speech, The Importance Of The Spiritual Name And Yet It Is True. When You Have A Dream Your Dream
Objects Come Into Existence In Your Mind And During That
Many People, The Masses Who Are Ignorant Of The Greater Time They Have Names And Forms. However, Upon Waking
Spiritual Reality, Develop Pride Because They Come From The Objects And People Of The Dream Are Discovered To Have
Been Illusory So Did They Really Exist And Were Those
50 51
.Being An Egiptian Initiate, _5eing An Egiptian Initiate,

Names And Forms Real? No But This Is The Transcendental, Human Deity Which Is Imbued Into It By The Instructor
Absolute Point Of View. In Reality, The World Is As Illusory Through The Teaching Of The Master.
As A Dream But In The Relative World Things Get Names So
As To Assist The Mind In Working With And Overstanding
Them In Order To Ultimately Transcend Them. The Spiritual
Use Of Pa Renaat "The Names" Comes In When A Spiritual
Neophyte Uses The Renaat "Names" As Words Of Power To
Relate The Objects (Him Or Her Self Included) To Higher
Spiritual Principles Which Will Lead To Perfection. Then The
Name Takes On A Special Meaning And Every Time It Is
Uttered In Tone It Is A Meditation On That Divine Principle Or
Higher Truth That Vibrates With In You. The Three Tones
Atum- Atun- Amun. This Meditation Bestows Power On The
User When The Wisdom Behind The Name Is Correctly The Sekhem Staff
Overstood. In Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt" There Was Many
Preferences For Lineage Names. Family Names As Rameses, Istalgaan "Initiation" With A Spiritual Instructor
Rameses I, Rameses II Etc. The Jews And Muslims Got Ben And
Ibn From Egipt, Son Of Ben Ben Etc. That Is, The Son May Not In Essence, The Entire Program Of Study In Bodily
Necessarily Have The Name Of The Parents And So On, But Disciplines Is An Initiatic Ritual. However, A Specific Ritual Of
There Should Be A Link. People Are Individual Souls Istalgaan "Initiation" Is Additionally Efficacious Since It
Incarnating And Therefore They Are On Different Paths In Their Serves To Establish A Subtle Connection Between Teacher
Spiritual Journey. Thus, The Names Should Be Tailored To The And Disciple Which Fosters Greater Understanding Through
Specific Individual. Also, As The Neterus (Cosmic Forces) Are Personal Contact. It Allows The Neophyte To Develop A
The Underlying Force Behind All The Names Should Be Related Devotional Feeling Toward The Teacher And The Teachings
To This Reality Rather Than To Illusory Realities Created By Which Relate To The Self. It Engenders A Mystic Force
Human Beings (Human Given Names, Paul, Joe, Dale, Martha Towards Spiritual Aspiration Even When Done Alone.
Etc.). Essentially, Istalgaan "Initiation" Is An Expression Of A
Person's Personal Conviction And Desire To Engage In A
The Ren "Name" Can Be Arrived At Through The Use Of Lifestyle Which Will Lead To Spiritual Transformation, li I
Oracles Or Meditation Or Through Spiritual Instructor ship. Commitment To A Process Of Learning Spiritual Teaching Ami
When The Name Is Given By These Means, It Is Charged With Its Practice. The Istalgaan "Initiation" R i t u a l Performed W i t h
Spiritual Energy. When It Is Given By A Spiritual Instructor It A Spiritual Instructor Also Fosters A Mystic Link Between A
Carries A Special Energy Sekhem (Power), The Symbol Of A Neophyte And His Or Her Hekau Which Is "Chanting In
Tones". And Everything Else Related To The Spiritual Practice
52 53
.Being An Egiptian Initiate.

Because It Causes A Deeper Mental Impression Of Their Divine

Nature. This Is Especially Important In The Practice Of
Chanting Or Hekau Repetition. The Hekau Acts To Cleanse
The Heart (Mind) And It Sets Up Positive Vibrations Which
Calm The Mind And Awaken Spiritual Feeling. Chanting
Elevates The Mind And Lifts It To Transcendental Levels.
The Istalgaan (Istalgaan) "Initiation" Ritual Is Usually
Accompanied By Certain Ceremonial Rites And Specific
Instruction On How Chanting Works And The Procedure For
Uttering Words Of Power. A Specific Hekau (Chanting) Is
Given To An Initiate Based On The Individuals Spiritual
Inclination, Attitudes And Level Of Evolution. Initiations May
Be Performed For Individuals Or For Groups. A Spiritual
Neophyte Will Be Drawn To A Spiritual Instructor On The Basis
Of Internal Spiritual Sensitivity. At Some Point In Life A
Person Will Look For Someone Who Can Overstand Him Or Her
And Lead Them On The Spiritual Path. In Ancient Times Those
Wanting To Learn From A Spiritual Teacher Would Come To
Them With Humility And Reverence. They Would Bring Fruits
Or Firewood Or Other Gifts To Help Sustain The Teacher And
His Or Her Efforts In Disseminating The Teaching.
In Ancient Tama-Re "Egipt", The People And The
Government Would Support The Secret Society, (The
Brotherhoods) So That The Spiritual Upliftment Of The
Country Might Be Insured. Therefore, When You Approach A
Master Teacher, Bring An Offering Or A Pure Greeting. This
May Be A Symbolic Object But Realizing That It Represents
Your Inner Wants To Grow Spiritually And Respect For The
Teachings You Will Receive. Also, Come With Patience And A
Spirit Of Joy. Then You Will Discover The True Meaning Of
What The Teachings Really Mean. This Does Not Happen
Overnight. Fanaticism Is Not A Part Of Real Spiritual Evolution.
It Is A Hindrance. True Spiritual Evolution Occurs In Degrees
Over Time.

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